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Terms of planting radish in the open ground. A mixture of Cheerful okroshka. Harvesting and storage.

Radish is perhaps the very first vegetable that ripens in the gardens of gardens and the planting of radishes in spring is the most traditional occupation for gardener. Before planting a radish, note that the radish ripens quickly.

And if you select a separate garden for the radish, then after harvesting the radishes, the garden will be empty. Therefore, when planning beds and plantings, immediately plan that you plant after harvesting the radish. On the vacated bed, after the radish you can plant any greens or Peking cabbage.

All that has a fast period of vegetation (maturation). It is very sensible to plant a radish between cultures, which develop for a long time and later yield a crop. It's good to make mixed and plant radishes between:

  • onions, carrots, cucumber seedlings or tomatoes.

By the time cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage grow, the radish will have time to harvest and you will remove it. Place for planting radish.In the early spring, in March, when the first time you come to check the site, cover with a plastic wrap a garden bed for a radish.

Under it the snow melt faster, the earth warms up and you can plant the radish with seeds earlier. It is best to plant radish in the early spring, under a film.

It grows quickly and helps to fight spring avitaminosis. If you plant radish in the summer for the second or third time, then landing the radish is best in a shady place. A radish for ripening needs a short light day. Radish varieties for open ground.As always, the radish is represented by very many varieties and hybrids, the most interesting are medium-sized, non-flaming, the best radish varieties are:

  • Sora,

Hello, dear readers of the site, Soon the snow will come and the first care of the gardener will be radish planting, so necessary for us to get the first spring vitamin nutrition. The Redis is an annual plant that very much loves moisture and withstands quite a bit of cold. Seedlings can withstand frosts to -3- (-4) degrees.

Zoned varieties for the Middle Volga region - "Pink-red with a white tip", "Saratov-2", "Würzburg 59" and others. For planting radishes, fertile and friable soils are taken away. Preparation of the land for planting begins with autumn. Under the digging make 3 - 5 kg.

Humus per square meter of sown area. In the spring   under the dig, mineral fertilizers, namely 10 grams of ammonium nitrate, 10-15 grams of superphosphate and 7-10 grams of potassium chloride. Contain radish under the film can be in early April, and in open ground   - from the middle of April. Seeds before planting must be calibrated and soaked until the appearance of sprouts. Fresh radish sows in 2-3 terms every 7 to 10 days.

Sowing should be done in the watered grooves depth of up to 2 centimeters at a distance between grooves - 10 to 12 centimeters. After sowing, the soil above the seeds should be slightly compacted. When cotyledonous leaves appear, thinning out the radishes is carried out and the distance between the plants is left - 3 to 4 centimeters. The care of the radish crops is reduced to loosening and mulching to exclude the formation of a crust. The site with the radish should be kept in constant humidity. You need to clean the radish first selectively, and then, completely. You can produce radish planting   and for autumn use.

At the same time, sowing is carried out at the end of July - beginning of August with a landing rate of 8 grams per square meter and a distance of 5-6 centimeters in rows. I wish you to get a good harvest in the coming season! After a long winter, cold days, so much sunshine is desirable! First of all you wait for the first flowers, fresh greens and vegetables. What pleasant memories is a fresh salad with a radish! Of course, it can be bought in winter at a fabulous price, but it can not be compared with the grown ones that come straight from the garden to your table. Many gardeners often have difficulty getting a good harvest, even if they planted the best varieties of redisa.A all the matter is in the wrong agricultural techniques of cultivation.

Biological features, popular varieties

Radish (Raphanus sativus)   refers to annual plants, the Cabbage family. The plant has a rosette of lily-shaped leaves, and the edible part is the root crop.

Its shape can be round, fusiform, conical, oval. Its red-pink color is the most common, but depending on the variety it can be white, yellow, gray, violet, and variegated. Also, its dimensions vary: 2-5 cm in diameter, from 15 to 100 g. After 1.5-2 weeks after the root crop has grown, a floral stem with white or purple flowers appears.

Then seeds are formed, which can be stored for up to 5 years. In addition, that this vegetable is one of the first to appear on the table in the spring, it is also characterized by increased precocity. About 30 days are necessary for the formation of root crops in early varieties and up to 60 for late ripening varieties.

Young shoots can withstand short-term frosts to -3? C. However, prolonged frosts are fatal. Optimal stable warm weather (12-15?

C for growth and about 20? C for the formation of root crops). At a higher temperature, the plant becomes not edible - it is very bitter, lignifies and dries.

The correctly selected variety is an important condition for growing a radish. All of them are divided into groups according to the periods of flowering:

  • early ripening - 18 days, Mokhovsky, 20 days, Children's F1, Cherry white, Camelot, Lanket, Okhotsk, Early red, Dawn, Rubin and others, middle-ripened Vera, Icicle, Red giant, Alba, Zlata and others, late-maturing Zenith, Rampoes, Dungansky, Champion.

In a greenhouse it is possible to cultivate such varieties as Teplichny, Saksa, Zhara.

When to plant a radish?

You can get a crop of this root practically all year round, the main thing is to observe the characteristic for each period of agricultural technology. However, we are accustomed to the spring harvest, so it begins to sow in late March, as well as throughout April, depending on the climatic conditions of the area.

You can also sow in early August, then it will be possible to harvest at the end of September. For winter planting radishes will need a greenhouse.

How to plant radishes? Basics of care

First we choose a place for planting. It is necessary to avoid predecessors from the cabbage family. Radish grows poorly in the shade, so it is better to pick a well-lit place. Because of the weak, poorly developed root system, you need to carefully monitor the moisture of the soil.

Also this plant requires rich in organic, well-fertilized, loose soils. Radish does not tolerate fresh manure, so it can not be brought into the soil at all. If the soil is acidic, it must be limed (500 g of lime per 1 sq. M.), And do it in the fall.

At the same time, a bed for spring planting should be prepared. It is dug up, fertilizers are introduced (compost or humus - 4 kg per 1 sq. M.). Also add mineral fertilizers, ashes.

The bed itself should be 10-12 cm high. Grow radish can be in the same place, where later will be planted thermophilic crops. This will save space garden. If you grow radish in a greenhouse, you will get an earlier harvest.

The soil is also prepared from autumn. At spring sowing the seeds are closed on 1.5-2 cm, for 1 sq. Km. m - 40-50 g of seeds. The soil is watered beforehand.

The distance between the plants is 4-5 cm. Very early crops can be covered with a film. In the phase of a single leaf, thinning is carried out. This can damage the root, so it is best to try to sow the seeds one by one at the optimal distance.

Maintenance of plantings is not complex   and consists in weeding weeds, watering, loosening. The importance of watering has already been highlighted above. They should be held every 2-3 days, and if it's hot weather - every day. It is also possible to use sprinkling to increase the humidity of the air.

Then the soil must be loosened up.Redis is often damaged by a cruciferous flea and larvae of a cabbage fly. They use a mixture of tobacco dust, wood ash and lime in equal proportions.

She is pollinated by the plant. The corn plants are consumed fresh, adding them to salads and other dishes. However, the autumn harvest can be laid for storage. Before the onset of frosts, it is cleaned and stored in a cellar without leaves, pouring with sand (dry). The storage temperature is 2-5? FROM.

Effective planting of radishes in the garden

As soon as the spring sun shines a little, the gardeners begin to fuss and make plans for the harvest. They want to see the first flowers in their garden, plant greenery, early vegetables. Radish, perhaps, the fastest-growing vegetable culture - after a month after planting, you can pamper yourself with a fresh vitamin salad.

How to grow an early radish?

Experienced gardeners receive in a single season several harvests of radish, of course, subject to the correct technique of cultivation. But we are more used to seeing early varieties of this culture on our table. Early radish is obtained in the following ways: - seeds are sown immediately into the open ground - seeding in the film shelter - growing of seedlings in the greenhouse.

Seed preparation for planting

Now radish seeds are sold almost at every step, so it is not difficult to find the right variety, especially since the purchased seeds, as a rule, undergo the necessary treatment for diseases and pests. You can also harvest your own seed material from autumn.

After the plants are thrown out arrows, you should wait until they get a yellow color, then cut the seed bushes and dry for about two weeks. For use, only large quality seeds are selected - substandard often causes poor germination or premature stalking.

Choice of a place for planting and preparation of land

Radis prefers open sunny places with loose soil. Ideal for this culture - last year's cucumber beds, but the predecessors of the cabbage family should be avoided. In addition to radish, including in the greenhouse, it is recommended to cook in the fall.

As a fertilizer use hum (fresh manure is strictly contraindicated), pour ash into the ground - from the calculation of one liter per square meter, if necessary, apply mineral fertilizers, lime, peat. Then the soil is dug to the depth of the entire bayonet bayonet.

Planting of seeds

As soon as the area withers and the area warms up a little, it is possible to start the planting works - the radish can withstand night frosts to -5 ° C. Seeds are laid in the ground one by one at a distance of five centimeters from each other, the depth of bedding is one and a half to two centimeters, the distance between the rows is not less than 10 centimeters. Experienced gardeners use a homemade marker board for uniform sowing, to which wooden pins protrude after five-centimeter intervals to the depth of landing.

Buying seeds on paper tape greatly facilitates the sowing process, and later (with the appearance of the first real leaf), there is no need to thin the shoots. This is important, given that the radish has a weak root system, which is very close to the surface.

Care of plantings

At a temperature of +18? C, the radish seeds germinate fairly quickly, within 3-5 days. This root vegetable belongs to moisture-loving crops, so it should be watered regularly until harvest.

Usually the bed is watered every other day, and in dry and hot weather - daily or several times a day. Effectively increases the humidity of the air sprinkling water by sprinkling. The rudimentary is often damaged by pests: cruciferous flea and cabbage fly.

In a timely manner, to save still fragile young shoots from their attacks, a mixture of ash and tobacco dust is a great help. Some people use garlic infusion, soap and so on. folk remedies.

Receiving several radish harvests in one season

Early ripening varieties can be planted throughout the entire summer season, approximately every ten days after the previous planting. A long summer light day can lead to activation of the process of blossoming radish - rifling.

To produce the same fruit, only 10-12 hours of lighting is enough, so in the remaining hours it is better to cover the plant with some kind of opaque material: dark PVC film, foil, light-protective paper. Despite the fact that many other vegetables are harvested in the autumn, it is late grades of radish that are very popular among connoisseurs.

Such root crops are large, juicy, sweet to the taste, less susceptible to diseases and resistant to the formation of arrows. In some regions it is practiced to grow radishes in greenhouses that are empty after collecting tomatoes and peppers.

Under such conditions, radish does not need frequent watering, and additional lighting is used to increase the lighting. Harvest, collected in autumn, is released from the tops and stored in the basement.

Secrets of successful truck farmers

How to plant radish

Radish before other vegetables makes a variety in the sometimes boring for the winter menu. Who will not be pleased to see a juicy and crispy radish on the table.

It is good in itself and great for spring salads. If you grow radish on your land, you can pamper yourself with this vegetable almost all summer. And with a warm spring, the first harvest can be collected already at the end of April.

But first you need to find out how to plant radish. Seeds of radishes can be sown already at the end of March. It is important to choose a plot of garden with well-fertilized soil in a sun-warmed place.

For the radish friable soil suits, so it is recommended to loosen it well and mix it with sand or peat. On the site of future beds do not deep holes, water them with water, they sow a shift and lightly sprinkle with a soil-sand mixture. Knowing how to plant radish, one should not forget about caring for it, which reduces to protecting the plant from a cruciferous flea.

Attacking newly appeared sprouts, this pest can destroy them completely. And nothing can save the plant. It is possible to scare off a cruciferous flea with the help of wood ash.

She needs to sprinkle the beds several times a week from the very beginning of sowing the seeds. In addition, ash is a good natural fertilizer. If the radish was not hard, and its pulp remained sweet, the plant should be well watered.

To obtain large roots, it is necessary to conduct timely thinning of young plants. It is convenient to sow seeds of radish in different beds at intervals of 10-15 days. And then it will be possible to collect several crops for the planting season.

Feel that finally after a long winter came the spring, and all inexorably approaching the long-awaited summer, it is impossible, until on the table there is a radish. Tasty and very useful, on a table in a salad bowl or even just a placer on a platter, it seems to say all its kind - I came, and wait for the summer next. But how correctly to plant a radish?

A little about the radish

Crispy, slightly sharp and bright radish tubers are a real storehouse for many mineral salts - magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins - C, B5, B2, B1, enzymes and organic acids. And is not that because the person is so positive about the first spring radish that appears on the table at the time when they are all very necessary to the body?

This article will tell you how to plant radish seeds. There are two types of this plant - one-year and two-year. The first consists of European varieties and brings seeds with root crops for one year, the second is made up of Asian winter varieties that produce seeds only for the second year.

In this material, the rules are considered how to plant radish seeds of European varieties. Riedis is a premature, cold-resistant, light-and-moisture-loving plant belonging to the class of cruciferous or cabbage. Depending on the region of cultivation, it can bear fruit from 2 to 5 times a year. To get a good and multiple yield you need to know how and when to plant a radish.

Preparation of the soil before planting radishes

Many people really want to know how to plant radish in the spring. Everything starts in the autumn, when they prepare (pick up 15 cm) beds and make the necessary organic fertilizers - but carefully, without excessive fanaticism - because of the surplus, for example, humus, large "tops" and small "roots" can grow. , after the main snow falls on the beds under the radish, you can sprinkle mineral fertilizers.

The snow remaining on them, when melting, will enrich the soil with the necessary macro- and microelements. But only potassium - excess potassium will make the root crops weak and remove the radish in the arrow. The rows are made on a sunny and warmed place, and for rapid warming up of the soil, it is desirable to cover the beds with black polyethylene for 9-10 days.

Before planting seeds, it is necessary to remove the film and make a digging of the beds deep into the bayonet bayonet. All - you can plant radish seeds.

Some features of plant compatibility

When planting radish seeds, it is important to remember that all garden plants are subject to a certain law of compatibility, breaking which can be left without harvest. In this regard, a culture such as radish should be planted next to a lettuce salad that will not allow earthen fleas to damage the plant.

And if the radish is surrounded by beans, then its tubers grow larger and have a more delicate taste. In general, the radish is friends with potatoes and spinach, as well as onions, garlic, beets and cabbage. But with cucumber to plant radish is not recommended.

Radish outdoors under the film

How to plant radish under the film? When planting seeds in the ground, it is necessary to observe the "rule of three matches". Seeds are planted at a depth corresponding to the length of the match, the bed from the bed is at a match distance, and the seed from the seed is planted in a row by the length of the match. The land for the radish is desirable loose, and after planting the radish it is recommended to wrap it up - sprinkle with river sand, sawdust or peat.

Considering the fact that when the radish is still planted with snow, it is possible to plant more seeds on the rows with planted seeds, but not too much. The next step is the installation of a spandbond type over the beds of the shelter. The first sprouts appear at the time of the melting of the last snow.

At this point it is important to pay attention to the density of seedlings and, if necessary, to thin the rows or to sow the seeds. In the warm spring, it is essential to do aeration, raising the spandbond for a while. The first radish on the table can be collected in three weeks, if the good spring allows.

Radish in greenhouses

How to plant radish in a greenhouse? Getting an earlier radish crop is possible when planting it in a greenhouse. The soil in the greenhouses is prepared somewhat differently, because in them radish is not a leading culture.

He, so to speak, sits down to what is already planned to be planted in a greenhouse. Therefore, seeds are planted not in greenhouse beds, but between them, and for a week or two earlier than the main crop. How to plant radish seeds in greenhouses can be read on many sites.

Basically, the seeds are planted at a depth of half a centimeter and are covered with earth. It is not advisable to sow seeds, and when very sprouting emerges, it is advisable to fill them with earth, otherwise you can remain without root crops. Mineral fertilizers should be applied twice - at the very beginning, after planting the seeds, and after a week.

Radish in greenhouses

In greenhouses, radish is also planted according to slightly different rules. Since here it is a leading culture - all the rest are planted after it - the land is prepared a little differently, and the time of landing is determined by the weather and the construction of the greenhouses.

Since radish likes both heat and sunlight, in hotbeds of suitable conditions it can be achieved somewhere after the first decade of April. The pavement must be carefully leveled. If it is too dry - it should be watered before the sowing, and when the land is excessively wet - dig the ground to the depth of the bayonet and vent the hotbed, opening a little frame. How best to plant a radish?

To accelerate the emergence of seeds seeds, intended for sowing in a greenhouse, it is desirable to germinate. They soak for two hours, and then pour a smooth layer on gauze in plates, cover with a breeze and keep warm.

radish of celesta 20 days after sowing

As soon as the sprouts begin to peck, it's time to plant them in the ground. The optimum temperature in the greenhouse when sowing radish is from 15 to 20 degrees.

Radish on the windowsill

If you really want radishes, and there is no dacha or vegetable garden, those who wish can try to grow this plant on their windowsill. And you can do this without waiting for spring - although in December.

It is enough to have a soil mixture, a box, where radish is planted, and knowledge - how to plant radish seeds when growing her house. Requires excellent light and cool place. This may well be a room window sill.

It should be noted - in spite of the fact that the radish is a plant of a short day, the winter day of it is still too short, therefore additional radish illumination will not hurt. Seeds of radish are put in boxes to a depth of 1 centimeter, 5-7 centimeters apart and 5-7 centimeters apart necessarily pack. The main feature of growing radish on the windowsill is the temperature regime that must be observed. After the first shoots appeared at room temperature, it is necessary to cool the plant, keeping it at a temperature of about 7? With about 4 days, and then set the mode for it to 17?

With good sunny weather and 15? C - with overcast. At night, keep the temperature around 13? C. This can be achieved by regulating the flow of cold air with a vent. A fertilizer uses cow dung in an aqueous solution with the addition of 10 g of potassium salt and 15 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.

Growth of root radish occurs within one and a half to three months, so the crop is removed selectively.

Features of care and pest control

Watering a radish is a necessary thing, therefore it should be exercised two or three times a day. But if the radish in the open ground receives a lot of moisture - in the rainy spring, it can over-ripen - glass, crack and rot. The main pest for radishes is the cruciferous flea, the fight with which is conducted by "clean" solutions that do not have chemistry.

This is done because the radish quickly ripens, and the roots do not have time to get rid of it. It can be a real tobacco dust or ash. Such a tool not only has a protective effect, but also is an additional top dressing for the radish.

What kind of vegetable is this and where did he come from?

The radish, which forms edible root crops, is a member of the Cabbage family (formerly called Cruciferae because of the four-petalled flower). It was domesticated in Europe in the days before the creation of the Roman Empire. Now it is grown and used throughout the World in its raw form as a crispy salad vegetable with a high content of vitamins useful for human. It has a huge varietal variety in form, root color and maturity. Sometimes grown together with other vegetables as a condensing culture or as beacons in crops of onions, carrots.

Seeds very quickly germinate in the soil, and form a root crop in a short time. In the vast majority of varieties, the main crop is ready for harvesting for 3-4 weeks, with the exception of dikes, also related to radishes, which grow before maturation for several months. Some varieties are grown on seeds for oil.

Sometimes the food is consumed not only by root crops, but also by juicy tender leaves, which also accumulate vitamins.

The only place where scientists discovered truly wild forms of radishes is South-East Asia. India, China and Central Asia became a secondary place of growth, where its various forms were derived. Roman and Greek farmers in the beginning of our era introduced radish into the culture with a round and elongated shape, a sweet and sharp taste, a different coloration of the fruit from white to violet. The largest radish was grown in the middle of the 16th century with a mass of 45 kg.

Biological features of cultivation

Radish grows very quickly and for a season you can get up to four harvests. Seeds in moist soil and at temperatures from +18 to +25 degrees germinate within 3-4 days. In laboratory conditions, when air passes through the seeds with water, the first shoots appear after 18 hours. Radish refers to plants of a long day, and with the duration of the day's solstice more than 13 hours passes to flowering. The best conditions for the formation of root crops are in the range from +10 to +18 degrees. Under average conditions, the first crop in most varieties is ready for harvesting in 18-25 days, at colder temperatures this period can last for 6-8 weeks.

Light sandy loamy soils are most suitable for the growth of root crops. It is inadmissible to bring the top layer of soil to a dry state during the germination of seeds, as this can lead to a strong delay in the emergence of sprouts and even their death.

Radish does not compete with weeds, so the plot under sowing should be clean from weedy vegetation.

After harvesting, the roots are stored at room temperature without loss of consumer qualities for 2-3 days, so it is recommended to store them in the refrigerator without foliage at a temperature of + 3 ... + 6 degrees.

The radish planting and care has a number of features that we will consider in more detail.

Methods of sowing or how to plant a radish

It is necessary to follow simple rules to get amicable shoots. Radish planting in the greenhouse is carried out by placing the seeds in grooves through equal distances. Depth of embedding affects the shape of the formed radish. With a very deep sowing, the root crops are elongated, if too shallow - the seeds can dry, do not germinate and form a superficial root system that does not provide enough plant nutrients. Optimal depth of seed sowing is 1-1.5 cm.

  • Manual seeding

The most painstaking, but also the most reliable way of seeding radish seeds. It is used when small squares garden, up to 10 sq. m. First, make a groove 1-2 cm deep on the bed. Use dry or soaked seeds. Hands take one seed, gently clasping between the thumb and forefinger, and put in the furrow. Seeds have rather gentle integuments, so they can not be strongly squeezed and rubbed in the hands, damaged they lose their germination and die. The distance between the seeds depends on the varietal size of the root crop and ranges from 4 to 10 cm. For the convenience of measuring the same distance, a matchbox with a side length of 5 cm can be used. Having spread the seeds on the bottom of the groove, they are gently pricked with earth, avoiding displacement. Then compact the soil from above with a light roller or a wide board to improve the contact of the seeds with the soil, but not to allow excessive tamping. After sowing, abundant watering is necessary before the formation of puddles, but not pouring, as seeds can float up.

  • Sowing seeding

If the patch for radish is more than 10 square meters, then it is better to use a mechanical manual seeder.

There are various types of seeders, including single row, double row, belt. Their main task is to evenly distribute the seeds along the furrow. Planting radishes in the greenhouse with their help is possible only by dry seeds, as they are severely injured with this method. The seeder is adjusted to optimum depth and seed rate before use. They usually have a drive from the wheel on the sowing device. When sowing, it is necessary to control how the process takes place, to do this, dig out the soil and assess the uniformity and depth of seeding. If you deviate from the set parameters, the seeder is reconfigured. The disadvantage of this method of seeding is the impossibility of correcting the wrongly sown seedbed, but with sufficient skill it is possible to sow a rather large area in a short time.

  • Seeding with ribbons

Quiet long winter evenings have the opportunity to prepare for the fastest way to plant radish in the greenhouse and paste the seeds on paper tapes. They should be a width of 0.5 cm and a length of 2-2.5 m. They are labeled with a pencil after 5 cm. Cook the paste from starch and water to a creamy state. Then, with the help of it, the seeds are glued in the intended places on the tape. This is quite a painstaking job, but it greatly speeds up the sowing.

When it's time to plant a radish, make grooves of the required depth and lay the prepared tapes with seeds on the bottom. They are then sprinkled with soil, pritrambovyvayut and watered. Water soaks the paste and paper and seeds sprout freely, being at exactly the specified distance.

There are other ways to plant a radish (seeding, mixing with a paste and sowing through a bottle), but they do not give an even distribution of seeds and are not considered, because then it is necessary to thin seedlings.

The best time for sowing and when to plant a radish in the greenhouse

Taking into account biological features of radish, it is possible to get root vegetables from April to June and from September to January in a glasshouse with a film or glass shelter. In winter radish is difficult to grow because of a lack of light, and in the summer radishes bloom.

Under the film shelters in the spring, the timing of sowing is determined by the soil temperature. Seed sowing can be done by heating it to +12 ... + 15 degrees, such conditions usually come in early April. After the emergence of shoots in the afternoon, the film is opened, so that the plants do not overheat, they close for the night. At the onset of an average air temperature during the day around +25 degrees, the film is not closed, but not cleaned in case of a cold snap. The radish in the greenhouse tolerates short-term frosts to -3 degrees, but plants are better concealed when predicted.

After 4-6 weeks you can sow a second time radish to continue collecting it before the summer. In the second turn, film shelters are used only during emergence. After that, the film is completely removed.

In autumn in September, radish is sown in a film greenhouse, when the air temperature drops below +25 degrees. Because of the high temperature, the seeds can die or root crops will not form. Autumn radishes are the most delicious, as there is still plenty of sunlight, which contributes to the accumulation of sugar.

From November to January, radish can be grown only in glass greenhouses. In them, the temperature conditions are easily regulated by heating, so during this period, sowing is carried out on any convenient day. For the sprouting season, support +25 degrees, and for the period of growth and rooting the roots during the day +22 ... +25 degrees, at night +15 ... +18 degrees. For winter growing   they select special shade-tolerant varieties.

We hope that there is an exhaustive information on how and when to plant radish in the greenhouse, which will allow gardeners to harvest the radishes almost all year round

Planting radish in the spring or creating conditions for the first crop in the year

A few words about the radish

The popularity of this root is explained very simply. After all, it is an opportunity to crackle with the first spring salads, get a dose of "fresh" vitamins, and for those who like to tinker in beds - an excellent occasion to start a garden season.

The radish plant belongs to the cruciferous family. The birthplace of this culture is the Asian land, from where it later spread first in China, and then in the rest of the world. On domestic tables radishes appeared thanks to merchants of the times of Peter the Great. This spicy and juicy vegetable was adopted immediately, and was widely spread throughout the Russian territory.

Radish contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron, so it positively affects the state of the cardiovascular system and raises blood hemoglobin. Cholagogue properties and high fiber content help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. With radishes, our body, weakened by the long winter, receives the first vitamins, among which the main place is occupied by vitamins of group B, and also with C and PP.

The vegetative period of a radish can be one-year or two-year. Annual varieties are more convenient in growing, so among gardeners, those that give seeds in the year of sowing are popular. The shape of the root crop is very different: round, oblong, flat-round, elongated and in the form of a spindle. By coloring, you can choose red, pink, white and even yellow or purple radish. Depending on the region and the timing of cultivation of this crop, it is sown both in greenhouses or greenhouses, and in open ground.

Planting radishes in spring - the five rules of a good harvest

Taking into account that radish is better developed with a short light day, it should be sown in the appropriate time. Soil moisture directly affects the formation of root crops, and the availability of necessary fertilizers and temperature regime - on the quantity and quality of the crop. Therefore, despite the seeming simplicity of cultivating the radishes, only the observance of certain requirements guarantees in the end a worthy reward for your labors.

The first rule is the timing

Early varieties of radishes allow you to get the first harvest after three to four weeks from the day of emergence. Therefore, as soon as warm coins are established, you can begin to prepare beds. The radish is quite cold-resistant, it can withstand nocturnal frosts without a loss to minus 5-6 degrees, but at low daytime temperatures (up to +8) shoots will appear long. The best time for sowing is considered the end of March - the beginning of April, when the sun generously generates heat, warming up the earth and air. It is more accurate to determine the lines when you can sow radish yourself, proceeding from the fact that at a temperature of:

  • up to +10 degrees - shoots have to wait a long time;
  • from +10 to +15 - they will appear in a week;
  • closer to +18 ... +22 - the first green will be pierced already on the fourth day.

The most favorable average daily temperature for the successful formation of roots is considered to be +20 degrees.

Depending on when in your region such weather conditions are expected, you should choose, and the days when you plant radish.

The first selective harvest begins to be collected in 20-25 days, and then ripens the rest. To maximize the "season" season, you need to sow it with an interval of one week. So, gradually ripening, the harvest will please you all spring with young, juicy vegetables.

It is interesting! It was due to the relatively short growing season that radish was selected for cultivation on the International Space Station. On its basis, the genetic features of cultures grown under conditions of weightlessness were studied.

Closer to the beginning of summer, it is recommended to stop the crops, as a long light day and hot weather quickly lead to the shooting of plants and a decrease in the taste qualities of the root crop. To resume the cultivation of radishes will be possible only in September.

Rule two - the soil

Like most other garden crops, the radish tree loves fertile soil. Therefore, before sowing radishes, you need to select the most suitable plot and prepare the ground.

Given the good responsiveness of root crops to organic fertilizers, a garden bed for radish is best prepared from autumn. For this, compost, humus or manure is made into the earth and digging centimeters by thirty. If the soil is too clay, then a little peat or large river sand should be added, because the radish crops grow better on loose, light soils. When applying mineral fertilizers per square meter of land, good results are shown by the addition of ammonium nitrate (10-15 g), superphosphate (20-25 g) and potassium chloride (15-20 g). The acidity of the soil for a radish is better neutral, in extreme cases, it is allowed to be slightly acidic.

Seeding radish in the open ground is carried out on sunny, sheltered from the winds. The best for spring crops are the southern and south-eastern sides, where the earth thaws faster and there is plenty of light for future entrances. Experience shows that radish is an excellent predecessor for many garden crops, it perfectly prepares the soil for tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and cucumbers. It is especially convenient to grow a radish every year in a new place, which helps to improve the crop rotation of the garden. The only exception are cruciferous plants - cabbage, mustard, watercress and others, which can transmit the diseases of this family to the following plantings.

Advice! Radish - a wonderful sealant and a kind of "marker" of other crops.

Sowing the seeds of radishes next to cucumber seedlings or rows of potatoes, you will remove two crops from one bed. And spring onion landing on greens, crops of dill and lettuce will perfectly be combined with rows of an early radish.

Many gardeners know how laborious the first weeding of carrot beds - its thin, barely noticeable shoots are difficult to see among the weeds that have risen. And here there are rare radish bushes sown, together with carrot seeds, help to determine the future ryadochki.

The third rule is sowing

When growing radishes in a greenhouse or a film greenhouse, the radish is more often sown without preliminary preparation of seeds. Between the grooves stick to the distance of about the width of the palm, and seal the seeds with a two-centimeter layer of earth. After the emergence of seedlings, it is desirable to thin the crops, leaving 3 - 5 cm between adjacent bushes. If the seed is more carefully planted, taking into account the necessary distance, then it will not be necessary to break through the entrances.

Advice! In order to sow radish faster and better, it is possible to stick the seeds on long strips of paper in winter and dry them. In spring it will be enough to simply lay these tapes in moistened grooves and fill them with earth.

Sometimes sowing radishes, especially in the northern regions, requires preliminary preparation. The seeds are sized and weighed in order to obtain amicable shoots and simultaneous harvesting and are more often used when planting radishes for sale. But soaking and germination of seeds allows you to get faster shoots, and therefore, an earlier crop.

Before planting radishes with seeds, they are wrapped in a linen napkin, placed in a container with a small amount of water at room temperature. Usually, the seeds are already pecked for a second or third day and are ready for sowing.

The fourth rule is watering

Radish loves watering, it's unequivocal. Wet soil contributes to the successful formation of a proper, succulent root crop. Therefore, it is necessary to sow the seeds in spilled grooves, and sprinkling of the first shoots is not advisable to miss, and further care consists in regular, generous watering. Of course, do not forget that wet soil does not mean stagnation of water in the ground. Excessive moisture invariably leads to root rot.

Advice! March crops of radishes in film greenhouses are best watered with warm water, with a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Such an evening "shower" will not only give a drink to the plants, but also will keep the heat in the night cooling.

The fifth rule is fertilizer

Radishka - planting and caring for this culture does not take much time. When proper preparation   beds and quite fertile soil, radish plantings do not require additional fertilization. For his short growing season, there will be enough food available. If the fertility of the soil leaves much to be desired, then a week after the appearance of the first shoots, the radish can be slightly fed with organic fertilizers. Usually, water for irrigation is added with infusion of compost or fermented with manure infusion. On the bed as a mulch pour dry last year's humus or chopped sloping grass. The main thing in fertilizing radish is not to overdo it! A large number of nutrients in the soil lead to luxuriant vegetation of the radish green, to the silting and adversely affects the shape and taste of the root crop.

The best radishes for spring crops

Depending on the time of sowing, the optimal radish grades are also selected.

  • French Breakfast -   early ripening variety. From emergence to maturation, no more than 20-25 days pass. The shape of the fruit is elongated, 3-4 cm long, bright red with a white tip.
  • Early red -   ripens in 27-30 days. It is characterized by its resistance to fire. Roots are roundish, dark red with a white, juicy core.
  • Helios.   Average maturity, about 30 days .   Excellent taste qualities and unusual, yellow color of root crop allowed this variety to gain popularity.
  • Sora.   The fruits are large (up to 4-5 cm in diameter), dense, juicy, rich red color. It is characterized by resistance to high temperatures and diseases, it does not form voids. Thanks to this, it can be successfully grown in late May and even in June. The popularity of this variety is its high yield.

The first spring vegetable, its quick harvest and ease of care makes radishes one of your favorite garden crops. And properly selected varieties and the terms of sowing radish provide your family with vitamin salads for a long time.

Features of cultivation of a radish

In the spring I especially want fresh vegetables: after a long winter, vitamins and fiber are needed. Quickly and without much effort, you can grow radish on the site, and if there is still a greenhouse, then the harvest on the table from this amazing vegetable will appear even earlier. Radish is one of the useful vegetables. It is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids and vitamins B1, B2, PP, C. There are many in this vegetable and salts of potassium, magnesium and iron. Essential oils that are found in this vegetable, give an unusual taste. Thanks to glycosides, it has a soft bitterness. Experienced gardeners know that growing a radish in a greenhouse is a very simple matter. The main thing is that the greenhouse is on the sunny side and it was designed correctly.

Radish is a one-year plant. It can be characterized as a premature, moisture-loving and photophilic, cold weather resistant plant.

The main about the radish and its features

Before you start planting a radish in a greenhouse, you need to know the characteristics of this vegetable:

Radish is an annual plant belonging to the cabbage class.

  1. Radish - a vegetable-one-year-old, they refer it to a family of cabbage.
  2. This vegetable is very fond of light and heat, if the sun is not enough, the roots will not be large, so you need to plant it when the day is long enough, that is in the spring. If it is intended to grow radish in a greenhouse in winter, then additional lighting will be required.
  3. This vegetable is able to tolerate frosts up to -3 degrees Celsius.
  4. Vegetables will perfectly grow at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Strong heat is also not needed: root crops will be flabby, but inside they are also empty.
  5. It is important to choose the right soil in the greenhouse.

If planted radishes in acidic soil, then there is the possibility that the root will be infected with a whale. If there is not enough nitrogen in the earth, the leaves and the vegetables themselves will not fully develop, and the leaves can still get a pinkish-crimson color. If potassium is not enough, the roots will not appear soon.

How to prepare the soil for radish planting

It is important that the soil for planting radishes is neutral.

What is prepared is the soil for planting - such vegetables will also grow. This is the opinion of experienced gardeners. In order to sow radish in the greenhouse in early spring, it is necessary to take care of the soil in the fall.

  1. Soil in the greenhouse dig and add mineral fertilizers in the following composition: superphosphate about 40 g and potassium chloride about 15 g. This calculation per m square.
  2. It is important that the soil is neutral. Sour can cause a number of unwanted diseases. Therefore, you need to add about 1.5 buckets of compost. The calculation is also m square. Only on such a soil can grow a full root radish roots.
  3. It is necessary already in the autumn to prepare and the beds themselves, the width of which should be about a meter.

Preparing the seeds for planting

When the weather becomes spring and the sun's rays begin to warm up a little, you can prepare for a radish planting. First, we need to check the beds in the greenhouse again. Then you can start choosing seeds. To the root radish or radishes were large and juicy, then we must pay great attention to the selection of varieties of these vegetables.

  1. Dawn - this variety is stress-resistant.
  2. Heat - this is the perfect variety, fast-growing, root vegetables will appear on the table very quickly.
  3. Saks - also a sort of fast-mouthed, a large juicy radish will be in a month.
  4. Early red - a variety that is created for growing in greenhouses in winter. This is one of the few varieties of this vegetable, which does not require natural sunlight. It can be replaced by special lamps. This variety is adapted to grow indoors not only with artificial heating, but also with artificial lighting.

If a specialized greenhouse with a heating system is built, then it is possible to grow vegetables all year round. And in the mid-range conditions, radish can also be grown in the last winter months in unheated greenhouses.

After the last frosts are over, you can prepare a greenhouse for planting.

Initially, it must be put in full order, that is, remove the remnants of snow, if necessary, and then repair the frame and close it with a film. Allow to stand a little in a warmed state, the soil will quickly warm up. When the first 3 or 5 centimeters of the earth become soft, it will be possible to start landing. If the beds were not prepared since autumn, then you need to wait until the soil completely withers, then make fertilizer and bait. Then again, everything needs to be dug and leveled, and only then it will be possible to start landing.

Planting seeds

First, the seeds are sieved through a sieve with a mesh size of about 2 mm. This method allows you to select the best material   for planting. Then the seeds are treated with potassium permanganate.

To do this is necessary for the prevention of various diseases. Plant radish seeds manually. It is important that the distance between them is from 1 to 2 cm, and between rows - from 6 to 8 cm. On average, the seeds are consumed from 4-5 g / m2.

It is good, if the seeds are distributed evenly. In this case, you do not need thinning. We need to pay attention and depth of landing. Seeds should be placed in the ground to a depth of not more than one centimeter.

How to care for seedlings

After the seeds are sown, they need to be taken care of properly, in order to get large and juicy roots. A successful crop will be obtained if there is an optimal temperature regime and a certain humidity in the greenhouse. If the greenhouse is built correctly, then it is not difficult to achieve this.

  1. It is important that when germinating the temperature was about 16-18 degrees, well, and when there are shoots, it is better to lower the temperature to 6-8 degrees. Such a method will help prevent the emergence of germination upward. This temperature should be maintained for 3-4 days, and then again it will be necessary to increase from 15 to 20 degrees in the daytime, and at night to 8-10 degrees.
  2. Moreover, it is necessary to timely cultivate the beds with tobacco dust and ash in proportions of 1: 1. This is a good way to save vegetables from pests.
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to germination. If they are located densely, then you need to break them in time. Ideal option will be when the shoots are located at a distance from each other in 2 or 3 cm. If they are cramped and they will be in the shade, then the roots will grow small. Also, thinning is important for foliage, when radish is planted a short distance from each other, that is, the probability of the appearance of arrows.
  4. Watering should be carried out as the soil dries up. But you need to spill carefully. This vegetable is hygrophilous. The usual watering rate is 10-15 cm deep. It is recommended to water once every 2 or 3 days. If the weather is hot, the watering should be daily. If the soil is dry, the roots will be coarse, and vice versa, if the water is poured, they will simply crack.
  5. It is important to sprinkle the soil with peat or humus. The layer should be about one centimeter. This treatment helps to reduce the volatilization of moisture and keep it in the ground.
  6. After each watering, the greenhouse needs to be ventilated, so that, because of the high humidity, there is no such disease as a black leg.
  7. Watering root crops, you must not forget about the lure of nitrogen fertilizers. Their rate should be from 20 to 30 g / square. m.
  8. We need soil loosening and timely weeding.

About the collection of root crops

After all the work, after 35-45 days you can see the fruits of your labor, namely the first vegetables on the table. Harvest is collected in two or three ways, and it usually ranges from 1.5 to 2 kg / sq. M.

When to plant a radish? The most delicious radishes | LS

On the eve of the new garden and vegetable season, the problem of buying and transplanting seedlings is before the summer residents. Particular attention is paid to vitamin cultures, ripening in May and June. These include radishes, from the timing of planting which directly depends on the quality of the crop.

Radish: key features of the product

Unpretentiousness and precocity, the presence of an impressive list of valuable elements and vitamins, high germination of seeds cause the demand for this root crop and its presence in any dacha or even in an apartment on the windowsill. But, not everyone knows how to plant a radish and how to choose the right variety.

The main characteristics of this garden crop, if you do not take into account the insignificant differences in varieties, say that it is a kind of radish. The weight of one root is usually not more than 400 gr. This indicator is peculiar only to particularly large species. The color of the skin is most often pink, slightly rarer - red or purple.

It should be noted that the radish is characterized by high resistance to frost. In open ground seeds are ways to go to growth if the ambient temperature is over 4 ° C. But the heat for the root is undesirable, since it strongly affects its taste. With arid and hot summer, the harvest will differ by too much bitterness and stiffness.

Varieties of radishes

The most attention among lovers of vegetables and greens is awarded to early ripening radish varieties. They are characterized by a very short period of vegetation, which is not more than 1 month, if all existing rules were strictly observed. With all the variety of names in this group, special mention deserves the following grades:

  • Ruby. One of the most popular types of radish, designed only for open ground. The weight of the root crop reaches 30 g., The color bright, tending to a rich raspberry tint. For sweetish flesh this variety is very fond of children, which is difficult to accustom to the use of radish. Yield is quite high.
  • Saratov. He in the middle lane is loved no less. Its external data, it is very similar to the previous instance. The same crimson balls, only slightly flattened. Similar taste in the pulp, almost without bitterness. By weight 1 the root is slightly lighter - 25 g. The ground requires loosened and thoroughly fertilized.
  • 16 days. The name speaks for itself. Of all the early ripening grades of radish this one differs simply by record ripening speeds. After 2 weeks you can already eat root vegetables. It is planted both in the open ground and under the film shelters. According to the color of the skin, it coincides with the previous varieties, but the taste is more acute.

Medium-ripened radish grades are characterized not only by the increased waiting period of the ripening of the vegetable, but also by their ability to long-term storage and higher yield.

  • White Nights. Radish is appreciated mainly for survival in any region, as well as for resistance to flowering. Thus, the time range expands, and this variety can be grown both in the very beginning of summer, and closer to the autumn. The root crop of white color, in diameter is able to reach 5 cm., Has a spherical shape. The balance of sweetness and sharpness is ideal, the flesh is rather crispy.
  • Red giant. An excellent Russian variety, certainly focused on the middle lane. It is remarkable that it easily tolerates even droughts, and is also resistant to most diseases. The color of the root crops is pale pink, the shape is elongated, the weight varies from 100 to 300 grams. The taste is similar to the previous variety. The sowing is usually carried out in the tenth of August, and the crop appears closer to October.

How to plant a radish?

Regardless of where and when this garden crop will be planted, the first step taken by the gardener is seed testing. The process does not require special skills. The water dissolves table salt, after which seeds are bought there. Everything that is on the surface is thrown away. The part that has settled on the bottom is washed and used for its intended purpose.

The radish is planted in the open ground in the early days of May, and for some varieties, the period can move even at the very end of July. There is also the practice of podzimnego sowing. Experienced gardeners do not recommend to resort to it, claiming that it is not worth the effort spent on it.

Watering the radish planted in the open ground is frequent. The substrate must always remain wet. For this, the landing site is not chosen particularly sunny. The optimal penumbra is optimal.

When the emerging seedlings become stronger, "natural selection" is carried out. A part of the tops, along with the roots, is removed to enable the strongest to continue growing. The ideal distance between plants is 2-4 cm.

The open ground for radish is often preferable, rather than planting it in a greenhouse. Some pests, in particular, the bear, are more active in attacking this culture in the greenhouse.

When to plant radish in the greenhouse?

The cultivation of radish in a greenhouse or greenhouse passes particularly well if the structure has internal heating. Otherwise, the land will have to be prepared in autumn to ensure the maximum yield of root crops. For this, the substrate is treated with compost, and mineral fertilizers are also introduced into it. The optimal dosage is 50 gr. superphosphate on 1 sq.m., and 10 gr. calcium chloride per same area. The earth after this is necessarily leveled.

As soon as heat comes (above 10 ° C), irrigation is performed, and radish is started to be sown in the soil. Usually the date of the beginning of sowing is considered March 30. It must be remembered that every year the landing site needs to be changed. For the same site for 3 years, planting can not be. If on the ground cabbage or a radish was growing, you should not try to plant radish here.

For greenhouses, varieties are selected separately. The seller can provide the most detailed advice in the store. Among the most popular are the following types:

  • From early ripening good Gribovsky, Early Red, Ilka.
  • The middle-ripens are the Heat, the Virovsky, the Würzburg.
  • Late-ripening - Zenith and Dungan.

The landing is made by creating in the soil grooves made at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. The depth of each does not exceed 3 cm. The soil is filled with seeds in a thin line. Then the notches are thrown by the earth, and the bed is carefully equaled by rakes. Gardeners recommend to put a film on top that will accelerate the appearance of sprouts.

The temperature inside the greenhouse should not fall below 18 ° C for the entire germination period. Also, seedlings need enough light. With this, artificial lighting lamps are very helpful. Watering is carried out at a frequency of 2 times in 7 days.

As soon as seedlings appear, it will be necessary to do the thinning. The distance between the tops should eventually be 3 cm, so that the root crops do not crowd each other. And, of course, no one neglected weeding. Weeds can strangle the young radish.

how to properly plant a radish under the winter


Do you have something wrong with the seeds ... maybe old? This can not be so that when spring sowing radish and carrots do not rise. They need for germination only moistened earth. Another thing, if the radish is pointed, and then is not fit for food. If the spring does not rise, then with podzimom sowing ... and even more so .... here it is necessary to prepare in advance the furrows for sowing, sowing on frozen ground and falling asleep dry. It is better to try again in spring and with new seeds.

Eyes of the cold ocean

Oh, it's not worth it. Even if it does, it will go to the arrows.
  For winter it is better to plant only garlic


correctly plant radishes and herbs in spring in a polycarbonate greenhouse. frost these plants are not afraid, I still cover for the night. sowing in March

Eh-eh! Great, mighty

A water did not try after landing :) Or do you wait for rain?))

Alexander Grushin

Seeds of carrots and radishes do not rise for two reasons: 1. Perhaps you sow seeds that have already lost germination as a result of prolonged or improper storage (no more than 2-3 years), or they were inferior (frail). 2. As a result of improper application of the rules of planting. It is important to observe the depth of seeding in the soil, and, most importantly, do not forget to compact (compact) the soil after sowing. Below I quote the rules for sowing.
  Carrot sowing for early production is carried out in the last decade of April, for long-term storage of root crops - in the beginning or in the middle of May. You can use seeds that are waiting for their hours no more than 3-4 years. Between the rows are left from 15 to 25 cm, between the plants in the row - from 3 to 8 cm. The depth of seeding is 2-3 cm. After seeding, the soil is compacted. Seeds of carrots germinate slowly, shoots appear on the 15-20th day, and to accelerate this process, you can cover the beds with cover material.

To sow radish in the open field (depending on the weather conditions) begin in the second-third decade of April, complete this work in late May. In the late term radish quickly passes into the flowering phase. Renew the crops of this culture in late July - early August. In the soil, at a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm, seeds are laid dry or soaked in the solution of microelements. The distance between the rows is 20-30 cm, between the plants in the row is 3-5 cm. After sowing, the ridges are sprinkled with peat and compacted. At an air temperature of about 18 °, shoots appear on the 6-7th day.

Igor Goncharuk

When sowing under winter, the site should be flat or with a slope to the south or southeast, not flooded with spring waters, with light sandy or sandy loamy soils, with permeable subsoil. Soil and ridges are prepared in the second half of October. Large dry seeds are sown when there are stable frosts, so that before the onset of winter they not only sprouted, but also not swell. The best time for podzimnego sowing is November 5-20. The seeding rate and layout are the same as for spring-summer crops. Seeds are closed on 2-2.5 cm with humus or peat.
  Winter sowing of radish in December - February in frozen soil ensures early emergence of crops and harvesting two weeks earlier than in spring sowing. Rimes are prepared in late September - early October. On their surface, grooves are made with a depth of 4-5 cm. In winter, snow is peeled from the ridges, seeds are sown in the finished grooves and peated with peat or compost to a depth of 2-2.5 cm. The norm for sowing large calibrated seeds is 15 g per 10 m2.
  The care of crops includes loosening of the soil in row-spacing, feeding, irrigation, pest and disease control.
  The loosening of row-spacing starts when radish emerges. Two or three times loosening to a depth of 4-6 cm ensures a clean state of crops during the entire growing season.
  Juicy, tender root radish can be obtained only if there is a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil, so during the formation of root crops, 1-2 waterings of 20-25 liters of water per 10 m2 are needed. Of particular importance are watering for the radish of summer sowing. With insufficiently good basic dressing of the soil, it is good to feed radish with ammonium nitrate simultaneously - with 10-15 g per 10 m2.
  Delay with cleaning the radish is impossible, because then its root crops are coarsened, flabby and become unfit for eating. Remove the radish selectively in two batches.


not worth it
  early in the spring, in March, under a film or in a greenhouse we sow radish
  there are non-firing grades
  for example, Alex. Parat.

Yum @ rhin @

Oh. a good grade "Cranberries in sugar" -great, juicy, do not bitter and the germination is wonderful! I advise.

When, how correctly to plant a radish and, what grade is better?

Ludmila Chaevnikova

I like the heat, and my husband the French breakfast. It's early. Later you can plant Vera and Iceland icicle. Of the later - Würzburg. But now we sow daikons.

Elena Akenteva

Sort any early (in the store prompt). In the spring, as soon as the snow comes down, cover the bed with a film. After a week, loosen the soil, sow the radish (seed from the seed through 5 cm, between the rows of 20 cm), again cover with foil before emergence. Then you can remove everything, in case of cooling, cover with a net. The main thing is to sow as early as possible, while the light day is short, with a long day the probability of rifling is high.


And the radish does not like a lot of manure and especially does not tolerate fresh - leaves in the shooter. Also likes sorts of hot, French breakfast and 18 days. She loves copious watering, a short light day, planted in May grows much worse than planted in April.

  In the photo, the virus is 18 or 18 days old, it is not large, but it quickly ripens and does not go away into the shooter.

Lina Saharnova

Now we in UKRAINE have a radish of German breeding, which does not go to the shooter. In general, radish is sown when the soil warms up to +4.

lena I

The radish is sown all season beginning as the soil thaws and till the first snow, the next crop when the first real leaves of the Seiyu along the edge of the ridges with other crops last crop on a separate bed under the film. I live in Novosibirsk like the grade Early round red does not shoot.


read the variety. and choose by maturity. it is better not to spend it on the land, but on planting in culture. Suitable cucumbers. the distance between the nests of cucumbers is about 20 cm. Well, and plant a radish. suitable FRENCH BREAKFAST or other early ripening varieties.

tamara Ivchenko

I prefer 18 days, French breakfast and "tricolor". Seiyu directly into the ground at the end of April (first term) and close it with a film.

Larisa Baukina

There are cultures that do not always work. This can be said about the radish. Then he will go to the shooter, then the flea will eat it, but the result is one: you have to go to the market for a bunch of radishes. These tips are for those who have the strength and time to "tame" the radish. Lovers of eating your radish offer to pay attention to seven conditions that can be your steps to success. -http: //

Radish is a cold-resistant culture. To grow a radish, you can not allocate a separate piece of land, but plant it in front of the thermophilic crops. When it's time to disembark their seedlings, it already has time to ripen.

In addition, it can be used as a beacon culture.

Radish planting in open ground

It is better that the soil is weakly acidic, sandy loamy. It should be borne in mind that it should be loose - otherwise the fruit will be cracked. Soils without sufficient nutrients and structureless will not allow root crops to form.

Since autumn it is necessary to prepare the soil. Add humus or decomposed compost. Add all mineral fertilizers - potassium salt and superphosphate. Then the site is leveled by rakes.

In the spring, after the snow comes down, radish is planted. Seeds should be large and fresh.

Planting cabbage into the ground. For the bottles.

Radish planting dates

The first time the crop is sown traditionally - either under winter or early spring. The second time either the end of May or the beginning of June. Sow it is possible after an onion - turnip on a feather or after a salad.

It is desirable that the garden in the morning and evening is well lit. But the sun at midday is contraindicated. When placed in a constant shadow, all growth will go to the tops. Immediately after planting seeds, the bed should be covered with a black film.

The next 10-12 days it should be in the morning hours at 8 or 9 open. A close at 18-19 hours. Then the seedlings will have a light day lasting 10-12 hours, and due to this, not flowers, but root crops will develop. The third term is the beginning of July. The beds are fertilized with humus.

You can not use fresh manure. Dug and watered. Crops just like in the second term are covered with a black film.

The fourth term is either the end of August or the beginning of September. Sowing is carried out in greenhouses, which by this time have already been freed from pepper, tomatoes and cucumbers. Light day at this time of year is already getting smaller and the need for a black film disappears.

But the nonwoven is useful - inside the greenhouse for heat. In the event that there is no possibility to meet the deadlines, it is possible to provide shade planting. For example, by installing a skeleton.

Growing Radish in the Greenhouse

In this case, cultivation is complicated by a lack of sunlight. Terms of planting radish - from February to April, as well as from August to November. Use the basic greenhouse primer.

If the greenhouse is compact, then the film is removed in the daytime, and at night it is again installed. And in the open ground and in the heifer the culture does not tolerate heat. In order to obtain a good and high-quality harvest, plantings should be provided with intensive ventilation.

Radish care: dressing, thinning, radish irrigation

For radish care is mainly in watering, loosening, thinning and feeding. After 5-6 days after emergence, it will be necessary to thin out. Watering the radish is necessary only with a lack of moisture. Loosening should be carried out after each irrigation.

Feeding plantings with nitrogen fertilizers. To protect plants from pests, treat the beds with tobacco dust or ash. Harvesting is carried out selectively. First, they collect the already formed heads. Autumn harvest can lie in a cold cellar for a long time.

Root crops are formed even at a low temperature of 12-14 ° C. And they are poured at 18-20 ° С. If the seedlings were sown during the winter, they should be covered with a film. Premature flowering without the formation of root crops can be provoked by a prolonged light period in May-June.

The same problem can be caused by other reasons - shaded location, low soil moisture combined with high temperature, thickened sowing. To avoid premature flowering, you should water the radish in small portions 2 or 3 times a week.

This will help lower the temperature of the soil. It is important and timely thinning, due to which the leaves can take a horizontal position.

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When to plant radishes in the open ground in spring, cultivation of radish in early spring, planting time.Terms of planting radish in spring: in the greenhouse from March 20 to April 10, you can plant a radish under the film from April 10-20, and from May 5 to May 20, you can already to grow a radish in the open ground.Now you know the time when to plant radish in the open ground, but they can not move much depending on the region of residence. Cultivation of radish in early spring, perhaps in most of our regions. Radish is the fastest-growing culture. In early spring you will receive a vitamin product. The land for growing a radish in the open ground should warm up to 3-4 cm. Choose a radish from the planting site if the "Premier" grade is suitable for a film (there are also lots of radish varieties under the film, ask in stores ), if in an open ground of a grade select accordingly. You can try several varieties until you decide what kind of radish you are comfortable with. There are early ripening varieties like "Early Red", "18days", etc. Planting and caring for radish read the additional information on the link.Radish cold is not afraid. At a temperature of 18-20 degrees outdoor radish   or in the greenhouse sprouts for 3-5 days. When planting, the distance between the seeds is 4-5 cm, between the rows of 13-15 cm. Rows before sowing seeds are spilled with water, the depth of sealing is 0.5cm, sprinkled with humus from above. Pour radish in moderation, but do not allow dryness, radish likes moisture, but do not water at the end of ripening, otherwise the radish starts to crack. If the radish develops poorly it can be fertilize a bucket of water 1 teaspoon of urea and 1 glass of mullein, at a rate of 5 liters per 1 square meter. The spread pest of radish is a cruciferous flea, this is when the leaves are radiated in the radish. For protection from fleas can be applied to shoots of early ripening chemically x preparations with a short waiting period. Inta-Virom (waiting period of 20 days). For extra-early varieties of radish, you can not use chemistry. Take time to harvest the radish so that it does not recur. You liked the article, share it with your friends in your social network by clicking on the button:

Root varieties

Correctly picking a variety of radishes, you can enjoy the prepared vitamin salads throughout the spring, and if desired even in the summer. The most popular and valuable in taste qualities are:

  • "Early Red". Characterized by high yield, it is possible to grow in a greenhouse. Root is dark red with white flesh. Has a very delicate taste. "Corundum". It has round roots of carmine-red color. "French breakfast". Enjoy a radish with a tender without a hint of burning taste, you can already in 3 weeks after planting. Roots are very bright, scarlet and have a white tip. "Eighteen days"   - as the name says, ripens in eighteen days. Due to this feature, the variety is very popular with gardeners. Plus, the flesh is different in its juiciness and delicate taste. "Rhodes". Root is bright red with a slightly porous pulp. "Ruby"   - Vegetable bright red color of round-flat shape. Has a high yield and excellent taste.
  • "Slavia". Pink-red root crops have a slightly pungent taste. "Faith MC". The variety is distinguished by high yield and resistant to cracking of root crops. Saksa. Saturated red root with an acerbic taste. "Helios". This variety attracts gardeners not only with their delicate taste qualities, but also with large yellow root crops. "Viola"   - interesting because it has a purple peel. "Watermelon radish"   - this is radish, as if turned inside out. The skin is white, and inside it is a pink flesh. Agree, very unusual! Look at the photos and videos, and you'll see for yourself.
  • Rampous.   This variety is white in color, both pulp and peel. The root crop has an elongated shape and a taste of medium sharpness. "Würzburg"   - characterized by a very high yield. The red-crimson fruit has a rounded shape. The Red Giant   - its characteristics correspond to the name, as the fruits of red color grow large with a mass of up to 120 grams. Having planted radish this variety in the summer, you will be able to eat it in winter, since it has long shelf life.

Autumn radish - a favorite vegetable in the eastern countries - daikon. Sometimes it is mistakenly considered a radish, but in fact it refers to radishes.

Spring landing

Planting radish in the spring in the ground is carried out as soon as the snow melts. Seeds are best purchased in specialized stores. So you protect yourself from unsuitable boarding material and frustration (it's always a shame if work is not crowned with success).

You can sow seeds directly into the open ground, but if the ambient temperature does not reach +18 degrees, the radish will not grow. Therefore, it is best to grow it in a greenhouse.This vegetable has pleased you with its harvest, use the advice of experienced gardeners:

  • First of all, you need to decide on the landing site. It should be well lit by the sun. The soil should be well-lit with sun. Otherwise, the plant can shoot out. The temperatures too high, a long light day (which is typical for summer) and insufficient moisture, also contribute to the interpretation. For a more harmonious germination, it is better to calibrate the seeds - sort by size. It is worth noting that larger seeds will emerge earlier than small ones. After selection, the seeds should be soaked in water. As soon as you see small sprouts - you can start sowing. Since radish germination is high enough, the planting is carried out immediately in the form in which the root crop will ripen (inter-row distance - about 15 centimeters, between plants - 5-6 centimeters). seeds in the soil do not need to be too deep, just half a centimeter, maximum to two. The first shoots should be expected after a few days.

For more information on how to grow radish in spring, you can find out by watching the training video. Next it is necessary to ensure sufficient watering, loosening of the soil and the destruction of weeds. And already in the next time, depending on the variety and weather conditions, you can enjoy the harvest. From planting and before the reception of radish in food will only take a few weeks!

Radish care

Radish is a rather unpretentious culture, even a beginner will cope with its cultivation. The main care for this plant is in such moments:

  • Moderate watering. In hot days, when there is no rain, this is especially important. Without moisture the pulp of the radish will become loose and dry - it will lose its taste qualities. It is undesirable to overdo it with watering, especially when the root crop is almost ripe. In this case, from an overabundance of water, it will crack. After the shoots appear, radish can be fed with potash fertilizers. They can be purchased at specialized stores. But be careful, before using fertilizers, read the enclosed instructions! After all, there must be a measure.

Pests and diseases

Like any other plant, radish can be affected by pests and sick. If you notice that there is something wrong with the plant (its leaves turn yellow, spots or other signs of the disease appear), you need to take advantage of special chemical preparations. You can also use folk methods to control the radish pests, such as ash, for example.

To do this, she needs to sprinkle the soil. But folk remedies are less effective with strong lesions. How to properly handle sick plants can be learned by watching the video above.

Radish storage

Keeping a radish is the least troublesome process. Before you start harvesting, the soil should be moistened with water. And to pull out without damage, the vegetable will be better, and will be saturated with moisture.

So his flesh will be more juicy.

If you decide not to eat radish immediately in food, and store, then in this case you need to cut the tops and shorten the tail.

And if the root crop treated in this manner is placed in a bag or a polyethylene bag and provides cool conditions in a dark place, then the storage time will be prolonged for a while.

Radish: growing outdoors

As you want after a long winter cold, finally enjoy fresh and delicious vegetables from the garden. Crunching radish, enrich your body with vitamins. The benefit of this cold-resistant culture allows it to grow outdoors, and we can harvest the first harvest in June.

Soil for sowing radish

Radish quite "anxiously" refers to the land in which it is grown. It is worth remembering that the soil must be loose. Otherwise, the fruit of the radish will be cracked.

Therefore, before starting to plant the crop in an open ground, the land must be prepared: dig and make necessary fertilizers. Radishes grow well in slightly acidic sandy loamy soil.

For the correct formation of root crops, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium salt). Depending on when the grower is going to plant radish in the open ground, soil fertilization also depends. It is worth remembering one important rule: culture does not tolerate fresh manure.

That is why soil should be fertilized in advance, for example, in autumn! If we talk about the volume, then per square meter of the allocated area for sowing radish, they make about one bucket of pereprevshego manure. When choosing a place for sowing, it is worth paying attention to the illumination of the site. Radish is very fond of sunlight, so for its placement you should choose a well-lit place, reliably protected from winds.

Methods for sowing radish in open ground

There are three ways of growing a radish in the open ground: 1. Podzimni. With this method of growing a radish, seeding occurs at the beginning or in the middle of November. If by this time the earth has already frozen, then sowing begins with dry seeds.

From above, the planting should be covered with humus. It is preferable to choose a place in the south or south-east of the site. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in autumn the place of planting of radish should not be flooded with meltwater.

Winter. Sowing in the cold season of the gardeners is carried out in order to get the first crop of crops two weeks earlier than during the usual spring landing. Plants for culture should be prepared as early as autumn, cutting grooves of five centimeters.

If the winter turned out to be snowy, then from the beds it is necessary to remove all precipitated precipitates, neatly decompose the seeds, and then cover them with peat. Spring.

After winter colds recede, gardeners begin to think about planting seeds to germinate radish in the open ground. When exactly it needs to be done depends on the climate of the region. As a rule, disembarkation is carried out in the end of April - beginning of May.

It is desirable that a positive day temperature of at least 15 degrees (at night not below +5 degrees) is established. Before you start planting seeds, beds should be dug and make grooves, the distance between which should not be less than twenty centimeters.

Plant seeds can be whole handfuls, since they are very small and quite often many of them do not germinate. Crops should be prikopat, and then abundantly moisturize. If the gardener wants the shoots to appear a couple of days earlier, you can cover the place of planting with a film.

As a rule, the first shoots will appear in five days. As the seeds were planted in the ground quite a lot, then the first shoots will grow somewhat crowded. It is for this reason that they need to be weeded, picking out the strongest plants and leaving them about 2-3 per every 5-7 centimeters. Approximately seven days from the remaining 2-3 seedlings, one must choose one most viable plant, the rest should be removed.

Basic rules for the care of radish

Radis immensely loves moisture. It is for this reason that it is necessary to water the culture daily on especially hot days. Optimal soil moisture should reach 80%. In the case of rare watering, root crops will become bitter.

High humidity is also dangerous for radish, because it can promote the formation of cracks in fruits. The main "enemies" of radishes are garden slugs. These pests are very fond of eating root leaves.

Granules "Thunder" and "Thunder-2" will help with this misfortune. At occurrence of the first signs of defeat the means from pests should be scattered between beds of a radish. Radis ripens after about 21-24 days after disembarkation.

As a rule, additional fertilizing is not performed, as radish is prone to the accumulation of nitrates. However, if it grows slowly, then you can make fertilizer, for example, "Agricola-Forward."

Adding 2 tablespoons of additional fertilizing to 10 liters of water, we get the necessary fertilizer for the composition. To feed radish is necessary at the rate of three liters of water per one square meter. Harvesting is performed as the root crop matures. With proper care, radish will please the gardeners with an organic kind of fruits and a great taste.

A few words about the radish

Video about planting radish in spring

The popularity of this root is explained very simply. After all, this is an opportunity to crackle with the first spring salads, get a dose of "fresh" vitamins, and for those who like to tinker in beds - an excellent occasion to start a garden season. The radish plant belongs to the family of cruciferous.

The birthplace of this culture is the Asian land, from where it later spread first in China, and then in the rest of the world. On domestic tables radishes appeared thanks to merchants of the times of Peter the Great.

This edible and juicy vegetable was accepted immediately, and was widely distributed throughout the Russian territory. The redis contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium and iron, so it positively affects the state of the cardiovascular system and raises hemoglobin of the blood. Cholagogue properties and high fiber content help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder.

With radishes, our body, weakened by the long winter, receives the first vitamins, among which the most important are the vitamins of group B, and also C and RR. The vegetation period of the radish may be one or two years. Annual varieties are more convenient in growing, so among truck farmers popular use those that give seeds in the year of sowing.

The shape of the root crop is very different: round, oblong, flat-round, elongated and in the form of a spindle. By coloring, you can choose red, pink, white and even yellow or purple radish. Depending on the region and the timing of cultivation of this crop, it is sown both in greenhouses or greenhouses, and in open ground.

Planting radishes in spring - the five rules of a good harvest

A small video about the secrets of growing radishes

Taking into account that radish is better developed with a short light day, it should be sown in the appropriate time. Soil moisture directly affects the formation of root crops, and the availability of necessary fertilizers and temperature regime - on the quantity and quality of the crop.

Therefore, despite the seeming simplicity of cultivating the radishes, only the observance of certain requirements guarantees in the end a worthy reward for your labors. The first rule is the timingEarly varieties of radishes allow you to get the first harvest after three to four weeks from the day of emergence.

Therefore, as soon as warm coins are established, you can begin to prepare beds. The radish is quite cold-resistant, it can withstand nocturnal frosts without a loss to minus 5-6 degrees, but at low daytime temperatures (up to +8) shoots will appear long. The best time for sowing is considered the end of March - the beginning of April, when the sun generously generates heat, warming up the earth and air. It is more accurate to determine the lines when you can sow radish yourself, proceeding from the fact that at a temperature of:

  • up to +10 degrees - sprouts will have to wait a long time, from +10 to +15 - they will appear in a week, closer to +18 ... +22 - the first green will be pierced already on the fourth day.

The most favorable average daily temperature for the successful formation of roots is considered to be +20 degrees. Depending on when in your region such weather conditions are expected, you should choose, and the days when you plant radish. The first selective harvest begins to be harvested after 20-25 days, and then rushes the rest. To maximize the "season" season, you need to sow it with an interval of one week.

So, gradually ripening, the harvest will please you all spring with young, juicy vegetables. It's interesting! It was due to the relatively short growing season that radish was selected for cultivation on the International Space Station.

On its basis, the genetic characteristics of cultures grown under conditions of weightlessness were studied. It is recommended to stop the crops by the beginning of summer, since a long light day and hot weather quickly lead to the shooting of plants and a decrease in the taste qualities of the root crop. To resume the cultivation of radishes will be possible only in September.

Rule two - the soilLike most other garden crops, the radish tree loves fertile soil. Therefore, before sowing radishes, you need to choose the most suitable plot and prepare the ground. Considering the good responsiveness of root crops to organic fertilizers, the garden bed for radishes is best prepared from autumn.

For this, compost, humus or manure is made into the earth and digging centimeters by thirty. If the soil is too clay, then a little peat or large river sand should be added, because the radish crops grow better on loose, light soils.

When applying mineral fertilizers per square meter of land, good results are shown by the addition of ammonium nitrate (10-15 g), superphosphate (20-25 g) and potassium chloride (15-20 g). The acidity of the soil for the radish is better neutral, at the extreme, it is allowed to be slightly acidic. Seeding of the radish in the open ground is carried out on sunny, sheltered from the winds.

The best for spring crops are the southern and south-eastern sides, where the earth thaws faster and there is plenty of light for future entrances. Experience shows that radish is an excellent predecessor for many garden crops, it perfectly prepares the soil for tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

It is especially convenient to grow a radish every year in a new place, which helps to improve the crop rotation of the garden. The only exception are the cruciferous plants - cabbage, mustard, watercress and others, which can transmit the diseases of this family to the following planting.

Radish is a perfect sealant and a kind of "marker" of other crops. The seed of the radishes next to the cucumber seedlings or rows of potatoes, you will remove two crops from one bed. And the spring onion planting on the greens, the dill and salad crops will be perfectly combined with the rows of the early radish. Many farmers know how laborious the first weeding of carrot beds - its thin, barely noticeable shoots are difficult to see among the weeds that have risen.

And here there are rare radish bushes sown, together with carrot seeds, help to determine the future ryadochki. The third rule is sowingWhen growing radishes in a greenhouse or a film greenhouse, the radish is more often sown without preliminary preparation of seeds.

Between the grooves stick to the distance of about the width of the palm, and seal the seeds with a two-centimeter layer of earth. After the emergence of seedlings, it is desirable to thin the crops, leaving between adjacent bushes 3 - 5 cm.

If the crop is carried out more carefully, introducing seeds with the necessary distance, then it will not be necessary to break through the entrances. In order to sow radish faster and better, it is possible to stick the seeds on long strips of paper in winter and dry them.

When exactly is it necessary to plant radish and how to do it?

In spring, it will be enough to simply lay these tapes in moistened grooves and fill them with earth. Sometimes the seeding of radishes, especially in the northern regions, requires preliminary preparation. The seeds are sized and weighed in order to obtain amicable shoots and simultaneous harvesting and are more often used when planting radishes for sale.

But soaking and germination of seeds allows you to get faster shoots, and therefore, an earlier crop. Before planting radishes with seeds, they are wrapped in a linen napkin, placed in a container with a small amount of water at room temperature. Usually, the seeds are already pecked for a second or third day and are ready for sowing. The fourth rule is watering

Video on how to plant radish seeds

Radish loves watering, it's unequivocal. Wet soil contributes to the successful formation of a proper, succulent root crop.

Therefore, it is necessary to sow the seeds in spilled grooves, and sprinkling of the first shoots is not advisable to miss, and further care consists in regular, generous watering. Of course, do not forget that wet soil does not mean stagnation of water in the ground.

Excessive moisture invariably leads to root rot. March crops of radishes in film greenhouses are best watered with warm water, with a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Such an evening "shower" will not only give a drink to the plants, but also will keep the heat in the night cooling.

The fifth rule is fertilizerRadishka - planting and caring for this culture does not take much time. With the proper preparation of beds and fertile enough soil, planting radish does not require additional fertilization.

For his short growing season, there will be enough food available. If the fertility of the soil leaves much to be desired, then a week after the appearance of the first shoots, the radish can be slightly fed with organic fertilizers.

Usually, water for irrigation is added with infusion of compost or fermented with manure infusion. On the bed as a mulch pour dry last year's humus or chopped sloping grass. The main thing in fertilizing radish is not to overdo it!

A large number of nutrients in the soil lead to luxuriant vegetation of the radish green, to the silting and adversely affects the shape and taste of the root crop.

The best radishes for spring crops

Depending on the time of sowing, the optimal radish grades are also selected.

  • French Breakfast -   early ripening variety. From emergence to maturation, no more than 20-25 days pass. The shape of the fruit is elongated, 3-4 cm long, bright red with a white tip. Early red -   ripens in 27-30 days. It is characterized by its resistance to fire. Roots are roundish, dark red with a white, juicy core. Helios.   Average maturity, about 30 days .   Excellent taste qualities and unusual, yellow color of root crop allowed this variety to gain popularity. Sora.   The fruits are large (up to 4-5 cm in diameter), dense, juicy, rich red color. It is characterized by resistance to high temperatures and diseases, it does not form voids. Thanks to this, it can be successfully grown in late May and even in June. The popularity of this variety is its high yield.

Radish is perhaps the very first vegetable that ripens in the gardens of gardens and the planting of radishes in spring is the most traditional occupation for gardener. Before planting a radish, note that the radish ripens quickly. And if you select a separate garden for the radish, then after harvesting the radishes, the garden will be empty. Therefore, when planning beds and plantings, immediately plan that you plant after harvesting the radish.

On the vacated garden, after the radish you can plant any greens or Peking cabbage. All that has a fast period of vegetation (maturation). It is very sensible to plant a radish between cultures, which develop for a long time and later yield a crop. It's good to make mixed and plant radishes between:

  • onions,
  • white cabbage,
  • carrots,
  • seedlings of cucumber or tomato.

By the time cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage grow, the radish will have time to harvest and you will remove it.

Place for planting radish.

In the early spring, in March, when the first time you come to check the site, cover with a plastic wrap a garden bed for a radish. Under it the snow melt faster, the earth warms up and you can plant the radish with seeds earlier. It is best to plant radish in the early spring, under a film. It grows quickly and helps to fight with spring avitaminosis.

If you plant radish in the summer for the second or third time, then landing the radish is best in a shady place. A radish for ripening needs a short light day.

Radish varieties for open ground.

As always, the radish is represented by very many varieties and hybrids, the most interesting are medium-sized, non-flaming, the best radish varieties are:

  • Sora,
  • Carmen,
  • White Nights,
  • Red sun,
  • Pharaoh,
  • Firefly,
  • Lydia.

These seeds can be sown all summer. It is worth planting radish seeds directly in the garden, in the open ground or a greenhouse. It's much easier and faster. Before planting radish, seeds should be soaked. Then the shoots will appear earlier. This is done simply - pour the seeds into a rag, tightly wrap, wet and put on a saucer in a warm place. Literally the next day the seeds will swell and begin to germinate.

How to plant a radish in the spring with seeds in the open ground.

Dig up the bed, loosen it with rakes, remove all rootlets and debris. Draw a groove with a wand - 2 parallel grooves at a distance of 5 cm from each other. After 15 - 20 cm 2 more are the same and so on, the easiest way is to make 3 rows. In the planned grooves, put the seeds in a checkerboard pattern. When planting in staggered order, each sprout receives enough light. Such a planting scheme gives a good harvest, so it is better to plant a radish in a row in staggered order, with a distance in the bed between the seeds of 5 cm. Another plus, which gives such a radish planting scheme, will not need to thin the shoots and it is convenient to remove the weeds.

After landing the radish, cover the bed with mulch, it will retain moisture in the soil and cover with a film. Many gardeners prefer to plant a radish under the film to get early shoots and crops. After all, only in May it is the most delicious and juicy. To radish rose juicy and dense, it should often be watered. In droughty weather, you can water even twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Radish in greenhouses and outdoors

Radish is one of the most frequently grown country plots. This is due to the fact that this vegetable is very useful, and care for it is simple. Growing radish is available even for beginners, while it is only necessary to comply with the rules of irrigation, which we will talk about in more detail later. Breeding begins with soil preparation and seed sowing, after which it is necessary to observe only such conditions as the duration of daylight hours, the dependence of irrigation frequency on air temperature, loosening of the soil.

Cultivation of radish is available even for beginning gardeners.

Preparing the soil for planting

Proper care during cultivation involves preparing the soil, which must be loose, fertile, and have a neutral acidity. Poor soils do not fit categorically, as radish will not get the proper nutrients. In autumn they begin to prepare a site for planting, humus and peat are introduced into the soil, and a small amount of phosphate and potassium fertilizers is introduced. You can not use organic fertilizers, the soil in which the radish and cabbage grew up before.

Also, care implies the complete absence of manure, since leaves grow well from it, but they completely take all the nutrients from the root crop.

Rules for planting radish

The correct agrotechnics for cultivating the radish suggests that it can be sown in a garden where tomatoes grew up before. Plant seeds can begin in late May, around the twenties, which will yield an excellent harvest. The depth of planting should be up to two centimes, which is necessary for the fetal establishment, the distance between the individual rows should be 8-10 cm. One square meter can be planted up to 15 grams of seeds, that is, about 1500-2000 pieces.

To get a bug harrow, the ascending sprouts need to be thinned, leaving a distance of two centimeters.

Growing radish from seeds, that is, planting them, is no longer recommended, if the light day is more than 12 hours, so it is necessary to plan all the work in advance. The optimal period   you can call early spring, when the temperature is not so high, and the light day is not so great, or the second half of the summer.

Care at this time is as follows: the soil is pre-abundantly watered, after which the seeds are sown. After the appearance of the first leaves in young plants, they are thinned, leaving a distance of two centimes. In many beginners gardening unsuccessful cultivation of radishes is due precisely to the fact that thinning was not done in time.

Cultivation of radishes

The technology of growing radish is extremely simple, only weeding, timely watering, loosening is needed. Let us consider in more detail exactly what conditions are required to obtain an abundant harvest of radish.

Radish is very hygrophilous, it requires a lot of moisture, especially in hot, arid weather. Water the radish twice a day: morning and evening. Only in this case the root will be juicy, very dense and tasty. When there is a shortage of water, such a problem as rifling can occur, root crops cease to form, and if they appear, they become coarse, hollow, the plant begins to shoot sharply the arrows.

On cool days watering should be moderate, even rare, but when the heat comes the amount of water should be increased dramatically. In hot weather, the watering rate should be 10 liters per 1 square meter of planting.

It is important to water and when the first leaf appears, at this time it is recommended to water the radish every three hours, so that it starts to develop correctly - if this is not done, the root will become bitter, very tough, but excess moisture is also dangerous - the radish will crack.

Care also applies to daylight, if the vegetable is too long, it becomes shallow, unattractive, so it is recommended to keep a black film ready for covering the beds at summer. The best option   is the cultivation of radish in greenhouse conditions, where it is possible to provide all the necessary conditions. Many dachas use common greenhouses, which are also great for this. Seeds are recommended before planting in the soil to germinate a little, which will make the vegetable stronger and more stable.

Causes of poor growth

Permanent weeding and loosening will help to grow a good harvest.

To grow an excellent harvest of radish, you must fully comply with all the recommendations and rules, despite the fact that the care is very simple. Many people think that it is enough to plant seeds and water them. But this is far from the case. If you do not care for a vegetable, then there may be problems such as underdevelopment, arming, blooming. The reason is incorrect care, but it's worth mentioning the following:

  • prolonged freezing, during which the radish was not protected;
  • improper care, which concerns irrigation. The lack of water leads to the fact that the soil dries up, and for radish it means underdevelopment of the root crop and even the death of the plant;
  • high temperatures immediately after the germination of seeds also often lead to the fact that the yield and its quality are sharply reduced;
  • non-observance of sowing terms. Often, early varieties are sown too late, that is, the conditions for growth are not respected;
  • improper lighting, its lack;
  • unfenced beds.

In order to avoid such problems, the following measures are necessary:

  • constant weeding and loosening;
  • top dressing of plants;
  • watering;
  • observance of daylight, if necessary, additional artificial lighting is arranged;
  • after the rains, even not very strong, the soil should be immediately loosened up.

Radish diseases: ways to solve problems

The technology of cultivation of radish is characterized by a rare simplicity, but it happens that the plant is affected by diseases and insects. Most often, this happens when the rules of breeding and care are violated. Radish can not be grown on acidic soils, because in this case the vegetable will be struck by a dangerous viral disease - the whale, which provokes the development on the root part of the growth. Such a plant can no longer be eaten, it is recommended to destroy it, and carefully inspect the neighboring root crops.

Radish damage in May and such insects as a cabbage fly, cruciferous fleas. On the leaves of the plant, ulcers appear. Help can pollination infusion of garlic, ash, tobacco dust.

Cruciferous fleas are dangerous because they can destroy all crops before the first shoots appear, so it is best to take preventive measures. For this, beds should be constantly weeded, soil loosening, sprinkling.

Radish can not be grown on acidic soils, it will lead to a bad crop or to its complete absence.

Proper care is also necessary in order to avoid damage from the cabbage fly. The insect lays its eggs between May and June on stems, near the stems in the soil, about a week after that, larvae appear, which begin to gnaw root crops.

To destroy the insect and prevent its further appearance, it is possible to use such a mixture: for 100 gowers of wood ash and tobacco dust, a teaspoon of ground pepper. It is brought in between the rows of radishes, after loosening the soil to a depth of two to three centimes every three to four days.

Cultivation of radish is extremely simple, it can be combined with many cultures, which will not hurt any of them. Seeds of radish can be safely planted along with carrots, onions, tomatoes. At the same time while some cultures are already ripe, others can be eaten.

We offer several useful advice, which will help make this growing even easier and easier:

  1. Radish is grown almost in any conditions, it is not afraid of coolness, but here the dampness should be absent.
  2. For seedling and home breeding, you can use ordinary wooden boxes, but you must remember that their depth will depend on the type of root crop: for round it is better to take boxes with a depth of up to 15 centimes, and for elongated ones - from 20 cm.
  3. Radish can be grown not only outdoors, but also on an ordinary balcony. For this purpose, the same boxes for seedlings, conditions (cool air and dryness) are suitable.
  4. After harvesting, you can keep the freshness of the radish for a long time, for this you can put it in the refrigerator with leaves down, the tops should not be cut off.

Radish, the cultivation of which is extremely simple and easy, is a vegetable that impresses with its "sociability". It grows well in greenhouses and on open ground, on balconies and in greenhouses. It can be planted next to many vegetables, while it not only does not interfere, but also helps many (when sowing seeds of tomatoes it is recommended to add radish seeds to help the first break through the soil crust).

Radish is delicious, useful, growing fast. Seeds are planted 5 days after sowing. Fruits can be harvested after 3 weeks. That is why radish is so loved by truck farmers. Usually the radish is the first vegetable that appears on our beds. When planting under a film, a radish crop can be obtained in the early spring.


The first thing you need to choose the right grade for planting under the film. Well suited for this purpose are ultra-early varieties. They grow faster, they are able to give in the conditions of insufficient heat poured root crops. You can buy, for example, varieties Duro, Lubava, Corund, Sora, Rhodes, Heat, Greenhouse mushroom, Early red. »Class =» lightbx »data-lightbox =» article-image »\u003e   Then you should prepare a garden under the radish. It should be in a sunny place, the ground should be quite loose, rich in organic and slightly acid. On sandy loamy soil it is necessary to make humus. In no case should you fertilize the beds before planting fresh manure. In this case, the radish can grow hollow from the inside. Before planting the soil should be very well moistened and make grooves 1-2 cm deep at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. »Class =» lightbx »data-lightbox =» article-image »\u003e   To sow seeds of radish is better one by one, then not to thin out. The distance between two seeds should be about 5 cm for round varieties and about 7 cm for long varieties. When sowing is done, the grooves need to be gently pricked with earth, and the top of the bed is covered with a film. Then there will be a greenhouse effect, the seeds will germinate faster. »Class =» lightbx »data-lightbox =» article-image »\u003e

My Radish Growing Technology | - Blog about the garden and the garden

Radish is the fastest growing garden crop. Its cultivation allows to receive in the spring early vitamin products. Traditionally, on this site two variants of cultivation of a radish are considered - for own use and on sale. Although there is no clear boundary - you can combine all this. Cultivation for sale implies a larger amount of planting area. And there are some subtleties. I will share with you my technology of growing radish from my experience. At one time, the circumstances (financial difficulties) forced me to start growing agricultural products. And the choice fell on radishes, tk. it can be grown fast enough, and its cultivation technology is not too complicated. In addition, the land in the garden after the radish can be used for other crops. Cultivation of radish is effective both under film shelters and in the open ground.

Where to get the radish seeds

It is possible (and easier to buy). You can get it yourself.

In the first case, you can buy seeds at any trading point that sells seeds. Only the number of varieties can not suit. Seeds of the required radish variety may not be.

Then come to the aid of online shops selling seeds. Choice - just your eyes run. As a rule, a detailed description is given. And a guarantee that you are buying genuine branded seeds.

Only it should be noted that the purchase of seeds by cash on delivery increases the cost of the order by about a third. And one more important point. Fast seeds to you by mail will not come. When ordering seeds, cash on delivery, make a reserve of at least 3 months in order not to be late for the time of planting. For example, for seeds to come in the spring, order at the beginning of winter, or even earlier.

Seeds of radish can be obtained on your own garden patch. When springing a radish, let a few plants on the bed "grow old" and throw out the arrows. Now just wait for the seeds to ripen, and drive away the sparrows that these seeds really like to peck. In this way, we received at home in late summer a large selection of radish seeds. In early autumn, these seeds were planted. There was a 100% germination and an excellent harvest.

And further. Be sure to grow only one kind of seeds, and that neighbors do not deal with such matters. And then you will have a specific sort of mixing. So say experts, seed growers.

Selection of radish

Yes ... the choice of radish variety is worth considering, the variety of varieties is amazing.

Here, perhaps, it is worth trying to plant a few varieties. As a result, you will learn which radish variety you prefer, which grows better on your soil and in your climatic conditions.

For myself, I made a choice. If you plant radishes for your own use and for sale, under the film and in the open ground, then this is the "Premier" sort of the Seedek seed company. This is an early-ripening variety with a slightly sharp, delicate taste, very fruitful, very beautiful with a white tip, resistant to flowering, ripe radish is not empty. The maturation period is approximately 25 days.

People who tried it, invariably asked: "And what kind? Where did you get the seeds? ". If you sell radish in the market, then you should know: people who bought radish from your Premier brand will definitely come to you again.

If you grow radishes only for yourself, then it is worth noting such a masterpiece as the sort "French breakfast". But he is demanding on the fertility of the soil. And the ground for it must be loose and soft.

In my opinion, if there is a choice, do not put a grade of RBC (pink with a white tip). This old variety is morally and physically obsolete, and loses to modern varieties in all respects.

The term of ripening of radish

Ripening maturity is a very important characteristic. The earlier we are in the market with radish - the higher its price. And at home on the table, everyone loves everything early.

Lovers of early varieties should pay attention to such ultra-ripened radish, as "18 days", "Early Red", "Ultra-Red".

But it should be remembered. The terms of ripening of the radish, written on the package, are the terms of growing at the optimum temperature (+15 - + 30 degrees). For open ground - there should be enough heat day and night. Otherwise, the cultivation of radish is delayed.

Yes, seedlings of radish can withstand a slight minus of temperature (short-term frosts to -5). But at a cold air temperature radish does not grow. He, as they say, "sits" and waits for warmth. That is why it is often grown in greenhouses under the film to obtain a more predictable result.

Even the terms of ripening of radishes directly depend on the size of the seeds. The larger the seed, the earlier radish will grow.

Technology of cultivation of radish - planting, care, processing, cleaning

Technology of growing radish under the film and in the open ground, we consider the example of "Premier".

Radish planting

We start planting seeds in the spring as soon as possible at the first opportunity. You can sow immediately and under the film - in the hotbed, and in the open ground. Kholodov radish is not afraid, but also in no hurry to grow. The difference in the development of plants under the film and in the open ground (until the ground and air have sufficiently warmed up) is very large. You can grow radishes from early spring until late autumn.

Seeds are sown immediately with the placement. Between the seeds the distance is 4-5 cm, between the rows of 15 cm.

The germination of seeds of radish "Premier" - about 90-95%, is very good.

Before planting radish seeds at any time of the year, I necessarily spill grooves with water. The depth of seeding is no more than 0.5 cm. Sprinkle seeds in grooves with loose soil.

Detail planting of vegetable plants with small seeds is painted in materials about sorrel and leaf salad.

Seeds of radish under favorable growing conditions (+18, +20 degrees) sprout in 3-5 days. In order to accelerate this process, it is necessary to sow the soaked seeds. In this case, the shoots appear the next day.

Planting radish seeds with the placement is the most time consuming process. You can simplify and speed up the whole thing if you plant seeds on a tape. A tape with seeds can be made in advance. Or buy. For smallholders and for everyone who sows large areas with different small seeds, it is possible to recommend the purchase of mini seeders of precise seeding.

Radish care

Care for radish is in daily watering in dry weather. Radishes love moisture.   Yes, that there likes. He does not grow without it. Just do not overdo it at the end of the radish ripening. From an overabundance of moisture, ripe fruits can begin to burst (crack).

Radish is a light-loving plant.   But in the spring you can plant in the half-shade of the trees, until the leaves have completely dissolved.

Radish loosen the hoe is undesirable - so as not to damage the root, which is almost on the surface.

If you planted radishes in a clean land without weeds, then for 25-30 days, while the radish grows, we can not grow weedy grass.

It is very desirable to grow radish on fertilized soil. Like all root crops, radish likes loose soil.

From the school biology course it is known that root crops like potassium fertilizers. Radish is not an exception. You can something to feed (in moderation) of this series. You can also supplement radish twice or twice with small doses of soluble urea. It is applied at watering at the rate of 10 gr. on a bucket of water.

Want to get a good harvest - use radish seeds about the same size. I can not do it. In bags with seeds of radish grade "Premier", which I buy through the online store of the company "SeDek", seeds are different. I do not touch them, I plant them as they are. In this case, the fruiting period of the radish is stretched for a week and a half. This is to some extent convenient, if you have large radish plantations - you will have time to process or sell all the time.

Cleaning and storage of radishes

Everything is simple. Visually determine which root is ripe and carefully pulled out.

For some time before this garden patch with radish should be spilled with water, so that he collected moisture.

The collected radish is washed out, and ... everything. Radish is ready for use.

It is also necessary to cut off the tops and shorten the tip - then the radish can be kept longer.

With uncut botany radish stored only a few days. If you put it in a plastic bag and put it in a dark cool place - the shelf life will increase. For sale, radish is usually knit in bundles or without foliage is sold per kilogram.

A little about the radish pests

Since radish is a premature plant, the use of chemical preparations for pest control is highly undesirable.

The main pest of the radish is cruciferous flea. Environmental methods to combat it are few - tobacco dust or fresh ash. These funds work, but not efficiently with a large number of fleas. Especially with daily watering. By the way, moist leaves, the flea does not "hole", waiting for the leaf to dry. In dry hot weather, the cruciferous flea is particularly rampant.

The main thing is to save the blossoms of radish from the flea. Only then, when the tops of the radish become bigger and if the fleas are not too much, then one can and does not worry - it will not be able to eat everything.

Somewhere I read that the young shoots of radish from the flea are covered with a spandbond. There will be time, I will check. Check on the flea and will need garlic infusion.

In critical cases, for protection from fleas, it is possible to use chemical preparations with short waiting times on the seeds of early ripening radish. For example, Inta-Virom (waiting period of 20 days). But from the use of Carbophos should refrain. For super early varieties of radishes, chemistry can not be used.

But this is theoretically. And in practice ... who practices chemistry, I do not know ... I just guess.

Or maybe you do not have a flea at all. Sometimes it happens.

It also happened that bear   (cabbage) was eating root crops. But this was in the case when the circle is dry, there is nothing to eat, and the garden with a radish is moist. Those. eating a radish radish from hunger.

But someone in the garden got a blind man - then not only radish suffers.

How and when to plant radish, spring-summer, podzimnius sowing radishes

The very first radish seeding   produce in a spring-summer greenhouse, covered with glass. It can be sown radish in March. On the garden they throw

a layer of snow in 2-3 cm and directly on it, a dry seed seeding is carried out randomly. With the melting snow, seeds are drawn into the ground and begin to develop rapidly.

You can sow without snow, but then it's good spill the earth with hot water,

press the seeds to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, sow not more often than 5 cm, top powder peat.

Good greenhouse soils   for radish are: a mixture of turf and humus (1: 2), turf and peat (1: 1), compost and peat (1: 1).

A ventilated greenhouse during the day, the air temperature is maintained at 15-18 ° C, at night it should be 8-10 ° C.

At a higher temperature, there is an increased growth of leaves to the detriment of root crops. But too low a temperature causes

premature bolting and deterioration of root vegetables taste.

FROM 30th of March   You can sow radishes in a film greenhouse, and with April 10th   - in the open ground. However, at this time without a film on

arcs are indispensable. In hot weather it is necessary to arrange aeration   through the ends of film tunnels or by lifting the film on one side. The soil in the beds should always be moist and loose, but not too humid, otherwise the root crops will crack.

Sowing early ripening radish

Usually early in the spring they sow a ripening, radish. But you can simultaneously sow and 3-4 varieties with different terms


Then the following will happen: approximately after 20 days   After emergence can be enjoyed

salad with French breakfast, after 10 days   time will come up radish Heat, and also through 10 days   will ripen for okroshki Dungan. Thus, with one sowing, you will have a fresh radish almost a month.

Extend the period   The use of radish can also be repeated crops. The appearance on the plants of 2-3 true leaflets -

signal for a new crop. Usually, repeated crops are continued until mid-May. Then a long light day is set, and it is useless to sow radish because of the poor quality of the root crops formed by the blossoming plants.

Sowing and growing radish in summer

If you really want to grow radish in summer, it is possible to do this by closing the beds with a dark film or opaque

material, from 18 hours to 8 hours. Or it is necessary to plant weakly firing varieties and hybrids: French breakfast, White nights, Virovsky white, Champion, Zlata, Quarta, Children's F-1, Rhodes   and etc.

In open ground   it is advantageous to grow radish as a condensing culture of leafy vegetables. In this case, individual

ridge for him do not, but sow between two rows, for example a salad. At the same time seeds of radish are sown less often, at a distance of 6 cm from each other.

You can sow early-ripened radish   together with carrots, parsley, onion-cherry, basil, in which the seeds germinate

tight, especially if they are sown without prior preparation. Such a sowing is carried out as follows.

First, make grooves for a long-grown culture, for example for carrots. Sow it through 20 centimeters, and seeds

radishes of early-ripening varieties are laid out in the same furrows through 25-30 cm.

Radish quickly rises and denotes ranks (which is why it is called "beacon culture"). In this case, the soil can be loosened up to the emergence of carrot shoots, this is only

promotes the rapid germination of their seeds.

Radish grows quickly and is ready for consumption in 20-25 days, and carrots are just beginning to form the first real leaflets. As a rule, with compacted sowing, the radish is removed for

one reception.

How to sow late-season radish in summer, in August

The last seasonal seeding   radish in mid-August. As a rule, during this time, sown late-ripening varieties for

autumn and winter consumption. However, early ripening grades of radish are also good, but they are not stored for a long time and are intended for fast consumption.

August sowing   late-ripening radish is slightly different from early spring crops. Most often it is grown as

repeated culture after harvesting vegetables - lettuce, leaf mustard, watercress, onion to the pen, a little later - early potatoes and early-ripening tomatoes.

Before sowing   plant beds are removed from the beds and, as the progenitor vegetables used a significant portion

soil nutrients, organic and mineral fertilizers. Approximately in this quantity: 2-3 kg of humus, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of urea per 1 m2 of bed. It is advisable to add 1/2 cup sifted ash. Soil is dug, leveled and grooved.

It should be borne in mind, that many late-ripening radish varieties form large roots (up to 300 g), so they need

large amount of power. To ensure it, furrows depth of 1.5-2 cm make after 20 cm, the seeds are laid out in 10-15 cm.

How to sow a radish with a podzim, podzimnius seeding radish

Podzimniy sowing   radish makes it possible to get early products and save time on garden work in the spring.

In the early autumn, the beds are 1 m wide, the length at will. It is more convenient if it is intended for several

vegetables. Depending on their number, the bed is divided into several sections, approximately 1 m2 each (for radish, carrots, parsley, dill, black-cherry, etc.).

Sub-winter beds   necessarily fertilize. Under the digging is introduced 0.5 buckets of humus or decomposed compost, 1 tbsp.

a spoonful of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate per 1 m2. Individual mineral fertilizers can be replaced with the same amount of complex fertilizers (diluent, kemira universal, growth 2, yield, vegetable or garden mixture). But humus can not be replaced with fresh manure, radish does not tolerate it.

Then fertilized and dug up beds are loosened, leveled and sliced   through 15 cm, a depth of 3.5-4 cm.

Prepared the beds are covered with a film, fix it with bricks or boards, so as not to blown away by the wind. At the same time

stock dry sifted earth or peat for mulching crops (bucket or more, depending on the length of the bed).

With the onset of a steady frosty weather in November - early December begin to sow. Sweep the snow from the garden,

remove the coating and arrange the selected dry seeds of the early radish in the furrows at a distance of 3-4 cm. Simultaneously sow and other vegetables in accordance with their requirements. After the sowing is finished, the furrows are sprinkled with dry earth or peat, compacted and covered with snow.

Among other things, the vegetable contains nicotinic acid, thiamin, riboflavin. Salads made from vegetables, promote good bowel movement, differ in decongestant and choleretic characteristics, increase appetite.

Vegetable juice is recommended for those who suffer from diabetes, gout, obesity. In view of the fact that the vegetable is rather sharp, it does not particularly appeal to people who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases, gall bladder, liver. It will be useful for such ailments , like obesity, heart disease, as when consuming radish, gastric juice is better, and it improves digestion. The cellulose of the vegetable displays harmful substances, for example, cholesterol.

Fiber in the presented culture is about the same as in beetroot, cabbage, garlic, and several times more in comparison with zucchini. The use of radish in food is a good prevention of vascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Root root must be smooth and smooth, without any defects. Root root must be smooth and smooth, without any defects.

The plant is green, juicy. Inside, the flesh must be dry and loose, firm. One of the most famous ancient cultures is ready to supply the body with vitamins all the year round.

Varieties and their features

If you decide to plant radish, then you should know that its varieties are Chinese, European, Japanese. Culture can be two years and one year. The root color is purple, pink, yellow, red and white. The shape of the roots is from round to elongated. The radish root can be of various shapes and colors. Let's consider the main varieties of culture:

  • Basis. It has good taste qualities. Suitable for open ground. Early ripening. Fruits are oval-round. White root. For open ground is not suitable. The middle-ripeness. Not rubbish. The grade is Wurzbursky. Perfectly tolerates drought. Middle-late. They grow everywhere. White Virovsky. White-green root crop. The middle-ripeness. The mass of fruits is rounded. The root of the Dungan variety. Actively planted in the central part of Russia and in the south. Late-ripe. Perfectly tolerates drought.

In order to prevent cracks on the fruits, it is better to choose a loose soil. The crop is considered to be cold-resistant. A separate site is not required. You can plant a vegetable with other thermophilic varieties.

Culture quickly ripens, you can use it as a beacon.

Conditions for planting in open soil

Special requirements are imposed on the soil. It must be sandy loam, weakly acidic. In order that the fruits do not form cracks, it is better to choose a loose soil.

If there is not enough nutrients in the soil, the root crops simply will not form. Grunt is prepared from autumn. First, fertilize with humus, and then decomposed compost (you can learn more about the features of introducing mineral fertilizers).

Among other things, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers - superphosphate, potassium salt. Further, the ground is simply leveled by rakes. Landing radish comes in the spring.

Radish seeds should be of normal size, small ones are unlikely to arise. Seeds of radish should be of normal size, small ones are unlikely to get up. While doing such a thing as growing a radish, it is worth paying attention to what crops had grown up before in the garden. An excellent option, if it were tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and beans. It is not necessary to plant a vegetable after horseradish, turnips, cabbage, radish, watercress, turnip and daikon.

When to plant

The first landing is in spring or winter. Then you can plant the vegetable at the end of May. Best of all, if before him grew onions or salad. The beds should be well lit.

After the planting, the radish seeds are covered with a black film. Close the plants at about 8 o'clock in the morning, remove the film at 7 pm. Important!

At noon the bed should be in some shading. If the shadow is permanent, only the tops will grow, and the root crop will develop badly. The third time the radish seeds are planted in early July. In this case, beforehand, the bed should be dug and fertilized with humus.

In the same way as in the second term, the seeds are covered with a black film. The plants need to be thinned out. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm. In the last planting, the radish seeds are planted in the greenhouse at the end of August and the beginning of September.

Black film is no longer required, since the light day becomes noticeably smaller. But it will be necessary to purchase a non-woven film to preserve heat. The landing scheme: 10x2 cm. Plants must be thinned out. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm.

If you skip this step, the root is not formed. From ground fleas, vegetables will be saved by agrofibers.

How to care for a vegetable

After the radish seeds are planted, care must be taken properly. Carry out fertilizing, watering, thinning, loosening soil. After 5 days after the radish seeds are planted, you can proceed to thinning.

Watering is carried out only as necessary. After watering, the loosening is carried out. Growing radishes involves the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers. Harvesting of root crops is done selectively. First, ripen roots are harvested.

Keep the vegetables in a cold cellar for a long time. To protect crops from diseases and pests, they are treated with fly ash or tobacco dust. The collection of root crops is done selectively.

First, ripen roots are collected to ensure that flowering was not premature, watering is done batchwise - a couple of times in 7 days. Also it is necessary to conduct thinning, so that the leaves stand in a horizontal position. Formation of root crops can also proceed at low temperature. But the pouring is to wait only at a temperature of 18 degrees. If the radish seeds are planted during the winter, it is necessary to cover the film. If the blooming is going on, and the root crops are not formed, there are several reasons for this:

  • too dense sowing, a long light day (May to June), too high temperature, low soil moisture.

Cultivation of radish (video)

Presented vegetable is widely distributed in our country because of useful properties and a fast maturation period. Culture is cold-resistant. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The landing itself is from spring or winter.

The plant requires thinning and loosening of the soil. If you do everything right, the harvest will not keep you waiting. In the event that flowering occurs, and roots are not formed, - in the technology of cultivation was made a mistake.

Also read:

How and when to plant and care for radishes

One of the signs of spring is a luscious red radish. And delicious, and a gift to the body that misses vitamins for a long winter - after all, radish has a bunch of useful properties (for example, grated radish, applied to the skin, noticeably heals, refreshes, nourishes with nutrients, gives elasticity and elasticity).

You can, of course, buy it, but it's much nicer when juicy, healthy, clean root crops are sent to the kitchen straight from the garden! Well, now about cultivating the radish. I understand that chemical preparations are created in order to use them, but what if, in your garden, both grandchildren and great-grandchildren crawl like turtles, and look, they will tear something and eat it. For more than a decade, I have not used any pesticides.

How to sow a radish:

Fertilize well with well-repaired manure-rash or compost-rash (1 bucket per running meter). At the top, sprinkle a 1 liter ash can. m and carefully dig. Well loosen up, removing lumps.

In the garden, make brooks 10 cm apart along the entire length of the bed and sprinkle rumpled coal over the brooks from the fireplace. Seeds of radish etch in a solution of dark purple potassium permanganate, dried, poured into a sieve, powdered with chalk or starch to make them white.

Then they are better seen on the ground, because we will not sow seeds, but lay them on the seed in 5 cm from each other. But the seedbed is sown. Now you need to sprinkle seeds with a layer of ground 1.5-2 cm, press the ground with the back side of the chopper and pour the entire bed (1 watering can per 1 sq. M.), Adding EM to the water.

After that, the bed along the entire length sprinkled with a mixture of ash and celandine from the cross-flea (a liter can of crushed celandine powder and as much ash). The bed is 80 cm wide and ready. At the very edge, along the perimeter we plant 1 bend. m spinach, lettuce, watercress, dill.

Now we cover the garden with a light spon-bond (thickness 17 or 30 microns). The length of the spunbond should be 1 m longer than the bed, width - 3.2 m. Spread evenly on the bed and, retreating 20 cm on each side, press down the entire length of the boards, press the boards with bricks, and from the ends all the remaining spunbond -2 m (a bubble above a bed) we lay down folds and too well we press.

Developing, the plants themselves will lift spunbond, straightening it. Before sprouting water (directly on the spunbond) a day later in the morning: 1 watering can of clean evening water per 1 sq. Km. m. With the growth of radish 5 cm - in the warm morning we remove from one side and from the ends of the film and finally break through with the growth of radish to 10 cm. Do not be surprised - this is a radish sort Russian size.

For 7 years of sowing there was not a single blossom and not a single empty radish! A radish is beautiful, large, up to 10 cm.

How to water radish

After the appearance of 2 of these leaves should be watered 2 times a day. I got up in the morning, and the first warm-up before breakfast - pour 6 leeks from the evening of harvested water on a 6-meter bed, and in the evening, at dusk, the second warm-up.

1 time a week I pour the fermented grass (2 liters per bucket of water), | removing the strainer from the watering can. When mature full-bodied radish fruits are found, choose from them 4-6 for planting on the seeds. On a sunny place deeply loosen a pit with a diameter of 35-40 cm, pour into it a bucket of fermented grass. The radishes should be peeled off the spine 2-3 cm, the tops of the leaves cut off and planted radishes, not deepening the growth point.

Next stuck a stake no less than 1 m above the ground. A meter from the first pit to make a second, etc. Round the planted radish, sprinkle the ground with a mixture of ash and celandine and cover with nettle, burdock, wormwood or other non-flowering grass.

Watering and fertilizers are frequent. Radish stalks are affected every year by aphids, crested fleas, rapeseed flovers, which also larvae postpone. I get rid of this evil garlic infusion: 100 g of strong long-term infusion of 5 liters of water.

Spraying in the morning and in the evening. Another great way to get rid of. Take 2 handfuls of onion husk, 2 handfuls of dry leaves and stems of celandine, pour a bucket of boiling water and insist for 24 hours. When the first peduncles appear, there is a rapeseed colander. Be careful!

He pierces his pity with young pods and sucks the juice out of the seeds. Here you start spraying. After spraying powder ash. And in June, rip, dig, dry the celandine, and as much as possible, it is suitable for everything. But that is another story.

I wish you big harvests! Watermelon radishDiscover an unusual hybrid - watermelon radish. A pink or purple flesh hides beneath the breeze-green skin of the root crop, reminiscent of the color of watermelon.

Externally, the hybrid looks like a small turnip, with a diameter of about 8 cm. It is interesting that the exotic part of the exotion slightly bitter, and closer to the middle there is a sweetish taste. It is useful due to the content of vitamin C and folic acid.

In cooking, it is baked, stewed with vegetables, mashed potatoes, eaten raw or in salads. Slices decorate cocktails. Watermelon radish can be purchased at the supermarket.

And if you want - even grow yourself. Midrange grades of radishChoose radish for spring sowing. The sort is early (25-30 days), medium-ripening (30-35 days) and late-ripening (35-45 days or more).

Early and middle-ripening are resistant to frost and lightning, they are grown in the spring. Lodgings are intended for sowing at the end of summer. The vegetation period from shoots to harvest is 32-36 days. The roots are round to oblong, bright red, weighing 15-30 g. The flesh is white and pink, dense, crisp, slightly spicy. The variety is resistant to fire. The vegetation period from shoots to harvest is 25-30 days.

Roots weighing 8-12 g, red, flesh white and pink, juicy, dense, sweet-pointed. A characteristic feature is a small tops compared to root crops. From readers: Tips for growing: The land in our garden is sand. And if you take into account that in summer we have a fever of up to 40 °, and even steppe dry winds of life do not give, it's easy to imagine how much labor you need to grow at least some harvest.

But we do not despond. I want to tell you how I grow early radish crop and tomato seedlings. Maybe someone will find my advice useful. I sow on the first day of my appearance at the dacha after winter, somewhere in the second half of March.

Radish sow ryadochkami, but not densely, so as not to break through. Next to a couple of ryadochkov salad, as well as early and cauliflower for seedlings. I well water the bed and cover with plastic wrap. When everything is up, I remove the film and cover the bed with agrofiber.

If it's still cold, then even in two layers. At the edges I press the agglomerate with plastic bottles of water. I carefully water the bed and wait for the harvest. (If there is no rain, watering is desirable.) The crop will be somewhere by May 1.

After harvesting, I take off the agrofiber - the radish under it turns out delicious, sweet, juicy, without bitterness and is not affected by pests. In the ground without shelter with agrofibers such a delicious radish is not obtained. Now about the seedling of tomatoes.

My garden is far away, I have to go by bus and a crowded bus, so transporting seedlings from home is a problem. At home, I grow a minimum of seedlings: pepper, blue, early tomatoes, squash Iskander F1 and a little sprouts of tall tomatoes.

The rest of the seedlings are grown in the garden. In early April, I build a kid in the garden. The box is made of boards, any dimensions (I have 2.5x1.5), but the sides must be such that the centimeter is 5 cm above the ground level, and downwards - by the bayonet spade. I fill 2-3 pails of humus, shallowly I dig, I level, I seed seeds, I water well, put low arcs and cover with film.

From time to time I open the film, sprinkle seedlings, fertilize with urea, weed, if there are weeds, and I cover it again with a film. When it is warm, I open the film for a day to season the seedlings. After planting the seedlings on a permanent place, the box is pulled out of the ground, dried and cleaned in a shed, and the pit is covered with earth. In this way I grow tomato seedlings for 22 years. In my boyfriend, she is not even afraid of frosts: in early May 1999, when she was - 7 °, in unheated greenhouses the neighbors of the seedlings are frozen, but for me, at least that's what!

Feel that finally after a long winter came the spring, and all inexorably approaching the long-awaited summer, it is impossible, until on the table there is a radish. Tasty and very useful, on a table in a salad bowl or even just a placer on a platter, it seems to say all its kind - I came, and wait for the summer next. But how correctly to plant a radish?

A little about the radish

Crispy, slightly sharp and bright radish tubers are a real storehouse for many mineral salts - magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins - C, B5, B2, B1, enzymes and organic acids. And is not that because the person is so positive about the first spring radish that appears on the table at the time when they are all very necessary to the body?

This article will tell you how to plant radish seeds. There are two types of this plant - one-year and two-year. The first consists of European varieties and brings seeds with root crops for one year, the second is made up of Asian winter varieties that produce seeds only for the second year.

In this material, the rules are considered how to plant radish seeds of European varieties. Riedis is a premature, cold-resistant, light-and-moisture-loving plant belonging to the class of cruciferous or cabbage. Depending on the region of cultivation, it can bear fruit from 2 to 5 times a year. To get a good and multiple yield you need to know how and when to plant a radish.

Preparation of the soil before planting radishes

Many people really want to know how to plant radish in the spring. Everything starts in the autumn, when they prepare (pick up 15 cm) beds and make the necessary organic fertilizers - but carefully, without excessive fanaticism - because of the surplus, for example, humus, large "tops" and small "roots" can grow. , after the main snow falls on the beds under the radish, you can sprinkle mineral fertilizers.

The snow remaining on them, when melting, will enrich the soil with the necessary macro- and microelements. But only potassium - excess potassium will make the root crops weak and remove the radish in the arrow. The rows are made on a sunny and warmed place, and for rapid warming up of the soil, it is desirable to cover the beds with black polyethylene for 9-10 days.

Before planting seeds, it is necessary to remove the film and make a digging of the beds deep into the bayonet bayonet. All - you can plant radish seeds.

Some features of plant compatibility

When planting radish seeds, it is important to remember that all garden plants are subject to a certain law of compatibility, breaking which can be left without harvest. In this regard, a culture such as radish should be planted next to a lettuce salad that will not allow earthen fleas to damage the plant.

And if the radish is surrounded by beans, then its tubers grow larger and have a more delicate taste. In general, the radish is friends with potatoes and spinach, as well as onions, garlic, beets and cabbage. But with cucumber to plant radish is not recommended.

Radish outdoors under the film

How to plant radish under the film? When planting seeds in the ground, it is necessary to observe the "rule of three matches". Seeds are planted at a depth corresponding to the length of the match, the bed from the bed is at a match distance, and the seed from the seed is planted in a row by the length of the match. The land for the radish is desirable loose, and after planting the radish it is recommended to wrap it up - sprinkle with river sand, sawdust or peat.

Considering the fact that when the radish is still planted with snow, it is possible to plant more seeds on the rows with planted seeds, but not too much. The next step is the installation of a spandbond type over the beds of the shelter. The first sprouts appear at the time of the melting of the last snow.

At this point it is important to pay attention to the density of seedlings and, if necessary, to thin the rows or to sow the seeds. In the warm spring, it is essential to do aeration, raising the spandbond for a while. The first radish on the table can be collected in three weeks, if the good spring allows.

Radish in greenhouses

How to plant radish in a greenhouse? Getting an earlier radish crop is possible when planting it in a greenhouse. The soil in the greenhouses is prepared somewhat differently, because in them radish is not a leading culture.

He, so to speak, sits down to what is already planned to be planted in a greenhouse. Therefore, seeds are planted not in greenhouse beds, but between them, and for a week or two earlier than the main crop. How to plant radish seeds in greenhouses can be read on many sites.

Basically, the seeds are planted at a depth of half a centimeter and are covered with earth. It is not advisable to sow seeds, and when very sprouting emerges, it is advisable to fill them with earth, otherwise you can remain without root crops. Mineral fertilizers should be applied twice - at the very beginning, after planting the seeds, and after a week.

Radish in greenhouses

In greenhouses, radish is also planted according to slightly different rules. Since here it is a leading culture - all the rest are planted after it - the land is prepared a little differently, and the time of landing is determined by the weather and the construction of the greenhouses.

Since radish likes both heat and sunlight, in hotbeds of suitable conditions it can be achieved somewhere after the first decade of April. The pavement must be carefully leveled. If it is too dry - it should be watered before the sowing, and when the land is excessively wet - dig the ground to the depth of the bayonet and vent the hotbed, opening a little frame. How best to plant a radish?

To accelerate the emergence of seeds seeds, intended for sowing in a greenhouse, it is desirable to germinate. They soak for two hours, and then pour a smooth layer on gauze in plates, cover with a breeze and keep warm.

As soon as the sprouts begin to peck, it's time to plant them in the ground. The optimum temperature in the greenhouse when sowing radish is from 15 to 20 degrees.

Radish on the windowsill

If you really want radishes, and there is no dacha or vegetable garden, those who wish can try to grow this plant on their windowsill. And you can do this without waiting for spring - although in December.

It is enough to have a soil mixture, a box, where radish is planted, and knowledge - how to plant radish seeds when growing her house. Requires excellent light and cool place. This may well be a room window sill.

It should be noted - in spite of the fact that the radish is a plant of a short day, the winter day of it is still too short, therefore additional radish illumination will not hurt. Seeds of radish are put in boxes to a depth of 1 centimeter, 5-7 centimeters apart and 5-7 centimeters apart necessarily pack. The main feature of growing radish on the windowsill is the temperature regime that must be observed. After the first shoots appeared at room temperature, it is necessary to cool the plant, keeping it at a temperature of about 7? With about 4 days, and then set the mode for it to 17?

With good sunny weather and 15? C - with overcast. At night, keep the temperature around 13? C. This can be achieved by regulating the flow of cold air with a vent. A fertilizer uses cow dung in an aqueous solution with the addition of 10 g of potassium salt and 15 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.

Growth of root radish occurs within one and a half to three months, so the crop is removed selectively.

Features of care and pest control

Watering a radish is a necessary thing, therefore it should be exercised two or three times a day. But if the radish in the open ground receives a lot of moisture - in the rainy spring, it can over-ripen - glass, crack and rot. The main pest for radishes is the cruciferous flea, the fight with which is conducted by "clean" solutions that do not have chemistry.

This is done because the radish quickly ripens, and the roots do not have time to get rid of it. It can be a real tobacco dust or ash. Such a tool not only has a protective effect, but also is an additional top dressing for the radish.