Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Interior decoration of the house

Dream interpretation: a filling fell out of a tooth. The symbolism of teeth is very multifaceted. They are like a prototype of childbirth, pure conception, vitality. In ancient myths, from a dragon's tooth sown in the ground, a man emerges, armed to fight...
Feather grass Feather feather, or Feather grass of John, Hairy grass (Stipa pennata, Stipa joannis) A species of herbs from the genus Feather grass of the Grass family (Poaceae). The plant received its specific epithet for its soft hairs, reminiscent of feathers, with which...
Competitive program at a summer camp. Scenario The presenters come out. 1st presenter. Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall. 2nd presenter. Today we will have to choose the most attractive and...
Recipe for “Marinated Lampreys”: Ideally, the lampreys should be alive. But if they are already asleep, it’s okay, the main thing is they shouldn’t be light. Dark lampreys are fresh. Lamprey is covered in poisonous mucus, so before cooking...
In order to live relatively calmly and not worry about your car, which was left under a house or apartment while you are, for example, away, on a business trip or on vacation, people began to install various alarm systems, code...
The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Earth science is geography. Indeed, it is the oldest science that studies our planet in the broad sense of the word, including the life of its main inhabitant - man. But...