Construction and repair by own hands

Polymer mounting adhesives. Where cement-based glue mixtures are used

The Italian company "LITOKOL" represents a wide range of products that meet the needs of professionals in the field of decoration and construction. One of the most popular categories of the catalog is cement based tile adhesive. Such compositions are produced in a large assortment, therefore it is not difficult to choose the material for performing specific types of work.

When combined with water, dry adhesives form a plastic solution, characterized by a high degree of adhesion and ease of operation. With their help it is possible to carry out facing of vertical and horizontal surfaces by a tile from different types of   materials, as well as perform other construction and finishing works. Before using cement-based adhesives, it is necessary to clean the work surface of dirt and dust. Mixtures prepared on the basis of cement, quickly harden and do not shrink, which causes their wide application in the construction and finishing of rooms of various functions.

Advantages of LITOKOL cement adhesives

  • Wide range of products

The spectrum of glue mixtures on a cement basis allows you to select the appropriate adhesive for the base of any type and any tiled material. The range of cement adhesives for ceramic tiles, ceramic and glass mosaics, tiles made of natural stone materials and ceramic granite, brick and concrete wall blocks are presented.

  • Budgetary cost and ecological compatibility

The affordable price of LITOKOL cement glue is another important advantage of this category of dry mixes. All products are made of environmentally friendly materials, do not contain asbestos fibers and meet the requirements of building standards and sanitary and hygienic standards.

  • High performance

The cement-based mixtures produced by LITOKOL are characterized by a high level of adhesion and moisture resistance. And cement adhesives for outdoor work can withstand extremely high and low temperatures without losing their working qualities.

Where cement-based glue mixtures are used

The main area of ​​use of cement-based adhesives is the lining of the surfaces of walls and floors with tiled material. The assortment of the company presents fast-curing adhesive compositions for ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles, mosaics. They can be used for tiling with bases of concrete, plasterboard, gypsum plasters, gypsum panels, cement-sand plasters and screeds. It is also important that this does not require an ideal leveling of the surface. And among cement mixtures   LITOKOL has special adhesives for tiling uneven substrates with a height difference of up to 2.5 cm.

Also there are special cement-based glues for the execution of facing with heavy tiles from natural stone - ordinary and large-format. They are used for facing walls and floors with marble, granite, granite. Separate cement-adhesive compositions LITOKOL can be used to perform both internal and external works. They are resistant to moisture, sharp temperature changes and can withstand up to fifty cycles of frost resistance. Adhesives for outdoor works are widely used for facing facade and socle surfaces of residential and commercial buildings, steps of stairs, terraces, balconies and loggias.

In the manufacturer's catalog there are also super-elastic quick-setting adhesives on a cement basis for facing "warm floors", laying "tiles on tiles". This category of cement adhesives has a very high adhesion and can be used for facing rooms with an increased level of operational and vibration load.

LITOKOL also offers a cement-based mixture for the laying of foam and gas blocks, blocks of polystyrene concrete and cellular concrete, hollow ceramic and silicate bricks. It has a high adhesion, cures without shrinkage and can be used as a putty and for subsequent leveling of walls.

The rules for choosing cement based tile adhesives

One of the main parameters of selection when choosing an adhesive is the characteristics of the substrate, which will be tiled with a tiled material. LITOKOL company offers cement adhesive mixtures for laying ceramic tile and ceramic granite on warm floors, heat-resistant mixtures for external cladding, moisture-resistant adhesives for bathroom and shower rooms, pool basins.

When choosing a dry mix, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the tile material itself. In the range of the manufacturer, in addition to the universal adhesive for standard ceramic tiles, there are mixtures for large-format ceramic and ceramic granite tiles, heavy tiles made of natural stone.

A good repair in the apartment is everyone's dream, but the task is for professionals.

From the idea to the incarnation often takes a lot of time, a lot of effort is put and, of course, a lot of money is spent.

If at some stage - for example, at the invitation of the designer you can save, that is, things that can not be saved in any case.

And first of all it concerns the choice building materials, because quality repairs - this is also the result of the correctness and validity of the choice of materials through which the idea is realized, even a very good idea can be spoiled by a poor choice of materials. In the case of tile laying, the key is the choice of glue.

Going to the building materials store, you will be pleasantly surprised by the range of tile adhesives. On the one hand, it's good - you can choose a mixture suitable for the price and according to your needs, but on the other hand - repair by yourself - it's also an independent choice of glue ... and with such a variety it's very easy to make a mistake.

However, as the repairman says, when you do not know which tile adhesive to buy - buy a cement ... Indeed, cement-based tile glue, or as it is called by professionals - cement colloidal mastic is the most popular and universal type of glue mixtures.

It is virtually devoid of flaws and is suitable for almost all types of work and any type of tile.

What does cement glue consist of for tile and how to cook it?

The composition of the cement-based tile adhesive is simple to platitude. By and large, it can be "kneaded" with your own hands.

The basis of a mixture of cement glue, as is understandable, is cement in combination with fractional sand.

Additional properties of the glue add chemical additives - the so-called - polymers (or plasticizers).

However, it is not worthwhile to prepare tile glue yourself from scratch - the risk of making mistakes in choosing proportions and selecting polymers is too great (many manufacturers of tile adhesives exact formulas   it is these components that are kept in the strictest secrecy).

Although, frankly, if you try to prepare the mixture yourself, you can decently save ... at least, at first glance. But do not rush, you still have to work with your own hands - the cement glue for tiles is sold in the form of dry building mixtures, which are prepared for work independently.

To properly prepare cement glue, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. The "recipe" for preparation of a glutinous solution is usually indicated on the package - the manufacturer clearly describes the necessary proportions of water and "powder", and in the case of quality materials - the necessary periods of "aging" are also indicated.

So, for the preparation of glue based on cement, you will need: the actual glue mixture (the amount is calculated from the "squares" and type of tile), water and a construction mixer (or a drill with a special nozzle).

First, water is poured into the working container, and then, in accordance with the recommended proportions, powder is poured out. The resulting solution must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The glue should not be too liquid, so that it does not flow, but not too thick to be well smeared and does not harden during operation.

If you have met all the proportions, but you think that the glue is too liquid, take your time - the mixture must be settled to get "working density". This usually occurs for 7-10 minutes at room temperature. After that, the glue can be used.

Do not try to cook all the purchased glue at once - it dries out quite quickly and hardens, if you do not have time to use the entire solution, after a while it will just harden and turn into a stone that can be thrown away - the dried glue is difficult to dissolve, besides, it loses its better properties.

How to work with cement-based glue?

Again - quite simply. When properly prepared, the adhesive is easily applied with a spatula on the base of the tile installation - floor or wall.

It is quite elastic, its quantity is easily "regulated". Those who are going to lay ceramic tiles with their own hands, experts advise to approach this process "by the squares".

This means that the glue is applied on the same principle. When installing "light" types of ceramic tiles, the glue is applied only to the base, in cases with more "heavy" slabs, it may be necessary to "double" apply glue - on the tile and the surface - but for such slabs it is better not to use cement glue, choosing "reinforced" types adhesive.

Facing works using cement glue must be carried out in certain "atmospheric" conditions.

So, the minimum allowed temperature for laying ceramic tiles is plus 5 degrees Celsius. However, the ideal temperature is 20 degrees Celsius and humidity is not more than 60%. In such conditions, the glue grips better and dries faster.

By the way, depending on the composition of plasticizers, the glue can be "fast", that is, have a very short "working" time - in other words, quickly dry out. Clarify before buying is not "quick" whether the glue you purchased, or you may not be in time to paste the tiles even "on the squares."

Dry conventional cement glue - depending on the temperature conditions - usually from 12 to 24 hours. "Quick" glue dries in 6-12 hours. The time for the glue to dry should be indicated on the packaging.

What are the main advantages of cement glue for tiles?

As already mentioned, this type of glue has almost no disadvantages if you are going to lay tiles in an apartment - for light ceramic tiles it is ideal - both in the kitchen, and in the bathroom, and on the floor, and on the wall.

And yet, the advantages of cement glue for tiles are worth saying a few words separately.

  1. The most important is its advantage for consumers - price. Even very high-quality ("improved") cement glue is cheaper than ready-made polyurethane types of glue.
  2. An important advantage for those who do repairs by their own hands is convenience in work. The glue is easy to "prepare", simply applied, dries quickly, and if necessary removed from the wall without great effort.
  3. Of course, it is important to note such properties of the glue as plasticity and high adhesion - glue on a cement base quickly and firmly adheres to the surface. Tiles on it lasts a long time and with the correct (uniform) application practically does not lend itself to mechanical damages.
  4. Qualitative cement glue for ceramic tiles, among other things, also has a high moisture resistance and is resistant to sharp temperature changes, so in the bathroom and in the kitchen, ceramic tiles will stay long and securely.
  5. It is also noteworthy that cement glue is absolutely safe - even its plasticizers do not pose a threat to human health either in the process of working with the mixture or later during operation.

Thus, we can say that for the installation of ceramic tiles with their own hands, the use of cement-based glue is the most rational and justified solution!

On cement, gypsum or polymer base A separate category are installation adhesives. As in the construction, and when decorating premises it is impossible to do without self-tapping screws, dowels and nails. Something needs to be fastened in a more wet way. And although theoretically drywall can be glued to the wall and plaster, and the tile to lay out on a simple cement mortar, in practice it is better to avoid it, the good in today's market lack of materials such as mounting glue is not felt.

Cement-based mounting glue

For each operation there is a kind of mounting glue, depending on the purpose and the materials to be bonded. For the installation of various concrete blocks, including porous concrete, cement-based glue is used. Also, cement adhesives are used for laying ceramic and tile, decorative stone, facing with natural stone. When installing GWL such adhesive is best not to use, but gypsum cardboard has no such contraindications, although it is better to glue it with gypsum glues.

Universal cement based adhesive is a rare and not very necessary phenomenon, as the adhesives for tiles and for blocks have significant differences. For example, if the tile adhesive differs from a conventional cement-sand mortar mainly by the presence of special additives that increase the adhesive capacity (adhesion strength to the surface), the glue for porous concrete is also distinguished by a filler that makes the mixture less dense, thereby avoiding cold bridges . Which, in turn, are unavoidable when using a conventional solution or tile adhesive.

Gypsum-based mounting glue

  Mounting adhesive on a gypsum base is irreplaceable for frameless facing of walls as (gypsum-fiber sheets), and (gipsokartonnymi sheets). But blocks for erecting partitions are not only concrete. In recent years, more and more popular are gypsum plasterboards, for the installation of which glue is applied on a gypsum basis. This glue is made more liquid than "gypsum plaster", and is applied in a much thinner layer.

Simply put, plasters can be used to mount all products from a similar material, including gypsum stucco. However, these adhesives are suitable not only for gypsum products. The same thermal insulation (as an option - extruded polystyrene foam) is also glued to gypsum adhesives.

Polymer mounting adhesives

In addition to the above-described construction adhesives, which are a dry mixture and are immediately closed with water, there are ready-made adhesives from various polymers. On sale they come in tubes and cartridges for applicators (in everyday use - guns). One of the first brands that came to our market was the American Liquid Nails (liquid nails), which is why nowadays any liquid in the cartridge is called liquid nails by the citizens, regardless of the manufacturer.

For the installation of concrete or gypsum blocks, this glue is of little use (apart from the fact that the partition glued together by liquid nails becomes really "golden" in terms of cost), but for gluing and gluing all kinds of plastic, wooden, metal and other products - the very thing. Plinth, thresholds, moldings, moldings, MDF and PVC panels and accessories, decorative and perforated corners, in some cases even glass, mirrors or plasterboard - the range of applications can be listed endlessly. The main thing when buying carefully read on the package, for what surfaces is this or that kind of intended, because they are far from as universal as one thinks.

Universal mounting adhesives

  The most common in everyday use, and at the same time the least used by professionals. I think there are a few citizens who have never heard of glues like Titan, PVA or any 88th glue. Despite its versatility, the same 88th in the decoration is practically not used (although it was often glued on plasterboard half a century ago), PVA is used mainly for gluing wood, but Titan usually finds its application when facing ceilings with foam tiles or similar baguettes ( ceiling skirting boards). Although personally, even for such purposes I prefer liquid nails, only not synthetic, but water dispersive. However, this does not mean at all that such glue is not needed at all - it glues the surface quite well, and some are just fine (of course, if all the instructions are followed), it just takes more time to use it, and this is not always possible.

In general, to get acquainted with this is quite enough, and in the following notes we will try to consider all of the above already more densely, not only by type, but also by brand.

In addition to cement mortars and cement-based concrete, various adhesives are also produced. Basically, such cement adhesives are used for laying ceramic tiles. But there are also cement adhesives, which are recommended for use in other construction and finishing works.

In general, cement adhesives are a mixture of cement, fractionated sand and special additives. Such formulations form an easy-to-process solution that allows, without any problems, to lining not only horizontal but also vertical surfaces. Cement glues harden without shrinkage. Are capable to correct roughness of surfaces in depth to 10 cm.

Cement adhesives are used for cladding floors, walls and ceilings with ceramic tile and mosaic, as well as for continuous and spot bonding of insulating materials such as expanded polystyrene, soundproofing panels, mineral wool.

Separate types and grades of cement glue are also used for outdoor works, when facing surfaces with a stone. A particularly strong types and grades of cement glue are used for facing surfaces with heavy and large-format tiles and facade panels, facing with marble and granite, facing surfaces exposed to significant loads.

Cement adhesives are well glued on plasterboard, brick, concrete slabs.

The domestic market offers both universal cement adhesives, and special ones, which must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. So, for gluing ceramic tiles, experts recommend using only special "tile" adhesives, intended for this purpose. Facade glue for these purposes does not fit.

Cement adhesives are well attached to smooth, solid, greased paint, plaster surface. A porous base before applying cement glue must be treated with a primer.

Preparing cement glue is quite simple. Take the powder of cement glue, placed in a specially designated for this container, in which water is poured into a ratio of approximately 6-7 liters of water per bag (25 kilograms) of glue powder. If the ambient temperature is high, above 25-28 degrees Celsius, a little more water is added to the solution. Also should be done if the surface on which the glue is applied is porous.

After mixing, the solution must be thoroughly mixed until a uniform mass is formed. An electric mixer can also be used for this purpose. Next, you need to give the solution "mature". And again mix thoroughly. The solution is ready for consumption within 3-4 hours.

A variant of cement glues are colloid-cement adhesives, which are a mixture of fine-grained Portland cement of brand not less than 400 and sand with various plasticizing additives. Apply colloid-cement adhesives as well as simple cement adhesives to fix ceramic tiles. Including on the facades of houses.

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Cement glue

Cement glue or cement-based glue is widely used   how in large construction, and when performing small construction and repair work. The popularity of cement glue is mainly due to the combination of its availability, ease of preparation of glue, the convenience of using cement glue and its high performance. Otherwise, cement glue is also called - colloidal cement mastic. This is the name you can find in special and in construction literature. Where is the most commonly used colloidal cement glue? A colloidal cement mastic (glue) is used for external finishing   buildings: fixing ceramic tiles, marble chips, applying colored textured layers on the panel in the factory and on construction sites. In all cases, the cement colloidal adhesive is applied with a thin layer to the previously cleaned, washed and moistened surface of the panels or blocks, and then the lining material is laid along the glue. Let us dwell on this point in more detail. Why is cement glue applied a thin layer? Well, firstly, this is not plaster, the glue is not intended for leveling surfaces, but for gluing finishing materials (tiles, crumbs and so on). In a thin layer, cement glue for the tile gives not only sufficient strength of the glue seam, but also maximum strength. The thicker the layer of cement glue, the better it does not become. A thick layer of cement glue has some inconveniences, such as excessive fluidity, heavy tiles can "swim" - move away from the established place, the thick layer takes longer, lasts longer, dries and hardens. Do not put experiments, especially since increasing the thickness of the adhesive layer leads to irrational and unnecessary costs for the work. Now about why the surface on which the adhesive will be applied should be cleaned of dust, and it is better to wash and moisten. Here two hares are killed at once. Dust is removed, which sharply reduces the adhesion (adhesion) of the adhesive to the surface and the wetted surface will not instantly draw moisture from the adhesive after it is applied. Cement glue should not dry instantly, in order for it to gain strength, it needs to dry out gradually. If the surface for the application of colloidal cement glue is clearly hygroscopic, then an additional operation is applied - a primer with a composition that creates a film on the surface of concrete, plaster, gypsum and the like. The easiest way to do this is to use a weak solution of PVA glue, or buy a ready-made primer in the store, but the ideal option would be to use a dilute latex.

What does cement glue consist of?   For exterior decoration of buildings, colloidal cement glue for tiles is used in the form of a paste prepared on the basis of a dry fine mix of portland cement (including white and color) with quartz sand, crushed together to a specific surface of 5000 square centimeters in grams, in a ratio of 70: 30 by weight (cement: sand), and in the form of a sandy solution prepared from a dry fine-grained mixture of the said composition and ordinary untreated sand in proportions: dry finely ground mixture: sand from 1: 1 to 1: 3 by weight. To fix the tiles, the glue of composition 1 (Tablet of the cement glue for the tile) is mixed in a vibro-mixer-activator and applied to the prepared surface of the product in a thin layer of 2-3 mm, and the glue of composition 2 (Table 1) cement mastic   for tiles) - on tiles. The laid ceramic carpet is carefully leveled and compacted. During the day, the products are stored in normal-humid conditions, then the rugs are washed off with warm water and the products are sent to the finished goods warehouse.

Table. Composition: cement adhesive for tiles.

Composition number 1 (cement based adhesive). The composition of the cement glue for the tile includes: Thin-milled binder is a mixture of cement with crushed sand in a proportion of 70: 30. Sand with a modulus of fineness 1.7 is mixed with a fine-grained binder in a 1: 1 ratio (1.5: 1) and sulphate yeast brew in amount of 0.1 percent of the weight of the binder.

Composition number 2 (cement-based glue). The composition of cement glue for tile includes: Thin knitting cement is a mixture of cement with crushed sand in a proportion of 100: 0 and added sulfate-yeast burr in the amount of 0.1 percent of the weight of the binder.

Composition number 3 (cement-based glue). The composition of the cement glue for the tile includes: Thin knitting cement is a mixture of cement with crushed sand in a ratio of 100: 0 and added sulfate-yeast burr in the amount of 0.2 percent of the weight of the binder.

In the process of forming products, carpet ceramics (fixing ceramic tiles) are glued so. At the bottom of the form lay a ceramic carpet on which a layer of glue is applied - cement mastic for tiles (composition 3 of the Table: Recipe for cement glue for tiles.). After filling the mold with the concrete mixture is subjected to vibration. The molded product is then passed into the steaming chamber. At the end of the heat treatment cycle, the products are opened and the paper is rinsed off the tiles. In products with ceramic tiles glued to hardened concrete, the adhesion strength in the peel test is not less than 7-9 kgf / cm square. And in products with ceramic tiles glued in the molding process, the bond strength is higher than the cohesive strength of the concrete. With this method of fixing tiles, samples with glued tiles withstand 200-250 cycles of alternating freezing and thawing (temperature fluctuations from -20 to +20 degrees), after which the ceramic begins to peel and crack. The glue seam is not destroyed.

Colloidal cement glue for tiles is advisable to use for finishing the front surfaces of wall blocks or panels with marble chips, by sticking crumbs on the products immediately after molding them or onto hardened concrete surfaces. To do this, glues are used on the gray and white cement of grade 400, using as a thin-milled additive in the first case of the usual, in the second case of light sands. Cement is pieced together with sand (in the ratio U: P = 70:30), in the M-400 vibratory mill to obtain a specific surface of 5000 cm square per gram. A mixture prepared in a vibrating mixer - a cement glue, the recipe of which is indicated as formulations 1 or 3 (see Table) is laid on the texture solution, and then a dense layer of crumb is poured (fractions 5-10 mm). To increase the contact area of ​​marble chips with cement glue, it is slightly inundated. Immediately after molding the products are sent to the steaming chamber, and then they are decoupled and cleaned with metal brushes with water from loose grains. Facing the surface of concrete blocks with marble chips adhered with colloidal cement glue was sufficiently frost-resistant during operation. For the preparation of colloidal mastic (glue) for tiles, a mobile installation is used. It can be used both in factories of reinforced concrete products and at construction sites.

The use of colloidal cement glue for fixing socle ceramic tiles allows not only to increase the adhesion strength in comparison with cement mortars, but also to save a considerable amount of solution by reducing the thickness of the seam gluing. Labor productivity in this case is significantly increased. Effective was also the introduction of a small addition in place of a polyvinyl acetate emulsion: 10-15 percent of a dry mixture of colloidal cement glue in the composition of mastics for grouting wall panels   and devices for finishing "under shagreen". Otherwise, this mastic is sometimes called - glue mastic for tile or mastic for laying tiles.

Polymer - cement composition: new cement adhesive.

For fixing tiles, for laying tiles on the floor, cladding tiles walls and partitions in residential, public and industrial buildings use new compositions of cement glue, differing in their composition, composition and technology of preparation from the classic cement glue. This is already polymer - cement compounds. Strictly speaking, despite the abundance of any and all names, labels in construction stores and various manufacturers of glues, there are only two types of polymer cement composition. The initial adhesives for new polymer cement adhesives are the sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose (TU-481-62), otherwise called: CMC glue, and plasticized polyvinyl acetate emulsion, better known as PVA glue (GOST 1000-2-262). That is, polymer cement cement can be made either on the basis of CMC, or on the basis of PVA - the third is not given. Here are two of the simplest recipes for polymeric cement glue for tiles. And then, a little bit later we will consider in more detail the process of preparation of polymer cement glue and the use of this adhesive for ceramic tiles, as well as other types of tiles.

The first composition of cement - polymer glue for tiles, is a homogeneous mass of an aqueous solution of glue CMC, portland - cement and sand (hence its abbreviated name - mastic KCP). Please note that according to the recipe for polymer cement glue, there is some difference depending on how you count the quantity of ingredients for mastic, by weight or by volume. It includes (in parts):

So, we take on weight. In order to prepare polymer cement cement for tiles, you need to mix 20 parts of Portland cement 400 (M400 GOST 310-60), 60 parts of sand (GOST 6425-52), glue CMC - 3% solution (mixed up to the working consistency) - 20 pieces

If you take the components by volume, then in order to prepare the same polymer cement adhesive for the tile, you need to mix 20.3 parts of Portland cement - 400 (M400 GOST 310 - 60), 54.2 parts of sand (GOST 6425 - 52), glue CMC - 3x percentage solution (mixed up to the working consistency) - 25.5 parts.

The second composition of polymer cement cement for tiles is a mixture of cement and sand with a solution of PVA, abbreviated name - adhesive for tiles PC:

We take the components by weight. Polyvinyl acetate plasticized emulsion (PVAE) 2.8 parts, Portland cement 400-4.2 parts, sand 71.5 parts, water up to a working consistency of 11.5 parts.

If you take the components of the mixture by volume, then for the preparation of polymer cement glue you will need: Polyvinyl acetate plasticized emulsion (PVAE) 3.8 parts, Portland cement 400 - 15.5 parts, sand 65.4 parts, water to working consistency 15.3 parts.

Preparation of polymer cement glue.   Prepare the cement-based glue on the object immediately before use in solution mixers RP-40, UM-80 or manually. In the previously prepared (not earlier than 12 hours before consumption, otherwise the CMC glue will not dissolve completely in water), the aqueous solution of the glue CMC (CMC - water in the ratio 1:30) is introduced in small portions with constant mixing cement and sand or dry cement-sand mixture   in the ratio 1: 3. The resulting composition is stirred for 3-5 minutes until uniform. Polymer cement cement PC is prepared in the same way, but only in a measured amount of PVA emulsion with constant stirring 4 parts of water are introduced. When preparing glue on cement basis it is necessary to take into account that the aqueous solution of CMC glue is usable for 5 days, the polymer cement glue КЦП-7 ч, the polymer cement adhesive ПЦ - 4 hours. The working consistence of cement-based glue on the cone StrotsNIL 7-8 see Polymer cement adhesive, if necessary, can be diluted with a 3% solution of glue CMC and 15% solution of PVA. Do not dilute polymer cement cement with water.

Application of polymer cement glue. As a rule, the surface, which is faced, should not have deviations, which are not aligned with a layer of glue 5 mm thick. If the surface is much deviated from the vertical and has irregularities, they must be previously aligned before applying the polymer cement cement: gypsum concrete - mortar from gypsum cement pozzolanic binder and water with additive of gypsum setting retarder (in the ratio of 100 parts by weight of binder and 1 , 5 parts of bone glue); concrete surfaces level - cement-sand mortar (1: 3 - with 10 percent PVA solution). Before beginning the laying of the tiles on the adhesive PC the surface should be primed with 10 percent aqueous solution of PVA. When working on the glue КЦП огрунт it is not required. A layer of polymer-cement glue for ceramic tiles with a thickness of at least 2 mm is applied to the tile with a spatula, then the tile is tightly adhered to the wall, and excess glue that falls on the glossy side of the ceramic tile is removed. Another method is also possible when polymer-cement adhesive for ceramic tiles is applied directly to the surface that is faced, after which a tile is applied to it. This method of applying glue on a cement base is applied with a good smooth surface. Usually, ceramic tiles are faced with a widened seam (up to 3 mm) from the bottom up. After 24 hours, the seams between the ceramic tiles are opened with cement mortar. Cement - polymer adhesive for ceramic tiles is elastic, well applied, and the tiles themselves are laid on the adhesive conveniently, which facilitates the work of the tiler. In addition, they are much more economical than conventional cement mortar. Improves the quality of work due to the good adhesion of the glue for the tile to the surface on which the ceramic tile is glued.