Do-it-yourself construction and repair

Minimum distances between buildings. Distance from your cottage to the fence

When creating a project for building a house on a land plot, many factors should be taken into account. various parameters and regulations. It depends on them the location of the building and the convenience of its operation.

Observe the minimum distance between the fence and various types buildings

In addition, there are certain rules, the violation of which is likely to lead to fines from the regulatory authorities and the deterioration of neighborly relations.

One of the most important parameters when creating a site project is the distance between the buildings and the fence. This issue quite often causes a lot of controversy, some of which even reach the court.

Correct distance determination

Some builders are sure that it is enough to step back 1 meter and you can already install a fence. Technically, this approach is quite justified. However, the established norms for the distance between the house and the fence state the opposite.

Responsible for complying with regulations

border with roadway

Almost any site has a side adjacent to the carriageway. It is on this side that a fence with a gate and a gate is installed.

The remoteness of the house from this side of the fence has both positive and negative nuances:

  • The closer the house is to the fence, the shorter the distance will need to be overcome from the door of the house to the gate, which is convenient in bad weather.
  • If the walls of the house are located too close to the roadway, then traffic noise and dust will penetrate into the premises.
  • A small distance between the house and the street will allow passers-by to look into the windows, especially in summer when they are open.

When determining the distance from the house to the fence from the side of the roadway, it is necessary to be guided by the rules of SNiP, which set a limit on 5 meters. It is possible to increase this distance, and its reduction may lead to problems during registration at the BTI, as well as a refusal from the fire safety service.

Each type of building has its own standards.

Border with neighboring area

It is the distance from the house to the fence with neighbors that causes the most disputes and misunderstandings.

  • Recently, houses and cottages have been built on several floors. This leads to the fact that if such buildings are too close to the neighbors' plot, then the shadow from them covers part of the area, preventing the growth of trees and plants.
  • If the house is located in the middle of your site, then this will damage your own garden.
  • There are plots of such sizes that it is simply impossible to maintain the distance from the fence to the house in accordance with all the requirements of SNiP.

Based on this, you should not try to determine the minimum distance yourself. It is best, if possible, to step back from the fence with neighbors of 3 meters, which is the minimum space that is needed for safety in case of fires. This distance is legal and will not give neighbors a reason to sue.

Despite the distances established by SNiP, the human factor should not be discounted. You can ask the owners of adjacent plots written permission for construction as a small insurance. This document may be needed during registration, and will also become a weighty argument in possible disputes even when changing neighbors.

Before proceeding with the implementation of the project and carrying it for signing to the appropriate authority, it will not be superfluous to show it to the BTI service. In the private consultation mode, service workers can give recommendations on the optimal location of the building in relation to the fence, as well as help with coordination and registration with other services.

Distance to outbuildings

Usually, when erecting small buildings for household purposes, they do not attach much importance to the distance from the fence. However, there may be disputes with neighbors about this. Therefore, SNiP recommends installing such buildings at a distance of at least one meter.

For buildings in which it is planned to keep pets or birds, the minimum distance to the fence is increased to 4 meters.

SNiP standards

But if you manage to get the appropriate permission from the owner of the adjacent site, then it is quite possible to build a structure right next to the fence. However, for reasons of fire safety, this is still not worth doing. In addition, neighbors often do not give such permissions for free, so it’s more profitable to simply step back 1 meter.


This process is a very responsible and serious matter. There are two ways to resolve design issues:

  1. They receive initial approval at the BTI and permission from neighbors. Then a house is built, with possible slight violations of the distance to the fence. After that, photos of the finished building are taken and attached to the project, which is agreed through the court. This method is used in cases where it is impossible to build a building in compliance with all regulations and norms.
  2. They collect all the necessary permits, create a project and coordinate it in all necessary instances. And only after that they start building. Then the competent services draw up an act of acceptance and commissioning of the finished facility. This method is the most correct.

If there is an opportunity to do everything correctly and legally, then you need to use it. This will save a significant amount of money and nerves, but will take a certain amount of time.

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Do not neglect such an important parameter in the design of the site as the distance from the fence to the house. However, if necessary, you can adjust its value in accordance with technical specifications area, as well as the height of the building.


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Typical gate designs for country house and garage We build a fence from corrugated board for a country house on our own 8 options beautiful fence with gate

When creating a project for a private house, many parameters are taken into account. The comfort of the accommodation depends on them. Special rules have been developed, which do not make sense to violate in order to avoid unnecessary fines from various services. Yes, and relations with neighbors should not be spoiled.

One of the main characteristics in the preparation of project documentation is the distance from the house to the fence. The issue of borders is quite controversial. Sometimes it has to be decided in court.

Experts say that the fence can be placed within one meter from the house. Technically correct, but The rules say something completely different..

According to building rules, the distance is determined from the most protruding part of the house.

From the side of the road

Often the land is bordered by carriageway. On this side there is a fence with the main gate. A small distance from the house to the fence can affect both positive and negative:

  • the smaller the space from the house to the fence, the closer the gate, which is convenient in inclement weather;
  • if the house is next to the road, road noise will be heard in it;
  • a close border will not protect households from prying eyes out the windows.

How many meters should be to the road? The SNiP rules set the minimum distance from the house to the road at 5 meters. You can increase the interval, but it is undesirable to reduce it.

5 meters is the optimal distance for the convenience of residents. And there won't be any problems with the agreement.

Distance to neighboring property

This distance is usually the subject of controversy and misunderstanding. This is especially true of multi-storey cottages. Such buildings obscure part of the area of ​​​​the neighboring plot from sunlight, which prevents the growth of any plants.

If you build a house in the center of the site, it will harm your own garden. In some areas it is impossible to maintain the distance between buildings according to the norms of SNiP. The norms for the construction of a private house from neighbors determine the distance between two buildings at 11 meters.

Nevertheless, in practice, in the village they take as the norm distance to the boundary of 3 meters. This is the minimum distance from the house to the border of the site to prevent a fire. If it is observed, the neighbors cannot go to court.

Before implementing the building project, it is worth consulting with the BTI employees. They can advise the optimal location of the house and the fence to it, so that in the future there will be no problems with the approval of documents. This also applies to country houses.

Do not forget about the human factor. In order to avoid conflicts with neighbors in the private sector, you can draw up a written opinion with them in advance. This document will help avoid conflicts when changing neighbors.

Distance from outbuildings

During the construction of various household buildings, owners of private houses usually do not attach importance to minimum distance to the fence. But this approach can cause a lot of controversy and disagreement.

The distance to the fence from buildings according to GOST must be at least 1 meter. For example, the distance from the bath.

If you conclude an agreement with the owner of the neighboring site, you can build at a shorter distance. However, in this case, fire safety requirements will be violated. Some neighbors even demand money for such outbuildings.

According to the norms, the distance from the fence to buildings with pets and birds should not be less than 4 meters.

The same distance is provided for trees of considerable height. For shrubs this interval - 1 meter.

According to the rules, the design of the fence between adjacent sections cannot be deaf and higher than 1.5 m. The area can be separated from the roadway by a continuous high fence.

If you agree with neighbors on a different height of the fence, this agreement should be made in writing. In this case, the contract will have legal value and importance in court.

The requirements of SNiP often give in to local laws and the rules of certain garden associations and municipalities. After all, SNiP - These are just rules, not laws.. And legislative moments are indicated by the relevant documents of each specific locality.

For example, the authorities of the Volgograd region allow the construction of fences no more than 2.2 m. Their transparency is not less than 50% of the entire fence area. An opaque fence should have a height of no more than 0.75 meters.

These standards apply to cottage construction. Therefore, before building fences, it is advisable to pay a visit to the local administration to find out how high the structure can be erected.

Distance between buildings on the site

SNiP regulates intervals between outbuildings on the site:

Bath construction

The bath can be built from different materials: from wood, brick, co drain pit or with a ditch. From all these nuances depends on how far from the fence you can build a bath.

SNiP norms define this distance as 3 meters. It matters to neighbors. Bath building should not obscure neighboring plot and does not pose a fire hazard.

The distance also depends on the drain system. If water flows into a ditch, a puddle is unlikely to suit the neighbors. A distance of 3 meters will protect neighbors from unnecessary puddles. If you equip a pit with a quality drainage structure, you can save some distance.

Distance from home to bath must be more than 0.8 m. If the bath is made of brick or concrete, you can move the border towards the fence. The bath from the neighbor's house can be located at a distance of 0.6 meters.

If a bath is being built in a summer cottage, the distance from it to the fence is 0.3 m or 0.25 m. But at the same time, an interval of one meter should also be maintained between the other outbuildings.

To residential building bath cannot be closer than 8 meters, for brick bath this parameter is 6 meters. Count from the protruding part of the dwelling.

If a neighbor built a bath too close, you can demand to move it. Of course, one should not expect that the requirement will be met quickly and unconditionally. After all, the construction process is not a cheap pleasure. To get your point across, you can go to court. But not the fact that the court will decide the issue of transferring the bath. Perhaps the case will end only with a fine.


The paperwork process is a very serious step that should not be ignored. There are two ways to design:

  1. obtaining consent from neighbors and approval at the BTI. Next, build a house. The finished building is drawn up through the court;
  2. having collected all the permits and made a project, they will agree on it. After construction, an act of acceptance and commissioning of the object is drawn up, which is registered in the BTI.

The second way is considered more correct..

Before starting construction, you need to get everything Required documents. The first is a building permit. Once approved, the developer can start construction works. To obtain permission, contact the local administration or the architectural department. List of documents for obtaining a permit:

After obtaining permission, the developer provides data on the number of storeys of the building, design and technical documents.

The final step is obtaining ownership of a house. Usually this is done in the department of Rosreestr.

Rules and regulations may change. The key to successful construction and the absence of problems in the future can be a good relationship with neighbors and local authorities.

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When planning even the smallest suburban area, it is imperative to comply with all the standards prescribed by SNiP. In particular, this applies to the distances between buildings, small architectural forms, outbuildings, and, of course, fences.

Site planning

A site project is being developed, taking into account the fact that the distance:

  • from a residential building to a neighbor's fence should be at least three meters;
  • from (poultry house or barn) - at least 4 meters;
  • from tall trees - at least four meters;
  • from medium tall - 2 m;
  • from shrubs - 1 m.

Many owners of summer cottages are also interested in the question of how far from the fence a bathhouse and a toilet should be built. There are no strict regulations regarding these structures. If desired, they can even be erected close to the fence. However, when drawing up a project, it should be borne in mind that the distance from the bath to the residential building (both yours and the neighbor's) should be at least 8 meters. The toilet or must be located in such a way that the well or well is at least 20 m from them. Both of these objects must be located at a distance of at least 12 m from residential buildings.

They regulate SNiP and what should be the distance from the fence to the garage. In this case, at least 1 m of free space should be left. located no closer than 12 m from a residential building (own or neighbor's).

The distance from the fence to the building is also measured according to certain rules. You need to pull the tape measure from the most prominent element of the house, barn or bath. This may be the edge of a canopy or foundation. In case of violation of the rules described above, administrative proceedings may be initiated against the owner of the house, and a fine will be imposed accordingly.

Distance from fence to road

There are no strict rules regarding this. Each locality may have its own rules. A residential building or outbuilding must be located at least 5 meters from the road, and at least 3 meters from a one-way driveway.

Based on these indicators, they determine exactly where the fence will be located. Since he should be at a distance of no closer than three meters from the house, thus, about two meters will remain from him to the road.

If only a dirt road passes nearby, the house is sometimes located closer on its side. Usually, the auditing organizations do not pay much attention to this. But still, even from the side of the street, the distance from the building to the fence should not be less than one meter. Otherwise, the owner simply will not be able to arrange a blind area.

These are the rules to follow when building a fence. Among other things, of course, you need to decide on what will be the distance from the fence to the fence on the site itself. But we'll talk about this a little later.

What should be the height of the fence

So, what should be the distance from the fence to the building or green spaces, we found out. Now let's figure out what the height of the fence can be. This factor is also worth considering. Strictly SNiP regulates only the height of fences on summer cottages. In the territories allotted for gardening, it is impossible to build hedges higher than 1 m. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the fence in summer cottages is not allowed to be made continuous.

When choosing a fence height for houses, you just need to take into account the fact that it should not obscure plantings on a neighboring plot, if any. Therefore, between the gardens, in this case, lattice or mesh fences are installed. Their height should not be more than one and a half meters. From the side of the street it is allowed to put, including solid fence. In this case, the height can be any.

Distance to power lines

You should also pay attention to this indicator. Some owners of plots unknowingly sometimes even attach one of the sections of the fence to a power line pole. Under no circumstances should this be done. The distance from the post to the fence must be at least one meter. Otherwise, the administration of the settlement will oblige it to be moved. And this, of course, will entail additional costs.

Distance from fence to fence

It is necessary to enclose the allotment in strict accordance with the cadastral plan of the district plots. A copy can be obtained from the local administration. This document must be submitted to the earthworks engineer. The specialist will carry out marking on the spot (surveying), as well as draw up a map of the site indicating its location relative to all neighboring lands. Next, you need to contact all the neighbors and sign the act of agreeing on the borders. Only after that you can start assembling the fence.

What to do if the neighbors do not want to sign the act

Situations like this happen quite often these days. If the neighbors do not want to sign the agreement, they will have to act through the court. In this case, the owner of the site must file a claim. After that, it is usually assigned. The main purpose of this check is to establish the compliance of the boundaries of the site with the established order of land use.

After the court makes a decision, it will be possible to determine with accuracy what the distance from the fence to the fence should be.

What SNiP rules still exist

When compiling a project, you should take into account a few more important rules. For example, the total area of ​​​​all buildings (including a residential building, a barn, a bathhouse, paths, and so on) should not exceed 30 percent of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

If any outbuildings adjoin directly to the house (boiler room, garage, etc.), they should have a separate entrance. Only in this case they will be considered independent objects.

How to draft

Having decided on the distances between objects, you need to draw up a detailed plan of the site. This document will be required when obtaining a building permit for a house. It is composed as follows:

  • all distances are measured on the spot using a tape measure;
  • objects are drawn on a sheet of whatman paper to scale;
  • indicates the location of neighboring buildings.

Site planning is a necessary and responsible business. So that subsequently there are no problems with obtaining a permit to build a house, disputes with neighbors and the like, the established standards of SNiP must be observed. First of all, of course, you need to mark the site, that is, determine what the distance from the fence to the fence will be. And after that, you can start planning the territory itself inside the allotment.

When starting to design and then build their house, not many people think about what distance between buildings is safe, at what safe distance from the building the fence should be located. This way of doing things is not entirely correct. More precisely, it is completely untrue. There are a number of documents that regulate these issues. And before any construction, they must be studied so that in the future you do not have to deal with demolition, payment of fines and other unpleasant and costly things for you.

Distance from the fence to the house

In our case, we call the fence the border that separates yours from the neighbor's. To be fully informed, you need to study the following documents:

  1. land and urban planning codes of the Russian Federation
  2. fire safety requirements set out in the Federal Law No. 123 of 07/22/08
  3. (updated version of SNiP 2.07.01-89, effective since 2011)
  4. (updated version of SNiP 30-02-97, valid since 2011)
  5. SanPIN 42-128-4690-88

distance from the fence to the house

scheme of distances from the fence to the house and other buildings

So that you do not have to study them in their entirety, we will provide you with the main positions that will help to present the overall existing picture. All of the above documents regulate the rules for building on the site. So, back to the question of the distance from the fence to the house. To avoid a showdown between you and your neighbors, you just need to follow the rules of not only building the site, but also its landscaping. First moment:

  1. The house must be located at a distance of at least three meters from the neighboring estate. This applies specifically to residential buildings. However, as a rule, there are other buildings on the site, such as sheds, a bathhouse, and others. For each of them, there are also location rules.
  2. Any pets that reside on your property must be kept at least 4 meters away from the border
  3. Sheds, garages, workshops and other objects of this type - are built no closer than 1 m from the neighboring estate
  4. Special attention should be paid to such buildings as a bathhouse and a toilet. In this case, they can be built anywhere and at any distance from the border. In other words, you can have them at least close. However, there is a certain nuance here. The condition of the location of these buildings in relation to a residential building must be observed. We put the bathhouse 8 meters from the house. Toilet for 12 m. This is with regard to the distance between yours and neighboring houses according to SNiP (in the current version of the joint venture indicated above).
  5. The next step in what you need to pay attention to is the landscaping of the site. Such a process is also regulated and enshrined in the joint venture. If we are dealing with large trees, then they should be planted at least 4 m from the border. Medium-sized trees are planted 2 m from the border. Shrubs are limited to one meter.

Having studied the provisions according to which the distance between the border (fence) to the house is taken into account and observed, draw your attention to one more detail. The total area of ​​a single building on the site, whether it be a house, a barn, a bathhouse or other buildings, should not exceed 30% of the total area of ​​the site. This is a very important point when it comes to small areas (territories). For example, on a plot of 6 acres, a mansion should not be located, which, by its size, occupies half the territory.

Fire distances between buildings

We said at the very beginning of the article that almost all restrictions on the location of buildings are related to security. To this parameter, you can also fully add sanitary norms. Too close proximity of your buildings to others can lead to various unpleasant consequences.

Perhaps the most pressing issue is fire safety. When ignited, say wooden house- it is almost impossible to put it out on your own. That is why it is vital to install fire warning systems, have a fire extinguisher in the house, etc. Dry wood burns well. If there is windy weather outside the window, then the flame will increase many times at a high speed. This explains the danger of the close proximity of buildings. After all, fire can easily spread from one burning object to another. And a construction site is not a car that can be driven away, rolled away and thus saved.

The same rule is spelled out in SNiP (SP) and with regards to the safe distance between houses and the forest. According to these rules, it should not be less than 15 meters. And one more moment, which is most often encountered. This location is near the construction of a power line. High-voltage power lines also pose a significant danger to the normal life of all people. Therefore, according to the rules, buildings are located at least 10 meters from the power line.

I would like to sum it up like this: follow the rules and regulations, and you can always legally defend your rights if, for some reason, you start disagreeing with your neighbors.