Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Khrushchev 2 room room design. Redevelopment of a two-room Khrushchev house. Subtleties of surface design in small rooms

Even in the old Soviet times, the Khrushchev-built buildings were used to solve the acute housing problem, but today they are simply perceived as cheap housing that requires transformation. Small rooms and low ceilings look depressing. But this does not scare many people, because modern technologies allow you to create a high-quality design of a Khrushchev house (2 rooms), both with the help of a layout and without it, thanks to design tricks.

Before you improve your home, you need to start with the most basic question: how many people will live in the apartment, and who?

  1. Family without children.
  2. One man.
  3. Family with one child.
  4. Family with 2 or more children.

The complete reconstruction and design of a 2-room apartment in Khrushchev-era building depends on the choice of the desired model:

  • If you have a child, then you can definitely create a children’s bedroom-living room layout.
  • For a family without a child, you can use only two functional areas: a living room and a sleeping area.

What kind of old-style apartments are there?

Before we begin to design the design of a Khrushchev-era 2-room apartment, we will consider in detail all the existing layouts and what exactly will have to be improved.

This is the most common project since 1958. People call the layout a book; the apartment has an area of ​​41 m2.
This is the very first project from a series of old plans, planned on the basis of French five-story houses. Popularly, such layouts are called “trams”. The rooms are adjacent, the total area of ​​2-room apartments is 48 m2.
This layout is somewhat similar to 9-story projects. The kitchen area is small and the rooms are isolated. The total area is 44.6 m2 and the external walls are 350 mm thick.
The area of ​​the apartment is 46 sq.m and is popularly called a butterfly. The rooms are isolated and have a decent area.

How to make a design without redevelopment and maintain its original appearance?

Before making a design project for a 2-room Khrushchev house, let’s consider how outdated projects can be characterized in detail.

Features of the old layout:

  1. The rooms are adjacent to each other, which is very inconvenient.
  2. Small kitchen area, around 6m2.
  3. Small corridor.
  4. A small area of ​​the toilet and bathroom, combined with each other.
  5. You can’t boast about the area of ​​the room, no more than 46 square meters.
  6. The ceiling is low, no more than 2.60 meters.
  7. Most of the layouts have a small balcony.
  8. The thickness of the partitions is 70-90 mm.
  9. Internal walls, 320 mm thick.

Taking into account new technologies, the owners have a great desire to design projects for a 2-room Khrushchev house. Such options are possible in several interpretations of changing the apartment to expand and improve the space.

Radical restructuring

This option involves demolishing all the walls and creating a single space. At the finish line we get a studio apartment by demolishing all the internal partitions.

This is a complex path that involves the need to coordinate planning with the relevant authorities.

Partial redevelopment

In this case, only partitions or closets are removed. Here you can simply combine several rooms, for example, a kitchen-living room or a corridor-room.

Note. Design projects of a 2-room Khrushchev house can be reproduced without reconstruction, based on modern styles and clever zoning options.

How to find the optimal solution without demolishing partitions?

If demolition of walls is impossible for some reason, then you can use a visual expansion of the space. Here are some tips on this matter.

Organize useful space using additional decorative elements:

  1. Shelves.
  2. Shelving.
  3. Niches.

If you enlarge the door and window panels with the help of arches, you can “visually” expand the space by almost a quarter of the area.

When forming a design, a 2-room Khrushchev apartment provides for the use of sliding doors between the passage rooms.

Attracting mirror decoration to the interior will also allow you to refine and increase the volume of a small area and create a beautiful interior.

In some cases, the design of a 2-room Khrushchev house can be completed with a simple renovation and the idea of ​​redevelopment can be discarded. Let's consider some points:

Using a color palette for walls and furniture. It's no secret that dark colors absorb space, while light colors visually enlarge it.

A simple tip: do a thorough cleaning during the renovation and get rid of all unnecessary things.

Use of built-in niches and storage cells. Built-in storage rooms are quite suitable for conversion and the ability to store seasonal items.

The design of a 2-room Khrushchev house can be designed based on interesting projects by Asian designers and choose some interesting ideas, for example, beds and furniture built into the walls.

Tricky Design Tricks

A huge, one might say, major role in creating a light interior of a small apartment is played by harmonious combinations:

  • color palette;
  • drawings;
  • materials.

The design of a Khrushchev 2-room apartment is generally based on the tricks that designers use to create an interior.

They create a high-quality visual effect, while bright, intense, saturated colors give a compressed feel to the room.
The design of a Khrushchev room (2 rooms) involves the use of a small floral pattern or ornament.
The height of the ceilings in a light palette increases the volume. If possible, it is recommended to use light glossy stretch ceiling structures.
The effect of heights of different levels and properly selected lighting fixtures enhance the effect of magnification and give the room a special atmosphere.
The floor should be light or colored; it is important that they coincide with the overall concept of the interior of the room.
A minimum set of furniture is provided. It is advisable to select folding, but multifunctional models.
They are back in fashion and give the room an airy and warm atmosphere.
They should be light and airy and complete the composition.

Redevelopment option, breaking down walls

Before choosing the design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment, the apartment can be redesigned based on several interesting ideas.

The first and most common method is to demolish the partition separating the room and the kitchen. Here we get two full-fledged large areas in the form of a kitchen-living-dining room and a sleeping area.

Photo examples with a similar layout:

The second, no less common idea is to remove the wall between rooms.

In this case, you can zone the space by separating the bedroom with a screen.

A technique for increasing usable space using a balcony.

The redevelopment also affected the plumbing unit. The bathroom is connected (there are layouts where it is separate) or we increase the area due to the corridor.

You can demolish all the partitions and get a huge studio apartment and a magnificent design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment for one person or a family without children.

An example of the “apartment-office” model

This layout involves combining the room with the hallway and kitchen. The small room increases in width and will include a sleeping area and a dressing room.

The main highlight is the small office. Transparent sliding doors will help isolate you from working.

Features of such planning:

  • At the finish line, you get an apartment of 3 rooms, which includes a bedroom, an office, a dressing room, a dining room, a bathroom and an entrance hall.
  • This project is suitable for a young couple or one person, for those who work a lot from home and perceive the apartment as a workplace to some extent.
  • The most important advantage is the common space with a living room and 3 functional rooms, there is even space for a dressing room.

A few tips regarding this layout:

  • It is best to place a sofa or sofa group in the center of the room. Then the living room will become a great place to relax.
  • For the sleeping area, it is best to forget about horizontal surfaces intended for storing things, and use them as a shelf-box behind the bed.

Layout for three

In this case, the design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment immediately solves the problem of the adjacent room. One becomes a guest area.

We divide the small room into a bedroom and a nursery, the wardrobe remains where it was, we make another wardrobe in the corridor. The bathroom is combined, it includes a small bathtub, toilet, washing machine and washbasin.

The main thing in the layout is to increase the kitchen area.

You can make some changes to the design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment and separate the kitchen from the living room with a transparent sliding partition. If desired, the kitchen and living room will become a combined space.

In the living room you need to place a sofa, armchairs and it is advisable to leave a place for playing with a small child.

A few additions to this layout:

  1. Bottlenecks can be visually expanded by playing with the color palette of the walls.
  2. You can use more glass and mirrors. For example, transparent sliding doors, a glass coffee table and other additions.

Apartments design. Khrushchev 2 room for a large family

This layout provides separate rooms. The corridor becomes long and narrow and takes away the footage of the rooms.

You can place one entrance at an angle of 45 degrees, for example, to a children's room, so that the interior seems a little more fun.

Design of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment with sleeping places for children

The kitchen area is small in size with a work area and a dining table. The bathroom is combined with all accessories and a large shower.

If possible and there is a small storage room or free nook, it is best to use it for a small built-in wardrobe or a small dressing room.

How can you transform the design of an apartment in a 2-room Khrushchev building to correct the inconveniences:

  1. A long corridor can be refined with a mirror and installed along a long wall.
  2. The nursery can be divided into 2 zones by selecting individual furniture for each child. Even if the pieces of furniture are different, it will look very stylish.

Each bed can be decorated in an interesting way, creating your own personal space.

Redevelopment of a 2-room Khrushchev house 40.4 m2 for father and son

A young father and son intended to create an interior with a strong personality in their apartment. The redevelopment greatly changed the space, getting rid of unnecessary partitions.

Thanks to the dismantling, the bathroom turned out to be larger; it accommodated all the plumbing, a washing machine and a water heater.

Sand-colored tiles imitating torn stone and illuminated niches make a simple bathroom more elegant and at the same time modern.

A huge built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors is now located in the hallway, of which only one name remains, since the hallway now offers a view of almost the entire space of the apartment.

A snow-white sofa, and at night a sleeping place for the father, and a bar counter are visible from the entrance. The snow-white kitchen set is emphasized by a red apron, which echoes the bar stools and pillows on the sofa of the same color.

Photo wallpaper with an airplane in black and white adds even more dynamism to the interior. And the lamps on the ceiling resemble spotlights on a runway. The topic has developed quite well.

The teenage boy's room was designed very simply. A spacious bed, a workspace, a nightstand and a couple of shelves are all that is needed at this age. There was no need to be tricky with the color either.

Light, like shabby wallpaper, light wood on the wall above the head of the bed and white furniture are a simple masculine option that won’t get boring for a long time.

A high-quality and well-thought-out design of a 2-room Khrushchev house can ennoble any, even the most drab, home and transform the room beyond recognition. The listed examples are proof that you can adapt even to very complex options. The video in this article will help you choose the best option for yourself.

  1. Continue reading about technologies and demolition of walls: “Design of Khrushchev 2 rooms: special technologies with redevelopment (part 2)”
  2. Read about design and style trends in the next part: “

Millions of people live in small apartments with a standard layout. Dreaming of modern and comfortable housing, some owners are thinking about moving. Others arrange renovations in a 2-room Khrushchev house, the photo of which after the work has been carried out hardly reveals the time the house was built. Thanks to the huge range building materials and limitless variations of ready-made design solutions, today you can realize any desires. The main thing is not to neglect the advice of specialists.

Differences between the Khrushchev two-room apartment and other apartments

Khrushchev buildings were the first multi-storey buildings of mass construction. During the Soviet era, apartments in them were distributed almost free of charge, which solved the problem of an acute housing shortage. Small area, walk-through rooms, inconvenient location of doors distinguishes them from “Stalin” and other houses. There are other, no less significant drawbacks: low sound insulation, low ceilings, small hallway and kitchen, lack of a balcony on the ground floor. In the current market, such real estate is of little value.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, there are also advantages here. Each dwelling from the time of N.S. Khrushchev has storage rooms. The bathroom is usually combined, which saves space. And the design options for such rooms are endless. Why buy standard furniture and sacrifice a large bathroom, if even in a Soviet two-room apartment you can implement any ideas?

Advantages of redevelopment

Demolishing the interior partitions is the simplest solution. Depending on the planned design of a two-room Khrushchev house, a room and a kitchen, an entrance hall and a hall, a storage room and a bedroom are combined. If the bathroom and toilet are separated, the wall between them should be removed. As a result, the usable space will increase and the home will visually become larger.

Before demolishing walls, you must consult with a specialist and contact the appropriate services to obtain permission.

Only non-load-bearing supports are allowed to be removed, or rash actions will lead to tragedy. It is not necessary to break the entire wall; sometimes it is enough to make a wide arch. This method is appropriate for organizing a dining area in a room, because a small kitchen will not allow you to install a large table and chairs. Options for renovating a 2-room apartment depend only on the amount of available finance and imagination.


The layout of Khrushchev houses, consisting of 2 rooms, comes in 4 types:

Layout type

total area

Features of the location of the rooms

The kitchen, living room and bedroom are located next to each other.

about 47 sq. m

Two rooms in such an apartment have one adjacent wall. The living room is usually corner.


An apartment without a walk-through room with a very small kitchen and separate bathroom.

The kitchen is located between two rooms.

The “book” is quite inconvenient, both in its original form and in its modified form. Since the rooms follow each other, it is impossible to radically redesign the room.

Combining rooms

When entering the house, the first thing that catches your eye is the hallway. In Khrushchev it is small, narrow and dark. If you enlarge the doorway in the room, the corridor will become lighter and visually larger. This is where drawing up a renovation plan for a 2-room apartment usually begins. As for the radical demolition of walls, they most often combine:

  • Kitchen and living room. In place of the removed wall, a bar counter or table with a soft sofa is installed.
  • Hall and bedroom. Suitable for a family without children. If there is a child, the nursery in Khrushchev is designed by zoning the premises.
  • Hall and office. A shelving unit or mobile screens are suitable for creating a workspace. Sometimes designers use a low podium.
  • Bedroom and office. The room is divided into 2 functional zones, the work table is placed near the window.


Reconstruction of a small apartment of 40 sq. m or other area cannot be done without zoning. Each family member needs a personal area in the apartment. At the same time, it is impossible to reduce the already small size kitchens. Workplace should be roomy. To separate different areas, the following are used:

  • plasterboard false walls;
  • movable partitions;
  • curtains, drapes;
  • sofas, wardrobes, other pieces of furniture;
  • multi-level ceiling and floor.

Sliding doors are the best alternative to swing doors. They are easy to use and look stylish.


Any designer will call the use of light shades an effective way to visually increase space. But this statement cannot be taken literally, otherwise the renovation in a 2-room Khrushchev house from the photo will resemble a hospital ward. The same applies to 1 and 3 room apartments. A successful combination of colors will lead to a successful renovation of the interior.


The only strict requirement for selection flooring- taboo on dark shades. In small homes, the floor is a background for other objects and should not attract attention. The best colors: gray, beige, milky. It is also appropriate to imitate the texture of wood or natural material. Laminate, parquet board, linoleum, carpet, tiles - any coating will effectively complement the design if the color requirements are taken into account.


The brighter the lighting in a small room, the better. In addition to the chandelier, spotlights located around the perimeter are recommended. The tension version will help hide all the unevenness and defects on the ceiling. A multi-level top looks no less advantageous.


Before you start finishing the walls, in 9 cases out of 10 they will have to be leveled. In panel houses, like brick houses, the difference in height or slope of different walls reaches 2-3 cm. Even if the curvature is not noticeable, it will create big problems during repair work. The surface is leveled with putty or drywall. Upon completion of preparation, the room is decorated with wallpaper, for example:

  • non-woven, vinyl, acrylic with a vertical pattern;
  • photo wallpaper with a city landscape or nature;
  • liquid seamless wallpaper.

The color of the walls should be in harmony with the intended design of the Khrushchev building, consisting of 2 rooms. The rule “the higher the price, the better” does not always work. Even the most expensive silk-screen printing is not suitable for every interior.

Where to provide storage systems

Khrushchev must be equipped with furniture for storing all kinds of things. It is possible to make a full-fledged dressing room from a closet, even if its size is only 1 by 2 m. All free space is used - below and above. Cabinet furniture would be inappropriate here; it is better to install several open shelves, hangers, and hooks.

Leaving the space under the bed empty is irrational, as is using a deep closet without pull-out rods and a pantograph. Multifunctional furniture - the optimal solution for small-sized two-room apartment with a bad plan.

Lighting planning

Massive chandeliers in small rooms with low ceilings are completely out of place. As basic lighting, it is better to use soffits, sconces, and floor lamps with warm, diffused light. Auxiliary light is necessary in the work area in the kitchen, bathroom, nursery, office. Table lamps and pendant lamps can handle this task. Decorative light is not necessary, but in some interiors it serves as an effective addition.

Properly organized lighting hides flaws and highlights the advantages of a home.

How to use the balcony area

There is a balcony in all apartments from the Khrushchev era, except the first floor. Rarely used items or all sorts of rubbish are stored there. Practical housewives dry food and hang out laundry. But additional square meters can bring much more benefits: a 2-room apartment with an area of ​​44 square meters. m will easily become a 3-room apartment. The balcony will make an excellent office or relaxation area. The main thing is not to spare effort and money on good insulation.

Color accents and decor

To make a room seem larger, you don’t need to use exclusively light shades. The main thing is that they are a priority. Color accents will not only “revive” and decorate the room, but will also help make it more voluminous. The brightest element must be placed in the most visible place, but as far as possible from front door. It will attract attention, creating the effect of increased space. This could be: photo wallpaper, a stylish sofa, a decorated wardrobe, etc.

Techniques for visually enlarging a bathroom

Unlike the kitchen, living room and bedroom, only light shades are welcome in the bathroom. For contrast, dotted color decor is allowed, but in very limited quantities. To improve the ergonomics of a room, a non-standard approach to organizing a storage system is required. Shelves above the sink, toilet and even above the door will allow you to place all the necessary little things.

Selecting furniture

Furniture of standard sizes, designed for standard apartments, is a relic of the past. Modern design of a two-room apartment of 44 sq. m requires original, stylish and bold solutions. Compactness and multifunctionality are the key qualities that wardrobes, beds, and furniture should have. Other equally important recommendations:

  • put the largest objects in the farthest, dimly lit corner;
  • use glossy, light, glass facades for cabinets, chests of drawers and bright rich colors for upholstered furniture;
  • choose sleeping places with internal compartments for linen;
  • give preference open shelves on furniture walls and free-standing shelving.

Transformable furniture is considered the most practical. A wardrobe combined with a bed or a sofa with a desk is not inferior in functionality to its simpler counterparts, and at the same time takes up a minimum of space.

Which style is better to choose

There are no strict requirements for the design of a Khrushchev building. The main thing is not to combine incompatible elements and stick to one color range. Of all the existing styles, the best will be modern, where freedom of space and functionality take center stage:

  • minimalism - maximum light, minimum decor, light curtains and the absence of bulky things;
  • Scandinavian - predominantly light design with unobtrusive decorative elements: paintings, flowers;
  • high-tech - simple geometric shapes, gloss, metallic shine, thin picture frames, plenty of light;
  • Provence - pastel and natural shades, antique effect, translucent curtains, ruffles, lace, figurines and tablecloths.

Due to limited space, Baroque, Rococo or Empire styles are rarely found in Khrushchev-era buildings.

Frequent mistakes in repairing a two-room Khrushchev house

When performing repairs in two-room Khrushchev house mistakes are inevitable. Before starting work, it is worth considering the most common ones to avoid wasting time and money.

Complex suspended ceilings

The height of ceilings in old houses usually does not exceed 2.5 m. A pile of parts in the upper part of the room will visually make them even lower. It is not recommended to make complex, multi-stage designs. “Grandma’s” large chandeliers have the same negative effect. The best alternative is a flat lampshade or built-in soffits.

Small number of sockets

In order not to make a mistake with the location of outlets, you need to think in advance where household appliances and lighting fixtures will be installed. It is better to make 1-2 points more than to face a shortage. Electrical extension cords will save the situation, but will instantly ruin the situation.

Combining the kitchen and living room in gasified houses

Combining a kitchen and a living room is one of the most popular remodeling methods. But if the house is gasified, this cannot be done. The ban is due to the minimization of human and property losses in the event of an explosion. It is prescribed at the legislative level, so it is impossible to obtain permission to demolish the wall.


June 27, 2016
Specialization: philological education. Work experience as a builder - 20 years. Of these, for the last 15 years he led a team as a foreman. I know everything about construction - from design and zero cycle to interior design. Hobbies: Vocals, psychology, quail breeding.

Greetings, my dear readers!

The Khrushchev buildings, once built to solve the acute housing crisis, are now perceived by us as an example of the worst, but cheap architectural solutions. And the original design of the two-room Khrushchev apartment is depressing. Such dwellings are similar to twins, have small rooms and low ceilings.

Few people are happy with this situation, and there are ways out of it. I will talk about them in my article.

A little history

“Khrushchev” is what our people call brick or panel two- to five-story apartment buildings that were built in the USSR, starting from the reign of N.S. Khrushchev.

The construction of such houses lasted from 1958 to 1985. In total, 290 million m² of such housing were built.

  1. In Khrushchev buildings there are 1-, 2-, and occasionally 3-room apartments.
  2. The ceiling height is 250–260 cm, in block buildings of some of the series it is 270 cm.
  3. The kitchen area ranges from 4.9 m² to 7.1 (in apartments of series 2-18 - up to 7.5).
  4. Khrushchev apartments are characterized by: more often a combined, less often separate, bathroom, adjacent living spaces (bedroom and living room), poor sound insulation of partitions and missing elevators.

Nobody argues that such apartments are no different in terms of convenience and large volume.
But I want to remind you that for their time they were happiness for the Soviet people.
For example, the housing standard (increased) for each resident of Moscow was only 4 square meters. meters of area.
Many families huddled in communal apartments with only one bathroom and a common kitchen.

What apartments are called “Khrushchevka”

Before a substantive conversation about how you can improve the interior of a two-room Khrushchev house, I will tell you what actually needs to be improved. Namely, about the most common layouts of such apartments.

  1. Series No. 1-335 is a common project of panel houses, it has been built since 1958. The buildings have a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame and panel external walls. A similar layout is popularly called a “book”. The apartments have a total area of ​​41 m² and adjoining rooms. One of the worst episodes.

  1. Series No. K-7 is the first project from a series of Khrushchev buildings. Designed by architect V.P. Lagutenko based on French panel five-story buildings. The layout is popularly nicknamed “tram”. Premises area (total) 48 sq. meters. The rooms are adjacent, but can be easily separated during redevelopment.

  1. Series No. 1-464 is one of the most common, built since 1960. The external walls are 35 cm thick and made of panels covered with tiles. Reinforced concrete floors. Very poor vibration isolation. Total area 44.6 m².
    The series is nicknamed “mini-improved”, because... similar to the layout of 9-story buildings. The rooms are isolated, the kitchen is small. It is possible to increase it to 8 m².

  1. Series No. 438 was designed in the Kiev design bureau "Giprograd" (Kyiv) in 1958. The buildings of the project are frameless, have a rubble concrete foundation and longitudinal external walls made of brick. The total volume of the apartment is 46 m².
    The popular name is “vest” or “butterfly”. Its wings are like 2 identical and symmetrical rooms. They are insulated and have a good area.

What to think about first

Start the complete reconstruction of the Khrushchev apartment with the most important question: who will live in it: a single person, a childless family, a young couple with one child or several children. The answer to this question most directly determines the major restructuring and zoning of the interior space of the apartment.

  1. If a family has a child, then one of the rooms is designated as a nursery, the other becomes both a parent’s bedroom and a guest room.
  2. For a childless couple or a single person, it is logical to divide the home into two functional areas - a guest room and a bedroom.

Technology 1: about possible redevelopment

Repair with redevelopment is an opportunity to radically change the configuration of a home. This is a way to correct the shortcomings of the apartment, purchase additional space or optimally redistribute it. In addition, you get the chance to tailor your living space to your chosen interior style.

I want to warn you right away that the possibilities of redevelopment may be significantly limited technical features Houses:

  • his age;
  • location of load-bearing structures, including walls;
  • location of windows and doors.

In most cases, redevelopment in Khrushchev consists of merging the kitchen and the adjacent room.
However, there is a certain difficulty here.
Namely: according to the current regulations, it is prohibited to combine a living room and a gasified kitchen without installing a partition between them (it can also be a sliding one).

Where to begin

As the owner of a home in apartment building, you don't have the right to do whatever you want with it. The law imposes a certain responsibility on you, as stated in the Housing Code of Russia.

It defines what redevelopment and reconstruction in an apartment is.

  1. In the first case, the configuration of residential premises changes. All changes made should be included in the registration certificate of the home.
  2. The second term refers to the installation, replacement or transfer of utilities, electrical, plumbing, ventilation and other equipment. Such actions must also be included in the apartment technical passport.
  3. Before redevelopment and reconstruction, it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities. If you don't do this, you may be fined and forced to return everything to its original form.

If you do not demolish the load-bearing structures or move the kitchen to the balcony, into the living space, you will receive permission to redevelop without any problems. The great advantage of “Khrushchev” buildings is that their internal walls are not load-bearing.

Therefore, after approval and issuance of a permit, you can remove them, create new openings for doors, etc. This significantly increases the possibilities for redevelopment in such an apartment.

Such operations are classified as “simple redevelopment”. They are easier to coordinate; in order to obtain permission, there is no need to make a project. It will be enough to make all changes to the apartment plan located in its registration certificate.

Variations of redevelopments

The interior of a two-room Khrushchev apartment is extremely inconvenient: cramped rooms with a low ceiling, a tiny hallway, a tiny bathroom. These problems should be resolved through redevelopment.

Below I present the most common varieties.

  1. Demolition of the partition separating the living room from the kitchen. As a result, you get a bedroom and a dining room-guest kitchen.
  2. Removing the partition between living rooms. As a result, you get a studio apartment. As a variation, you can choose to dismantle both interior partitions and reduce the volume of the bedroom using plasterboard partition. Or you can zone the resulting room by separating the bedroom with a screen.
  3. You can add a little space by glazing the balcony and expanding the room due to it.
  4. Redevelopment often concerns the bathroom. If it is separate, by demolishing the partition between the bathroom and toilet, you will get a combined room and about 2 m² of free space. Another variation is to add a little volume to the bathroom by adding a piece of the hallway.

  1. The most radical type of redevelopment is to demolish all non-load-bearing partitions (except for the bathroom), then zone the resulting room using design solutions or light partitions. As a result, you will find a comfortable studio apartment. This option is suitable for a single person or a family without children.

A little about possible options redevelopment of housing of specific series.

  1. Series No. 1-335 (“book”). The main problem here is the entrance hall. Redevelopment will make it possible to isolate the rooms. This will have to be done by reducing the already small volume of the bedroom. The kitchen can be expanded with such a layout only by merging it with the living room.

  1. Series No. K-7 (“tram”). It also makes it possible to make both living rooms isolated during redevelopment. The main disadvantage of the series is the inability to expand the kitchen with your own hands without combining it with the living space. This cannot always be done.
    Of course, there will be a loss of space, but they can be balanced by a voluminous wardrobe. An area will be freed up for it in the space between the rooms. The volume of the reduced room remaining after redevelopment will still be relatively comfortable. To visually enlarge it, use design techniques (more on them below).

  1. Series No. 1-464 (“mini-improved”). When remodeling it, it becomes possible to significantly expand the kitchen area and increase it to 8 square meters. meters. To do this, you need to remove the pantry (it will be replaced by a wardrobe), move the toilet in its place, and install a bathroom in its former area.

Technology 2: ways to increase the functionality of a space

Zoning is simple, cheap and effective method organization of space with a high degree of convenience of living.

Apartment zoning

It makes it possible to divide the home into sections, each of which will have its own functional purpose.

  1. Guest-dining-kitchen is the most common option when zoning. It is recreated by merging the kitchen and the adjacent living space. A dining area is created at the dividing line between the living room and kitchen. Additionally, in one corner you can allocate an area for an office.
  2. Bedroom-living room, this variation is possible without redevelopment. In this case, the first room is reserved for the nursery. The second room becomes multifunctional. It is zoned by transformable furniture (bed-wardrobe, bed-sofa) or by installing a partition that will ensure the intimacy of the bedroom. The partition will allow you to create a work area in one corner.
  3. Study-living room. Here it will be enough to separate a working area in the hall. You can zone it using a screen, double-sided shelving or a light partition.

  1. Office-bedroom. In this case, a work area is separated in the rest room. A good option, if the bed is folding or transformable.
  2. Guest dressing room. A closed or open wardrobe can be easily integrated into any interior. It can be equipped with a spacious room or be a section of the room zoned by a partition.

Visual expansion of space

If for one reason or another you cannot remodel and add additional space to your living area, do not despair. I will introduce you to some tricks that will allow you to visually enlarge a small room.

  1. When thinking about the design of an apartment in a two-room Khrushchev building, pay especially close attention to the color scheme of its design. Use light and pastel colors - they visually expand the space. Saturated and bright colors, on the contrary, reduce it.
  2. Small patterns on the wall cladding also visually enlarge the room.
  3. The ceiling must be painted in a light tone; the closer it is to white, the better. An excellent option for this is glossy tension cladding. The dark color of the ceiling will be psychologically oppressive and will visually lower its height.
  4. A multi-level gypsum board ceiling with bright spot lighting will visually increase the height of the walls.
  5. The flooring should be light or have the same color palette as the rest of the room. Please note that a bright floor finish will visually raise the ceiling and expand the walls.

  1. In no case should any piece of furniture in a Khrushchev-era building play the role of an accent. The best option is that their upholstery should match the tone of the curtains and walls.

Mirrors and glass make rooms lighter and more spacious, because they have the property of reflecting natural and artificial light.
However, I urge you to be careful when using them and not to use such small surfaces. The effect will be the opposite.

  1. Well-chosen photo wallpapers can visually expand the room. Do you know what perspective is? She is able to visually enlarge the space endlessly.

Technology 3, which interior style to choose

When choosing an interior style, remember that as a result of your efforts you should get an objective: aesthetic, practical and functional space that will be perceived by you subjectively: as comfortable and convenient.

You may be faced with the question of whether to decorate the rooms in the same style or choose different directions?

  1. The overall design will allow you to unite the space and build a logical and holistic concept of your home. This approach is optimal if the rooms are walk-through. I want to warn you that a single style can only imply a general idea. You will have freedom in choosing a color palette, accents and design trends.
  2. In a Khrushchev house with initially isolated rooms (for example, in a “vest”) or with a semi-studio redevelopment (bedroom and kitchen combined with a living room), the rooms can be decorated in two different styles.
  3. Studios are most often decorated in modern styles. They focus on the functionality of the interior and emphasize the free space. For the relaxation room, a soft, intimate style is relevant, focusing on the coziness and comfort of the space.
  4. Almost always, a home with a children's room is decorated in different directions.

When choosing an interior style, the characteristics of the room and the possibilities of its space are of great importance.
For example, it is very difficult to recreate the baroque aesthetics in a cramped apartment.
The premises will simply “drown”, overloaded with numerous accessories and massive decor.

So, what styles are most suitable for Khrushchev?

Scandinavian style

The style has a Nordic character: it is laconic, light, light, distinguished by grace and simplicity. The aesthetics of the direction are very flexible; it can be recreated both with an abundance of free space and in a cramped apartment.

  1. The Scandinavian interior is extremely ergonomic: it excludes random and non-functional elements, everything is aimed at recreating the convenience and comfort of living. The space should be as open and light as possible, with plenty of air and light. It should not be cluttered; it should be restrained, but without asceticism.
  2. Color range: soft light colors, pastels are optimal. Their weightlessness and airiness will be well emphasized by the rich and bright colors of textiles, decorative details and accessories.
  3. The coloristic concept of the Scandinavian style is based on the combination of snow-white walls, the natural color of solid wood furniture and spectacular decorative elements.

  1. Surfaces are covered with natural or as close as possible textures and materials. There should be a lot of wood in the interior. It can be combined with natural stone, brick, light ceramic tiles, metal (it’s good if it’s aged).
  2. Furniture should have a laconic form and carry a clear functional load. The style is characterized by the use of closed systems for storing things.
  3. Another feature of the direction is the active use of bright textiles and carpets, skins, rugs, which enhance the feeling of comfort and warmth.

Dynamic high-tech

In essence, this style is the artistic embodiment of the era of high technology. The direction is intended for people who are mobile, dynamic and active. I warn you that the style is clearly not suitable for a child’s room, but for a teenager it’s just right.

  1. Basics of style: maximum functionality of the interior, clarity of horizontal and vertical lines, abundance of metal, plastic and glass in the rooms.
  2. The walls should be monochrome and have a minimum of texture; liquid wallpaper or painting are optimal for finishing them. It is best to choose glossy stretch ceilings.
  3. Floors - glossy self-leveling or porcelain stoneware are optimal. The style does not accept parquet and carpets. As an option, you can choose PVC linoleum or minimally fleecy carpet.
  4. Basic palette: black, white, light gray or metallic with specks of bright colors (blue, scarlet, yellow, orange, etc.).

  1. Furniture must have a clear geometric shape, non-standard items made of plastic, glass and chrome steel are especially welcome. For example, glass shelves or tabletops of regular rectangular or round shape, chairs with metal legs, plastic backs and seats.
  2. Regarding lighting: there are many built-in devices, they are used in conjunction with busbar or small pendant halogen lamps. The light should be bright and only white. Lighting devices should be light and have a simple shape: cylinder, sphere, truncated cone, rectangle.
  3. The decor should be restrained with a minimum of accessories; abstract paintings, posters, photographs in thin metal frames are welcome.
  4. The style involves the use of a large number of household appliances: a home theater or a large flat-screen TV, a computer with a plastic monitor and a case decorated with LED strip, etc.

Country of southern France - Provence

The design of a 2-room apartment in Khrushchev can also be decorated in Provence style. This warm and gentle trend originated in the south of France, and is a type of country and ethnic style at the same time. It is well suited for decorating small spaces.

  1. The color palette in the direction is saturated, however, not bright. Restrained, muted tones are preferred: pastel, white, milky, beige, olive green, ocher, sea green, lavender and light shades of blue. In this case, the surfaces should look slightly faded, faded under the hot rays of the sun of southern France.
  2. The interior should be bright, saturated with natural light. The walls are often painted, and often they are deliberately rough whitewashed. Occasionally, paper wallpaper is used for wall cladding.

  1. Floors made from rough boards or ceramic tiles. The ceiling must be painted; suspended and tension structures are excluded.
  2. Furniture must be painted, really antique or artificially aged. You can make it look as if it has served for many decades using various effects. For example, “flaking” paint, “traces” of woodworms, chips. Truly antique items are especially valued, for example, an old chest or chest of drawers that have served for more than one generation.
  3. Curtains and drapes should be light and airy.

  1. There should be a lot of accessories and decorative elements: ruffles, cutwork, ceramic figurines, paintings with pastoral motifs in simple frames, sewing, both fresh and artificial flowers.

Functional minimalism

This European trend was most directly influenced by Japanese style.

  1. The basis of his aesthetics are elegance, simplicity, laconic form and functionality. In a minimalist interior, rationality dominates over decorativeness.
  2. The space is clearly geometric. Its harmony, according to minimalism, lies in impeccable practicality, in which all elements have a functional purpose.
  3. Color palette: pure tones of red, white, black, gray. It is worth noting that white, as a rule, serves as a background color, and black and gray are used as complementary contrasts.
  4. The walls are covered with decorative plaster, painted, and finished with liquid wallpaper or PVC panels. The top of the premises is lined with simple, even structures made of gypsum plasterboard or suspended ceiling with built-in lamps. The floor is covered with monochrome flooring: cork, boards, laminate, parquet. A plain carpet with the lowest pile will also work.
  5. The aesthetics of minimalism does not completely reject decoration. Its single, extremely expressive elements will add emotion to the design of the premises, enlivening the interior. So, you can play on contrasts by using unusual, exotic objects in an ascetic environment.
  6. Instructions for furniture. It should have a clear, simple, geometrically correct shape with ideal proportions. The items are functional, with light silhouettes.
  7. Metal and glass are welcome: metal shelving and furniture legs, glass shelves and tabletops. Upholstered furniture should have a rectangular shape and natural upholstery (linen, cotton).

Note! There should not be a lot of furniture in minimalism. Moreover, she seems to dissolve in her surroundings. For example, racks, shelves, built-in cabinets should look like an integral part of the walls.

Exquisite art deco

Art Deco transforms Khrushchev into a sophisticated and modern space, combining classics and new trends.

  1. Coloristic concept of style – experiments and creativity. The most common background colors are: sapphire, purple, emerald, ruby ​​red. Complementary colors (golden, blue, black, metallic) are used as a bright contrast or to set off the background.
  2. Art Deco actively uses the “bright spot” accentuation design technique. It can be one wall or a large piece of furniture.
  3. The direction is characterized by an abundance of decorative elements. Things made in one copy are especially in demand. That is, exclusive items and decorations. Their materials should be expensive: bronze, snake and crocodile skin, elephant tusks, semi-precious stones, rare crystals, rhinoceros horn, exotic wood (abash, aile, ebony, sandalwood, mahogany, etc.).

  1. In addition, the interior can be decorated with mirrors, expensive porcelain, embroidered pillows, wooden inlay, figurines, and ethnic crafts from Asia, Africa, and South America. They will add emotion and expression to the design.

I would like to especially note that an interior in the art deco style should evoke a feeling of incompleteness of the composition. It kind of allows you to continue decorating and decorating the space further.


As you can see, even in a small and low Khrushchev building you can create a cozy and comfortable family nest. It is advisable to redesign the apartment for this purpose. If this is not possible, then use the design techniques I described.

The video in this article will continue the topic with visual information. Feel free to post your questions in the comments, I will be happy to answer them.

So I say goodbye, and good luck to you in your endeavors!

The problem of limited space in Khrushchev buildings is quite understandable. Houses were built at a time when the population of cities was rapidly increasing, but how to organize life to modern man who lives in an apartment with a small area and an inconvenient layout? An independent redevelopment of a 2-room Khrushchev apartment will help solve the problem. Photos, features, advantages and disadvantages of which are further described in the material.

The features of the layout of a not very comfortable two-room apartment in Khrushchev are quite noticeable, and examples of them are collected in a small selection of photos. Often these are negative aspects such as discomfort from the inconvenient arrangement of rooms, limited space due to the small area of ​​the rooms. That is why the owners of such apartments seek to carry out redevelopment by hiring a hired team of builders. To save money, you can do the repairs yourself.

Repairing a Khrushchev building with redevelopment has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this solution are the following:

  • the rooms become more spacious and comfortable, and their interior becomes more residential;
  • Many walls in such houses are not load-bearing, so with some diligence you can dismantle them quite quickly. Load-bearing walls are not used, and the new design will please you to the fullest;
  • the new layout opens up unlimited possibilities for apartment owners. The design of the premises can be different, which allows you to show your imagination, create a unique surface finish, thereby decorating the interior.

The redevelopment process has the following disadvantages:

  • the complexity of repairs and design, because it involves the dismantling and erection of walls and partitions in the apartment;
  • takes up the space of one of the adjacent rooms due to separation;
  • requires additional investment in wall dismantling and room design. However, when doing the work with your own hands, the significance of this drawback can be somewhat downplayed;
  • longer repairs, increased contamination with construction waste and dust after work.

Coordination of work

Ideas for various types of redevelopment, their designs are truly unique. But when carrying out work, problems often arise: how to coordinate repairs with the relevant city authorities? It is necessary to ensure that the repair plan does not relate to refurbishment. This concept provides for the installation, replacement, transfer of utilities, sanitary and electrical units, and so on. All these changes must be made to the registration certificate of the residential apartment. If such events are not planned, there will be no need to legalize the redevelopment. If renovation work include such operations, they will need to be agreed upon and included in the registration certificate.

It will not be possible to order or produce the necessary papers quickly; the whole process can take up to 8 months. This time can be reduced by contacting the housing authority directly. But cooperation with a real estate agency, construction company will cost certain amounts of money.

It is important to remember that not all types of redevelopment require approval. Among those changes that do not require approval:

  • erection or removal from lightweight material, such as plasterboard;
  • moving interior partitions;
  • decorating a balcony or loggia with plastic panels.

But there are a number of processes that cannot be carried out without approval. Such work includes:

  • expansion of the apartment area due to a flight of stairs;
  • removal of supporting structures and relocation of utilities;
  • combining several rooms into one.

Redevelopment options

Apartments in five-story buildings, called Khrushchev-era buildings, have negative features, so many people want to consider options for remodeling them with their own hands. To choose one of them, you need to thoroughly understand which redevelopment of the Khrushchev building is most relevant in this case, which projects and ideas are the most successful and do not involve load-bearing walls.

Whatever type of redevelopment is planned, the apartment must have three functional zones:

  • kitchen;
  • for relax;
  • bedroom

Separation of adjacent rooms

As practice shows, adjacent rooms in such houses cause a lot of inconvenience for the people living here. But there is a way out of this situation. You can divide two rooms, slightly reducing the usable area in one of them. The following options are possible.

Nature of the layout What can be changed
If the rooms are located one after another In many cases, owners of uncomfortable apartments try to expand the area of ​​the passage room by moving the partition deeper into the smaller room. Then in this reduced space they organize a bedroom, which ultimately houses a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe, as in the photo below. But if you show your design talents, such a small space can be made very cozy. But when the renovation is finished, you can gather a huge family in the living room
If the rooms are located one next to the other Many people simply tear down the partition between rooms, replacing it with columns or a screen. It is difficult to say that such a modification is intended for a family with children. The newlyweds would most likely prefer such a layout. But the head of a large family, when carrying out renovations, would rather leave a partition between these rooms, laying a doorway between them. Then you will need to reduce the area of ​​​​both rooms by moving the smaller wall deeper. And on the resulting wall you can install one door per room. Thus, the corridor in the apartment will lengthen, but the rooms will become separate, as in the photo below.

Combining the living room with the kitchen

A hall in a Khrushchev-era building is most often connected to a kitchen, the meager square meters of which do not allow one to fit into such a space all the relevant equipment, furniture, and so on. By removing part of the interior wall, more space appears in the apartment. And with proper zoning of the resulting space and the use of methods to visually expand the space, you can create a truly functional, comfortable and attractive interior. Take ideas from experienced decorators.

Repair has the following advantages:

  • Combining the living room with the kitchen allows you to allocate a separate area for cooking, dining and relaxation, unencumbered by unnecessary walls. The described zones can be demarcated by finishing the walls, floors and ceilings, by constructing movable shelves, as well as by using light thread curtains, and so on;
  • This technique allows you to give the apartment maximum functionality;
  • Aesthetically, the combination of the living room and kitchen looks very original. Today this design is very fashionable.

Such a space in a Khrushchev-era building looks original, where the living room and kitchen areas are separated by a bar counter. Such an interior is both functional and interesting to look at, as evidenced by the photo below.

If a balcony is adjacent to the kitchen, its space can be used to increase the kitchen area. The partition between the balcony is removed, the kitchen is expanded, and a dining area is placed on additional useful meters of space, as in the photo below. Only in this case will it be necessary to carry out work on insulating the balcony, so that in the winter season it will be comfortable to be in the kitchen, and inconvenience due to low temperature there was no air.

Combining a bathroom with a toilet

Everyone decides for himself which redevelopment of a two-room Khrushchev house will be most comfortable and cozy for him, but it is also better to listen to the opinion of experts. The bathroom space can also be increased by connecting it to the toilet, as in the photo below. It is convenient, practical, and also looks very original.

Thanks to this design step, you can save several square meters of space where a washing machine or laundry basket will fit. At the same time, load-bearing walls will be preserved, and this is such an advantage of the redevelopment, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate for the owners of an uncomfortable apartment in the Khrushchev-era building.

However, you should not think that such ideas allow you to place a huge bathtub in the bathroom in Khrushchev. It is better to replace the bath with a shower stall, then the space will be functional and attractive at the same time. In addition, such a solution also has other disadvantages. Like any redevelopment of a residential premises, the combination of two rooms entails higher material costs for repairs and redevelopment.

What else will help save space in a Khrushchev-era apartment building and make it more comfortable? Ideas from experienced designers, successful design. After remodeling and moving the wall, you can apply design methods to create a functional interior in such living spaces. One of the ways to achieve comfort is the correct zoning of space using furniture, decoration, and decor.

First of all, you need to carefully select furniture for the Khrushchev house that would fit into the overall design. It is better to prefer built-in models of cabinets, wardrobes, sofa beds. Such items are at the same time highly functional, do not take up much space, are attractive in their aesthetics and decorate the interior.

It is necessary to think about the finishing materials that you plan to use. With their help, you can separate one zone from another, emphasize the dignity of the room, hide its shortcomings, and change the design.

Rules that must not be broken

When thinking about remodeling an apartment, it is important to remember that there are certain rules that should not be violated:

  • the bathroom and toilet are expanded only due to the storage room or corridor, but not due to the kitchen or living space;
  • load-bearing walls must not be touched; the only thing that is permissible is the installation of a doorway in such walls;
  • you cannot move the kitchen into the bath, toilet or living room;
  • when combining a room with a gasified kitchen, at least a light partition or other type of division of the two-room space should be provided.

Becoming the owner of a so-called “Khrushchev” apartment is far from a holiday in our time. Almost all citizens of the country have been well aware of the inconveniences of living in such living space since distant Soviet times. But, as practice shows, even a modest legacy of the Khrushchev period can be turned into a completely cozy home.



What seems extremely inconvenient to people today - small adjacent rooms, cramped kitchens in which it is impossible to gather the whole family, tiny hallways, combined bathrooms, plus low ceilings, lack of elevators in the house and excellent audibility - after Soviet communal apartments was perceived as a gift of fate. It may be an unsightly apartment, but it’s your own.

Today's dissatisfaction with the area and layout of such apartments only indicates that the quality of life has improved significantly, and people have become more demanding in their everyday life. And “Khrushchev” apartments, for all their shortcomings, have one remarkable quality - the internal partitions in the apartment can be demolished, which opens up great opportunities for redevelopment. And even when we are talking about only 2 rooms in standard housing, there is something to talk about and what reconstruction options to discuss.



In order to carry out competent zoning in old walls, you should take into account not only the area of ​​the apartment, but also the composition of the family, the age and gender of the children, the needs and lifestyle of everyone who will live in this territory. It is desirable that everyone has their own personal space, and that the bedrooms do not turn out to be walk-through spaces.

One of the tasks in a two-room “Khrushchev” is the reasonable distribution of space between the adjacent bedroom and living room. So, if this is acceptable for the family, the bedroom is made very small, giving the largest area to the living room. You can reduce your bedroom by moving the partition to such a size that it can fit a bed and two bedside tables plus space to turn around a little.

As a result of redevelopment, such a bedroom may even have no window. But with the help of high-quality lighting and other design tricks, even in this version it can be made very cozy. If a significant increase in the living room is not required, the partition between the bedroom and the hall is demolished and replaced with decorative columns. The sleeping area is isolated from prying eyes using heavy curtains.

Sometimes you need to turn a two-room apartment into a three-room apartment. In this case, one of the rooms will have to be divided into two parts by a partition. It’s better to do this when there are two adjacent windows in the room.

But sometimes one of the family members has to make do with a room without the opportunity to look outside. And this is better than having no personal space at all.

It will not be possible to cut a window through a load-bearing wall, as this is prohibited - it can cause serious damage to the stability of the entire house.

People who work from home will appreciate the redevelopment projects for a two-room Khrushchev house with an office area. In this kind of option, for example, the living room is enlarged by combining it with the hallway and kitchen. This creates a comfortable space for leisure and eating.

At the same time, you can make a small room about fifteen centimeters wider by moving the partition. Then it provides a comfortable bedroom and wardrobe. A miniature office stands out from the large room with the help of a transparent wall. Sliding doors will allow, if necessary, to include this area in the common space of the living room.

Sometimes you still need to redesign a two-room “Khrushchev” from an adjacent one to a separate one. This can be solved by creating a corridor from which you can make an entrance to each of the rooms. Then in one of them there will be a bedroom with a small wardrobe in the corner, and in the other there will be a room for children.

The “kopeck-room tram” gets two separate rooms thanks to the construction of a corridor between them. At the end of it there is a spacious wardrobe. Thanks to such redevelopment, the former passage room may significantly lose space, but will become more comfortable for the person to whom it will be given over.

They also increase the comfort of small Khrushchev-type apartments by remodeling the kitchen or hallway. A balcony or loggia located next to the kitchen is used as additional square meters, which, with proper arrangement, allows you to place a pantry there for food or even put a refrigerator there, place several cabinets and shelves. Sometimes the wall between the kitchen and the balcony is removed altogether, which allows you to add a few coveted squares to a small kitchen space. You can do the same if the balcony is located next to the living room.

Sometimes the problem is solved with screens, transparent partitions, a bar counter or furniture. Thanks to this, the space is not cluttered, and material costs can be minimized.

Design solutions

A radical reconstruction of an apartment with adjacent rooms into a three-room apartment or, conversely, into a one-room apartment can change the whole way of life. To bring all these significant changes to their logical conclusion, you need to include design thinking or simply use the ideas of relevant specialists.

A small apartment will not “squeeze” its owners with its walls only if it does not contain a lot of things “that may come in handy someday.” Therefore, you need to carefully evaluate what furniture is in place and what is not. It is better that it be multifunctional and roomy.

Throw away old junk, sell bulky cabinets and sofas, and turn your attention to furniture in the minimalist style. Its laconic features are just right for a Khrushchev-era apartment, even after updating the layout.

You can also apply a number of special design techniques:

  • An assistant in creating a spacious apartment will be the use of plasterboard structures, decorative niches, racks and shelves.
  • Doorways in the form of arches visually increase the space.
  • Doors that slide apart will significantly save usable space in walkways and small rooms.
  • Proper use of mirrors will help to visually enlarge rooms.
  • You can also gain in size by refusing to use heavy dark curtains.

Color scheme and decor

The correct use of color and pattern when creating room decor will help compensate for the shortcomings of the “Khrushchev” and achieve the desired comfort. Whatever style you choose: classic, modern, Provence, country or some other, Don’t forget about the rules for using a particular color scheme when creating an interior:

  • Using light colors on the walls will help make the room appear larger, as will a small pattern on the wallpaper.
  • A correctly selected print will make it possible to make it higher than the wall - in Khrushchev-era buildings this is a big problem. If in a four-story brick building you can still see ceilings that “do not overhang,” then in five-story panel buildings this is already very bad.

To compensate for the lack of height, choose wallpaper with a vertical pattern. It is better to make the ceiling itself white. In some cases, it is permissible to use suspended ceilings.

  • When remodeling an apartment, you should pay attention to modern materials used to make transparent doors, partitions, and furniture. These kinds of elements look light and do not clutter up the space.
  • It is better to decorate the floors in light colors so that they match the overall color scheme.

Basic Rules

The area of ​​the "Khrushchev" building, as a rule, does not cause optimism. The apartment measures 41 sq. m or even 45 sq. m is not so easy to turn into comfortable housing. People often find it not enough to get rid of walk-through rooms. Option corner apartment also has its drawbacks. Many people find the arrangement of windows in a large room of such a panel “kopeck piece” inconvenient.

But in order to carry out redevelopment and turn an ordinary “Khrushchev” into truly comfortable housing, realizing your best ideas, desire and wild imagination are not enough. It is necessary to clearly understand that an apartment in any house is part of a huge structure, the integrity of which depends on the safety of the load-bearing elements in each of the “cells”. So an uncontrolled redevelopment of living space can become a threat not only to those who directly live there, but also to all neighbors.

By law, any change in the configuration of walls and partitions will be considered a redevelopment. Load-bearing walls in this sense have a special status. Their integrity can be encroached upon only with special permission.

But even if, from the point of view of possible violation of load-bearing structures, everything is innocent, one way or another, an appropriate project is needed, which will require approval from certain authorities.

It's better to make it clear in advance what types of work can be done in a particular case and what cannot be done, since they will not receive approval:

  • You should not expect to expand the kitchen or bathroom at the expense of the living space. At the very least, if the partition between the kitchen and the room is removed, it is prohibited to install plumbing fixtures or a cooking stove in the living area.
  • It will be possible to obtain permission to use part of the corridor for a bathroom, but not the living space, and even then, when agreeing on such a scheme, disputes may arise with competent specialists.
  • When remodeling, the ventilation system must not be affected.
  • You cannot block access to the gas stove or rearrange it yourself, without the approval of the relevant service.
  • Radiators cannot be installed on the balcony.
  • Interfloor ceilings cannot be dismantled.

During redevelopment it is allowed:

  • Connect the toilet and bathroom spaces.
  • Combine a room with a kitchen, provided that the apartment has an electric stove.
  • Create additional openings for doors.
  • Divide one room into two.
  • Combine two living rooms into one room.

How to legitimize?

Even knowing the need to follow all these rules, and not intending to deviate too much from them, many people still prefer to engage in redevelopment without the prior approval of specialists. At the same time, sometimes even an experienced builder cannot distinguish by eye a load-bearing wall from one that is not one.

Therefore, it is still better not to take risks and turn to experts who can truly assess the situation with knowledge and propose the most rational plan of action.

Redevelopment issues must be worked out by a licensed architect. He will tell you which apartment redevelopment option will be optimal in a particular case, and will also offer solutions that will make the housing meet the tastes and needs of its inhabitants.

Redevelopment must be approved by the technical inventory bureau. Coordination of other services may be required. To make such a large-scale renovation at your own peril and risk, turning, for example, a “Khrushchev two-room apartment” with an area of ​​43 square meters into a three-room apartment or a “tram” apartment into an apartment with separate rooms, and even just getting rid of the room partition, means it is impossible to sell, donate or exchange This is housing in the future. Based on these considerations, formalities should not be neglected.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Today, there are a huge number of examples of updating the Khrushchev space, which can also be seen on the Internet. It is possible to draw ideas from a variety of ready-made design solutions that will help you redesign, decorate and furnish a specific apartment.

  • So, instead of a blank wall between the rooms, a decorative structure is installed, resembling a window frame in its appearance, which also serves as a shelf for vases. This move allows you to separate the bedroom area from the living room. Next to the bed there is a door leading to a storage room or wardrobe. This way the space remains functional. Its openness allows you to maintain a feeling of spaciousness.

  • You can make a two-room Khrushchev apartment spacious by installing a functional plasterboard shelving unit between the rooms. Due to the fact that this spatial solution does not include solid partitions, there are no clear boundaries between the rooms, which allows you to perceive all areas of the apartment as a single whole. The rooms are decorated in white. This makes the apartment spacious and airy. Bright color accents add dynamism to the interior.

  • The boundary between the living room and bedroom can be defined using a glass partition with a door. The use of black framing in the design makes this solution interesting, filling the space with coziness. It was as if another large floor-to-ceiling window had appeared in the apartment. To prevent the bedroom from being always visible, there are curtains on the partition.
  • A translucent sliding partition also allows you to separate one room from another. If necessary, it can be closed, and when open it does not interfere with the perception of both rooms as a single large room and makes it possible not to feel cramped. This is also facilitated by the simple design of the ceiling and furniture without excessive pomp and volume details.

  • You can decorate a Khrushchev-era living room in muted colors, creating a feeling of intimacy and peace. All unnecessary partitions have been removed from the apartment. The space is also expanded through the use of a mirrored ceiling.
  • An unusual design in a Khrushchev building can be created by using round doorways. Partitions allow you to intelligently distribute the square footage for each functional area.

  • Beige and green colors fill the apartment with calmness and comfort. The use of glass furniture and chandeliers does not burden the space, allowing you to maintain the spaciousness and lightness of the atmosphere.
  • Allocating a special space for the bed reduces the bedroom area to a minimum. Thus, it is possible to free up the largest part of the apartment for other functions, and the owners are left with a small cozy corner, hidden from prying eyes, allowing them to retreat into their own special intimate world.

To learn how to remodel a 2-room Khrushchev house, see the following video.