Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

How to insulate a log house from the inside. How to insulate a log house from the inside: solutions. Thermal insulation of a log house - a complex procedure

Log houses are characterized by their uniqueness, manifested in the natural provision of heat and humidity inside the house. But over time, this quality deteriorates, and with the arrival of cold weather, in some cases problems in terms of thermal adaptation are revealed. Similar inconveniences plague owners of houses purchased on the secondary housing market. There is only one way out - insulation log house.

We choose the most beautiful implementation!

They found it in the catalog finished projects with minimal processing. During the construction of the building, proper insulation was taken care of, making it economical.

It's hard to believe how much he's changed

The building itself was small, but that was true for a family of 2. However, the list of obvious advantages of the old house was over. The rest depended on Arthur's actions. Arthur, like most owners of old properties, began renovating.

It is becoming more and more popular. They are created in art galleries, boutiques, restaurants and hotels. The location of the home, as well as the client's personality, lifestyle and needs, were of great interest to the designers. They created a seemingly raw interior, but isolated by large wooden surfaces.

Where does the heat go?

The unpleasant cold in the house unsettles you and forces you to look for additional ways to warm up the room. Residents are starting to gain heat in all ways: they buy various heaters, use all methods of insulating windows and turn on full power in-house heating. All this takes time and money, and does not always justify the goal. First you need to decide where the heat goes?

Energy-saving house of Marzen and Jarka

Prevent the owners themselves. Bartosz Makowski. As said, an energy efficient house, having received a lot of construction costs, gradually paid back the money spent.

Ways to remodel an old house

Additional living space under a warm fire. This usually refers to folding windows or hatches, and sometimes to changes in roof angle.

Heaters, underfloor heating or mixed installation?

Many people believe that it is enough to install new radiators so that the boiler uses less fuel because it will not need to heat as much water. Two is the use of plaster covering the beads or wooden face to preserve the character of the wooden house. In the same way, on the inside, plaster can be applied to a layer of heating or imitation logs.

A common reason in a new home is marriage. Through cracks that appeared during shrinkage due to the fact that undried wood was used in the work are the most unpleasant things that can happen to a log house. Heat loss is affected by poor-quality vapor barrier and insulation, not selected according to building standards.

You can determine the leak yourself. You need to start with the attic structure because up to 40% of the heat escapes through the ceiling. Then check the flooring. The cracks that appear between the boards when the wood shrinks become direct suppliers of cold into the house. Lastly, inspect the walls.

It can be used when the height of the house does not exceed two floors. The facade is screwed to a wooden lattice, hanging on special steel grips or on steel rails with handles. This will be polystyrene foam, mesh and plaster, as well as bricks from the break in the fancy yodisk. The roof was covered with stonework, typical of old Polish houses.

External plasters: types, properties, prices

Model decorative plaster can be used on thermal insulation systems, as well as on old and new mineral plasters, fillers and concrete. The house is located in the quiet, peaceful village of Suszyna near Klodzko in the Klodzko Valley right next to the Mountain Mountains National Park.

Reveal heat losses you can simply put your hand on the wallpaper or other decoration. If the wall is cold, then the leak is occurring through them. The fact that heat leaks through the walls can also be judged by peeling wallpaper, if the design in the house is made using this material. Cold and heat coming through the cracks from inside the house accumulate inside the walls and decompose the adhesive composition.

Home view link. During the interwar period this village was a popular summer resort. The house is located on the outskirts of the village, but on an asphalt road. Therefore, in winter there will be no problems with moving. There is an eternal book in the property. There are no liens, debts or burdens. The annual property tax for the entire year is PLN 311.

There is only one farm across the street in front of the house, so there is no clutter and it will be easier to leave the house without fear of something happening because the neighbors will be watching. Near the house there is a beautiful view of the large valley and the mountains of Stolowe and Szczelinec, which delights you in summer and winter. Amazing area for walking and cycling.

If the problem is in the flooring, you will understand this by the cold surface. In this case, no insulated linoleum or laying the thickest carpet will help. The cold will always haunt you if there are problems with its design.

It is difficult to visually identify heat losses through the ceiling. This can be determined by checking the attic space. If the house is not new, then it is better to change the insulation. It is unknown what insulation principles the previous owners used. Designing own house The insulation of the attic space must be treated responsibly at all stages of construction. In this case, you will not have problems with heat loss through the ceiling space.

You can buy land and expand the plot. Pre-war building, until recently residential. You can use it although it needs renovation. Great potential, after renovation, will become the pride of the owner. Heating: coal stove and radiators. A roof structure in good condition can be installed on tiles. The old plaster was partially cut to allow the new plaster to be added.

Pros and cons of external insulation

Our renovation. On the ground floor: - porch - hallway - large room - large kitchen - bathroom - staircase to the attic. On attic floor with a separate room, but the entire attic can be adapted into a further room for guests or children. On the ground floor there is about 70 m2 of attic space, of which there is a room of 13 m2 and can be adapted to approximately 40 m2, since from floor to ridge to ridge is 3.5 meters.

Options for protecting a log house from the cold

When building a new house, thermal insulation is thought out and implemented during the construction process. But over time, any structure will decay. Even if you did everything according to the instructions and used high-quality wood, the wood will crack and the cracks will become primary sources of cold.

In the last century, thermal insulation was not used in the construction of a log house. Only insulation with tow and, if possible, exterior decoration protecting houses from the wind. In this case, only new lining on the outside of the structure, with heat insulation placed in the frame, will help.

The house is additionally insulated from the inside. For these purposes, you can cover the room with plasterboard or plaster it with a hydrophobic mixture. A certain percentage of the area will be lost, but in this way you can return the former comfort and warmth to the house. When working, you need to strictly plan all manipulations. Leave space for ventilation between the lining so that condensation does not form under it.

There are some recommendations for interior decoration. Drywall can be used in any conditions. Even if they use the house infrequently and come in winter only for weekends. Plastering walls is only allowed if you live in the house permanently. When cooled, the mixture will crack and render unusable not only the insulation, but also appearance.

Which material is better to choose?

Everyone knows that the material used to insulate a house must be of high quality. The basic requirements for thermal insulation materials are characterized as follows:

  • high degree of vapor permeability;
  • fire safety;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • immunity to mold and fungi.

On a note. It is necessary to carefully read the manufacturers' recommendations regarding the possibility of using thermal insulation. Almost all modern materials have the presented characteristics, and they can be protected from fungus and mold with waterproofing films.

Let's consider what the market offers in this regard building materials?

Mineral wool

The production of this cold insulator is based on the use of silicate rock alloys as a base. The participation of ingredients obtained naturally indicates the environmental friendliness of the product. Mineral wool is not subject to rotting, does not burn and does not emit any harmful impurities.

Produced in convenient formats: in the form of mats various sizes and roll batches. Easy to process and attach to any surface. A minor drawback is the time costs that affect the density of the material and cost. Over time, the mineral wool will deform, but this will not be visible under the outer lining. In addition, slight shrinkage practically does not affect the quality of insulation.


Insulating a house with polystyrene foam is one of the most inexpensive and popular methods. The material is easy to install and can be processed. Insulation is carried out in the usual way - a sheathing is mounted, foam panels are laid in it, and the frame is covered with decorative panels on top.

Experts note one significant drawback - the vapor permeability of the slabs. The density of the material does not allow air to pass through at all, as a result of which warm vapors leaving the house condense on the wood. And as everyone knows, water is the main enemy of wood. Over time, under the lining, the logs will begin to rot and decompose. Therefore, it is better not to use it for insulating wooden structures. And if a choice is made towards this option, then it is necessary to additionally close the building plastic film outside.


Also environmentally friendly material. Ecowool is produced from cellulose fibers. A good option for insulating a log house. It has all the characteristics of mineral wool. The cost is a little cheaper, but inferior in strength.

Despite the similar name in structure, these are completely different materials. Ecowool is something like construction foam. It is supplied in special cylinders and sprayed onto the walls. When mounted, it fits tightly to the surface, following all the contours of the log house.

To ensure that the applied layer stays on the wall more confidently, sheathing is sewn onto the frame. Additionally, it is moistened with water or special glue. When sprayed, a dense layer is formed on the surface of the walls. Quality is proven by the fact that when applied, the material gets into even the smallest cracks, clogging them. Thus, the insulation with ecowool is practically dull.

Important! Before applying ecowool to the surface of the walls, they are first cleaned of any deposits, debris and sawdust. After spraying, the walls should be covered with plastic wrap and left for 4-5 days until completely dry.


The most environmentally friendly product. In terms of heat retention, sawdust is not inferior to modern materials, but it is easily flammable, unstable to any manifestations of moisture, and rodents and insects like to stay in them. In its pure form, shavings are not used for insulating log houses. It can only be poured into the underground space, and even then mixed with glass.

Sawdust concrete is used for thermal insulation of the house. It can be in bulk form or assembled slabs. In its pure form, sawdust can be poured onto the ceiling from the attic. Just be sure to first lay a vapor barrier layer on the boards so that moisture does not condense in the chips. Expanded clay bedding will add volume.

Of all the materials presented, it will be beneficial in all plans mineral wool. Using her example, we will consider the process of insulating a log house.

External wall covering

In any case it is protected new house or life is breathed into an old building, first the outside walls are insulated under siding or other finishing, only after that the inside. And the first step is to thoroughly prepare the walls for work. At this stage the following manipulations are carried out:

  • the entire surface of the log house is cleaned of slag, sawdust and other debris;
  • the cracks are sealed and, if necessary, the crowns of the log house are caulked;
  • then the wood is treated with antiseptics.

After this, we wait 2-3 days and begin installing the sheathing. It is stuffed in a vertical position. It is better to maintain the distance between the bars according to the size of the insulation mat. All boards should be as level as possible.

After assembly, a vapor barrier is laid, insulation is placed on top of it, a protective layer is again, and at the last stage the frame is sealed with siding. This is the simplest and effective way insulate the walls of a log house. Now let's look at what can be done with the ceiling.

Insulation of the attic

Actually, the heat escaping through the ceiling somehow bypasses this room. Therefore, we will insulate here. The material can be used the same as for protecting walls. Sawdust with concrete chips are often used. The work is carried out as follows:

  • bars are stuffed, like lathing;
  • a vapor barrier is installed;
  • a heat insulator is poured into them;
  • boarding is done.

When it's draughty from the floor

The cold passing through the genital cracks is the most unpleasant. In log houses, deformation occurs due to a long period of use of the house or due to improper installation of the flooring. Insulating the floor will be the most labor-intensive.

First, the old flooring is removed. The interior space is checked for rotten supports. If there are beams “eaten away” by rot, they need to be replaced. At this stage, the integrity of the foundation is also checked. Cracks and deformations lead to serious heat losses.

The floor is insulated with crushed stone backfill and cement filling. When the mixture hardens, fill it with a floorboard, preferably a new one. If the old coating will be laid, during dismantling, all elements are marked so as not to confuse the sequence.

If possible, you can introduce the option of laying a heated floor circuit. These could be systems water based. Only this option fits under the boards. If you radically change everything and make concrete floors, then a system of electric heating systems is installed under them.

Insulating a log house, new or old, is a whole ritual that needs to be approached fully prepared. If complex measures are implemented, then any mistake in creating protection for even one element of the walls, floor or ceiling will subsequently affect the overall microclimate, reducing the quality of heating.

Log houses are also in demand today, despite the emergence of new building materials. The fact is that wood perfectly retains heat and regulates humidity in the room, while wooden houses environmentally friendly. But it happens that with the onset of winter, owners of log houses are faced with freezing walls. Let's look at how to properly insulate a log house outside and inside with your own hands and show detailed video instructions at the end of the article.

It happens that with the onset of cold weather, owners country houses encounter drafts. Old log houses often require serious measures to insulate the walls and, first of all, you should start caulking the log house. So the question arises, how to insulate a log house yourself, and which ones to use for walls are best for the job.

Is it necessary to insulate a log house?

Owners of houses made of chopped and rounded logs, like owners of brick private houses, are faced with drafts. Without the proper one, the floor will blow on your feet, and the house will quickly cool down if the gas or electricity is suddenly turned off in winter. The conclusion from this is simple - log house should be properly insulated, and work should begin from the underground.

Insufficient thickness of logs is the main cause of cold in the house in winter. For a temperate climate with little humidity, logs of 200–250 mm will be sufficient; for regions with cold winters, logs with a diameter of 400 mm should be used. Let's consider in the next chapter which thermal insulation materials are best used for a log house if a private house Already built, but there is no proper comfort.

To retain heat in a residential building, you should insulate the house from rounded logs. To do this, it is necessary to insulate the roof of the house, treat and sheathe the outer walls, trim the slopes of the windows and front door etc. Make sure that columnar foundation and the basement of the house is well insulated; it is also necessary to make heating in a private house more efficient.

Materials for insulating a log house

For wood, it is better to use natural insulation materials - in the attic you can lay expanded clay or sawdust mixed with soil. The caulking of the log house is made with moss or jute - a flax-based insulation material. It is not advisable to use tow, since the material quickly absorbs moisture. You can use expanded clay to fill a floor or basement; you can make a warm floor by laying slabs of extruded polystyrene foam.

If standard procedures are not yet enough and the house is cool, then you cannot do without additional insulation walls of a log house. Thermal insulation material must be vapor permeable (quickly release excess moisture that it has absorbed from warm air). If the building is insulated from the outside, the material must be moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly and fireproof.

How to insulate a log house from the outside

It is advisable to protect the house from the cold from the street. In this way, you will protect the walls of the house from freezing, and when installing a ventilated facade, moist air will freely exit the wooden structures and thermal insulation and erode through the ventilation gap. If the house has just been built, then insulation should begin only when the log frame shrinks. Otherwise, all structures may be damaged.

Caulk of a log house

Before insulating the log house, it is necessary to carefully caulk the walls with moss or jute. These materials are able to quickly release all accumulated moisture into the environment. All work should be carried out only in dry and warm weather. The inter-crown insulation is pushed between the logs with a special spatula and compacted until the material penetrates. Logs can be additionally treated with an antiseptic.

Installation of a ventilated facade

It is better to insulate a log house using ventilated facade technology. This design will allow the log house to “breathe” and release excess moisture into the atmosphere. To clearly see the entire process of installing a ventilated facade using siding, we have added a video instruction from Russian manufacturer basalt thermal insulation. Here are the main stages of insulating the facade of a wooden house:

1. caulk the log house and treat the walls with an antiseptic;
2. installation of the sheathing in increments equal to the width of the insulation;
3. laying thermal insulation on the facade between the guides;
4. installation of windproof film over the entire structure;
5. filling the sheathing for the ventilation gap and installing siding.

Insulating the facade of a house with mineral wool for siding

Windproof film and vapor barrier will protect the insulation from getting wet, but will freely allow moisture to pass out from the insulation layer. For better ventilation, a ventilation gap of 20-30 mm should be left between the vapor barrier and the external cladding of the facade. Ventilations should be installed at the bottom and at the top so that air flows from below under the skin and takes away excess moisture from the surface of the film.

How to insulate a log house from the inside

This option should only be used when extreme cases. Builders are against installing insulation from inside the room. When insulating walls from the inside, you may encounter the problem of condensation and mold appearing between the wall and the thermal insulation layer. Inside the house there will be more than enough standard measures to insulate the floor on the ground floor, the attic floor and window slopes.

Insulating the floor in a log house

To make the floor on the first floor warm, you need to lay basalt insulation between the joists or pour expanded clay. A subfloor made of boards is laid on the joists, on which linoleum or laminate is laid. If this is not enough, then you should also make blind areas at home. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to insulate the basement of your house yourself using polystyrene foam or thermal panels.

Insulating the attic in a log house

If you decide not to equip the attic, but simply insulate attic floor, then first you should lay waterproofing film, and lay insulation on top with a layer of at least 250 mm. If a private house has an attic, then you need to insulate the roof with mineral wool yourself. The ceiling between floors should also be insulated with mineral wool to improve the sound insulation of rooms and premises.

Insulation of walls inside a log house

Lay insulation on the walls of the house from the side warm room not worth it, it’s better to caulk the cracks between the logs and