Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Equipment and tools for bricklaying. Various devices for quick do-it-yourself bricklaying What tool for bricklaying

For as many centuries as the construction industry has existed, its representatives have been inventing and improving construction tools for as long.

The main tool for laying bricks is a trowel, a comfortable handle and correct angle which allows you to control it comfortably.

Of course, no construction project is complete without such a profession as a bricklayer. And therefore, a tool for bricklaying occupies a special place among other tools. So special that at some point in history it even went beyond just a construction tool.

But here we will not consider cultural and historical symbols, but the purpose and characteristic features of some traditional devices for bricklaying, which should help future masons in their activities.

Brief classification of masonry tools

If we take into account all the tools available today for masonry work (including last years even mechanized devices have appeared), then they can be divided into two large groups: working tools (which directly carry out operations on the construction of walls made of brick or cinder block) and control and measuring devices.

  • trowel for stone work (trowel);
  • mason's hammer (pick);
  • mortar spatula;
  • jointing;
  • mop.

The group of measuring instruments includes such products as:

  • plumb lines;
  • construction levels (flexible and bubble);
  • specialized mason's square;
  • orders (intermediate and angular);
  • folding meter, measuring tape;
  • intermediate pendulum;
  • rule;
  • control template for inter-row openings.

You can also classify into a separate subgroup devices with an auxiliary function and additional devices that ensure the safety and convenience of a person during work.

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Working tools for bricklaying

This group includes tools used for constructing brick walls and facing facades. Having these tools on a construction site is essential for efficient work.

The most famous and almost universal masonry device is the well-known trowel (trowel).

The main tool of the mason and stove maker is a triangular (sometimes in the form of a drop) spatula with a curved handle. The approximate length of a standard trowel blade is 18-19 cm.

The purpose of the trowel is to apply cement mortar to a brick wall under construction, level it over the masonry, fill the seams formed between the brick rows, and also remove excess mortar residues from the seams.

Its handle is made either of wood, or of plastic, or of a rubberized material. In any case, when choosing this irreplaceable item, you should pay attention to the fact that its handle is well grasped by the hand and does not slip out at the slightest movement.

Tools used when laying brick ovens: a – hammer-pick, b – trowel, c – jointer for convex seams, d – jointer for concave seams, e – mortar shovel.

The second important tool is the pickaxe hammer (sometimes called a combination hammer). A standard hammer is made approximately 30 cm long.

It has quite a lot of functions due to the fact that on one side the specified object has a striking (hammer) part, and on the other it is equipped with a pointed device for splitting. Thus, they can tap the laid brick so that it takes the desired position, chop and trim the stone. This makes it indispensable especially in cases where inconvenient and hard-to-reach places are being laid.

The mortar blade is designed to supply and spread fresh mortar over a relatively large area to be treated. It makes it possible to quickly and efficiently spread the mortar on the wall under construction. In addition, it is easy to stir the ingredients of the cement mortar in a box or tray.

A mason's jointer is a tool that is used to decorate the seams formed during masonry. For this reason, the narrow trowel part of the jointing has a triangular or semi-oval cross-section to form concave or convex internal seams. It is she who performs the operation, without which it is very difficult to imagine.

Mopping will be of more interest to stove specialists. It gets its name from the process of the same name, the essence of which is to remove the mounting solution when it is squeezed out of the seams inside ventilation shafts or chimneys under construction. The mop is a square rubber plate mounted on a metal handle.

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Orders, mooring lines and other control devices

A well-chosen control and measuring tool is of great importance for the quality of construction. Suffice it to say that loss of control over the brick laying process can most likely lead to the walls of the building collapsing, which ultimately can lead to disaster. Therefore, the work of a mason on a construction site without such devices, despite their, at first glance, secondary importance, is simply unthinkable.

The simplest of them and the most traditional is the plumb line. It consists of a cone-shaped metal body, which is suspended through an aluminum strip on a twisted cord. They have been used since ancient times to check the accuracy of installation of vertical elements: walls, masonry corners, pillars, window and door openings.

In this case, all plumb lines are divided into lighter and heavier ones. Their use in certain cases directly depends on the height of the structure: the higher the structure being tested, the greater the mass of the plumb line should be. The explanation here is very simple: a light plumb line hung on a long cord, somewhat attracted to the wall of the building, will distort the real picture of the degree of verticality.

Thus, the position of the wall within the height of one floor is controlled with a plumb line of 200-400 g, and over a height of several floors - with a plumb line weighing 600-1000 g.

At the same time, control of both vertical and horizontal brick laying is carried out by such a device as ordering. This is a kind of complex beacon, assembled from heterogeneous structural elements (pipes, slats, corners), with the help of which a worker can quickly and accurately, without using the “by eye” principle, lay brick.

For this purpose, a special scale is applied along the height of the row, the division of which is equal to the thickness of the brick row (77 mm for single and 100 mm for thickened). Also, the lower and upper boundaries of window and door openings, ceilings and other structural elements of the building are marked in advance.

The orders are set using a plumb line before the installation of the walls begins. They are placed in the corners of the building and where the walls adjoin each other. For accuracy, these control tools are installed every 10-12 m. A mooring cord is fixed between the marks of the brick rows, which are marked on the rows, along which the brick laying is carried out.

Another device for checking the vertical and horizontal positions brick wall or overlap is well known to many building level. Most often, for masonry work, levels in the form aluminum profile, having three length options: 300, 500 and 700 mm.

The vertical and horizontal position of the brick partition is established by the orientation of air bubbles inside two sealed glass ampoules, partially filled with antifreeze liquid. Finding the bubble strictly in the middle of the ampoule means that the structure to which the level is applied is in a strictly vertical or horizontal position. Deviation of the bubble to the right or left signals a deviation from the vertical or horizontal.

As a rule, this large, smooth strip of planed wood or a special aluminum profile is used to smooth out various unevenness of the masonry on its front side. By running it along a freshly laid wall, a mason can easily notice defects in his work and correct it in a timely manner. Length standard tool ranges from 1000 mm to 3000 mm.

What are there and how to make a device for bricklaying yourself

Brick is one of the most common building materials. Its high performance characteristics allow it to be used in a wide variety of areas, including the construction of fences and the construction of a foundation for a fence.

Despite the seemingly fairly simple work, there are certain technologies for laying bricks. Their choice depends on the purposes of construction and the quality of materials. In order for the process brickwork was easier and technically correct, using various devices.

Types of devices and their use

The following tools are usually used for masonry:

Trowel (trowel)

The most common and necessary tool. It is a smooth steel blade. It performs several functions: grouting joints, leveling concrete mortar, removing excess mortar.


This tool belongs to the category of measuring instruments. It is used to measure and check the angles that are formed during the masonry process. The angles must strictly correspond to the calculations.


Designed for marking the height of masonry in preparation for work, as well as for checking the correctness of the work performed.

Shovel bucket

Although this tool is widely used for mixing concrete, it is also used in masonry. With its help, the concrete mixture is applied to the brick. Especially necessary when working with large quantities of solution.


Also applies to measuring instruments. It consists of a durable housing, inside of which there are containers filled with non-freezing liquid. In addition, there are air balls inside. They allow you to accurately determine how smoothly the masonry is carried out, both in horizontal and vertical positions.

When installing a level on the masonry in case correct execution The work balls are located strictly in the middle of the device. Otherwise, they show the level of tilt in one direction or another.


The main tool for bricklaying, especially if the brick is used as a decorative element. It is used to process seams. They not only align, but also acquire the desired shape or pattern. Joints come in various shapes and sizes.


Tool for monitoring work. It is an absolutely smooth strip, with which you can measure and check the surface, determine how evenly the installation occurs. Particularly widely used for checking external masonry.

Pick hammer

In case of errors during laying or to achieve the required shape, this tool is used. It allows you to chop off unnecessary parts and give them the desired appearance.


It is attached to the first row of masonry and allows you to accurately measure the location of the bricks and their rows relative to each other. Often used to create a variety of patterns and designs on the outside of brickwork. In addition, the order is widely used to mark future window or door openings, design features of the building or structure being constructed. You can also use it to secure the cord and level the masonry.

These are the basic masonry tools. With the development of production technologies, they are increasingly improved and automated to facilitate the work of the builder. However, you can make such a device yourself.

How to make a similar tool with your own hands

In order to make a device yourself, you need to decide for what purpose it is intended:

  • Cord Attachment. Ordering is not always in the arsenal of the first available tools, but securing the cord is necessary. There is an option for fastening with nails, but for this you need to wait for the solution to dry completely. This is not very convenient.
    In order to solve the problem, you can make a fairly simple tool yourself. A device in the shape of the letter “T” is cut out of a metal sheet. A cord is attached to it. Then the edges of the device are bent strictly according to the shape of the brickwork. Thus, even without the use of complex devices, the cord is securely attached to the masonry and does not disturb it.
  • Work at height. Situations often arise that require working with bricks at height. Construction companies use cranes for this. For working at home or on garden plot structures such as scaffolding may come in handy. Making such a device is quite simple. Near a wall or fence, for which it is necessary to lay masonry at a height, 2 trestles of equal height are installed. They are superimposed wooden boards. The main thing when constructing such devices is to ensure their maximum stability.
  • Laying bricks at the same height. If you don’t have a cord or level at hand, you can use the following simple device. M-shaped parts are cut from a steel sheet. Then a hole is drilled in the middle of each piece. Next, it is bent at an angle until the correct corners are obtained, and an elastic band is inserted into the hole. One corner is attached to the outside of the first brick in the row, the other on the outside of the last brick in the row. The elastic band is stretched, and a kind of level is obtained. It can be used both to check finished masonry and as a guide when performing work.
  • Dosing the solution. Very often there is a need for an exact dosage of the solution; it is needed in cases where the thickness of the seams is calculated up to a millimeter. A trowel won't help here. But there is a device that you can make yourself. To do this, take a sheet of iron or steel of exactly the thickness needed for the seams. An oblong hole is cut in it, which corresponds to the width of the brick. It's quite simple to use. It is simply applied to the brickwork, using a shovel and a trowel, the mortar is applied, leveled, and the excess is removed. The result is an absolutely flat surface and the same thickness of the mortar throughout the entire masonry.
  • Filling joints with concrete mortar. It is not always possible to accurately and quickly calculate the amount of mortar and fill the seam completely. Another device is designed for high-quality performance of such work. It can also be made from metal sheet. A rectangular sheet is cut out or taken, holes are cut in it, which are the same size as the brick. The device is leaned against the bricks, the seam is rubbed exactly over their area. Using this device, just like the previous one, you can control the thickness of even the side seams in hard-to-reach places.

Thus, there are a large number of tools that are made specifically for correct and quick masonry. If any of the main devices is missing, it can be successfully replaced with a home-made device.

Video about the tool for quick masonry

In the following video you can see the use of one of these devices:

Trowel type KB

Each work operation has its own tool or device, the main ones being a mortar shovel, trowel, jointer and hammer-pick.

Trowel for masonry work (GOST 9533-81) is a steel blade polished on both sides with a wooden handle, used for leveling masonry, trimming excess mortar in seams, and filling vertical seams with mortar.

Trowel type KB

Trowel type KP

Mortar shovel LR

The estimated cost of a trowel is 50-80 rubles.

Mortar shovel(GOST 19596-87) is used for supplying the solution, as well as spreading it on the wall; mixing the solution in the box: leveling the solution between miles under the backfill.

Estimated cost – from 100 rubles.

Convex and concave joints– designed for processing seams and giving them a certain shape. Depending on the required thickness and shape of the seams, the cross-sectional profile and jointing size are selected. The cost is about 50 rubles.

Curved seam jointing

Concave seam jointing

Pick hammer necessary for hewing and chopping whole bricks into incomplete ones. The cost of a hammer-pick is from 150 rubles.

Pick hammer


Mopping used when cleaning ventilation systems from solution protruding from the seams; for more complete filling of seams with mortar, as well as smoothing of seams. At the bottom of the tool handle, between the flanges, there is a rubber plate measuring 140x140x10 (12) mm, which is the working part.

Testing and measuring tools for bricklaying.

Plumb designed to control the verticality of walls, pillars, piers and masonry corners. The measurement process is weighing the masonry. Plumb lines

Weighing 200-400 g, it is used to control the correctness of brickwork in tiers within the height of the floor; weighing 600-1000 g - for monitoring external corners within the height of several floors.

Building level serves to check the verticality and horizontality of the masonry. The level body is made of aluminum alloy, length

housings 300/500/700 mm, etc. Glass tubes-ampoules are installed on the body. The ampoules are not completely filled with antifreeze liquid; an air bubble remains in them. The horizontal/vertical deviation measurement is determined by the deviation of air bubbles from the average position.

Building level

Pravi'lo- a wooden strip with a cross-section of 30x80 mm, 1.5-2 m long, as an option - a duralumin strip 1.2 m long. The rule is intended to check the front surface of the masonry.

Cord mooring– twisted cord 3 mm thick. When laying versts, the mooring cord is pulled between the lines and lighthouses. It is used in the bricklaying process as a guide to ensure that the masonry courses are straight and horizontal and that the horizontal joints are of uniform thickness. With its help, the position that each laid brick should have in a mile is determined.

Cord mooring

Cord mooring

Wooden order– a lath with a cross-section of 50x50 mm or 70x50 mm, up to 2 m long. The order has divisions (notches) every 77 mm, which corresponds to the thickness of the masonry row (65 mm brick thickness + 12 mm joint thickness), as well as 100 mm for thicker bricks (88 + 12 mm). Orders are used for marking rows of masonry, as well as fixing marks of the bottom and top of door and window openings, runs of floor slabs, lintels, etc.


The order is established so that the sides on which the rows of masonry are marked are facing the mason, secured in the masonry with U-shaped steel holders (bracket with a transverse bar). Holder brackets are inserted in height every 6-8 rows along the course of the masonry, placing one above the other. The brackets must fit into the wall with their ends and crossbar. After laying 1-2 rows of bricks on the second holder, the order is inserted into brackets, securing it with wedges. A mooring cord is moored to the rows, installed using a double bracket. The cord is attached to the starting part of the bracket. Remove the order together with the holders without removing the wedges.

Modern industry offers a wide selection of high-tech construction tools. Automatic tools allow you to save significant amounts on construction. Effective construction technologies ensure high rates of economic growth.

The development of automatic masonry tools depends not only on the state of the art, but also on the development of new approaches to masonry.

However, despite technological progress, it is impossible to completely or even significantly automate the bricklaying process, and manual labor is still in demand.

In this case, we are talking about automating some processes and reducing the time for performing various operations.

It should be noted that the creation of an automatic tool for masonry depends not only on the level of technological development, but also on the development of new approaches to masonry and the introduction of innovative ideas directly by construction specialists.

The most famous automatic tool for masonry is the automatic mason's hammer, based on the use of which it has been significantly improved.

To understand the complexity of creating automatic bricklaying tools, the laying process itself and the required tools are described below.

Bricklaying process

The masonry consists of the following steps.

Setting the order is the first stage of bricklaying.

  1. Setting up and rearranging the berth.
  2. Supply of bricks, their placement on the wall.
  3. Mixing, spreading and leveling the solution.
  4. Masonry facing bricks miles and miles away.
  5. Checking the quality of masonry.
  6. Cutting and cutting of facing bricks.

The rows are placed vertically at the intersection of walls and in the corners an additional 10-12 m apart. The risks of the row must correspond to the design elevations of the masonry joints. Setting up the order must be done by two people.

The supply of facing bricks and placement is carried out as follows: a stack of 4 bricks is laid out on interior wall. Feed the solution and level it. The solution is laid in the shape of an oval and the desired width.

When laying “empty”, the solution is distributed with a distance from the edge of 2-3 cm, and in case of laying - 1 cm. For a “spoon” row, a bed is formed with a width of 7-9 cm, and for a “poke” row – 20-22 cm. Height beds - approximately 2.5-3 cm, length - about 70-80 cm. The solution is placed under the “spoons” with the side edge of the shovel.

To blacken masonry mortar, you can use carbon black (black soot). When interacting with cement, soot colors the solution. Such seams do not fade or disappear; soot visually emphasizes each brick.

Soot is an integral element decorative finishing. Of all the dyes, soot is the safest natural remedy.

Brickwork Tool

For brickwork you need the following tool.

A mason's trowel is required for laying bricks.

  1. Mason's trowel. A metal plate with a handle for applying and leveling the mortar when tiling.
  2. Plumb. Weight on a cord to control surface verticality and angles
  3. Level. A wooden, plastic or metal block with 2-3 eyes with liquid and a balloon.
  4. Bushhammer. On one side of the hammer there is a striker for knocking out the brick when placing it in its final place. On the other side there is a pointed plane for undercutting bricks or breaking off bricks of the required size.
  5. Rule. A 1.5-2.5 m long batten to control the straightness of the masonry.
  6. Order. Tool for marking rows of masonry.
  7. Mason's cord. A guide tool for laying bricks in a row.
  8. Joining. A plate with a semicircular, flat or rhombic handle. Designed for jointing masonry joints and giving a finished look.
  9. Tape measure, folding m. Tool for marking width, length and height.
  10. Hydraulic level. A soft transparent tube filled with water with flasks, which is designed to control the laying of rows and setting orders.
  11. Scouring. A plate with a 1 m long handle for cleaning mortar from joints.
  12. Mason's mortar box.
  13. Square. This device is used to control internal and external corners.

Features of collective bricklaying and the possibility of its mechanization

The process of laying bricks consists of many work operations and is not carried out individually, but by a team of masons numbering from 2 to 6 people. Such units, depending on the number of workers, are called “two”, “three”, “four” and so on. The basis is a “two”: a mason of the 2nd category and a mason of the 5-4th category. In units with more than 2 workers, additional masons of the 2nd category are used for work that does not require high qualifications. This increases the productivity of highly skilled masons.

Brickwork is produced using the operational dismembered method, that is, the process is divided into separate operations that are performed by workers. Each of them, specializing in the same operations, thoroughly masters rational work methods. This helps to increase labor productivity and quality of work.

Typically, masonry is carried out by masons of 4-5 categories. They install orders, tighten mooring devices in order to ensure the correct laying of bricks. A high-level mason performs a significant number of manipulations that require well-developed special skills.

Scheme for laying “pressed”

For example, when laying “press”, holding a trowel in his right hand, the mason levels the mortar with it, and then uses the edge of the trowel to rake the mortar and press it against the vertical part of the laid brick. At the same time, he brings the new brick to the place of laying with his left hand. Next, the mason places the brick on the bed, moves it towards the laid brick and presses it with a trowel to the sheet. The trowel is removed with the right hand, and the mortar is clamped between the edges of the laid and laid brick with the brick advanced by the left hand. With hand pressure, the laid brick settles on the bed. The excess mortar squeezed out of the outer seam is trimmed with a trowel after laying the so-called “poke” bricks every 3-5 bricks or 2 bricks after laying with “spoons”. The mason throws this mortar onto the bed.

Based on the description of masonry technology, the quality and productivity of the work are determined by the level of qualifications and experience of the mason. The profession of a mason is a conservative one and includes a significant number of operations that require physical effort. Despite attempts to create technical systems, such as robotic systems for bricklaying, the manual labor of a bricklayer is irreplaceable and in demand.

Among the technical means, the mooring device remains unchanged - a cord (mooring) stretched across rows. A technical improvement is the use of a light beam instead of a mooring device.

Their technical means of mooring remains an unchanged tool for bricklaying.

Modern conditions dictate high rates of construction in the housing sector. Therefore, the work of a highly qualified mason (4-5 category) remains extremely in demand. However, it should be noted that construction is faced with a shortage of construction professions, including high-level masons. This fact had a negative impact on the quality and pace of construction of buildings made of bricks and blocks.

Thus, the urgent task became the creation of an auxiliary tool for bricklaying to carry out masonry work masons of the 2nd category and unskilled workers at the level of masons of 4-5 categories.

This problem was technically solved and set out in the application for invention 2008129953/03, in accordance with which a decision was made on October 16, 2009. on the grant of a patent.

This device is an automatic tool for bricklaying, which is based on the use of an automatic hammer action mechanism.

We will successively describe the mechanism of operation of an automatic bricklayer's hammer and a device for laying bricks.

Automatic mason's hammer

The automatic hammer consists of 2 laser levels and an automatic hammer with a built-in receiver.

The automatic hammer consists of 2 laser levels and the automatic hammer itself, which has a built-in receiver.

The operating principle of the tool is extremely simple. The laying is done and the bricks are knocked down to zero in all planes using an automatic hammer using a laser level. Being on a brick, the hammer begins to knock it out automatically until the moment when the receiver catches the laser beam. In this case, it automatically turns off and the ideal position of the brick horizontally or vertically is achieved. The brick is leveled horizontally at all 4 corners. After this, vertical alignment is performed along 2 opposite planes.

An automatic hammer increases labor productivity up to 5 times. The battery charge is enough to lay about 300 bricks. Payback period is approximately 2 months.

Brick laying device

The laying device includes a platform with a handle and a built-in mooring optical device.

The invention can be effectively used for manual laying of walls made of blocks and bricks. The technical effect is to simplify the design, increase productivity and quality of work.

The device includes a platform with a handle and a built-in mooring optical device, a hammer-shaped power device, and a control unit. The platform is a hollow glass. A power hammer is placed inside one end, and a mooring device is mounted at the other end. The control unit is located inside the glass between the mooring device and the hammer. The indication system is located on the outside of the glass. The hammer is an electric hammer with an electric battery located on the glass in front of the mooring device. The handle is made in the form of a polymer clip and is located on the outer surface of the glass.

The platform contains the following devices:

  • receiver of the laser light emitter of the mooring device to ensure the platform is oriented in a vertical plane;
  • a similar receiver for orienting the device platform in the horizontal plane.

At the top of the platform along the longitudinal axis are mounted 2 mechanized hammers in the form of electric hammers. Their strikers, through corresponding holes, are brought out from the lower surface of the platform, which serves as a limiter for the brick being laid. Handles are attached to the sides of the platform.

The electronic inclinometer establishes the distance with the adjacent brick, screw clamp and front stops.

In addition, on the top there is an electronic inclinometer, included together with electric hammers in common system microprocessor-based control. It is connected to a light emitter receiver connected to light indicators. A brick grabber, created by a side stop, is mounted at the bottom. It sets the distance with the adjacent brick, screw clamp and front stops. The stops are located on brackets that carry other stops for positioning the front end relative to the plane of the facade. They rest on the bottom brick. The design of the device provides electrical diagram regulation of the frequency of impacts of electric hammers.

The process of operating a device for laying bricks and its features

A 2nd grade mason applies the mortar with a shovel to the wall and lays it. The mason levels the mortar bed with a trowel. Next, another mason takes the platform of the device and places it on the brick. It should rest against the strikers and the lower surface of the platform, and on the sides and front – against the stops. The brick is secured with a screw clamp by rotating the steering wheel. The brick is tied to the platform and laid on the mortar. The stops should make contact with the face of the bottom brick. Next, the mason turns on the control system and positions the receiver laser radiation along a beam showing the verticality of the masonry. In automatic mode, electric hammers begin to work through a microprocessor, creating an imitation of the settling of laid bricks on a bed. When the upper surface of the brick reaches the desired horizontal position, the electric hammers are turned off. The screw clamp is removed from the side surface of the brick and the device is released.

The mason doing the laying uses a trowel to level the mortar over the bed.

It should be noted that before starting work, depending on the hardness of the mortar used, the mason selects the frequency of impacts of the electric hammers by manually adjusting them using a button.

Solves the problem of participation of masons and unskilled workers at the level of masons of 4-5 categories. However, it is necessary to note the disadvantage - the laboriousness of physically moving the brick to the stop, which rests on the lower brick through the binder material. Typically this is a high viscosity cement mortar with increased internal friction. This leads to physical fatigue of the worker, which reduces the productivity and quality of masonry work.

There is also a complexity of the design in the form of the presence of elements such as electric hammers, laser radiation receivers, an electronic inclinometer, indicating devices, a microprocessor, fixed and movable stops.

Despite the operation of the elements in automatic mode, manipulating the device requires not only physical effort, but also psychological stress due to the need to monitor the correct position of the receivers relative to the laser beams.

At the same time, this device was successfully tested at construction sites in St. Petersburg. The ergonomic properties were positively assessed, simplicity and ease of use were noted. The use of the device for bricklaying confirmed the possibility of performing the work of a qualified mason by a 2nd category mason and a worker without experience in masonry work.

A construction trowel may outwardly seem like a primitive tool to you, but to this day it, almost unchanged since its invention, serves regularly on every site, in every house during construction and repairs. We decided to pay a little attention to him so that we know in what cases we can turn to his help.

Plastering trowel and other types – design

Today, so many different devices and multifunctional equipment have been invented for construction sites, which seem to make the process of constructing buildings and finishing work almost automatic. However, some processes still cannot be done without the human hand, and in these cases surprisingly simple tools are used, one of which is the mason's trowel, which often serves as the main tool for the plasterer.

It is often called a trowel, this term is more correct, it even sounds in regulatory documents, establishing requirements for the production of this hand tool. Such a shovel is called a trowel only among builders, as if giving birth to a trivial name for this item. There are quite a few types of trowels, and their design seems to be very simple. How are they different? But, as we will see later, there is still a difference.

The trowel of a plasterer or similar specialist consists of a handle and a spatula, which is smoothly machined on both sides. The curved shape of the handle makes work convenient in exactly the plane in which such builders work. We will see such a device in the place where bricks or tiles are laid, Finishing work both outside and inside the building, you can notice its use for jointing, usually this process precedes plastering. That is, in all operations where some kind of mortar is involved, we will see a trowel.

Construction trowel – how is diversity born?

When you walk into a hardware store, you will discover not only the different purposes of these tools, but also other differences that often determine the cost. For example, there are several types of blade shapes alone. There is a triangular one, in which one corner is beveled, or you can find a specimen with two cut corners. You can see a beautiful heart shape instead of the usual triangular blade. There is also a trapezoid, often the area of ​​a triangular blade is not always enough, or the operation requires a wider and longer blade.

There are features of the English and Canadian trowels; their blade has a bend on one or both sides, respectively.

The blade material is usually steel sheet, and quite noticeable thickness. There are also examples made of low-quality metal of a strange nature; such an instrument does not last long, and this can be predicted at an unusually low price. Steel is often hardened so that it can work with heavy concrete mortar, but a trowel for plaster is not so strict on the strength of the material. Then the metal is galvanized, polished, and the result is such a nice thing, to which a curved handle is attached, and a handle is attached to it. This part can be made of wood or durable plastic, sometimes rubber is found; for better grip with the worker’s glove, corrugations are made.

Determine the functional purpose of the tool

The most interesting thing is the division into classes according to functionality. For a mason, the tool must be strengthened, since he works with bricks or blocks, laying them on cement mortar. The tool also helps to check the level of masonry for two adjacent stones, level them by applying the even edge of a spatula, you can even chop bricks with such a trowel. The latter is possible with those varieties that have a curved edge (English or Canadian).

You need to draw the solution with the side with a straight edge. Many people successfully use this device to simply mix the solution when preparing it; this is very convenient if you prepare it by hand and not with a mixer. The sizes vary greatly, as do the shapes of the canvas. However, you need to know the main thing: the longer the trowel, the heavier it is, so when purchasing, consider your strength, especially if you are not a professional.

A plaster trowel has less weight because the main composition with which it works is gypsum or plaster. A more elegant tool is often used to smooth out the resulting layer, as if polishing it. There is also a separate type of trowel - jointing, which is slightly different in appearance, because instead of a blade it has a thin rod (blade). Using this trowel, neat seams between bricks are cleared or formed. If the strip of metal is slightly curved, then this type is used to scrape out excess from the space between the seams. The length of the blade sometimes reaches 10 cm.

A concrete trowel is a nice triangular-shaped spatula, which is the most convenient way to handle stone and mortar. The tiler operates with a trapezoidal trowel, the plasterer tries to choose small sizes (up to 10 cm), and sometimes uses an 18-centimeter tool to finish large areas. A funny “toothed” spatula is used for the tiler’s work at the stage of applying ribs to the layer of glue or cement on which it will be placed. Its teeth can be up to 1 cm in size, because sometimes the tile is heavy, and the layer of adhesive mortar is quite impressive.

Mason's trowel - weak point and its repair

It’s not difficult to use a trowel; you can perform a huge range of work, but it usually has a short life, and the cheaper your tool, the shorter it is. The main failure is the destruction of the connection between the blade and the handle; this is the most flimsy place, like any assembly unit. After all, the maximum load falls on him. Upon quick inspection, it becomes obvious that this is a simple welding, and two points are made that experience thousands of barely noticeable bends per day of work. Even an expensive high-quality tool lasts about a year, after which its safety margin ends.

Many people try to weld a blade in order to extend the life of their assistant a little more. For ferrous metal this is of almost no help, and even less useful in the case of stainless steel. But you can try to correct the situation with a rivet; many have already experienced the effectiveness of this option. You can use a specialized one, and besides, the rivets themselves are made professionally. Or get creative and use a regular nail for this; the diameter should be at least 3 mm.

Where we plan to make a mount in the handle, we drill two holes, and if the material is of high quality, you will need time and patience, as well as a strong drill. Next, we apply the handle to the blade and mark the places where to make holes already on the canvas. In order not to get lost, first make a mark so that the center of the blade is visible, otherwise your work in the future will not work out with the revived trowel.

Before inserting the nail, work it under the head so that it can fit snugly on the blade of the spatula, and no notches interfere, otherwise it will get into this space. mortar. Now we pass the nail into the first hole, press its head tightly, and cut off the other side, leaving 3 mm. We turn it over, place a sledgehammer under the trowel so that the head rests against it, and on top of it with a hammer, hammer the protruding tip of the cut nail. We do the same with the second hole.