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Master's program “International Relations. International relations and politics abroad Master's program in international relations

Master's program International Relations and Integration Processes in Eurasia is the optimal combination of:

  • Deep and comprehensive knowledge in the field of international political, economic and business processes in Eurasia in the digital era.
  • Skills in analyzing the markets of Eurasian countries and the peculiarities of working on them
  • Skills in building analytical models based on Big Data for decision making in the field of international relations.
  • Development of leadership and change management skills in the digital era;

The Master's program International Relations and Integration Processes in Eurasia is a unique Blended learning format that allows each student to build their learning process as efficiently as possible.


    Our graduates are able to formulate professional tasks, find and use the most suitable tools to solve them
    Our graduates have the necessary analytical, critical and creative thinking skills needed in their professional activities.
    Our graduates communicate effectively on professional issues, including in an international environment.
    Aware of social responsibility when making professional decisions.
    Able to build professional activities in an international environment.

    "The Future of the MBA" - 3 Key Changes MBA Association Chief Executive Officer Andrew Main Wilson and Executive Vice President, Chief... 2016-04-28 13:15:57

    "The Future of the MBA" - 3 Key Changes

    MBA Association Chief Executive Officer Andrew Main Wilson and Executive Vice President, Chief...

    Opening of the IBDA Master's program "International relations and integration processes in Eurasia" 09/19/2016. The program prepares specialists in the field of international relations deeply immersed in... 2016-04-28 13:15:57

    Opening of the IBDA Master's program "International relations and integration processes in Eurasia"

    09/19/2016. The program prepares specialists in the field of international relations deeply immersed in...


04/41/05 Master's degree. International relations and integration processes in Eurasia

The program trains specialists in the field of international relations, deeply immersed in Eurasian issues, leaders of the digital transformation of international socio-political and socio-economic processes.

Duration: 2 years

10 reasons to enroll in the master’s program “International Relations and Integration Processes in Eurasia”:

1. To be at the forefront of Eurasian integration and digital transformation. Learn to analyze global processes (economic, political) using Digital technologies.

2. Build a career in government agencies, international or Russian companies. The program provides a unique combination of analytical and leadership skills, knowledge of international relations - this is a matrix of your future professional competencies, which is highly in demand by employers.

3. Become a driving force in Eurasian integration. Eurasia is many-sided and diverse. The acquired knowledge and leadership skills will be the driving force and potential for integration in specific international work projects.

4. Study at the largest business school in Russia. IBDA is a leader in business education; it has been ranked 1st in the People's Ranking of Business Schools for 6 years. More than 30,000 graduates. 30 years in the business education market. The master's program “International Relations and Integration Processes in Eurasia” is based on the principles and logic of the MBA and Executive MBA programs.

5. Learn from the best professors and experienced teachers of the Academy, from leading practitioners and business coaches. The program is taught by experts from the World Bank, the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the Ministry of Economic Development.

6. Be a participant in student life at the largest university in Russia and Eastern Europe - the Presidential Academy. More than 200,000 students and students study here. RANEPA is the largest analytical center of the Government Russian Federation, where world-class events take place. You will be able to become part of a global student team.

7. Have experience in international cooperation and networking within exchange programs. Master's students have the opportunity to participate in exchange programs with leading partner universities of the IBDA RANEPA. More than 30 partners on all continents.

8. Create your own global network of contacts by joining the RANEPA IBDA Alumni Association. More than 30,000 middle and senior managers, business owners and professionals around the world have already graduated from IBDA and remain connected to the Institute through the Alumni Association.

9. Immerse yourself in the cultural environment of the capital of the largest Eurasian state. Moscow is a natural bridge between European and Asian cultures.

10. Study for free. The total number of places is 30, of which 8 places are financed by the budget of the Russian Federation.


The program is built on 5 basic tracks, a mix of which allows you to create a unique set of competencies for a Leader of digital transformation and Eurasian integration. After all, it is technology that binds the countries of Eurasia into a single integration conglomerate, despite socio-economic and socio-cultural differences.

2. International economic relations and global markets in the digital age

3. International socio-political relations and the digital state

4. Technologies and analytical models of international processes

5. Cultural codes and diversity of Eurasia.

Evidence of successful completion of the program

Evidence of successful completion of the program 396 862

Program results

  • Diploma - value in the labor market
    • State Master's Diploma.
    • Graduates of the program have ample employment opportunities: authorities state power and management of the Russian Federation; Russian and foreign companies; consulting agencies, analytical centers; international organizations, media.
  • Practical knowledge

    The optimal combination of basic and instrumental disciplines provides the opportunity to:

    • gain deep and comprehensive knowledge in the field of international political, economic and business processes in Eurasia;
    • master the unique Big Data tools used to solve a wide range of international analytics problems.

  • Networking
    • There is an opportunity to cooperate with the alumni association to gain access to business contacts of IBDA graduates.
  • The most sought-after specialists of the future

    Graduates of the program have unique competencies and are able to:

    • work effectively in the context of a dynamically changing international political and economic environment, the development of integration processes in Eurasia;
    • analyze extremely large volumes of structured and unstructured data (Big Data) using in-depth and predictive analytics tools, innovative data processing technologies in the interests of modeling political processes and making political decisions, forecasting global and regional risks.

505 864

Studying foreign languages, history, political science, international law, the fundamentals of diplomacy and political culture, as well as various related subjects are necessary for young people who want to achieve success in the political field.

During their studies, international affairs students are provided with meetings with current and former politicians, experts and analysts from different countries. Advanced specialization programs allow you to devote yourself to a detailed study of one of the selected areas: oriental studies, countries of Asia, Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and other regions.

International Relations and Political Science - Career Prospects

Political scientists and international relations specialists are in demand in any state. Professionals who understand the principles of the political structure of different countries and know how to competently use their knowledge in practical work are especially valued.

Education in the field of international relations and politics abroad opens up job prospects in the following specialties:

  • International political scientist and policy consultant;
  • Political strategist;
  • Organizer of social and political events;
  • Political or diplomatic press officer;
  • Political or international analyst.

The strongest programs in political science are offered by universities in the USA and Great Britain. It is here that experts from StudyLab, a company that closely cooperates with educational institutions around the world, recommend enrolling in majors related to international relations and politics abroad.

  • Harvard University - prepares competent politicians and lawyers. Eight presidents and more than 30 heads of US states have graduated from the university.
  • Princeton University - high level Teaching at the faculties of political science and law is confirmed by former US presidents James Madison and Woodrow Wilson.
  • London School of Economics and Political Science is one of the top three universities in the UK. The departments of political science and international relations regularly hold meetings and discussions with famous political figures. Angela Merkel, Bill Clinton and David Cameron shared their professional experience with students. 37 famous world politicians have graduated from the university.
  • Yale University - Yale University Law School is recognized as the best in the field of postgraduate education in the United States. Five presidents graduated from it, including Bill Clinton, as well as George W. Bush and George W. Bush.
  • University of Cambridge - Department of Political Science and International Studies shares first place in terms of quality of education among UK universities with the University of Oxford.

In addition, politics, sociology and law are well taught at one of the oldest universities in the United States, Indiana University, as well as at the University of California (UCLA) and Colorado State University. High school students can complete the preparatory program at Marshall University, and then enroll in the main department of international relations.

Advantages of studying in Europe and the USA

Studying politics and international relations abroad has the following benefits:

  • Ability to communicate with native speakers in English, thus increasing your level of proficiency in it;
  • Observation and study of the political system of one of the developed countries of the world;
  • Practical interaction with authorities and well-known public organizations;
  • Meeting peers from different countries, developing connections for further work.

Moscow and the Moscow region signed an agreement on the development of the industrial potential of the capital region

Likino-Dulevo. February 27. INTERFAX-MOSCOW - Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov signed an agreement on the development of the industrial potential of the Moscow region at the Likino bus plant of the GAZ Group on Tuesday.

“We recently signed an agreement on a strategic partnership. Today, in continuation of this agreement, we are signing an agreement on cooperation in the field of industry. The industry of the Moscow region makes up more than 20% of the Russian one. And, of course, the well-being of the region depends on how it functions and develops , and the country as a whole, the well-being of hundreds of thousands of people who work at our industrial enterprises,” said S. Sobyanin.

The mayor expressed confidence that by signing the agreement, Moscow and the Moscow region are taking a step forward to ensure that the regions not only compete “in a good sense, but also cooperate for the benefit of the development of the Moscow region, for the benefit of the country, for the benefit of the residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.”

In turn, A. Vorobyov noted that the strategic task of Moscow and the Moscow region is to implement joint large-scale programs that ensure economic growth, employment, as well as the collection of taxes that are used to solve the problems of the region.

"We are all interested in an economically developed region, and our collaboration is aimed at ensuring that joint programs for exchanging our bases, working with industrial enterprises, and placing orders will ensure stable, prosperous development of our economy,” noted A. Vorobyov.

Sobyanin: The amount of Moscow’s purchases from the Moscow region under government orders last year amounted to 130 billion rubles

Likino-Dulevo (Moscow region). February 27. INTERFAX - The total amount of Moscow's purchases from the Moscow region under government orders in 2017 amounted to 130 billion rubles, which made the capital the largest customer of Moscow region products, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Tuesday.

Earlier on Tuesday, S. Sobyanin and the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov signed an agreement on the development of the industrial potential of the Moscow region.

“The city of Moscow is the largest customer of products produced in the Moscow region. Under government orders, last year we purchased 130 billion rubles worth of products produced in the Moscow region, and first of all this is transport engineering: the production of buses, metro cars, rolling stock for suburban service," said S. Sobyanin.

He noted the importance of producing world-class innovative products in the region.

“The buses that are produced in our region are among the best. Metro cars meet the best world requirements, and the rolling stock that has recently been introduced into suburban services also meets modern standards,” said the mayor of Moscow.

According to S. Sobyanin, electric buses are the trend that all large cities and agglomerations are following. And the Moscow region, including, is moving towards ensuring that such world-class products are created on the territory of the agglomeration.

“I believe that we are creating innovative products of the future and creating a strong foundation for our factories to compete with our favorite manufacturers from other countries. Thus, this is the basis for the economic well-being of our regions and the teams that work at these enterprises, this is extremely important ", S. Sobyanin emphasized.

Sobyanin awarded leaders of non-profit organizations on International NGO Day

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - On World Non-Profit Day, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin awarded 41 leaders of non-profit organizations that support Muscovites.

The award ceremony took place in the capital city hall.

S. Sobyanin noted that International NGO Day is becoming a more significant event every year. "There are already more than 30 thousand non-profit organizations in Moscow, which play an increasingly important role in the life of our city every year. You take care of large families, children left without parental care, you take care of the disabled, pensioners and veterans. You take care of all people, who are in trouble. Happy holiday, friends! ", the mayor said at the award ceremony.

S. Sobyanin emphasized that the huge volunteer movement (also applies to NGOs) helps to hold international events in Moscow. For example, implementation Olympic Games The World Cup is not complete without the help of volunteers.

“By and large, you are forming new attitudes towards the careful care of people. In fact, thanks to you and your activities, the city is becoming kinder and more attentive. This is of great importance. On behalf of Muscovites, I want to thank you and congratulate you for the activities that you are conducting,” - said the mayor.

The awards, in particular, were received by the chairman of the board of the interregional sports public organization of disabled people "Vector" Natalia Agafonova, the chairman of the board of the regional public organization "Association of large, low-income families and families with disabled children "Many Childhood" Marat Babaev and the executive director of the association of socially oriented non-profit organizations for the development and implementation of socially significant programs and projects Yulia Berezina.

World NGO Day is held on February 27 at the initiative of the World NGO Forum. It's dedicated to everyone non-profit organizations acting in the world in the interests of society - at the local, national or international levels.

A commission has been created in Moscow to facilitate the organization of filming in the capital

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree on the creation of the Moscow Film Commission, which will assist in organizing film filming in the capital.

“The Film Commission will consider the currently existing problematic and socially significant issues related to the conduct and approval of filming in Moscow, and will streamline the interaction of all government bodies and organizations,” the mayor and government of the capital reported on Tuesday.

The message clarifies that the commission is intended to recommend accredited production companies and encourage domestic and foreign producers to create films about modern Moscow.

In addition, the commission will help ensure security during filming together with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Moscow Regional Security Department.

It is clarified that the application form for filming can be found on the official website of the Moscow Film Commission The application must include all the information about the film, the timing of filming, information about the equipment, the use of animals on the site, the need to provide parking spaces, etc.

The commission is headed by Deputy Mayor for Social Development Leonid Pechatnikov.

Eighth grade students will be able to enroll in Moscow pre-universities

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX-MOSCOW - Schoolchildren starting from the eighth grade will be able to enroll in Moscow pre-universities, and private universities will also be involved in the project.

The resolution on expanding the Moscow Pre-University pilot project to organize specialized training at universities was adopted at a meeting of the presidium of the capital's government on Tuesday.

“Universities want trained school graduates to enter them and understand what profession they have chosen,” Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said at the meeting.

In turn, the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina, noted that the project of pre-universities has been implemented since 2013, high school students from the ninth grade could enroll in them.

“Teenagers aged 14 quite consciously choose their place of future enrollment,” said I. Kalina, motivating the decision on the possibility of eighth-graders entering pre-university.

In addition, according to him, according to the adopted changes, not only state, but also private universities will be able to participate in the project.

Currently, students in grades 9-11 receive preparatory specialized education in pre-universities of 11 state universities.

Based on the results of the past school year all schoolchildren participating in the project successfully passed the Unified State Exam. In addition, 280 pre-university students became winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and 50 students - the final stage.

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX-MOSCOW - The capital authorities have launched a pilot project " Electronic home" - a system of electronic voting for homeowners and residents.

The corresponding resolution of the Presidium of the Moscow Government was adopted at a meeting on Tuesday.

“It is sometimes almost impossible to gather residents, especially the owners of houses. These meetings solve everyday problems and tasks that the management of houses faces - from the work of management companies to repairs, major and current, landscaping,” the mayor of Moscow said at the meeting Sergei Sobyanin.

He recalled that the Public Chamber of Moscow approached the city government with a proposal to create new system electronic voting on problems that need to be solved when managing apartment buildings.

“We have prepared such a draft resolution,” S. Sobyanin emphasized.

According to the resolution, the “Electronic House” project, implemented on the city’s “Active Citizen” electronic voting platform, is designed to provide residents with a reliable and convenient tool for managing apartment buildings.

The project allows for in electronic format surveys, information and general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings (in the form of absentee voting).

“Monitor then how the project will develop,” the mayor instructed the head of the capital’s information technology department, Artem Ermolaev.

S. Sobyanin also addressed a member of the Moscow Public Chamber, Alexander Kozlov, with a request to participate in the work to monitor the launch of the Electronic House project.

The initiators of surveys and information in the Electronic House system can only be persons directly related to a particular house. These include owners of apartments and non-residential premises - individuals and legal entities; residents registered at their place of residence in this apartment building; management companies - management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives; Capital Improvement Fund apartment buildings Moscow.

To hold general meetings in the Electronic House system, the owners of the premises must first make an appropriate decision at a meeting held in one of the traditional forms.

Four transport hubs will appear on the first section of the Greater Metro Ring

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - Four transport interchange hubs (TPU) will appear on the basis of stations of the first section of the Big Circle Line (BCL) of the metro, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin said on Tuesday.

“In addition to the already existing hub at the Delovoy Tsentr station, the transport hub will also be formed by the Shelepikha, Khoroshevskaya and CSKA stations. The technological part of the transport hub is actually prepared for the opening of the stations; we plan to fully complete the landscaping, including tree planting, with the onset of warm weather,” noted M. Khusnullin.

According to him, the Shelepikha transport hub will allow passengers to transfer from the metro to the station of the same name on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC). Ground public transport stops will also be located there. The Testovskaya railway station in the Smolensk direction is within walking distance. In the future, on the basis of the transport hub, it is planned to build a multifunctional complex with retail premises, offices and apartments, parking, the deputy mayor explained.

He said that as part of the Khoroshevskaya transport hub, which in addition to the BKL station also unites the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line, an intercepting parking lot will appear. The Khoroshevo MCC station is within walking distance. A multifunctional complex and an administrative and business center will also be built as part of the transport hub.

According to the head of the construction complex, the transport hub based on the CSKA station will become a continuation of the park that will appear on Khodynskoye Field.

“Near the northern lobby of the metro station there is a building for public and business purposes with underground parking,” added M. Khusnullin.

On February 26, traffic opened on the first section of the Big Circle Line of the capital's metro. Five stations received passengers: Delovoy Tsentr, Shelepikha, Khoroshevskaya, CSKA and Petrovsky Park.

The cost of living in Moscow decreased by 763 rubles over the quarter

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX-MOSCOW - The cost of living for a Muscovite in the fourth quarter of 2017 decreased by 763 rubles compared to the figure for the third quarter and amounted to 15 thousand 397 rubles per capita.

Thus, for the second quarter in a row there has been a decrease in the cost of living.

According to the draft resolution of the capital government, prepared by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Moscow Population, the cost of living for the working-age population in the fourth quarter amounted to 17 thousand 560 rubles (a decrease of 893 rubles for the quarter), for pensioners - 10 thousand 929 rubles (a decrease of 491 ruble), for children - 13 thousand 300 rubles (reduction by 638 rubles).

It is noted that until the cost of living for the first quarter of 2018 is established, for the purpose of making social payments, the assignment of which takes into account the cost of living, the cost of living for the second quarter of 2017 will be applied.

Additional public transport was brought to the streets of Moscow due to abnormal frosts

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX-MOSCOW - The severe frosts that came to the capital in the last days of February did not affect the operation of ground urban transport, and additional rolling stock was put on routes, the press service of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans told Interfax on Tuesday.

“Currently, over 6.5 thousand buses, trolleybuses and trams ply along the city streets, additional rolling stock is being deployed on the routes. All transport is fully prepared to work in difficult weather conditions and operates in enhanced mode,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to him, Mosgortrans specialists maintain special control over the condition of the heating equipment. Thus, an additional check was carried out on all main units, as well as door and window seals in public transport.

“All technical services of the enterprise work around the clock - about 200 people and 30 special vehicles are constantly involved in maintaining the contact network and other infrastructure facilities. Mosgortrans employees keep special control over the condition of the tram tracks. To prevent the formation of ice, about 900 turnouts were treated with a special compound.” , - reported the press service.

Mosgortrans calls on Muscovites to be extremely careful on the city streets and, if possible, refuse to use personal cars to ensure priority public transport.

This year the Moscow Quality competition will name the best bakery and confectionery products and cheeses

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX-MOSCOW - The "Moscow Quality" competition starts on March 7, Muscovites this year will be able to evaluate and select the best bakery products, healthy eating, cheeses and restaurants.

“Three years ago, we revived the Moscow Quality competition. What have we done new? Thanks to the financial assistance of VTB Bank, we ourselves now hire independent experts to evaluate quality. And, of course, we take into account the opinions of citizens so that Muscovites give their assessment of quality. Now we are moving to holding the competition all year,” Vladimir Platonov, president of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said at a press conference on Tuesday.

“Closer to the summer there will be sports shops. We are preparing for the World Cup, so we will also evaluate chain cafes and restaurants. We hope that Moscow will delight with cafes and restaurants,” said V. Platonov.

The head of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that Muscovites will also be invited to evaluate cheeses from domestic producers. “Thanks to the sanctions, we now have plenty of excellent domestic dairy products, including cheeses, and we have no right not to notice this,” V. Platonov emphasized.

Dismantling of the remaining elements of New Year's decorations has begun in the capital

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX-MOSCOW - The dismantling of 3,828 festive volumetric and decorative structures installed in Moscow for the New Year and Christmas began on Tuesday night, said the deputy mayor of the capital for housing and communal services and landscaping, Pyotr Biryukov.

"In total, on the territory of the city to New Year's holidays 3925 volumetric and decorative structures were installed. Of these, 97, including “Father Frost and the Snow Maiden” at the Arc de Triomphe, greeting cards and photo zones in the station areas, “Snowmen” light figures in city parks, were dismantled from January 15 to 18,” said P. Biryukov to reporters on Tuesday.

According to his information, another 18 structures in February changed their New Year and Christmas themed elements to Maslenitsa ones.

“Within ten days, until March 8, the dismantling of such large-scale festive structures as the 17-meter ball on Poklonnaya Hill, the composition of Taiga fir trees on Manezhnaya Square, the Musical Forest and the light composition in Sokolniki Park will be completed, and also light arched structures on Tverskaya, Manezhnaya, Pushkinskaya squares, in Novopushkinsky Square, on Revolution Square, in Kamergersky and Gazetny lanes,” the deputy mayor said.

P. Biryukov added that on Tuesday night in Moscow, dismantling of the 150-meter tunnel on Tverskoy Boulevard, light figures on Lubyanskaya and Borovitskaya squares, light panels-brackets on Arbat, Vozdvizhenka, Petrovka, Karetny Ryad, Volkhonka, Prechistenka had already begun.

Rizhsky and Savelovsky stations will be connected by the Big Ring metro

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - The Big Circle Metro Line will connect the Rizhsky and Savelovsky railway stations in Moscow, the press service of the capital's construction department reported on Tuesday.

“Two stations of the Big Circle Line of the Moscow Metro will have exits to railway stations. From the Nizhnyaya Maslovka station it will be possible to go to the platforms of the Savyolovsky station, and from the lobby of the Rzhevskaya station there will be exits to the Rizhsky station,” said department head Andrei Bochkarev.

As the department explained, the existing Circle Line connects seven of Moscow’s nine stations. The remaining two will be connected by the Big Ring Road.

The Nizhnyaya Maslovka station is planned to be completed by the end of the year. Preparations for construction are currently underway at Rzhevskaya.

As reported, on February 26, the first section of the Big Circle Metro Line from Petrovsky Park to the Business Center was inaugurated. A completely new subway line should be completed by 2022.

More than a year and a half has been allocated to develop a project for the restoration of Troekurov’s chambers

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - The project for the restoration of the chambers of the palace of boyar Troekurov in the center of Moscow will be developed before the end of November 2019, reports the press service of the capital's department for competition policy.

“The project for the restoration and adaptation of the chambers of the palace of boyar Troyekurov will be ready by the end of November 2019. The winner of the competition with limited participation, Architectural Heritage LLC, has begun developing design documentation,” the message says.

As noted, a total of four companies submitted applications for the competition, the winner offered to carry out the work for 46.3 million rubles. Based on the results of the competition, the initial (maximum) price was reduced by 3.5 million rubles.

The winner undertakes to conduct research work on an area of ​​1.5 thousand sq.m. The contractor must also prepare projects for priority emergency measures and restoration, including the concept of a transition to a neighboring building.

The chambers of the Troekurov Palace of the 16th-17th centuries in Georgievsky Lane are a monument of federal significance and are in disrepair. The building was built at the beginning of the 17th century on the site of a 16th century building. The oldest part of the existing building are the white stone basements of the chambers of the 16th century, which belonged separately standing houses, in the middle of the 17th century, included in the southern part of the two-story chambers built by the Troyekurov boyars. The house has preserved its white stone and brick decor to this day.

The building was restored in the 1960s, but has not been used since 1992, the department explained.

The chambers are located inside the guarded complex of State Duma buildings. It was reported that the Duma committees on international affairs and CIS affairs could move into the restored building of Troekurov’s chambers. As State Duma Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy stated, the move could take place in January 2019.

A mansion from the late 19th century will be restored in the center of Moscow

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - The Rutkovsky mansion built in 1888 in the center of Moscow will be restored and adapted for modern use, the press service of Moskomekspertiza reported on Tuesday.

As noted, the department agreed project documentation for the restoration of an object built according to individual project architect Boris Rutkovsky for his daughter.

The facility is located at: Bolshoy Kozlovsky lane, 5 (Basmanny district of the Central Administrative District). Recently, the building has been occupied by dental clinic N53.

As part of the work, the roof of the mansion will be replaced, canopies and awnings will be restored according to historical analogues. It is also planned to restore the plaster layer and brickwork facade and basement. Forged metal gates will be installed on the main facade in the passage arch.

The parquet flooring will be recreated on the second floor of the house, and the Monier brick vaults will be restored in the basement and first floor. The mosaic floor will also be restored on the ground floor, spiral staircase from the basement to the first floor.

In addition, it is planned to replace the flooring with porcelain tiles, tile the walls, paint the ceilings, and install new flooring structures in the basement. Also in the mansion, windows with marble and wooden window sills will be recreated, and on the southern facade the brick pediment and lost parts of the roof will be restored.

A new administrative and business center was built near Vnukovo airport

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - A new administrative and business center, located in close proximity to Vnukovo airport, has received permission to be put into operation, the press service of Mosgosstroynadzor reported on Tuesday.

The eleven-story building is located in the village of Vnukovo in the west of Moscow at the address: st. Central, ow. 8, p. 1, 15. The business complex with a total area of ​​32.1 thousand square meters is located within five minutes of accessibility from the airport.

The first, second and third floors of the complex will be occupied by public spaces. In particular, there will be shops, a bank, a fitness center, a McDonald's restaurant, etc. The premises from the fourth to eleventh floors will be used for offices.

The facility was built at the expense of the investor. The developer was Transinvestconsulting LLC.

A plot for a production base is up for auction in Vnukovo

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - The winner of the city auction will be able to build a production base on a land plot of 1.13 hectares in Vnukovo, reports the Moscow Department of Competition Policy.

According to the head of the department, Gennady Degtev, the future developer will be given four and a half years to implement a commercial project on the territory of the “new” Moscow.

“A plot for a production base in the Vnukovo industrial zone on Desantnaya Street is up for auction. The urban planning plan provides for the construction of a facility with an area of ​​up to 13 thousand square meters. The initial cost of the annual lease of the site is 10.6 million rubles,” said G. Dyogtev.

Play towns appeared at eight train stations in the capital

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - Children's playgrounds have appeared at eight metropolitan train stations, the capital's mayor's office wrote on Tuesday.

“Game camps are open at all metropolitan railway stations from which long-distance trains depart,” the message says.

In particular, this year a play town appeared at the Riga Station. In 2017, sites opened at Paveletsky, Leningradsky, Yaroslavsky, Kazansky, Kursky, Kievsky and Belorussky railway stations.

As specified, a total of 10 play zones were created at city stations. The playgrounds are located in the waiting rooms and are equipped with slides, labyrinths, and interactive entertainment. The play areas are free to visit.

The materials add that the program to equip Moscow train stations with children's play areas has been completed. There are no plans to open new sites.

The “Model of Moscow” pavilion at VDNKh was visited by more than 54 thousand people

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - More than 54 thousand people visited the “Moscow Model” pavilion, the press service of the capital’s urban planning policy department reported on Tuesday.

As specified, since its opening at the end of September last year, the urban planning center has been visited by more than 54 thousand people. More than 11 thousand Muscovites and guests of the capital visit the pavilion every month.

“You can see the lighting shows and the urban planning model of Moscow with an area of ​​369 square meters every day, except Monday, on the Lilac Alley of VDNKh,” the department reminds.

Now the layout area is 370 sq.m., and 19,843 buildings in the central part of the city are represented on it on a scale of 1:400. Over time, the layout will be expanded; all work is planned to be completed by 2020. The area of ​​the art object will be 925 sq.m.

The incidence of ARVI and influenza in Moscow has declined - Rospotrebnadzor

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - MOSCOW - The epidemiological situation regarding ARVI and influenza in Moscow in the period from February 19 to 25 was stable, reports the capital's department of Rospotrebnadzor.

The incidence rate corresponds to this period of the year, the indicators for the total population are below the epidemic threshold by 43.7%, the report says.

According to the department, the number of patients decreased by 10.1% compared to the previous week.

Experts specify that specific gravity influenza in the structure of ARVI was 0.04%.

Pets will be beautifully combed and thoroughly cleaned in the grooming room at Mosvetstation.

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - The Moscow station for the fight against animal diseases (Mosvetstation) has opened a grooming room, where pets will be given an aesthetic appearance and will provide them with proper hygienic care, as reported on Tuesday on the portal of the mayor and government of the capital.

“In addition to cutting, washing and drying, grooming specialists must carry out hygienic procedures: cleaning fur, ears, trimming nails,” the message clarifies.

The grooming room at the Mosvetstation State Budgetary Institution is equipped with all the necessary professional equipment: a bathtub, hair clippers, hair dryers. And the procedures are carried out by certified veterinarians who have undergone special training, the statement says.

Almost six thousand Moscow volunteers will undergo training for the 2018 World Cup

Moscow. February 27. INTERFAX - Almost 6 thousand volunteers were selected by the Mosvolonter resource center to prepare for the meeting of foreign tourists in Moscow during the 2018 World Cup, the official website of the capital's mayor reports.

“Volunteers will learn how to lead fans from metro stations to stadiums, help organize cultural venues, meet guests at railway stations and airports and introduce them to the main attractions of Moscow,” the message says.

At the resource center, volunteers will also study general rules safety in case of emergency situations.

In addition, doctors, controllers, hotel employees, and taxi drivers undergo special training for the tournament. Doctors will be instructed in providing first aid in stressful and emergency situations, and transport and trade workers will acquire basic knowledge of the English language.

The FIFA World Cup will be held in Moscow and 10 other Russian cities from June 14 to July 15. The capital will host 12 matches.

Masters are those people who have a lot of additional opportunities open to them. They are primarily focused on obtaining knowledge and then applying it in their professional activities - foreign economic, legal, legal or other. Completing a master's degree in a specialty can be a real chance for advancement in a career, including an international one.

Master's Degree in Economics and Management

The list of available Academy programs reflects all the main areas in foreign economic, legal and training areas. You can choose any of them, taking into account the load, educational components and intended type of activity. Before doing this, we recommend that you study the site in detail, visit the Day open doors and meet with Academy teachers. The choice of the optimal direction in a master's program is available at the stage of undergraduate study. It may coincide with the main specialty or differ radically from it - for example, graduates practice the transition from foreign economic activity to law.

The list of master's degrees at the Academy includes the main areas in the field of economics (including international), management and governance. The table on this page provides a complete list of specialties indicating the cost and form of training, quantity budget places and other parameters. After completing your master's degree, you will become a brilliantly trained specialist with an innovative range of professional competencies and will be able to engage in your current line of work.

Previously, it was believed that master's degrees in our country are significantly limited in comparison with Western universities, but this opinion is outdated. Today, specialists from Russia are actively catching up with their European colleagues in terms of training. The master's program is annually updated and supplemented with new areas (in particular, legal and foreign economic), and the teaching staff is expanded.

Based on the results of their training, graduates receive a diploma indicating a specific specialty. This document significantly increases your chances of finding a job in the area that is within your professional interests - in Moscow, in the regions or internationally. A master's field of activity is always wider than a bachelor's. By choosing a course for further education, you are investing in the development of your own career. Another option, searching for a job while trying to explain your career ambitions to the employer, is also possible, but the document serves as much stronger evidence.

International relations can be defined as the collection of various political, economic, social and environmental relationships between sovereign countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, international corporations and public institutions at the global, regional or international levels.

First educational program in International Relations appeared in 1919 at Aberystwyth University in the UK to study the causes of the outbreak of the devastating First World War.
International relations involves many specializations in a variety of areas, for example, international security, political economy, negotiations, research, etc.


A fairly large percentage of applicants to the international education program are attracted by the opportunity to intensively study two foreign languages, fortunately syllabus Each such program includes this (in some universities, for example, at MGIMO, sometimes they even study three languages). Students are taught translation skills, organizing international events, drafting diplomatic documents, negotiations, conflict management, diplomatic relations, PR and GR, etc.

If the basic fundamental disciplines are taught at the undergraduate level, but a narrower specialization begins. And here everything depends on the university. IN National Research University Higher School of Economics, for example, one can specialize in global economics, European and Asian studies, international business, or international relations in Eurasia. IBDA RANEPA offers a number of programs in the field of international management, from bachelor's to. Another division of RANEPA (International Institute of Public Service and Management) trains specialists and masters in the “Foreign Regional Studies” program. The programs of the Faculty of World Politics and the Faculty of Global Processes of Moscow State University differ significantly in content. M.V. Lomonosov. It is clear what specialization the International Relations program at the MGIMO Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy has.


Of course, a career in international relations is interesting, promising and tempting. However, it is important to choose the right specialization and place of work. The simplest and most logical way is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, salaries here are very low, and you can wait a long time for serious career advancements. It is much more promising to work in large international companies, but in addition to knowledge of foreign languages, it would be good to have some other related specialty, for example, in the field of economics, management or jurisprudence. That is why the specialty “International Relations” is popular in the second higher education or in the master’s degree, and those who received it in the bachelor’s degree often go for additional education.

Naturally, working in the field of international relations, regardless of the organization, involves frequent business trips. Often, the career of a graduate of such a program develops further in the field of international journalism, political science or translation.


To enroll in a bachelor's degree program in international relations, you must pass the Unified State Examination in history (major), Russian language, and one of the three universities you can choose from: geography, social studies, or a foreign language. Sometimes a university also requires a fourth exam - in a foreign language or geography.

Universities and directions

Many Russian universities with a humanitarian orientation offer bachelor's degrees in the field of international relations.

Actually according to the program "International relationships" you can study at the National Research University " graduate School Economics", MSLU, RANEPA (Faculty of International Relations; Institute of Business and Business Administration and Institute of Management and Marketing), RGSU, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Faculty of World Politics and Faculty of Global Processes), MGIMO (three programs - at the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Political Science and the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy), MEPhI, Russian State University for the Humanities, RUDN University, Diplomatic Academy, Institute of Oriental Countries.

In addition, such specialties as "Oriental and African Studies"(Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University (Institute of Asian and African Countries), Russian State University for the Humanities) and "Foreign Regional Studies"(MSLU, RANEPA, RGSU, Institute of World Civilizations, Moscow State University (Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies), Russian State University for the Humanities, RUDN University).

Communicate with university representatives personally

As you can see, there are a great many universities and programs in this specialty. Therefore, you can make your choice easier and faster by visiting the free exhibition “Master’s and Further Education” in or.