Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Garter of low-growing tomatoes in open ground. How to tie tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse: materials and tying options, step-by-step photo and video instructions. Methods for gartering tomatoes when grown in open ground

Tomatoes are a traditional crop grown in gardens and country houses. Despite the fact that the choice of these ripe fruits in the store is quite wide, many people prefer homemade tomatoes. Among the varieties of this crop there are tall, short, and medium-sized plants, but most often summer residents choose the former.

But when growing such tomatoes, you need to know how to tie tomatoes. Tall tomatoes are cultivated both in greenhouses and in open ground. Despite the fact that these plants are more capricious and require careful care, they are loved for their large and tasty fruits. One of the important stages of growing tomatoes is gartering. Therefore, in order for tomatoes to grow better, it is important to know how to properly tie tomatoes.

Garter rules

Abroad, in open ground, tomatoes are often grown without a garter, the stems lying on the ground. This method of cultivating tomatoes is favored by the hot southern climate. In our latitudes, untied lying bushes in the open ground will quickly begin to rot and get sick, and summer residents who use this method risk being left without a harvest. Therefore, it is better to tie them up. Gartering tall tomatoes in open ground has many advantages.

  1. Firstly, this greatly facilitates watering and fertilizing, since tomatoes do not tolerate water on the tops, much less the solution intended for the roots getting on them.
  2. Secondly, tied plants are well ventilated and dried after rains, so they are less likely to get late blight and other diseases. A humid, warm environment is favorable for the development of diseases.
  3. Thirdly, fruits on tied bushes are illuminated more evenly, which means they will ripen faster. But in order not to damage tall tomatoes in open ground when gartering, you must follow simple rules. In general, they relate to the choice of materials. For tying, do not use wire, fishing line, thin rope or other similar materials. They will cut into the stem and damage it. Thus, the plant will begin to hurt, and bacteria and various pathogens will quickly penetrate the wound.

It is best to use synthetic material for the garter, such as nylon stockings or tights. You can also use a thick nylon cord, rope or twine. Such materials will not rot. The plants should not be tied tightly; the rope should hold the stem, but not dig into it. You should not use last year's garter material, as pathogens or bacteria may remain in it. It is necessary to tie up tall tomatoes only using proven methods.

Methods for gartering tomatoes

The correct garter should provide soft but reliable support and should not damage tall plants in open ground. To do this, you need to use the proposed methods.

Garter on pegs

This is a long-tried and proven method that provides reliable support for weak tomato stems. To tie tomatoes on stakes, you need to select several stakes of a size corresponding to the stated height of the plants. Then garter material is cut from rope or cords.

Near each bush, one peg is driven into the ground; it can be wooden or metal. The garter material is pre-disinfected by boiling in water. The tomato stem is tied near the top. The rope should be loosely wrapped several times and tied in a knot. As the bush grows, the rope can be moved upward or another garter can be made and the old one removed.

Garter to the trellis

Tying to a trellis will reliably fix tall tomatoes in open ground and prevent them from falling. A simple trellis easy to do with your own hands. This requires wooden supports, nails, wire and slats. As a support, you can use a wooden or metal post in the amount of 3 pieces.

The height of the column should be approximately 3.5 meters. So that after installation the height above the ground is 3 meters. The supports are installed in one row with an interval of 4 meters. At the top of the supports, slats are installed, nailing them down. Then the wire is pulled along the supports in three rows at intervals of 1 meter. Thus it should turn out horizontal fence made of three wires.

The lowest wire is installed 20 cm from the ground. After installing the frame from nylon rope, you need to weave a mesh with cells. To do this, wind a rope on the wire every 20 cm. You need to make a trellis before planting tomatoes. Then they are planted on a trellis and directed upward as they grow.

Linear method

This is another option for gartering a trellis, but simpler. In exactly the same way as in the previous version, the supports are installed, and the wire is pulled in one row. A rope is tied to a wire above each plant to secure the tomato stems. The other end of the rope is wrapped around the stem and tied. There is no need to tie up such tomatoes; as the stem grows, you need to wrap it around a rope and it will be securely fastened.

Using cages for tomatoes

To secure tall bushes in open ground in this way, you need to make an individual cage for each of them. It is made of rigid wire and metal arcs. The arcs are bent and installed on planted bushes, then they are connected with wire. The planted plant is tied with a rope to the cage frame.

Another option is planting in pyramidal caps, which are made from 4 rods. This cap is designed for 4 plants. It is dug in when planting tomato seedlings, and the tops of the rods are connected with wire.

Garter with hooks

This method is somewhat similar to tying a trellis. High stakes are dug in along the edges of the tomato bed. A wire is stretched between them, and a fishing line with rings and hooks is tied to it every 30 cm.

Hooks are used to attach tomato stems. This method is quite effective, but labor-intensive and inconvenient to use, so it is not used often.

By tying your tomatoes using any of the suggested methods, you can be sure that they will be securely fastened and will not fall.

After planting tomato seedlings in open ground, one of the points of plant care is tying them up. Tomatoes are tied up both tall and low growing varieties. How to do this correctly and what material to use for this are questions that concern many summer residents.

Gartering tomatoes gives a lot: the fruits will not break the bush from their weight, the plant will not waste vitality on supporting its bush, at a height they will not be able to rot from touching wet soil (from watering or rain), they will not be dirty, and there will be no need. The tomatoes will grow well, warm up, ventilate, and hilling and spraying will become much more convenient.

You can tie up tomatoes different ways and various available materials. Use metal or wooden stakes and fittings. To tie tomatoes, it is better to use twine, fabric or unnecessary nylon tights; such material will not damage the stem. The width of the strips is at least 3 cm. The dressing material must be new every year so that the plants cannot become infected with last year's diseases. You can, of course, remove the material annually and boil it to disinfect it, but would you want to do this? Do not use fishing line, thin rope or wire, as they can damage the stem.

Methods for gartering tomatoes

  • With stakes that are deepened by 20-30 cm, moving 10 cm away from the shoots. The height of the stakes is 1-3 m, depending on the variety of tomatoes. The trunk of each plant is tied to its support with a thick rope (twine).
  • When planting, make a trellis with a vertical support of 2 or 3 m. Deepen the stakes along the edges of the bed and stretch the wire between them in the middle and at the top. Ropes are tied to the top line along which the plants will climb. The lower end of each rope should correspond to a separate bush, securing it to the trunk. You can make several rows of wire horizontally () and tie the bushes to them.

  • It is very convenient to use specially made cages for gartering tomatoes. Metal circles are made and connected with reinforcement (2-3 pieces are enough). Thus, we planted a tomato bush, dug a cage around the bush to a depth of 20-30 cm and then just tie it up as it grows.

  • From metal stakes (reinforcement) they make caps like a wigwam, like a pyramid, which are also installed when planting plants. To do this, dig a stake and make 3-4 tension wires around it. Tomato bushes are planted between the corners of this structure. Thus, one such structure becomes a support for several plants at once. Make the distance between such pyramids 1-1.2 m.

The tomato stem (upper part) is connected to the support, tied 2-3 times and only then tied.

If the binding is done with twine, then in the form of a figure eight.

When tying tomatoes, do not overtighten the stem; as it develops, it becomes thicker, and in the place of tying it can be damaged.

There should be some free space between the stem and the support.

As the bush grows, make additional garters; in total you will need 3-6 of them per season.

The proposed methods for gartering tomatoes can be used when growing both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

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What does a garter give?

The method of gartering greenhouse tomatoes depends on the height of the plant and its power. The easiest way is to use an individual peg for each bush. Any material is suitable for this - fittings, metal rod, wooden strip or plastic pipes. The length is selected based on the height of the bush plus a margin of thirty centimeters. Based on this difference, the stake is driven into the ground a few centimeters from the bush. After this, the garter is performed. It should be noted that this option is suitable for medium-sized species. Large bushes with their weight can knock over a peg. There is also a drawback - as the plants grow, the garter is performed several times.

  • ​The material for tying tomatoes should not cut into the trunk of the plant or damage it in any way.​
  • ​Seedlings are planted in the ground in May-June, depending on what region you live in. In any case, the risk of return frosts should be minimal, or be prepared to cover the tomatoes with covering material.​
  • ​For 1 bucket of this soil mixture, add a liter jar of river sand (or preferably vermiculite) and a tablespoon of ash and superphosphate.​
  • The procedure for gartering tomatoes is a crucial moment when growing tomatoes, which should not be ignored. Caring vegetable growers use it not only for tall varieties. Low-growing tomatoes with this growing method suffer less from illness and produce excellent yields.​
  • ​Growing vegetables is a fun activity. Amateur vegetable growers place a wide variety of crops on their plots. But none of them is complete without juicy and tasty tomatoes. A variety of tomato varieties will require an individual approach to each of them when growing. Low-growing types of tomatoes are compact bushes that do not require special agricultural techniques. But is it possible to resist the temptation of growing large-fruited tomato varieties? They have incomparable taste. But at the same time, such vegetable crops will require more attention than their low-growing relatives.​
  • ​If the bed is long, then you will need to strengthen the structure by driving in additional intermediate stakes, then your garter will not be afraid of any wind. And if you plant 2 beds parallel to each other at a short distance, then the structure will be useful for gartering tomatoes from both at once: you will get a kind of tomato hut.
  • For low and medium-growing varieties, you can choose materials 20-30 cm higher than the seedlings, but tall ones will require longer stakes - up to 2-2.5 m.
  • With the development of gardening, the development of new crops by breeders and the invention of modern materials, several methods of gartering tomatoes when grown in open ground appeared and took root in vegetable growing. Each of them has proven its effectiveness in practice, so you can safely choose any one that is convenient for you and your summer cottage. Perhaps you can even invent something of your own based on them, so let’s look at each option in detail on how to properly tie up tomatoes.​

​It is also much easier to carry out other procedures for caring for seedlings in the open ground: mulching, hilling, weeding, pinching​

No matter how strong the stem, all gardeners recommend staking tomatoes in open ground. Any variety of tomatoes requires timely gartering, especially tall ones - those that reach a height of 2 meters. Low growing varieties often they are not tied up at all, but the share of their cultivation in comparison with tall varieties that give a more abundant harvest is constantly decreasing, because everyone strives for the expedient use of each square meter land on the site. Therefore, with the same care, labor costs and landing area high grades are more rational and cost-effective than their short counterparts.​


A convenient method is considered to be tying tomatoes in a greenhouse to trellises. Strong supports are installed in the bed, on which wire or strong rope is stretched. As the bushes grow, their stems are tucked behind the wire according to the weaving principle. Or you can stretch the wire only along the upper sections of the supports, and tie the bushes to it with twine. All that remains is to guide the bush as it grows around it, so that it wraps around it.​

​Now, as for pinching tomatoes in the open ground... A lot depends on the region - if you have a warm climate, in which the fruits even on the stepsons have time to ripen before the cold weather, then of course you can not pin the bushes. If the summer is short, it is better to carry out pinching, that is, breaking off the side shoots growing from the axils of the leaves or at least pinching up to the first flower cluster. More details about this in the article on how to properly plant tomatoes. When planting seedlings in the ground, the plant is carefully removed from the cup and placed in a prepared hole, which it is advisable to first spill with warm water. The plant is lowered into the hole up to the cotyledon leaves and sprinkled around with earth, compacting it a little. Now we pour the prepared soil into the boxes, compact it a little and sow the tomato seeds. Sprinkle more soil on top, about 0.5-1 cm. If the sowing depth is shallower, sprouts may appear with the seed coat on them. (In this case, do not tear it off, but drop it with water and a little later the seed will come off easily). After sowing, the soil must be watered with a sprayer.​

​Growing tomatoes in open ground includes sowing seeds for seedlings, growing seedlings, planting seedlings in the ground, caring for adult plants and harvesting.​

With stakes

There are many varieties of tall tomatoes. They differ in the color and size of the fruits, which have excellent taste. However, growing them is quite a troublesome task. But it’s worth working hard to get large-fruited tomatoes. As a rule, vegetable growers grow tall tomato seedlings themselves. For its planting, the land is prepared in the fall. Tomatoes will require well-lit areas with fertile soil. The beds are planned in such a way that it is possible to carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures, the implementation of which cannot be done without gartering tomatoes. Novice amateur vegetable growers make mistakes when fixing plants.​

​If you try a little, you can design entire structures for garters that will serve you for more than a year. These will be kind of cages for vegetables. They are built separately for each bush. First, several circles of the same diameter are made from dense reinforcing wire, then they are fixed at a distance from each other vertical racks from the same wire. It turns out to be a cylindrical wire cage, which is installed at the same time as the pegs, and then as the bush grows, you just need to tie up the stem in time.

​Each of the pegs should be strengthened in the ground so that it holds tightly, usually buried by 20-25 cm, retreating from the tomato stem by approximately 10 cm, so that the root system is not inadvertently damaged. You need to tie the tomato loosely; the correct way is to first secure the twine to the peg, then wrap the stem and tie it. As the vegetable grows, we perform this process several times.

On the trellis

​To begin with, we note that any of the methods listed below uses materials that do not harm the plant, so follow the advice and you will never have problems growing tomatoes.​

  1. ​Tying the tomato stem will simplify watering, because, based on the right technology growing, the vegetable does not particularly welcome excess moisture getting on the leaves, so it is better to carry out any water procedures near the root.
  2. ​Tomato garter is not a tribute to gardening traditions, but a “production necessity.” This simple procedure has many benefits for your future harvest, namely:​

​The most commonly used method is individual support pegs. Some gardeners install trellises, but in this case the wire is replaced with wooden slats, giving it strength and stability in case there is strong wind.

​Cultivation garden crops implies knowledge of certain subtleties. Simply sowing seeds in the ground will not bring anything - you need to make an effort to get results. Tomato bushes are one of the most demanding types of crops; they imply the implementation of measures that contribute not only to improving yields, but also to preserving vegetables. Today we will look at one of these questions - how to properly tie up tomatoes, step by step description, photo.​


​The scheme for planting tomatoes in open ground depends on the planted variety: early ripening tomatoes are usually planted according to a 30x40 cm pattern, late ones - 50x50 cm, and on the method of forming the bush. to content ​

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the plantings can be covered with film. As soon as the shoots appear, the film must be removed.​


​In this article we will tell novice gardeners in detail how to grow tomatoes in open ground.​
What is the correct way to garter a tomato? Tall plants, depending on the variety, will require pinching and regular fixation of the stem. The procedure for gartering tomatoes is carried out 3 to 6 times per season. Moreover, this agrotechnical technique is performed for each plant individually.

Video “Tomato Garter”

​If you can’t find wire, then you can build a similar frame from wood by fastening stakes together like a stool, only without a seat. If you make such a cage wide enough, then it can cover 4 tomato bushes - for each “leg” of the structure. This is much safer than driving in individual pegs.​

Methods for gartering tomatoes when grown in open ground

​If you have a tomato plantation, it would be more rational to use a different method of gartering. It will require a thin beam or strong pegs, and their number is significantly less than in the method described above. We drive the posts at the beginning and end of the tomato bed, and stretch the wire between them. With this method, you will need to tie the tomato stem to a stretched wire. You can tie the plant this way if you planted a tall variety of tomato, and using a stretched wire is available in several options:

​The twine that you will use as a means of tying up tomato bushes should not be pulled tight so that it does not cut into the stem of the plant.​

​Tying the stem will remove the fruit some distance from the ground, so your crop will not become a dining room for slugs or mice.​

​The stem will not bend or break as it grows and under the weight of the fruit, so its vital forces will not be used to fight for survival, but will be aimed only at a good harvest.​

​It is important to choose the right dressing material that will be in direct contact with the plant. It should be durable and have good width. Wire, nylon fishing line, thin twine - all this should be set aside, as the materials will cut into the stem, damaging it.​

​It should be warned that not all tomato varieties need staking. Shrubs of low growth and quickly ripening do without this, but tall species require a garter.

​Caring for tomatoes includes timely watering, weeding, fertilizing, tying, pinching and, if necessary, disease control.​

Growing tomatoes in open ground

The boxes with seedlings should be in a very well-lit place. If the seedlings begin to stretch out, it means they do not have enough light. In this case, attach additional lighting above the plantings; 1 square meter is enough. fluorescent lamp at 40 W. If it is not possible to hang a lamp, you can compensate for the lack of lighting by applying potassium fertilizers.​

​The approximate time for planting your tomato variety is indicated on the bag of seeds, and the most favorable dates for this can be found by looking moon calendar for gardeners.​

​Spring plantings of tall tomato seedlings differ from low-growing varieties. Bushes of some species can reach 1.5 meters in height. Therefore, plants are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After planting the tomatoes, select material for gartering the tomatoes.​

​Unusual designs and convenient designs of a different kind - caps. They are suitable for tying up not only tomatoes. The point is that you need to build a tall, narrow “wigwam” or pyramid from available materials.​

​pull a strong wire onto a high beam at a level of about 2 m - then the strings for the garter should be long enough to reach both the support (wire) and the stem. The tomato vines will wrap around these ropes as they grow;​

​For fastenings, any fabric torn into strips, twine or other type of rope will do. Wire or fishing line will not work at all, because it can cut deep into the stem and irreparably destroy it.​

​Excessive soil moisture will not harm the ripening of fruits if they are not located on the ground, thus the garter will save vegetables from rotting on the branches.​

​If the tomato bush is positioned vertically, it will be as open as possible to sunlight and fresh air, so it will develop sufficiently, because the plant loves the sun and will give an excellent harvest.​

​When pinching bushes, it is better to do this when they are tied up. Tall plants also need a garter because the abundance of fruits can break the main stem of the bush.​

​Tomatoes should be watered on average once a week, but this very much depends on the weather, this is the difference between growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground - it is impossible to control watering.​

Planting tomatoes in open ground

​When the plants have two true leaves, the seedlings need to be plucked (planted), that is, carefully remove the plants from the common box and plant each one in a separate cup - the roots need more space to grow. First, pour in an incomplete cup of soil; it is better to add it later as the plant grows, so that additional lateral roots form on the stem.

In any case, tomato seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 55-60 days. Estimate approximately when the last return frost is in your region, subtract 60 days, add 5-7 days for germination and get the approximate time for sowing seeds for seedlings. Usually this is the end of February - beginning of March.​

​For this you will need, first of all, twine, which must be sufficiently soft and elastic. Do not use wire or fishing line for this purpose. They can injure plants. Pegs for gartering tomatoes should be of sufficient height and quite strong. These are usually wooden or metal pegs that can be used for several seasons in a row. The material for gartering tomatoes is ready. As the plants grow, they begin to fix them. You shouldn't be late with this. Bushes that touch the ground are susceptible to diseases and, as a result, lag behind in development and bear fruit poorly. This will lead to crop loss and a decrease in the quality of vegetable products. The garter is made immediately to permanent pegs, which will serve the plant all season. Fixing a tomato bush is not difficult. A support is installed near each bush. It should be strong enough. Fixing the plant should not be rigid, and take into account the fact that as the tomatoes grow, the stem will thicken. Tomato gartering is done with soft rope or fabric ribbons. The twine is wrapped several times (in the shape of a figure eight) around the stem of the plant and the peg. After which it is fixed on a peg. A loose loop is formed between the plant and the stake, which does not interfere with the growth of the plant. As they grow, the tomatoes are re-gartered.

Caring for tomatoes in open ground

​It can be wire, vines or stakes at the base with a cross knitting in the form of a cage. Such caps are installed together with planting seedlings, and they are useful for gartering several bushes at once. Such pyramids should be placed at a certain distance from each other to avoid crowding of plants, usually 1 meter or a little more if the area allows.​

​stretch several rows of wire, securing them to the beam. Then each bush will need to be tied separately several times to the formed stretch or the stem will need to be passed through as it grows. horizontal stripes so that a braided tomato comes out.​

​Natural fabrics are good, but they are not entirely acceptable for open ground, because... They can rot and fall off, but what’s even worse is that they can become an incubator for a pathogenic infection. Therefore, we will choose something synthetic, but not too thin to tie the stem. By the way, you can use materials for gartering grapes. In any case, the rule applies: you choose the garter material for one year, and then throw it away, so as not to transfer possible infection or disease to the new seedlings of the next year.​

Tomato garter in open ground

​Precisely, based on the above positive aspects of garter tomato, experienced gardeners never forget about this stage of growing a vegetable.​

​Inevitable rains and downpours will not be able to damage the tomato in the open ground if it is securely fastened to an additional support.​

​If you have chosen a garter material that you hope to use for several years in a row, do not forget to disinfect it with boiling water to evaporate the pathogens that have accumulated in the fabric during the previous season.​

How to properly tie tomatoes step by step description, photo | Merry Harvest

The need for this event

  1. ​When the seedlings take root, it is best to mulch the soil with straw, this will make it much easier to keep the soil moist, and almost no weeds will grow. A crust does not form under the straw and therefore no loosening is required. A sort of lazy way of growing tomatoes. content ​
  2. A couple of weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, they begin to harden them. If possible, move it to a cooler, but not cold, place. Reduce watering.​
  3. ​The soil for growing seedlings can be purchased, already prepared, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix 1 part each of turf soil, peat and humus.
  4. ​The trellis method of growing tall varieties of tomatoes is no less effective. To do this, a trellis is built along the row with planted seedlings. Metal stakes are installed on both sides of the row. Several rows of twine are attached to them at different heights. Growing plants will be securely fixed on such a trellis.​

In the greenhouse

​A post about how to simply tie up tomatoes using a thick thread without harming the plant.​

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What does a garter give?

​I tie it in the greenhouse like this: quickly, conveniently, for the whole season at once. As they grow, I twist the stems around the rope clockwise.​

  • When the fourth or fifth leaves form on the cucumbers and they begin to droop towards the ground, ladders are installed near each plant. To do this, one ring is tied above the plant to the trellis with twine or thin soft wire and the upper end of the ladder rail is inserted into it. The lower end of the ladder is simply placed on the ground next to the plant and the plant is attached to its lower steps using rings. To do this, the ends of the ring are separated.
  • ​A short piece of twine can be used instead of a wire hook and elastic to attach the stem to a loop of twine. In this case, the tomato stem is tied to a loop of twine, like wooden stakes, using short pieces of twine. When using this method, the bottom end of the looped twine can be tied to a small stake driven into the soil next to the plant stem.​
  • ​The ends of the wire are best tied to steel U-shaped studs driven into the wooden frame elements. Hairpins are pieces of steel wire bent into staples and sharpened at both ends, or nails with a head previously bitten off or cut off with a chisel.​
  • ​The main stem must be tied with a soft fabric strip, and everything else can be done with simple twine folded into 2-3 threads.​
  • ​to a wire stretched at the top of the greenhouse or a rail nailed to the racks;​
  • - wire for trellis.
  • ​If the bed is long, then you will need to strengthen the structure by driving in additional intermediate stakes, then your garter will not be afraid of any wind. And if you plant 2 beds parallel to each other at a short distance, then the structure will be useful for gartering tomatoes from both at once: you will get a kind of tomato hut.
  • ​Natural fabrics are good, but they are not entirely acceptable for open ground, because... They can rot and fall off, but what’s even worse is that they can become an incubator for a pathogenic infection. Therefore, we will choose something synthetic, but not too thin to tie the stem. By the way, you can use materials for gartering grapes. In any case, the rule applies: you choose the garter material for one year, and then throw it away, so as not to transfer possible infection or disease to the new seedlings of the next year.​

​Tying the stem will remove the fruit some distance from the ground, so your crop will not become a dining room for slugs or mice.​

No matter how strong the stem, all gardeners recommend staking tomatoes in open ground. Any variety of tomatoes requires timely gartering, especially tall ones - those that reach a height of 2 meters. Low-growing varieties are often not tied up at all, but the share of their cultivation in comparison with tall varieties that give a more abundant harvest is constantly decreasing, because everyone strives for the expedient use of every square meter of land on the site. Therefore, with the same care, labor costs and planting area, tall varieties are more rational and profitable than their short counterparts.​


​After cleaning the bushes, I put the ropes in a bucket and fill them with copper sulfate solution for disinfection.​

​A ladder strip and a cucumber lash are inserted inside the ring, the separated ends of the ring are connected and the ring is lowered onto the nearest lower step (match) of the ladder. Subsequently, as the plant grows, the lashes themselves are fixed with their mustaches on the steps of the ladder or attached to it by the vegetable grower using rings in the same way as described. When using aluminum or copper wire with loops instead of twine with loops, steel hooks are not required. In this case, the stem of the plant can be attached with a rubber ring directly to a loop made on the wire. To tie the plants, you must use strong twine, tape, cord and other materials that can withstand significant loads throughout the season. These materials must be wide enough, as thin materials can cut the plant stem. Good stuff For tying up plants, use old used tape from a reel-to-reel tape recorder. It does not get wet, does not rot, is durable, can withstand heavy mechanical loads, is easy to clean and disinfect.​

​If the structure of the greenhouse itself is strong, then it is more rational to use it for gartering tomatoes.​

With stakes

​to the peg and wire (rail).​

​First of all, you need to properly plant tall tomatoes in the greenhouse. To prevent them from shading each other, plant seedlings in one row on each side or in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 50-60 cm.​

​If you try a little, you can design entire structures for garters that will serve you for more than a year. These will be kind of cages for vegetables. They are built separately for each bush. First, several circles of the same diameter are made from dense reinforcing wire, then they are secured at intervals from each other to vertical posts made of the same wire. It turns out to be a cylindrical wire cage, which is installed at the same time as the pegs, and then as the bush grows, you just need to tie up the stem in time.

On the trellis

​The first, and also the most common method for open ground is the use of high pegs. The stakes can be metal or wood, their material does not matter, the main thing is to use them on time and correctly. The height of each peg should correspond to the “growth” of the tomato bush.​

  1. ​Excessive soil moisture will not harm the ripening of fruits if they are not located on the ground, thus the garter will save vegetables from rotting on the branches.​
  2. ​Tomato garter is not a tribute to gardening traditions, but a “production necessity.” This simple procedure has many benefits for your future harvest, namely:​

​One of the most common ways to tie tomatoes is to use support stakes, which can be wooden sticks or metal fittings. The stakes are stuck into the ground at a distance of 5-10 cm from the shoots, preferably on the north side. The stake needs to be driven into the ground to a depth of about 20-30 cm so that it holds tightly and does not fall under the weight of the bush with fruits. The height of the stakes depends on what varieties of tomatoes you grow: low-growing or tall.​

​Making ladders and rings requires quite a lot of time and effort, but once made, they last for many years and when used, the time required to care for plants is greatly reduced. In addition, when attaching cucumber vines with rings to ladders, the plants are not damaged and the rings do not interfere with their growth and development. The yield of cucumbers increases when using ladders.​


​When growing tomatoes, you can tie them to stakes. The stakes are slats 1.2-1.5 m long with a cross-section of 20x20 or 20x25 mm, pointed at the bottom. To increase the service life of the slats, it is recommended to cover them with drying oil and paint them with oil paint. The tomato stems are tied to the stakes with a figure eight, strong waterproof twine or other materials, as described above. Tall and medium-growing varieties of tomatoes are tied in two or three places as the plant grows.

The twine is tied to the bottom of the plants under the bottom leaf with a loose loop so as not to interfere with the stem growing and thickening, and then the twine is wrapped around the plant around the stem.


​You can use nylon clamps instead of fabric strips various sizes. They are freely sold in stores.​
​The greenhouse itself can play a significant role in choosing the garter method. Or rather, its frame. It is very often used as a place for tying transverse twines, eliminating the need to install top slats and stretch the wire.​

Video “Tomato Garter”

​After the tomatoes take root and grow a little, they already require garter, otherwise the stems will lie on the ground and begin to deform. You need to tie up the tomatoes as follows. Stick a stake into the ground next to each plant. It can be wooden or made of reinforcement. Take a small piece of soft twine and tie it around the stem, and then secure it to the stake with a figure of eight.​

​If you can’t find wire, then you can build a similar frame from wood by fastening stakes together like a stool, only without a seat. If you make such a cage wide enough, then it can cover 4 tomato bushes - for each “leg” of the structure. This is much safer than driving in individual pegs.​

You will need

  1. For low and medium-growing varieties, you can choose materials 20-30 cm higher than the seedlings, but tall ones will require longer stakes - up to 2-2.5 m.
  2. ​It is precisely based on the above positive aspects of gartering a tomato that experienced gardeners never forget about this stage of growing a vegetable.​
  3. ​The stem will not bend or break as it grows and under the weight of the fruit, so its vital forces will not be used to fight for survival, but will be aimed only at a good harvest.​


  • ​The rope needs to be loosely wrapped around the trunk of the tomato, twist the ends a couple of times and tie to the support. Please note that you will have to tie up tomatoes two to four times a season, because the bushes will stretch upward. As the bush grows, you can move the harness higher or add more. Particularly large and heavy brushes can also be tied to a support. This is quite labor-intensive and painstaking work, but the result is worth it.​
  • ​Did you like the material?​
  • ​When tied to stakes, the plants are less well ventilated and are shaded by the stakes, however, because of the convenience and simplicity, tying to stakes is used by many vegetable growers.​
  • ​Insufficient size of the loop in the lower part of the plant can lead to constrictions when the stem thickens, making it difficult for nutrients to reach the roots and water to the leaves and fruits, which ultimately causes the death of the plant. As the plant grows and thickens, the tight knot needs to be loosened.​
  • ​If desired, you can plant the tomatoes under the roof of the greenhouse by tilting the tops and directing them along the greenhouse. But to do this, you should foresee this possibility in advance and take the necessary measures. Namely, when planting tomato seedlings, alternate tall varieties with short ones. This will make it possible to create additional free space at the top.​

​This operation is carried out throughout the summer as needed. How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse? The first garter is done when the seedlings are planted in the greenhouse or when they reach a height of 40–50 cm (if small seedlings were planted). To do this, hammer in the pegs required length and tie them to them. As garters, it would be correct to use strips of soft fabric (gauze, bandage) 3–5 cm wide. When the tomatoes begin to grow, the procedure is repeated. And so several times over the summer.​

Garter methods

​The seedlings grow, stretch in height, and soon the height of the stake is no longer enough. Therefore, next you need to tie the tomatoes to the trellis. Stretch a wire along the greenhouse over the rows of tomatoes at the very top. Tie a long piece of twine above each bush. Secure each plant with slight tension to prevent the stem from swaying from side to side. Please note that the knot should not be tightened tightly, otherwise the stem will become pinched as it grows.​

  • ​Unusual designs and convenient designs of a different kind - caps. They are suitable for tying up not only tomatoes. The point is that you need to build a tall, narrow “wigwam” or pyramid from available materials.​
  • ​Each of the pegs should be strengthened in the ground so that it holds tightly, usually buried by 20-25 cm, retreating from the tomato stem by approximately 10 cm, so that the root system is not inadvertently damaged. You need to tie the tomato loosely; the correct way is to first secure the twine to the peg, then wrap the stem and tie it. As the vegetable grows, we perform this process several times.
  • ​The construction of devices for garter should begin 2 or 3 weeks after planting the seedlings in open ground. In total, you will need to strengthen the stem 3-6 times during the season by tying it to a support. The quantity will depend on the high-growing variety you choose to grow.​

​If the tomato bush is positioned vertically, it will be as open as possible to sunlight and fresh air, so it will develop sufficiently, because the plant loves the sun and will give an excellent harvest.​

When to garter tomatoes

​on top of the rope​

Tying tomatoes to wooden stakes

Garter to the trellis

A combined garter method can also be used, in which the lower part of the stem is tied to a stake, and the upper part is attached with twine to a thick wire (trellis).

Tying to wire or rail

​The upper end of the twine (it should have an allowance of 15-20 cm) is thrown over the wire and tied with a sliding loop in a figure eight, bow or tie knot.​

The most effective way to garter tomatoes

​For more comfortable work, it would be a good idea to buy a special tool for quick and convenient work. It is called a garter.​

​It is necessary to firmly drive strong stakes into the ground for each tomato. Tie the plants to them so that the bush stands straight and is stable. The length of the stakes must correspond to the variety. If the bush is already large, then make several ties. In the middle you need to tie the stem itself to a stake (use a strip of fabric), higher up, clasping the entire bush, tie it again wooden support. Since the consumption of binding material will be large, it is better to use ordinary twine with several threads.​

To prevent tomatoes in the greenhouse from growing in all directions and forming a jungle, promptly pluck off the shoots that appear above each leaf. For tall tomatoes, you need to leave only the main stem; remove all the stepsons when they reach 4-8 cm in length. If you see that the stepson is already large and has flower buds on it, you don’t have to pick it off, just pinch the top so that it doesn’t grow further.​

​It can be wire, vines or stakes at the base with a cross knitting in the form of a cage. Such caps are installed together with planting seedlings, and they are useful for gartering several bushes at once. Such pyramids should be placed at a certain distance from each other to avoid crowding of plants, usually 1 meter or a little more if the area allows.​

​If you have a tomato plantation, it would be more rational to use a different method of gartering. It will require a thin beam or strong pegs, and their number is significantly less than in the method described above. We drive the posts at the beginning and end of the tomato bed, and stretch the wire between them. With this method, you will need to tie the tomato stem to a stretched wire. You can tie the plant this way if you planted a tall variety of tomato, and using a stretched wire is available in several options:

With the development of gardening, the development of new crops by breeders and the invention of modern materials, several methods of gartering tomatoes when grown in open ground appeared and took root in vegetable growing. Each of them has proven its effectiveness in practice, so you can safely choose any one that is convenient for you and your summer cottage. Perhaps you can even invent something of your own based on them, so let’s look at each option in detail on how to properly tie up tomatoes.​

​Inevitable rains and downpours will not be able to damage the tomato in the open ground if it is securely fastened to an additional support.​

​to any support (place sticks nearby or to the roof of the greenhouse) with ropes or twine. I usually do 8 (figure eight), it turns out like a free loop

How to tie cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse - All about Seedlings and Greenhouses

​found an error in the text​

​When growing cucumbers on wire trellises, instead of twine, wooden ladders are also used to tie up plants. To make ladders, wooden slats with a cross section of 15x15 or 20x15 mm are used. The length of the slats should be 10-15 cm greater than the distance from the wire to the surface of the bed. Along the entire length of the slats, holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm are drilled every 10-15 cm so that ordinary matches fit into them with little effort. Burnt or removed gray matches are inserted into the resulting holes. To increase the service life of the ladder, it is advisable to paint it with oil paint.​

1st method of tying cucumbers and tomatoes

​When tying up plants, do not pull the twine too tightly, as when the trellis wire vibrates, this can lead to the plants being torn out of the soil.​

​Tall varieties of tomatoes are usually grown in greenhouses, as they are more productive. This is beneficial for limited greenhouse space. That is why it is so important to carry out correct and timely gartering of tall varieties of tomatoes.​

​This device is not entirely convenient for a greenhouse, as it will impede free access, but still some gardeners use this method and tie tomatoes to it, which in itself is very convenient. But we must remember - greenhouse space is very limited. It's better to use another method.​

​Also remove shoots from the root. There is no need for you to thicken the plantings. These shoots have roots, so they can be planted elsewhere.​

​A post about how to simply tie up tomatoes using a thick thread without harming the plant.​

​pull a strong wire onto a high beam at a level of about 2 m - then the strings for the garter should be long enough to reach both the support (wire) and the stem. The tomato vines will wrap around these ropes as they grow;​

​To begin with, we note that any of the methods listed below uses materials that do not harm the plant, so follow the advice and you will never have problems growing tomatoes.​

​Tied tomatoes are easier to spray, and the effectiveness of the procedure will be higher, so such bushes will be less susceptible to diseases characteristic of growing these vegetables.​

2nd method of tying tomatoes

Stick a rod or stick next to it, wrap the stem between the shoots with a ribbon, not tightly, loosely, and tie it to the rod or stick. Choose the location of the garter between the shoots based on the growth of the stem.​

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​You will need one or two of these ladders for each plant.​

​As the plants grow, approximately once or twice a week, their stem (top) is twisted (twisted) around the twine clockwise, on average one turn per internode.​

Garter of tomatoes to stakes

​When growing vegetables in protected ground structures, it is necessary to use various devices and devices that make it easier to care for plants and allow you to obtain high yields per unit area of ​​the structure. The main vegetable crops grown in the greenhouse are cucumbers and tomatoes. These plants are usually tied up in a greenhouse.

​These methods are used most often, as they are reliable and do not limit the space of the greenhouse. A strong cord is tied to a wire stretched tightly at the top or a nailed rail and lowered to the tomato bush. The bush is tied to this cord (it will be the main one). As the crop grows, it should be tied up again. To do this, you need to wrap the entire bush around with a cord (twine) of several threads), then wrap it around the main cord, pull it up so that the bush becomes more compact, and tie a knot.​

​All gardeners need to be able to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse. This is an indispensable condition for growing tomatoes and getting a good harvest.​

Garter of cucumbers to a wooden ladder

​It is more profitable to grow tall tomatoes in a greenhouse. Stretching out to 1.5-2 m, they produce a lot of bunches of fruit. But to get a really good harvest, you need to know how to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse and how to shape them.​

​stretch several rows of wire, securing them to the beam. Then each bush will need to be tied separately several times to the formed stretch, or the stem will need to be passed through horizontal stripes as it grows to create a braided tomato.

​The twine that you will use as a means of tying up tomato bushes should not be pulled tight so that it does not cut into the stem of the plant.​

​It is also much easier to carry out other procedures for caring for seedlings in the open ground: mulching, hilling, weeding, pinching​

​Next to the tomato trunk, drive a wooden peg about a meter long to a depth of 15-20 cm and tie the tomato trunk to it with a cloth. The cloth is better than cotton and not very tight. Prepare a peg for each piece and keep it in reserve. You may have to prop up the tomato bush from the other side after pinching.​

Under natural conditions, tomato fruits do not reach the same size and weight as under the careful supervision of gardeners. For this reason, in nature, these plants do not need additional support; it is important to tie up tomatoes, both in a greenhouse and in open ground, which cannot be said about home shoots. Heavy fruit clusters can break thin nightshade branches or bend shoots all the way to the ground. This leads to spoilage of vegetables or death of the crop. To avoid such a set of circumstances, farmers resort to gartering tomatoes. This must be done correctly, taking into account certain characteristics of the varieties and growing conditions. There are different methods and subtleties, we will talk about them in this article.


Only the right garter will be beneficial for tomatoes. This will simplify further care (weeding, breaking), ensure proper distribution of light between the shoots and protect the fruits from, preserving their presentation. When growing tomatoes in open ground, special fasteners are required, to which the tomato will be tied in the future. The main thing that must be observed is the timing. Best time for the first garter of tomatoes occurs after the seedlings have taken root well and produce 2-3 new leaves in a new place. It is also important to take care of the tools and supplies needed for this procedure in advance. Supports and frames to secure the shoots must be installed in watered, moist soil so that the soil does not crack and damage the thin roots. and in open ground it should be done in two stages: first, strengthen the main shoot, and after the formation of the first fruits, provide support for the fruiting branches.

Read about how to properly water cucumbers.

Tall tomatoes (which are most often planted in greenhouses) are tied up literally 4-6 days after planting the seedlings. For low-growing varieties, the garter is carried out a little later, when the first ovaries appear.

Methods for gartering tomatoes

There are many methods of gartering and their choice depends on a number of factors. When choosing, you need to take into account the height of the bushes of the variety you are growing, the place where the tomatoes are planted, your capabilities and the funds available to you. Think in advance about what method you will use in order to arrange it in the fall. necessary basis and prepare materials (it is much easier to stretch trellises or nets in an empty greenhouse).


The need to garter tomatoes after is also explained by the need for protection from wind and other mechanical damage. A traditional garter attached to pegs stuck into the soil is perfect. To do this, you need to securely fasten sticks of suitable length in the hole, and then tie the stem to them at different heights. Calculate the height of the stakes according to the height of the bushes, so that even the highest branches can be fixed on them.

Garter to pegs

The stakes should not be inserted too close to the shoot, as this can damage the fragile roots of the tomato. The support is strengthened in the soil at a distance of at least 10-15 cm from the bush.

The second, more progressive and reliable method is tying it to a wire frame. With such a garter, reliable support and protection from many external factors are provided, but harvesting becomes inconvenient. You will need a large mesh wire mesh, which you need to dig around the bush, along the perimeter of the hole. Both the main stem and the clusters with ripening tomatoes are attached to such a frame.

In the greenhouse

Conventional film greenhouses, as a rule, are not very tall and the method of gartering must be selected according to the capabilities of your designs. For small structures, the most suitable method is linear top fastening. This frame can be used for several seasons. In order not to damage the bushes, organize the fastenings before planting the seedlings. Above each row, just below the level of the upper branches, you need to stretch a rope or wire. In the future, plants will be attached to the stretched guide using garters. and tomatoes makes it possible to receive more light, which stimulates the formation of ovaries and increases the yield of bushes. After gartering, be sure to carry out.

Read about gartering cucumbers in a greenhouse.

You need to pull the wire or rope as tightly as possible so that it does not sag under the weight of the grapes. For the same reason, you should choose the most durable materials, and fix it directly to the supports of the greenhouse itself.

Tie up in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Today, polycarbonate greenhouses are very popular. For such structures, gardeners also came up with their own ways of tying tomatoes. The most common method is to fix the bushes on vertical trellises. The trellises themselves are attached to metal frame of the greenhouse itself directly above each hole. This method is suitable for fastening tall tomato bushes. The advantages of this method include its high strength and reliability, well-attached trellises will serve you for a long time.

Read about growing onions in a greenhouse in winter.

In polycarbonate greenhouses, plants are tied to trellises

The trellis type of garter requires constant breaking and pinching of tomatoes. Heavily branched bushes will not stay on the trellises and you will have to install additional support for fruit-bearing shoots.

Another way - vertical mount on the grid. The basis will be a large-mesh mesh made of plastic or wire, which should be installed between the rows of holes. The mesh is installed in such a way that there is an equal distance from all the bushes to it and it does not interfere with approaching the bushes (along the bed, if there are passages on both sides). You can attach both stems and fruiting branches or brushes of tomatoes to the base.

Tools for tying tomatoes

All tools and materials for gartering should be taken care of in advance so that there are no difficulties in the future. The selection of equipment depends on the method of support fixation you choose. Give preference natural materials or in as a last resort, nylon or plastic.

The best material for garters are scraps of fabric. They do not cut the plant and are easily cut with scissors.

You can use:

  • wooden pegs are best suited for supports; when used over several seasons, they only become stronger (don’t throw them away after cleaning);
  • the stems and shoots need to be fixed using strips of fabric (preferably cotton), at least 5 centimeters wide;
  • choose a coarse mesh with dense, wide wire (thin wire can cut the stems);
  • for fixation, you can use special plastic clips, which you can buy at any gardening supply store;
  • You can use twine, but this is only permissible for thick and heavy branches that will not break under its pressure.

All materials and tools must be pre-treated. It is recommended to wash and dry fabric strips and ropes thoroughly (especially if they are used more than once). Wooden pegs also need to be trimmed and dried.



A garter is necessary to ensure proper growth and preservation of the fruit during the ripening period. This event (tying up a tomato) is carried out in the first stages of tomato growth, preferably a week after planting (or at the moment when the plant gets sick after replanting). This procedure greatly facilitates the work of vegetable growers, creating convenient conditions for caring for the crop. It is worth thinking about the methods and methods of gartering and devices as early as possible, and starting to arrange the garter structures in the fall. A garter is equally necessary for both greenhouse plants and those planted in open ground. The methods depend on the conditions in which you are going to grow tomatoes and on the characteristics (height of the greenhouse, openness to the wind and others) of these conditions. Do not forget about the importance of pinching for a large harvest.