Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Protective films. Polyethylene film and nonwovens How to use mulch film

Weeding is a time-consuming procedure, and chemicals can accumulate in plant tissues, which makes their fruits hazardous to health. Meanwhile, there is a technique that allows you to reduce labor costs when growing garden crops and at the same time eliminate the possibility of the negative impact of herbicides. Modern enterprises have begun to produce special black weed control film. This material is relatively inexpensive and can save a summer resident a lot of time and effort.

Does black film help with weeds?

Using this material is quite simple. In spring it spreads out on the ground. Next, holes are made in it for planting plants. One of the features of black film is that it does not transmit sunlight at all. As a result, weeds that do not receive ultraviolet light stop developing.

In Europe, film and roofing felt have been used for weed control for a long time. Moreover, this is done not only by private individuals, but also by large farms. In this part of the world, black film is considered to be very effective against weeds. Many domestic gardeners also speak well of this method. But some summer residents are still skeptical about this technique. So, does black film help control weeds? Let's look at this in more detail.

What processes occur under the film?

Weed control with black film can actually be quite successful. The edges of this material lying on the ground are usually covered with soil. As a result, a special microclimate is created in a garden bed mulched in this way. The soil under the film warms up very quickly. Therefore, weeds accelerate their development at the first stage. However, when germinating, the grass rests against a film heated by the sun. The result is the death of the surface part of the plant. After some time, the roots of the weed also rot.

Where can I use it?

The use of black weed film (photos of such beds are presented on the page) is allowed as per open ground, and in greenhouses. Very often this material is used for the development of virgin lands. In this case, the film is laid directly on top of the weeds and left there for a long time (1-2 months). As a result, the grass rots along with the root system. The soil under the film becomes loose and easy to work. Subsequently, even in the absence of film, weeds in the area do not grow as actively.

Benefits of use

Thus, weed control with black film can reduce labor costs in the garden, greenhouse or nursery. Compared to conventional methods, this mulching technique also has the following advantages:

  • early warming of the soil in spring;
  • better heat retention by soil in winter;
  • reduction of irrigation costs;
  • no need for loosening;
  • acceleration of plant development.

Since the black film is an airtight material, the soil underneath it warms up very quickly. Therefore, plants in the spring with such mulch begin to develop at an accelerated pace. This material also reduces the risk of crop death during recurrent frosts.

The film does not allow moisture to pass through. Therefore, you can water plants in beds covered with this material less often. As moisture evaporates, in this case it condenses on the film and flows down again. This material is more convenient to use than many other types of mulch. All that is needed in this case is to spread the film over the area once.

Also, the advantages of using this material include the fact that, unlike organic matter, mold almost never forms under it. The air entering under the film through the holes made is quite enough for this.

Disadvantages of use

Of course, such material has not only advantages. Most gardeners consider the main disadvantage of using black weed film to be the inability to replenish the soil in the beds. Organic mulch is usually dug up in the fall, which increases the humus content in the soil. The film does not have this advantage.

In addition, spreading it on the ground is quite a troublesome task. In addition, this material is also quite easily damaged. The film on the beds has to be replaced after just a few years. This procedure is also quite labor-intensive. This especially applies to perennial plantings. Indeed, in this case, when disposing of the film, you need to try not to damage the plants.

In virgin lands, this material is also sometimes impractical to use to remove weeds. Usually only fairly soft grass rots under the film. Tough weeds often cannot be eradicated in this way. After all, sometimes for such grass even, for example, asphalt is not an obstacle.

What to look for when purchasing material

Protection against weeds with black film will be effective, of course, only if it is chosen correctly. Many companies produce this covering material today. At the same time, the black mulching film itself may vary in technical characteristics.

When choosing this material, you should pay attention first of all to its thickness. A thin film is only suitable for warming the soil in spring. Actually, for mulching, you should take material that is stronger, more durable and thicker. Perennial crops, for example, strawberries, are usually protected from weeds with a 100-micron black film. It is not advisable to use thicker material even in this case. A very thick film is expensive and is mainly suitable only for construction work.

If annual crops are to be mulched, fairly thin material can be used. In this case, the 80 micron option is most often used.

How to lay black weed film

Technologically, laying this material is a simple procedure. However, there are some rules to follow when performing this operation. You can lay the film on the ground only after the soil has warmed up well enough in the spring. The area must first be cleared of debris and dirt. Most attention should be paid to sharp objects that can damage the material - dry branches, glass, stones. If there are already weeds on the site, it is advisable to remove them.

The film should be spread in such a way that it fits as tightly as possible to the soil surface. In those places where air “bubbles” remain, weeds may subsequently begin to develop. Of course, they will not grow too actively, and their color will not be green, but white - but still.

After the material is laid out on the ground, its edges should be pressed down with some kind of weight. This could be, for example, stones, bricks, or even just soil. Next, cross-shaped or slot-shaped holes are made in the film for planting plants. Round or square slits should not be made. Experienced summer residents have noticed that with this method of cutting, the plants subsequently develop worse. The distance between the holes is selected depending on the type garden crops. For example, for strawberries this figure will be 30-35 cm.

As soon as shoots appear on the bed covered with film, several semicircular holes should be made in the material on the south side. Without normal air exchange in the soil, plants are known to develop worse. In addition, in this case, acidification of the soil may occur. The holes will provide air access under the film. In addition, if they are present, the soil under such covering material will not overheat too much.

How to water plants under film

Moisture under such covering material, as already mentioned, is retained well. However, it is, of course, necessary to water plants mulched in this way throughout the season. This can be done either by the “root” method or by sprinkling. Water will freely pass through the holes cut in the film under the plants and be distributed throughout the bed.

Everyone knows why transparent polyethylene film is used in agriculture. This is the cheapest and most accessible material for sheltering plants from rain, wind, hail and frost, for the construction of temporary greenhouses and stationary greenhouses.
Why do you need black greenhouse film? What benefits can it bring to a gardener?

Made from polyethylene high pressure, stabilized with soot, black greenhouse film differs from transparent film not only in color, but also in its properties, and, accordingly, in its scope. Like regular film, this film is produced in sleeves wound into rolls ranging from one to three meters wide.
After cutting one side and unfolding, the material becomes twice as wide.

Advice. The polymer is easily cut along the fold with a knife or open scissors. But if you need to unroll a very long sleeve, do not rush to unwind the roll - just cut off one edge with a hacksaw or a fine-toothed circular saw.

To satisfy any consumer needs, the film is produced in different thicknesses: minimum - 40 microns, maximum - 200 microns. But even the thinnest one practically does not let sunlight through.
It is this property that is actively used in agriculture and in particular in industrial and home greenhouses.

The price of black film compared to other varieties of this material is much lower, and the benefits from its use are very noticeable, so its use can be considered profitable and practical.

Methods of application in greenhouses

In this chapter we will not talk about all areas of application of the material, although there are many of them. This includes construction, land reclamation, trade, and agriculture.
We are interested in how it is used in greenhouses and greenhouses. It is clear that black ones are completely useless structures, since not a single plant will grow in complete darkness.
However, this property, as well as the material’s ability to accumulate heat and not allow moisture to pass through, can be used for good.


Mulching is covering the soil in order to regulate its temperature and humidity characteristics. This method has been practiced in agriculture for a very long time, but until recently, mulch was mainly materials of organic origin: humus, peat, straw, dry leaves, mowed and dried grass, sawdust, tree bark, etc.
Today, black film for greenhouses is becoming increasingly popular and in demand for this purpose. Its only drawback compared to organics is that it does not improve the composition and structure of the soil, but there are quite a lot of advantages.

For reference. At the end of the season after harvesting, organic mulch is embedded in the ground and rots in it, turning into humus and improving its nutritional properties.

What are these advantages:

  • Stopping weed growth. The absolute opacity of the film does not allow the seeds and roots remaining in the ground to develop weeds. Their absence has a beneficial effect on the growth of cultivated crops and frees gardeners from regular weeding;
  • Mold does not form under the black film, which cannot be said about organic mulch;
  • Harmful insects do not grow in it, and the impenetrable fabric protects plants from pathogens that are always present in the soil;

  • The film better retains moisture underneath, preventing it from evaporating from the surface of the earth, forming a dense, airtight crust. If earlier you had to loosen the “petrified” soil under tomatoes or cucumbers with your own hands after several waterings, now you can forget about it.

Other advantages of film mulching include a reduction in water consumption for irrigation and the fact that after it or after rain, leaves and fruits remain clean, not contaminated with soil.
To be fair, it should be said that it is even more effective to use not film, but black spunbond. Possessing similar abilities, it is stronger and more durable, and also allows water to pass through itself, allowing you to water the beds in any way convenient for you.

Warming up the soil and insulation

Possessing absolute light resistance, black greenhouse film nevertheless attracts the sun's rays, while quickly heating up and transferring heat to adjacent surfaces.
This property is used in greenhouses in the following cases:

  • For early soil warming. As you know, the soil takes longer to warm up than the air.
    In early spring, under a film or other cover in a greenhouse it may already be quite comfortable for plants, but the ground at this time is still very cold, and at some depth it is completely frozen. To speed up its thawing and warming up, they spread a black film, under which these processes proceed faster.

  • For insulating beds. Today, many gardeners have adopted the technology of growing plants in high beds, fenced on all sides with sides.
    If these sides are wrapped in black film, it will heat up during the day and give off heat to the ground at night.

How to use mulching film

If, to warm the soil, it is enough to simply spread the film on the ground, pressing its edges, then for use as mulch, other instructions must be followed. Firstly, you first need to prepare the soil by adding all the necessary minerals and organic fertilizers, carefully digging, loosening and leveling.
Then they are made, the width of which depends on the type of crops planted on it. The film is laid on top after thorough watering, preferably a few days before planting - so that the ground underneath it warms up well.

Advice. Choose material of a suitable width so that you do not have to cut it or lay two sheets on one bed.

Film thickness is important. If the thinnest soil (40-50 microns) is used to warm the soil, then thicker, stronger and more durable material is used for mulching.
If it will serve no more than a year, a thickness of 60-80 microns is sufficient, but if you plant perennial crop, for example, strawberries, it is better to give preference to material with a thickness of 100-120 microns. Thicker fabrics are neither effective nor economical to use; their scope of application is construction and other industrial sectors.
If you watch the video presented in this article, you will understand how to proceed further even without a description. Everything is very simple: in the film spread on the bed, at specified intervals, cuts are made with a sharp knife - cross-shaped or in the form of the letter V.
By turning the corners inside, you will get square or triangular holes It is clear that the distance between them is chosen depending on what you will plant in the garden bed and how much free space is required for one adult plant.

To speed up the process, especially when installing mulch over a large area, you can fold the film several times and burn it through with a hot object, simultaneously obtaining several identical holes. Then spread it out on the garden bed.

Seedlings are planted or seeds are sown in these holes. To make your work easier, you can equip the system drip irrigation, connecting a tube with a dropper to each plant.


As you can see, black greenhouse film can bring a lot of benefits if you know how to use it correctly. All the techniques described are suitable not only for greenhouses and greenhouses, but also for growing plants in open ground, where the problems of watering, loosening and weed control are even more pressing.

Many vegetables, for example: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, are native to warm regions. During our short summer they do not have time to fully ripen. With the help of shelters, the growing season can be extended by 2-3 months.

Polyethylene film

Polyethylene film has long been successfully used as a covering material. They cover it. It transmits light well and retains heat.

One of the advantages of polyethylene film is its affordable price.

The soil under the film does not dry out for a long time. There is no need to water the beds every day.

But this material also has disadvantages.

Firstly - fragility. Over the course of a season, the film is destroyed by ultraviolet rays, temperature difference. If the film is used only in spring and autumn, it will last 2-3 seasons. And if the greenhouse is covered with ordinary polymer film, then it will have to be covered every year.

Another disadvantage of a film shelter is that the air in it overheats on a hot day. In the presence of humidity, which is always elevated in a film shelter, fungal infections rapidly develop under the film. And overheating of plants can lead to their death.

But you shouldn’t give up film entirely. Scientists have created several types of agrofilm:

  • Hydrophilic film - it contains a special additive, thanks to which condensation does not collect in drops, but gradually flows down the film.
  • UV stabilized film is a light converting film. Special additives in the film convert ultraviolet rays into infrared rays. Thanks to this, the film not only protects from frost and overheating, but also photosynthesis is activated under it and plant growth is accelerated.
  • Reinforced film - characterized by increased strength. Fiberglass mesh fused into polyethylene prevents the film from tearing.
  • Bubble wrap is the warmest of all films. Between the layers of this film there is a bubble of dry air. Thanks to this, the thermal protection of bubble film is 30 times higher than that of regular film.

Non-woven covering material

Non-woven covering material is gaining more and more popularity and is gradually replacing conventional polyethylene film. The process of covering with non-woven material is simpler and easier. The film needs to be secured along the entire length of the canvas, and the covering material in some places.

Does not form under covering material excess humidity. At the same time, it holds heat well.

Plants do not overheat. Moreover, non-woven materials are used for shading plants.

Modifications of non-woven covering material differ in density: 17 g/m2, 30 g/m2, 42 g/m2, 60 g/m2.

The thinnest covering material is 17 g/m2. You can simply put it on the plants. Denser materials are suitable for greenhouses and tunnel greenhouses. The densest is 60g/m2, covering the walls of stationary greenhouses.

The greater the density of the covering material, the higher its protective functions. Canvas 17 g/m2 will protect from frost down to -2 0 C, and canvas 60 g/m2 - 5 0 C.

Non-woven covering material is easy to work with: it does not break or crack, it is easy to remove and easy to store. If necessary, the covering material can be washed. It is more durable than polyethylene film.

Despite all the positive qualities, the covering material has a drawback - the ground under it dries out quickly. And if it is enough to water plants under film cover once a week, then under covering material they need to be watered more often.

There are plants that do not tolerate plastic film: beans and zucchini. The seedlings of these plants die under the film.

Slow-germinating crops: parsley, carrots, dill are best covered with film after sowing.

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​In its chemical structure it is a polycondensation of diphenylolpropane with carbonic acid. And all derivatives of the latter are called carbonates - that’s where the famous name comes from.​

​The greenhouse should be covered with polycarbonate correct installation bolts Excessive twisting may cause material deformation. The fastening must be perpendicular to avoid damage to the sheet;​

Films and non-woven fabrics

​For better connection of panels, experts recommend using F-shaped and U-shaped profiles. Holes with a diameter of up to 3 mm should be drilled in the lower part of the panel. They will contribute to better water outflow.​

Polyethylene film

  • ​0,700​ ​ 8​
  • ​35​ Quite high thermal insulation, which, according to manufacturers, is three times higher than glass. The thermal conductivity of a polycarbonate sheet is 8 mm. higher than glass and comparable to double glazing;​

​And this is a very worthy option, since glass has such useful characteristics in greenhouse farming as:​

  • ​You can praise modern greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate as long and eloquently as you like, put forward arguments in favor of traditional glass or argue in favor of film, but not convince your opponent that you are right. Because everyone decides the question of how to cover a greenhouse, depending on their needs and capabilities. To install polycarbonate, they traditionally use special aluminum fastening systems, profiles and other structures that can be ordered. But many summer residents are perplexed by the question of how exactly to mount polycarbonate - is it really necessary to do without branded thermal washers or is it more rational to use self-tapping screws for corrugated sheets? Should the sheets be laid overlapping or should a special profile be used to connect them? To answer this question, let's look at the coefficient of thermal expansion of polycarbonate - 0.068 mm for every meter per 1 degree. At first glance, this seems insignificant - but with a temperature difference from -20, as in Russia in winter, to +30 in summer, a six-meter polycarbonate sheet will change in size by exactly 34 mm, and this is already quite noticeable. And the self-tapping screw, which is always in place due to the almost complete absence of thermal expansion of the metal, will simply “break” an oval hole in the polycarbonate. At the same time, branded washers with a diameter of more than 30 mm completely seal the holes and are designed for any thermal deformation of the material invisible to the eye. Just pay attention when buying plastic thermal washers that after two years they become too fragile - due to lack of protection from ultraviolet radiation.​

​When installing a panel wider than one meter, additional fastening should be used along the entire length of the material. In this case, conventional fastening is not enough to avoid straightening the sheet; it can also shift under pressure.​

​Greenhouses have different configurations and often they differ from each other. Therefore, we give advice not on a specific type, but those that will help get the job done in any design. Now we will give tips on how to cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate and at the same time avoid problems and extend the service life of the structure.​

PVC film


​All gardeners know what greenhouse lighting is. Light transmittance of double panel


​Resistance to temperature changes and sunlight;​ Each of the listed materials has a lot of advantages; all of them, to one degree or another, also have disadvantages. We will talk about them in this article.​

​And finally, polycarbonate has high impact resistance - it can withstand strong hail perfectly and even a thrown stone won’t do much damage to it. That is why the manufacturer generously provides a 10-year guarantee for such covering material. And polycarbonate can be bent, unlike glass - and that’s why such different structures are built from it today. A real outlet for landscape designers!​

​Polycarbonate is a good covering for greenhouses, but it also requires maintenance; this will preserve the properties of the material and extend the service life of the structure.​

  • ​We will describe how to correctly lay polycarbonate on a greenhouse and technologically perform fastening of all elements.​
  • ​2,100​

Cellular polycarbonate

​is 80%​

​High light transmittance;​

​Unusual materials for greenhouses have also found their application - in some ways they are similar to foreign awnings, only their properties are slightly different. Nonwoven materials - Agril, Lutrasil, Thermoselect and others - are becoming more and more popular day by day. There are many such brands, and all of them are designed for multifunctional use.​

  • ​You should not light a fire near the greenhouse. In this case, ignition is unlikely, but melting of the material is possible;​
  • ​Before doing the work, cover with grout and paint the frame in a light color. Give preference to an anti-corrosion primer. Light painting will prevent additional heating of the bottom of the polycarbonate sheet. When using a dark color, the lower part of the material heats up from contact with the dark part of the metal and partially loses its strength;​
  • ​1300​
  • ​1300​

​Gap between stiffeners in mm.​


​Inertness towards chemicals (pesticides, detergents);​

​The main reason why many summer residents still choose film for constructing greenhouses and greenhouses is its low price, which, however, varies greatly depending on the type of film and its performance characteristics.​

​But the closest attention should be paid to their qualities and properties so that it does not turn out that the plants subsequently lack some important light spectra, and the harvest turns out to be meager. In general, modern nonwoven materials retain heat well in a greenhouse and slowly release it at night. But they cannot save seedlings from frost, and like fabric, they can tear and cost a lot. The choice is yours!​

​You should wash the surface with a mild detergent or just water. We should not forget about the protective layer against ultraviolet rays that covers the panels. When processing, do not use abrasive cleaning agents or aromatic solvents;​

Advantages of cellular polycarbonate

​When bending the material, take into account the data given in the table. Increased bending puts more stress on the material and can lead to cracks in the outer layer. This may not even happen immediately, but after some time;​

  • ​800​
  • ​800​​ 5,7​ ​35​
  • ​A special coating prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays. In the greenhouse you can simply sunbathe without any risk of getting sunburned;​
  • ​Good thermal insulation qualities.​
  • ​Today, film materials are produced that are intended specifically for agricultural needs and have special properties.​

​If you nevertheless purchased such material, then during the rains be sure to cover it with ordinary plastic film, and then remove it: this way the non-fabric will last longer.​

​You should not use garden tools to remove snow from the surface of the material.​

​The ribs of the sheet during installation should facilitate the drainage of condensate and precipitation;​

​This material is quite shock-resistant and will perfectly withstand hail and falling stones;​

​Making a glass greenhouse from new materials is unprofitable and impractical - for this you will have to build a very durable frame, able to withstand the weight of glass. It itself is expensive and, moreover, does not withstand mechanical loads well and breaks easily.​

​Thanks modern technologies, they have learned to impart properties to polyethylene film that have a positive effect on the microclimate in greenhouses.​

​But a glass greenhouse will cost you more, and at the same time, the least expensive. Why such a paradox? Because some build it from old discarded wooden windows, which can always be obtained for free due to the massive replacement of them with fashionable metal-plastic bags, while others build powerful frames on concrete foundations and order covering material from the factory. Sometimes the last option turns out to be comparable in price to a small country house– dashing, isn’t it? But such a greenhouse is truly absolutely environmentally friendly and durable, it is not afraid of any sun rays, tons of snow and severe frosts.​

​We told you how to properly cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate. If you follow the suggested recommendations when working, the structure will serve you for many years.​

​When joining elements, use special protective profiles;​

​The big advantage of this material is its elasticity. It is possible to give the structure any shape.​

​In a word, if you are deciding what is the best way to cover a greenhouse, consider other options first.​


Have you decided on the covering material? On our website you will find many detailed photo and video instructions on how to properly build greenhouses from polycarbonate, film and glass, and even the most tricky questions will be answered by our experts. Feel free to get down to business!​

​The main task for fastening the film is simple - fasten it so that it does not blow away in the wind. But increasingly, summer residents are interested in “safe” methods of fastening, without the need to pierce the film with nails. The article will describe 5 ways to attach the film to a greenhouse without having to pierce the film.​

​Attention: Today there are designs arched greenhouses, where the joining is done overlapping, without the use of a joining profile. After some time, this will still lead to water leakage, and lensing of ice will occur in the overlapping areas.​

​Bending radius is minimal​

​Polycarbonate has many advantages, but it must be installed correctly and selected correctly.​

​Structurally, this material consists of two sheets of transparent plastic, fastened together by stiffening ribs, between which air-filled channels (honeycombs) are formed. Most professional plant growers and amateur gardeners believe that there is no better option for covering a greenhouse with polycarbonate.​

- This is the most common film for a greenhouse, not distinguished by either a high service life or the ability to retain heat well. But its low cost still attracts many gardeners who need simple temporary shelter for plants.​

I cover it with agrotex. The greenhouse has a roof made of “cage” film, and agrotex No. 60 is stretched over the frames. I cover cucumbers and greenhouses in general with agrotex No. 30 in arcs. I spread black agrotex on the ground in the borage. I use a lot of agrotex No. 17 “spider web”. I cover cabbage, sometimes onions, carrots so that they sprout better.

​In this method, you can use wooden slats (glazing beads for windows are not recommended) with nails or self-tapping screws, or even better, packing tape secured with staples from a construction stapler.​

​This will stretch and expand the structural elements at the fastening points. Use sealing tape, which will protect the polycarbonate sheets from leaking..​

​550​ ​ 700​
​35​ ​We provide several tables for selecting the right material.​ ​Stabilized hydrophilic​ ​Greenhouse: film roof. walls plastic bottles. - I only grow seedlings. All vegetables are in open ground.​ ​As an option, cut a tape from old linoleum or any other strong material.​
​When fastening sheets to the frame, you should use special thermal washers or use rubber seals. The element has a leg for fastening special type, which corresponds to the length of the sheet. She provides reliable fastening and does not allow damage to the plane of the material, does not push through it; ​6000​ ​5000​ ​1800​
​ 1050​ ​48-38​ ​Thickness in cm​ ​Indeed, if you compare this material with film and glass, you cannot help but see its obvious advantages.​ The film differs favorably from the previous one in that drops of condensation do not form on its surface: moisture does not drip onto the plants, but rolls down the walls. It also blocks infrared radiation, so it retains heat better.​ ​I use cellular polycarbonate.​

​For many, this is the worst way to cover a greenhouse - because you have to damage the film. Such film does not last long, a couple of seasons at most. It’s fine if you nail down cheap film, but nailing down long-lasting, expensive film for a couple of seasons is stupid, especially if there are safer ways.​

​Light transmittance in %​

​First of all this:​

​I have only positive impressions.​

​Although reinforced greenhouse film is not afraid of breakouts from nails.​

​Make the diameter of the hole for the leg,​


​Strength and durability - such a greenhouse will last without repair for at least 20 years;​

​Warm, no problem.​
​If in the first method the film is attached to the frame of the greenhouse both on the sides and to the roof rafters, in this method the film is attached only to the ends of the greenhouse. How exactly is shown in the photo below. If the film is not reinforced, then it very often breaks on nails (from the wind). This method reduces damage to the film and the chance that the wind will tear the film.​
​by 5-6 mm​



​High transparency coupled with the ability to refract and scatter sunlight;​
​film is the strongest and most durable, as it is a three-layer material with an internal cellular frame made of fiberglass, polypropylene or low-density polyethylene. It is made on the basis of a stabilized film and, depending on the additives, may have increased light-stabilizing, hydrophilic, antistatic, heat-retaining and other properties important for greenhouses.​
I don’t even take it off for the winter. It's easy to survive snowfall.​

​How to attach film to a greenhouse from plastic pipes? You can secure the film to the greenhouse using special clips. Such clamps can be found in the store, their price is not too expensive.​

​more from the diameter of the pin itself. After this, you should put on a polyurethane ring, which acts as a seal between the sheet and the cap; it does not allow moisture and dust to penetrate into the connection point. Gives the necessary tightness to the fastening. When the screw passes through the thermal washer, it flares the inner cup (this happens in a similar way to lapping valves), this guarantees reliable protection against water leakage through the washer;​

​The table shows how to properly cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate using the physical characteristics of cellular polycarbonate.​

​White opal​
​Low weight and easy to process with conventional construction tools;​
​The main disadvantage of these materials, especially cheap ones, is their low heat-retaining properties, rapid wear and tear, and reduced transparency.​

​The beds with cucumbers and strawberries were covered with spunbond without arcs before flowering and when there was a threat of night frosts, just like that. Effective!​
​But if you were unable to buy clamps, you can make them yourself from the same plastic pipes. The process is not particularly complicated. To do this, you need to cut the tubes and cut off the side part of them. To attach the film to the PVC pipe, you will have to experiment a little with the size of the cutout in the clamp. It is better to grind down the edges of the clips, otherwise they may tear the film. An example of such a PVC greenhouse with snaps is described here. Any material is placed under the metal clips that will prevent metal overheated in the sun from spoiling the film. Some originals secure the film using paper clips. If the frame allows it, then why not.​
​Use special plugs at the fastening points;​


​It is also necessary to determine the level of load on the racks and the plane of the sheet. This is determined by each owner individually, but this indicator is quite burnt out

​Flexibility and ease of installation.​
​For reference. Bubble film retains heat best, but it also has the lowest light transmittance.​
The greenhouses were covered with reinforced film. It took three years. Then it tore and had to be thrown away.​

​This fixation system consists of 2 parts - a PVC clip (resistant to UV radiation) and a galvanized (aluminum) profile. I think the principle of its operation is clear - the PPC snaps into the profile along with the film, without any damage to the material. The system is mounted on roofs, side walls and ends.​

​Distance between polycarbonate mounting points​
​It is allowed to install the length of the sheet with the distance between the supports and the permissible load (kg/m2).​

​The easiest and fastest way to build arched structures is from it. In this case, a minimum number of joints is formed, since the walls and roof are made of a single sheet.​
​Polyvinyl chloride is more expensive than polyethylene, but experienced gardeners prefer it. This material is more durable, more elastic and stronger. It does not crumble when cut or torn, like plastic film for a greenhouse, and can be repaired. Its important advantage is its low permeability to infrared radiation, so it retains heat well.​

​Before covering the greenhouses, the film was stitched with threads on a machine into one sheet so that rain and cold did not get into the greenhouse.​
​Another option is double clips for attaching the film to an aluminum profile. Of all the methods for attaching the film to a greenhouse, this is the simplest in terms of installing and dismantling the film.​
​with a thickness of 4 mm​

​After studying the tables above, you have the opportunity to weigh all the structural parameters and select the material for growing the required crops. Now let's start describing how to properly cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate.​

​Permissible gap between rafters m

​The disadvantages include poor antistatic properties - attracting dust, such a coating quickly loses its transparency. In addition, the instructions for its use require taking into account the fact that the film on the greenhouse will need to be tightened periodically, as it stretches and sag.​
​The tunnels were covered with ordinary film or lutrasil, and on top with plastic (when it’s cold).​

​The safest way to attach the film to the greenhouse. First, the greenhouse needs to be covered with a film, and a mesh on top of it; the mesh itself is tied to the body. In this case, the film is not damaged in any way, but there is one drawback - you will have to tighten the film more often, especially after rain and if there is no additional fastening.​

​., must be no less than​

What is needed to install cellular polycarbonate

​When the structure frame is installed. The jays are placed at the required distance, the material is selected and purchased. You can start installing the sheets.​

Preparing panels for installation

​Sheet thickness in mm​

​To make the structure reliable, you need to know how to properly cover the greenhouse with polycarbonate.​

  • ​Once I experimented - I covered one greenhouse with white agrill. Everything grew well, but in the fall the plants died instantly from cold dew. Unlike the plants in another greenhouse, which was covered with film.​

Specifics of fastening and cutting

​Almost the same as in the case of greenhouse mesh, but instead of it a polypropylene cord or elastic band is used. Moreover, you need to tie the greenhouse in the form of a Z (between two parallel cords - one diagonally).​

​after 400-500 mm​

  • ​Now we will consider all the nuances that will be required when installing the structure.​
  • ​200 kg/m2​
  • ​6000​

​Light transmittance of cellular polycarbonate depending on sheet thickness and color​

  • ​You will read about this in other materials on the site.​

​This is a non-woven covering material with a membrane structure. Environmentally friendly, very light and quite durable. It allows not only light to pass through, but also water and air, creating an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse and protecting plants from direct sunlight.​

  • ​Greenhouse - roof made of thick film, walls agrill. Tunnels and arcs - film​​​A rather specific method, so I will describe it in passing. Eyelets are a hole in the film reinforced with metal or plastic ring. It is not suitable for ordinary film, only for strong film and preferably with the addition of a cuff that will prevent the grommet from breaking through the material. Leaf
  • ​Before installing the sheets, they should be properly prepared.​
  • ​0,700​​5000​ ​8​​Also, to select the right sheet, you should also know the physical capabilities of the material, which will help distribute the load on the structure.​ ​0.6​​Everyone is guided by their own motives when arranging a shelter for plants. If it is used only for temporary protection against return frosts, film is quite suitable. If you don’t have the money to buy expensive materials, glass frames will be the way out. Well, those who are seriously involved in growing flowers and vegetables will prefer a good-quality polycarbonate greenhouse.​ ​That year, the cucumbers were planted late, they were not covered with anything at all, the harvest turned out to be excellent!​​If you have your own interesting examples of attaching film to a greenhouse, share them with them in the comments.​
  • ​with a thickness of 6 mm.​
  • ​This will ensure that the connections are made correctly and will make the work easier.​
  • ​1,050​

Rules for caring for polycarbonate


  • ​Name​

​The video in this article contains clear and useful nuances on this issue.​

6 ways to attach film to a greenhouse

Advice. For greenhouses and greenhouses, spunbond with a density of at least 42 g/m2 should be used.​

Lath (option for a wooden frame).

​In general, we close it with Lutrosil.​

​In the late 90s, when the market was actively forming in our country due to unemployment, reinforced film began to be persistently advertised among summer residents. It was praised for its extraordinary strength and particularly long service life - up to 6 years. Unlike conventional film, reinforced film is more sun-resistant, dense, and warm. And, as it turned out, this covering material really exceeded all expectations: even today, for the most thrifty owners, it can last as long as 8 years. It is only important to follow some rules: protect the film on the folds where it touches the frame, get rid of sharp corners and do not stretch it too much.​

​, fastened with a distance of no less

​To ensure the sealing of the channels, remove the protective film from both ends of the sheet by 8-10 cm. This is done to attach perforated, aluminum or sealing tape;​

Lath nailed at the ends

Clamps, clips (option for frames made of PVC pipes, fittings)

​175 kg/m2​

Film fixation system for greenhouse

​Cellular polycarbonate sheet​


Rope, harness, elastic cord

​Glass for the construction of greenhouses today is used even less often than film​

Eyelets and elastic cord

​The greenhouse is glass, the walls are made of old KAMAZ glass, the roof is ordinary glass, it’s already 30 liters old, we only replace some of the glass on the roof. The greenhouse is made from old doors and the roof in the form of a house is removable and covered with reinforced film, we put it in the greenhouse for the winter, it has been in service for 4 years.​

​But simple plastic film is not a thing of the past. Even though it sometimes serves only one season, it is cheap for its owners and copes with its functions quite well. Thus, the ability to transmit light even for a two-layer film is 80%. And some even think that this is bad - it is much better, supposedly, for the material to pass through 100%. In fact, it is not at all better - with too much light, greenhouse plants become too elongated in growth, and the fruits are then not pleasing to the eye. But 80% is enough for the tops to be exactly what they should be. These are the tricky moments, so never throw away the good old traditions and experience - they can come in handy!​

Covering material for greenhouses - what is the best way to cover your greenhouse?

Polyethylene film - is it that simple?

​600-700 mm​

​Before installing the tape, the temporary adhesive on the open ends of the sheet should be removed. A sealing tape is glued along the upper edge of the sheet, and perforated tape along the bottom. Both sides of the panel should be treated. It is possible to seal panels using only end profiles;​

Cellular polycarbonate is the leader in sales of the modern market

​Sheet thickness in mm.​

Awning as a shelter: obvious advantages or advertising?

​When a person installs a greenhouse, he always thinks about how to cover his building. The harvest largely depends on this. Everyone wants to achieve maximum results in this matter. This article will tell you how to properly cover a greenhouse with polycarbonate. What to pay special attention to. There are many videos on this topic, but it’s better when you have the opportunity to watch it right away if you forgot something, rather than watching the video several times. We have a suitable video on our website if you need it.​

​. Perhaps the only thing that can motivate a summer resident to do this is the presence of a large number of old window frames and the desire to save money.​

​I always use only agrotex and eat cucumbers already in June​

Glass – for the most hardworking gardeners

​Why do most summer residents still prefer polycarbonate? It's all about durability - you only need to build such a greenhouse once, and you won't have to think about repairs anymore. All that remains is to grow and enjoy the harvest.​

​. These dimensions should also be used for vertical fastening;​

What do you use to cover greenhouses? (beds with cucumbers) And what do you recommend? Has anyone tried Agropane?


​Attention: When arched design and the location of both ends at the bottom, both edges are processed with profile tape.​

Stepan Nikolaychuk


​ 4​


​As a rule, three material options are offered for covering a greenhouse: glass, polycarbonate and film. The film may be suitable for a small greenhouse; glass and polycarbonate remain.


​Cucumbers are better under film = lovers of moist air, others under covering material.​
​Cellular polycarbonate is really much warmer than window glass - even with a thickness of only 8 mm, it retains heat inside the greenhouse twice as well, and a thickness of 16 mm is comparable to triple glazing. For modern greenhouses, cellular polycarbonate is sold - i.e. with a cellular structure. It consists of an upper and lower layer, between which there are stiffening ribs. The sun's rays settle on the bottom and top sheets, but penetrate inside the greenhouse in different directions - dissipating, which is especially good for the growth of the future crop. Manufacturers of polycarbonate also claim that it blocks “hard” ultraviolet rays - those that have a destructive effect on plants, but completely let through “useful” ones. Therefore, in such greenhouses you can even sunbathe safely, without fear of getting sunburned - this will not happen.​
​When installing, pay special attention to the mounting side. In order to protect the material during transportation, manufacturers apply a layer of film on both sides of each element, such as in the Orange greenhouse. On one side the film has a transparent or White color, and on the other hand, the film is usually blue in color, or a pattern is applied to its surface; this side protects the room from the penetration of ultraviolet rays. Before starting installation, remove the light-colored film, that is, from the bottom of the material. The protective part of the film, that is, the top, can be removed after installing the elements; Proper planting of tomatoes in a greenhouse Proper watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse

What is there to think about! - you can answer. - I’ll go to the hardware store, buy some film, and that’s it! Hmm, which one exactly?

Full transparency

There are many types of film now. I won’t dwell on ordinary polyethylene: everyone knows it. An excellent inexpensive material, suitable for both small shelters and huge greenhouses... However, it’s only still new. Some films don't even last through the seasons! So the garbage dumps around all gardening areas are filled with dirty rags; polyethylene decomposes extremely poorly. Maybe we should still look for a film that is a little more expensive, but better, so that it will last at least for several years?

So, what can the industry offer to us, summer residents?

1. Reinforced films in which a synthetic mesh is fused into polyethylene. Of course, it is much stronger than usual: it can be stretched over a large greenhouse and not be afraid of either wind or hail. The only “but” is that in such films it is not mechanical strength that comes to the fore, but resistance to solar radiation. The worst samples crumble into dust after 2-3 seasons. Apparently, this is why the data on the durability of reinforced film differ so much: from 2 to 7 years.

2. Polyethylene films with additives. Their range is very large, but not all supplements are “equally useful”, as the advertising says. It is definitely valuable to introduce stabilizers into the composition of the material, which protect polyethylene from the destructive effects of sunlight. Such films, although noticeably more expensive than regular ones, last many times longer (3 years or more). Most often they are pinkish or orangeish in color, but this is not necessary.

A more complex, but also very useful component of modern films is a phosphor additive. It converts some of the sun's rays from the ultraviolet spectrum into red and infrared radiation, which is more beneficial for plants. As a result, photosynthesis processes in plants become more active, and productivity increases noticeably. Such films are called light-converting films. But when purchasing something like this, do not forget that it must also be stabilized, otherwise all its advantages will not please you for long.

Film with phosphor additives can be checked by shining an ultraviolet lamp through it. The light from the lamp should change to red.

3. Bubble polyethylene film. We usually encounter it when unpacking something fragile. But such a film is also produced for greenhouse purposes: after all, it transmits enough light, and in terms of outstanding thermal insulation properties, only thick polycarbonate can compare with it. I think that a small greenhouse or sunken warm bed, covered with bubble wrap, will be useful for every gardener to obtain the earliest greens, as well as seedlings of cabbage, lettuce, asters and other cold-resistant crops. Although it is hardly possible to seriously talk about its durability (with the exception of special varieties).

4. Not polyethylene films (PVC and others). In my opinion this is one of the best options. Typically, they have a “rubbery” feel and a yellowish or pinkish tint. The strength and durability of these films is beyond praise! I know of cases when they lasted for 6 years or more without being removed from the greenhouse, and it even happened that the greenhouse itself fell under the weight of the snow, and the film was like nothing. And such films are usually fine with stabilizing and light-converting additives. The only drawback is the price.

Stress protection

Or maybe it’s better to replace the film with a non-woven covering material? It is needed both in summer and winter, and it lasts for quite a decent time - savings, however!

Nonwoven materials, of course, have many advantages. They “breathe” and allow moisture to pass through well, and the plants under them do not overheat. “Non-fabric” (especially thick, 40 g/m2 or more) has better thermal insulation properties than film and allows you to more reliably protect plants from frost. Well, thin (17-40 g/m2) - although not so warm, it is light, and it can be placed on plants even without a frame. But, alas, from experience, non-woven materials are still more likely a material for temporary (including winter) shelters, and not for long-term growing of plants. Summer residents middle zone Russia, which tried to cover stationary greenhouses with them (of course, we are talking about dense varieties of “non-fabric” - the thinnest ones are not strong enough for this), were faced with the fact that their favorite cucumbers and tomatoes were significantly lacking in light. The benefits of nonwoven materials in greenhouses and greenhouses were truly appreciated only by southerners who have nowhere to put the sun. But this does not mean at all that they are not needed: every summer resident should have a supply of “non-fabric” to protect the garden from spring frosts, “safety net” when sowing and planting seedlings, as well as to cover capricious plants for the winter.

On a note

Another extremely useful property for greenhouse growers is the so-called “hydrophilic surface”, which modern polymer films often boast of. In practice, this means that the moisture condensed from the air does not collect on the film into drops and does not fall on the leaves in the form of cold dew, but “sticks” to the surface and gently flows down the walls. Plants in a greenhouse will get sick much less!

Secrets of marking (GOST 10354-82)

M- durable film used for the manufacture of transport bags and other packaging.

T- film for the manufacture of technical products, protective covers, packaging;

ST- painted or unpainted, stabilized film for greenhouses, greenhouses and other agricultural facilities;

SIC- stabilized film with IR radiation adsorbent for covering greenhouses and other agricultural structures, providing an increased greenhouse effect;

CM- for mulching and other similar purposes; undyed, carbon black stabilized film (dark);

B, B1- special films for use in reclamation and water management construction;

SK- film for use in food preservation, etc.; unstabilized;

N- film for the manufacture of packaging and household products; painted or unpainted, stabilized or unstabilized.

It is easy to see that films marked ST, SIC and some - N are suitable for greenhouses and greenhouses.