Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

A painting of fresh flowers on the wall. Planting a garden - everything you wanted to know about landscape design with your own hands. Where can it be used in the interior of an apartment?

A phyto-picture is a composition of fresh flowers or moss, framed in a stylish frame that can be mounted on the wall. It can be equipped automatic system watering, which allows you to reduce plant care to a minimum.

The simplest and most effective way to accentuate any wall in the interior of an apartment or office is to place a phytocratine of fresh flowers on it. Moreover, depending on the execution of the baguette (classic or modern style), the phyto-picture looks great on different coatings, be it wallpaper, Venetian plaster, decorative paint, brick or masonry, artificial materials imitating various types of surfaces, etc.

Fresh flowers and plants will help make your home beautiful, cozy and comfortable. They will improve the microclimate, enrich the air with oxygen and simply please the eye and improve your mood. The living plants for phyto-paintings that our company offers are hardy and unpretentious; they can grow in both natural and artificial light, which means that you can decorate any residential or office space with phyto-paintings.

A phyto-picture is also an original and universal gift for your loved ones, friends, colleagues, and managers. Simple installation, easy maintenance and stunning visual effect make it the most desirable and unforgettable!

Buy a phyto-painting. Delivery from a warehouse in Moscow, Novosibirsk or St. Petersburg to all regions of Russia.

You can choose a ready-made phyto-picture in our online store or contact the managers of our company and discuss the possibility of an individual design. We have been engaged in professional interior landscaping for many years, so we can offer you best option phytodesign of your premises. Phytomodules, phyto-pictures, phytowalls made of live and artificial plants, floor and wall planters made from high-quality material, a large selection of plants and flowers suitable for vertical gardening systems - all this is offered to you by LetoStudia.

In our online store you can buy phyto-paintings various sizes and styles, as well as choose beautiful living plants for her. Delivery of phyto-paintings to any region of Russia.

Living pictures (phyto-pictures) with succulents and some other indoor plants are easy to create with your own hands. This type of vertical gardening allows you not only to decorate the room, but also to make it possible to see your small collection more often. You get wonderful still lifes with indoor plants. They are quite easy to care for. Let's look at all the stages of creating phyto-pictures and make sure that there is nothing complicated in their production.

Step 1. Preparing the basis for a live painting

Any painted picture looks better in frame. Phyto-picture too. The frame can be made from various edgings, leftover baseboards, foam strips, etc. They need to be painted or varnished. Designers often design living paintings in a “rustic” style, allowing for refined carelessness when choosing a frame. Such phyto-paintings often turn out to be very impressive and look more natural than those that have brand new frames that smell like fresh paint.

The basis of a hanging composition with living plants is landing capacity suitable shape. Its walls can be made of wooden planks several centimeters thick. They are painted with varnish or paint. Sometimes they use blocks of wood or cuttings of thick branches, for example, white-trunked. There are many interesting options. For example, you can take intertwined (as in a basket) branches and shoots, linden or.

For bottom A piece of plywood will do. When watered, plywood will warp, so it is worth preparing a film or other waterproofing material for it.

The succulent still life is intended to be hung on a wall rather than resting on a flat or slightly sloping surface. Therefore, special fastenings and durable twine.

Helps fix plants metal grid(area the size of the bottom). We fasten the mesh at a certain height between the sides of the frame with staples, nails or using slats. If there is no suitable mesh, you can stretch wire between the walls.

After planting the plants, you need to add a little more moss or other material to fix their position.

Cover the plywood (future bottom) with any waterproofing material. For example, plastic film. We attach it with a stapler or use glue. After this, we turn the structure upside down and nail a plywood bottom to it. Then we screw in the hooks (bend the nails) and tie the twine to them. This will allow you to hang our product on a wall or other vertical surface.

All that remains is to check the strength of the entire structure again, tint it or use varnish.

Step 2. Filling the inside of the living picture

We put it on the bottom. There is no need to grind it.

Place a slightly damp, loose soil mixture for succulents on the moss. There is no need to water it abundantly before doing this. It is better to use a spray bottle, with which we only slightly moisten the soil in advance.

Place some moss, coconut fiber or synthetic material on top again. Pieces of foam rubber are also suitable, which will later not be visible under overgrown plants. They will also prevent the soil from spilling out.

A mesh with cells helps to fix the position of rooted succulents.

It is important to ensure that the entire contents of the frame (moss and soil) are compacted and flush with the mesh. Therefore, immediately after planting the plants, you will have to add moss, coconut fiber or pieces of foam rubber.

Step 3. Planting the plants

During planting, the container filled with soil should lie on the table. We plant large and bright plants first in the cells of the wire mesh. Then smaller ones.

It’s good if there is a dominant plant in the living picture.

Typically, cuttings with long “tails” are used for planting. Near each planted cutting, the soil mixture is compacted with a pencil or finger.

It is important that the cuttings are prepared in advance. It is better the day before planting so that all wounds dry out and heal. An excellent option is young succulents with small roots.

Phyto-picture with a plot.

Each living picture must have its own script. This is a play of color, line shape and selection of plants. Unsystematic “assortments” do not look so interesting, although random compositions with succulents have their own charm. Some unpretentious plants can be added to succulents houseplants. Ampelous forms of cacti also look great in such compositions.

A living picture with succulents can be complemented with other plants.

After landing

It is not necessary to moisten the soil after planting, because... this can lead to rotting of the cuttings.

A living picture with succulents will have to be kept for some time in a horizontal or slightly inclined position to give them time to take root. In some cases, a couple of weeks, in others, almost a month. After this, the still life with growing succulents can be hung on the wall.

Living paintings should not lack light.

The easiest way to water living paintings is with a spray bottle or a large syringe. In the summer season, it is worth adding a weak solution of fertilizers intended for cacti and other succulents to the water.

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Each owner arranges the site so that its design is unique and different from its neighbors. Therefore, non-standard decoration techniques are used, with the help of which not only landscaping horizontal space, but also vertical. Creative summer residents cover up ugly walls of outbuildings, old fences with green decor, and even manage to create a barrier from plants for the prying eyes of neighbors. A new direction in landscape design can be called phyto-pictures. Compositions of living plants placed in frames look impressive and unusual. How to create a living picture, what plants to choose for it - we’ll talk about all this in more detail.

The essence of the new direction is to turn living plants into an art object, replacing canvas and paints with soil and flowers. A “living” landscape will always outperform a painted one, because it lives its own life, plays with colors and is constantly changing.

The canvas of the great artist Van Gogh shone with new colors when it was recreated on a huge wall using living plants

The basis for phyto-pictures are frames, metal mesh and plywood, which are fastened into one holding frame. It is filled with soil and planted in the cells of the plant so as to create a certain pattern.

A drip irrigation system is installed under the frame (if there is no time to water).

Ugly wooden fence, which is located “facing” north, can become a real art gallery if it is decorated with phytolandscapes of different sizes

Instead of a mesh, you can use special hanging containers that are fixed to a support. Plants planted in containers create compositions due to their texture, different sizes and colors, and at the same time they can be swapped if the design is not successful.

Material on methods for constructing vertical beds will also be useful:

The height and texture of the picture frame can be completely different. The main thing is that the frame has sufficient thickness to fill it with soil.

Some designers do not make frames in phyto-pictures at all. They create landscapes over the entire area of ​​the house wall, fence, etc.

But in the case of using buildings as the basis for paintings, the walls will certainly be waterproofed so that “wet neighbors” do not destroy the structure of the material from which the wall is made.

Still lifes from succulents

Most often, succulent plants act as components of a living design. They grow well on any type of soil, are not afraid of changes in humidity and can easily withstand periods of drought (if the owner forgets to water the composition on time).

To create a painting you will need:

  • A ready-made or hand-made thick frame (the bottom bar is 4 cm thick).
  • A sheet of plywood equal in size to the frame.
  • Waterproofing material for plywood (film).
  • Fine mesh metal mesh of the same size.
  • Soil (forest clay soil mixed half with sand or fine expanded clay).
  • Sphagnum moss (optional).
  • Nails, hammer, construction stapler.
  • Paint or varnish on wood.
  • Succulent plants.

Create a picture like this:

  1. Cover the plywood with film so that the soil that comes into contact with it does not destroy the material. The film can even be food grade, wrapped in several layers around plywood.
  2. A mesh is installed between the frame slats and secured with nails or staples.
  3. On the back side of the frame, plywood is nailed with the insulated side inward.
  4. Nail fasteners to the plywood on which the picture will be held (at least 2).
  5. The frame is painted or varnished.
  6. While the frame is drying, prepare the plants: cut cuttings with a long tail to make it easier to insert into the mesh cells.
  7. The plants are laid out in the desired pattern right on the table to determine the composition of the picture.
  8. The frame is laid horizontally on the table and filled with soil through the mesh cells. Don't forget to compact it using a pencil.
  9. When the soil fills the frame flush with the mesh, spray the soil with water from a spray bottle.
  10. Lightly sprinkle the wet soil with dry soil or cover it with a layer of moss, which will prevent soil from spilling through the mesh, and begin planting.
  11. Large cuttings are planted first.
  12. Try to fill the frame as tightly as the mesh size allows, because succulents grow slowly.
  13. Leave the finished composition to take root for a month in a warm place where there is no direct sunlight.
  14. Check the soil moisture with a toothpick. Water only when there is no trace of soil left on the toothpick.

As soon as the plants begin to grow (and this can be seen from the young growths), feel free to hang your creation in a permanent place. The main thing is to avoid sunny places, otherwise the succulents will burn. For the winter, the paintings are put away in a heated room.

Cuttings of succulents must be prepared 1-2 days before planting in the picture, so that the cut site has time to dry out and does not rot.

Wooden frames do not like being close to wet soil, so their internal parts should be coated with varnish or antiseptic impregnation in advance

Sand or expanded clay added to the soil acts as a moisture accumulator, so even with infrequent watering, succulents continue to grow normally

Landscapes on walls and fences

If you want to create a living picture on the entire wall or completely hide an old fence under it, use a container decoration option (phytomodules). They are incredibly popular in Europe.

Phytowalls differ from vertical gardens in that designers carefully work out the pattern of plant placement in order to create some kind of visual image

The basis of phytosten are also metal frames. They are attached to the base on which floral masterpieces will be created. In the southern climate, such walls are made from perennials that will not freeze over the winter, since severe frosts do not occur.

IN middle lane or northern regions, it is most convenient to create phytowalls from. They provide no less bright colors and colors, but you don’t have to worry about wintering.

The metal frame is the main component of the phytowalls, since it is on it that the entire weight of the green painting is supported, gaining weight day by day

Landscaping rules

Let's look at the main points:

  • The base is completely waterproofed.
  • There should be 2-3 cm of space between the frame and the base for ventilation.
  • The frame is attached to the wall using thick wooden blocks, laying them between the metal and the building.
  • A tube is laid on the top of the frame for drip irrigation. Water will have to be pumped into it.
  • The container for plants can be jute fabric or a material like felt, which is not afraid of rotting and accumulates moisture well.
  • Pockets made of the same material are sewn onto the jute canvas, in which the plants will live.
  • You can not sew pockets, but quilt two large felt sheets with squares, and when planting, make cuts in the center of the squares and plant the plants there.
  • Before planting on the wall, each plant is wrapped in felt or jute to keep the soil firm.

Professional gardeners for phytowalls use a drip irrigation system, laying a tube to each plant. But such complexity is needed for home phytowalls.

And outside, it is enough to organize drip irrigation from above, since the water will spread over the entire surface of the fabric and nourish each flower. Even if there is excess water, it will drain from below and will not damage the landscape.

An example of a drip irrigation system design can be found in the material:

Jute material has high strength and hygroscopicity, so all the moisture flowing from above will evenly disperse through the pores of the canvas and seep into the roots

Quilted two-layer felt also retains moisture well, so even adult plants with a small clod of soil or grown on hydrogel can be planted in it

In addition to pocket structures made of fabric, container-type plastic phytomodules can be purchased in specialized stores. For more information about these systems, watch the video.

Phytoideas by Patrick Blanc

The most famous phyto-artist was the Frenchman Patrick Blanc. He abandoned the container method of decorating the walls and came up with a hydroponic growing system. All the plants with which he decorates the walls live in felt slabs.

When creating carpets, they are limited to 4-5 types of crops. A larger amount breaks the picture and blurs the overall picture. To draw contours, you can use gravel, sand, decorative pebbles, painted sawdust, bark, etc.

Carpet floral arrangements have a truly royal look, which is why they decorate the main entrances and central flower beds in the garden in this way.

How to create a carpet:

  1. Create a flowerbed without using fertilizers or humus. Poor soil will inhibit vigorous plant growth and keep the carpet at a uniform height.
  2. Draw the lines of the drawing with a sharp stick, and then fill them with fine sand from a bottle.
  3. Along the lines of the pattern, limiters are inserted (border tape, cut plastic bottles etc.) so that plants do not climb into someone else’s territory. They are dug deep, leaving 2-3 cm above the ground.
  4. Next, pour out individual layers decorative material(if one is used).
  5. The last stage is planting. They begin to plant from the center to the edges, placing the seedlings as densely as possible. It is the dense plantings that create the carpet structure of the flower bed.

In order for the flowerbed to retain its design, you need to periodically pinch the tops of the plants, cut off overly elongated specimens and do not forget about watering.

As you can see, becoming an artist is not difficult. A little imagination - and your site will become a real art gallery.

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Living pictures, or phyto-pictures, are a fascinating sight. They will suit almost any interior style, because nothing decorates a home like living plants. Paintings made from fresh flowers never go out of fashion; a living picture made from plants will make your home environment enchanting. This article tells you how to make paintings and panels from living plants.

Live moss

Live moss looks best on light-colored walls. Living moss removes from the air ammonia, acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Having a few moss decorations throughout your home will eliminate unpleasant odors, purify the air and reduce hearing levels. It can be not only green, but also yellow, brown and even red and purple. For decoration, you can use both live and artificial moss.

DIY interior decoration ideas with living moss:

How to make a phyto-picture from moss with your own hands

You will need:

  • a new or used photo frame (with a flat, hard back);
  • preserved moss;
  • preserved moss clumps;
  • picture hanging kit;
  • plywood;
  • saw (hand saw, table saw, circular saw - it doesn’t matter);
  • construction adhesive;
  • sand paper;
  • glue gun and glue;
  • electric stapler;
  • quick-drying silicone (optional);
  • paint (optional);
  • plants with aerial roots, such as tillandsia;
  • pliers.

How to do:


Indoor succulents are ideal for travelers or those who don't particularly like to care for plants, as they are difficult to destroy. Mostly they are placed in pots in a prominent place. Be careful, many of them have sharp leaves! Living pictures of succulents are especially beautiful in sunny rooms.

How to make a DIY succulent wall

You will need:

How to do:

  1. Cut the wood into 4 pieces to make a box that fits the back of the frame.
  2. Glue greenhouse shading materials or landscape fabric to the frame.
  3. We attach the wood on top of the materials to create a box.
  4. Drill drainage holes at the bottom of the frame.
  5. Mix the moss and potting soil with your hands and place it in the frame.
  6. Cut the plywood to fit the back of the frame.
  7. We cut out crosses in shading materials or fabric.
  8. We insert plants into them with our hands. The phyto-picture of succulents is ready.

Every two weeks you should lay the frame flat and water it, then leave it for half an hour or so before hanging it up again.

How to make a panel of succulents with your own hands

You will need:

  • a frame tied with wire crosswise to form a grid, with a back box;
  • Earth.

How to do:

We choose plants depending on the amount of sunlight in the room

Many people dream of having a wall of living plants or paintings of plants in their home with their own hands. But when choosing flowers and plants to decorate your interior, it is important to remember that they all require different amounts of light.

If most of the time The room is lit by direct sunlight, then the following are suitable:

  • cacti, succulents, agaves;
  • ornamental grasses;
  • Agapanthus (Blue African Lily);
  • bougainvillea;
  • coleus;
  • jasmine;
  • passionflower;
  • vegetables and fruits.

If there is not much direct sun, then the following will do:

Vertical gardening has long been considered an important attribute of the homes of the future. Perhaps today people have taken the first step that can bring them closer to their dream. And created amazing living three-dimensional paintings from special types plants - succulents.

Vertical evergreen framed garden at home, what do you need to know about its features?

Eco-designers suggest not taking annual, “capricious” and especially delicate flowers, but experimenting with hardy and unpretentious succulents. There are more than 150 specimens in the group, not counting hybrids. “Little ones” are so accustomed to difficulties that they are able to tolerate the driest places and infertile soils. Different shapes and colors of plants will allow you to realize any fantasy.

2. Draw the project

Before you begin the actual task of decorating the painting, you need a design stage. Everyone knows that every project includes visualization, design calculations and specifications. Living interior decoration is no exception.

For a painting, it is important to choose not only color, but also texture. Succulents without stems are ideal: Echeveria DC, Adromischus, Anacampseros, Agave americana, Haworthia and others. And as a base - hummock moss moss, flat moss, sphagnum moss.

A wooden blank can be used as a frame, which can simply be repainted in the desired color with wood paint. Two or three times is enough to make it rich, fix it with varnish if desired.

The composition is first planned on a sheet of paper, each plant is drawn. After that, all that remains is to “seat” the cells.

3. Design of the picture

It is worth noting that to make a living picture with my own hands- It's hard enough.
To do this you need:
- assemble the harness from the bars, connect it to the frame;
- cover the reverse side with plywood;
- pour substrate for cacti or succulents;
- cover the soil with non-woven fabric;
- Place moss on top of the cloth and secure it with a steel grid.
It is important that the painting does not spoil the walls; it is also recommended to cover the inside of the plywood with garden polyethylene or film.

To plant plants, carefully make holes in the covering material with pruning shears, the cut is only a few millimeters, or a hole is pierced to the ground with a bamboo stick. This way, the vertical flower arrangement will continue to grow, decorating the interior, and will not crumble.

4. Features of care

Despite the hardiness of succulents and their unpretentious living conditions, they need sunlight. Therefore, they will take root where there is an abundance of it. Using stabilized moss or turf, you will be able to retain moisture for a long time, but at the same time, so that the painting does not lose its decorative properties, you should also not forget to spray it with a spray gun at least once a month.

Succulents rarely get sick, but excess moisture can have a negative impact on their growth, causing them to rot. Watering should be dosed; it is better to remove the living picture from the wall and transfer it to the bathtub.

Your comments:

Living pictures in vertical gardening: rules for selecting plants and planting technology

Creating paintings from plants. Master Class.

The fashion for “green walls” or “phytowalls” came to Russia quite recently, although this design technique has existed for a long time. With the advent of large and bright rooms, as well as materials and technology, “living walls” became possible in our country, but this name did not catch on with designers, so they often say “paintings from plants.” This is one of the types of vertical gardening.

The direction is so interesting that it has interested not only professionals, but also lovers of indoor plants.

Here are interesting implementations of this design idea.
A living painting representing a copy of Van Gogh's famous painting "Wheatfield with Cypress Tree" - a project of the National Gallery and GE. It was displayed in 2012 along the west wall of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square in London. Its creation required 8,000 plants, a lot of time and effort. But it was worth it.
Van Gogh's painting was chosen from many others because, due to its clear lines and color scheme, it is most suitable for creating a painting from living plants of all shades of green.

But these are masterpieces not for our climate. We can only limit ourselves to a heated room.
Therefore, the sizes should be more modest.

Perhaps even more modestly:

Plants in a modern home and office should be harmoniously integrated into the surrounding environment. Pots on window sills are no longer fashionable; they are often a nuisance in the interior.

In winter we already have little sun, so windows should let in as much light as possible.
Decorative leafy species of indoor plants are used in phyto-paintings. They are usually unpretentious. But they perfectly enrich the room with oxygen and maintain a comfortable level of humidity.

Such paintings look like a carpet with lush pile and cause admiration.
Is it possible to use beautiful flowering plants in living pictures?
Maybe. But flowering plants require more care And better conditions. Therefore, in my opinion, flowering indoor plants are best grown traditionally.

If living walls made from decorative foliage plants look more like a carpet, then a real picture can be made from succulents. Succulents are slow growing and don't require frequent watering and are rich in color and texture.

A real picture frame would be appropriate here. In addition, you can enjoy your sedums not only in the summer at the dacha, but also in the winter at home.

What should you consider when choosing succulents for a plant painting?
They are photophilous, therefore, the place for the painting should be well illuminated by sunlight and placing a phytolamp with directional light would be quite appropriate.
Well, now let’s turn to the experience of foreign designers and watch a master class on how to make a living picture.
For this you need a picture frame, a wide soil frame with a bottom and a mesh. And of course, succulents of different shapes, sizes and shades. Succulents can be planted either with roots or cut from a large plant - they will take root perfectly right in the picture.
First stage: making a frame and filling it with soil.