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GOST 30515 13 cements general technical conditions. General technical requirements

Interstate standard GOST 30515-2013


(put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 N 654-st)

Cements. General specifications


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application , updates and cancellations"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to all types of cements and establishes:

Terms with corresponding definitions;


Are common technical requirements;

Safety requirements;

Sampling requirements for cement quality control;

Acceptance rules;

Eligibility criteria;

Rules for assessing the compliance of cement quality with the requirements of regulatory documents for specific types of cements;

Test methods;

Requirements for transportation and storage;

Manufacturer's warranty.

2 Normative references

This standard uses Normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 1581-96 Portland backfill cements. Specifications

GOST 2226-2013 Bags made of paper and combined materials. Are common technical specifications

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binding materials. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST ISO 9001-2011 Quality management systems. Requirements

GOST 9078-84 Flat pallets. General technical conditions

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions

GOST 15895-77* Statistical methods of quality management. Terms and Definitions

GOST 16504-81 System of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 General requirements to the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30744-2001 Cements. Test methods using polyfraction sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

Terms that should be used in regulatory documents, technical and technological documentation for cements, and their definitions are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification

4.1 Cements are classified according to the following main characteristics:

By purpose;

Type of clinker;

Material composition;

Compressive strength;

Hardening speed;

Setting time.

4.2 According to their intended purpose, cements are divided into:

For general construction;


4.3 Based on the type of clinker, cements are divided into those made on the basis of:

Portland cement clinker;

Aluminous (high alumina) clinker;

Mixtures of Portland cement and sulfoaluminate (sulfoferrite) clinker.

4.4 Based on their material composition, cements based on Portland cement clinker are divided into types characterized by: various types and content of mineral additives:

Type I - Portland cement containing only Portland cement clinker as the main component of the material composition;

Type II/A - Portland cement with mineral additives, containing as the main components Portland cement clinker and a mineral additive or a mixture of mineral additives in an amount from 6% to 20%;

Type II/B - Portland cement with mineral additives, containing Portland cement clinker and slag as the main components in an amount from 21% to 35%;

Type III - Portland slag cement containing as the main components Portland cement clinker and granulated blast furnace, electrothermophosphorus or fuel slag in an amount from 36% to 65%;

Type IV - pozzolanic cement containing Portland cement clinker and pozzolana as the main components in an amount from 21% to 35%;

Type V is a composite cement containing as the main components Portland cement clinker and a mixture of slag and pozzolana and/or fly ash in an amount from 22% to 60%.

The values ​​of the permissible content of mineral additives in cement refer to the sum of the main and auxiliary components of cement (except for gypsum stone or other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate), taken as 100%.

Note - When determining the additive content, the result is rounded to the nearest whole number**;

Type I-C - sulfated Portland cement, containing Portland cement clinker as the main component, and sulfoaluminate (sulfoferrite) clinker as an auxiliary component in an amount of not more than 5%;

Type II-C sulfated Portland cement, containing as the main components Portland cement clinker, sulfoaluminate (sulfoferrite) clinker in an amount from 6% to 20%.

The name and content of mineral additives in cement and types of cement can be further clarified in regulatory documents for specific types of cement or a group of specific products.

4.5 Based on compressive strength, cements are divided into classes: 22.5; 32.5; 42.5; 52.5. Regulatory documents for specific types of cement may establish additional strength classes or restrictions on the classes used. For some special types cements, taking into account their purpose, it is allowed to set only one strength class or set strength values ​​that differ from those indicated above.

4.6 Based on the hardening speed, general construction cements are divided into strength subclasses:

Normally hardening (N) with normalization of strength at the age of 2 (7) and 28 days;

Rapid-hardening (B) with normalized strength at the age of 2 days, increased compared to normal hardening, and 28 days;

Slow-hardening (M) with normalized initial strength at the age of 7 (2) days, lower than normal-hardening cements, and 28 days.

4.7 According to the setting time, cements are divided into:

For slow-setting - with a standardized start time of more than 2 hours;

Normally setting - with a standardized start time of setting from 45 minutes to 2 hours;

Quick-setting - with a standardized start time of less than 45 minutes.

4.8 The classification of special cements by purpose is established in the regulatory documents for these cements.

4.9 The classification by purpose of special cements is established in the regulatory documents for these cements.

4.10 It is recommended to include recommendations on rational areas of use of cements in regulatory documents for specific types of cements or a group of specific products.

Quite a large number of different types of cement are now produced. They may differ in some additives included in the composition, but Each type of cement base must comply with the approved quality.

In our country, this is GOST 30515 2013, which includes general conditions, as well as characteristic details and also the composition and scope of their application.

Quality standard

GOST 30513 2015 “Cements. General technical conditions" was approved at the end of December 2013. It was adopted by an interstate standardization body, which includes many countries of the former USSR.

In particular, national authorities not only of Russia, but also of Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and other countries voted for the adoption of this document.

This quality standard was introduced instead of GOST 30515 97 “Cements. General technical conditions”, so it can be considered the most relevant regulation today.


GOST 30515-97

CEMENTS General technical conditions



1 DEVELOPED Russian State Concern CEMENT, Tsemiskon Company, Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB), Joint Stock Company "NIIcement" Russian Federation

INTRODUCED Gosstroy of Russia

2 ACCEPTED Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) December 10, 1997

State name

Name of body government controlled construction

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Urbanization and Construction of Georgia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Agency for Construction and Architectural and Urban Planning Control of the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Communal Services of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan

3 IN REPLACE ST SEV 3477-81, ST SEV 4772-84, GOST 4.214-80, GOST 22236-85, GOST 22237-85, GOST 23464-79

4 PUT INTO EFFECT since October 1, 1998 as state standard Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 29, 1998 No. 18-42.


This standard was developed on the basis of a number of interstate standards for cement and the European standard ENV 197-1 and is unified with it mainly in terms of the rules for acceptance and assessment of the quality level according to compliance criteria, as well as the classification of cements by strength classes.

The standard lays the basis for harmonization with ENV 197-1 of standards for specific types of cements or a group of specific products.

The requirements established by this standard are mandatory when developing new and revising existing regulatory documents for cements, during the production and launch of new types of cements.

GOST 30515-97



General technical conditions

General specifications

Date of introduction 1998-10-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to all cements and establishes:

- terms with corresponding definitions;


General technical requirements;

Safety requirements;

Sampling requirements for cement quality control;

Rules for acceptance and assessment of quality level;

Control methods;

Requirements for transportation and storage.

The requirements established by this standard, with the exception of Appendices D and E, are mandatory.

2 Normative references

GOST 310.4-81 Cements. Methods for determining bending and compressive strength

GOST 2226-88 Paper bags. Specifications

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binding materials. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Chemical analysis methods

GOST 9078-84 Flat pallets. General technical conditions

GOST 10178-85 Portland cement and Portland slag cement. Specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions

GOST 15895-77 Statistical methods for product quality management. Terms and Definitions

GOST 16504-81 System of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

3 Definitions

Terms that should be used in regulatory documents, technical and technological documentation for cements, and their definitions are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification

4.1 According to their intended purpose, cements are divided into:

General construction;


4.2 Based on the type of clinker, cements are divided on the basis of:

Portland cement clinker;

Aluminous (high alumina) clinker;

Sulfoaluminate (ferritic) clinker.

4.3 Based on their material composition, cements are divided into types characterized by different types and contents of mineral additives. The type and content of mineral additives are regulated in regulatory documents for a specific type of cement or a group of specific products.

4.4 Based on compressive strength, cements are divided into classes: 22.5; 32.5; 42.5; 52.5. Additional strength classes may be established in regulatory documents for specific types of cements. For some special types of cements, taking into account their purpose, strength classes are not established.

Note - For specific types of cements produced in accordance with previously approved regulatory documents before their revision or cancellation, the division of cements by compressive strength by grade is retained.

4.5 Based on the hardening speed, general construction cements are divided into:

- normal-hardening - with normalization of strength at the age of 2 (7) and 28 days;

- quick-hardening - with normalized strength at the age of 2 days, increased compared to normal hardening, and 28 days.

4.6 According to the setting time, cements are divided into:

Slow-setting - with a standardized start time of more than 2 hours;

Normally setting - with a standardized start time of setting from 45 minutes to 2 hours;

Quick-setting - with a standardized start time of less than 45 minutes.

4.7 Classification of cements according to special requirements, if necessary, is established in regulatory documents for specific types of special cements.

4.8 Rational areas of use of cements must be given in regulatory documents for a specific type of cement or a group of specific products.

5 General technical requirements

Cements must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and normative document for cement of a specific type or group of specific products according to technological regulations approved by the manufacturer.

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 Quality indicators established in regulatory documents for cements are divided into mandatory and recommended.

5.1.2 The range of mandatory quality indicators for cements is given in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of indicator, unit of measurement

Type of cement

Compressive and (or) bending strength, MPa

All cements

Material composition, %

All cements

Uniformity of volume change

In addition to plugging

Thickening time, min

Density of cement paste, g/cm 3

Backfill cements

Self-stress, MPa

Tension cements

Linear expansion, %

Expanding, tensile, non-shrinking cements

Heat release, cal/g

Cements for hydraulic structures

Water loss, % or ml

Cements for mortars, road cements, grouting cements

All cements based on Portland cement clinker

All cements based on Portland cement clinker

All cements based on Portland cement clinker

Portland cement for the production of asbestos cement products

All cements based on aluminous (high alumina) clinker

Mineralogical composition, %

Cements based on Portland cement clinker - sulfate-resistant, cementing, cements for pipes, sleepers, supports, bridge structures

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, Bq/kg

All cements

5.1.3 Quality indicators: setting time, grinding fineness, mobility of cement-sand mortar, spreadability of cement paste, hydrophobicity, water resistance, sulfate resistance, frost resistance, fire resistance, corrosion resistance, content of free calcium oxide, alkali oxides and insoluble residue in the clinker, weight loss during calcination are recommended.

When developing regulatory documents for new types of cements, certain recommended quality indicators can be established as mandatory.

5.1.5 Cements based on Portland cement clinker should not contain more than 0.1% chlorine ion, and the content of sulfur oxide (VI) should be no less than 1.0 and no more than 4.0% of the cement mass.

5.2 Material requirements

For the production of cements the following are used:

Clinker manufactured in accordance with the requirements of technological regulations. Clinker of a standardized mineralogical composition is used in cases where it is provided for by regulatory documents for special cements;

Gypsum stone in accordance with GOST 4013. It is allowed to use other materials containing calcium sulfate in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents;

Mineral additives, technological additives and those regulating the basic properties of cement in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents.

5.3 Packaging

5.3.1 Cement is shipped with or without packaging. When supplied without packaging, cement must be shipped in specialized transport.

5.3.2 For cement packaging the following is used:

Five- or six-layer paper bags in accordance with GOST 2226, sewn or glued with a closed neck with a valve of the NM, BM or BMP brands. Foreign-made paper bags can be used, the quality of which is not lower than the requirements of GOST 2226;

Soft containers with a waterproof liner or other packaging that reliably protects cement from moisture and contamination, in accordance with relevant regulatory documents.

For small packaging, plastic cans, bags, and other packaging that ensures the safety of cement are used, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents.

5.3.3 The maximum gross weight of a bag of cement should not be more than 51 kg.

5.3.4 The average gross weight of a bag of cement is determined by weighing 20 bags selected at random from the batch and dividing the result by 20.

The average weight of a bag is determined by weighing 20 bags selected at random from a batch of bags received and dividing the result by 20.

The average net weight of cement in a bag is determined by subtracting the average weight of the bag from the average gross weight of a bag of cement.

The deviation of the average net weight of cement in bags of a given batch from the net weight indicated on the packaging should not be more than kg.

The deviation of the net weight of cement in a separate bag from that indicated on the packaging should not be more than 1 kg.

5.3.5 The gross weight of a flexible container with cement is determined immediately after it is filled.

The average net weight of cement in a soft container is determined by subtracting from the gross weight of a soft container with cement the average weight of a soft container, determined similarly to the average weight of a paper bag.

The deviation of the average net weight of cement in a soft container from that indicated on the packaging should not be more than %.

5.3.6 Net weight of cement in a separate package for small packaging

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 Marking of cement in bags is carried out on each bag in any part of it. When packing cement in soft containers, the marking is applied to a label inserted into a special pocket on the soft container. It is allowed to apply markings with indelible paint on the side surface of the soft container in any part of it.

5.4.2 When packaging cement in small quantities, the marking is applied to a label, which is pasted onto a jar or bag, or placed between the outer and inner layers of the bag, or the marking is applied directly to the jar or bag. It is allowed to place a label in a bag only if the outer layer of the bag is made of transparent material.

5.4.3 Marking must be clear and contain:

Manufacturer's name and trademark;

Symbol of cement and (or) its full name in accordance with the regulatory document;

Strength class (grade) of cement, if the regulatory document provides for division by strength classes (grades);

Designation of the regulatory document according to which cement is supplied;

Average net weight of cement in packaging or net weight of cement in a vehicle;

Mark of conformity for the supply of certified cement (if provided for by the certification system).

5.4.4 When supplying cement in small packaging, each package must have brief instructions for its use, which can be reproduced on the package or attached to it.

When supplying colored cement, a stripe of the appropriate color must be applied to the packaging.

5.4.5. When forming transport packages from bags of cement, the top row of bags must be laid so that the markings on the bags are clearly visible. The top row bags are additionally marked with transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192.

5.4.6 When delivering cement in small packages placed in larger containers, the label is also affixed to the container. In this case, the label additionally indicates the number of packages in the container.

5.4.7 Each vehicle (including when cement is supplied without packaging) is provided with a label indicating all the information in 5.4.3 and additionally the cement batch number and the date of shipment. The label is attached to the vehicle in an accessible place in any way that ensures its safety during transportation.

6 Safety requirements

The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff in cement should not be more than 370 Bq/kg, and in special cements (for example, grouting, road), not intended for use in the construction of residential, public and industrial buildings, - no more than 740 Bq/kg.

7 Sampling

7.1 General provisions

7.1.1 Sampling for production control is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s technological documentation.

7.1.2 Sampling for cement quality control by a third party for the purposes of inspection, certification and other types of tests is carried out only from the batch (part of the batch) accepted by the manufacturer’s technical control service.

7.1.3 The test results of a sample taken in accordance with the requirements of this standard apply only to the batch (part of the batch) of cement from which the sample was taken.

7.1.4 To control the quality of cement, one combined sample is made from point samples taken from each controlled batch (part of the batch).

It is not allowed to compile a combined sample from cement from different batches.

7.2 Equipment for sampling, mixing and separating samples

7.2.1 For sampling, mixing point samples and dividing the combined sample into parts (laboratory samples), equipment and devices made of materials that do not react with cement are used.

The use of equipment and fixtures made of aluminum or galvanized materials is not allowed. Devices must be dry and clean.

If necessary, the equipment used and sampling locations should be agreed upon by the interested parties before sampling begins.

7.2.2 To take cement samples from containers, vehicles or packaging, the equipment and devices of any design used must ensure:

Sampling at a given depth of the cement layer or at a given location in the packaging;

Protection of the selected sample from mixing with the cement of the overlying layers when it is removed from the container or packaging.

7.2.3 To take cement samples from pipelines, samplers of any design used must provide:

Sampling in equal parts at regular intervals or other intervals established by the technological documentation, during the entire period of filling or unloading the container or vehicle;

Sampling along the entire cross-section of the pipeline or in the place where flow uniformity across the cross-section is achieved.

It is not allowed to install samplers in places where pipelines are bent, or near places where material is discharged from aspiration devices.

7.2.4 Any equipment or device, as well as procedures, that ensure homogeneity of the material in the pooled sample or its parts are used to mix point samples and separate parts of the pooled sample.

7.3 Checking the homogeneity of the pooled (laboratory) sample

7.3.1 Checking the homogeneity of the material in the sample and across the pipeline cross-section is carried out as follows. From two opposite quarters of the combined sample, separated by quartering, or from each laboratory sample obtained by dividing the combined sample, or simultaneously in two places at opposite ends of the diameter in the cross-section of the pipeline, cement samples weighing about 100 g each are taken, which are subjected to chemical analysis to determine the content oxides of calcium, silicon and sulfur (VI). A sample is considered homogeneous if the discrepancy between the results of chemical analysis of two samples does not exceed the maximum reproducibility error according to GOST 5382 for each of the indicators being determined. If an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the sampling procedure should be adjusted until a homogeneous sample is obtained.

7.3.2 Checking the homogeneity of cement along the pipeline cross-section is carried out once when choosing a location for installing the sampler.

7.3.3 The manufacturer must check the homogeneity of the pooled or laboratory sample as necessary, but at least once a month.

7.3.4 When sampling for the purposes of quality control, inspection, certification or other testing, the homogeneity of the material in the samples is not checked unless required by one of the parties involved in sampling.

7.4 Sample collection and preparation procedure

7.4.1 Sampling of cement packed in bags, soft containers or other containers, as well as from specialized vehicles when transporting cement without packaging, is carried out as follows. At least five units of packages or vehicles are selected using the random sampling method and one spot sample is taken from each.

If the controlled mass of cement consists of five or fewer units of packaging or specialized vehicles, a sample of approximately the same mass is taken from each of them.

7.4.2 From bags, soft containers or other containers, a sample is taken from a depth of at least 15 cm.

From specialized vehicles when transporting cement without packaging, samples are taken from the cement flow during its loading or unloading. Sampling can also be carried out through the top hatch from a depth of at least 15 cm.

7.4.3 When forming a batch in a flow, cement samples are taken from each cement mill operating in one silo during its filling at regular intervals established by the manufacturer’s technological documentation, but not less than five times during the filling of the silo.

7.4.4 The mass of spot samples is determined in such a way that the mass of the combined sample made up of them is at least 20 kg when checking the quality of cement by the manufacturer, consumer and supervisory authorities, and at least 30 kg when checking the quality of cement in the event of claims by the consumer.

7.4.5 To prepare a pooled sample, all spot samples taken from one batch (part of a batch) are combined and thoroughly mixed manually or mechanically.

7.4.6 From the pooled sample prepared according to 7.4.5, laboratory samples weighing approximately 8 kg each are obtained in the quantities specified in 7.4.7 and 7.4.8.

Laboratory samples can be obtained using any type of sample divider or as follows. The combined sample is poured onto a flat, dry and clean surface, leveled and divided into four parts by mutually perpendicular lines passing through the center. Sequentially, from each quarter, a certain amount of cement is taken with a scoop into a container for laboratory samples. This procedure is carried out until about 8 kg of cement is collected in each container.

7.4.7 When monitoring the quality of cement, the manufacturer obtains two laboratory samples from the combined sample. One is intended for testing in the manufacturer's laboratory, and the second is kept by him during the warranty period in case repeated testing is necessary.

7.4.8 When monitoring the quality of cement by the consumer or supervisory authorities, two laboratory samples are obtained from the combined sample. One sample is sent to a third party testing laboratory, the other remains with the consumer or manufacturer.

When monitoring the quality of cement, in the event of a consumer complaint, three laboratory samples are obtained from the combined sample. One sample is sent to a third party testing laboratory and one sample each to the manufacturer and consumer.

7.4.9 Each laboratory sample obtained in accordance with 7.4.6 must be packaged in accordance with 7.6 and sent to the appropriate laboratory for testing within three working days, not counting the day of collection.

7.5 Packaging, labeling and storage of samples

7.5.1 Packaging and storage of samples must ensure the preservation of the properties of the controlled cement. The container in which the samples are packaged must be clean, dry, air- and moisture-tight and made of a material inert to cement.

7.5.2 Samples intended for testing in a third party laboratory and remaining with the consumer or manufacturer are packaged in airtight containers, sealed or sealed. The container is marked with the following information:

Manufacturer's name;

Name and symbol cement in accordance with the regulatory document;

Date and place of sampling;

Batch number, date of manufacture.

7.6 Sampling report

7.6.1 When monitoring the quality of cement by the consumer, as well as for the purpose of conducting certification tests, sampling is drawn up in an act in accordance with Appendix B or C.

7.6.2 During inspection control, the sampling report is drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by the supervisory authorities, with mandatory reflection of the information given in Appendix B or C.

7.6.3 When monitoring the quality of cement, when the consumer makes claims, the sampling report is drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by the documents of the state arbitration or contract, with the mandatory reflection of the information given in Appendix B or C.

7.6.4 One copy of the sampling report is sent to the laboratory conducting the tests, other copies - to interested organizations.

8 Acceptance rules

8.1 General provisions

8.1.1 Acceptance of cement is carried out by the manufacturer’s technical control service. Delivery of cement that has not passed acceptance is not permitted.

8.1.2 Cement is accepted in batches. The volume of the consignment, with the exception of shipment in ships, must not exceed the capacity of one silo. When shipping cement in ships, the volume of the shipment may exceed the capacity of one silo. In this case, the batch size is determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Sampling and preparation of samples for cement acceptance are carried out in accordance with Section 7.

8.1.3 The technical control service accepts cement based on production control data and acceptance tests.

Production control is carried out in the volumes and within the time limits established by the manufacturer’s current technological regulations.

Based on production control data, the type and strength class (grade) of cement guaranteed by the manufacturer are assigned.

Acceptance tests include testing the cement of each batch for all quality indicators provided for in the regulatory document for a specific type of cement, with the exception of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.

The manufacturer must conduct periodic tests of each type of cement in terms of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides at least once a year, as well as each time there is a change raw materials and additives or their suppliers.

Results of periodic tests by magnitude Eff apply to all supplied batches of cement until the next periodic tests.

8.1.4 The test results are recorded in a journal in the form of Appendix D. The acceptance test journal must be numbered, laced and sealed with the manufacturer’s seal. The magazine is an official document of the manufacturer, certifying the quality of the product.

8.2 Acceptance

8.2.1 A batch of cement can be accepted and delivered if the test results for all indicators comply with the requirements of the regulatory document, unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement (contract) for the supply of cement regarding the recommended indicators.

8.2.2 If a minor defect is detected during acceptance tests of cement, not exceeding the limit value specified in Table 2, the batch is accepted, but is taken into account as defective when assessing the overall quality level. The total number of batches with minor defects accepted during the quarter should not be more than 5% of the total number of batches of a given type (type) of cement supplied during this period.

In regulatory documents for specific types of cements, the list of minor defects can be changed taking into account the requirements for these cements.

Indicator name

Minor defect - maximum deviation from the requirements of the regulatory document, no more than

Compressive strength (lower limit), MPa, aged:

Start of setting, min, for cements:

normally setting


Uniformity of volume change (according to Le Chatelier’s method), mm

8.2.3 Acceptance and delivery of a batch of cement is carried out until the end of strength tests. If, after completion of the strength tests, a significant defect is identified, this batch of cement is considered not to comply with the requirements of the regulatory document for the strength class (grade). In this case, the manufacturer is obliged to reduce the strength class (grade) of cement or change its name (if the strength does not meet at the age of 2 days), of which the consumer must be notified within three days.

8.2.4 Each batch of cement or part thereof delivered to one address must be accompanied by a quality document indicating:

Manufacturer's name, trademark and address;

Name and (or) symbol of cement according to the regulatory document;

Batch number and shipment date;

- type and amount of mineral additive in cement;

Strength class (grade) of cement;

Normal density of cement paste (for general construction cements);

Average activity of cement during steaming for the previous month (for general construction cements);

The value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in cement according to the results of periodic tests;

Car numbers or vessel name;

Warranty period for cement compliance with the requirements of the regulatory document, days;

Mark of conformity for the supply of certified cement (if provided for by the certification system);

Designation of a normative document.

If the cement exhibits signs of false setting, this must be indicated in the quality document.

The list of indicators given in the quality document can be supplemented or changed in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory document for a particular type of cement.

The form of the quality document is given in Appendix D.

8.2.5 The quality document must be marked with the manufacturer’s control mark, signed by the head of the technical control service or his deputy and sent to the consumer simultaneously with the cement or no later than three days, not counting the date of shipment of the cement.

8.2.6 At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer is obliged to inform him of the results of all acceptance tests of a given batch of cement.

8.2.7 It is allowed to accept cement in a stream according to the methodology given in Appendix E.

8.3 Quality level assessment

8.3.1 In order to confirm the stability of the quality of manufactured products, as well as the possibility of their certification, the manufacturer must assess the level of product quality.

8.3.2 Assessment of the quality level of cement by type (species) and strength classes (grades) is carried out for each indicator according to production control data and acceptance tests using statistical methods:

Assessment by variables - used when assessing quality in terms of strength and sulfur oxide (VI) content;

Assessment by the number of defective samples - used when assessing quality for all indicators except strength and sulfur oxide (VI) content.

8.3.3 To assess the level of cement quality, test results for each indicator are taken from the test logs in a row for the period from 6 to 12 months preceding the assessment. The next assessment of the quality level is carried out one month after the previous one, taking the same duration of the assessment period.

8.3.4 When assessing by variables (Appendix G), the criteria for compliance are inequalities

Z n ? M n and/or Z in ? M in, (1)

Where M n,v - lower (upper) permissible value of the indicator according to the regulatory document;

Z n,v- lower (upper) confidence limit, calculated using formula (G.3) or (G.4), respectively.

8.3.5 When assessed by the number of defective samples, their number should not exceed the acceptance number specified in Table 3. In this case, the criterion for compliance is the inequality

WITH d? WITH A, (2)

Where WITH d - number of defective samples;

WITH A - acceptance number (maximum permissible number of defective samples).

Table 3

8.3.6 Accounting for defective samples is carried out separately for each quality indicator, including significant and minor defects.

8.3.7 If conditions 8.3.4 and 8.3.5 are met, the quality level of cement of this type, type, strength class (grade) is considered ensured.

8.3.8 If conditions 8.3.4 and 8.3.5 are not met, the quality level of cement of this type, type, strength class (grade) is considered unsatisfactory, and the manufacturer is obliged to take measures to improve the quality of the product.

8.3.9 Certification of products for compliance with the regulatory document is carried out only with positive results of assessing the level of cement quality.

8.3.10 The results of assessing the quality level of cement are entered into the acceptance test log in any form.

8.4 Quality control of cement by the consumer and supervisory authorities

8.4.1 When monitoring the quality of cement by the consumer, supervisory authorities and in the event of consumer claims, control tests of cement should be carried out in testing laboratories accredited for conducting certification tests of cement, and other organizations authorized for these purposes by the state construction management body.

With the consent of representatives of the supervisory authorities checking the quality of cement, control tests can be carried out in the manufacturer's laboratory.

8.4.2 When monitoring the quality of cement, the consumer and supervisory authorities should follow the sampling procedure and apply test methods in accordance with sections 7 and 9.

8.4.3 Control tests of cement for all indicators, except strength, must be performed, and strength tests must begin no later than the expiration of the warranty period established by the regulatory document for a specific type of cement.

8.4.4 When monitoring the quality of cement, the supervisory authorities consider the results of control tests of a given batch to be satisfactory if they comply with all mandatory quality indicators with the requirements of the regulatory document for cement of a given type, type, strength class (grade).

8.4.5 When monitoring the quality of cement by the consumer, the results of control tests of a given batch are considered satisfactory if, in all quality indicators, they comply with the requirements of the regulatory document for cement of a given type, type, strength class (grade), unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement (contract) in terms of recommended indicators ) for the supply of cement.

9 Control methods

9.1 The physical and mechanical properties of cements are determined according to the standards and certified methods provided for in the regulatory documents for a specific type of cement or a group of specific products.

9.2 Chemical analysis of clinker and cements - according to GOST 5382.

9.3 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in cements is determined according to GOST 30108.

10 Transportation and storage

10.1 Transport

10.1.1 Cement is transported by all types of transport in compliance with the Rules for the transportation of goods established for transport of this type, and the requirements of other documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

10.1.2 Cement without packaging is transported in specialized cement wagons, cement trucks and ships.

10.1.3 Cement in packaging is transported in universal vehicles (covered cars, cars and ships) in transport packages, in containers or individually (bags).

10.1.4 Cement in small packaging is transported in covered wagons or by road in special containers.

10.1.5 Transportation of cement in packages in shrink film by rail is carried out in accordance with the Technical Specifications for the placement and fastening of packages formed from bags of cement using shrink film in four-axle gondola cars.

10.1.6 Transport packages are formed using flat pallets in accordance with GOST 9078, heat-shrinkable polyethylene film according to GOST 25951 or other packaging means in accordance with relevant regulatory documents.

10.1.7 Bags in shrink film must be sealed and tightly pressed with film on all sides. The dimensions of the package should be as follows: length - 1260-1290 mm, width - 1030-1060 mm, height - 880 - 950 mm. The width of the opening on the ledge of the base part must be at least 100 mm on each side of the package, the height - at least 90 mm.

The net weight of the package is no more than 2000 kg.

10.1.8 Cement in soft containers is transported by rail in gondola cars or on platforms; in ships in the hold or on the open deck; in on-board vehicles.

10.1.9 Containers used for transporting cement must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents on them.

10.1.10 The manufacturer is obliged to supply cement in a serviceable and cleaned vehicle.

10.1.11 When transporting cement unpacked or in bags, it must be protected from moisture and contamination.

10.2 Storage

10.2.1 Cement must be stored separately by type (types) and strength classes (grades): unpackaged - in silos or other closed containers, and packaged cement - in dry rooms.

Mixing cements various types(types) and strength classes (grades), as well as contamination with foreign impurities and moistening are not allowed.

It is not allowed to store cement without packaging in barn-type warehouses.

10.2.2 During storage, bags of cement are placed closely on pallets in stacks with a height of no more than 1.8 m, ensuring free access to them.

10.2.3 It is allowed to store cement in soft containers and bags made using waterproof materials, under a canopy or in open areas, provided that the waterproof packaging is intact.

To prevent freezing of soft containers and bags, they should be placed on pallets in stacks no more than three tiers high.



Terms and Definitions


1 General concepts

Powdered construction binder material that has hydraulic properties, consisting of clinker and, if necessary, gypsum or its derivatives and additives

General construction cement

Cement, the main requirement for which is to ensure the strength and durability of concrete or mortars

Special cement

Cement, which, along with the formation of strength, is subject to special requirements

Material composition of cement

Main components of cement

Clinker, gypsum or its derivatives, as well as mineral additives, the content of which in cement is more than 5% of the mass

Auxiliary components of cement

Mineral additives, the content of which in cement is no more than 5% of the mass

Portland cement

Cement made from Portland cement clinker

Aluminous (high alumina) cement

Cement made from aluminous (high-alumina) clinker

Sulfoaluminate (ferrite) cement

Cement made from sulfoaluminate (-ferritic) clinker

Cement grinding fineness

Characteristics of cement dispersion, which can be expressed by the mass fraction of residue (passage) on one or more control sieves or by the specific surface area

Mixing cement

Mixing cement with water

Water-cement ratio (abbreviated W/C)

The ratio of the mass of mixing water to the mass of cement

Cement-water ratio (abbreviated C/W)

The reciprocal of the water-cement ratio

Cement paste

Homogeneous plastic mixture of cement and water

Cement mortar

A homogeneous mixture of cement, quartz sand and water in any ratio

Normal thickness of cement paste

Water-cement ratio in percentage at which the normalized consistency of cement paste is achieved

Water requirement of cement

Water-cement ratio at which the normalized mobility of standard cement mortar is achieved

Standard sand

Quartz natural sand with normalized grain and chemical composition, designed for cement testing

Standard cement mortar

A homogeneous mixture of cement, standard sand and water in a standardized ratio

Cement hydration

Chemical interaction of cement with water with the formation of crystalline hydrates

Setting of cement

Irreversible loss of workability of cement paste due to hydration

Cement setting time

The time of the beginning and end of setting of the cement paste, determined under standardized conditions

False setting of cement

Premature partial or complete loss of mobility of cement paste, eliminated by mechanical action

Hardening of cement paste

The process of forming a strong structure of cement stone

Cement stone

Material resulting from the hydration and hardening of cement

Cement strength class

Symbol for one of the values ​​of the parametric series for strength within the maximum time limits established by the regulatory document

Cement activity

Actual compressive strength of samples made from standard cement mortar, manufactured and tested under standard conditions established by the regulatory document

Hydraulic properties

The ability of a finely ground material mixed with water, after preliminary hardening in air or without it, to continue to harden in water and in air

Note - The term refers to cements and mineral additives to them

Pozzolanic properties

The ability of finely ground material to exhibit hydraulic properties in the presence of lime

Hydrophobization of cement

Increasing the resistance of cement to air moisture by introducing special additives that hydrophobize the surface of cement grains

Plasticization of cement

Reducing the water demand of cement by introducing special additives

2 Components of the material composition and their characteristics

Cement clinker (Clinker)

A product obtained by firing prior to sintering or melting a raw material mixture of proper composition and containing mainly highly basic silicates and (or) high or low basic calcium aluminates

Portland cement clinker

Clinker consisting predominantly of highly basic calcium silicates, as well as calcium aluminates and aluminoferrites

Sulfoaluminate (-ferritic) clinker

Clinker consisting predominantly of calcium sulfoaluminates (ferrites)

Aluminous (high alumina) clinker

Clinker consisting predominantly of low-basic calcium aluminates

Clinker mineral

An artificial compound of stoichiometric composition, which represents the crystal chemical basis of clinker phases

Clinker phase

Component of clinker in the form of solid solutions based on clinker minerals, individual oxides or glass

Mineralogical composition of clinker

Clinker of standardized composition

Clinker, the mineralogical composition of which is specified by the regulatory document

Phase composition of clinker

Mineral additive to cement

Material introduced into cement in order to achieve certain quality indicators and (or) save fuel and energy resources

Active mineral additive to cement

A mineral additive to cement which, when finely ground, has hydraulic or pozzolanic properties.

Hydraulic additive to cement

Active mineral additive to cement with hydraulic properties

Pozzolanic additive (Puzzolana)

Active mineral additive to cement with pozzolanic properties

Additive filler for cement

A mineral additive to cement which, when finely ground, is inert or has weak hydraulic or pozzolanic properties.

Composite additive to cement

A supplement consisting of a mixture of two or more mineral supplements

Special additive for cement

An additive to cement introduced to give it special properties or regulate certain quality indicators

Technological additive to cement

A cement additive introduced to improve the grinding process and (or) to facilitate the transportation of cement through pipelines

3 Properties of cement

Construction and technical properties of cement

The set of properties of cement that characterize its ability to form strong and durable cement stone as a result of hardening

Uniformity of cement volume change

The property of cement during the hardening process to form cement stone, the deformation of which does not exceed the values ​​​​established by the regulatory document

Heat release of cement

The amount of heat released during cement hydration

Water separation of cement

The amount of water released during the separation of cement paste due to the deposition of cement particles

Self-stressing of cement

The ability of cement stone to stress the reinforcement embedded in it

Cement expansion

Increase in linear dimensions of cement stone during hardening

Cement shrinkage

Reducing the linear dimensions of cement stone during hardening

Backfilling and technical properties of cement

The set of properties of cement that characterize its suitability for plugging wells

Corrosion resistance of cement

The ability of cement stone to withstand the chemical and physical effects of an aggressive environment

Sulfate resistance of cement

The ability of cement stone to withstand the destructive effects of aqueous media containing sulfate ions

Frost resistance of cement

The ability of cement stone to withstand repeated alternating freezing and thawing

4 Quality assessment

Cement quality level

The degree of compliance of cement with the requirements of the regulatory document, determined according to the established procedure

Production control of cement

Control carried out at the production stage and including testing of raw materials, clinker and cement, carried out to the extent and within the time limits established by the manufacturer’s current technological documentation

Acceptance control

Product control, based on the results of which a decision is made on its suitability for supply and (or) use (GOST 16504)

Control tests of cement

Tests carried out to control the quality of cement to determine its compliance with specified requirements

Cement batch

A certain amount of cement of the same type (type) and strength class (grade), manufactured by one enterprise using one technology under the same conditions, simultaneously presented for acceptance and issued with one quality document

Acceptance tests

Control tests of products during acceptance control (GOST 16504)

Each individual non-compliance of products with established requirements (GOST 15467)

Significant defect

A defect that significantly affects the ability to use the product for its intended purpose and (or) its durability, but is not critical (GOST 15457)

Minor defect

A defect that does not significantly affect the intended use of the product and its durability (GOST 15467)

Cement sample

The amount of cement selected from the controlled batch (part of the batch) for testing

Spot cement sample

Cement sample taken from one location in one operation

Pooled cement sample

A cement sample formed by thoroughly mixing all the spot samples belonging to a batch (part of a batch)

Laboratory sample of cement

Part of the pooled sample intended for testing

Arithmetic averages control chart

Control chart on which the values ​​of the sample arithmetic mean parameter are plotted (GOST 15895)

Regulation limit

A line on a control chart used as a criterion for making a decision regarding technological process(GOST 15895)

Warning limit

Line on the control chart, under (upper), above (lower) control limit or between them in a statistically controlled technological process (GOST 15895)



Form of the manufacturer's sampling report

Commission consisting of: Chairman __________________________


in the presence _______________________________________________

(surname, initials, position, organization)

(manufacturer name, address)

a sample of cement accepted by the manufacturer’s technical control service was taken for _________________________________


(type of tests: control, certification, etc.)

for compliance with the requirements _________________________________

Name of cement

Type and content

Batch Information

Sample information

Name and address

according to the regulatory document,

additives, % (based on results

(batch number, batch size, date

pooled sample

laboratory sample

organizations where laboratory tests are sent

type (type), class (brand)

acceptance control)


weight, kg, number of samples

packing method

sample and sampling act

(last name, initials)

(last name, initials)



The form of the sampling act in any organization,

except the manufacturer

sampling from "___"___________ 199__

Commission consisting of: Chairman ___________________________________

(surname, initials, position,


and members ____________________________________________________

(surname, initials, position, organization)

in the presence ________________ _______________________________

(surname, initials, position, organization)

on __________________________________________________________

(name of the organization where the sample was taken)

cement sample taken _____________________________________________

(name of cement, type (type),


class (brand), manufacturer)

to check compliance with the requirements _____________________

(designation and name of ND)

Sample information

Name and

Type of transport

Transport number

batches of cement,

pooled sample

laboratory sample

address of the organization to which they are sending

date of shipment or manufacture

weight, kg, spot sampling location

weight, kg, number of samples

packing method

laboratory sample and sampling report

Chairman of the commission _________________________________

(last name, initials)

Members of the commission: _________________________________

(last name, initials)

Acceptance test log form

Batch number

Batch volume,

Strength class

Batch production time (date, shift)

Value of quality indicators*

Batch acceptance mark

Signature of the official

(brand) of cement

acceptance decision

* Indicate test results for all quality indicators provided for in the regulatory document for a particular type of cement

** Signature of the head of the technical control service or his deputy

Quality Document Form

__________________________ ________________________

(manufacturer's trademark) (name and address



(cement designation according to RD, certificate number

compliance for certified cement)


Shipped ___________________________________________________

(date of shipment, wagon numbers or vessel name)

Strength class (grade) _____________________________________

Additives _____________________________________________________

(type, quantity)

Normal thickness of cement paste _________________________

Signs of false seizure ______________________________

(yes, no)

Average steaming activity _________________________________

Steaming efficiency group __________________________

The value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides________________________________________________

Warranty period, days ________________________________________________


(control sign)

Note - In the given form of the quality document, indicators for cements in accordance with GOST 10178 are indicated. For other cements, indicators must be indicated in accordance with the requirements of 8.2.4.



Reception of cement in the stream

E.1 General

E.1.1 The method of continuous acceptance of cement in a stream is based on the calculation and analysis of current average (arithmetic average) values ​​of all quality indicators established by the regulatory document in order to make a decision on acceptance of a batch of cement.

E.1.2. Cement from current production can be accepted and allowed for delivery if its quality is found to be satisfactory simultaneously according to all controlled quality indicators established by the regulatory document.

E.1.3 The specific procedure for monitoring the production and acceptance of cement in the flow is established in technological regulations.

E.1.4 When accepting cement in a stream, the results of production control and the values ​​of all calculated quantities provided for in this methodology are recorded in a log.

E.1.5 Rules for making a decision on the acceptance of cement in a stream

E.1.5.1 If, according to all indicators for which, according to the regulatory document, a batch of cement is accepted, the current average is within the warning limits, the technological process is considered stable, and the cement of the current production is accepted and allowed for delivery.

E.1.5.2 If for any of the indicators the current average goes beyond the warning limits, but remains within the control limits, the cement of the current production is accepted and allowed for delivery, but at the same time measures are taken to regulate the technological process in order to return the current average to the warning limits borders.

E.1.5.3 If for any indicator the current average goes beyond the regulatory limits, product acceptance is suspended until the violations in the technological process are eliminated.

E.1.5.4 If, according to a regulatory document, only the upper (lower) value is regulated for an indicator, then in the case provided for in E.1.5.3, acceptance is suspended only if the corresponding regulation limit is violated. If another control boundary is violated, the acceptance of cement in the flow continues, but at the same time measures are taken to return the current average to the warning limits.

E.2 The procedure for receiving cement in a stream

E.2.1 Calculation of the current average

The current average is calculated separately for each indicator controlled during cement acceptance.

To calculate the current average, the 4 to 8 most recent production control test results are used. Current average , calculated by the formula

Where Xi - the result of a separate test of the controlled indicator;

P - number of test results taken to calculate the current average (4 ? P ? 8).

After receiving the next test result, the calculation of the current average is repeated, discarding the first result from those used in the previous calculation and adding the newly obtained one.

E.2.2 Calculation of standard deviation

Based on production control data for the previous period, but not less than one month, the standard deviation is calculated for each indicator monitored when accepting cement. Standard deviation S calculated by the formula

, (E.2)

Where - the average value of the test results of the controlled indicator for the entire period taken for calculations;

Xi -

P- number of test results used for calculation ( necessary condition P? 120).

To simplify the calculation of the standard deviation, you can also use the formula

where is the average range;

d- coefficient depending on the number of values ​​in the group.

To calculate the average range proceed as follows. All test results of the controlled indicator obtained during the calculation period are divided into groups of 2 - 8 values ​​with the same number of values ​​in the group. In each group, the range is determined R as the difference between the highest and lowest test results in a given group.

The average range is calculated using the formula

Where Ri - individual span value;

n- number of groups.

Coefficient values d p are given in Table E.1

Table E.1

Number of values ​​in group

E.2.3 Calculation of warning and control limits

Warning limits and control limits are calculated separately for each indicator controlled during cement acceptance.

Warning limits of GP (v,n) and regulation limits of GR (v,n) are calculated using the formulas:

GP (v,n) = A± 2 , (E.5)

GR (v,n) = A± 3 , (E.6)

Where A- standard of the controlled indicator established by the technological regulations;

S- standard deviation calculated using formulas (E.2) or (E.3);

P- number of test results used to calculate the current average using formula (E.1).

Note - If the calculated warning limits for any quality indicator do not meet the requirements of the regulatory document, it is necessary to take measures to increase the stability of production for this indicator or change the standard in the technological regulations accordingly.

E.2.4 Processing of results

According to the calculated values ​​of warning limits and control limits, standards (requirements) according to the standard (T in, n) and technological regulations ( A) build control charts separately for each indicator monitored when accepting cement in a stream.

The values ​​of the current averages are plotted on the control chart. Based on the location of the current averages relative to the warning limits and control limits (Figures E.1-E.3), according to E.1.5, a decision is made on the acceptance of cement in the stream.

An example of cement acceptance in a stream by content

sulfur(VI) oxideSO 3

According to the technological regulations, the content of SO 3 in cement is determined twice per shift (every 4 hours). The results of determining the SO 3 content are given in Table E.2.

Figure E.1 - The current average is within the warning limits

Drawing E.2 - The current average is outside the warning limits, but remains within the control limits

Figure E.3 - The current average is outside the upper control limit

Table E.2

Date, shift

Sampling time, h

Range in group R i, %

01.03.97 I

02.03.97 I

31.03.97 III

Note - Only the beginning and end of the table are shown

The current average SO 3 content in cement is calculated from the last six values ​​of the determination results ( n = 6).

The current average, calculated using formula (E.1), is equal to:

= (2,13 + 1,86 + 1,44 + 2,70 + 2,06 + 1,18) : 6 = 1,89 %,

= (1,86 + 1,44 + 2,70 + 2,06 + 1,18 + 1,90) : 6 = 1,86 %,

= (1.44 + 2.70 + 2.06 + 1.18 + 1.90 + 2.77) : 6 = 2.01%, etc.

The standard deviation of the SO 3 content in cement is calculated using formula (E.3). They take 126 determination results for the previous approximately two months. To calculate the average range, the number of values ​​in a group is taken equal to two determination results per shift, we get 63 groups.

The average range is calculated using formula (E.4), using the range values ​​of each group given in Table E.2.

= (0,27 + 1,26 + 0,88 + 0,87 + 0,65 + 0,52 +...+ 0,60) : 63 = 0,81 %.

Since groups consist of two values, the value is taken from Table E.1 d n= 1.128, then the standard deviation calculated using formula (E.3) is equal to


Warning limits and control limits (upper and lower) are calculated using formulas (E.5) and (E.6). Standard for SO 3 content ( A) is taken equal to 2.5% according to the technological regulations.

GP (c) = 2.5 + 2 = 3.1%,

GP (n) = 2.5? 2 = 1.9%,

GR (c) = 2.5 + 3 = 3.4%,

GR (n) = 2.5? 3 = 1.6%.

Based on the obtained values ​​of the warning limits and control limits, the standards for the SO 3 content in cement established in the standard (T in - 3.5%; T in - 1.5%) and technological regulations, a control map is built on which the current average values ​​are plotted Based on the SO 3 content in cement and their location in accordance with E.1.5, a decision is made on acceptance of cement.

Figure E.4 - Location of current average SO 3 content in cement

Conclusion - The current average SO 3 content in some cases goes beyond the warning limits, but remains within the control limits. Cement is accepted and allowed for delivery, but measures must be taken to regulate the technological process (supply of gypsum stone) in order to return the current average SO 3 content to the warning limits.



Assessment of cement quality level based on variables

G.1 Test results for calculations are taken in accordance with 8.3.3.

G.2 The average value of test results is calculated using the formula

Where Xi - individual test result;

n- number of tests.

G.3 Standard deviation S calculated by the formula

, (W.2)

G.4 Lower confidence limit Z n

Z n = ? KS(G.3)

G.5 Upper confidence limit Z in indicator values ​​are calculated using the formula

Z in = ? KS(G.4)

where is K? correspondence coefficient in formulas (G.3) and (G.4), depending on the number of tests and a given confidence probability R, taken from table G.1. For the lower limit of strength at all curing periods, take P = 95%, and for the upper limit of strength at the age of 28 days and the content of sulfur oxide (VI) SO 3 take R= 90 %.

Table G.1

Number of tests P

Matching factor value TO with confidence probability

200 or more

Examples of calculating confidence limits

1 Calculation of the lower confidence limit Z n strength at the age of 2 days for fast-hardening cement class 32.5B with strength normalized by the standard at this age Tn= 14.0 MPa when tested according to GOST 310.4.

The average value of the test results is calculated using the formula (G.1)

= (18.6 + 16.7 + 19.0 +...+ 18.3 + 19.0) : 50 = 18.2 MPa.

The standard deviation is calculated using the formula (G.2)

Lower confidence limit Z n Strength values ​​at the age of 2 days are calculated using formula (G.3). Coefficient value TO taken from table G.1 at n = 50, P = 95 %. K = 2,07.

Z n = 18,2 ? 2,07 ? 0,89 = 16.4 MPa.

Using formula (1), the compliance of cement with the requirements of the regulatory document for strength at the age of 2 days is assessed, i.e.

16.4 MPa > 14.0 MPa.

Conclusion - The quality level of fast-hardening cement in terms of strength at the age of 2 days satisfies the requirement of the standard for cements with increased early strength of strength class 32.5B.

2 Calculation of the lower confidence limit of strength Z n at the age of 28 days for cement of strength class 42.5 with strength regulated by the standard Tn= 48.0 MPa when tested according to GOST 310.4.

Test results

Batch number

Xi, MPa

Batch number

Xi, MPa

Batch number

Xi, MPa

S= 1.13 MPa.

Lower confidence limit Z n Strength values ​​at the age of 28 days are calculated using formula (G.3). Coefficient value TO taken from table G.1 at n = 50, P= 95 %. K= 2,07.

Z n = 49,5 ? 2,07 ? 1,13 = 47.2 MPa.

Using formula (1), the compliance of cement with the requirements of the regulatory document for strength at the age of 28 days is assessed, i.e.

Conclusion - The quality level of cement in terms of strength at the age of 28 days does not meet the standard requirement for cement of strength class 42.5.

3 Calculation of the upper confidence limit Z in content of sulfur oxide (VI) SO 3 for cement class 32.5 with a standardized SO 3 content Tn ? 3,5 %.

Test results

Batch number

Xi, %

Batch number

Xi, %

Batch number

Xi, %

The average value of the test results, calculated according to formula (G.1),

= 2,56 %.

The standard deviation calculated using formula (G.2),

S = 0,18 %.

Upper confidence limit Z in SO 3 content is calculated using formula (G.4). Coefficient value TO taken from table G.1 at P = 50, R=90 %. TO= l.65

Z in = 2,56+ 1,65 ? 0,18 = 2,9 %.

Using formula (1), the compliance of cement with the standard requirement for SO 3 content is assessed

Conclusion - The quality level of cement in terms of SO 3 content satisfies the requirements of the standard.




ENV 197-1 Cements. Compound, specifications and eligibility criteria

Key words: cements, classification, general technical requirements, safety requirements, sampling, acceptance rules, quality level assessment