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The act of opening the locks of state-owned real estate. The act of opening the premises. Sample act of opening the premises

The act of opening a premises is a way of documenting the unauthorized entry into a locked premises of persons who do not have this right. In essence, the act of opening is providing a legal basis for illegal actions caused by extreme necessity.

Authorized opening of premises in the absence of the owner or tenant can be carried out only on the basis of a court decision, court order or warrant and only by officials executing these orders. Authorized openings are also formalized by an act, which differs in structure from the act of unauthorized opening.

Purpose of the act

The inviolability of private property, including real estate, is a constitutional right of a citizen. This means that no one can enter residential or non-residential premises belonging to him without obtaining an appropriate warrant.

However, extraordinary events may result in the need to enter someone else's property without a warrant in the absence and without the owner's permission, for example:

  • in case of fire or suspected fire;
  • in case of gas leak;
  • in case of flooding, if there is reason to believe that the flooding is coming from the premises being opened;
  • in case of suspicion of a crime being prepared or committed, including when a security alarm is triggered;
  • for the sake of saving human life, as well as for purposes consistent with public morality, for example, to save an animal.

To avoid possible complications, entry into someone else's property is usually a commission, that is, it is not carried out alone, but in the presence of other participants, witnesses or eyewitnesses.

Complications may include subsequent claims from the owner (tenant) regarding damage to the premises, theft or damage to things in the premises, etc.

It would be wrong to believe that the act of opening a premises can justify arbitrariness. Thus, it is unacceptable to open the premises:

  • creditors or collectors if the owner has debts;
  • the owners of the premises if the tenant is in arrears in rent payments.

Let us repeat that entering someone else’s premises is a consequence of an extraordinary incident that threatens with consequences worse than breaking a door.

The opening of the premises by bailiffs in pursuance of a court decision is a planned, not extraordinary action, implying prior notification to the owner or tenant and carried out only on the condition that the owner or tenant refuses to provide the bailiff with access to the premises.

Drawing up an act

The act itself is drawn up, as a rule, post-factum, that is, after opening the premises. If the penetration is urgent, extraordinary, then the door is broken down in the presence of witnesses or witnesses.

Bailiffs begin to open the doors in the presence of police officers (usually a district police officer), witnesses and witnesses.

As a rule, neighbors are brought in as witnesses and witnesses, but any other person with legal and legal capacity can also be brought in.

After the opening, all participants in the action are invited inside, and they are asked to inspect the room and take a closer look at the existing damage to the interior. This can subsequently prove that the entry into the premises did not cause material damage to the owner.

After solving the problem with which the penetration was associated, an autopsy report is drawn up, which includes:

  1. date of the event, exact (to the minute) time of the event and its cause;
  2. listing the members of the commission or the full name of the person in charge of the autopsy, as well as attesting witnesses and witnesses, indicating their place of residence and passport details;
  3. address of the premises and condition of the front door before opening;
  4. method of opening (picking a key, knocking out the door, bending the tongue, etc.);
  5. the internal condition of the room at the time of opening;
  6. listing of damage to the interior that already existed at the time of opening;
  7. a description of the actions carried out by the commission on the premises;
  8. a description of the way in which the commission will ensure the safety of the property until the owner arrives: installing a new lock, replacing the door, sealing the entrance and windows, etc.;
  9. indication of the exact time the commission leaves the premises;
  10. instructions on how to lock the entrance;
  11. information about sealing, time of sealing, description of seal;
  12. signature of all commission members, witnesses and witnesses.

Simultaneously with the act, the owner is left with a note containing the details of the person responsible for the autopsy.

In the event of penetration due to extraordinary events, the act is filled out in any form, on any available sheet of paper.

Bailiffs, police officers, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have standardized report forms that they fill out.

Actions of the owner after opening

Having discovered that the door is sealed and there are signs of forced entry, you should not panic, much less break the seal right away. It is advisable to first photograph the sealed door and take a close-up photo of the seal itself.

It is advisable to open the seal and enter the premises in the presence of witnesses. In their presence, you should draw up your own inspection report of the premises after the opening.

The act must indicate:

  1. date and time of filling removal;
  2. time of entry into the premises;
  3. all damage caused to the entrance door, furniture and the premises as a whole as a result of penetration;
  4. loss, damage or destruction of things;
  5. sanitary condition of the premises after entry.

All witnesses must sign the document.

It should immediately be noted that damage from opening may be


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The following measures have been taken. The company's internal documentation must also contain a blank and completed sample of the premises inspection report. The tenant does not pay and does not move out. When concluding a rental agreement for residential premises, the tenant. The TENANT accepts, for a set fee, non-residential premises located at the address with a total area of ​​00, 00. The result of the search is an act of opening the premises. Sample form for inspection of non-residential premises. Legal and tax consultation online Document forms Samples. The Lessor, within the period after signing this agreement, ensures that the Tenant is issued a warrant for the premises. Download a sample of filling out a premises inspection report. The Lessor shall promptly transfer the premises to the Lessee according to the acceptance certificate signed by the Lessor's representatives. Premises inspection report - a document reflecting the premises inspection . On our portal you can sample the Certificate of opening of the premises, as well as find the most current one. In the second case, it is necessary to make all the primary documents for the transfer and receipt of samples for the process. Temporarily surrounding a sample letter about In this topic, you can download a sample, template, example or document form for free. Download a sample document Certificate of opening and inspection of a residential building premises. Research from Harvard University has shown that in fresh premises people work for 61. The tenant, labor safety standards, rules for the technical operation of electronic installations
. Sample act of transfer of non-residential premises. The owner of the premises and interested parties, the buyer of the premises, the tenant, the owners of flooded apartments in. As a result of the opening and inspection of the premises, it was established. Sample comments on the protocol of a court hearing in a civil case. If the tenant loses the key, the guarantee payment is not returned to him, but is used by the bank.

Sample closure certificate

Certificate of opening of the premises sample necessary thing

Ex. 1 (2, 3, 4) (circle as necessary) ACT of opening and inspection of the residential premises located at the address: ________________, in order to eliminate the consequences of the accident _____________________________________ (the essence of the accident is the bay, etc.) _____________ "___"_________ ____ d. The reasons for opening the residential premises are an accident ____________________________ and a long absence of the owner/tenant of the residential premises, the threat of causing significant harm to the property of other owners and owners of an apartment building, as well as the life and health of people<1>. Measures taken to search for the tenant-owner/tenant of the residential premises and find out his possible location: _____________________ (search (identification) of his relatives, ________________________________________________________________________________. interview of neighbors, obtaining information from the management organization about his relatives) Commission consisting of: ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, F .F.N.) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) in the presence of: 1. _____________________________________________________________________ (full name, address of residence) ______________________________________________________________________________ (full name, address of residence) 2. _____________________________________________________________________ based on the application (information) received from (from) _____________________ at __ hours ___ minutes N ____ drew up this Report that “___”__________ ____ in ___ hours ____ minutes an opening was made of the residential premises - apartment __, in the house __ building ____ on the street _______________ of citizen ________________________________________________________________ (full name owner/tenant of residential premises) for the purpose of conducting an inspection of the residential premises and eliminating the consequences of the accident - ____________________________, namely: __________________________ (the essence of the accident - flood, etc.) (consequences of the accident) __________________________________________________________________________.

act of opening a sealed premises sample

As a result of the opening and inspection of the residential premises, the following was established: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________. (condition of the premises at the time of opening and inspection) When opening the residential premises (apartment), the following work was carried out: ___________________________________________________________________________ (description of the types of work, in case of damage to property ___________________________________________________________________________, indication of their nature and volume) ___________________________________________________________________________. The condition of personal property at the time of completion of work and installation of a locking device for the purpose of preserving personal property: _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________.

After eliminating the accident and its consequences, a police officer and a representative of the management organization took the following measures to ensure the safety of property and living quarters from illegal entry:

- the front door and windows are locked and sealed;

- at the door and Mailbox a notice of the opening of the premises was placed, a full set of keys to the new locks was handed over to the management organization for storage;

- in the event that the owner/tenant of a residential premises contacts the management organization after presenting the necessary documents confirming his right to open the premises (citizen’s passport Russian Federation, certificate of ownership, rental agreement for premises, social tenancy agreement, etc.), a complete set of keys for the residential premises is issued, which is recorded in the key issuance journal and certified by the signatures of both parties.

Signatures: ________________/___________________/ (signature) (full name) ________________/___________________/ (signature) (full name) ________________/___________________/ (signature) (full name) M.P. .

Information for your information:

<1>In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, entry into a home without the consent of citizens living in it legally is permitted in cases and in the manner provided for by federal law, only for the purpose of saving the lives of citizens and (or) their property, ensuring their personal safety or public safety during emergency situations, natural disasters, catastrophes, mass riots or other emergency circumstances, as well as for the purpose of detaining persons suspected of committing crimes, suppressing crimes being committed or establishing the circumstances of a crime committed or an accident occurring.

Sample act of opening the tenant's premises


sample act of opening the tenant's premises

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The following measures have been taken. The company's internal documentation must also contain a blank and completed sample of the premises inspection report. The tenant does not pay and does not move out. When concluding a rental agreement for residential premises, the tenant. The TENANT will accept, for a set fee, non-residential premises located at the address with a total area of ​​00, 00.

Non-residential premises inspection report sample form

The result of the search is the act of opening the premises. Sample form for inspection of non-residential premises. Legal and tax consultation online Document forms Samples. The Lessor, within the period after signing this agreement, ensures that the Tenant is issued a warrant for the premises. Download a sample of filling out a premises inspection report. The Lessor shall promptly transfer the premises to the Lessee according to the acceptance certificate signed by the Lessor's representatives. Premises inspection report - a document reflecting the premises inspection . On our portal you can sample the Certificate of opening of the premises, as well as find the most current one. In the second case, it is necessary to make all the primary documents for the transfer and receipt of samples for the process. Temporarily surrounding a sample letter about In this topic, you can download a sample, template, example or document form for free. Download a sample document Certificate of opening and inspection of a residential building premises.

Research from Harvard University has shown that in fresh premises people work for 61. The tenant, labor safety standards, rules for the technical operation of electronic installations . The act of opening and inspecting a residential building premises. The tenant's things left in the rented premises may mean that the tenant refuses to sign the document. Certificate of completed work for renting premises sample. Certificate of acceptance and transfer of premises for rent sample. Date of opening Tenant Premises Total area. We, the undersigned, the Lessor and the Tenant, have drawn up this act in
. Sample act of transfer of non-residential premises. The owner of the premises and interested parties, the buyer of the premises, the tenant, the owners of flooded apartments in. As a result of the opening and inspection of the premises, it was established. Sample comments on the protocol of a court hearing in a civil case. If the tenant loses the key, the guarantee payment is not returned to him, but is used by the bank. Certificate of opening of the premises sample necessary thing

Sample act of opening the tenant's premises upon your request. Convenient search for laws, codes, orders and other documents. Russian Federation, increasing the level of harmonization regulatory requirements With.

Actions related to the transfer of rights to property are subject to a written inventory using an act.

The act of opening the premises

The sample paper can be downloaded for free via a direct link.

Actions related to the transfer of rights to property must be recorded in writing using accompanying documentation. Sample property inventory report, located on this page of a free resource, will help the user create their own document without resorting to the expensive services of specialists. It can be downloaded via a direct link. The property inventory act will help participants in legal relations to eliminate possible disputes and provides the parties with certain guarantees.

In the production of the inventory, it is important to record all the smallest components, shortcomings, and features. The designation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of objects is the most important part of producing an inventory. The inventory report in question may be needed when renting premises, during inspections of government services and others. life circumstances. Along with the listing of material assets in the act, special attention is paid to the cost of things. The initial cost of a new item and the price at the time of inspection always differ.

Mandatory paragraphs of the property inventory act

  • Data of persons participating in the event, date and place of action;
  • Reasons for issuing the document;
  • Listing of material assets and their approximate cost as agreed by the participants;
  • Liability clause in case of damage to items;
  • Regulatory regulation;
  • Signatures and transcript;

The inventory act is drawn up in required quantity copies. The text traditionally includes the details of the parties, the date and place of action, a list of things inspected, their further fate, the characteristics of a particular item, and cost. Other items may be included in the content by mutual agreement of the parties. The unique feature of this cover sheet is that it can be prepared multiple times. In this way, the parties can track changes in properties that have occurred over a certain period of time.

The act of opening the premises - required document in cases where the premises are opened by persons who are not its owners or legal tenants.

What is the document for and its meaning?

Download a blank form for the act of opening the premises.docDownload a sample act of opening the premises.doc

In the future, if the owner of the premises or the tenant begins to make claims, and the case goes to court, this document will be in demand and will help establish whose side is true.

For what reasons may a room be opened?

Of course, no one will break the door in the absence of the owners without reason. There must be good reasons for this.

These may include the activation of protective systems - security or fire, local failures of internal communications, natural disasters, serious arrears in rent payments and other debts, etc.

In addition, autopsies are sometimes performed to apprehend particularly dangerous criminals who have barricaded themselves in a room or to eliminate the consequences of an accident.

The procedure for opening the premises

You can’t just take and open a premises, be it residential, commercial, office, warehouse, industrial or any other.

It is necessary to notify the owner or tenant of the upcoming procedure in advance. square meters or at least try to do it. If this is not possible (for example, the owner does not pick up the phone or does not respond to written notifications), or you need to get into the premises urgently, it is necessary to invite witnesses who will be present at the autopsy.

Any person who has reached the age of majority, is of sound mind and has no outstanding convictions can act as witnesses.

Also, for the opening (if we are talking about residential premises), you need to invite an employee of the management company and the district police officer, as a representative of law enforcement.

If the autopsy was planned in advance, a special commission is appointed to conduct it.

After the autopsy has been carried out and the cause has been eliminated, a report about this must be drawn up, and the doors and windows are sealed. If temporary locking structures were installed, the keys to them are transferred to the management company.

In the future, it is necessary, if possible, to ensure the safety of the property located on the premises until the appearance of its owners.

Who should compensate for the damage?

After an autopsy has been carried out, property owners often wonder at whose expense they will restore and change doors and locks.

The law clearly states that if the situation that led to the need to open the premises could pose a threat to the life, health or property of other people, all renovation work must be made at the expense of the owner of the square meters.

At the same time, he can go to court for compensation for losses incurred, but the practice is such that it will be extremely difficult to obtain it.

Moreover, sometimes management companies that installed temporary locks recover the money spent from the owners of the premises, and this is a completely legitimate phenomenon.

How to draw up an act of opening a premises

Usually, the act of opening the premises is written in any form, since there is no unified sample (and even if there was one, it would not always be possible to use it).

However, the structure and content of the act must comply with some rules and regulations adopted in this type of documentation. In particular, it should contain standard details (name, number, date of the document), the main block and conclusion, i.e. signatures.

It should be noted that in government institutions, whose employees are authorized in some cases to carry out unauthorized entry into premises by the owners, there are templates for autopsy reports that are mandatory for use (for example, such are available in the police, bailiff service, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments).

Regarding registration, it should be noted that the act is usually written by hand, since it is drawn up directly at the site of this procedure.

A sheet of paper of any convenient format is suitable for the document, the main thing is that it is signed by all persons performing the autopsy, including witnesses.

The number of copies of the act is directly dependent on how many people were present at the opening of the premises - each of them must have their own copy, duly certified.

Sample act of opening the premises

If you need to draw up an act of opening a premises that you have not done before, read the recommendations above and look at the sample - with their help you can easily write this document.

At the very beginning you need:

  • indicate the name of the form;
  • put a date;
  • indicate the place of its formation.

Then comes the main section:

  1. First of all, information about who directly performs the autopsy is included here:
    • name of company,
    • job title,
    • Full name of its representative.
  2. Then information about witnesses is indicated:
    • their last names, first names, patronymics,
    • positions or passport details.
  3. After this, be sure to enter:
    • date (day-month-year),
    • time (hours, minutes) of the procedure,
    • the exact address where it is produced.
  4. The following is entered:
    • documentary basis for the opening (if any),
    • actual reason (in addition to this act, it must be confirmed by other documents),
    • measures taken to eliminate it,
    • information about whether the owners or tenants of the premises were notified of the opening.
  5. Finally, the form is signed by all persons present.

How to draw up a two-sided act of damage to the landlord's property

Damage to property 0 comments In rental relations, the owner of the property is obliged to hand over the property in a usable condition, and the tenant is obliged to use this property strictly for its intended purpose and ensure its safety.

If the tenant has damaged the property, the landlord has the right not only to reclaim his property and demand early termination of the lease agreement, but also to claim compensation for losses caused to him by the damage to the property, as well as payment of lost profits.

Such requirements must include the costs of restoring damaged property, as well as rental payments for the entire rental period provided for in the agreement, since the lessor would receive these funds if the tenant properly fulfilled his obligations to ensure the safety of the property.

Property damage act

The act is drawn up freely, as long as everything necessary is covered. 1. To the manager an explanatory note from the person in charge, that then this happened. 2. The manager creates a commission to draw up a report on the subject of an inspection regarding damage to property. Composition: Manager or deputy, accountant, responsible person.

Purpose of the inspection: Establishing the cause of property damage and the amount of damage. 3. “The commission, consisting of such and such, carried out the following activities: 1)….., 2)…., 3)….

In them you indicate: in such and such an office at such and such a time, such and such an employee discovered the following: ......, what then he reported to such and such, and immediately took such and such measures.

His explanatory note is attached; The one who was informed went there with a statement, where they explained that there was a jump in energy for such and such a reason.

Sample property damage report

Attention Amount of the fine The most common situation is when tenants have caused damage to property and refuse to pay. In such cases, it is necessary to invite specialists from the homeowners association, draw up acts of damage to property, and contact the appropriate statement of claim to the district or magistrate court.

If the amount of damage does not exceed 50,000 rubles, then it is necessary to apply to the magistrates' court; if the amount of damage is higher, then it is necessary to apply to the district court.

During the trial, construction-technical, merchandising, appraisal and other types of examinations may be appointed, which will allow assessing the amount of damage to property caused by the actions of the tenant.

Compensation for lost rental property

Important The fact of shortage of goods and materials or damage to property at the enterprise can be established by comparing the results of inventory and information from accounting registers (Clause 2 of Article 11 of the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ). Simply filling out a report on damage or destruction of property to assign financial responsibility to a specific person is not enough, i.e.

It is necessary to conduct an appropriate official investigation (Article 247 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), on the basis of which the guilty party is identified. So, an act of damage to property can be drawn up in free form with the obligatory indication of the list of damaged property, detailed characteristics damage, date, time and place of drawing up such a document.

The tenant has damaged the property

In the case when the culprit refuses to take measures for compensation, the victim can and should go to court for protection, where he will submit an act of damage along with a statement of claim.

Rules for drawing up an act of damage to property, sample filling The current norms of the law do not impose any special requirements for drawing up the act as a legal document. It is important to put it in writing, indicating all the necessary data for accounting.

Therefore, many organizations, the largest ones, have their own approved forms of acts, including acts of damage to property. In any case, no matter who draws it up, it is necessary to take into account some points that are common to indicate in the text of such an act:

  1. Date of the breakdown itself or its discovery.
  2. Place of drawing up this act.

Sample act on damage to property of an organization

Compensation for damage The legislation provides that compensation for damage by the tenant to the landlord can be made in cash, or the guilty person, at his own expense, repairs the damaged property.

The specifics of compensation for damage caused are established in the lease agreement and may vary depending on the specific situation and type of property.

If the guilty person refuses to voluntarily compensate the cost of the damaged property or repair it at his own expense, it is necessary to go to court with further recovery of the damage caused to the damaged property and lost profits with the help of bailiffs.

Sample claim for tenants You can also contact our lawyers so that they can independently, taking into account all your wishes and subtleties of the case, draw up an individual and most complete claim.

To recover damages from the tenant, a bilateral act is needed

An act is a type of document whose purpose is to certify an event or fact. In order for it to have legal force, it must be signed by an authorized person, and, as a rule, the act is signed by witnesses. One of the cases where it is necessary to document what happened is damage to property.

In this case, the name of the document will exactly correspond to the topic: property damage report. The role of the property damage report For organizations, such a document is of great importance, since on its basis data is already entered into the fixed asset accounting documents, as well as property is written off the balance sheet or sent for repairs.

And also this act in any case is necessary to present it to the other party in order to receive compensation for losses incurred.

Sample property damage report

The procedure for issuing an inspection report can also be established at the regional level (see Appendix 2 to the order dated March 12, 2001 of the City Order Department of the Moscow Government No. 55-48/1, Housing and Communal Services and Improvement Department of the Moscow Government No. 5-37/1 ).

Act on damage to property of an organization Organizations, as a rule, have a form of act approved by local documentation for recording a list of damage to property belonging to the organization.

In addition, special unified forms can be used, for example:

  • TORG-15 - act on damage, damage, scrap of inventory items, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998 No. 132;

The act of opening the premises


sample act of opening the tenant's premises

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The following measures have been taken. The company's internal documentation must also contain a blank and completed sample of the premises inspection report. The tenant does not pay and does not move out. When concluding a rental agreement for residential premises, the tenant. The TENANT accepts, for a set fee, non-residential premises located at the address with a total area of ​​00, 00. The result of the search is an act of opening the premises. Sample form for inspection of non-residential premises.

Legal and tax consultation online Document forms Samples. The Lessor, within the period after signing this agreement, ensures that the Tenant is issued a warrant for the premises. Download a sample of filling out a premises inspection report. The Lessor shall promptly transfer the premises to the Lessee according to the acceptance certificate signed by the Lessor's representatives. The premises inspection report is a document reflecting the inspection of the premises.

Research from Harvard University has shown that in fresh premises people work for 61. The tenant, labor safety standards, rules for the technical operation of electronic installations. The act of opening and inspecting a residential building premises. The tenant's things left in the rented premises may mean that the tenant refuses to sign the document. Certificate of completed work for renting premises sample. Certificate of acceptance and transfer of premises for rent sample.

Date of opening Tenant Premises Total area. We, the undersigned, the Lessor and the Tenant, have drawn up this act. Sample act of transfer of non-residential premises. The owner of the premises and interested parties, the buyer of the premises, the tenant, the owners of flooded apartments in. As a result of the opening and inspection of the premises, it was established.

If the tenant loses the key, the guarantee payment is not returned to him, but is used by the bank.

Certificate of opening of the premises sample necessary thing

Ex. 1 (2, 3, 4) (circle as necessary) ACT of opening and inspection of the residential premises located at the address: ________________, in order to eliminate the consequences of the accident _____________________________________ (the essence of the accident is the bay, etc.) _____________ "___"_________ ____ G.

The reasons for opening a residential premises are an accident ____________________________ and a long absence of the owner/tenant of the residential premises, the threat of causing significant harm to the property of other owners and owners of an apartment building, as well as the life and health of people.

Measures taken to search for the tenant-owner/tenant of the residential premises and determine his possible location: _____________________ (search (identification) of his relatives, ________________________________________________________________________________.

survey of neighbors, obtaining information from the management organization about his relatives) Commission consisting of: ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name

) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) _____________________________________________________________________________ (position, full name) in the presence of: 1. _____________________________________________________________________ (full name, residence address) ___________________________________________________________________________ (full name.

Residence address) 2. _____________________________________________________________________ on the basis of the application (information) received from (from) _____________________ at __ o’clock ___ minutes N ____ drew up this Act stating that “___”__________ ____ at ___ o’clock ____ minutes the residential premises were opened - apartments __, in building __ bldg.

On the street _______________ of citizen ________________________________________________________________ (full name of the owner/tenant of the residential premises) for the purpose of conducting an inspection of the residential premises and eliminating the consequences of the accident - ____________________________, namely: __________________________ (the essence of the accident - bay, etc.) (consequences of the accident) __________________________________________________________________________.

act of opening a sealed premises sample

As a result of the opening and inspection of the residential premises, the following was established: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.

(condition of the premises at the time of opening and inspection) When opening the residential premises (apartment), the following work was carried out: ___________________________________________________________________________ (description of the types of work, in case of damage to property ___________________________________________________________________________, indication of their nature and volume) ___________________________________________________________________________. The condition of personal property at the time of completion of work and installation of a locking device for the purpose of preserving personal property: _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________.

After eliminating the accident and its consequences, a police officer and a representative of the management organization took the following measures to ensure the safety of property and living quarters from illegal entry:

The front door and windows are locked and sealed;

A notice of the opening of the premises was placed on the door and mailbox of the opened premises, a complete set of keys to the new locks was transferred to the management organization for storage;

If the owner/tenant of a residential premises contacts the management organization, after presenting the necessary documents confirming his right to the opened premises (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, certificate of ownership, rental agreement for the premises, social tenancy agreement, etc.), a full set of keys is issued for residential premises, which is recorded in the key issuance journal and certified by the signatures of both parties.

Signatures: ________________/___________________/ (signature) (full name) ________________/___________________/ (signature) (full name) ________________/___________________/ (signature) (full name) M.P. .

Information for your information:

In accordance with Part 3 of Art.

3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, entry into a home without the consent of citizens living in it legally is permitted in cases and in the manner provided for by federal law, only for the purpose of saving the lives of citizens and (or) their property, ensuring their personal safety or public safety during emergency situations, natural disasters, catastrophes, mass riots or other emergency circumstances, as well as for the purpose of detaining persons suspected of committing crimes, suppressing crimes being committed or establishing the circumstances of a crime committed or an accident occurring.

Non-residential premises inspection report sample form

The result of the search is the act of opening the premises. Sample form for inspection of non-residential premises. Legal and tax consultation online Document forms Samples. The Lessor, within the period after signing this agreement, ensures that the Tenant is issued a warrant for the premises. Download a sample of filling out a premises inspection report. The Lessor shall promptly transfer the premises to the Lessee according to the acceptance certificate signed by the Lessor's representatives.

The premises inspection report is a document reflecting the inspection of the premises.

On our portal you can sample the Certificate of opening of the premises, as well as find the most current one. In the second case, it is necessary to make all the primary documents for the transfer and receipt of samples for the process. Temporarily surrounding a sample letter about In this topic, you can download a sample, template, example or document form for free. Download a sample document Certificate of opening and inspection of a residential building premises.

Research from Harvard University has shown that in fresh premises people work for 61. The tenant, labor safety standards, rules for the technical operation of electronic installations. The act of opening and inspecting a residential building premises.

The tenant's things left in the rented premises may mean that the tenant refuses to sign the document. Certificate of completed work for renting premises sample. Certificate of acceptance and transfer of premises for rent sample. Date of opening Tenant Premises Total area.

We, the undersigned, the Lessor and the Tenant, have drawn up this act. Sample act of transfer of non-residential premises. The owner of the premises and interested parties, the buyer of the premises, the tenant, the owners of flooded apartments in. As a result of the opening and inspection of the premises, it was established.

Sample comments on the protocol of a court hearing in a civil case.

If the tenant loses the key, the guarantee payment is not returned to him, but is used by the bank. Certificate of opening of the premises sample necessary thing

Sample act of opening the tenant's premises upon your request. Convenient search for laws, codes, orders and other documents. Russian Federation, increasing the level of harmonization of regulatory requirements p.

Actions related to the transfer of rights to property are subject to a written inventory using an act.

The sample paper can be downloaded for free via a direct link.

Actions related to the transfer of rights to property must be recorded in writing using accompanying documentation.

A sample property inventory act, located on this page of a free resource, will help the user create their own document without resorting to the expensive services of specialists. It can be downloaded via a direct link.

The property inventory act will help participants in legal relations to eliminate possible disputes and provides the parties with certain guarantees.

In the production of the inventory, it is important to record all the smallest components, shortcomings, and features. The designation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of objects is the most important part of producing an inventory.

The inventory report in question may be needed when renting premises, during public service inspections and other life circumstances. Along with the listing of material assets in the act, special attention is paid to the cost of things.

The initial cost of a new item and the price at the time of inspection always differ.

Mandatory paragraphs of the property inventory act

  • Data of persons participating in the event, date and place of action;
  • Reasons for issuing the document;
  • Listing of material assets and their approximate cost as agreed by the participants;
  • Liability clause in case of damage to items;
  • Regulatory regulation;
  • Signatures and transcript;

The inventory act is drawn up in the required number of copies. The text traditionally includes the details of the parties, the date and place of action, a list of things inspected, their further fate, the characteristics of a particular item, and cost.

In this way, the parties can track changes in properties that have occurred over a certain period of time.

Autopsy report

1. We paid for the phone on the aliexpress website. The parcel arrived opened, with a report from the Russian Post about the filling of the packaging and change in weight, we did not receive the parcel, we sent it back. The unpacking process was filmed, all documents are available regarding non-receipt of the goods. Aliexpress refused to refund money for goods not received. What should I do? How to return money?

1.1. Hello, Oksana!
The Aliexpress website has the “Open a dispute” function. Start solving the issue first with this.

2. Can I get a copy of the autopsy report (pathologist's report) ten years later? Being a close relative (daughter).
And what is needed to obtain this document?

2.1. Dear site visitor! Nobody will give you this document.

2.2. Do you want to protest or just find out more details?
In any case, this is not the best solution.

3. Our mother died in 2018, she still had a loan, the bank requires an autopsy report, they don’t give such a certificate to relatives, they threaten to give the case to collectors, if there is a certificate, we’ll talk further.

3.1. Let them ask or this document may be demanded by the court.

4. How to obtain an autopsy report on a deceased child.

4.1. Good afternoon
If you are the child's legal representative, contact the authority that performed the autopsy in writing.
Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ (as amended on November 27, 2017)
“On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”

5. Tell me, how can I get a medical history and an autopsy report without a trial, and where to go in such cases, to the morgue or hospital? Thank you.

5.1. You can ask the medical institution if you are a close relative, good luck and all the best to you.

5.2. Hello, dear visitor to the site, if you are a legal representative, the medical institution is obliged, at your request, to provide you with the patient’s medical history or medical card, or an autopsy report.

6. To confirm an insured event, you must obtain a death certificate or an autopsy report from the morgue. On the basis of what Federal Law of the Russian Federation can I ask for these documents to be issued to me from the morgue again, because... Has one death certificate already been submitted to the registry office?

6.1. You don’t need any certificates, you have a death certificate, so it replaces all the documents you listed, get the certificate, send a copy to the insurance company.

7. I bought a bed in the delivery receipt and wrote that I accepted the goods without opening, the forwarder signed that this was so, a collector came from the store, upon opening you discovered that there was a defect, I called hotline“a lot of furniture” was refused.

7.1. Hello, in this case, it is necessary to send an official complaint in accordance with the Consumer Rights Protection Law (which raises the question of either replacing the product or terminating the contract). In case of refusal, you will need to file a claim in court, in addition to the basic requirements, raise the issue of collecting a fine, compensation for moral damage, etc.

8. The autopsy report was drawn up without my participation in the electrical panel. A supposed magnet was discovered. There is video recording. They want to issue a fine. If I conduct an independent examination of the meter and it turns out that it does not respond to Magit, can I not pay this fine? And I also insist that the power engineers re-exit in my presence and the presence of my two witnesses on the action of the meter on the magnet. Am I right? Nowadays, you can first open the electrical panel for power engineers to do it right, and then shoot video footage.

8.1. Leonid, yes, this is true, because you are not sure that everything was not “set up” in your absence.
Therefore, you can object to bringing you to administrative responsibility by attaching your objections in writing, as well as requesting an examination (including at your expense). If you win the case, all legal costs will be reimbursed to you in a reasonable amount.

8.2. Hello
You should be invited to draw up a report on you, and then to impose a punishment. You can write objections both when drawing up a protocol, and when imposing a punishment, or taking other measures to protect yourself.
Good luck to you.

9. Employees of the Investigative Committee do not allow you to see the autopsy report of the deceased.

9.1. Hello! If the autopsy was carried out after the initiation of a criminal case, the investigator has the right to refuse. If you are a victim, then upon completion of the preliminary investigation you will be able to familiarize yourself with the case materials.

9.2. It is not clear what status you occupy in this case and at what stage the case is in general. Please clarify the question, we cannot guess. Write in detail.

10. An autopsy report is required to receive an inheritance. But the police cannot find it. Our actions?

10.1. Good day! In this case, let them give you a new act; it will not be difficult to do; you will definitely need a signature and seal.

10.2. Hello, Alexander
Even if you lost it, what are the problems with registering a duplicate at the Mortuary?
How does this relate to inheritance, please?
I wish you good luck and all the best!

11. My mother died, she had an insured loan. The insurance company requires a copy of the autopsy report and a copy of the outpatient card. Can I request these copies? The morgue told me that they would not give me a copy or a refusal, because... I am an individual. What do i do?

11.1. Good evening. If you have a deceased child, in this case you have every right to receive these documents or demand that the insurance company give you a direct request. Have a nice pleasant evening.

11.2. You can demand a reasoned refusal. You can submit an Application (2 copies), attach a copy of the Death Certificate, the main thing is that your copy is stamped with a seal, input. No. and signature, if they refuse to accept, then you can send the Application by registered mail with notification and inventory. If they refuse or there is no response within 10 days after the application, then you can file a Claim in the Court, no state duty is charged.
For information:
Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Compensation for moral damage Moral damage caused to the consumer as a result of violation by the manufacturer (performer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) of consumer rights provided for by the laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of consumer rights protection, is subject to compensation by the causer of harm, if any his guilt. The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage. Compensation for moral damage is carried out regardless of compensation for property damage and losses incurred by the consumer.
Article 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Judicial protection of consumer rights 1. Protection of consumer rights is carried out by the court. 2. Claims for the protection of consumer rights may be brought, at the choice of the plaintiff, to the court at the location of: the location of the organization, and if the defendant is an individual entrepreneur, his residence; residence or stay of the plaintiff; conclusion or execution of a contract. If a claim against an organization arises from the activities of its branch or representative office, it may be brought to court at the location of its branch or representative office. 3. Consumers and other plaintiffs in claims related to violation of consumer rights are exempt from paying state duty.

11.3. Good day!
Ask them in writing. If you receive a refusal, then send this refusal to the insurance company with a request for the necessary documents.
I hope my answer will be useful to you.

11.4. Hello. The insurance company's request is ILLEGAL and no one will provide you with these documents.
A death certificate is sufficient. This is a common tactic to delay payments.
We'll have to go to court.

12. How can I get an autopsy report? Through what authorities and after what time?

12.1. Hello. How can I get an autopsy report? Through what authorities and after what time?
-What kind of autopsy are we talking about?
All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

13. Please advise: is the district police officer required to sign the Act when opening a non-residential premises? On the basis of what law can he be required to sign?

13.1. No, the district police officer is not required to sign such an act, since this is not part of his job responsibilities. Therefore, you cannot force him. He can only, if necessary, witness what is happening in the event of a conflict.

14. I have this situation. Mom died.
I need to get the autopsy report from the morgue. I wrote a statement addressed to the heads. Doctor.
Is there any law that sets deadlines for receiving this document?
At first she said a week. Now two. I would like to know if there are any deadlines for receiving an autopsy report, does she have the right to issue it to me? I am the closest and only relative.

14.1. You will not be given a complete autopsy certificate. Only a posthumous epicrisis. You can obtain a (copy) of the autopsy certificate only from law enforcement agencies (if a case has been opened) or at the request of the court. ACT is an examination of a corpse. Demand a post-mortem epicrisis. They should give it to you immediately, unless they have sent it to specialists for additional examination. Then the epicrisis may not be ready. Demand an explanation and threaten with the prosecutor's office.

14.2. At first she said a week. Now two.
I'm sorry for your grief.
There may be a justification. See order -
write an application for the release of the body, hand it over against signature. They are required to provide written reasons for the applicable time limits in your situation.
If you refuse, send a complaint to the prosecutor's office/a copy to the health department.

15. Can the next of kin of the deceased receive a post-mortem epicrisis and an autopsy report?

15.1. Yes they can get it.

15.2. Yes, they can get it.

15.3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2013 No. 354n “On the procedure for conducting pathological and anatomical autopsies”
32. A conclusion on the cause of death and diagnosis of the disease is issued to the spouse, close relative (children, parents, adopted children, adoptive parents, siblings, grandchildren, grandparents), and in their absence, other relatives or the legal representative of the deceased, law enforcement agencies, the body exercising state control over the quality and safety of medical activities, and the body exercising control over the quality and conditions of medical care, at their request*(6).
In the case specified in paragraph 1 of this paragraph, the conclusion on the cause of death and diagnosis of the disease is drawn up by an extract from the pathological autopsy report.

16. Years ago, my apartment was opened. An act of opening the apartment was drawn up. The reason given was an emergency shutdown of the riser. There is no type of damage, list of work performed, and contractor. The door was nailed shut.
I contacted the Criminal Code and the police to be present at the opening of the apartment. The management company refused. And the policeman refuses to draw up an autopsy report. I ask for your advice on what I should do in this situation. Thank you.

16.1. Contact the prosecutor's office.

16.2. Complaint to the housing inspectorate against the management company. And to the prosecutor's office against the police.

17. How to write a statement to the police chief. To punish the autopsy act of the Kapius. For your fear.

17.1. In free form.

17.2. in any form

18. Where to find the template “Act of opening the garage box”

18.1. Good afternoon. Nowhere, such documents are drawn up independently and there are no templates

18.2. Hello. Search on the Internet.

19. Our sister died. After the autopsy, the tests were sent to the city of Kemerovo. The report on the results is in the Investigative Committee. They say that the case is being closed, but they cannot show the report. Is this legal? because we want to know the cause of death.

19.1. Hello. You will be familiarized with the case materials after the pre-investigation check. If a criminal case has already been initiated and you are recognized as a victim in the case, you have the right to get acquainted with the documents.

20. You can have a sample report on the opening of the storage room door by the Housing Office along with the council of the house. (There was a squatting of a public area)

20.1. Good evening. Compose in any form. So name the act such and such and reflect everything that was discovered and indicate the persons involved in the autopsy.

21. I paid for the parcel 100% in advance, it arrived, opened, with a certificate, underweight. What should I do?

21.1. write an urgent complaint to the person you ordered the parcel for a refund

22. It is necessary to close the loan, the bank requires an autopsy report. The hospital says that they won’t give it because I’m not an heir or that they need written permission from the deceased to this information, the deceased did not leave this document, what should I do in this situation?

22.1. Who was the loan issued to?

23. How to obtain an autopsy report for close relatives? What documents are needed for this?

23.1. Dina, all you need is a passport.

24. The weight of the parcel does not correspond to the declared one, by 0.5 kg.

24.1. Offer to open the parcel in front of the post office employees, while filming the procedure on your phone.

25. I received a parcel, and on top of it was a certificate stating that it was found opened and sealed with tape. In Moscow. And the weight became less. A valuable item has gone missing. How to file a claim? And is it really possible to compensate for the damage? And where did you send the claim? Formalize?

25.1. Good morning Alexander!
If you find damage to the packaging, see that its weight has become less, or when opening a parcel with an inventory, you find a shortage, damage to the contents, or a complete absence of an inventory, feel free to make a claim (paragraph 2, part 216, chapter 12 of the “Postal Rules”). The communications company must draw up a report on your request and sign it in triplicate. The report must describe in detail the external condition of the parcel, indicate the weight of the shipment and what was discovered when checking the enclosed items. In particular, each item is listed separately and in detail, its size, weight, and the presence of free space inside the postal item. The items that arrived by parcel should still be given to you along with one of the copies of the act, which will serve as the basis for a departmental inspection and subsequent payment of compensation. In this case, the packaging of the parcel will remain at the communication enterprise as material evidence.
If, when opening the parcel, the attachment agrees with the addressee’s statement and turns out to be intact, the act is not drawn up; on the notice you make a note “I have no claims”, which is certified by a signature. The same mark on the notice is made if you refuse to open the parcel.
If the delivery service receives a package with a report indicating damage to the packaging, which, for example, was soiled, it must be opened. If damage to the parcel that arrived to you is confirmed, then the sender or addressee is paid financial compensation (paragraph 4, part 219, chapter 12 of the “Postal Rules”). Its size depends on the size of the declared value of the parcel and the amount for shipping. In addition, a search is carried out for those responsible for the damage, a claim is brought against them and the amount of compensation paid is recovered.
In this case, the acts drawn up in post offices must be sent with the first outgoing mail to the control and reference service of the post office for registration and sending no later than the next working day to the department that allowed the marriage. In case of reports of loss or shortage of part of the investment, a departmental inspection is organized and no later than 20 days from the date of drawing up the report, the material is transferred to the investigative authorities.
The results of the inspection and the measures taken for each act are reported to the department that compiled the act. Information missing from the reports, as well as other production documents necessary for verification, are additionally requested.

26. My husband took out a loan from a bank. The loan came with insurance. The husband died. The bank requires an opening certificate. The morgue refused to release him. What should I do?

26.1. demand a certificate from the morgue. write a statement if they refuse to appeal in court Good luck

27. The procedure for legally obtaining a court act. medical autopsy of a deceased relative? The police don't want to give a copy.

27.1. If a criminal case has been initiated and you are recognized as a victim (representative), then you have the right to get acquainted with the expert’s opinion.
If an inspection is carried out in accordance with Art. 144-145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, then if a decision is made to refuse to initiate a criminal case, you also have the right to familiarize yourself with the inspection materials and appeal the decision.
If death occurred as a result of an accident or due to natural causes, contact the head physician of the medical center with a statement. institution that conducted the study (but there may be problems with medical confidentiality, etc.)

Decision No. 2-1993/2016 2-1993/2016~M-1500/2016 M-1500/2016 dated June 29, 2016 in case No. 2-1993/2016

Leninsky District Court of Ivanovo (Ivanovo Region) - Civil Essence of the dispute: 2.111 - Disputes arising from housing legislation -> Other housing disputes Case No.

June 29, 2016
Leninsky District Court composed of: presiding judge in the case - Judge S.A. Garanina. with the secretary of the court session - FULL NAME3
having considered a civil case in open court on the premises of the Leninsky District Court
according to the claim of LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis” against FULL NAME2 for forced opening of the apartment
LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis” filed the above claim in court against FULL NAME2, motivating it as follows.
From 01/01/2013 Management activities for apartment building No. are carried out by Management Company ZhilStroyServis LLC. Due to an emergency situation from January 18, 2016. In the entrance no. of this residential building, there is flooding of the common property, namely: there is a leak of cold water from the interpanel floors through the drains above apartment no. To carry out repair work and eliminate the causes of the accident, access to this residential building is necessary, which is not possible due to the unknown actual location of the defendant, FULL NAME2, who is the owner of the said apartment, but does not actually live in it. Based on the above, they asked the court to forcibly open the sanitary equipment in the presence of a bailiff.
At the court hearing, the plaintiff’s representative, by proxy, FULL NAME4, supported the stated demands on the grounds set out in the claim.
Defendant FULL NAME2 did not appear at the court hearing, was notified in the prescribed manner, did not report the reasons for the failure to appear, did not submit any objections to the claim, and did not submit a motion to postpone the consideration of the case.
Taking into account the opinion of the plaintiff's representative, the court decided to consider the case in absentia proceedings.
The court, having listened to the explanations of the plaintiff's representative and examined the case materials, comes to the following conclusion.
The court found that the general meeting of owners of premises in apartment building, located at the address: , held on February 15, 2013, LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis” was selected as the management company of this apartment building.
The owner of this apartment building, according to an extract from the Unified State Register, is FULL NAME2, who purchased this apartment under a sales contract dated DD.MM.YYYY. The defendant with DD.MM.YYYY is registered at the place of residence in this apartment.
In January 2016 LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis” received an appeal from residents of this apartment building, in which they ask to immediately resolve the issue of cold water leaking from. The appeal states that no one lives in the apartment, the owner has not been seen for more than 3 years, water seeps into the stairwell and floods the basement, since the house has a cold water meter, the burden of payment falls on all residents. DD.MM.YYYY. Employees of LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis”, in the presence of a resident FULL NAME5, drew up a report stating that in the basement under the third entrance there is a flow of cold water from the interfloor ceiling along the risers above apartment No., in which no one lives, there is no access.
These circumstances are also confirmed by the testimony of witnesses FULL NAME6, FULL NAME7, FULL NAME8 - residents of this apartment building, given by them at the court hearing. From the testimony of witnesses it follows that the defendant does not live in the disputed apartment for a long time, his place of residence is unknown to them. Since the beginning of 2016, due to a cold water leak from this apartment, the basement and first floor of the house have been flooding.
From the case materials it follows that Management Company ZhilStroyServis LLC applied to the OP No. of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a request to uncover connections with the cold water leak. Based on the results of the inspection (KUSP 3840), it was established that the apartment is currently empty, it is not possible to establish the location of the owner, FULL NAME2, and no grounds have been established for opening the apartment without the owner’s consent.
Article 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes that housing is inviolable. No one has the right to enter a home without the consent of the citizens living there legally except for the purposes provided for by this Code and in the cases provided for by other federal laws and in accordance with the procedure or on the basis of a court decision.
In accordance with Part 4 of Art. 17 Housing Code of the Russian Federation, clause 6 of the Rules for the use of residential premises, approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. dated DD.MM.YYYY, the use of residential premises is carried out taking into account the rights and legitimate interests of citizens living in the residential premises (house), neighbors, fire safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic and other legal requirements.
According to Art. 161 of the RF Housing Code, the management of an apartment building must ensure favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, resolving issues regarding the use of said property, as well as the provision of utilities to citizens living in such a building.
According to clause 5 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation DD.MM.YYYY N 491, the common property includes in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply and gas supply, consisting of risers, branches from risers, an in-house engineering system drainage system, consisting of sewer outlets, fittings (including bends, transitions, pipes, revisions, crosses, tees), risers, plugs, exhaust pipes, drainage funnels, cleanings, branches from risers to the first butt joints, as well as other equipment located in this system.
In accordance with the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated DD.MM.YYYY N 170 “On approval of the rules and standards for the operation of the housing stock,” building maintenance includes a set of works to maintain in good condition elements and intra-house systems, specified parameters and operating modes of its structures, equipment and technical devices. The system of maintenance (maintenance and technical repair) of the housing stock ensures the normal functioning of buildings and engineering systems during the established service life of the building using the required volumes of material and financial resources. Maintenance of the housing stock includes work to monitor its condition, maintain it in good working order, operability, set up and regulate engineering systems, etc. Monitoring of technical condition should be carried out through scheduled inspections. Current repairs of a building include a set of construction, organizational and technical measures in order to eliminate malfunctions (restoring operability) of elements, equipment and engineering systems of the building to maintain operational performance.
According to clause 5.8.3. Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated DD.MM.YYYY N 170, housing maintenance organizations are required to ensure the elimination of leaks, leaks, blockages, blockages, defects due to sedimentary deformations of parts of the building or poor installation of sanitary systems and their shut-off and control valves, breakdowns of hydraulic valves, hydraulic shocks (when air penetrates pipelines), burrs at pipe joints, defects in hydraulic valves of sanitary fixtures and leaks of joints in sewerage systems, freezing of sewer hoods, etc. on time.
In accordance with paragraphs. “e” clause 34 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated DD.MM.YYYY N 354), the consumer is obliged to admit representatives of the contractor (including emergency services workers), representatives bodies of state control and supervision to the occupied residential or non-residential premises to inspect the technical and sanitary condition of the indoor equipment at a time previously agreed upon with the contractor in the manner specified in paragraph 85 of these Rules, but not more than once every 3 months, to verify that deficiencies in the provision have been eliminated utilities and performing necessary repairs - as needed, and for emergency response - at any time.
As the court found, LLC Management Company ZhilStroyServis is a management organization and is obliged to provide favorable and safe living conditions for citizens in an apartment building at the address: , including the repair of sanitary equipment.
Defendant FULL NAME2 is the owner of the apartment at the address: , permanently registered at the specified address. From the case materials it follows that since the beginning of 2016 there has been a cold water leak from this apartment, which leads to flooding of the basement and first floor of the house. There is no access to the apartment to inspect utilities and carry out repair work due to the defendant’s non-residence in the apartment.
In accordance with Article 30 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of a residential premises bears the burden of maintaining this premises and, if this premises is an apartment, the common property of the owners of premises in the corresponding apartment building, and the owner of a room in a communal apartment also bears the burden of maintaining the common property of the owners of rooms in such an apartment , unless otherwise provided by federal law or treaty. The owner of a residential premises is obliged to maintain the premises in proper condition, preventing mismanagement of them, to comply with the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, the rules for the use of residential premises, as well as the rules for maintaining the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.
However, the defendant, FULL NAME2, does not comply with the obligations established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of residential premises belonging to him.
Having assessed the above arguments, taking into account that from the evidence presented to the court it follows that there are obstacles to the admission of the plaintiff’s specialists to eliminate the cause of the formation of a cold water leak, which poses a threat to the safety of the health of citizens living in the house and the safety of their property, entails additional expenses in the form of payment for cold water, comes to the conclusion that there are grounds to satisfy the stated requirements.
In accordance with Article 98 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the defendant in favor of the plaintiff must recover the costs of paying the state duty in the amount of rubles.
Based on the above, guided by Art. Art. 194-199,233-237 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation court
DECIDED (in absentia):
the claims of LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis” to FULL NAME2 - to be satisfied.
Allow LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis” to forcibly open the apartment at the address: , owned by FULL NAME2, in the presence of a bailiff of the bailiff service and a police officer to carry out repairs of sanitary equipment.
To recover from FULL NAME2 in favor of LLC “Management Company “ZhilStroyServis” court costs for payment of state duty in the amount of) rub.
The defendant, who was not present at the court hearing, has the right, within seven days from the date of delivery of a copy of this decision in absentia, to file an application with the Leninsky District Court to cancel this decision.
A decision in absentia can also be appealed by the parties to the Ivanovo Regional Court through the Leninsky Court within a month after the expiration of the deadline for the defendant to file an application to cancel this court decision, and if such an application is filed, within a month from the date of the court ruling to refuse this application.
Presiding judge: S.A. Garanina
The final court decision was made DD.MM.YYYY


Leninsky District Court of Ivanovo (Ivanovo Region)


LLC "Management company "ZhilStroyServis"


Goryunov A.A.

Judges of the case:

Garanina Svetlana Anatolyevna (judge)

Judicial practice on:

Recognition of the right to use residential premises
Judicial practice on the application of Art. 30, 31 Residential Complex of the Russian Federation
Procedure for using residential premises
Judicial practice on the application of Art. 17 Residential Complex of the Russian Federation

The act of opening the premises during immediate emergency work

opening the premises during urgent emergency work “____”__________20___. Kyshtym. (position, surname, initials) In order to eliminate the accident _______________________________________________________________________________ that threatens the own safety and personal safety of citizens, their property, the property of legal entities, in the manner prescribed by clause 18 of Art. 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police”, in the presence of witnesses (persons present when drawing up this act): (last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence) (last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence) In the presence of a police officer (precinct): ( rank, surname, first name, patronymic) opened the premises: _________________________________________________________________________ As a result of the opening and inspection of the premises, the following was discovered: (description of the causes of the accident, the state of the premises at the time of opening and inspection) During the opening of the premises, the following damage was caused to it: (describe the nature of the damage, in case of absence - a dash) To eliminate the causes and consequences of the accident, the following actions were taken: (describe the nature of the actions) After eliminating the emergency situation, the room was closed as follows: (closed by whom, method of closing the room: locking device, new lock, etc. ) Contents of statements and comments made during the preparation of the act of opening the premises, surnames, initials and signatures of the persons who made them: Representative of the Criminal Code: ________________ ________________________________________ Police officer _________________ ________________________________________ (signature) (rank, initials, surname) Those present (witnesses) _________________ _____________________________________________

Certificate of opening and inspection of a residential building (premises)

Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated September 16, 2005 N 290. The employment contract defines the relationship between the employer and the employee.

The compliance of the parties with the rights and obligations provided for by it depends on how thoroughly the terms of the relationship between the parties who entered into it are taken into account.

  • How to competently draw up a loan agreement It is no secret that a legally competent approach to drawing up an agreement or contract is a guarantee of the success of the transaction, its transparency and security for counterparties.

    Legal relations in the field of employment are no exception.

  • Guarantee of successful receipt of goods - a correctly drawn up supply agreement In progress economic activity For many companies, the most commonly used contract is a delivery agreement.

    It would seem that this document, simple in its essence, should be absolutely clear and unambiguous.

  • Sample act of opening the premises

    Why is the document needed, its meaning The meaning of the act of opening the premises is quite significant: An emergency situation is corrected by specialists of the relevant utility service.

    Admission of employees to arming, removing alarms, and receiving keys from security officers is carried out on the basis of a list. The emergency situation is corrected by specialists from the relevant utility service. An application can be submitted and a sample application can be submitted in writing. Upon your request, housing department employees will shut off the riser to prevent damage to your property and begin looking for the owners. Let us remind you, Resolution 3.

    After this, an inventory of the property on the premises takes place. Before this, the management organization conducts a search for the owner or his relatives. Forms, contracts, sample documents.

    The act of opening premises and storage facilities, enforcement proceedings. No less important is the paragraph that indicates the list of work carried out during the elimination of the accident, including the materials used.

    Legislation in questions and answers.

    Act No. of opening the premises. Those who are flooded call the housing department, utility workers promptly shut off the riser, and everyone is left without water until the owners arrive.

    So you can sit without water for a very long time. This is a very common situation.

    In particular, it should contain standard details (name, number, date of the document), the main block and conclusion, i.e.

    signatures. Regarding registration, it should be noted that the act is usually written by hand, since it is drawn up directly at the site of this procedure. A sheet of paper of any convenient format is suitable for the document, the main thing is that it is signed by all persons performing the autopsy, including witnesses.

    The number of copies of the act is directly dependent on how many people were present at the opening of the premises - each of them must have their own copy, duly certified. If you need to draw up an act of opening a premises that you have not done before, read the recommendations above and look at the sample - with their help you can easily write this document.

    Sample closure certificate

    Owners of residential and non-residential properties are responsible for their condition.

    This usually takes no more than a few minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience. Pdf, as well as a copy of the document to your e-mail.

    In some cases, violations during the operation of premises may result in losses for the owners of adjacent properties.

    In particular, such situations relate to flooding of non-residential premises. A large number of commercial properties are located on the ground floors of apartment buildings. Premises inspection report - a document reflecting the inspection of the premises. A special commission consisting of at least two people can draw up this document. An inspection can be carried out to identify objects requiring repair and assess the level of necessary repairs. Also, inspection of premises is carried out for another purpose, for example, apartments, houses, rooms are inspected. The form of the act is arbitrary, but it must indicate the type of accident (fire, explosion, flooding) and describe the nature of the damage (household appliances, furniture, parquet, etc.).

    The significance of the act of opening the premises is quite significant: it certifies not only the fact that the premises were opened, but also gives an indication of the reason, and also records information about the persons present at this event.

    Certificate of opening of the tenant's premises sample Dneprovich

    standard for comments on the transcript of a court hearing in a civil case. When the first signs of flooding occur, we call the control room of the management company or homeowners association and report the incident.

    The act of opening the premises by the lessor act n.

    Retention of property by the landlord (1 answer).

    Inventory report of the tenant's property standard.

    Azerbaycanli to record acts of opening the box standard act of inspection of the premises a document reflecting the inspection of the premises. Write() certificate of completed work for renting premises standard. The act of opening the premises is an approximate form.

    An act is a document that is drawn up by several persons (commission) to confirm a fact or event.

    Acts are drawn up during audits, surveys, inventories, acceptance - transfer of material assets, transfer of documents during change officials, conducting tests, equipment, etc. Acts record the actions of various commissions. In the initial part of the act, details are placed, as well as the name of the document (act), the basis for its preparation, date, month, year, place of preparation. The main part of the act consists of a text, which in turn is divided into three more parts: introduction, stating part, conclusions. The introduction begins with a paragraph. This part should indicate the data about the act that served as the basis for its preparation. The main part of the act sets out the essence of the facts, the methods by which the inspection was carried out, its results, as well as the conclusions, proposals, conclusions of the commission.

    You can get the necessary legal assistance on our website remotely.

    We remind you that legal professionals are ready to assist you in consulting and writing any act. To receive such assistance, simply fill out the form on our website.

    INSTRUCTIONS About the procedure for accepting (delivering) secure premises

    At the end of the working day, all secure premises in which media containing information constituting state secrets are stored are locked and sealed. When sealing, mastic (plasticine) or sealing wax is applied in such a way as to prevent their removal without damaging the seal impression.

    A secure room, with sealed entrance doors, and sealed pencil cases with keys to them, is handed over to the security service. The checkpoint controller on duty checks the integrity of the seal impressions and signs in the acceptance (delivery) log.

    The following notes are made in the log of acceptance (delivery) of secure premises under security:

    a) the name of the premises to be put under guard;

    b) the name and numbers of the seals with which the premises and pencil cases are sealed:

    c) date and time of reception (delivery)

    d) about turning on and off the security alarm:

    e) surname and signature of the person renting (opening) the premises:

    f) surname and signature of the person who accepted protection.

    Employees hand over security and open secure premises on the basis of lists with samples of their signatures, approved by the general director of Sibcoal Management Company LLC. These lists are constantly kept by the security service.

    In the absence of employees responsible for secure premises, they can be opened by a commission created on the instructions of the general director of Sibcoul Management Company LLC or his replacement.

    The autopsy is documented in a document.

    Before opening them, workers responsible for secure premises, in the presence of the guard on duty, must check the integrity of seal impressions and the serviceability of locks and locking devices.

    If a violation of the integrity of seal impressions, damage to locks, locking devices or other signs indicating possible penetration into the premises is detected, they are not opened, a report is drawn up about the incident, and the general director of Sibcoal Management Company LLC or his replacement is immediately notified, chief surveyor responsible for ensuring the established secrecy regime and security authority. At the same time, measures are being taken to protect the scene of the incident; no one is allowed into the premises until security officers arrive.

    On the opening of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings of ZATO Aleksandrovsk

    Accepted Administration of the municipal formation of ZATO Aleksandrovsk (Murmansk region)
    1. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2011 N 3-FZ “On Police”, the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by the resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 09/27/2003 N 170, in in cases of extreme necessity and for the purpose of promptly eliminating malfunctions of engineering communications due to an accident or other cases that served as the basis for opening the premises, during the absence of tenants or users in them, I decide:
    2. 1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for opening residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings of ZATO Aleksandrovsk (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations)
    3. 2. To recommend to the management organizations of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, in the event of an emergency in cases of extreme necessity when opening premises that are in the municipal ownership of ZATO Aleksandrovsk, to be guided by the approved Regulations.
    4. 3. This resolution is subject to publication in the prescribed manner and posting on the official website of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk.
    5. 4. This resolution comes into force after its official publication.
    6. 5. From the date of entry into force of this resolution, the resolution of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk dated September 29, 2010 N 1583 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for opening residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings of ZATO Aleksandrovsk” shall be considered invalid.
    7. 6. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the head of the municipal property management of the administration of the CATU Aleksandrovsk V.P. Buckwheat.
    8. Chapter
    9. Administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk
    10. S.M.KAUROV
    11. POSITION
    14. 1. General provisions
    15. 1.1. This Regulation "On the procedure for opening residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings of ZATO Aleksandrovsk" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2011 N 3-FZ "On police", Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 "Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of Housing Stock", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354 "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings."
    16. 1.2. This Regulation defines:
    17. - sequence of actions when opening premises that are in the municipal ownership of ZATO Aleksandrovsk;
    18. - the procedure for taking measures to prevent access to premises after they are opened;
    19. - procedure for reimbursement of the cost of work performed.
    20. 1.3. The objectives of this Regulation are:
    21. - in case of emergency, prompt elimination of faults in engineering communications due to an accident or other cases that served as the basis for opening the premises during the absence of tenants or users;
    22. - ensuring the safety of life and health of citizens, preventing damage to municipal property, property of residents, users and owners of premises in apartment buildings;
    23. - preventing violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the population of the CATU of Aleksandrovsk.
    24. 1.4. If necessary (depending on the complexity of the work, the implementation of measures to find tenants and users of the premises) to eliminate faults in utility lines or the circumstances that served as the basis for opening the premises, utility lines may be disconnected for a period determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    25. 2. Basic concepts used in these Regulations
    26. Housing and operational organizations - organizations of any form of ownership, legal form and departmental affiliation, as well as individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, carrying out maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building.
    27. Management organization - organizations of any form of ownership, organizational and legal form, homeowners' associations, housing construction cooperatives and others, elected at a general meeting of owners of an apartment building or determined by a local government body after holding relevant competitions for the selection of management organizations, and engaged in the management of apartment buildings .
    28. Residents of an apartment building (entrance) are citizens permanently residing at the place of registration or place of stay under a residential lease agreement, owners of residential premises.
    29. Tenants of premises are adult citizens who rent municipal residential premises independently or together with members of their family under a lease agreement for use for a fee.
    30. Users of premises - physical and legal entities, using municipal premises on a lease basis, for free use in accordance with the regulations of the administration of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk.
    31. Opening of premises - in case of emergency, entry into premises that are municipally owned by ZATO Aleksandrovsk, located in apartment buildings, in the absence of tenants and users at the time of the accident, in order to promptly eliminate utility failures or in other cases.
    32. Utility accidents - malfunctions in heat, electricity, water supply systems, plumbing equipment and appliances.
    33. Other cases that served as the basis for opening the premises are circumstances of an emergency nature, as a result of which the legitimate rights and interests of the population of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk are violated, a threat is created to the safety of life and health of citizens and (or) damage to property, a threat is created to disrupt the work to eliminate the emergency situation and eliminate which cannot be delayed.
    34. Violation by tenants and users of premises in the municipal ownership of ZATO Aleksandrovsk and located in apartment buildings of the rules for the use of residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building - failure to bring plumbing and other equipment into working condition in a timely manner, failure to take measures to turn off hot and cold water supply for periods of absence, etc. .P.
    35. Absence from the premises - the presence of tenants and users of municipal premises in an apartment building outside such premises for a period of more than three days (vacation, business trip, etc.), which, depending on the situation, excludes, depending on the situation, the possibility of quickly entering the premises to eliminate a utility failure and serves as a basis to open the room.
    36. 3. The procedure for opening premises that are in the municipal ownership of ZATO Aleksandrovsk
    37. 3.1. Opening of premises located in the municipal property of ZATO Aleksandrovsk (hereinafter referred to as premises) is carried out on the basis of an application received from service organizations about an accident on utility lines and (or) other cases that are the basis for opening the premises, if it is impossible for anyone else to enter the premises in a manner and after taking all necessary measures to search for tenants or users of premises in the event of their prolonged absence.
    38. Openings of premises are carried out on working days, weekends, and non-working holidays.
    39. 3.2. The decision to open the premises is made by the management organization after taking all necessary measures to determine the possible location of tenants or users of the premises.
    40. Finding out the possible location of tenants or users of premises includes measures to search for (identify) his relatives, interview neighbors and acquaintances using management and service organizations.
    41. Opening of premises is carried out only in cases of extreme necessity, if the search for tenants or users of the premises in an apartment building is unsuccessful.
    42. A long-term absence of tenants or users of the premises should be considered the absence of these persons in the premises for more than 72 hours.
    43. The opening of premises is carried out immediately, if it is necessary to ensure the personal or public safety of residents of an apartment building in emergency situations or other emergency circumstances.
    44. 3.3. The opening of the premises is carried out by the management organization in the presence of the commission for opening the premises located in the municipal property of the ZATO Aleksandrovsk, as well as in the presence of a representative of the Department of Internal Affairs. In addition, when opening the premises, at least two citizens from the premises located next to the emergency premises must be present as witnesses.
    45. The commission for opening premises in the municipal property of ZATO Aleksandrovsk is a permanent commission, the composition of which is approved by a resolution of the administration of ZATO Aleksandrovsk.
    46. The management organization is responsible for organizing the collection of the commission.
    47. 3.4. After opening the premises, all internal premises not involved in eliminating the emergency situation are sealed.
    48. 3.5. The commission draws up an act of opening the premises in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations in two copies.
    49. 3.6. Elimination of the emergency situation is carried out after determining the location of the accident by specialists from the relevant utility services.
    50. 3.7. After eliminating the emergency situation that served as the basis for opening the premises, the management organization restores the damaged doors or windows, depending on the method of entry into the premises, and accordingly inserts a lock or glazing.
    51. 3.8. All work in the emergency room (opening, repairs, closing the door, etc.) is carried out in the presence of all members of the commission.
    52. 3.9. After eliminating the accident, a representative of the management organization takes measures to ensure the safety of the premises and property located in it from illegal entry by locking and sealing the front door.
    53. A notice of the opening of the premises is placed in the door and mailbox of the opened premises in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.
    54. A complete set of keys to the premises in case of replacement of the door lock during the opening of the premises by entering through the front door is transferred to a representative of the management organization for storage.
    55. 3.10. The act of opening the premises, drawn up in two copies (1 copy - for the commission, 2nd copy - for the management organization), is signed by all members of the commission present at the opening and invited witnesses.
    56. 3.11. A complete set of keys is issued by a representative of the management organization to the tenant or user of the opened premises after presentation of the necessary documents confirming his right to use the opened premises (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, lease agreement for premises, free use, etc.), which is recorded in the key issuance log, which is certified signatures of both parties.
    57. 4. Procedure for reimbursement of the cost of work performed
    58. 4.1. If the opening of the premises was carried out due to an accident or other cases that constitute the basis for opening the premises, which occurred on systems and equipment related to the common property of an apartment building, then the cost of the work performed to eliminate the accident, as well as restoration work or, if necessary, replacement of door, window fillings and all related materials damaged during opening of the premises will be reimbursed at the expense of the guilty parties.
    59. 4.2. If the opening of the premises was carried out due to an accident or other cases that constitute the basis for opening the premises, which occurred on systems and equipment not related to the common property of an apartment building, then the cost of the work performed, as well as the work to restore or, if necessary, replace the door , window fillings and all related materials damaged during opening of the premises are reimbursed at the expense of the tenants or users of the premises in which the accident occurred.
    60. 4.3. If the above persons refuse to voluntarily reimburse the cost of work performed, the dispute shall be resolved in court.

    Act No. ___ on the opening of premises located in municipal property in Aleksandrovsk, located at the address: G. ___, street __, house ___, apartment ____

    1. (pre)city __________________ date _________ 1. This act was drawn up by a commission consisting of: Chairman of the commission: - representative of the management organization ___________________________________ Members of the commission: - representative of the Municipal Treasury Institution "Municipal Property Service of ZATO Aleksandrovsk" ____________________________________________; - representative of the Municipal Government Institution "City Services of ZATO Aleksandrovsk" ____________________________________________; - accident response specialist ________________________________________; - specialist in opening the premises ________________________________________________. In the presence of a representative of the Department of Internal Affairs _________________________________________________ In the presence of witnesses: 1) ______________________________________________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Signs indicating the presence of an accident in the specified premises: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Date and time of the start of the search for the employer or user. Actions taken to locate the occupants: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Method of penetration (autopsy) into the premises: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Damage to the property that arose as a result of penetration into the premises: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ ( _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Office of the preservation of property in the room (indicate the rooms, printed indoors, subscription of the property of non -printed property of non -printed indoors. rooms): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. List of completed works ( Supplies) when eliminating the accident: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. The emergency situation has been eliminated, the premises are sealed, the keys to the premises are _____ pcs. handed over to the representative of the management organization: ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. This Act is drawn up in 2 copies. 10. A copy of the Act must be sent to the Murmansk Prosecutor's Office for supervision over the implementation of laws at high-security facilities. 11. Signatures of the commission members: _____________________________ ___________________________ Full name. signature _____________________________ ___________________________ Full name signature _____________________________ ___________________________ Full name signature _____________________________ ___________________________ Full name signature _____________________________ ___________________________ Full name signature 12. Signatures of witnesses: _____________________________ ___________________________ Full name. signature _____________________________ ___________________________ Full name signature(/pre)

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    Act N ____
    opening the premises

    "__" ____________ ____ G.

    (position, full name), being__ the lessor (or the lessor’s representative, acting__ on the basis of ____________________) under the lease agreement for premises No. ____ dated “__” ____________ ____, in the presence (FULL NAME.), (FULL NAME.), (FULL NAME.) has drawn up this act stating that “__” ____________ ____ in ________ hours ________ minutes the premises leased under the above agreement, located in ____________________ at the address: ____________________, were opened due to the following reasons: (description of the reasons and circumstances of the opening of the premises).

    Before the opening of the above premises, the following representatives of the tenant were notified: ____________________.

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    Similar documents available with full text:

    The act of opening the premises

    The act of opening the premises is a necessary document in cases where the premises are opened by persons who are not its owners or legal tenants.

    What is the document for and its meaning?

    The significance of the act of opening the premises is quite significant: it certifies not only the fact that the premises were opened, but also gives an indication of the reason, and also records information about the persons present at this event.

    For what reasons may a room be opened?

    Of course, no one will break the door in the absence of the owners without reason. There must be good reasons for this. These may include the activation of protective systems - security or fire, local failures of internal communications, natural disasters, serious arrears in rent payments and other debts, etc. In addition, autopsies are sometimes performed to apprehend particularly dangerous criminals who have barricaded themselves in a room or to eliminate the consequences of an accident.

    The procedure for opening the premises

    You can’t just take and open a premises, be it residential, commercial, office, warehouse, industrial or any other.

    It is first necessary to notify the owner or tenant of the square meters in advance about the upcoming procedure, or at least try to do so. If this is not possible (for example, the owner does not pick up the phone or does not respond to written notifications), or you need to get into the premises urgently, it is necessary to invite witnesses who will be present at the autopsy.

    Any person who has reached the age of majority, is of sound mind and has no outstanding convictions can act as witnesses.

    Also, for the opening (if we are talking about residential premises), you need to invite an employee of the management company and the district police officer, as a representative of law enforcement.

    If the autopsy was planned in advance, a special commission is appointed to conduct it.

    After the autopsy has been carried out and the cause has been eliminated, a report about this must be drawn up, and the doors and windows are sealed. If temporary locking structures were installed, the keys to them are transferred to the management company.

    In the future, it is necessary, if possible, to ensure the safety of the property located on the premises until the appearance of its owners.

    Who should compensate for the damage?

    After an autopsy has been carried out, property owners often wonder at whose expense they will restore and change doors and locks. The law clearly states that if the situation that led to the need to open the premises could pose a threat to the life, health or property of other people, all repair work must be carried out at the expense of the owner of the square meters. At the same time, he can go to court for compensation for losses incurred, but the practice is such that it will be extremely difficult to obtain it.

    Moreover, sometimes management companies that installed temporary locks recover the money spent from the owners of the premises, and this is a completely legitimate phenomenon.

    How to draw up an act of opening a premises

    Usually, the act of opening the premises is written in any form, since there is no unified sample (and even if there was one, it would not always be possible to use it).

    However, the structure and content of the act must comply with some rules and regulations adopted in this type of documentation. In particular, it should contain standard details (name, number, date of the document), the main block and conclusion, i.e. signatures.

    It should be noted that in government institutions, whose employees are authorized in some cases to carry out unauthorized entry into premises by the owners, there are templates for autopsy reports that are mandatory for use (for example, such are available in the police, bailiff service, Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments).

    Regarding registration, it should be noted that the act is usually written by hand, since it is drawn up directly at the site of this procedure.

    A sheet of paper of any convenient format is suitable for the document, the main thing is that it is signed by all persons performing the autopsy, including witnesses.

    The number of copies of the act is directly dependent on how many people were present at the opening of the premises - each of them must have their own copy, duly certified.

    Sample act of opening the premises

    If you need to draw up an act of opening a premises that you have not done before, read the recommendations above and look at the sample - with their help you can easily write this document.

    At the very beginning you need:

    • indicate the name of the form;
    • put a date;
    • indicate the place of its formation.
    • Then comes the main section:

    • First of all, information about who directly performs the autopsy is included here:
      • name of company,
      • job title,
      • Full name of its representative.
      • Then information about witnesses is indicated:
        • their last names, first names, patronymics,
        • positions or passport details.
        • After this, be sure to enter:
          • date (day-month-year),
          • time (hours, minutes) of the procedure,
          • the exact address where it is produced.
        • The following is entered:
          1. Responsibility for compliance with the procedure for placing under guard and opening premises rests with the deputy head for security Opokin M.G.

            Premises under guard

            In order to ensure the conditions for placing under guard and disarming premises and unhindered access to it in the event of emergency situations, keys to all premises and second copies of keys to window bars must be stored at the security post.

            The keys to the manager's office, premises containing material, monetary assets and official documentation, as well as attics and basements are stored at the security post in pencil cases sealed with the organization's seal.

            The keys to the premises are equipped with tags indicating the room number, and the second copies of the keys to the grille locks are equipped with tags indicating the room number and the serial number of the window on which the lock is installed.

            Each premises must contain information about the persons responsible for the fire safety of the premises and instructions on actions in the event of an emergency.

            Responsibility for compliance with the procedure for placing under guard and opening premises rests with the head of the organization.

            The procedure for recording and storing keys

            All keys are recorded in the key register for sensitive premises (hereinafter referred to as the log). The pages of the journal must be numbered, laced and sealed with a mastic seal on the last page.

            Entries in the journal are made carefully and only in ink or ballpoint pen.

            The issuance of a working set of keys to employees and the maintenance of a log are carried out by the building commandant.

            The procedure for handing over and receiving security premises under protection

            During non-working hours, the keys to the premises are kept by the official at the security post in sealed containers (tubes) on a special stand or in a metal cabinet. A label is pasted onto the container (tube) indicating the cabinet number and the numbers of the seals with which the container (tube) and cabinet are sealed.

            At the end of working hours, the employee responsible for handing over the premises (office) under security performs the following actions:

          3. closes official documentation and literature intended for official use in a metal cabinet;
          4. closes windows with locking devices;
          5. de-energizes electrical appliances and office equipment;
          6. contacts the security post by internal telephone and informs about the alarm setting of the premises and its closure, while giving the time, N of the office, his last name, first name and patronymic;
          7. turns off the lights and turns on the alarm;
          8. locks the door, checks the strength of the door closure, seals the office;
          9. hands over the keys in a sealed container (tube) to the official at the security post with an entry in the book of reception and delivery of sensitive premises under security (book).

        Before the start of the working day, the employee opens the premises in the reverse order.

        All entries in the book of reception and delivery of premises under security are kept carefully and only in ink or ballpoint pen; corrections in the entries are confirmed by the employee handing over (opening) the security room under security, and the senior official who is accepting (renting out) the room under security, indicating their surnames

        The senior guard at the security post must have lists of employees signed by the heads of structural units who are allowed to open and hand over security premises, with sample signatures of these employees.

        It is prohibited to issue containers (tubes) with keys to employees not included in the relevant lists.

        In accordance with the security plan, security personnel walk around the building, checking the integrity of the doors, locking devices, the presence of seals and their compliance with the numbers. During an external inspection of the adjacent territory of the administrative building, attention is also paid to the integrity of the windows, their closure, and the lighting in the premises not being turned off.

        If violations are detected (the office is not closed, the office is not sealed, the lights are not turned off, the window is not closed, the keys to the premises are not handed over to the security post), the official officer reports to the senior official who seals the premises.

        It is prohibited to leave the premises with the front door unlocked while other employees are not at their workplaces, and also to leave keys in the door from the outside.

        The issuance of containers (tubes) with keys to premises to cleaners and other housekeeping workers is prohibited. Cleaning of sensitive premises is carried out only in the presence of employees responsible for the premises.

        The act of opening and examining a residential premises in order to eliminate the consequences of an accident

        Statement of claim to a court of general jurisdiction for the attribution to the owner of costs and losses associated with investments made that significantly increase the cost of the seized residential premises, which the owner made after state registration of the decision to seize this premises before reaching an agreement (or making a decision by the court) on the repurchase of the residential premises , when determining the redemption price of residential premises

        A statement of claim to a court of general jurisdiction for the termination of a sublease agreement for residential premises provided under a social tenancy agreement, and the eviction of a citizen from a residential premises in connection with the use of this premises for other purposes, systematic violation of the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors (or in connection with mismanagement and allowing the destruction of this residential premises)

        An inspection report of residential premises in order to determine the volume of work performed by repair and maintenance enterprises serving the municipal housing stock of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region

        Local authorities of Odintsovo district

        An act of inspection of the damaged insured residential premises to determine the causes of the accident that led to damage and a description of the damage caused to the premises

        Department of City Orders of the Moscow Government

        Application of the highest executive body state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for compensation to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the cost of residential premises provided to owners of registered state housing certificates, or for social benefits to pay for residential premises (part of residential premises) purchased by the owner of the certificate under a purchase and sale agreement

        Application from a residential tenant to a territorial local government body for the provision of smaller residential premises to replace the occupied residential premises

        Statement of claim to a court of general jurisdiction for eviction from a specialized residential premises with the provision of another residential premises in connection with the termination of the rental agreement for specialized residential premises