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An adult man is afraid of a serious relationship. Men with a fear of emotional intimacy. Why doesn't he want a serious relationship? What kind of ladies do they try to avoid?

Many men cannot be alone with a woman or even speak. Therefore, below we will tell you what to do and how to deal with it. You need to understand which women you should be afraid of and which you shouldn’t.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Can a man be afraid of the woman he is in love with?

Many men, having met the one, begin to back down, explaining this with a huge number of different reasons. But they may not always be 100% right. It is human nature to hide from good things, to be afraid of them, and to push them away in every possible way.

Not everyone can believe that they deserve true happiness, love, so many often miss true love. But the question is “why?” we will try to answer.

b"> Can a man be afraid of a beautiful woman?

If a woman is very beautiful, some men begin to pick on her in her presence, thereby showing fear of her and a serious relationship. He feels a little worse than a monkey. Many women ask the question “why does this happen?”

When meeting a beauty, some begin to worry whether she will be faithful, whether she will find someone more successful, rich, handsome, smart. For some people, it takes a very long time to just muster up the courage to come up and speak, let alone a serious relationship. Therefore, insecure men try to avoid them, looking for an inconspicuous, standard beauty girl as their soul mate.

Of course, there is no need to deliberately pretend to be Baba Yaga. If you're really interested, show him what he means to you. That besides appearance there are others that are much more important than quality. Be it love for home comfort, children, categorical hostility to betrayal, betrayal.

At such moments, your loved one will be able to understand that he is valued for his attitude, and not for his beauty. After all, fear appears when thinking about betrayal, betrayal. Therefore, most often, fatal beauties remain single forever. Psychology has been studying this problem for a long time and a solution has been invented for it.

Are men afraid of women they need to grow up to?

Today, many women have long been fully established in life, they are successful and have everything they need to provide for themselves. Some already have their own business up to thirty, drive an expensive car, not worrying about anything, enjoying every moment in life. As a result, the man begins to worry, to seem like an absolute loser in comparison with her, and to feel the same way. It seems to him that this type of lady can laugh at him, ultimately morally destroying the guy’s dignity.

d"> Are men afraid of strong and smart women?

Smart, strong, self-confident does not always mean happy, and men feel this. They begin to doubt themselves and are afraid to be around. It seems that if he says something unnecessary, out of place, their relationship will end in failure. That the woman you love won’t want to be around anymore and will back down.

If she is not afraid to defend her point of view, this is not bad, but quite the opposite. There are real feelings, which means there will be support. And even if you are stupid, don’t worry, she will understand, otherwise, it’s simply not fate. Understand one thing: next to a real man, any woman wants to seem like a weak cat who needs to be supported, protected and given love.


But you shouldn’t break yourself, try to re-educate, if someone is not ready to accept the real you and is constantly trying to avoid a serious relationship. This means this is not your person, nothing worked out, don’t blame yourself. Leave the man who is constantly afraid, find your man and stay with him until the end, no matter what.

At first, he does everything to win the affection of the woman he likes - he acts out the behavior of an attentive and gallant gentleman, a gentle lover and a generous patron. And as soon as the victim gives up, diving headlong into the pool of feelings, his interest dries up, and a romantic smile is replaced by caustic coldness and prolonged avoidance. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Why does the man of your dreams suddenly turn into a tormentor?

Fear of emotional intimacy as a type of love addiction

In fact, the manifestation of love addiction is not only a fanatical pursuit of the object of adoration, but also a painful relationship in a couple, which is accompanied by a complete loss of personal boundaries, loss of a sense of individuality and integrity. Such a man, getting closer to the object of sympathy, does not know how to defend his boundaries, therefore he prefers to retreat from feelings so as not to lose himself. What does it look like? When he sees a girl, he draws an ideal image of her in his head, conquers the image, and then “unexpectedly” encounters a real relationship, after which he runs away.

A man with love addiction does not know how to contact his own feelings, is afraid of real emotional contact, is afraid to dissolve in his partner. Therefore, he is ready to devalue the object of sympathy in order to justify his escape.

Psychological reason for running away. What does he look for in a relationship?

A womanizer often feeds himself stories about how he is looking for a “dream woman,” but not a single partner is supposedly suitable for the role of “ideal.” This is self-deception; he does not need a serious relationship in which he can lose his individuality. Changing partners one after another, the male provocateur hides in fleeting romances from his own fears. Behind the façade of a seasoned bachelor lies an insecure man who is trying to assert himself by the number of trophies he has won.

The more women he drives crazy, the higher his self-esteem. Most likely, such a man is acting out a strong emotional attachment to his mother, which he was never able to get rid of. Resentment and anger towards the mother, the suffocating desire to become free only confirm the fact of psychological attachment. But since it was not possible to break the connection with his mother, he plays out the scenario of breaking up with his women, endlessly moving closer and further away.

Traumas of the past: how was the wrong attitude formed?

If you look into the childhood of such men, you can find a lot of interesting things. As a rule, boys with love addiction grow up in dysfunctional families, where the mother raises her son alone, or the husband does not participate in the upbringing at all (works a lot, lives in another family, drinks). From the very cradle, the mother takes the child in her turn, throwing out her emotional problems on him, devoting him to unsuccessful novels, using him as a whipping pillow and leaving practically no personal space for her son. She takes on the role of a victim, while the father figure is condemned by her in every possible way. The consequence is that the boy grows up with distorted ideals of a man. His masculine manifestations are “blocked”, and even his mother adds gunpowder, acting as a tyrant who deprives him of freedom.

Can a person who grew up in such conditions build healthy and respectful relationships in the future? It’s unlikely, especially if he never gained experience in positively resolving conflict situations. Such a guy will grow up extremely insecure, and if his mother was cold and did not provide enough warmth, he will generally consider himself unworthy of love. Have you heard phrases from men like “she’s only interested in my wallet”, “she loves me because she doesn’t know me well”? These are the attitudes of unloved men who do not believe in their own worth, and therefore cannot trust their partner.

In order to somehow cover up internal weakness, to compensate for feelings of inferiority, a man can choose two strategies: either completely avoiding relationships by eliminating himself at the first difficulties; or rivalry with a woman by conquering the most thoroughbred female, and then abandoning her. To suppress a woman and show her who is stronger. The truth is that true men do not compete with women, and an attempt to conquer in order to abandon them is precisely a demonstration of inner weakness.

How to correct this behavior and get rid of fears in relationships?

Build full-fledged love relationship A womanizer man is hampered by high demands on himself, increased sensitivity, the inability to perceive his partner as an individual with his own desires and worldview, and an obsession with her flaws. Therapy is quite a multi-level process. From the very beginning it is carried out psychological work upon completion of an emotionally dependent relationship with the mother. It is necessary to re-enact deeply suppressed feelings of anger, resentment, guilt and fear. A man must let his father into his life, accept own shortcomings, understand that he has the right to weaknesses.

Secondly, you need to recognize the presence and strengths What sets him apart from others is his ability to subtly feel a woman and her desires, as well as his good skills as a gentle lover. Finally, the final touch is the instillation of new behavioral patterns in relationships. He needs to learn to be open with a woman, to be sincerely interested in her views and feelings. A psychologist teaches such a man to communicate with his partner on an equal basis instead of competition, only then truly positive changes in his personal life begin.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what to do if a man is afraid of a serious relationship. You will find out why this may happen. You will know what to do in a given situation.

Fear of women

Often men are not able to establish a serious relationship because, in principle, they experience.

Everything happens for one reason, which can be divided into factors originating in childhood and adulthood.

Reasons from childhood:

  • there was an oppressive mother who suppressed her son;
  • the child was constantly surrounded by hyperprotection, his mother controlled his every step;
  • the boy had a father who protected him from his mother, who was too strict, which led to the formation of the concept that a woman is a scary and strict creature.

Reasons from adult life:

  • an unsuccessful relationship with a girl in his youth;
  • a major phobia is formed after the first sexual failure, if the partner ridiculed what happened;
  • if a man is repeatedly betrayed, he loses faith in the entire female sex;
  • reluctance to get involved with girls may be dictated by working in a purely female team, especially if the boss was a woman;
  • in a situation where the breakup was initiated by a woman who, when leaving, also hit her harder. A man has lost faith in women, especially if there has been infidelity.

Most often, men who are wary of females are those who are naturally intelligent, well-read and calm, have a good education, high level intelligence.

There are known types of women who most often frighten men.

  1. They are wary of very beautiful girls, as they consider them sluts and bitches.
  2. Authoritarian, strong and aggressive girls, as a rule, frighten with their pressure and excessive masculinity.
  3. Weak men are wary of self-sufficient and confident girls.
  4. The most frightening thing is women who are alone for a long time, but at the same time they have not broken down, they have become independent, self-confident and decisive, with high self-esteem.

A man needs to get rid of the phobias that he has. If you do not deprive him of these fears in his youth, then as he grows up this will be much more difficult to do. In some cases, consultation with a psychologist is sufficient.

Who doesn't dare to have a serious relationship?

There are types of men who, in almost all cases, will be unable to take a serious step.

  1. A married guy who doesn’t even think about creating a serious connection with his chosen one, he is quite happy with his wife.
  2. Young people who are too young do not look at life seriously at all; they still have the wind in their heads.
  3. Womanizer. For him, relationships are just a game from which he enjoys.
  4. Young people who, in principle, oppose marriage.
  5. Men with who do not want to be responsible for someone.
  6. Unbalanced young people.

If your partner belongs to one of the above categories, then you need to realize that starting a family with him is almost impossible, at least at the moment. Of course, the girl can wait until the situation changes. However, she must understand that she will simply lose years, her youth. It is possible that while waiting, the young man may decide to break up, and she will be left broke. If you love your partner very much and understand that he really has phobias before serious relationships, which manifest themselves on an instinctive or subconscious level, then you can give him a chance, help him overcome his fears; if that doesn’t work, consult a psychologist.

Why are they afraid?

  1. A guy who is insecure about his libido may be very worried about this. This is what will scare you when a girl has a desire to live together.
  2. A young man who does not experience paternal instinct at all may be afraid of a serious relationship precisely for this reason.
  3. A guy who knows that his chosen one earns significantly more money will be afraid that if they live together, he will hear reproaches in his direction and ridicule from neighbors. They will gladly agree to such a relationship.
  4. Lack of self-confidence can hinder the desire to start a family.
  5. A guy may be afraid that with the transition to a more serious level of relationship, he will have to introduce his chosen one to her parents, who may underestimate her and want to separate their union.
  6. If a guy loves but is afraid of a relationship, perhaps he is worried about losing his independence, afraid that he will be unable to do everything that now gives him pleasure.
  7. A man who devotes his entire life to work, perhaps he is worried that the relationship will affect his career.
  8. A polygamous guy is not inclined to have a serious relationship, because he believes that he has not yet had his fill. Typical.
  9. A young man may really not be ready to bear responsibility for a girl to the extent of his age.
  10. The ex is afraid of the relationship if the breakup was your initiative, which deeply hurt the guy’s heart. Naturally, he is afraid that you will repeat your action again. Moreover, the guy most likely does not create new relationships with anyone for the same reason.
  11. A man who has recently divorced is not ready to start any kind of relationship right away, especially if he still hasn’t let his ex out of his heart.
  12. A guy who lives with his mother is definitely afraid of being left without her. decide on a serious relationship only with a woman who will take care of him and remind him of his mother.
  13. The fear may be based on a man's belief that all women want to take his wallet and leave. A guy can be scared by the fear of being used.

A man must understand that his purpose is to create a family, to continue his family line. Therefore, it is necessary to fight your fear of a serious relationship. If you can’t cope on your own, don’t be afraid to turn to a psychologist.

  1. The young lady can hint at her desire. She can say that she has finally met a guy with whom she would like to live together for many years. Then you need to ask the young man what he thinks about this.
  2. A girl can directly express her desire to move to the level of a serious relationship. She should talk about her feelings and desires in a calm atmosphere.
  3. Some young ladies decide to take a drastic step and pose the question head-on, forcing the guy to quickly make a decision or break up. In fact, such behavior can only anger the young man.
  4. A girl must understand that a man will never want to connect his life with his partner if she constantly reproaches him and deprives him of the joy of life. Therefore, it is important to behave correctly, to show the young man that when moving to a serious relationship in his life, nothing will change or worsen.
  5. A girl should not show her weakness or show dissatisfaction with her partner’s indecisiveness. You should not throw tantrums and scandals, and demand that the young man move to a new level of relationship.
  6. The young lady should not get hung up on the desire to start a family; it will be better if she continues to engage in self-development,

Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“The man is afraid of a serious relationship and suggested breaking up. He came to this conclusion when I started talking about the future and what he thinks about us. Before this everything was fine. Now he told me that he cannot give me what I want, that he is now having difficulties in his life and asked me to date others, but I am with him! I’m shocked, I don’t know what to do, how to convince him that we are a wonderful couple?” Veronica writes.

“At the moment I have a difficult and confusing situation in my personal life. I dated a guy who is currently 26 years old, 1 year and 2 months old. Everything was fine with us, but lately we began to quarrel very often. As a result, we broke up with him, but we continue to communicate. I still love him and want to be with him. He wants intimacy from me, but at the same time he is worried about me, worries, wants to know everything about me, etc. To the question “Is he happy that we broke up?” - he answers that he doesn’t know. And recently he admitted to me that he is afraid of a serious relationship and is simply running away from reality. I don’t know what to do next and what to do. “I love him and want to be with him,” writes Dasha.

Perhaps something similar has happened in your life or now you feel resistance from a man when you try to transform your connection into a serious relationship?

Perhaps you feel like you are missing something to get closer to your man?

Do you see that he suddenly becomes stubborn, says that he is afraid of a relationship or is not ready for one, and you don’t know what to do?

Many women in such situations begin to look for ways to correct a fearful man, how to convince him. It seems to them that this is the only way out of the situation.

But is it?

I want to tell you how this can be in practice.

Typical story

A good, smart, thoughtful, loyal, loving, caring, passionate woman who believes in the power of love in relationships once met a man. She felt a strong connection with him from the very beginning and realized that this was true love. She felt that the man felt the same.

But then something happened. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the man changed his behavior. And the woman realized that this was the beginning of the end and that she would not get more from the man than what was between them now. She suddenly realized that she had exhausted herself trying to make this relationship work, and the man seemed to have no intention of doing anything about it.

And the worst thing is that it became clear to her that the man’s own problems were to blame for everything, which simply nullified all her efforts. In addition, it turned out that he was not at all aware of his mistakes and problems. She tried to support him, invested her soul and hoped that her loving and caring soul would help him overcome everything.

But it didn't help. She decided to talk to him about the problems and what she was trying to fix in their relationship. But the conversation did not go well.

He answered with irritation and went into deep defense, began to behave as if she were the biggest problem that could hang on him.

The man did not understand at all that we were talking about problems in their relationship, which he himself had created from the very beginning. Without figuring it out, he began to say that he was actually not sure whether he was ready for a serious relationship at all and was even afraid of a serious connection. It seemed to the woman that everything had been turned upside down. The man concluded that it might be better for them to break up.

This is a typical situation that often occurs in my practical work with women’s problems in relationships.

An important step to a happy relationship

This story is leading up to something very important.

Most important step to improve the situation:
  • has nothing to do with getting a man to change;
  • has nothing to do with his fears, problems,
  • has nothing to do with what he should do differently and how to convince him of it.

The biggest breakthroughs you will ever have in your life will come to you in completely unexpected and seemingly counter-intuitive ways.

Because The biggest breakthroughs in our personal lives begin within us!

And indeed it is.

The most powerful breakthroughs that have brought amazing positive change and growth in women's personal lives have come from better understanding their psychology and behavior.

In other words, you are your own best, greatest coach, teacher, and leader you could ever have.

Your way of thinking

It all starts with thinking.

It is our thinking that helps us become more successful in our personal lives, build.

Each of us has our own belief system and beliefs that we use to organize our experiences and draw conclusions about what is happening around us. Many women have their own set of beliefs and expectations about what their personal lives and relationships should look like. And this is where the fun begins...

Mindset is a key that any woman can use to unlock her own potential for a happy relationship.

How to Unlock Your Potential for a Happy Relationship

In my practical work, I constantly have to deal with the fact that women themselves block their potential for happiness with a man.

Everything we receive from a man in our personal life is, first of all, the result of our choice.

What many women spend their best years on:
  • on men who are not capable of relationships with anyone,
  • for married men
  • on men who have completely different views on life and relationships,
  • on psychologically immature men,
  • for men with psychological problems and so on.

Women get stuck in unpromising relationships under the slogan: “ I love him and want to be with him! ", thereby blocking your potential opportunities to be happy in a relationship with. They waste their love and spiritual strength in vain, driving themselves to emotional exhaustion and, feeling empty, suffer.

Often, when we are single, we want to satisfy our needs for love and a loved one as quickly as possible, and in our choice we focus more on our feelings for a man, without analyzing in detail what kind of person he is and whether he is suitable for the role of a reliable life partner.

There is nothing worse for women who are ready for a relationship than to find themselves in a relationship with a man who seems to say that he loves, but has not yet decided what he wants in life and is not ready to change anything in it.

Don’t try to change a man, they are not afraid of a serious relationship with you to convince him, but change your way of thinking, your approach to choosing a man as soon as possible.

And I will be happy to help you with this!

Especially for women who often get stuck in unpromising relationships, I have prepared an online training:

Modern girls, disappointed in their lovers, often wonder why men are afraid of serious relationships. Today, together with the online magazine, we will try to understand this difficult issue.

Relationships between a man and a woman: everyone looks from their own bell tower

On forums dedicated to the psychology of relationships, you can often see letters with approximately the same content: a man and a woman live together or are dating, love each other, well, at least that’s what it seems to the woman.

A woman subconsciously wants guarantees in a relationship, and in accordance with our feminine beliefs, official marriage is a guarantee. It’s not the woman’s fault, she was raised that way...

A man, on the other hand, approaches their relationship somewhat differently. Well, when a woman starts talking about how they are a wonderful couple and insisting on marriage, often taking offense at the man and showing her emotions (women are emotional creatures), the man cannot withstand the pressure and breaks off the relationship.

Girls, girls, women! Please be reasonable! It is common for a woman to invent, think out, fantasize, which is why she is often perplexed about such things.

But if women took into account that men are “creatures from another planet,” they think and feel completely differently, they would be less likely to think about what men are afraid of in relationships.

5 main reasons for men's fears in relationships

Let's find out the reasons why a man is afraid of a serious relationship.

Fear #1: Losing freedom

For the modern young man There are many more benefits to living a single life. than family life, whether we like it or not, these are the facts of our life.

Fear #2: Do I need a family?

There has long been a trend in society towards denial of the family institution as such. And you can’t get rid of this instantly, this is a morality that has been formed for decades.

Fear #3: Marriage is a responsibility.

A lot of people experience feeling of self-doubt, and there are much more men among them than women. They understand that marriage is a responsibility. In particular, you will have to “harvest a mammoth” and provide for your family financially, and not everyone is ready to do this.

Fear #4: Fear of Failure

The divorce rate is very high and young people do not want to tie the knot because they have heard loud stories of divorce of their parents, or relatives or friends. After all, in their minds divorce is a defeat and men fear defeat like fire.

Fear #5: example of your own family

A lot of men grew up in divorced families, accordingly, in their minds there is no model of behavior characteristic of a man, since there was no example to follow. And this is now a very big problem for society in general and for women in particular. A child who witnessed a split in parental relationships has mental trauma, can you imagine how difficult it is for him to build his own relationships?

All psychological problems follow a person from his childhood, sometimes even unconsciously. In such cases, it would be nice to read S. Freud, since in most of his treatises he is one hundred percent right.

How to behave with a man who is afraid of relationships?

In order to no longer wonder what men are afraid of in relationships with women, we need to remember that main reason When leading a man to the altar, love always remains.

Therefore, a woman aiming for a long-term relationship needs to:

take an interest in psychology , it’s not at all out of place to read Freud’s grandfather;

- pull yourself together, find something you like ;

- organize your life so that it is less fixated only on the interests of the man , communicate more, go out, and actively invite your loved one to your events;

- be patient, and don't be offended by your man's fears , and most importantly, don’t throw tantrums or showdowns, as we all love to do - you’ll have to get out of the habit.

The only way to turn a relationship with a man into a long and stable life is to understand him and accept his point of view. Good luck and patience!