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A complete psychological portrait of a Pisces Rooster man. Pisces - Rooster. Compatibility in love between Pisces man and Rooster

Male cock is very interesting person. He will never be able to go outside in shorts and a stretched T-shirt. This representative of the stronger sex spends his last money on his wardrobe. A male rooster will look advantageous in any society and will be able to find a common language with everyone. He spends a lot of time in gym and doesn't take care of himself.

The rooster guy loves female company. You will never get bored with him. He knows a lot of interesting stories and loves to joke. Women idolize this man, and he, in turn, knows perfectly well what a woman needs.

Rooster Man Personality Characteristics

A man born in the year of the rooster cannot be alone. He needs a noisy and funny company, where he will shine and amaze those present with his wit. If the fans turn away and end the relationship, then he begins to worry and falls into deep depression.

A man in the year of the rooster tries to win love and trust among his colleagues. Very quickly he begins to command and manipulate people. He simply cannot stand it when people argue with him and try to convince him of something. He initially believes that only he is right.

Year of the Rooster. Characteristic. A man never thinks that he can offend others with his behavior and words. It is impossible to come to an agreement with him. If your point of view differs, then he begins to get angry and throws a huge tantrum.

Born in the year of the rooster, he is very narcissistic. He always notices all the shortcomings and expresses them in front of everyone. But he has too many complexes. The male rooster knows them, but will never show them to others.

The rooster guy devotes a lot of time to his education. He reads and studies a lot. He is in no hurry to hide this, but, on the contrary, when the opportunity arises, he tells everyone about it. He always writes everything down and develops a daily routine. The rooster's friends appreciate him for his intelligence and ask for help.

The rooster man is a naive person. He trusts everyone indiscriminately. If he finds himself in a situation where they are trying to suppress him, then the male rooster closes down and moves away from those around him.

A representative of this sign thinks for a long time, and only then makes a decision. He takes failures seriously, but is in no hurry to fix everything.

The rooster man works tirelessly. Often there is not enough strength, but he gives his best. If he has a goal in front of him, he will go to the end. A good income is simply necessary for this sign. A rooster man needs money for a prosperous life.

He won't become rich right away. He accumulates capital little by little. The Rooster man is not able to take risks and open his own business. He doesn’t know how to take care of things and usually spends everything he has.

The Rooster man very patiently strives for an ideal relationship and a prosperous life. In old age, he provides for his life and the life of his children.

How to win a Rooster man

He may fall in love easily, but his love will not last forever. This is a patient man who does everything to conquer the lady of his heart. As soon as the relationship begins to move to a new level, he shows himself in all his glory. He creates endless scenes of jealousy and scandals.

How to win a rooster man? This question worries the fair sex, because every lady wants to see a smart, handsome, well-groomed and gallant gentleman next to her.

He should be constantly praised and supported. If he starts to dream, then you shouldn’t interrupt him. Dream together and make plans for the future. The Rooster man will appreciate everything and thank you for your understanding.

Born in the year of the rooster, the stronger sex loves to lie. But you shouldn’t tell him about it, even if you know the truth - it’s better to remain silent.

If you want to win a rooster guy, then don’t prepare him romantic evenings at home. Better invite him to go to an exhibition or concert. He constantly needs to be in society.

A woman who cannot take care of herself and keep her apartment clean will never please a rooster man. He notices every speck of dust and untidy item. The lady who can do all this will definitely be rewarded for her efforts.

If you disagree with something or think differently, do not remain silent and dot the i's in the early stages of the relationship. Subsequently, the rooster man will become very irritated and quarrel. But don't force your opinion on him.

The Rooster is not able to tolerate criticism painlessly. If you suspect him of cheating, then don’t make a scene. It's useless. He never admits his mistakes. If you cannot forgive, then it is better to leave forever.

The rooster man cannot forgive his beloved for betrayal. If this happened, and he remained nearby, then at every opportunity, he will remember and poke.

He is only interested in women who can hold a conversation on any topic. Find common activities and you will understand how gentle and affectionate a rooster man can be.

Rooster Man at work

A man born in the year of the rooster cannot boast of luck. He achieves everything on his own. But on career character influences. At the peak, he can get into trouble and resign of his own free will.

He does the work conscientiously and double-checks everything several times. But if he manages to occupy the chair of a leader, then, often, he becomes a tyrant. He shouts at his subordinates and demands the impossible. He rejects advice and help and proves to everyone that he knows everything better than others.

In a simple position, a rooster man is an excellent employee. Colleagues love and respect him, and he maintains a joyful atmosphere. He can advise and help, and completely disinterestedly.

He begins to work at an early age. The Rooster man will find himself in any field of activity, so it was difficult for him to choose a job. If he doesn’t know something, he will definitely study it and fill the gap in knowledge. The results obtained can be safely applied in practice.

He doesn’t hold on to his money and quickly flies away. The rooster man cannot save money. He tries to spend every penny on his family. To earn a lot, a rooster needs to find his calling and do what he loves. Boring work drives him crazy.

A representative of this sign is best suited for work in professions where you need to talk a lot and be visible. A rooster man makes an excellent toastmaster.

A rooster guy can't live without praise. He needs to be constantly complimented. He always tries to be the best in everything.

Rooster Man in Love and Family

The rooster man always focuses on details when choosing a companion. He himself looks 100% and demands the same from his other half. He chooses his chosen one not by internal qualities, but by appearance.

The rooster man is fickle in love. In order to decide on his wife, he will have to choose for a long time. In his youth, he is not going to get married and it is impossible to convince him. But at a more mature age, he is able to create a strong family. He loves to look after and give gifts. But he also loves to be pampered.

As soon as the rooster man realizes that he has found his soul mate, he immediately proposes and turns into ideal husband and a reverent father. He will work around the clock, but will provide for his family. He never skimps on his loved ones.

The rooster man demands a lot from his wife. And if she does not fulfill household duties, then he will make a scandal and will soon be disappointed in his wife. Such a marriage is doomed. It is important for him to have a delicious dinner and clean laundry waiting for him at home.

Agnelli Giovanni is the head of the richest and most influential capitalist family in Italy and the Fiat concern, he is a senator for life, co-owner of the Stampa newspaper and the Juventus football club.

Pisces-Roosters love a military career, among them there are a lot of generals. But we will only mention Marshal Leonid Govorov, since the rest are little known to non-specialists in the field of military affairs. Among the Pisces-Roosters there are also many politicians, but more by birth rather than by merit, for example: Frederick HI - King of Denmark and Norway; Joseph I - Holy Roman Emperor; Ferdinand I - Tsar of Bulgaria; Pavel Gagarin - senator, head of the Committee of Ministers of Russia; Wilhelm Frick - Nazi, Foreign Minister; terrorist Nikolai Sablin.

Pisces-Rooster directors make everyday or adventure films: Evgeny Ginzburg (“Island of Lost Ships”), George Miller (“Mad Max” series), Bob Rafelson (“Five Easy Pieces”). Of the actors in this astrological group, the most famous is Michael Caine with two Oscars (“Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Hannah and Her Sisters”), and from the domestic ones we mention Viktor Filippov (“Stoves and Benches”, “Velvet Season”).

Pisces-Roosters also love the stage, music, writing and singing. This is due to the fact that the Ox, Snake, Rooster group has a sense of rhythm, and Pisces, as a rule, are musical. Genre? Of course popular, intelligible. Caruso has already been mentioned, now it’s time to list others: singer, composer, songwriter Yuri Antonov (“Sea, Sea”); singer, leader of the Lyube group, “military” Nikolai Rastorguev; bard, poet and academician Alexander Gorodnitsky; musician Roger Daltrey (“The Who”); composer-songwriter Boris Mokrousov (“Lonely Accordion”); Georg Telemann - composer, author of 40 operas.

In all other respects there is “confusion and vacillation”; it seems doubtful to single out any qualities or preferences. So we will have to do a simple listing: Jean Houdon - sculptor (statue of Voltaire, busts of Mirabeau, Rousseau), Lev Rudnev - architect (high-rise building of Moscow State University), Brian Laudrup - football player, David Livingston - explorer of Africa, discoverer of Lake Victoria.

Pisces-Rooster woman horoscope

Surprisingly, in this group of women I only have singers and actresses. Although they should not be considered ephemeral creatures of the angelic type. Don't put your finger in their mouth. They know how to give change. They also know how to achieve what is necessary, and persistently pursue the goal, regardless of obstacles.

Actress Tatyana Dogileva, wife of Mikhail Mishin (“The Blonde Around the Corner”, “Groom from Miami”, “Forgotten Melody for Flute”, “Pokrovsky Gates”). The heroines of actress and director Tatyana Dogileva display all the “rooster” qualities: extraordinary vitality, optimism, a sense of humor, and a calculating mind.

Tamara Karsavina - prima of Diaghilev's ballet. Singers: Tatyana Bulanova, former soloist of the Summer Garden group Nina Simon. Actresses: Giulietta Masina, Fellini's wife ("Nights of Cabiria", "Ginger and Fred"); Cynthia Rothrock, five-time world karate champion (“Dragon Lady,” “Honor and Fury,” “Tiger Claws”); Teresa Russell (Black Widow); Valentina Ushakova (“Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”); Cecilia Mansurova is the leading actress of the Vakhtangov Theater. Model and actress of erotic films, Playboy star Shannon Tweed.

Gwen Stefani - the vocalist of No Doubt with the all-time hit "Don't Speak" - has been singing since childhood and began performing in a group while still in school. As she herself says, both music and pleasure from the process itself are important to her. At first the group was not successful. Gwen had to work part-time as a saleswoman in a department store. But art required sacrifices. Then the group found its style, or rather, that “crazy patchwork quilt, sewn from a variety of musical pieces,” and things began to improve. Although Gwen is accused of being secondary, her style of performance cannot be confused with anyone else, and the main thing about her is energy and femininity.

Gradually, Gwen became not only the face of the group, but also its leader. And the leader most of all experiences the burden of fame and difficulties in relationships with partners. She even had to undergo psychotherapy to stay on course. She still experiences guilt over her brother, who committed suicide. From excitement and heavy workload, Gwen began to have attacks of allergic tonsillitis. The disease progressed to chronic form, and now, whenever she gets nervous, Stephanie loses her voice. But Gwen has a fighting character, she is used to controlling herself in public and following the cruel rules of show business. That's why she's now a rock star and a sex symbol.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The Pisces-Rooster man is a friendly and creative person. He has wonderful talents that he must definitely use in his life. One cannot fail to note his exceptional sociability. He really tries to help his friends and acquaintances, but in most cases it is a little selfish. In addition, he is used to communicating only on his own terms in a way that is convenient for him.

These men are distinguished by the fact that they are always aimed at discovering something new and unusual. They will never do routine things, preferring everything new and unknown. And this makes it difficult for them to achieve stability. By adulthood, they can achieve stability only through the ability to do several things at once. In general, they come to a prosperous existence, despite the difficulties.

These are kind, cheerful and easy-going men. They can offer an extraordinary solution to a problem. And this decision usually becomes significant. They are secretive and have a strong character. With all my strengths they may be unsuccessful if they do not apply all their strength and energy to achieve their goals. They should move step by step and stay the course.

Characteristics of a Pisces-Rooster man in Love

Bright, attractive and charming, he is constantly surrounded by numerous girls. They show him signs of attention, but he rarely pays attention to them. All his thoughts are occupied with the search for real, sincere love and a complete ideal, which he does not see in the people around him. He wants someone to take care of him, love him, appreciate him and pay increased attention to all his whims and desires.

And in return he can rarely give the same, preferring only to receive. Perhaps this is why it can be difficult for him to find a soul mate and establish a positive relationship with her. It is impossible not to note his clearly manifested vulnerability, as a result of which he can be very offended and sulk if something does not go according to his wishes. But if he gets everything he wants, he can become an attentive and affectionate partner.

Pisces Man, born in the year of the Rooster, in the Bed

He is prone to narcissism and enjoys being admired and told how amazing he is. However, you should not do this for selfish reasons, as he instantly catches insincerity and falsehood. Intimate relationships become the main arena for him where he can talk about his feelings. He is used to living in his sensory world, he does this very well, and he can skillfully communicate through body language.

In bed, he rarely claims to be the leading role, despite his wayward character. Here he tries to trust his partner. He can often look quite timid and shy, even if outwardly he appears confident and experienced. This is an external mask that quickly falls off when it comes to intimate relationships. He needs a loving and attentive partner who can rid him of his complexes.

Horoscope of the Pisces-Rooster man in Family and Marriage

For the sake of his family, he can abandon his career and devote himself only to home. It must be said that he can really take care of it and transform it with love. He likes to prepare for the arrival of guests by setting the table in the right way and decorating the room. He does all this just fine, and guests will be happy to come to his home, since, in addition to everything, he will be able to feel a warm and sincere welcome.

He appears to be a kind and generous partner in marriage. He will lovingly look after his wife and children, immeasurably giving them his love and surrounding them with warmth. But in return he demands the same, and sometimes his demands can be quite excessive. So, he demands the same love and attention from his household. It is worth giving him all this, because otherwise he may fall into depression for a long time.

Pisces born in the year of the Rooster according to the Chinese horoscope are dreamy and receptive, but do not tend to withdraw into their rich inner world. Pisces-Rooster loves communication and does not avoid the attention of others. He is not shy about showing his feelings, although he tries to do it gently and unobtrusively. He cannot be called a born leader, but thanks to his insightful mind and non-aggressive character, Pisces-Rooster is able to subtly and skillfully lead people when necessary, demonstrating the makings of a good psychologist.

Along with a rich creative imagination, Pisces-Rooster is endowed with an active, active character. He is unusually sensitive and partial to any manifestation of beauty, be it a work of art or a pretty person of the opposite sex, while Pisces-Rooster is practical enough to realize his talents in real life, and not just in his dreams. The desire for comfort and material values ​​are not alien to this sign of the Eastern Zodiac horoscope, he just does not put them at the forefront. Even if Pisces-Rooster is not destined to prove himself in art, he will easily find himself in any other field where extraordinary thinking and a creative approach are required. But routine, monotonous work definitely does not suit him.

In communication, Pisces-Rooster manifests himself as a friendly, interesting, pleasant interlocutor with whom it is easy to find a common language. But, whatever one may say, his originality and inexhaustible imagination sometimes require an outlet, and then he is able to surprise others with somewhat eccentric behavior or shocking behavior. appearance. At the same time, in the Pisces-Rooster’s desire to express itself there is no deliberate demonstrativeness or theatrical antics. In this way, he only emphasizes his attitude and his creative gift, which nature generously endowed him with.

Pisces-Rooster Love

Pisces-Rooster is an amazing personality: all his life he has been in search of great and pure love, which he most often looks for in the hayloft. This is most often the reason for the failure of the event. Pisces-Rooster is like the Phoenix bird: from unhappy love his heart burns to the ground, but a little time passes, and it, purified by fire, is ready to accept a new feeling.

An alliance with Pisces-Rooster will be very comfortable: he does not try to change his soulmate, because he loves every imperfection. The only thing that Pisces-Rooster will never forgive is betrayal. It's not even about physical betrayal, but about moral one. Are you comparing it to another? Prefer to confide your feelings to a friend? Don't you kiss him anymore when you come home from work? This means that you are losing the love of Pisces-Rooster day after day.

Sexuality of Pisces-Rooster

Looking into the pure eyes of the Pisces-Rooster, it is somehow awkward to offer him even ordinary love pleasures, much less a “non-standard format”. He, in turn, at this very moment may think: “Well, when will we finally start?!” Behind the innocent appearance of the Pisces-Rooster lies a connoisseur of carnal pleasures.

Celebrities of the Pisces sign born in the year of the Rooster:

Georg Ohm, German physicist.
Montserrat Caballe, Spanish opera singer.
Nikolai Rastorguev, Soviet and Russian singer.
Enrico Caruso, Italian opera singer.
Yuri Antonov, Soviet and Russian singer.

Years: 1921; 1933; 1945; 1957; 1969; 1981; 1993; 2005; 2017.

The combination of Pisces and Rooster gives a person exclusivity and charm. He is affectionate and sensitive. The Rooster is characterized by willfulness and impulsiveness. But cold and pliable Pisces extinguish these properties. The Rooster, in turn, fills shy and suspicious Pisces with sociability and activity. As a result, a representative of this combination of signs is distinguished by amazing talent. He relates to what is happening based on his own fantasies.

Being in his company is exciting and relaxed. This is a contact, responsive and emotional person. He has a fine mental organization. He is not characterized by rigidity and rudeness at all.

The pronounced features of the Pisces-Rooster include:

  • uniqueness;
  • tenderness;
  • ease;
  • susceptibility.

The representative of this combination of signs openly demonstrates his own feelings and will not hide his true motives, which is not typical for other Pisces. He's incredibly talented. He has a rich imagination. This person has broad views on the surrounding reality. He is witty, but has difficulty concentrating on daily issues. Quite often he is in the world of his own dreams when he needs to work.

However, Pisces, who were born in the year of the Rooster, have excellent business traits. When performing his work duties, a representative of this combination of signs is calm and focused. He will take on any task if he understands that it is promising. When necessary, he will prove himself to be a progressive, fair and responsible leader.

In romantic relationships, this person turns out to be peculiar. He tries to keep his emotions under control and maintain a balance between career and family. He is characterized by gullibility, modesty and gentleness. For Pisces-Rooster, a partner is perfect who will appreciate his commitment to art and admiration for nature.

Pisces-Rooster: general characteristics

Pisces-Rooster loves to impress

Pisces, who were born in the year of the Rooster, are full of contradictions. Pisces often live in a world of their own illusions. And the Rooster is characterized by iron logic. It is he who gives a person a close connection with what is happening and self-confidence. A representative of this combination of signs dreams of social achievements and his own achievements in the professional field. He seeks fame and recognition. And Pisces fills it with mystery and uncertainty.

This person has a high appreciation for art and enjoys visual showiness. He combines generosity and a fighting spirit. It is noteworthy that he brings his plans to life using specific methods, which he himself sometimes does not understand. A representative of this combination of signs represents a realist with a rich imagination and a dreamy pragmatist.

He has a good-natured character. He always tries to help and support those around him. Pisces-Rooster likes to consciously shock people. This person is happy to show himself in public, but seemingly unintentionally. In fact, his every action is well thought out. He strives to attract everyone's attention to his person.

The worldview of a representative of this combination of signs has a number of significant differences from generally accepted views. It makes no sense to evaluate it. It is for this reason that his actions, as a rule, seem incorrect, meaningless and illogical.

Pisces born in the year of the Rooster are distinguished by their sociability. However, this person tends to avoid crowded places. Under the influence of Pisces, the Rooster becomes more vulnerable and sentimental. He often feels a lack of confidence in his own abilities. It is difficult for him to relax and rest. For this reason, a representative of such a combination of signs does not achieve recognition and success very quickly. For him, the opinions of others are of decisive importance. He gets offended very easily. It's easy to hurt this person.

Pisces-Rooster wants to feel free, both morally and financially. In this regard, he will continue to work until he achieves absolute material independence and his own security. Pisces-Rooster will be able to realize himself more quickly if he makes a choice in favor of acting or military activity.

A representative of this combination of signs thinks a lot about real feelings. For him love plays vital role. Even if he is not endowed with outstanding talent as an actor, he will certainly realize himself as a gifted director who will shoot amazing films about strong and sincere emotions.

One way or another, this person can devote himself to many professional areas. The most important thing is that his work has prospects and is connected with creativity. He is oppressed by monotony, routine and predictability.

Pisces-Rooster try to hide their romantic relationships from others. The representative of this combination of signs is too trusting and vulnerable. He gets pets. He has a reverent attitude towards things. It is insurmountably difficult for him to get rid of something.

IN life together, as in other areas, this person tries to avoid disagreements and conflicts. He makes every effort to create a peaceful and friendly environment. In marriage, he is not serious, but he is strongly attached to his household and selflessly ensures their comfortable existence.

Pisces-Rooster Woman: Characteristics

The Pisces-Rooster woman is straightforward in everything

The Pisces woman, who was born in the year of the Rooster, is affectionate, caring, balanced, attractive and kind. She has excellent taste. She easily puts together outfits and selects accessories to match them. A representative of this combination of signs has an ideal appearance. She has a quiet, gentle and friendly nature that helps her achieve her goals and become a true inspiration to men.

The fundamental characteristics of the Pisces-Rooster woman include:

  • softness;
  • calm;
  • effectiveness;
  • originality.

This woman is extraordinary. It is not surprising that her life is filled with mysticism and unusualness. A representative of this combination of signs will be able to find her own purpose even as a housewife. It is important that she has hobbies and activities that can motivate her and guide her towards self-development. She needs relief from monotony. The Pisces woman, born in the year of the Rooster, likes harmony, strong feelings and beauty.

This woman is characterized by excessive directness, efficiency, willpower, focus and determination. Such qualities are especially characteristic of her when she seeks to find out something. This woman is capable of making a sensational discovery. She likes to increase her own knowledge and skills. And her career doesn’t play any role for her. In any case, she will achieve a lot in a business that matches her hobbies. It is not difficult for a representative of this combination of signs to adapt to any team. An important characteristic of the Pisces-Rooster woman is her creative attitude in solving any issue.

She is able to perfectly demonstrate her own potential in the field of art due to her developed imagination and exceptional taste. She will be able to become a sought-after stylist and consultant. A representative of this combination of signs will succeed in every creative profession. In addition, she is an excellent diplomat, capable of resolving any disagreements.

In a romantic relationship, the Pisces woman, who was born in the year of the Rooster, is sweet and charming. She knows how to please the opposite sex. She is characterized by tenderness and femininity. This woman does not need leadership in the union. She is vulnerable and shy. For this reason, she needs a strong companion. For his sake, the Pisces-Rooster woman will want to become a reliable and attentive wife.

This woman is the ideal chosen one. She doesn't want to lead. She happily devotes herself to her home and children. Many men would like to see her as their companion. She does not like to conflict, be capricious and sort things out. The family union of a Pisces woman born in the year of the Rooster will become happy if the spouses are united by mutual feelings.

Pisces-Rooster Man: Characteristics

The Pisces-Rooster man achieves what he wants with great difficulty

The Pisces man, who was born in the year of the Rooster, is gifted, sociable, active and reasonable. He has a rich imagination and the ability to sense beauty. He is characterized by honesty, a positive outlook and great ambitions.

The fundamental characteristics of the Pisces-Rooster man include:

  • efficiency;
  • practicality;
  • sincerity;
  • immediacy.

The man performs well in all areas of life. He enjoys adventures and unforgettable experiences. Typically, this person’s behavior is distinctive, unpredictability and courage. It's a pleasure to talk to him. Often he becomes the life of the party.

An important characteristic of a Pisces man born in the year of the Rooster is the desire for everything extraordinary. It is not easy for him to achieve stability. Unfortunately, his virtues and strong character do not guarantee a successful life. The mistakes of a representative of such a combination of signs are due to his inability to direct his own forces to realize his plans.

A man is capable of expressing himself in any form of art. It is optimal for him to devote himself to several activities. It is important that the work is carried out according to a free schedule, requires self-organization and implies a creative attitude.

The Pisces-Rooster man is capable of making any type of creativity a serious activity that brings significant profit. He has a rich imagination, giving him creative ideas. This person should develop in the direction to which he decided to devote his life. It is noteworthy that leadership positions are of no interest to the Pisces man, who was born in the year of the Rooster. However, he is able to manage those around him and would be able to cope well with the position of a boss.

In romantic relationships, he is very popular with the opposite sex. But a representative of such a combination of signs is of little interest in this. It is characterized by variability. Sometimes he himself is not able to understand his emotions. For a Pisces-Rooster man, it is very important to find love. This is the meaning of his existence. It is often difficult for him to decide on important step due to fears about the routine of living together.

When this person creates a family, he finds happiness. He has a special character. It's not easy to please him. A Pisces man born in the year of the Rooster will find a patient, understanding and attentive companion.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money