Do-it-yourself construction and repair

Mole instructions for use. Safety rules while working with Mole. No advertising campaign

To maintain sewer pipes, chemical cleaners are often used that can dissolve blockages. One of them is the Mole drug, which can eliminate hard layers. The popularity enjoyed by this is due to the ease of its application. The drug comes in the form of a powder in bags or an alkaline solution in small containers, and all you need to do is pour or pour it into the septic tank at the same time as hot water. The effectiveness of Mole's application is very high: for almost 40 years it has been one of the leaders in the household chemicals market, coping with pollution of any complexity.

What is included in the composition

Regardless of the form of delivery, Mole includes sodium and potassium hydroxides, distilled water, surfactants and filler - ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. The concentration of hydroxides in the composition of the drug may vary, the effectiveness of pipe cleaning depends on this. It is not recommended to buy a product that is too caustic, since it is more expensive than other analogues, and in most cases you can get by with drugs with an average concentration of active ingredients.

The amount of distilled water varies from 5 to 25%. The more it is, the less the causticity of the drug. As for surfactants, they are used in all household chemicals, and provide the removal of silt and grease deposits.

Some manufacturers produce entire lines of Mole products, where each individual cleaning agent has a specific purpose. The main difference between the products is only in the concentration of individual components, the composition of all drugs is the same.

Those products that contain a minimum amount of hydroxides and surfactants are designed to eliminate unpleasant odors from sewer pipes, and those that have a high concentration of these components are used directly for cleaning pipelines, including removing rather complex contaminants.

Mode of application

Rules for working with chemicals

Before cleaning, read the instructions printed on the back of the package or on the product label. Since the product is very caustic, you are required to follow safety rules. Protect your hands with gloves and wear goggles over your eyes to prevent splashes. The product is caustic and causes severe chemical burns on contact with the skin. Contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes may cause blindness.

The shelf life of the product reaches 12 months, although sometimes it is used even after this time. The date of manufacture must be marked on the package or label.

Despite the fact that Mole was developed over 40 years ago, this drug is still one of the most popular. Its benefits include:

  • availability - the product is widely represented on sale and has a low price compared to foreign counterparts;
  • long shelf life;
  • safety for metal pipes;
  • high cleaning speed, even if the pipeline is clogged with old hardened deposits.

Photo: Mole preparation and household protective gloves

Pipeline cleaning

The cleaning process itself is not particularly difficult. The powder is simply poured into the septic tank or the mixture is poured, after shaking it. The drug is left for one and a half or two hours inside the tube. If we are talking about a liquid or gel product, then the recommended dose is 200 millimeters. Within a short time, the Mole will corrode the blockage formed inside the pipes, after which it is cleaned sewer system plenty of warm water.

The drug can be used not only to remove existing debris plugs, but also for preventive purposes. To keep sewer pipes in working condition, it is recommended to use the product at least once every six months. In this case, the need for unscheduled cleaning will disappear, since fat deposits will be regularly removed.

Combination with other cleaning agents

Sometimes chemicals are combined with other methods. For example, tools for mechanical cleaning of pipes have proven to be excellent - a plunger, a spiral, a cable or a hose. The choice of a particular tool depends on how deep the blockage is.

The liquid preparation in combination with has proven itself especially well. The liquid is suitable for cleaning dirt in places where the cable cannot penetrate. We are talking about siphons and turns of the pipeline - it is here that various deposits most often accumulate, so that the diameter decreases and interferes with the flow of water.

Photo: Mole drug in the form of a powder

Mole preparation is suitable for cleaning pipelines made of any materials, however, there are nuances when working with metal and ceramic pipes. So, if the sewer system is made of ceramics, it is very important to observe the concentration of the agent and the exposure time. Usually this information is indicated on the Mole packaging. As for metal pipelines, the removal of mineral blockages inside them is carried out within 2 hours - this is about half an hour more than in the case of pipes of other varieties.

In winter, when the liquid in the pipes freezes, using chemicals is quite problematic. You can solve the problem of waste solidification by flushing the pipeline with hot water before infusing Mole.

It has been produced for a long time, it has not lost either its relevance or popularity in the market. This is explained by a combination of three constituent qualities - low cost, ease of use and high efficiency: Mole perfectly cleans pipelines and sewers, he is able to fully restore their throughput.

Mole tool for pipes of a Russian manufacturer, one of the most powerful

Drain blockage. removal of the siphon is accompanied by an abundance of dirt and unpleasant odors, therefore chemical method dissolving stuck fat, hair and other elements becomes a saving panacea for housewives. The reviews of those who used the "Mole" for cleaning pipes are unambiguous: the product justifies the cost of acquiring it, and the result exceeds expectations.

Types of blockages

Blockages are formed not only due to the ingress of debris (hair, sand) into the system or food waste from the outside. Inside the water supply, processes occur that contribute to blockage: metal pipes rust, fallen off flakes accumulate in the system, deposits of salts dissolved in water constantly occur. Conventionally, the causes of blockages can be divided into several types:

  • rust and mineral deposits;
  • sand, suspension, scale, various debris, dirt;
  • organic waste: fatty layers, food debris, hair, soap deposits.

The mechanical way to eliminate blockages or pneumatic punching of plugs is quite complicated, it is inconvenient to carry them out at home. waste for the sink, in order to prevent blockage of the drain, it is possible only in the kitchen, and it is better to clean the drain of the bathtub, the toilet bowl with chemicals. Chemical flushing with the help of special tools, including Mole for cleaning pipes, is effective and more acceptable for domestic conditions, as it directly eliminates the cause of the blockage without human intervention.

Mole gel, an analogue of Tiret, but it is almost 2 times cheaper

How does the Mole pipe cleaner work?

The chemical components that make up the Mole for Pipes soften, corrode and exfoliate mineral and organic substances on the walls of the pipeline for one and a half hours. Their remains are washed off into the sewer, and the patency of the pipes is restored in full. The composition of the Mole product determines its effectiveness and does not depend on the form in which the drug is produced: powder, gel, liquid.

Ingredients for removing blockages

It includes:

  • distilled water;
  • surfactants (surfactants);
  • sodium hydroxide (NaOH);
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA);
  • potassium hydroxide.

The main "working" component of Mole's pipe cleaning composition is sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda. It eliminates blockages without human effort, corroding the substances that clog the pipeline.

Advice. To maintain effectiveness, the product is hermetically sealed after use - upon prolonged contact with air, sodium hydroxide swells and loses its properties, turning into carbonate.

According to consumer reviews, the most economical type of Mole for pipe cleaning is gel-like. It is easier to dose, the consumption of the gel is less than the liquid. However, if the blockage is cork and the water almost does not go away, it is better to use a liquid agent - it has a higher penetrating ability.

Instructions for using the product for sewer plastic pipes

Use Mole for cleaning pipes as follows (dry powder):

  • Place in 1-2 tablespoons of the product.
  • Pour 200 g (approximately a glass) of warm water.
  • Leave to act for 1-2 hours.
  • Open the tap and flush the pipe with a flowing stream of water, flushing the softened residues into the sewer.

Mole liquid or gel is used in a similar way - 200–250 g of the product is poured into the drain (water is not needed), left for 1-2 hours to act. Shake the bottle before opening the cap to mix the contents.

Mole powder in a small package, for single use

The remaining unused Mole is hermetically sealed, stored out of the reach of children. Handle it carefully - caustic alkali corrodes the skin, causing a chemical burn. In case of contact with open areas of the body, the liquid is washed off with a copious amount of running water. For safety reasons, it is recommended to work with the product with rubber gloves, although in practice, careful housewives do without them with careful handling. Almost all housewives use the mole tool for cleaning pipes.

Depending on the form of release of the drug (powder, gel, liquid), the rules for use and dosage are different, detailed instructions for use are placed on the package.

The low price of a mole for cleaning pipes (an average of 70 rubles per 1 liter) makes it an affordable, popular and constantly in demand product. Mole is used to clean the sewer or to prevent blockage of pipelines. For preventive purposes, it is enough to apply it once every two months.

Cleaning Agent Practical Conclusions

Mole cleaner is universal and suitable for all types of pipes - metal, metal-plastic or PVC. Means Mole for plastic pipes safe, but it can corrode the sealing rubber or adhesive on which the joint is seated. This can happen if the technology of its use is violated - left in the drain for more than 2 hours or rinsed after use with an insufficient amount of water.

To enhance the effect of the Mole cleaning agent for sewer pipes, housewives recommend warming up the sewer with a stream of hot water before using it, leaving the faucet open for several minutes. In this case, the fat deposits will melt, and the Mole will have to soften the rest of the deposits.

Another practical way to enhance the action of the "Mole" is to use a plunger to penetrate it deeper into the pipeline. An hour and a half after the agent was poured into the drain hole, two liters of water are added there and pushed inward with the help of a plunger. The mole will reach deeper layers of mineral layers and fatty layers.

Mole is produced in containers of various sizes, it is more expedient to buy as much as is used at a time: if the lid is not tightly closed and in contact with air, the caustic soda will lose its properties. The presence of aromatic additives, which are used by some manufacturers, does not affect the activity of the drug, although it increases the cost.

Mole from blockages is the leader among chemical means for eliminating blockages. If used carefully, it will not cause harm, but it will easily perform important work for cleaning drainage and sewer pipes. The mole pipe cleaner works 100 percent.

Mole sewer pipe cleaner is a chemical product that helps clear blockages in pipes. It is produced in Russia and is the most popular on the market, it is used exclusively for certain blockages, so it is always necessary to select the appropriate formula. Main component Mole is an alkali, which, interacting with water, forms foam and with the help of it begins to dissolve fat and soap, which are main reason clogging formation. The composition also contains distilled water, which prevents the alkali from reacting before the chemical solution enters the pipe.

This tool is used to clean pipes in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. Mole functions most optimally in the kitchen, he quickly copes with blockages formed from fat and food debris. In the bathroom, the Mole cleans the pipes a little more slowly. An additional purpose of the cleaning solution is to clean the side walls of the sewer, which prevents future blockages. The tool removes the film, on which household waste accumulates.

There are several varieties of this tool:

  • liquid preparation;
  • granular product.

Liquid Mole is used to clean pipes in which water has accumulated (for example, in a kitchen sink). You pour the product directly into the pipe. It contains two types of alkali and antiseptic bacteria.

In the granular preparation, there is only one type of alkali and an additional component that dissolves the alkali in water, which is necessary for the alkali to take effect. Granules are more popular due to the fact that Mole in granules is sold in more convenient packaging.


Such a fairly popular tool for cleaning sewer pipes, like Mole, known back in Soviet time, is widely used today. Although chemical composition Since domestic wastewater has changed over the past few decades, the main ingredients of the product are still able to cope with pollution.

Benefits of a sewer cleaner

Mole for cleaning the sewer has the following advantages:
  • minimum waiting time for cleaning results;
  • you don’t have to disassemble the siphon under the sanitary ware - you just need to pour the product into the drain hole;
  • low price (compared to other modern means for cleaning sewer pipes);
  • no dirt is formed, in contrast to the method of cleaning with a flexible cable.
When using the Mole, it does not hurt to use the classic plunger. The pressure it creates is sufficient to remove the contaminants softened by the agent in the pipes.

In stores, Mole for sewer cleaning is presented in the form:

  • gel;
  • translucent liquid (usually dark brown);
  • granular powder.
The composition of the product, regardless of its form of release, includes the following substances:
  • distilled water (5-25%);
  • sodium hydroxide (40-60%);
  • potassium hydroxide (5-10%);
  • EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 5-10%).

The principle of operation of the Mole

Means Mole is a solution of inorganic alkali with active additives. It allows you to effectively destroy deposits inside sewer pipes.

Usually blockages in the pipeline appear in such places:
  • knee;
  • bends;
  • siphons;
  • tow in cast iron elements;
  • rubber seals (plastic pipes).

Thus, hard deposits usually cling to uneven surfaces, ledges and drops, and it is in these places that they accumulate. Animal and vegetable fat is a kind adhesive base for collagen fibers, and those, in turn, are overgrown with growths that make it difficult to drain and water and exude an unpleasant odor. You have to get rid of these contaminants.
The substances that Mole contains for sewage contribute to the softening and decomposition of household and food waste inside pipes that are not washed away by running water.

The most difficult to remove from the sewer system are vegetable and animal fats, fatty acid salts, proteins, collagen fibers (fish scales, human hair and animal hair). Mole's active components are able to destroy these deposits, this is precisely the principle of pipe cleaning.

Variety of packaging

A pipe cleaner called Mole is available in different packages - the options can be seen in the photo. In some cases, a small amount of a substance is required for a single use, while in others a large amount is required due to the need to clean several plumbing fixtures at once. Large packages of funds are usually purchased for dry cleaners, laundries, hotels, catering establishments, beauty salons, hairdressers and other large facilities.
For such consumers, funds are produced in packages of 5.5 liters, since the amount of drains at these facilities is many times higher than the needs of residents of ordinary apartments.

Of great importance is the unpleasant odor that comes from the composition for cleaning pipes, so solutions with flavors are produced for public enterprises that drown out the smell of chemicals. Of course, such products are more expensive, but these additives do not affect the effectiveness. Therefore, if you need to clean the sewer without overpaying for it, it is better to choose a regular drug, without flavorings.

Mode of application

When sewer cleaning is performed - Mole must be used in accordance with the instructions. It is easy to use and has been popular for decades. The label indicates how the Mole is used correctly - this is how it should be used. See also: "".

The most common variant of the remedy is liquid.

Instructions for use:

  • shake the contents of the package;
  • pour 200-250 milliliters of liquid from the bottle into the drain hole, observing safety measures;
  • leave for 1.5-2 hours, at this time do not use the plumbing product;
  • flush the pipeline with plenty of tap water.

Safety rules while working with Mole

The most active component of Mole is sodium hydroxide, which is dangerous for humans - if it gets on the skin, it can cause a serious chemical burn. The situation is much worse when the composition gets on the mucous membranes and eyes.
In the event that the product nevertheless dripped onto the skin, it is necessary to clean the affected area with plenty of water and consult a doctor. If the Mole gets into the eyes (or any other chemical agent drain cleaners) should be thoroughly rinsed and medical attention should be sought as soon as possible.

Especially dangerous if swallowed, in gastrointestinal tract- it can cause serious poisoning, even death. Therefore, in this case, you need to drink a large amount of water (at least 2 liters), and immediately call an ambulance.

It should be noted that sodium hydroxide is of particular danger. Other substances that make up Mole, such as surfactants and EDTA, do not pose a particular threat to human life and health, but it is better to avoid contact with them. It should be borne in mind that the more sodium hydroxide in the product, the more dangerous it is if it comes into contact with the skin and eyes.

Such a tool as Mole has been used for several decades, and during this time its quality has been confirmed.
  • before pouring the product into the drain hole, open a tap with hot water for a couple of minutes so that the sewer pipes warm up;
  • after 1.5 hours, pour 1.5-2 liters of water and use a plunger so that the product penetrates into the deeper layers of fat and lime deposits.

If sewer cleaning is required - Mole will help to quickly and effectively eliminate deposits inside the pipes. Although there are more modern means of removing contaminants in the market, sewer pipes, so far Mole is one of the most effective ways clearing blockages. The components of this drug quickly dissolve the formed deposits, which are then easy to get rid of - just wash them off with running water.