Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

DIY table football kicker. Table football out of the box. Instructions for assembling your own board game kicker

At the beginning I decided to make a trial model to identify the difficulties that might arise in making a more complex version. All the material was found at home. The most difficult thing was to figure out what to make the barbells for the football players out of. 10 mm aluminum tubes were suitable, although they were purchased for another homemade project.

The main materials for making this exciting game were plastic panels and sandwich panels. And for assembly, gluing and decoration, adhesive tapes were suitable different types and multi-colored electrical tape. Children's markers that were no longer usable also came in handy. No complicated tools were used - everything was simple and fast enough.

The basis was a ready-made coffee table 61x43 cm with a small side. The parameters of all other materials depend on the size of the table. The football field itself is made from plastic panels, connected together with colored tape. I covered the side walls of sandwich panels with plumber's tape and pasted homemade labels of football club logos.

To make the gate, I used a mosquito net on a frame made from the same sandwich. I didn’t bother too much with the figures of football players - it’s still the same sandwich. The highlight was the cool pictures of football players. Assembly consisted of gluing the side walls with inserted rods with players and the playing field with especially strong tape. From felt-tip pens I made bushings in the side walls for the rods (760mm) and the handles themselves.

This is how a long-awaited toy appeared in our house from construction waste in a short time and at no extra cost to the delight of everyone.

Elena Semenova

Football The field is very easy to make. You need cardboard, white paper, scissors, pencil, ruler, glue and tape.

Still need a big one box.

We make gates from small ones boxes and mesh.

Making the markings

Cover with white stripes.

Tightening football tape with tape for strength and smoothness.

This is how beautiful it turned out.

Here's how you can use it:

1. Finger football.

You can play from 4 to 6 players: 2 goalkeepers, the rest football players. You can only play with your index and middle fingers (like two legs football player) . You can take a rubber ball. Motor skills of the hand and fingers develop well.

Boys and girls enjoyed playing with their fingers and scoring goals.

2. Respiratory football.

You can play from 2 to 4 players. Make a ball out of paper (you can use papier-mâché). Using your breath, blow the ball into the goal from the middle of the field. Who is more for a while or up to a certain amount.

3. Puppet football.

Play in teams too. The players make small toys. You can also make players from natural material, from plasticine, from clay football team.

I wish you all success in your creativity!

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Do-it-yourself football “Making a board game Football”

Teacher Kozhina Tatyana Nikolaevna

Relevance : From early childhood, a child’s favorite and one of his first toys and amusements was and remains a ball.Football sport game with a ball, one of the most popular games in our country and the world. Children love to playfootball .

Problem : Children can’t always playfootball on the street . Children's toy stores sell board games« Football » , which are expensive and not everyone can buy it. So I decided to try making a board gamewith your own hands from scrap materials.

Target : create a board game"Football " .

Objectives of the master class:
1. Present pedagogical experience in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in raising children preschool age.
2. Motivate teachers to use methods, techniques, and game tasks in their practice.
Hypothesis : I suggested that if you make a board game yourself« Football » , then it is interesting and can be played at any time of the year.

Methods research : Conversations about the history of originfootball , reading information, drawing, looking at photographs.

Main part : In 2018, our country will host the World Cupfootball including in . Rostov-on-Don. Children like to playfootball , but you can’t play this game in winter. I decided to make a minifootball to play with children in a group. I suggest making a minifootball from waste material. At home with their parents, the children watchedfootball on TV , and the children and I discussed this game. The children drew pictures aboutfootball , we read a fairy tale about a ball, guessed riddles, looked at pictures depictingfootball field what it looks like.

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a didacticboard game " Football ", which I recommend making together with the children.A game consists of a large playing field with marks.A game designed for children of middle and senior preschool age. At the same time it cansubgroup of children play .

Master Class

For making tabletopwe took football : box, scissors, glue, colored paper, wooden skewers, colored pencils and markers. We cut the box and covered it with colored paper, marked the field, made a gate and installed it. Two teams were drawn on cardboardfootball players , glued the figures together and put them on skewers. We made holes on the sides of the box and inserted skewers there so that they could move freely. We made different balls from foil, paper and tape, foam rubber. Our minifootball is ready .

I offer you several game options.

For example : put awayfootball players and replace them with fingers, it turned out to be finger-shapedfootball , putting a cotton wool ball in the center of the field and blowing it into the goal turns out to be breathingfootball , can be replaced with cardboard onesfootball players for Kinder Surprise figures.

Well, now a little about the benefits of thisgames : after all, apart from the so important development of fine motor skills, with its help you can achieve many other goals. For the game, you can use figures from Kinder Surprises, the players are attached on a magnetic base and the soccer ball is also a painted magnet, so now my children have experimentally found out that magnets can not only attract, but also repel each other.

Players from different teams differ in the color of their uniform, so the name of the colors can be fixed in the process.

Our “football players” have a number on their jerseys, so repeating the score won’t be too difficult either.

Since our football players are animals, we can repeat wild and domestic animals. Of course, with the help of this game you can expand the horizons of children and expand their vocabulary, and most importantly, make them want to play sports and, of course, positive emotions.

And we are in senior group We arranged a match between boys and girls, the children really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun.

Conclusion : I came to the conclusion that the game was donedo it yourself it's interesting , educational, and can also be played at any time of the year.

Thank you for attention!

A couple of months ago it was decided to make a table from wood and Aliexpress for playing table soccer. 9 products were purchased from 5 sellers. Under the cut there are a lot of letters and photos about how I got to this point and what came of it.

At one of the youth drinking parties in a rented cottage, instead of traditional billiards, the owners set up table football. I was hooked, and I spent the whole night at the table, forgetting about the party and receiving enough punches for it. Over time, the desire took shape into confidence, and since a place for installation was found in the attic, from which it was decided to make a recreation room with football and air hockey (Can be seen in the background of the finished product).

In the vastness of the well-known store, quite a lot of products on this topic were found. In terms of size, everything was taken at random, and in the end I was fortunately right. There are several standard sizes of products available on Ali, which differ in the thickness of the rod on which they will be attached. I tried to find information about which is better and more correct, but I couldn’t. The choice fell on 5/8 inches, that is, 16 mm in Russian.

Total purchased:

Excellent players, they sat perfectly and tightly on the pipe. However, the hole for the screw is designed for 4 mm, on the reverse side there is a 6-sided groove for the nut, a regular 4 mm nut hangs there. A 5 mm nut fits there ideally. (Perhaps you can find 4 mm nuts of larger size on sale, but I haven’t seen any of them). The problem was solved - a 5 mm nut was placed under the 4 mm nut, fortunately the height allowed this to be done so that nothing would stick out or interfere with the outside.

There were no problems with the handles. They do not slip in the hand and fit tightly. The hole goes the entire length of the handle, so it doesn't bend to the sides.

It turned out to be the most problematic part along with the barbells, but I will tell you this below.

They work like springs. With a sharp push, the bar can bounce off the walls 2 times.

The same problem as with the figures of football players, I had to add 5 mm nuts. Otherwise everything is fine.

Everything is fine. They protect perfectly. I got hit in the arm with a barbell once without a plug, and I don’t take them off anymore.

They think correctly. I didn't notice any differences :). They were chosen solely for reasons of low price.

It worked out very well with the balls. After reading about the types of soccer balls, I decided to order both types. White plastic, they jump perfectly, there is practically no friction. But they turned out to be too small, and now they lie like dead weight.
The cork ones jump noticeably weaker and are very dull, plus they haven’t been properly polished yet, but they fit well in size, and you can play with them. However, the seller turned out to be generous and added 3 more plastic purple balls to them, and now they turned out to be the best ones. They are a little smaller in size than cork ones, but due to the fact that plastic ones are very convenient to play with.

I will describe the assembly process, focusing on the most memorable moments.
Decent drawings were found somewhere on the Internet. I started making them according to them, then moved on to independent calculations, since the assembly methods there were ancient, like those of a caveman. The thickest plywood I could find available in my city was used. It was fastened with corners. HPL plastic purchased from furniture makers was glued onto the table. Bought in a roll. In the background of the photos you can see the air hockey table I'm making from a leftover piece of HPL plastic (I also bought the washers and bits from Ali, I’ll write a review when I’m done). Border stencil cut out on protective film, and spray painted. There were certain difficulties with internal device gate, I had to rack my brains. This was all done before the players themselves arrived. All that was left was to wait for these little people.

Bearings and football players arrived. And then the fun began. I knew what I was getting into and decided to buy barbells. 16 mm chrome-plated pipes are sold in everyday life as furniture fittings for the kitchen. They were bought at a furniture store. Only for furniture makers there is no particular difference from the thickness of the walls of these pipes, they will not suffer from the imperfectly round cross-section of the pipe, and the fact that their pipes are not 16 mm at all, but from 15.8 mm to 16.1 mm in diameter, does not particularly bother them either . So the first pipes purchased were sent to the basement, where everything that would be a shame to throw away is stored, and the search for new, more suitable ones began. And this turned out to be a difficult task. Thick-walled pipes (1.5 mm or more) only on order with a wait of 2 weeks, and it is not a fact that they will be 100% round and exactly 16 mm. The price was also not attractive.
As a result, 60 meters of pipe were purchased in bulk (the price they cost me was the same as 8 meters of pipe from 1 batch, i.e. about 2 thousand rubles). The walls were 0.9 mm thick, the diameter was ideal for football players, the pipes were round, with a small protruding seam. Subsequently, the thickness of the walls turned out to be insufficient, the defenders’ bar (the longest) during a sharp attack from the extreme extended position, it bent and was clamped in the bearing. Epoxy was poured into the pipes, which gave them both a pleasant weight and the rigidity I needed so much.
Bearings are a separate issue. I bored them at least 5 times because... I was afraid to take off too much. Apparently the bearings were made according to all the canons metric systems, and they were exactly 15.8 mm, which corresponds to 5/8 inches. The pipes were also made by the Chinese, and some of the samples I selected reached 16.2 mm in diameter. But I bored it out, lubricated it with silicone grease, and now it runs like clockwork.
I also struggled with the corners of the table. Having seen enough on the Internet, diagonal cuts were made in the table at the corners, and the corners were raised by 5-7 mm so that the ball would roll out of the corner back to the players. I read on the Internet that it would be nice to make a cut along the side wall, but it seemed to me an unnecessary perversion and everything remained as is. As a result, the shock absorber turned out to be a little thicker than we would like, and if the ball ends up against the wall, then it is impossible for a player of the same line to pick it up from there. You have to pass to the enemy. Everything can be solved by installing a small side.
I spent about 2 weeks on everything, fortunately I had enough free time. Assembled, sanded, painted. I play with my younger sister. Happy as an elephant.

Some photos of the assembly process

And what came of it

In conclusion, I can say that I am satisfied with all the products. In Russian online stores, everything is much more expensive, but some things are not available at all. It's nice to play. Everyone at home is happy. After the final assembly, the understanding came that everything had to be done on metal frame. Would have avoided many problems with backlashes and bends in the wood (I think I'll mount a frame from below square pipes in the near future, to give a pleasant heaviness and torsional rigidity). If you have time, desire and hands, and most importantly where to put it, then I advise it.
P.S.: I don’t see the point in fully considering the assembly with all its subtleties, sizes and types of connections. This is not a specialized forum for this. A product purchased on Ali is reviewed and it is shown that it makes an excellent kicker for the home.

P.P.S.: The photo shows quite a lot of assembly jambs and my crankiness, but please refrain from giving advice on how it could have been done better.

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Hello, there haven't been any new posts for a while, so catch up. The next part is about creating a gaming table. This time we will talk about the playing field. In fact, our table is almost ready, there is very little left, stay tuned =)

Required drawings
The playing field is made from 29mm MDF sheet. It is necessary to strengthen both sides of the workpiece, so we glue HPL sheets on both sides. This is done to avoid warping of the material later.

First, blanks for the playing field are cut out from MDF and HPL. The dimensions of the field should be approximately 121x70 cm. As you can see, it is allowed to allow a small error in the drawing. Be careful, it will be explained below why this is needed.

Using a notched trowel, we evenly apply a layer of adhesive to the surface of the MDF and the inside of the HPL. Allow about 15 minutes to dry before the top layer of glue appears dry.

MDF with glue applied.

When the glue dries a little, we place an HPL blank on the MDF. We do this carefully, since it will be difficult to correct a bad overlay. Next, we roll the entire HPL surface with a roller to secure the connection, as well as to expel any remaining air.

Once the field is covered with HPL on both sides, we proceed to sand the surface of one of the sides. This must be done using a fine sanding machine. sandpaper. Do not use excessive force, otherwise you may rub the coating right through.

The coating will be ready as soon as it becomes uniformly matte.

We then proceed to mark out the defense and midfield areas. For convenience, you can use a stencil or masking film. It is preferable to use a masking film, since paint may leak under the stencil and cause unsightly stains.

Once all the lines are marked, you can remove the masking film. To cut out a circle, you can use a compass with a sharp knife or scalpel at the end.

(Picture can be enlarged)
In this photo you can see part of the masking film removed.

Then, all unprotected parts of the playing field are covered with paper. Check that there are no gaps left anywhere.

Cover the required areas with white paint. You can use a regular spray. The paint should be applied in several thin layers to avoid smudges and bubbles. Let the paint dry before removing the film.

(Picture can be enlarged)
This is what we get after removing the film and paper.

After the paint has completely dried, we use circular saw to make cuts from the underside of the playing field at 45 degrees near the corners. The depth of the cut should be chosen so that 3-6 mm remains to the end.

We insert auxiliary slats into these cuts with a thickness equal to the saw blade.

Using glue, the slats are attached to the grooves. For better fixation, lightly tap them with a hammer.

Now that the playing field is ready, you can bring it to the dimensions indicated in the drawing: 119.5x69cm.

To make sure the ball would roll off the edges of the field, we made another cut along each of the two sides. For this purpose, we used the tool that was described in the previous part. The cutting depth is about 2.5-3 cm, the distance from the surface is 3-5 mm.

(Picture can be enlarged)
We insert slats coated with glue into the cuts, as in the previous steps.

Thus, we see that the edges are slightly raised relative to the rest of the field, thereby preventing the ball from stopping at the walls of the field. On my own behalf, I would like to note that not all tables have this kind of elevation, so I think you can only get by with cuts in the corners.

Now we insert the playing field into the “body” of our future table. We thread pencils through the holes in the side walls of the table to keep our field in place. This is done in order to mark places on the bottom of the field for drilling holes for special screws. Later we will attach special holder slats to the side walls on which the playing field will be held.

(Picture can be enlarged)
In the designated places, we make holes 20mm deep for special screws, as in the photo above. The groove for the screw can be made with a hacksaw.

The final view of the playing field.