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Does spring exacerbation occur in people? What mental illnesses worsen in spring? To family and friends...

Judging by the statuses in in social networks, the country is desperately waiting for spring. All that's left is, is everyone ready for the other side of spring - depression, outbursts of aggression, suicidal attempts, increased anxiety and excitability? In general, everything that combines the concept of “spring exacerbation”. On the eve of the onset of the most insidious month of spring,, with the help of an expert, decided to figure out what a “spring exacerbation” is, whether one should be afraid of it, and how to deal with it.

Director of the Center for Practical Psychology Sergei Klyuchnikov said that he already clearly knows which clients will be drawn to him for appointments in the spring months. These are people who have made mistakes and are wondering what to do, as well as those who do not understand where they are drawn and are looking for answers to questions. Sergei Klyuchnikov also admitted that the “autumn exacerbation” should not be discounted and it is even necessary to engage in so-called mental hygiene.

“Sensitive people have a particularly difficult time with this period. It was not for nothing that Pushkin did not like spring. From a medical point of view, there are two main reasons. During the winter, our food was not rich in vitamins. In addition, unlike peasant Russia, where after the spring harvest you can lie down on the stove, modern man continues to work, loses strength, and in the spring he realizes especially acutely that rest is still far away,” Sergei Klyuchnikov described the root causes.

Added to this are seasonal changes in the atmosphere, when winter fights with spring, pressure surges - all this has a destabilizing effect on the body. “At this moment, old grievances, some unpleasant memories intensify, the person becomes less restrained, his self-control decreases. And then a person may begin to say rude things, although such behavior has not been observed in him before,” the expert told But this is the negative side of the aggravation, the positive option is that the seething energy surpasses reason and calculation, and people begin to fall in love.

To survive this season without shocks, it is worth working on yourself and practicing seasonal mental hygiene, says Sergei Klyuchnikov. “It’s like on the roads - there are dangerous sections along the way, sharp turns. Likewise, a person needs to know that March-April is a dangerous area; the body can skid at a turn. I advise you to monitor your vitality, learn to manage your emotions, slow down during certain periods, and get more rest. Experienced people already instinctively tune in and prepare their psyche for the fact that the body is going through an unstable period. And then you will learn to take positivity from everything that spring brings, it’s a wonderful time of year. Well, don’t forget - even if you feel unstable, you need to be patient a little, in May the greenery and warm air will make you feel better,” concluded Sergei Klyuchnikov.

Previously, scientists have repeatedly assured that the course is influenced by such a factor as seasonality, and the spring exacerbation of schizophrenia actually occurs quite often. Despite the doubts of doctors, this phenomenon has been confirmed thanks to statistical studies. recent years. As is known, in the spring, as well as in the autumn, increased hospitalization of people suffering from mental illnesses is observed. Therefore, there is no longer any doubt that it will worsen in the spring. The same can be said for other mental illnesses. But especially, spring deterioration is typical for those suffering from the fur-like form of schizophrenia.

In this case, attacks occur more often, they are expressed by depressive states, when the mood is low, and manic states, which are characterized by elevated mood. Seasonal fluctuations in mental balance that occur in people with mental illness are called seasonal affective disorders. Now scientists have proven that patients with schizophrenia feel a deterioration in their condition when the daylight hours increase by two hours, as happens in the spring, and in the fall, when the daylight hours decrease by the same amount of time. This phenomenon is caused by a lost rhythm of life, along with which internal biological rhythms become disrupted.

During this period, a healthy person is characterized by lethargy and decreased performance. At the same time, many people become irritable, they are not able to overcome these negative feelings, continuing to lead ordinary life. A patient suffering from schizophrenia experiences an exacerbation of the disease, and this is not surprising. After all, rhythm disturbances always primarily affect the functioning of the nervous system and affect the secretion of hormones that regulate the functioning of the body. Basically, seasonal affective disorder affects people who are emotionally unstable and whose mood often changes. For schizophrenia, this condition is considered typical.

For most people suffering from this disease, a very important issue is the prevention of such spring exacerbations. Experts recommend protecting yourself from the influence of external influences, and this is especially true for those that are unpleasant and cause negative emotions. The spring exacerbation of schizophrenia in Israel is detected very quickly, since Israeli psychiatrists are well versed in the slightest nuances of the disease, using modern methods diagnostics It is now known that exacerbation in the spring can be caused by any little thing. Even minor stress can affect the patient's condition. For example, there are cases where a surge in the disease was caused by just a sudden bright light or a sharp sound.

Experts believe that patients with this mental disease should necessarily receive special preventive treatment in the spring, even if at a certain moment there is no exacerbation. It should be noted that such manifestations themselves are quite different, so each patient requires a special, completely different approach. In certain cases, it becomes difficult to distinguish schizophrenia from other diseases associated with mental disorders. As is known, a more serious study of this disease scientists began only in the nineteenth century, at the end. Therefore, today schizophrenia is fraught with a lot of mysteries, and so far scientists do not have answers to many questions related to schizophrenia, expressing only assumptions that have not yet been confirmed.

Schizophrenia is an endogenous mental illness that begins to develop for internal reasons. The course of the disease is continuous, but very often occurs in paroxysms. They manifest themselves in the form of personality changes expressed in a schizophrenic defect. In particular, this is reduced mental activity, isolation, impaired thinking, and emotional impoverishment. In this case, certain disorders arise that are typical for schizophrenia. That's bullshit. But at the same time, patients retain their intellectual abilities, called formal ones, that is, acquired knowledge and memory.

In spring, exacerbation of schizophrenia occurs often, therefore, relatives of such patients should pay special attention. At this time, a person's behavior can become even more inappropriate, and anything can happen, from car theft to suicide. This time period, which is the most difficult for patients with schizophrenia, lasts throughout the spring. Spring exacerbation of schizophrenia in Israel associated with the transition of cold winter weather, which is more or less stable, to spring rains, thaws, and sunny weather. In addition, Israeli doctors emphasize that emotional decline depends on the length of the day and the state of nature.

The spring exacerbation of mental sensitivity has a direct connection with biological factors. As daylight hours increase, solar activity increases, therefore, under the influence of radiation and magnetic influences, the sensitivity of the nervous system changes upward. Hormonal processes become more active, so it is not surprising that certain disruptions occur in the body of a sick person, and a spring exacerbation of almost any disease occurs, and in this case, schizophrenia will be no exception.

Spring exacerbation is typical for almost all chronic diseases.

The reasons are clear: after winter the body is weakened, fruits and vegetables by this time lose vitamins and energy value, plus sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and increased solar radiation do not contribute to good health. Therefore, you need to monitor your health especially carefully at this time. But there are ailments that are especially often aggravated with the arrival of spring warmth. And it is important to start their treatment in a timely manner so that it becomes truly effective, or take preventive measures to reduce the exacerbation of symptoms chronic diseases to a minimum.

Here are 5 diseases that most often worsen in spring:

1. Ulcer. It is almost 100% likely that it begins to “play naughty” in April in those who are susceptible to peptic ulcers. Doctors have not yet determined how this can be explained. Symptoms of an incipient exacerbation: pain in the epigastric region on an empty stomach (so-called “hungry” pain), night pain, nausea, stool disturbances, bad breath... Complications of an ulcer are especially dangerous - gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation of an ulcer, which will require emergency surgical intervention. However, even with a successfully overcome exacerbation, another scar forms on the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines - an area that is not able to function normally.

Knowing about the seasonality of exacerbations (they occur not only in spring, but also in autumn), it is necessary to begin preventive measures on the eve of these periods. The fact is that peptic ulcer disease, like gastritis, is mainly of bacterial origin (caused by the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body). To avoid becoming a victim of bacterial activity, it is necessary to prevent weakening of the immune system. Remember the “golden rule”: for those suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract Meals should be frequent (5-6 times a day), small and dietary (exclude fatty, spicy, salty, sour, fried, spices, alcohol and carbonated drinks).

2. Pmental illnesses. The frequency of depressive disorders and various neurotic conditions is increasing. Doctors believe that the reason for this is a spring malfunction of the biological clock due to changes in light conditions. You should be wary if a person feels an incomprehensible malaise, it is difficult for him to force himself to do something, he feels dissatisfied with himself and loved ones, does not want to communicate with others, and he has predominant pessimistic thoughts, especially about the future. Doctors recommend: in early April, it is better to go to bed an hour earlier than usual, walk more outside, breathe fresh air, and exercise. You can take a week off from work and just relax for your own pleasure.

3. Colds. Changeable weather, weakened immunity and even short contact with a patient on the street or in transport - all this creates ideal conditions in the spring for infectious and bronchopulmonary diseases. Everyone without exception is susceptible to seasonal colds. It is in the spring that cystitis and sinusitis most often worsen. But proper nutrition, antiviral drugs and vitamins will help defeat viruses and strengthen the immune system. Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands after coming from outside, and thoroughly clean and ventilate living areas. Even if you open the window in your apartment for just 5 minutes every hour, this is already enough to significantly reduce the concentration of microbes in the air.

4. Allergy. This is one of the most common spring diseases. The body's reaction to pollen is scientifically called hay fever, and in everyday life - hay fever. It is believed that about 100 plants can cause allergies. Among them: birch, alder, hazel, oak, maple, ash. People whose relatives had or have allergies are more prone to hay fever, but this unwanted inheritance manifests itself, as a rule, not from birth, but from the age of 7-8 years. This disease is very difficult to treat. Doctors advise: leave the house less often before 11 a.m.; in sunny and windy weather, hang wet sheets and gauze nets on the windows and change them more often - then the pollen “will not pass through.”

5. Dermatological diseases. Their worsening is another sign of spring. Not only teenagers, but also women from 20 to 40 years old become victims of April acne. The thing is that due to changes in the body (under the influence of seasonal factors), the sebaceous glands cease to cope with their functions. In addition, during this period, microorganisms that have a negative effect on the skin are activated. Mites living in house dust and feather pillows become more active. They are not dangerous provided that the body's defenses are normal. Otherwise, small pimples and inflammations immediately begin to appear on the skin, and conjunctivitis appears in the eyes. To avoid such dermatological troubles, doctors advise taking vitamins.

what helps health

Kefir. Fermented milk products (including cottage cheese) can significantly support the body's strength in spring. Nutritionists advise weakened people to eat kefir or fermented baked milk, adding cinnamon, honey, dried apricots, and cardamom to them. Kefir has a pronounced healing effect for fatigue, weakness, and weakness, so characteristic of spring.

Cabbage. Moreover, pickled one is better. The fact is that as a result of fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, such a product is enriched with many useful substances. Just 300 grams of sauerkraut is enough to get daily norm vitamin C, which supports our immunity.

Grape. One glass of grape juice is enough to provide the body with a daily dose of B vitamins. This will protect you from stress. Ascorbic acid contained in berries will help cope with viruses and microbes. In addition, grapes are good for vision and allow you to maintain its sharpness until old age. This conclusion was recently reached by scientists from Fordham University in New York. The results of their experiments showed that this fruit provides retinal protection and prevents blindness. The secret of the therapeutic effect, according to researchers, lies in the antioxidant properties of the berries.

Bananas. Singaporean scientists have found substances in their pulp that increase performance and improve memory. In addition, thanks to the abundance of B vitamins, bananas can protect against spring depression, and the abundance of potassium will support heart function.

The arrival of spring is a wonderful time of year that everyone looks forward to. The winter frosts, the need to dress like a cabbage, the gloomy city streets are behind us; ahead - sun, sea, summer holidays.

However, at this time not only climate changes occur, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people experience a special condition called spring exacerbation. During this period, metamorphoses concern physical and mental health. A person is more excitable and reacts sharply to any stimuli, both positive and negative. Here are some statistics: it is in the spring that there is a surge romance novels and serial murders. For someone who is influenced by spring, the state when a person laughs, cries, rejoices and gets upset at the same time is quite normal.

Psychologists often associate spring aggravation with autumn depression, since the mechanisms of their manifestation, dynamics and extinction are approximately the same. Not only the psychological state deteriorates, but also general well-being: chronic diseases (ulcers, gastritis) worsen. The digestive system works more intensively, but the body does not secrete more enzymes, which results in internal failure.

The first spring sun, under which we immediately strive to bask, also has a significant impact, and not the most positive one. The fact is that the level of solar radiation is directly related to our mood. That is, the higher the exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the more emotional a person becomes. And if he has a mental disorder, you can expect anything from him, including murder, rape, schizophrenic seizures, etc.

Not only psychoanalysts and gastroenterologists fear a spring exacerbation. Nutritionists attribute most of their prohibitions and warnings to this time, for example, not to go on diets (with the exception of specially designed spring diets, which, on the contrary, provide support to a weakened body). A feeling of hunger coupled with constant nervous tension can turn a balanced and reasonable person into a socially aggressive and inadequate person. Nervous system and the body as a whole can and even needs to be helped. To do this, it is enough to compensate for the deficiency of essential substances by diversifying your diet with foods rich in:

  • vitamin B (meat, herbs, cheese, cottage cheese);
  • vitamin C (rose hips, citrus fruits, sauerkraut, black currants).

By the way, a feeling of internal devastation, anxiety and excitement is more typical for representatives of the fair sex, because, being more emotional creatures, they are more susceptible to stress and depressive states.

In order not to suffer from exacerbation of chronic gastritis or feelings of imaginary loneliness, prepare your body in advance to meet spring. Set yourself up in an optimistic mood, because pessimists have more illnesses and problems. Help your body with vitamin cocktails and a varied but moderate diet.
If you have your own way of dealing with spring exacerbation, tell our readers about it, because someone may need your help.

Spring has finally come - the time of love, sun and good mood; The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming - life is beautiful! I would like to note that spring is not only a sexy time of year, but also a romantic one. in spring human body wakes up after hibernation, adjusts to a different rhythm of life and needs a “breath of fresh air.”

The human body is very susceptible to any climate change. In medicine, there is such a thing as “biorhythms” - these are periodically repeated changes in the course of biological processes in the body or natural phenomena. So, depending on these rhythms, our well-being, mood, and intellectual potential change. And all because the concentration of hormones in the blood fluctuates.

The body, accustomed to a different way of life, has to adapt to a new way. And the body goes astray from its usual program, as a result of which there is an exacerbation of various types of diseases, especially those associated with digestive system. So at this time of year, a man should especially carefully monitor his health. By the way, susceptibility to “spring depression” and other types of mental illness is more pronounced in women than men, since women are more emotional than men, and their psyche is more vulnerable.

At the same time, a man always considers himself a “conqueror” in relation to women - since he is the “stronger sex”. And as soon as he sees the slightest “call,” he begins to act. In the spring, the female sex begins to take off warm jumpers and thick pants, and they are replaced by short skirts and tight blouses, pleasing the coveted gaze of the entire male population, and here, as they say, their hormones begin to play.

Isn't this a provocation?! For a man, a visual emotional-erotic stimulus means a lot, that is, brightly painted lips, breast shape, and revealing clothes serve as “bait” for him. And women themselves challenge them. Most main reason spring exacerbation in men, what do you think it is?! Pheromones and hormones. Pheromones are special odorous substances, because one of the signs of sexual desire is the smell of a woman’s body. Pheromones are released by the skin of the entire body, but since everyone wears closed clothes in winter, they are practically impossible to feel.

With the arrival of spring, women put on revealing outfits and begin to smell like themselves. Also, sexual arousal in men is stimulated by a large release of male sex hormones - testosterone - into the blood. If there is a lack of these hormones in a man’s body, then he becomes irritable, his potency decreases, and the overall performance of the body deteriorates. So, to avoid this, you need to eat foods rich in zinc (seafood - crabs, octopus, mussels, squid, shrimp; animal proteins - lamb, beef, lean pork). But what reduces testosterone production is drinking more than 0.5 liters of beer per day. The hormone oxytocin is responsible for emotional uplift and romantic mood.

This hormone is released into the blood of men after sex with the woman they love. A lack of oxytocin in the body makes you depressed and increases anxiety. But what increases the production of oxytocin is: chocolate, bananas, avocados.
And in conclusion, I would like to note that, unlike “animal” testosterone, the production of oxytocin depends on emotions - tenderness, affection, love. So don’t skimp on positive emotions: share your feelings and value your relationship, in general, love each other. It's spring!