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Top sports sections for girls. Martial arts for girls - strength, agility, grace Sports for girls 8 years old

Perhaps you dreamed of sending him to martial arts, but if the child is small and not ready for such physical activity, you can start with swimming - it will strengthen the muscles, develop ligaments and harden him for other sections.

Anyway, you need to listen to the interests of the child , showing him a wide range of possibilities.

Which sport to enroll your child in – we select a sports section based on the child’s individual characteristics

  • If you notice that your child is an extrovert, simply open and sociable, then you can try to succeed in speed-strength sports. For example, short-distance running and swimming, alpine skiing, big and small tennis. Gymnastics, snowboarding or acrobatics are also worth trying.
  • If your child is an introvert, i.e. closed, analytical, thoughtful, try cyclical sports - for example, triathlon, skiing, athletics. The advantage of your child is that he tolerates monotonous activities well, is hardy, disciplined and, therefore, will be able to take prizes over long distances.

  • Children with a closed character are not interested in collective sports. They are unlikely to enjoy football or a team relay race. But they may be interested in shaping, swimming or bodybuilding. They usually have a low level of anxiety, which is why they achieve better results in serious competitions.
  • Unlike the previous type impressionable children of sensitive psychotype Group games are suitable. They play harmoniously because they are not interested in their own independence. What kind of sport to engage your child in is your personal business, but it is important to check that the child likes these activities and is comfortable in a real team.

  • Complaisant dependent children- the so-called conformists, quickly “grasp” the rules of the game and “reach out” to the recognized leaders. Collective games in a large team suit them.
  • Proud children of hysterical psychotype love to be the center of attention. However, they are not comfortable in those sports that involve a lengthy determination of victory over the course of an entire competition.

  • If your child is prone to apathy and often shows irritability, you need to take into account his cycloid type and change sports hobbies more often.
  • For the psychoasthenic type playing sports is not at all attractive. But their especially long legs make it possible to realize their potential in cross-country skiing or athletics.
  • Asthenoneurotics and epileptoids They get tired quickly and need additional health improvement, for example, swimming.

When to send your child to sports so as not to miss the moment - a useful sign for parents

  • What kind of sport to choose for a child 4 - 6 years old. At this time, babies cannot yet concentrate their attention, so the exercises may not be performed accurately enough. They learn to coordinate their movements and have good stretching. Classes can be conducted in the form of a game, but often children like the serious “adult” approach of the coach, which teaches self-discipline and responsibility.

  • What sports should a 7-10 year old child do? During this period, physical tone and coordination improve, but stretching worsens. Therefore, the skills acquired at 4-6 years of age must be constantly maintained. After all, good stretching is needed in many sports - for example, in combat. It’s worth holding off on strength training, because you need to develop strength gradually as you grow older.
  • What sport should I send my 10-12 year old child to? Good coordination, accurate understanding of exercises, good reaction - these are the advantages of this age. However, the reaction rate can be increased.

  • What kind of sport should a child 13-15 years old take up? This is when tactical thinking appears, which, along with natural coordination, can give good results in any sport. All that remains is to improve physical training so that it does not limit strategies.
  • What sport to choose for a child 16-18 years old. This age is suitable for good athletic activity, because the skeleton is stronger and ready for serious stress.

Brief table when to send your child to sports:

  • Swimming– 6-8 years. Strengthens muscles and teaches healthy posture.
  • Figure skating- 4 years. Develops body plasticity, coordination and artistry.
  • Hood. gymnastics- 4 years. Builds a flexible body and self-confidence.

One of the most popular sports activities for children is martial arts. Modern parents equally often send both girls and boys to martial arts, wanting to introduce their child not only to physical activity, but also to the philosophy of mind control over feelings. This is important knowledge and skills for the growing stronger sex, but what about little princesses? Let's figure out why to send a girl to martial arts and what this can lead to.

Pros and Cons of Martial Arts for Girls

Gender differences in raising children are a condition for dividing men and women into the weaker and stronger sexes in the future. Boys are taught to be strong and courageous, which is why, when they grow up, they are not inclined to reflect and have a low level of development of emotional intelligence. Girls are taught to be gentle and reserved, which is why most women have problems with suppressed aggression and difficulty controlling their feelings. These are psychological conditions for the inadequate formation of behavioral patterns in the future. Sports, in particular martial arts, are an excellent tool for the harmonious development of the personality of both girls and boys.

Choosing a martial arts section for a girl can be useful in the following conditions:

  • aggression. Suppressed aggression is accompanied by tension in the body and the development of psychosomatic diseases, including gastric ulcers. During training, the child actively expends energy, learns to cope with personal aggression, sensing and managing it. Impacts and sudden movements of the limbs are the most effective methods combating affective charge. After classes, the child is in an excellent mood and good spirits, since all negative energy left his body;

    Martial arts are a great way to express your aggression

  • managing feelings. All martial arts are aimed not only at developing the physical, but also the mental through philosophy. Eastern practices (kung fu, aikido, jiu jitsu) are based on understanding and a sense of self. By practicing martial arts, girls don’t just vent their anger, they gain valuable experience in managing emotions;
  • physical development. Martial arts strengthen the muscular corset; the main goal of training is to develop endurance. During classes, the child receives the necessary load on all muscle groups, as well as excellent stretching. In such sections there is no risk of spoiling the girl’s figure, it’s the other way around. As practice shows, women who have practiced martial arts in the past not only have an attractive feminine figure, but also recover more easily after childbirth;

    Martial arts classes help to achieve good stretching, make the body strong and healthy

  • health. Martial arts are an excellent contribution to a child’s health, allowing for the prevention of most diseases of the joints and spine. Practicing this type of sport prevents the development of congestion in the body, obesity, and the beginnings of atherosclerotic processes in blood vessels;
  • development of thinking. For preschool and younger children school age An important manifestation of the development of thinking is physical activity. In other words, the more a child moves and actively plays, the more effectively his cognitive and mental processes develop. This is due to the fact that the general development of a child has a dynamic structure and the mental cannot develop separately from the physical;
  • gaining confidence. Martial arts allow a girl to develop a sense of self-confidence and strength. This happens due to the fact that the child gains control over his body and mind and feels his physical strength. This gives psychological confidence in one’s own safety (security is one of the basic needs of the individual, without which human development is impossible);
  • self-defense. This is an important skill for a modern girl and young woman, as realities modern world very cruel. The ability to physically protect yourself and act in emergency situations could one day save a child's life.

    Martial arts will help a girl defend herself in everyday life

Martial arts also have some disadvantages that must be taken into account when sending a girl to the section:

  • injuries. During any sports activities, the risk of injury increases - this can range from bruises or sprains to more serious injuries, such as fractures. If a child practices martial arts professionally and attends competitions, the risks increase. Many athletes have ended their careers after unsuccessful sparring or fights. For young children the risks are insignificant, but in older children (12 and older) the most negative consequences are possible;
  • hooliganism. This is more likely a consequence of upbringing problems than a result of martial arts training, but all together can lead to the fact that the girl will practice the acquired skills on other children;
  • deterioration of health. If classes are conducted by an unqualified person or trainer who is not authorized to work with children of a particular age, the risks of deterioration in health increase. This may be due to an incorrect training program, excessive demands and high loads, leading to the development of degenerative processes of the spine, inflammation of cartilage and joints, and damage to internal organs.

At what age can you send your child to martial arts?

The age at which you can start practicing martial arts largely depends on physical development child. There are conditional age limits at which you can start practicing various martial arts:

  • 4–6 years. This is the earliest age at which you can start sending your child to sections. Preschoolers, especially girls, are recommended to engage in all types of non-contact martial arts, as well as “soft” martial arts, such as wushu or aikido. It is important to make sure that the chosen sports school has programs adapted for young children;
  • 6–9 years old. Optimal age in order to introduce the child to sports sections, including martial arts. Children in this age group can practice most martial arts, such as karate, judo, taekwondo. These types of sports activities can have adaptation programs for earlier ages, offering training without sparring and opponents;
  • 9–12 years old. In this age group, the loads and requirements for activities and athletes are more high level. All types of sections are available for children, including striking martial arts, such as boxing and kickboxing. For girls, training in striking and wrestling types of martial arts is not recommended; it is better to give preference to oriental techniques.

It is not recommended to send your child to mixed groups where children of different ages attend. As a rule, younger children quickly lose interest in sports or face increased loads designed for older children.

The best sections for girls

The optimal types of martial arts for girls can be considered those that are aimed at self-defense and do not contain an aggressive philosophy. Best options will be:

  • Aikido is a relatively young martial arts system with deep Japanese roots. It is based on the idea of ​​intercepting an opponent's movements and using his strength against him. All movements in Aikido are very smooth, outlining circles; there is no sparring or finding out who is better. This system includes acrobatic techniques, proper falling and fighting techniques. During classes, the student becomes more flexible and dexterous, and develops strength and endurance. All techniques are reviewed and compared with real life situations in which self-defense may be required;

    Aikido is a martial art based on turning the enemy's forces against him.

  • wushu - oldest species martial arts in the world, whose homeland is China. During classes, time is devoted not only to physical exercises, but also to breathing practices, through which the student comprehends the harmonies of mind and body. All movements are slow and fluid, but represent a series of fighting techniques. By degree physical activity Wushu can be compared to physical therapy, so this type of martial arts can be practiced from a very early age;
  • Taekwondo is a type of martial arts that originated in Korea. The technique is based on a philosophy of submission and respect for elders and teammates. First of all, taekwondo is an Eastern teaching about calmness, confidence and inner harmony. During training, the emphasis is on active footwork, which is used not only to strike, but also to block. This type of martial arts is suitable for active girls with a strong nervous system;

    Taekwondo is based on knowing one's own peace of mind and achieving harmony.

  • Karate is the most popular form of martial arts that originated in Japan. This system is based on self-defense techniques with transitions to active defense. Karate for children is not just a type of martial arts, but a physical and spiritual practice that allows you to harmoniously develop your body and mind. By systematically attending training, girls become self-confident, learn to sense their own and others’ boundaries, overcome laziness and develop willpower.

    In karate, self-defense techniques and active movement towards the enemy are tightly intertwined.

Contraindications to martial arts classes for girls

The first thing you should start choosing a section for your child is going to the pediatrician for advice. In almost any sports school it is necessary to present a medical certificate about the child’s health status. It is not recommended to engage in martial arts for the following diseases:

  • congenital heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arrhythmia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies or dysfunctions of the genitourinary system;
  • poor eyesight;
  • traumatic brain injuries.

Which sports section should I send my girl to, and how not to make a mistake when choosing a sport? As their daughter grows up, and sometimes before birth, parents think about her future. It is worth choosing a sports section in advance, noting the characteristics of the child’s character and development. Nowadays children are inactive and gain faster excess weight and suffer from insufficient physical activity. The sports section needs to fix this.

At what age should a child start playing sports?

In order not to injure the child’s delicate body, we must remember that there is a time for everything. You can even exercise with babies. Children under 2 years old are allowed swimming, special gymnastics for children, and fitball classes. All classes are only with the permission of a doctor and under the supervision of an experienced trainer. You can do the simplest gymnastics at home.

What to choose as you grow older:

  • At 2-3 years old, the child is active and mobile, but the body is not yet prepared for serious stress. It is worth choosing swimming: it is much easier to train in water. Due to the different pressure, exercise in water is considered the safest. At home, you should do physical exercise yourself, create a “children’s corner” with simple exercise equipment and a wall bars. When going for walks, be sure to take a bicycle or scooter with you, arrange outdoor games, and go to children’s playgrounds.
  • At 4 years old, of all physical qualities, it is best to develop flexibility. Sports or rhythmic gymnastics, sports dancing, and wushu are suitable for this purpose. These activities will also increase endurance and strengthen respiratory system. Don't forget about swimming. And if a girl has developed good coordination in water after a year of classes, she may be offered synchronized swimming.
  • 5 years is a great age for activities that develop coordination. If the child has been involved in gymnastics, then there will be no problems with acrobatics, skiing or figure skating. At the same age you can try martial arts: karate, aikido, taekwondo, judo.
  • At 6 years old, it’s also not too late to send your daughter to the martial arts section. These workouts develop all physical qualities: flexibility, coordination, endurance, speed, strength. Classes develop discipline, so they are suitable for restless kids. Athletics develops speed, agility, strength. Table tennis strengthens the back and arms, develops endurance, speed and agility.
  • 7 years - best time for team training: volleyball, handball, football. It is worth remembering that these activities are not suitable if the girl is used to getting all the glory after winning. The training will appeal to sociable children who know how to interact with other people. The body is quite ready for badminton and basketball.
  • 8-9 years old – time for playing tennis, wrestling, cycling, orienteering, kickboxing. At this time, the body is already quite strong. Swimmers can try water polo. If you're tired of figure skating, you should pay attention to speed skating.
  • At the age of 10-11 years, many choose fencing, horse riding, and cycling. Bullet shooting is popular, but this type requires determination and calm. Rowing, kayaking and canoeing are also suitable. Exercise strengthens your back and arms. At this age you should pay attention to boxing. This is a rather traumatic sport and is not suitable for children under 10 years of age. You can try triathlon, rock climbing, mountaineering.
  • From the age of 12 you can try weightlifting. This sport stops growth, so you need to start slowly and gradually, without rushing to achieve high results. At this age, it is not too late to take up rowing, chess, and wrestling. You can choose any dance section if the girl has previously done gymnastics or acrobatics. Or find a place that recruits newcomers of this age.

Age is important when choosing classes, but depending on the development of the body and physical qualities, the coach will advise you to wait a year or two or, on the contrary, admit you to the section earlier.

Sports sections for children They will lay the foundation for the child’s health, strengthen his character, teach him to live in a competitive environment, and achieve his goal in this difficult world.

The physical development of a child greatly depends on whether he engages in physical education.

Modern children are accelerators. Their baby teeth are replaced earlier, they grow faster and gain weight. But, unfortunately, the body weight of most children is exceeded due to the predominance of adipose tissue. In half of children, the level of secretion of adrenal hormones is below normal and does not correspond to development. This leads to development , neurocirculatory dystonia and other health problems in children of different ages.

Why is it advisable to enroll your child in a sports section?

A healthy child is active, he needs to splash out his energy somewhere. One of the conditions for the full development of a child is a properly formed musculoskeletal system. The growing skeleton of a child requires a constant supply of proteins, and microelements. When moving, the nutrition of bone tissue improves, pathological processes appear less often in it, the consequences of which are often difficult to correct. Weak back muscles can cause the development of scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis in school-age children.

In a child up to 5-7 years of age, muscle bundles are attached by short, wide tendons somewhat further from the axis of rotation, so movements in children may be somewhat angular. Only by the age of 8–10 years does the final differentiation of the connective tissue framework of the muscles end: endomysium and perimysium.

Children's muscles develop unevenly: the muscles of the shoulder and forearm mature first, the muscles of the hands develop later. Children under 6 years of age find it difficult to exercise fine motor skills and get tired quickly.

Ligaments become stronger from 8 to 9 years of age. Taking these features into account, physical education (including in sports sections) should be strictly dosed and under the supervision of a competent trainer.

Regular exercise plays a big role in the functional and structural development of muscles. Children involved in sports clubs already know well what it means to achieve a goal, they are more disciplined, in the future such children do better at school, they have a fighting sports character.

Practice shows that physically active children have better academic performance than those who constantly sit over textbooks or at the computer. Participating in sports sections also has a positive effect on improving health (we are not talking about big sports, which have nothing to do with health).

Different age groups have their own standards for physical activity. So children 3 - 4 years old should take 9,000 - 10,500 steps. For schoolchildren aged 11-15 years, 20,000 steps is considered the norm. Children should be in a state of movement for up to 6 hours a day.
Hypokinesia (lack of mobility), as well as excessive uncontrolled passion for sports, attempts to achieve the highest possible results in a short time, can pose a real threat to health and lead to serious consequences.

Start of classes in the children's sports section

Based on the characteristics of the age-related development of the child’s musculoskeletal system, recommended start dates for classes in the sports section.

Types of sports for children and the age in years at which they are allowed to participate in sports school

Gifted children can be enrolled in the sports section one year younger.

But in fact, in groups of beginners, for example, in figure skating sports schools, they are recruited from the age of 3-4, despite the fact that experts say that a child in the sports section has nothing to do on the ice until the age of five.

Of course, there are situations when a child’s athletic talent is noticeable almost from birth.

What you need to know before enrolling your child in a sports section

Make sure that he does not have congenital defects or diseases that are incompatible with participation in a particular sports section. A certificate to the sports section should under no circumstances be fictitious.

What kind of sport should my child take up?

It all depends on the child’s inclinations, desires and goals: either these are free sports sections purely for health, or a direct focus on Olympic results. Sometimes children know better than adults which sports section is best for them. The child’s temperament, physique, flexibility, reaction speed, and the predominance of fast or slow muscle fibers in the body (their ratio is genetically determined) determine which sport the child should choose.

Sports for hyperactive children

It is advisable to offer a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) a sports section, a sport that would teach him to concentrate and instill self-discipline. For boys with ADHD, martial arts are most suitable: aikido, taekwondo. For girls - sports dancing.

Team or overly active sports (boxing, football) are not recommended for such children. The opinion that a child with ADHD needs to throw out excess energy somewhere is not entirely correct. Children with ADHD have an easily exhausted psyche; excessive mental stress in sports sections can lead to a psychiatrist.

Children with ADHD require special attention, therefore, for him it is necessary to choose not only a sports section, but also a patient coach who can find an individual approach to the child. There is no need to give up on a child with ADHD. Michael Phelps, a multiple world champion swimmer, was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the sixth grade, and at the age of 15 he already took part in the Olympic Games.

In the presence of chronic diseases When choosing a sports section, you should consult your doctor, as some sports can aggravate the course of the disease. For example, swimming will aggravate chronic sinusitis, and winter sports are not suitable for a child with bronchial asthma and allergies to cold.

When choosing a sports section, you must be guided by common sense and the child’s health. Although, you can make a strong athlete.

10 minutes to read.

When a child begins to go to the second or third grade, parents usually calm down a little, remembering with a shudder (not all, of course) the beginning of his studies at school. But even though your child has adapted to the new conditions, regime and team, it is still too early to relax.

Both school life and the learning process itself involve many difficulties throughout its entire duration. And the new age stage has features that are important for adults to take into account. You need to figure out what the upbringing of children at 8-9 years old should be like.

Psychological characteristics of children aged 8-9 years

  1. At this age, the child’s self-awareness is strengthened and his own point of view on surrounding objects and phenomena is formed. He can express his thoughts on what he wants to become in the future.
  2. A junior schoolchild is able to think critically about the behavior of adults, including his parents. He begins to compare information received from different sources (from parents, teachers, peers, from the media), may doubt the truth of the position of adults, and draws his own conclusions.
  3. At the age of 8-9 years, the child is less drawn to his parents and more eager to communicate with peers. His need for friendship and collective activity intensifies.
  4. Approval and praise from adults are still important to him. Specificity and assessment are important. individual abilities child.
  5. Most often, at this age, children already have a hobby: they go to clubs, sports clubs, a music school or dance studios.
  6. Most students aged 8 have already managed to adapt to school, but fatigue still sets in quite quickly, and a high need for rest remains.
  7. Children have already learned well many social norms, observe the rules of politeness, can control their behavior in class and in public places.

Features of the development of boys and girls at 8 years old

Children at this age understand well the difference between the sexes: in appearance, in some character traits, in responsibilities, in social roles. They exhibit different tendencies in behavior: girls show a greater tendency towards restraint, perseverance, responsiveness and obedience.

They begin to pay attention to their appearance, express their preferences for clothing, and often try on their mother’s clothes. The girls respond well to help, take care of their younger sisters and brothers, and carry out assignments responsibly. Usually at this age they are interested in creative activities: handicrafts, music, dancing.

Boys aged 8-9 years are often less restrained in expressing emotions and more impulsive than girls. They demonstrate great activity and cannot sit still for a long time. Usually at this age boys prefer sports and outdoor games.

Visiting the section will create good conditions for a burst of energy that is in full swing. A boy can be quite successful in his studies if the disciplines are interesting to him and he is good at them.

During this period, praise for a girl as a person (just as a girl) is important for a girl, and a positive assessment of the results of his activities is important for a boy.

How to raise a child at 8-9 years old

  • Make sure your child completes his homework. The more independence he shows, the better. But remember the importance of your support and, if necessary, provide help if the child is experiencing difficulties. Be as patient as possible and calmly explain how to complete the task. It is important to identify which method of delivering information is most effective for your child to understand the task: depict the condition schematically, give examples, ask leading questions, simply allow him to think out loud and nod in response, etc.
  • Be attentive to his feelings, do not ignore them, encourage him to be aware and name them. Voice your child’s emotions yourself when you notice his condition. For example: “You're upset,” “You're sad,” or “I'm just happy when I see you being happy.”
  • Control the time your child spends watching TV and computer (tablet, phone). At the same time, it is better not to use strict prohibitions, but to offer options for alternative pastimes. For example, go for walks, exhibitions, performances together more often, offer to read an interesting book, etc.
  • Observe the mood in which your child goes to school. Be sincerely interested: does he like to study? Is it easy to communicate with classmates and the teacher? Which subjects does he like more and which ones less?
  • Feel free to give your child tasks around the house, smoothly form the circle of his responsibilities (cleaning his room and other premises, buying groceries in the store, caring for a pet, etc.) Involve him in joint activities, such as preparing various dishes, planting plants in the country , easy assistance in repairs, etc.
  • Remember that the child should have time every day for rest, walks, favorite activities, games (free from studies, household chores and attending clubs and sections).
  • An important task of parents is to maintain their authority in the eyes of the child. Therefore, one should not allow extremes: to distance oneself from education and practice permissiveness, or, conversely, to completely suppress his will and force him to obey. The child thinks and analyzes the situation and your words, so arguments in the style of: “Because I said so!” or “Don’t you dare contradict!” will clearly not be in your favor and will not help achieve the desired effect. Yes, some children become obedient and manageable, but at the same time lack initiative, have complexes and are unable to stand up for themselves in the future and confidently overcome difficulties. Is this the path you want to take your child?
  • Learn to trust your child and create conditions for him to trust you. This is the key to maintaining a strong relationship with him for many years. Allow him to carry out important tasks, give him the opportunity to feel and strengthen his skills and abilities, to feel like an assistant and a significant member of the family.
  • Raising a child 8 years old must necessarily be based on respect for him, emphasizing his strengths, creating conditions for the formation of self-confidence and adequate self-esteem.

Sexual development of children at 8-9 years old

Although puberty usually occurs during adolescence, some children (particularly girls) may experience the first signs of puberty as early as 8 or 9 years of age. At this stage, parents should talk with their child about sexual development in order to prepare him to meet the changes in the body and in psychology that are about to begin. It is important to explain that nocturnal emissions in boys and menstruation in girls (and other signs) are normal phenomena necessary for the body to mature.

In matters of sexual development, you can also begin to educate children at this age. But in a very simple and “creative” form. For example, when a woman and a man love each other, they can create a child. The man has seed, which he passes on to the woman. And she has suitable conditions to raise him and give birth to him. Ideally, conversations about gender and sexual development should be conducted with a boy by the father, and with a girl by the mother.

Gradually, children develop an interest in the opposite sex. At first, they increasingly begin to observe their parents and other adults: boys - their mother and her friends, girls - their dad and various men (including actors, singers and others famous people), can spy on them, listen to their conversations. Then interest shifts to peers of the opposite sex.

Children are increasingly aware of their belonging to a particular gender, try to demonstrate appropriate traits in behavior, copy the words and actions of adults, and strive for self-affirmation.

Child development at 8-9 years old: what should you know and be able to do?

  1. The child can control his behavior quite well and perform duties: pack a backpack, prepare homework, make the bed, clean the room, wash and brush your teeth, get dressed, etc.
  2. Children at this age distinguish between what is “good” and what is “bad”, know how to behave in public places, how to communicate with friends and strangers, and use polite words.
  3. They can navigate in space and time.
  4. The child is able to concentrate on an object or task for a longer time.
  5. Pupils can write, read, count and solve simple mathematical problems.
  6. They memorize poems from several quatrains, reproduce fairy tales and stories in detail from memory.
  7. Children have developed graphic memory: they can remember a complex picture and draw it.
  8. The child is able to express his point of view on various issues.
  9. The student can understand how various devices work.

Daily routine for a child aged 8-9 years

At this age stage, the child experiences a high mental load, so significant time should be allocated for rest.

Study and homework. At this age, children spend approximately 3 to 5 hours every day in school. After classes, the child must relax and take a walk in the fresh air. Homework should be started no earlier than 3 hours after studying. Make sure that they do not take more than 2 hours a day to complete, otherwise the student will be very tired.

Nutrition. Five meals a day is the most suitable option for a child: breakfast, lunch at school, afternoon snack, dinner and a light meal before bed.

Dream. A schoolchild aged 8-9 years needs to sleep 10-11 hours, so it is better to go to bed no later than 21.00-21.30, before doing all hygiene procedures (wash, brush teeth, take a shower). Almost all children at this age do not have daytime sleep, but if your child needs it, then do not interfere, let him regain his strength after school.

Interest classes. Most schoolchildren at this age attend sports clubs, clubs, dance studios or music schools. Typically, such classes are held immediately after school or in the evening. It is important that the child himself is interested in them and wants to visit them, and does not go there “because his parents sent him.”

Rest, walks. Every day the child needs to be in the fresh air for 2-3 hours. The more he moves, the better. This is the student’s free time, which he himself fills with what he wants. But a student should not spend more than 1 hour a day in front of the TV or computer. It is important to monitor this and offer him alternative interesting activities.

Responsibilities and work. The child must be involved in household chores and assigned certain responsibilities (wash the dishes, go to the store, take out the trash, etc.) Teach the student that he must clean his room himself.

Activities, games and toys for a child aged 8-9 years

At this age, if necessary, you can conduct classes with your child to develop memory (learning poems, retelling text), attentiveness (observing changes in the environment, sounds, words), logical thinking (solving problems, combining objects into groups and searching for differences) . Any activity is best done in the form of a game.

Games for children 8-9 years old:
Role-playing: children love to “try on” the images of heroes from films, comics, and cartoons.

Movable: “King of the Hill”, “The Heap is Small”, “Higher than your feet off the ground”, games with a ball, skipping rope, sport games and etc.

Tabletop: “Battleship”, “walkers”, chess, checkers, crosswords (they develop thinking and logic well).

Games to develop memory and attentiveness:“Edible-inedible”, “Repeat the movement”, “Find the differences” (in the picture), “What has changed?” and etc.

Toys for children 8-9 years old
Of course, dolls, cars and interactive toys do not lose their relevance for a long time. But the most useful for development at this age are: plasticine, paints, construction sets, puzzles, puzzles, various sets for creativity and children's scientific experiments. Toys have another important function - distracting the child from the computer and TV, so take care to interest him in this way.

Do not forget that adolescence is just around the corner, and by this time it is important to be able to become for the child not only a mentor and example in everything, but also a friend who is able to listen, understand, accept and support at any moment.