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Embroidery on black canvas. Embroidery on black canvas. Features of embroidery on black canvas

For a long time I have been looking at orchids from the blackGolden Kite yf xthyj canvas. I even prepared the fabric) But recently I decided to embroider biscorn on black canvas. I read a lot about it, and decided to make markings for convenience, even though the pattern is small. And my fears were immediately confirmed. The canvas cells were practically invisible. As a result, having embroidered a small crooked pattern, I decided to write this article.

The main problems encountered when embroidering on black canvas:
1. The canvas cells are not visible, it is difficult to count the cells. As a result, the embroidery speed decreases.
2. Eyes get tired quickly.
3. When embroidering with light threads, for example white, the outline can sometimes show through. If you do not want this, it is recommended to increase the number of threads. For example, if you embroidered with two, take three.
4. Colors that look bright on a white canvas may seem dull and get lost when embroidered on a black one.
5. You need to be careful when washing, as the fabric may fade.
6. Dust and hair from pets, if any, are very visible on the black canvas. In general, this can be easily solved with the help of an adhesive brush for clothes or regular tape.
7. When decorating the work, if the bottom of the frame on which the embroidery will be attached is light, then it can glow through the embroidery. To avoid this, you can put a sheet of black cardboard the size of the picture. (If the picture is blue or green, then blue or green, respectively).

What you can do to make your work easier:
1. It is best to embroider in good daylight. The cells of the canvas will be better visible and your eyes will be less tired.
2. Use additional lighting sources.
3. Even if the pattern is small and not complex, if there are no markings on the canvas, it is better to make one to avoid mistakes.
4. To make the canvas cells more visible, you can place them under the embroidery White list or a towel on your knees. Then the holes will shine through the canvas.
5. As an option, some embroiderers stick a white patch on their finger, but I find it inconvenient to embroider with it.
6. You can put a lamp under the frame or hoop from below, and the holes in the canvas will shine. There are even special light tablets for sale for these purposes. After reading about them I decided to experiment. I first took the phone, then a larger tablet and turned on the flashlight so that the entire screen shone evenly. It turned out to be more convenient than a lamp.
7. But besides this, there is another way to make working with black canvas easier, which I really liked. I rubbed the canvas with soap. It immediately became easier to count cells. The top of the canvas became white and the cells remained black. And the soap washes off easily and does not damage the fabric.

Black outline markings.
I would also like to say a few words about the marking of the black canvas. For marking you can use:
1. Special water-soluble markers. True, they appear a few minutes after application, which is not very convenient. But I never use markers to mark the entire outline, at most I can mark something, for example, the borders of embroidery. There is always a possibility, especially during a long embroidery process, that the marker will not wash off. It can easily wash off right away, but after six months it no longer does. Not often, but such cases do happen. The likelihood that it will not wash off increases greatly on dyed fabrics. The marker reacts with the dye of the fabric and does not wash off. If you still decide to use a marker for marking, then first check on a piece of canvas that it dissolves easily with water. And in the future, try to dissolve it after embroidering every page or two. This can be done using a foam sponge without removing the embroidery from the frame or hoop. And when using a water-soluble marker, do not iron the canvas. The result will be the same, the marker may not come off. It is also not recommended to leave the marked canvas in the sun.
2. Special water-soluble pencils for fabric. First of all, light colors such as white. The same thing, do not iron the canvas when using it, and do not leave the marked fabric in the sun.
3. The canvas is also marked with a piece of soap. Or tailor's chalk. The soap washes off easily.
4. Some people mark the outline using a regular pencil. They write that the markings are clearly visible. But don’t forget that the kprandash cannot be washed off. And what if the stitching is not flat, then the markings will remain visible. In addition, a pencil can stain the threads when embroidering, especially light colors.

If the work will take more than one month, it is not recommended to mark out all the work at once. Both the marker and the soap and pencil can fade, blur, or rub off.

5. Marking with threads. The thread should be light, thin and strong. Regular thread will not work. It can be pierced through with a needle and sewn on, which will complicate its further removal from the embroidery. There is a special monofilament. This is a very thin, synthetic thread. There are also special water-soluble threads for marking. They dissolve in water during washing. Silk threads or thin fishing line are also often used.
I didn’t immediately understand that it was MONO thread that was needed. Monofilament means that the thread consists of one thread that cannot be divided into parts. It is impossible to pierce it through with a needle and sew it on, which in the future will make it difficult or even impossible to remove. If you make markings not with monofilament, but with regular thread, then when embroidering it is better not to sew it up, but this is inconvenient, otherwise it will be difficult to remove. When marking with monofilament or thin fishing line, it can be sewn up; it can be pulled out very easily, but it is difficult to secure the ends to the fabric.

I don't like marking. A marker may be more convenient, but I'm afraid it may not come off.
The threads take a long time, and sewing with such markings is inconvenient. However, when I made the markings, I stopped at the threads.

Washing and ironing black canvas.

Black canvas can be of poor quality and sometimes fade. Therefore, before starting embroidery, it is recommended to check whether it is fading. You can wash a piece of canvas. Or you can take a white thread, it’s better to fold it in half or three. Moisten it with water and iron it on a piece of canvas. If the canvas fades, the thread will turn black. In this case, it is better to replace it.
Before ironing, if you used a water-soluble marker, be sure to wash the embroidery first. And only then iron it. If this is not done, the marker may react with the canvas paint and not wash off.
The embroidery can be washed with warm water without using caustic detergents. I usually use regular soap. After washing, I dry the work and then iron it. If there is a distortion in the work, then while the work is wet you can try to pull it in the desired direction of the threads, and fix the result when ironing.

Professional craftswomen believe that embroidering on black canvas is a sign of talent and skill. In fact, there is some truth to this. After all, embroidery on such material requires a lot of experience and care. Marking on black fabric is much more difficult, and during the creative process it will be very difficult for the needlewoman to look for holes. And the most unpleasant thing is that the dark canvas immediately reveals settled dust or pet hair.

Masters recommend abandoning this type of needlework if you do not yet have enough experience in needlework. Don't torture yourself, take a white canvas. But if the desire is very strong, then be sure to read the tips and tricks to avoid basic mistakes. If the needlewoman nevertheless begins this type of work, then as a result she will receive a beautiful and rich design that will ideally fit into the interior of any apartment or house.

  • Masters advise choosing a size 16 canvas, which is the golden mean among all the existing holes between the weaving. The cells will look neat, and even the most picky master will not notice the gaps
  • Lay out the main material. If a white canvas allows you to draw on it with a marker, which disappears after a while, then a black fabric does not allow you to apply cells and a table-scheme. But in this situation, a solution can be found. Use a white thread when marking to mark the cells. And then gradually pull the thread out of the weave of the canvas. As a result, there will be no traces of a pen or felt-tip pen on the fabric. In addition, the marker may not be washed off the base after washing.

  • Remember that the chosen scheme is the background and design. The first one is black? Then do not embroider this element, and the needlewoman may not apply stitches to those places that consist of black seams. Indeed, in our view of the main material it is completely imperceptible whether such details are embroidered
  • Never jump from one area of ​​the fabric to another, as embroidery on black canvas suggests consistency and unhurriedness. Have you heard this advice: “It will turn out faster if you fill in the light areas first and then move on to the dark ones”? Forget him! Start working from any corner of the canvas and gradually move down. The optimal solution is to start from the top left

  • The embroidery technique will depend solely on your imagination and desire. If you want to save time and make a product as quickly as possible, for example, as a gift, then you can use the “half-cross” method. Black material will ideally hide all minor imperfections

Preserving vision

To do this, be sure to solve the lighting problem. The most optimal solution is daylight during the day when the light is brightest. But most often, needlewomen do their creative work in the evenings, so you should pay attention to lamps and lighting fixtures.

Take two lamps, one of which will illuminate the product from above, and the second from below. This is what will allow you to see all the holes in the canvas. Don't skimp on the lighting fixture and don't sacrifice your health. After all, this is the only way craftswomen can preserve their vision without spoiling it. If you cannot purchase such equipment, it is better to abandon this idea.

Little tricks

Even repeated washing will not help return the fibers to their rightful place, and the entire product may become deformed.

You can use a machine, but the fabric should be stretched completely without any folds, and the edges should be sewn with thread.

Pay attention to the floss that will be used to do the work itself. It is possible that threads that look bright and saturated on white material will look faded on black. Therefore, needlewomen recommend choosing bright colors. Otherwise, the contours of the finished work will be very poorly visible.

When embroidering on such an unusual fabric, the thread is folded 3-4 times. This is necessary so that the weave of the canvas does not show through the resulting pattern of crosses.

To preserve the product during the creative process and to protect it from dust and wool, roll the unfinished product in film, baking paper or any cotton fabric. Otherwise, use a special roller for cleaning clothes.

Remember that dark-colored canvas can be greatly deformed or lose its shade.

To avoid this, wash a small portion of the fabric first and make sure it is of good quality. Take this trick very seriously, because such a mistake can cost the craftswoman long days and a lot of effort. And in the end you will get a bad mood and ruined work.

Embroidery on black canvas has always attracted needlewomen with its unusual appearance. And also the originality of the resulting products.

Remember that working with such material requires experience and skill, otherwise nothing good will come of such an undertaking.

And if you are confident in your abilities and the excellent result of the creative process, feel free to get to work. Take care of your eyesight, use a magnifying glass and a table lamp, choose the design you like and be patient. As a result, you will definitely end up with a unique piece of handicraft that will amaze anyone with its beauty and uniqueness.

There is an opinion among professional embroiderers that cross stitch on black canvas- the highest point of mastery. There is some truth in this. Embroider on black canvas very difficult. An untrained eye and fingers unaccustomed to a needle are unlikely to cope with even a very light design. What can we say about entire canvases that are embroidered from more than a hundred shades of threads?

It should be noted that although it is difficult to embroider on black canvas, the pictures turn out very beautiful, rich and dignified. In addition, any drawing on a dark background looks charming in its own way. And also, importantly, canvases with a black background will fit perfectly into any interior.

In fact, working with black canvas is not that difficult. At least not the way the professionals talk about it. You just have to listen to the following recommendations.

  • , give preference to size 16. It is he who is the golden mean. The checkered patterns will remain neat when embroidering. Also, gaps will not be observed.
  • Most embroiderers trace the outline. If when working with white canvas you can use either a disappearing marker or a pencil, then with black it is not so easy to draw cells and a diagram table. However, there is always a way out. Alternatively, you can use regular white thread, stretched in the right places, to mark the cells. As you embroider, the white thread marking is pulled out. This method is very convenient because there are no traces or a hint of marking left on the canvas. But when using a marker, you cannot give a 100% guarantee that it will be washed off during washing or disappear without a trace after the time indicated on the label.
  • This instruction concerns the embroidery itself directly. The outline of the selected painting consists of a background and a pattern. If the background is black, then it you don't have to sew it up at all. It is also permissible to skip those places in the design where stitches with black thread are indicated. On the black canvas it is completely unnoticeable whether it is sewn.
  • I would like to note separately about using embroidery machines and hoops. The hoop cannot be used when working with black canvas. They stretch the material very much and leave marks from the clamp. No amount of washing will bring stretched fibers back into place. And the work itself will take a long time. Regarding the machines, then again, not every model will fit. It is important that the fabric is stretched to its full size on the machine, without folding. The edges of the canvas should not be pinned to the machine, but sewn with thread.

    Talking about specifics of embroidery on black canvas, one cannot remain silent about the embroiderer’s workplace. If it is comfortable to work with white canvas in daylight, then vice versa with black canvas. More precisely, it doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night outside, you will need backlighting to work. This can be a special lamp that is placed under the bottom of the canvas, which is very popular among embroiderers. Thus, the lamp illuminates the holes and you can easily see the crosses, and the ruler magnifying glass makes the holes more visible.

    If there is no such lamp, it does not mean at all that you should refuse embroidery on black canvas before purchasing it. You can replace such a lamp with the most common tabletop analogue of fluorescent lamps. At worst, place a white sheet of paper or cardboard under the canvas.

    This basic rules for working with embroidery on black canvas. But every craftswoman in the course of her work will definitely discover something new for herself and will definitely acquire her own secrets and acquire skills.

    • When embroidering a specific design on black canvas, under no circumstances You can't jump from one place to another. The advice that you can speed up the embroidery process by working on light shades first, and then on dark ones, is not suitable here. Embroidery on black canvas requires consistent work. The same applies to the rules for starting embroidery. According to the rules, they begin to embroider the picture from the center. But not on a black outline. Here they embroider from one corner and move gradually down and to the side. It's better to start from the top left corner.
    • Regarding, there are no subtleties in working with this canvas. It all depends on desire and capabilities. On my own behalf, I will say that in order to save threads, you can embroider the entire picture in a half-cross. The black canvas will brighten up all the imperfections or poor-quality stitches.

Cross stitch not only serves as decoration, it helps to create unique pictures and scenes, and can serve as a practical element. Thanks to the possibility of dyeing the canvas, you can embroider even on dark fabrics. Embroidery patterns on black canvas are made with light threads to create contrast and the elements are clearly visible.

Popular stories

On a black background you can embroider not only monochrome light elements, but also create full-fledged paintings. Craftswomen combine reflective threads with ordinary threads, so you can enjoy the plot at night. Floral motifs or landscape elements are popular on dark backgrounds. Tree branches, flowers, plant frames are combined with embroidered inscriptions.

Monochrome works have been popular for a long time. Embroidery patterns on black canvas can be of different sizes, starting from small elements and ending with a full-fledged picture. Both male and female images are applied. Using several light shades on a dark canvas, you can convey a full-fledged image, focusing attention on facial features.

Due to the contrast and clarity, cross stitch patterns on black canvas are popular among both domestic and foreign consumers.

Creating metrics

Embroidering stories with babies is popular and in demand, because along with a beautiful story you can combine inscriptions and the date of birth. Metrics are made on canvas of the author's color; dark tones are also popular because they add clarity to a small picture and enhance the brightness of the threads.

Baby embroidery patterns on black canvas can be of different sizes and complexity. For a dark base, it is better to select simple subjects so as not to make mistakes during the work process. On black material, details are visible better than on a light background, so some contours may not be outlined. Metrics allow you to combine important information with a beautiful picture or create your own story using proprietary diagrams.

Character image

In addition to various subjects and small paintings, amulets and geometric symbols can also be applied to a dark base. Each nation has its own embroidery attributes and distinctive features.

The Slavs love to perform protective elements together with ordinary plots, thus conveying magical overtones and an energetic message. For women, amulets are embroidered with bright red threads; you can add yellow shades or dark green crosses. These colors imply vital energy and strength, the desire to develop and give continuation of life.

For men, talismans are embroidered with dark threads, but they may not be visible on a black background. Therefore, the standard White color in combination with red, which for the stronger sex symbolizes power and might. Cross stitch patterns on black canvas can combine not only plots, but also symbolic elements, due to which the pictures will be varied and interesting.

Magical subtext

Embroidery is considered not only a type of needlework, but also has a hidden meaning, so it can attract not only positive emotions, but also new people into life. For example, paired subjects (a man and a woman, animals or repeating symbols) can attract a soul mate or give love to a lonely embroiderer.

Although there is no big difference on what background it is performed on, light or dark, the latter base is more popular, since the combination of a black base and light threads is filled with magical power. Thus, handicrafts on a waxing moon can bring success and fulfillment of desires.

For those craftswomen who wanted to get a solution to the problem in housing topics, the solution is considered to be embroidering the outline of a house or lighthouse, which promises a quick solution to the problem and getting what you want. An embroidery pattern on black canvas for a male or female amulet, made on a new moon, is considered powerful protection from evil forces.

Flower symbolism

Embroidery of plants involves the presence of different shades and most often these are color paintings, but against a dark background they look brighter and richer, more voluminous and detailed. To attract love into life, craftswomen advise making poppies or peonies; it is desirable that the buds are large and beautiful.

If a woman wants to enhance beauty and harmony with nature, to emphasize her inner world, then embroidery patterns on black canvas with images of roses are used. For a dark background, a drawing would be ideal. white flower or several buds in different shades.

To increase confidence and gain opportunities for self-realization, it is recommended to embroider lilies of the valley or irises in purple tones. When making bouquets, you need to pay attention to the combination of different shades of flowers, so as not to harm yourself with the wrong selection.

Selection of materials

For a dark base, both cotton threads and thick woolen yarn are suitable. The latter conveys volume well and adds pomp to the details. Some craftswomen combine cotton and wool threads to create an interesting picture. But it is better not to do this unless necessary, since alternating flat and convex crosses is not always beneficial.

It is better to use wool threads on black canvas so that the plot does not look flat. As for the material, this is the basis for embroidery fits better than linen or homespun linen of the same color. It will be difficult to see the holes on them and work in the evening.

It is much easier to make a mistake on a black base than on a regular light background, especially if the process is performed in dark shades. Therefore, craftswomen, in addition to the standard set of canvas and threads, also recommend buying a special marker to draw squares for work and monitor the progress of work.

Cross stitch patterns on black canvas, unusual in their appearance, allow you to create powerful gifts and simply decorative elements. At first glance, it may seem that the material requires lengthy preparation. In fact, anyone can create an image on canvas. The main thing is to follow a few rules to reduce the number of possible errors.

To begin with, it is necessary to dwell on a number of features that make the dark canvas special in all respects. The first thing that literally catches your eye is fatigue. Due to the physical characteristics of the fabric, the eyes get tired quickly. Short breaks during work will help reduce the load.

In addition to this negative impact on the organ of vision, embroidery on dark canvas has a number of other features:

  1. It is not easy for even an experienced craftswoman to see holes in dark material. Quite often this leads to an uneven distribution of threads on the material.
  2. Dark-colored material collects external pollutants faster. For example, if there is a cat or dog in the house, their fur can spoil the appearance of the work.
  3. The marking process takes more time. In this case, you can only use a fabric marker, otherwise the material will be damaged.

The positive aspects of working with dark canvas include the style of all works. When using it, it is easy to create silhouettes or show the play of light and shadow. This is extremely difficult to do on a traditional canvas. It is recommended to choose dark material only if the person has experience and a truly confident hand.

Stylish cross stitch on black canvas: flowers

To ensure that working with the material does not lead to vision impairment, you need to start by choosing the right lighting. Natural light is ideal for black cross stitch. In this case, it is better to take another lamp.

Even experienced embroiderers need additional lighting. It is installed in such a way that the light falls at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the plane of the canvas.

If it is not possible to find a portable lamp, then a piece of light fabric located under the dark one will help you embroider on a dark canvas.

This will make your work much easier, because flower arrangements include many small details:

  • Significant and decorative elements of the painting are made using the “” technique;
  • Work always begins with embroidering the largest element - the bud;
  • on the canvas in such a way that the outer contour of the flower is always lighter than the inner;
  • If plants with bright buds are embroidered, for example, poppies, then in this case the artist uses colors with the maximum degree of saturation;
  • Maximum permissible quantity colors and shades – 10 (beginners) and 20+ (professionals);
  • Aida 16 canvas is used for work;
  • The optimal number of needles for work is 13-14 and 25.

Creating floral arrangements with a cross stitch on dark fabric is classified as medium difficulty. The recommended size of one composition should not exceed 40x69 cm. If you convert this value into “crosses” that embroiderers can understand, you get 250x425.

Unusual cross stitch: baby on black canvas

To create a composition of this kind, beginners are recommended to take ready-made diagrams. The store's thematic catalog will help you find them. Depending on what kind of baby should appear on the canvas, threads and needles are selected. In this case, it is better to abandon the average version of needles. Use No. 13-14 to create the background and 24-26 to draw small details.

The further procedure is as follows:

  • You should always start embroidering with the contours of the face;
  • The space near the face is always lighter than the rest of the work;
  • As you move to the neck, the thickness of the stitches increases to 2-3 threads;
  • A similar amount is used for the calf;
  • When creating work, it is better to avoid fixing the threads on the outside of the canvas using knots.

An elf or other fairy-tale character is embroidered in a similar way, the size of which matches the size of the baby.

Choosing kits for cross stitch on black canvas

Needlewomen who do not want to spend a lot of time searching necessary scheme embroideries or basics can make your life easier. In this case, kits can help, which are easy to find in theme stores. They already contain all the tools that allow you to immediately get to work. In this case, you need to spend a lot of time studying the description of a single set.

  1. The size of the canvas required to create a specific design must be indicated on the box. In addition, the packaging should contain information about recommended needles.
  2. To create a monochrome cityscape, you will need threads that include several bright shades. The emphasis is on slightly abstract forms, because the city is always on the move.
  3. Fans of silhouettes need to make sure they have the required shades of floss threads. For example, a naked girl sitting on the river bank creates a silhouette. The play of light and shadow will be emphasized by a smooth transition of shades.
  4. The number and type of needles in the set must correspond to the density of the canvas. The higher it is, the smaller the needle number is needed. At the same time, you need to remember that to create decorative elements you will need needles with a number of 23 and higher.

Working with black canvas requires more time and a really steady hand. It is necessary to ensure good illumination of the work surface using at least two sources. Only in this case will it be clearly visible where exactly the needle should go. In addition, it is advisable to make sure that the place where you plan to work is clean. Otherwise, the black material will become magnets for dust and fur.

Various cross stitch patterns on black canvas (video)

Details: cross stitch on black canvas with patterns (photo examples)