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After losing weight my cheeks sagged, what should I do? How to avoid age-related sagging cheeks. What can a plastic surgeon do?

Smooth, toned skin and a clear oval face - isn’t this what all women dream of? But, alas, time is merciless, and with age, the skin gradually loses its tone, beginning to sag. As a result, unsightly “bulldog” cheeks appear, causing aesthetic discomfort among the fair sex.

From many commercials you can hear that all kinds of creams, masks, and tonics for the face are an excellent, highly effective remedy that helps on the face at home. But is this really so? And how to remove ugly “bulldog” cheeks?

It turns out that sagging cheeks are not just a problem for women over 40. Young girls also often suffer from this unaesthetic phenomenon. So why is this happening?


In adult women after 30 years of age, the skin gradually begins to lose elasticity. This is due to a decrease in the amount of collagen produced by the body. In this case, the skin begins to sag, and bulldog cheeks form on the face.

Sudden weight loss

In young girls, bulldog cheeks can be the result of an incorrect approach to the weight loss process. When you gain weight, your facial skin stretches, and when you lose it suddenly, it begins to sag unsightly. Such a nuisance will spoil appearance, and will lead to the emergence of a whole host of complexes in the girl.

Tobacco smoking

Smoking is another worst enemy of the skin. Nicotine and tars contained in cigarette smoke cause the skin to slowly but steadily lose vitamins, microelements, collagen and elastin. Gradually, this causes darkening or yellowing of the epidermis and its. As a result, bulldog cheeks are formed.


This is one of the main factors predisposing to the appearance of bulldog cheeks on the face. If your mother, grandmother or aunt has or previously had similar problems, then you are also not immune from them, even if your skin is now elastic and there is no hint of sagging.

Tanning abuse

Prolonged exposure to open sunlight or frequent visits to the solarium negatively affects the condition of the skin. The fact is that the liquid from them gradually begins to evaporate, as a result of which they become dry and lose their elasticity. The skin begins to sag, forming bulldog cheeks.

Especially often, bulldog cheeks appear in those girls whose epidermis is light and hypersensitive. Such skin reacts sharply to any influence of external factors, especially to the influence of high temperatures.

Despite the fact that you can get rid of bulldog cheeks at home by doing special exercises or using masks, some women take radical measures, deciding to remove sagging areas of skin surgically. This procedure is not safe, and it is also very expensive. Therefore, regardless of the reasons for the formation of bulldog cheeks, it is preferable to deal with them using gentle methods.

Help from a cosmetologist for bulldog cheeks on the face

How to remove bulldog cheeks? Finally, we come to the main question that is relevant to many women.

The easiest and relatively quick (but by no means cheap) way to get rid of sagging skin on your face is to consult a specialist. The cosmetologist will select the maximum effective means combating an unpleasant defect.

The following procedures help to remove unsightly “bulldog” cheeks on the face.

RF technology

The most popular method to help remove bulldog cheeks on the face is the use of RF technology. These are unique techniques that are based on a direct effect on the subcutaneous tissue and dermis. Using high-frequency electric fields, the underlying layers of the skin are heated, which stimulates the active production of natural collagen.

Thanks to RF technology, you can not only remove bulldog cheeks on your face, but also smooth out fine wrinkles. The skin becomes elastic and toned in appearance.

Lifting and myostimulation

Facial lifting and myostimulation procedures will also help remove unsightly bulldog cheeks in a short time. Such events are held only in beauty salons and are quite expensive. But the effect of their implementation is amazing, as evidenced by numerous reviews from women.

To hide bulldog cheeks before any important event, you can use special collagen-based masks.

They mask sagging skin on the face well, but to completely remove bulldog cheeks, you will have to spend a little more time.

How to remove bulldog cheeks on your face at home?

How to get rid of bulldog cheeks using home remedies? Fortunately, there are many ways to combat this defect, the most effective of which are the following:

  1. Using “cosmetic” ice. In fact, you need to use ordinary ice, which can be prepared from either plain water or decoctions. medicinal plants. It is necessary to treat “bulldog” cheeks on the face for 5-10 minutes. The manipulation must be carried out daily.
  2. Compresses based on iodized salt. This is a real miracle product that effectively helps remove bulldog cheeks and give the skin freshness. To prepare a cosmetic solution you need 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt pour 400 ml of boiling water. Wait for the mixture to cool, then moisten a clean napkin in it and apply it to the bulldog’s cheeks. Keep the application on for 5-7 minutes, after which you need to wash well with running water and then apply moisturizer to your face. It is better to choose a cosmetic product that has a tightening effect. If you carry out this manipulation regularly (2-3 times a week), then you can remove bulldog cheeks from your face quite quickly.
  3. Contrast compresses. Alternating cold and warm compresses perfectly tone the skin, making it elastic. Soak a clean napkin in cold water and then apply it to the bulldog's cheeks on the face for a few seconds. Repeat the manipulation with a cloth soaked in warm water. Perform several approaches. Instead of ordinary water, cold and hot decoctions of chamomile, sage, mint, and eucalyptus can be used for contrasting compresses for bulldog cheeks.

The best method to help get rid of bulldog cheeks is laughter. And it's not a joke! 80 muscle groups are involved in this process, which helps strengthen them and restore their tone. When you laugh, small wrinkles are smoothed out, so why not try this method of getting rid of bulldog cheeks?

Exercises to get rid of bulldog cheeks at home

Bulldog cheeks and methods for eliminating them at home by performing light facial exercises is an issue that needs to be given special attention. A quick tightening of sagging skin is not possible with cosmetic procedures alone – this also requires physical activity. The following exercises are great for removing bulldog cheeks on your face:

  1. Puff out your cheeks as much as possible and slowly count to 5. After this, slowly release the air by pursing your lips into a tube. Do 3-5 sets of this exercise. Do it every day!
  2. You will need a pen or pencil to complete this exercise. You need to press it tightly with your lips, and then write the alphabet in the air from the first to the last letter. While performing the exercise, you should feel how intensely the facial muscles work. The muscles of the neck are also involved in this process, so from such exercises you will get a double effect - get rid of bulldog cheeks and rejuvenate your neck.
  3. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, tilt your head back as much as possible. Make intense movements with your chin, trying to capture your upper lip with your lower lip. The exercise should be performed until you feel tired.
  4. Close your teeth as tightly as possible, keep your head straight. The lower lip must be protruded as much as possible and held in this position for several seconds. Do 3-5 approaches of the exercise.
  5. Tilt your head slightly, and then reach your chin to each shoulder in turn. Do 10 repetitions and rest a little. Perform several approaches of this exercise throughout the day.
  6. Stand straight, shoulders straight, head slightly tilted forward. Press your chin tightly to your chest. Slowly pull your chin towards your right shoulder, then return to the original position and slowly tilt your head back. Return to IP again. Repeat all steps, pulling your chin towards your left shoulder. Throughout the entire time you perform this exercise, you should feel the muscles of your face and neck working. Only if you make an effort will you be able to remove unaesthetic bulldog cheeks.

From the list above, select 2-3 that are most optimal for you and do them daily. The first results of the fight against “bulldog” cheeks on the face can be assessed after 2-3 weeks.

Face masks for bulldog cheeks

How to remove bulldog cheeks on your face at home using masks? There is nothing better than combining exercise and beauty products.

To get rid of bulldog cheeks on your face, try a few mask recipes.

Recipe No. 1

For this mask you will need 1 egg white, which must be beaten thoroughly. If you have a dry skin type, add a teaspoon of honey to the protein; if you have dry skin, add the same amount of pre-steamed oatmeal.

All ingredients are mixed well, and the finished consistency is applied to the bulldog cheeks. The mask perfectly tones and scrubs the epidermis. You need to keep the product for 10-15 minutes, after which you wash your face first with warm and then with cold water. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.

This mask can be used not only to combat bulldog cheeks. It is also suitable for the skin of the hands and neck. After just a few sessions, you will be able to notice how it begins to tighten and become elastic.

Recipe No. 2

Take sour cream and honey in equal proportions and beat well. Apply the mixture to the “bulldog” cheeks of the face and leave for a quarter of an hour. As in the previous case, the mask is washed off first with warm, then with cold water.

The product tones the skin well and makes it elastic. Thanks to this, you can remove sagging skin and even out the contour of your face.

Recipe No. 3

Pour 6 g of oatmeal with a quarter cup of boiling water and leave until the liquid is completely absorbed and the cereal swells. IN ready mixture pour in 5 ml of yogurt (prepared yourself if possible), add honey and chopped almonds (1 tsp each). Place the mixture in a blender and beat thoroughly.

The finished mask is applied to the “bulldog” cheeks in the face area with massaging movements. After a short massage (3-5 minutes), the cosmetic product must be washed off.

It is advisable to combine methods for eliminating unsightly bulldog cheeks on the face. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the effect of home remedies will not be lightning fast - you will have to wait for it for several weeks, and if the situation is advanced, even months. However, the result is worth it, so be patient and direct all your efforts to combat unsightly jowls in the facial area.

The article was verified by beauty blogger @lil4olga.

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Everyone knows that old age is primarily manifested in wrinkles and sagging skin. But the elasticity of the skin itself and the contour of our face depend on how good the tone of the facial muscles is. To keep your facial muscles toned, just like in fitness, you need proper and effective exercises.

That's why website publishes a set of the best exercises that, according to doctors, will help your face stay fit and young for many years.

Warming up the muscles

To ensure that your efforts are not in vain, before starting any “training,” the muscles need to be properly stretched and warmed up.

Sit or stand with your back straight. Now try to pronounce vowel sounds as clearly and drawn out as possible (“a”, “o”, “i”, “e”). Take your time and continue the exercise until you feel warmth all over your face.

Sit on a chair and tilt your head back. Now imagine that you need to reach a light bulb with your lower lip. Protrude your lower lip as much as possible and hold in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then relax and repeat 2-3 more times.

In this exercise, you need to wrap your arms around yourself properly. Then slowly begin to pull your neck up. It is important to keep your back straight. When you feel like you've reached your limit, take a deep breath and silently count to 10-15. Then slowly return to the starting position.

A simple but effective exercise against sagging cheeks and jowls. Keep your head straight while doing this.

Lower the corners of your lips and pull them down as hard as possible for 5 seconds. Then return to normal position. Repeat the exercise 5 times or more until you feel tired in your muscles.

Sitting on a chair with a straight back, take a pencil and squeeze it tightly with your lips. Now, without moving your head, begin to write your name or individual letters in the air with a pencil. Do the exercise for at least 3 minutes, then take a break and repeat a couple more times.

This exercise works the neck muscles and helps to tighten the contour of the face.

Tilt your head to the right, trying to reach your ear with your shoulder. At the same time, use the palm of your right hand to press on your left temple, trying to prevent head movements. Hold for 10 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

Take a deep breath, close your lips tightly and puff out your cheeks. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your fingers rest on your ears. Now begin to press on your cheeks, creating resistance and tensing your muscles. Using maximum effort, hold this for 5-6 seconds, then relax and rest. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

One of the most difficult age-related changes to correct is soft tissue ptosis. The swollen contour of the face and its individual areas cannot be corrected with the help of conventional creams, however, for each problem there is its own solution. How to tighten sagging cheeks? Today, many answers can be given to this question. Various methods of combating sagging cheeks have different effectiveness, principle of action and cost. And to choose the optimal method, you need to get to know each option in more detail.

Procedures at home

Measures carried out at home independently cannot eliminate ptosis completely, however, as a prevention and control of the defect at the initial stage, they are quite effective and affordable.
First of all, it should be noted that the cause of sagging cheeks is a lack of collagen caused by age-related changes, heredity, bad habits and other external factors. Try to eliminate such preconditions as much as possible, and you will reduce the risk of ptosis to zero.

The simplest massage takes no more than a minute and can be performed in the bathroom. After you have washed, actively rub your cheeks with your palms in an upward direction. If necessary, such manipulations are performed with a hard towel. Upon completion, do not forget to apply an anti-aging or moisturizing cream.

Among other things, the following preventive exercises should be performed on a regular basis to help tighten the skin:

  • Puff out your cheeks, hold your breath for up to 10 seconds and release the air. At correct execution exercise after exhalation, discomfort is felt.
  • Take air into your mouth and roll it from cheek to cheek.
  • Take air into your mouth and slowly push it out, trying not to unclench your lips as much as possible.
  • We inflate our cheeks and press them with our palms, while providing resistance from the inside.

All exercises are performed 10 times on a daily basis. It is possible to start them before the defect appears.

Cosmetological methods

Professional methods for correcting ptosis of the midface are usually used by patients aged 35-40 years, with pronounced problems or after significant weight fluctuations. The most common ways to combat the problem in this direction are:

Cheek correction with hyaluronic acid fillers

It involves the injection of liquid implants that replenish the volume of soft tissues and help maintain the achieved result by attracting a significant amount of water molecules. Due to the additional volume, the skin of the cheeks is tightened and sagging tissue disappears. The results last for a maximum of a year. Injection lifting can also be carried out on the basis of liquid silicone or polylactic acid; these types of fillers provide longer-lasting results from 1 to 3 years.


Restoring the volume of the soft tissues of the cheeks using your own fat deposits obtained during liposuction. The natural implant of the fence ambassador goes through cleaning, and only then is introduced into the problem area, restoring its volume, providing skin tension and rejuvenation. Quite often, fat injections are carried out in two stages, since it tends to dissolve. A positive result lasts up to 2-4 years.

Thread lifting

Introduction of special threads (from absorbable or non-absorbable materials) into soft tissues. The tightening effect in this case is ensured by the natural tension of the skin and increasing its elasticity, because the materials from which the threads are made stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The results of the procedure last for a period of 1 to 5 years.

Laser lifting

Light exposure to problem areas of the skin in order to activate internal processes that promote tissue healing and increase their elasticity. Positive changes are explained by heating of dermal cells, compaction of collagen fibers and destruction of damaged areas of the epidermis. Changes are recorded for up to 3-5 years.

Thermage or radiofrequency lifting

Exposure to high contact electric current for the purpose of heating the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Thermal energy promotes increased collagen production, restores skin elasticity and tone. The procedure is carried out in a course of 4 to 10 sessions, the effect of which lasts for up to one and a half years.

Ultrasonic massage

Stimulating the production of collagen necessary to increase skin elasticity due to ultrasonic vibrations penetrating soft tissues. The technique is carried out in a course of 10 to 20 sessions; it is relevant as a preventive measure and at the initial stage of sagging cheeks.

Vacuum massage

Stimulation of collagen production due to negative pressure, normalization of blood circulation and internal processes. It is also carried out in a course of 10–20 sessions and is not suitable for combating severe sagging due to soft tissue deficiency.

The described techniques are classified as minimally invasive; in most cases, they are easily tolerated by patients, are performed without anesthesia or under local anesthesia and do not require prior preparation.

Thread lifting and filler injections require a longer rehabilitation period after the procedure. Violation of the integrity of the skin, albeit small, is often accompanied by inflammatory processes, swelling, and hyperemia. For recovery, you need to apply cool compresses and antiseptic treatments, avoid visiting solariums, gyms and swimming pools.

As a preventive measure and in the initial stages of ptosis, injection techniques such as biorevitalization or mesotherapy will also be relevant. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, provide additional hydration and accelerated collagen synthesis.

An alternative to thread lifting is bioreinforcement, the implantation of biodegradable threads, which dissolve in the skin over time, provoking the creation of a natural collagen framework.

How to remove sagging cheeks - we often think when looking at ourselves in the mirror. Over time, a woman's age can be determined by the condition of her face.

Regardless of the factors that cause aging, unfortunately, women can experience sagging cheeks, indicating a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin.

If you find a problem, you can contact the salon and use its services. Radical methods include plastic surgery. But effective procedure Not everyone can afford it.

An excellent alternative to serious procedures will be beauty recipes that can be used at home, and you can find out useful information about intervertebral hernia

The main rule for the effectiveness of the product is regularity. Using simple and affordable ingredients, you can reduce wrinkles on your face and tighten your cheeks by removing jowls.

Why do jowls appear?

In most cases, the cause of the problem is believed to be aging. But in reality there are many different factors.

  • is one of the main reasons that quickly accelerates the aging process. Excess fat can also be deposited on the face. As a result, the cheeks sag. To avoid such a situation, it is important to constantly monitor your kilograms and not allow your weight to drop sharply or increase rapidly.
  • Age-related changes are the norm for every person, and women are no exception. Due to approaching old age, muscles lose tone, the amount of collagen becomes less and less, cells are renewed more slowly, which leads to sagging muscles and sagging cheeks.
  • Forgetting to take care of your facial skin (see) and neglecting basic hygiene rules, even at 30 years old you can encounter wrinkles and sagging cheeks. Preventive measures reduce the appearance of signs of premature aging.

Preventive measures

At the first signs of sagging cheeks, it is important to take appropriate measures and constantly combat the problem. Only by using various means can the expected effect be achieved.

Among preventive measures, it is worth remembering important rules.

  1. In the early morning you should wash your face with contrasting water. Then wet a small towel and massage both sides of the face from bottom to top.
  2. To do this, you need to focus on your health. Experts recommend turning to, which will allow you to quickly regenerate skin cells.
  3. Review your diet. It is worth giving preference to healthy foods. To ensure your skin always glows with health, you should turn to vegetarianism. In the process of such nutrition, the body will be filled with vitamins, which will allow the skin to be elastic.
  4. With a lack of protein, sagging cheeks can also occur. In this case, you should include nuts and legumes in your diet. You should take special vitamins that contain useful components that affect the condition of the skin.

Facial skin needs regular care. Once every 7 days you should do a deep clean using scrubs and apply a nourishing mask. Cosmetics should be used according to your skin type.

You can resort to methods that help restore blood circulation to the cheeks. To cope with the problem, the most effective methods are gymnastics and massage. You should not expect that the problem will go away after the first procedure. Only after lengthy procedures will the effect be obvious.

How to remove sagging cheeks - basic exercises

By doing gymnastics, the muscles of the cheeks can be perfectly tightened, doing them constantly twice a day. All procedures are best performed by women over 25 years of age. Regular exercises allow you to cope with the signs of aging and make your cheeks firmer and the oval of your face toned.

Effective exercises


You should inhale and puff out your cheeks. You should hold this way for 6 seconds and relax. In the first seconds the sensations will not be very pleasant. There may be some discomfort. But to achieve the desired result, you should perform at least 15 approaches. Over time, the discomfort will cease to bother you.


The exercise is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the air in the mouth should be slowly rolled from one side of the jaw to the other.


The peculiarity of this exercise is that the air needs to be driven in a circle, helping with the tongue. To achieve the best effect, do the exercise slowly.


Taking a deep breath, then through the lips, which are compressed, the air must be pushed out. Initially, air can be pushed out through one corner of the mouth, then through the other.


You need to puff out your cheeks strongly, and then try to hold the air while pressing with your palms.


You need to puff out your cheeks, close your mouth with your hands and exhale through them.


The mouth is opened, lips curled into a tube. The lips are pulled forward several times.


Oddly enough, but children's fun, inflating balloons allows you to strengthen not only your lungs, but also your facial muscles. You should inflate one balloon per day.


The head should be tilted towards the chest and then to the left. Feeling the tension on the right side of your cheek, you need to linger for a few minutes. The exercise is repeated for the other side.


The lips are folded into a tube and the tongue sticks out, which needs to reach the chin. The neck muscles will be as tense as possible. You need to stay like this for a couple of minutes.


Those who smile often are not at risk of sagging cheeks. Such pleasant exercises train almost all facial muscles.

Effective masks

If there is no financial opportunity or time for cosmetic procedures, you should give preference to simple masks (more details -), which will make you look beautiful and get rid of sagging cheeks.

Egg + cottage cheese

To prepare the mask, you need to take a chicken egg, a tablespoon of cottage cheese, preferably from the market, and the same amount of olive oil. The egg should first be beaten with a whisk, then the rest of the ingredients should be added to it. The mass should be homogeneous. The composition is applied for 15 minutes. It should be noted that the skin must be perfectly clean. The protein contained in the mask will perfectly tighten the skin.

Honey + lemon

To prepare the following composition, you need to take one part honey, the same amount of lemon juice and two parts lemon zest, grated on a fine grater. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to the skin of the face. Thanks to the honey included in the mask, metabolic processes in the skin will accelerate, and the skin will glow with freshness.

Milk + sour cream

This mask is better suited for the winter period and is recommended for dry face types. You need to take three parts of sour cream and one part of milk, mixing them until smooth. In addition to the tightening effect, it will perfectly whiten the face and make it brighter. The ingredients included in the composition perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. For oily skin You should take low-fat sour cream.

The above masks are preventive measures that will not be able to fully cope with the problem. But if you use not only masks, but also massage and exercise, you can eliminate the problem.

Effective massage

The index finger of one hand should hold the skin under the cheek. A index finger make movements with the other hand that imitate a man shaving. The skin should not be stretched. It should be a light massage.

Such actions will relieve muscle hypertonicity and prevent the formation of jowls. To make massage more comfortable, you can apply a couple of drops of massage oil to your cleansed face. Each movement must be performed at least 30 times on one cheek and then on the other.

Light pats

Patting with a towel soaked in herbal decoction is no less effective. The skin should be well cleansed, movements should be light and energetic. The procedure is performed in a couple of minutes.

Thus, the only correct answer to the question of how to remove sagging cheeks is to regularly take care of yourself.

How to remove sagging cheeks at home, as well as the causes of sagging cheeks, cosmetic procedures and prevention.

An inevitable physiological feature human body slow aging began. The wear and tear of the body manifests itself in each part of the body in its own way; this is evidenced on the face by sagging cheeks, otherwise known as “bulldog jowls.” Sagging is difficult to miss, especially when the phenomenon occurs in women.

The appearance of the face immediately deteriorates, the woman looks older than her age, and when walking quickly, if you look carefully, you can often see how sagging cheeks are shaking. The spectacle is ugly, and the question naturally arises of how to remove sagging cheeks and return the face to its former oval and beautiful shape.

The main causes of sagging cheeks, or “bulldog jowls”

Plunging into the problem, each person first wants to know why exactly this phenomenon happened to him, because many at that age do not even think about the fact that their cheeks can sag. Ptosis of the soft tissue of the cheeks is caused by aging; at this stage of age-related changes, a lack of collagen occurs. The next reason for this is a hereditary factor, when the parents also had a “floating outline” on their face and body. Dramatic weight loss.

Cosmetic procedures

It is impossible to eliminate “bulldog jowls” on your own; ordinary cosmetics will not help; it is impossible to paint over or disguise a sagging body. They come to the rescue modern technologies, allowing you to change the contour of the face, perform.

Contour plastic

Facial contouring has become a widespread technology. The technology of the procedure is unique, made possible by introducing special gel-like preparations into the problem area of ​​one’s own fats obtained through liposuction. Before insertion and immediately after collection, a natural implant undergoes special treatment and cleaning. Injection under the skin can be done in stages. The face remains beautiful, the shape of the cheeks is correct from two to four years. After the procedure, the skin becomes tighter and the face becomes younger. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes.


You can tighten the skin from the inside without surgery using a bioreinforcement procedure. The bottom line is that a special substance is injected into problem areas with injections, which allows you to even out the skin and smooth it out. Performing injections in a certain area allows you to strengthen, tighten, and return the correct oval to the face.

The main substance of bioreinforcement was hyaluronic acid, which after a certain time simply dissolves and is spontaneously excreted. The only drawback of the method is that after the end of the action, after its removal from the body, sometimes an enhanced aging process begins. Therefore, under the age of 40, such procedures are considered contraindicated.

The drug is administered in three sessions, at first light blisters remain, after which they dissolve and are evenly distributed over the cheeks. This procedure can make you look younger by five, or even eight years.


Closer to forty years, it is possible to perform a lipofilling procedure. The procedure is considered safe. Represents plastic surgery during which specialists perform manipulations with a person’s own fat. For example, if there is too much fat in the abdominal area, it is pumped out and moved to the sagging area of ​​the cheeks, injected into the desired area.

Sagging is eliminated, the oval of the face becomes correct. Among the complications that are very rare are the subsequent occurrence of facial asymmetry, which can only appear in the event of a medical error - uneven injection of fat into symmetrical areas.


An aesthetic procedure that allows you to rejuvenate your face by tightening sagging contours. The essence of the procedure is the use of infrared or radio frequency radiation that affects different layers of the skin. The procedure is contraindicated, as is side effects practically none. It is performed painlessly. It is extremely popular. It is highly efficient. Repeat the procedure several times, treating small areas lasts about 20 minutes.

Thermolifting can be: RF lifting, Bipolar, Tripolar, Laser, Infrared rays and Monopolar. The type of procedure differs in the strength of the effect on the skin, the method of execution, and the effectiveness. Some procedures, in addition to rejuvenation, perform the function of cleansing, removing harmful substances and toxins from the skin.

Cosmetological methods

Correction of ptosis at a professional level is recommended from the age of 35 to 40. Cheeks are corrected using hyaluronic acid and fillers. Liquid implants are administered through injections and fill sagging areas from the inside. Maintaining the form lasts about a year. The skin tightens, the volume of the cheeks increases. Instead of hyaluronic acid, silicone and polylactic acid are often introduced, in which case the shape can be preserved for up to three years.

Microcurrent therapy

The rejuvenation procedure of microcurrent therapy is based on the use of electricity. Pulse currents of low voltage (up to 14 volts) gently affect the skin of sagging cheeks, delving into all layers, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, affecting thin vascular elements. The procedure is highly effective, ideally emphasizes the lost contour of the face, and rejuvenates.

Lifting with threads

Special threads made from absorbable and non-absorbable materials are placed inside soft tissue. The skin is naturally tightened and elasticity increases. The structure of the threads and the material itself promotes additional production of collagen and elastin. Effectiveness lasts from one to five years.

How to remove sagging cheeks on your face at home

Those who are not supporters of cosmetic procedures can remove not too sagging cheeks on their own, at home. Of course, if the phenomenon is neglected, then only plastic surgery can cope with it. However, this technique helps many people.


Today, a lot of exercises have been developed aimed at tightening and toning the muscles of the face and neck. It is quite possible to choose a certain complex for yourself and perform it daily, spending 10 minutes.


Every day, the sagging part of the face should be massaged, performing circular movements, patting, stroking. Massage can be performed in parallel with applying masks, as if rubbing in nutrients.

Face masks

Particularly effective are various face masks prepared on the basis of eggs, cow's milk, honey, sour cream and other “homemade” ingredients. For example, on sagging areas of the cheeks and chin area, you can apply the following ointment: beat chicken protein with a mixer until white, add a tablespoon of liquid honey and oatmeal, and stir. After leaving for 10 minutes, the egg-honey mask is removed with warm water, the face is washed, and a nourishing cream is applied. It is recommended to use this mask for bulldog jowls up to three times a week.

Prevention of sagging cheeks

To prevent sagging cheeks, you need to:

At the slightest suspicion of sagging skin in the cheek area, seek help from specialists.