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Varieties and types of tobacco. Main varieties of tobacco used in tobacco products Description of tobacco

It is not difficult to obtain tobacco on your site.

The method of growing tobacco for smoking or processing vegetables is almost no different from the technologies for cultivating other nightshade crops.

There are two varieties of this culture:

1. Common tobacco - a plant up to 3 m tall with pink inflorescences. Real tobacco loves heat very much, for this reason it develops well in hot regions;

2. Common shag - a plant no more than 120 cm tall, with yellowish inflorescences. It contains half the nicotine content compared to regular tobacco.

Photo - shag

From one bush, under suitable conditions, you can collect approximately 30g of dry tobacco; 6-7 bushes are grown per 1 m2. Varieties with large leaves are planted according to a 70x30 cm pattern, and shag and varieties with medium leaves are planted according to a 70x20 cm pattern. If you have grown tobacco that is too strong, you can make it weaker by mixing in ground stems.

There are many varieties of this plant. As with growing vegetables, it is better to sow locally selected varieties.

They were popular in the former USSR:

Trebizond Kubanets. This variety has a growing season from sowing the seeds to the time of the last leaf breaking of 103-134 days;

Trapezond 92. Resistant to viral diseases and various plant-damaging factors. The variety has a short growing season; leaves break off after 95-100 days;

Samsun 85. Refers to mid-season, fast-growing varieties; leaf breaking occurs at the age of 105 - 110 days;

Anniversary new 142. Early ripening variety, 78-82 days pass before the leaves break. The variety has complex resistance to various diseases;

Holly 316. Late ripening variety, leaves develop intensively. The plant contains little nicotine, the period before the end of withdrawal is 120 days.

Seeding tobacco for smoking

Tobacco seeds are very small, so very little is needed. A gram of shag contains about 4,000 seeds, and tobacco about 12,000.

In addition, you won’t need to buy them any further; 2-3 plants will provide enough seeds for a hectare. The seeds of this crop remain viable for a long time; seedlings can also be obtained from old seed, of course, one must take into account that their germination will decrease.

Growing tobacco for smoking is done using seedlings; it can be obtained even on a southern windowsill.

The required age for planting seedlings in the ground is 40-45 days.

If a lot of tobacco is needed, then in the southern regions sowing is done directly into the ground or seedlings are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. The seeds are sown superficially; I simply scatter them on pre-moistened soil.

Attention! The sowing depth of the seeds of this crop should not exceed 7 mm (for shag 3 mm). Having scattered the seed over the surface, press it slightly into the soil and carefully moisten it so that the seeds do not sink into the soil.

You can sow seeds that have already hatched; to do this, they are soaked for 4 days and laid out on a damp cloth; this method will reduce the germination time by 7 days. For germination, the optimal temperature ranges from 25-28 degrees. You should not water tobacco seedlings heavily; it is advisable to moisten them a little every day.

Planting seedlings

The seedlings are planted in the garden bed after they have risen 15 cm (5-6 leaves have formed).

Tobacco seedlings die from spring frosts; the soil must warm up to a depth of 10 cm. 7 days before planting the seedlings, you need to harden the plants, accustoming them to the open air.

Watering is stopped 2-3 days before, thoroughly moistening the soil only 2-3 hours before planting in the ground.

Seedlings are placed one in each hole, after pouring 1 liter of water into them in advance. Replanting is a shock for a young plant. For this reason, it is necessary to preserve and not destroy the earthen ball on the roots.

Tobacco care

During plant development, it is necessary to systematically loosen the soil, water, feed the plants and remove weeds.

they are fed with the same frequency and in the same quantity as tomatoes. Water infrequently, 6-8 liters per bush is enough, with 2-3 waterings per summer.

A well-developed tobacco bush has a root system that has grown several meters; experienced tobacco growers claim that watering adult plants of this crop is harmful.

In bushes with formed inflorescences, they are torn off and the plants must be pinched.

Soil for plants

Tobacco is best grown on fresh soil; it is planted after winter crops or fallow.

Tobacco cannot be planted after potatoes and beets.

Sandy loam soil, which contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, is best suited for this crop.

It is best to fertilize tobacco with cow manure; bird droppings are a good fertilizer for it.

In areas with high acidity, lime the soil; it has a positive effect on plant growth and the completeness of combustion of the final product.

Harvesting begins when the leaves change color.

Since leaves of different colors can be found on one bush, their harvesting takes several weeks.

Major diseases


The seedlings begin to lie on the ground, after which they die, the stem above the soil turns black and becomes thin.

Mosaic. Diseased bushes have leaves with alternating light and green areas. After some time, the light spots die off, infection occurs from the remains of diseased plants.

Bacterial grouse. Weeping or oil stains form along the edges of seedling leaves. With high humidity they begin to rot and spread throughout the bush. The causative agent of the disease is found on tools, tobacco dust or on leaves.

Drying and fermentation

Responsible work when preparing tobacco is drying the raw materials and subsequent fermentation. After harvesting, the leaves are hung in a ventilated area; it is necessary to place a container of water nearby to increase humidity. The leaves will dry for about a month.

After this, the dried tobacco leaves are moistened with a spray bottle and placed in piles, placed in plastic bag and leave for 24 hours for complete hydration. As a result, they should not be raw, but only moist. Next, they are placed in glass jars in which fermentation will take place.

Fermentation is a process that takes place for several weeks at a temperature of 50 degrees. This operation with raw materials is carried out to reduce the content of tar and nicotine, improve the taste and reduce the strength of tobacco. This process can be carried out in an electric oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. It is often more convenient and easier to dry not whole leaves, but pre-crushed raw materials.

Ready-made tobacco is used to process plants, in smoking pipes, and is used to roll cigarettes (cigarette paper and special machines can be purchased in special stores). You can even make a cigar from it - this is an interesting and fairly simple job.

One package contains more than 100 seeds of this tobacco variety - and that’s 100 healthy and powerful plants!

See photos below in the text!

- a breeding super-elite that can withstand any vagaries of the Russian climate. A very hardy tobacco variety.

According to private tobacco growers, the variety is an excellent alternative to Virginia and exceeds it several times in the quality of leaf galling and aroma.

Tobacco variety "Ternopil 14" feels excellent and without any complaints on depleted soils and without any fertilizer.

In the city, near the road, on an area with asphalt-like soil. The variety is grown in a wide variety of climatic conditions - from Ukraine to the Urals.

A variety of tobacco of Soviet selection, bred at the Ternopil station. "Ternopilsky 14"- tall, over two meters, abundantly productive, with a huge number of erect, wide leaves. The silhouette of the plant is cone-shaped and elongated. The leaves have a rich, bright color, with a nicotine content of up to one and a half percent. Air dried variety.

Smoking tobacco MOLDAVIAN 456

Nicotiana tabacum

A productive skeletal tobacco variety (Soviet large-leaved or Ostrolist variety). The plants are tall (140-170cm). The growing season is 120-130 days. The leaves are large with a sessile base, oval-oblong in shape with a smooth surface. The central and lateral veins are thin and of medium thickness, which allows its use without prior stripping. Used as a filler. Fermented tobacco has the following characteristics: nicotine content 1.6-3.0%; carbohydrates 3.5-4.0%; proteins 6.0-8.5%. Medium strength tobacco with a tasting score of 37.8. In addition to its classic use, tobacco is also used for other purposes. For example: treatment with infusion on tobacco leaves will help in the fight against pests - aphids, thrips, etc., and dried leaves placed in a closet will repel moths and skin beetles.


For seedlings in March-April. Sow superficially on a pre-moistened substrate.

The crops are sprayed with a fungicide solution (Topaz, Maxim) from a spray bottle. For the first time, the crops are covered with glass or film, not forgetting about regular ventilation. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 27-30°C. Crops are kept in the light; in short daylight hours, it is advisable to provide additional lighting. The crops are moistened with a spray bottle, or subsurface watering is organized. At the stage of the first pair of true leaves, they are picked into pots, trying not to damage the root system. After 45-50 days (for middle zone Russia - at the end of May - beginning of June, when the threat of return frosts has passed and the air temperature will be constantly above 15-17 ° C), formed (5-6 true leaves), pre-hardened seedlings are planted in a permanent place in open ground according to the scheme 20*60cm, or 60*60cm. The plant is thermophilic, so it is planted in a well-lit area. Prefers light fertile soils, preferably topped with manure in the spring, with low groundwater levels.


Regular watering, weeding, loosening. 3-4 fertilizing with vermicompost or chicken manure, at the beginning of the growing season, stop fertilizing 2 months before harvesting. To actively form green mass, all inflorescences and side shoots are removed. Harvesting begins when the leaf turns yellow-green. The leaves do not reach technical ripeness at the same time: the lower ones are removed first, then gradually, as they mature, the middle and upper ones are removed. The entire cleaning period may take up to 30 days. The leaves are then dried and fermented.

Number of seeds: 0.02 g±9%

Almost all tobacco grown today can be divided into two species: Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana rustica, and their hybrids are also found. I usually use a combination of several types of tobacco to make cigarettes. Only 7 varieties can be classified as basic, which are used to prepare high-quality cigars, cigarillos and cigarettes.


This variety is the most common and popular for cigarettes. It has a sweetish taste due to the sugar content (up to 20%), and it also has a fruity aroma, which will not leave lovers of fragrant tobacco indifferent. The color of the leaves is usually called sunny (it has a bright orange color), and there is also a lemon tint. Thanks to this color, “Virginia” can be easily distinguished from other species. Now “Virginia” is the main component of any tobacco.

This species can be grown where the climate is favorable. But at the moment, the best location for growing the Virginia variety is Africa, more precisely the country of Zimbabwe, Brazil and some American states (Both Carolinas, Georgia). It was already said above that this variety contains a large amount of sugar, but nicotine in it, if we take the average component, is 2%.

The Virginia variety undergoes the traditional processing method. In order to preserve the color and its taste, special steam drying is used. Steam drying, or smoke drying in other words, is an artificial drying that is used to dry most types of tobacco. The process involves drying the leaves using chimneys that bring hot air into the shed. This type of drying is considered fast. It gives the leaves a yellow tint. After drying is completed, the leaves are left in the barn for several days so that they have time to absorb the remaining moisture from the air. If you thought that was it, it's not. After the leaves have gone through all the main stages of drying, they are transported to the tobacco factory, where they will be aged for several more years. Once the aging process is complete, the leaves are separated from the stems and prepared for sale, that is, sorted by quality and color.


The main difference between this type is its nutty taste. Burley is brown in color, but is also found in red. In contrast
from the Virginia variety, which was described above, Burley contains virtually no sugar, but contains as much as 4% nicotine. Due to the low sugar content in tobacco, it is often saturated with sweeteners so that it does not give off strong bitterness during use. The absence of sugar is expressed by the density and dryness of this variety from “Virginia”.

The described type of tobacco occupies the silver line in terms of content in tobacco mixes, of course, after the “Virginia” variety. It is grown mainly in the USA and Mexico.

The leaves reach the desired condition through natural drying, that is, only the collected tobacco leaves are hung in a well-ventilated barn and there they already reach the desired level of humidity, and in this they are helped by the natural ventilation of the room (wind). Afterwards, the traditional process of aging, splitting and sorting occurs.


This variety is the leader among “spicy” tobaccos. It is said that its aroma cannot be confused with any other species. The cultivation of Latakia currently occurs only in Cyprus.

The aroma of this tobacco is unique - masculine, similar to the aroma of incense. Because of its peculiar smell, this variety is not suitable for everyone, but in England it is very popular and is added to almost all tobacco mixes. These mixtures contain 40-45% of this tobacco. If you are interested in trying Latakia tobacco in its pure form, then do not forget that this is a rich tobacco that burns poorly and dries out the nasopharynx. Those who want to appreciate the taste of this variety simply must try the following tobacco mixes: LondonMixture or EarlyMorningPipe from the Dunhill tobacco company.

Drying of the leaves, after harvesting, occurs in the sun (naturally), and then the leaves are brought to the desired state by a dense stream of smoke emanating from a burning tree, which completely covers the leaves with soot. Usually they burn oak or pine. As a result, it turns out to be a kind of hot smoked tobacco. Drying lasts several months until the tobacco leaves are completely blackened.


This variety is very rare, but unusually fragrant. It has a black color and a hard structure that is very reminiscent of leather, perfectly combined with a subtle and pleasant aroma. The aroma combines the smell of compote, while the aroma is rich, which is even felt by people standing nearby. This type has a high nicotine content and, as a rule, is used in mixes, but with the addition of no more than 5%.


The name of this species speaks of its origin - the Eastern Mediterranean. Its homeland is Cyprus, Greece and Türkiye. It is cultivated there to this day. Countries from the Balkan Peninsula have also begun to cultivate this species.

Now about the properties. There is less sugar in this form than in Virginia. Due to the low sugar content in tobacco, it has a sweet and sour taste and the smell of dry grass. This combination cannot be confused with another type of tobacco. Very often this tobacco is used in English-type mixtures, such as OrientalMixture.

Tobacco leaves, after being collected, are dried in the sun. In tobacco mixes it is easy to recognize due to its greenish-yellow hue.


This variety is a specially processed type of another variety of tobacco, which was described above - Burley. It is produced in the state of Kentucky (USA), in Malaysia. The main difference between obtaining this variety is that, unlike Burley, which is air-dried, this one is fire-dried. Yes, it does not have the same smoky aroma as Latakia, but it has a distinctive taste that is quite distinct, which makes it special. This variety also contains a high amount of nicotine, which, as everyone has already guessed, involves the use of a small amount in mixtures. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form.


This variety is an independent species, though, and is made by mixing the Virginia and Burley varieties, which undergo special processing. When creating this type of tobacco, other types can also be used, such as in Dutch mixes.

A little history. Cavendish is the surname of a famous captain of English origin. One day, returning from the Caribbean islands to England, there were many empty rum barrels on the ship. For reasons of the captain, it was unwise to transport empty barrels and ordered tobacco to be placed in them. Upon arrival home, it became known that aging in wooden barrels was only good for him. The tobacco was soaked not only with rum - the heat and natural ventilation of the room during storms made it not only soft, but also aromatic. Thus, it follows that the cargo went through the splitting process more than once while in barrels under pressure. This process reduced the level of nicotine in tobacco and freed it from all volatile compounds. That's exactly how it appeared the new kind- Cavendish.

Today, the American type of Cavendish is made by generously adding molasses. That is why the tobacco has a combination of caramel aroma. It is necessary to clarify that not all types of Cavendish, which is based on Burley, are saturated with flavorings. Natural tobacco, for example, is manufactured in Kentucky. In addition, most types of Cavendish, created on the basis of Virginia tobacco, are natural. No additives or flavorings are used in their production.

"Black Cavendish" is also made from the "Virginia" variety, which gets its name from its black color, which is achieved through special processing. Tobacco can be dried either by air or in drying chambers - it is not important. An interesting fact is that the preparation of natural Cavendish, obtained from Virginia, undergoes fermentation more than once, and is then stored in dark rooms for storage. Moreover, this type will have to be stored longer than others. Bottom line, “Black Cavendish” is an aromatic and mild-tasting tobacco variety with a bright spicy aroma. In order to increase the saturation, manufacturers specifically increase the temperature during its fermentation.

No British blend is made without Cavendish tobacco.

There is a huge variety of tobacco varieties in the world, and in this article you learned about the most basic of them.

In contact with

What kind of tobacco is real? One where there are no flavors, other plants and synthetic impurities. The one who grew up on plantations in warmer climes. And also one that is sold in pure form or in mixtures. More precisely, these are Burley, Virginia, Cavendish and Kentucky.

Virginia smoking tobacco

Virginia is the most common type of tobacco. It can be found in more than 70% of all fields in all countries of the world. it appeared in America: Walter Reilly, while exploring a new continent (the state of Virginia), found a variety of tobacco unknown to him and decided to cultivate it.

Virginia is considered a classic. It has a clean sweet taste with fruity notes. There is little nicotine in it - from 1.5 to 3%. Virginias that take longer to dry and ferment are considered dark.

There is also light Virginia - it is dried with hot air and quickly fermented. Light Virginia is sweetish in taste and very light. Dark Virginia is thick and flavorful, but not as sweet.

Suitable for those who like a mild taste. When hot and spicy shades are needed, Burley, Cavendish and Orientals are added to Virginia.

Burley smoking tobacco

Burley is one of the most popular tobaccos. It is stronger than Virginia - it can contain up to 4.5% nicotine. It is especially often used in American mixtures.

It burns slowly, with the aroma of caramel, chocolate, and nuts. In most cases, it is processed by air.

Burley leaves are smaller than Virginia leaves and have a reddish-brown color. They absorb various flavors well, which is what manufacturers take advantage of. Burley is either soaked in numerous aromatics, such as molasses, honey, caramel, etc., or something is added to it. Most often - Virginia, Kentucky or Cavendish.

Without additives, they are offered mainly by manufacturers from the USA and Denmark, and in Russia -.

Smoking tobacco Cavendich

Cavendish is Virginia or Burley aged and soaked in a special way. According to legend, Cavendish is the surname of the captain of an English ship. To save space, he came up with the idea of ​​putting tobacco leaves in an empty barrel, where the well-known drink of sailors used to be stored. On the way, the leaves were compressed, soaked in rum, and heated under the heat of the tropical sun. Thus, during transportation, tobacco underwent multiple fermentations without human intervention. There is less nicotine in the leaves, and they also have a delicate and slightly spicy taste.

It is usually not smoked in its pure form; it is added to mixtures. There are three types of Cavendish: American, Dutch, Danish. They are distinguished from each other by the composition of the incoming leaves and processing methods. A smoker naturally distinguishes them by smell. For example, American Cavendish has nutty and caramel notes. In other types, there are more spicy tones.

Kentucky smoking tobacco

So strong that there is usually no more than 20% of it in mixtures. This is achieved by double drying: air in the field and smoke from the fire. Due to this, Kentucky acquires a prune flavor and smoky notes that are not found in any other tobacco.

Named Kentucky Tobacco in honor of the American state of the same name, where it was originally developed. Typically, the Kentucky tobacco leaf is very large - 70-80 cm and has a very oily texture.

Oriental tobaccos

Oriental - in the lane. from English Eastern, Asian. This variety of tobacco grows in the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions. The leaves of oriental tobaccos often have the shape of an oval or arrow. Their size is small and their color varies from yellow-green to light brown.

Initial processing takes place directly on the field under the sun, in the fresh air. contain a large number of sugars and essential oils. They give the mixture a sweetish taste, richness and at the same time piquancy.

Tobacco Perique

Perique can be called one of the most elite and rare varieties of tobacco. It is aged in oak whiskey barrels. They are kept there for at least a year, and when placing the tobacco, the tobacco is not completely dried. Over the course of a year, it becomes saturated with its own juice and becomes so strong and pungent that it is impossible not to recognize it. Connoisseurs can determine even before smoking that there is Perique in the mixture - by its sharp spicy aroma with peppery notes.

If the mixture contains more than 10% Perique, the remaining shades will be imperceptible behind its burning taste. That is why no more than 3-5% of it is added - not as the main component, but as a savory seasoning.

It is known that the lion's share of tobacco for cigarettes is just Virginia tobacco, but processed different ways. But tobacco for cigars is a completely different matter. The cigar itself requires that its creators use only unique tobacco varieties.

But today we are not talking about cigarettes or even cigars. Today we will talk about pipes.

To prepare pipe tobacco, a huge number of flavorings and taste stimulants are used. But if you do not take them into account, the quality of pipe tobacco is determined directly by its variety and processing method.

Let's talk about the varieties of tobacco varieties.

When coming to a tobacco shop, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the existing and hypothetically interesting varieties and aromas, only in this case the seller will be able to help you.

First of all, you will most likely be interested in tobacco additives. Because when looking for a smoking mixture, you primarily focus on its taste. So you should remember: impurities and taste stimulants in tobacco do not yet mean its quality and absolute pleasure from smoking.

Tobacco is prepared according to this principle: the basic taste of the tobacco leaf determines its grade. That is why, when buying a mixture for your pipe, you should definitely look at its packaging. You should first turn your attention to the name of the tobacco variety, and only then to the extract added to the tobacco.


Virginia is the most widely grown tobacco variety, renowned throughout the world for its “natural” mild and sweet flavor. By the way, Virginia is the sweetest tobacco of all existing; the sugar content in its leaves can reach twenty percent. This variety is also distinguished by its unique fruit aroma.

Selected Virginia varieties are unusually fragrant, and in addition have the warmest and sunniest color schemes: Lemon to deep orange color. Today, no smoking mixture can do without Virginia. You can see this for yourself by opening a pack of tobacco and looking at its most variegated leaves.

Virginia is grown wherever temperatures allow. You probably already realized that this variety is very whimsical and requires a lot of heat. Virginia is most actively grown in Zimbabwe, Georgia, the Carolinas and other parts of the world. The nicotine content in the leaves of such tobacco varies from one to three percent.

Virginia processing, as a rule, comes down to a standard set of manipulations. That is, trying to preserve the color, structure and charming aroma of tobacco, they dry it using the smoke method. As part of this method, after harvesting, the leaves are hung in drying rooms, where, using metal pipes air is pumped. The drying time is three days, after which the tobacco needs to be kept in the barn for some time so that it is saturated with the moisture it needs. Finished leaves received at the factory can be stored there for up to several years. Aged leaves must be separated from the stems and sorted by quality and color before direct sale.

It is rare to find Virginia in its purest form. Most often you can buy it in tobacco slab sets. It is also sold with flake-type tobaccos, representatives of which are “Light Flake” from Dunhill, blends “Rattrey”, “Virginia Flake” from Peterson. They are not rekdimi and it is not difficult to find them.


Burley tobacco is literally a nut tobacco. It has a matte brown leaf color and a rather tart hazel scent. It contains from one and a half to four percent nicotine, which is why it is usually classified as a light smoking material. Unfortunately, compared to Virginia, there is very little sugar in Burley, so when preparing tobacco for sale, it is heavily enriched with syrups and similar sweeteners.

To process burley, experts usually use natural drying, in which fresh tobacco is hung in huge, mostly open barns and kept there for about sixty days. This way the tobacco does not dry out and gets rid of excess moisture.

Upon completion of the drying process, Burley is aged, then plucked and finally sorted. By the way, the palette of shades of such tobacco begins with a light brown color and ends with a rich red woody tint. Pipe mixtures using Burley in its pure form (without any additives or flavorings) are produced by companies in the United States and Danish companies. In the countries of the former USSR, burley is used as a component of the mixture. (a striking example of this is the popular Mac Baren)


Latakia tobacco leaves are the so-called spicy smoking delicacies, often and thickly used to prepare English tobacco mixtures.

“Latakia” is a robber tobacco that occupies a dominant position in any mixture, given the right amount, of course.

Unfortunately, today real Latakia (in its pure form) is grown only in Syria and Cyprus.

At the end of the harvest, the tobacco must be dried in the sun, and then “finished” with a dense stream of smoke from the burning tree. Most often they burn cypress, pine, myrtle or oak. After processing with smoke, the tobacco is covered with a thin layer of so-called soot, which is why it is called “smoked.” The actual drying of tobacco can last up to two months; it ends when the leaf blade of the tobacco darkens.

“Latakia” has a somewhat wild aroma; these are said to be “not for everybody.” The smell of this tobacco is usually considered masculine and compared to the aroma of incense.

Latakia is especially popular among the British, which is why not a single English-made mixture can do without this variety.

Sometimes the portion of Latakia in the mixture can reach fifty percent of the total mass. You can smoke Latakia in its pure form. But, having already decided on this, do not forget that the percentage of nicotine in it is very high and pipes/cigarettes/cigars using it will be particularly strong. The content of this tobacco in them reaches 40-50% or more. Latakia pairs best with: “My Mixture No. 965”, “Early Morning Pipe”, “London Mixture”.


So, let’s get acquainted: perique is a tobacco famous for its unusual aroma and rarity. Only the lucky ones manage to smoke perique tobacco just like that. Paradoxically, the black color of this tobacco and the leaf blade, with its elasticity reminiscent of coda, in no way fit with its subtle extraordinary aroma, reminiscent of a strange cross between dried fruit compote and soy sauce with mushrooms. In addition, Perique is a very heavy tobacco, containing a large dose of nicotine. That is why there is very little of it in mixtures, up to two percent of the entire agreed mass.


The name of this tobacco clearly reveals its origin. And no, Oriental is not a cardinal direction, it is the Eastern Mediterranean. It is in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus that this wonderful variety is grown. Plantations with Oriental tobacco can also be found on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula

This variety is dried using the solar method. Color palette Orientals range from green-yellow to brown with gold flecks.

The sweetness of this tobacco is much less than the sweetness of Virginia. That is why the so-called “trick” of this smoking material is the unexpected sourness and the incomparable smell of dried herbs, reminiscent of incense and finiamim. Oriental tobacco is present in small quantities in English-made tobacco mixtures such as English Mixture or Oriental Mixture.


The Kentucky variety is nothing special simply because it is nothing more than Burley processed in an unusual way. It is produced in the USA (Kentucky), Malaysia and other countries of the world. Kentucky differs from Burley in that it is dried not by solar drying, but by fire. Naturally, soot settles on the leaf blades of the kentucka, but its smell is less pronounced than that of the same latakia. However, it can be distinguished and remembered because, mixed with the natural aroma of Kentucky, the soot gives the tobacco a distinctive flavor.

This variety is distinguished by its high nicotine content, which is why it is added to the mixture in small doses.

There are a huge variety of tobacco varieties. Below are varieties suitable for our climate:

Virginia 202

Variety of the Krasnodar Institute of Tobacco and Makhorka. Early ripening, it gains strength and aroma very well. Resistant to many diseases. High in carbohydrates. Adapted to growing with virtually no watering. Very reliable and unpretentious.
This variety belongs to dark Virginias, which have a darker mahogany hue, rich aroma and medium strength. At home, fire drying can be replaced by solar drying. Drying in a greenhouse or between window frames gives good results; in hot weather, the main thing is to provide moisture with containers of water. The longer the Virginia leaf is processed and fermented, the darker, more aromatic and rich it becomes. Even in our conditions, this variety consistently grows to two or more meters and has a leaf size of about seventy centimeters, second only to Burley in these indicators. The ripening period is medium-late, but with timely planting it ripens perfectly by the end of September. When ripe, the leaf acquires a pronounced speckled yellow color. Traditional planting pattern: 70x30 cm.

Virginia Gold

Virginia is the sweetest type of tobacco in the world. Mainly used in the bag of factory-made cigarettes (70% of the entire bag, forms the basis) and pipe mixtures. The variety comes from America, Virginia. Currently, it is grown throughout Western Europe and Russia. Golden Virginia is the easiest to grow, suitable for central Russia, because it has resistance against tobacco diseases (tobacco mosaic disease, etc.). Also very good for beginners (easy to control maturity). It is best to grow in open sun rather than in the shade. As the leaf turns yellowish-green, it is removed. Gives a very high yield of raw materials. The variety is medium late, ripens by mid-August. Grows quickly, likes moderate watering. The bush is "dense". The length of the leaves reaches 60-65 centimeters or more. The stem is thick, about 4-5 centimeters in diameter. Bush 200-220 centimeters high. Flowers range from pale pink to bright pink. The seeds are small. The smoke aroma of this variety is bright, with a slight sourness, fruity and sweet due to the large amount of sugars. The combustion is excellent. The strength is average. Fire drying is recommended (duration about 4-5 days), after which the leaf acquires a light yellow, light brown color, but in our conditions it can be replaced by solar drying, with a complete loss of chlorophyll. The longer the drying time, the darker and stronger the leaf becomes, with a rich aroma. To fully develop the taste, fermentation is required, the more the better (from six months to a year).

Herzegovina Flor

Tobacco with a unique taste and aroma. People call it “Stalin’s Tobacco”.
It has achieved popularity due to its highly productive, taste and aroma qualities, as well as its medium-moderate strength. Great for smoking in a pipe and for stuffing cigarettes. Used both in various bags and separately.
It is unpretentious in cultivation, reaches a height of more than one and a half meters. The leaves are among the largest in size for the semi-aromatic type. Due to the instability of the variety, in certain conditions mutations up to three meters high are observed. Such giants were popularly called Duke, but so far it has not been possible to consolidate such a useful property. An important feature of the variety is that it does not tolerate accelerated and artificial fermentation and fully exhibits all its qualities only after at least six months of aging. Planting pattern: 70x25.

Dukat Crimean

Crimean tobaccos have always been highly aromatic. And in the Middle Zone they showed their best side. The plants are large. Leaves are up to half a meter long. Easily fermented.
Dukat Crimean is very popular among domestic amateur tobacco growers. It is unpretentious in cultivation, quite early ripening. The bush is low, but dense, the leaves are up to fifty centimeters long, and have a regular oval shape. Unlike other varieties, the leaves ripen before the color appears, so their harvesting begins in July. The readiness of the sheet is determined by the appearance of a light yellow border along the edges. Combined sun-shade drying is used for the variety. One of the features of Dukat is that it does not tolerate accelerated and artificial fermentation. This variety was originally bred for cultivation on the territory of the USSR, and therefore is quite resistant to climate conditions even in Central Russia, although in the north it loses a little in aroma.
Planting pattern: 70x20 cm.

Kentucky Barley

Kentucky Barley tobacco naturally has a pleasant nutty aroma. This sets it apart from other varieties of tobacco, which must go through a difficult and long fermentation process before use, especially difficult for novice tobacco growers.
Burley is the #1 tobacco used in the cigarette industry. In the United States, it is grown primarily in eight states. Approximately 70% is produced in Kentucky.

What characterizes this variety? The Burley variety contains a low amount of sugars and a high amount of essential oils. The nicotine content in the leaf varies from an average amount to very high levels. Many lovers of this tobacco call Burley a chameleon - Burley is able to “dissolve in the tobacco mixture, absorb the aroma of its surroundings - other types of tobacco.” Indeed, Burley is capable of accepting 20-25% of its own weight in flavorings. Canada once restricted the import of cigarettes containing Burley due to its high flavoring content.

This variety naturally contains a high percentage of nicotine. In our conditions of central Russia, it does not pick up much nicotine, and this is also ideal for growing.

Moskovskaya shag

A subspecies of tobacco, differing from Nicotiana tabacum in its smaller height (up to 120 cm) and greater strength. Country Tobacco received its botanical name for its widespread distribution and ease of cultivation. Almost no care is required, with the exception of topping and pinching. The peculiarity of this variety is that it is tobacco for those who were too late to plant other varieties in early spring. It is not too late to plant shag even in June, and immediately into the soil, that is, without seedlings, and it is guaranteed to produce a harvest by September. However, to obtain high-quality raw materials, it is still better to plant it as seedlings, but two to three weeks later than tobacco. Unlike tobacco, shag is completely unpretentious and grows quietly from the southern regions all the way to the Arctic Circle. Another feature: shag is cut off as a whole bush and dried in this way. In order for languishing to begin right at the root, a few days before cutting, layering is used, that is, the stem is cut in half. When preparing shag, the stem (badyl) is also important. In crushed form, it is added to fermented leaves to reduce the strength. Thus, shag can be smoked separately, but many people prefer to add it to various tobacco mixtures to give them a special aroma (especially pronounced in this variety), and also give strength to Virginia tobaccos. Even for non-smokers, shag has a use as a means of controlling plant pests and moths. Planting pattern 50-70x20 cm.

Maryland - Maryland Tobacco

Maryland is one of the three main varieties of the American subspecies of tobacco, just as Burley belongs to the Maryland variety, different from Virginia. It ranks third in terms of planting volume in the United States and is also grown in other countries. In Russia, this tobacco has been grown since 1828.
The Maryland tobacco variety is a light variety. The color of the finished raw material is dark brown.
The taste is restrained, has a fine texture and excellent flammability. Used for all cigars and cigarettes of traditional French taste. The amount of nicotine is low. Light, light, air drying.
High-yielding, early ripening. Resistant to diseases.
It is unpretentious in cultivation and easily adapts even to the climate of central Russia, although it does not live up to the results here at home. On average, the height of the plant in our climate is 1.8 meters, the leaf length is up to 50 cm. Mid-season, produces flowers relatively early. In case of topping, it produces many stepsons and needs to be removed. It is resistant to tobacco diseases better than many varieties, which is important when growing independently. The leaf is dense, normally green, needs to be simmered, but yellows relatively easily. Shade-cured tobacco. Fermentation or aging is highly desirable for the full development of flavor. Traditional planting pattern: 70x30 cm.

Holly 316

Late-ripening form, intensive type of leaf maturation. Low nicotine content. From planting to the last ripening of leaves, 120 days.
The shape of the plant is cylindrical with protruding leaves. The leaf is sessile, long, broadly elliptical, light green. Technical sheets 30-37. The variety is mid-late ripening, skeletal type. Flowering begins on day 108, leaves of the first tier ripen on days 80-85. The variety is resistant to downy mildew and tobacco mosaic virus. The inflorescence is round, medium compact. The pommel is slightly pointed. The leaf swelling is average. The edge of the leaf is smooth or very slightly wavy. The corolla of the flower is light pink. Nicotine content is 1.0-1.5%, Schmuck number (the ratio of carbohydrates to proteins) is 3.0.

Turkish Trebizond

It got its name from the Turkish city of Trabzon. Resistant to unfavorable growing conditions. Ripens quickly.
Turkish has long been successfully acclimatized to Russian and Ukrainian conditions. And successful zoning is far from the last thing for growing tobacco. It is quite possible that due to long-standing cultivation in our humid climate and on rich soil it reaches incredible sizes for a typical oriental (up to three meters in height, according to Ushakov), but it is also quite likely that it is a hybrid that successfully combines the high productivity of American varieties with the aroma and sweetness of oriental ones. In any case, there is no point in chasing size and over-fertilizing Turkish: due to excess nitrogen, it becomes very strong and loses its aroma. But with proper cultivation, the variety has a rich, independent aroma with chocolate notes and medium strength. When smoked, it produces white thick smoke. Turkish can be used in a pipe and rolled as single tobacco, but it gives best results in a bag with skeletal American varieties. It is easily leached and does not require special fermentation. And although now Turkish is gradually being replaced by foreign varieties, it still remains very popular among gardeners. Planting scheme according to Ushakov 100x70 cm.