Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Living panels. Phyto-paintings from fresh flowers. Living three-dimensional paintings

Find out how to make earrings, panels with your own hands from dried flowers. Learn how to make toys, three-dimensional paintings from fresh flowers and succulents.

Flower toys

From beautiful plants florists came up with the idea of ​​creating not only bouquets, but also such charming toys. To present such original gift, see how to make flower figurines yourself, and quickly start a pleasant and exciting activity.

Start simple. For example, make this funny snail.

For needlework you need the following:
  • floral sponge piaflora - 3 bricks;
  • bush yellow and green chrysanthemums, 4-5 branches of each color;
  • large leaves of monstera, palm or others;
  • round dish or plate;
  • floral fixative or straws, sticks;
  • for the face: 2 buttons or beads, thread, paper, wire.

Before making such figurines from flowers, you need to decorate the plate. In this case, we spread the leaves on it.

Soak the piaflora bricks in water, letting them dry without using your hands. Then we cut out several parts from it. For the job, we cut off the 2 upper corners of the brick, from the second we cut out the rounded part for the back and the head of the toy from flowers.

From the third brick we create her neck. Using a floral fixative or a straw, we fastened the sticks together as shown in the photo.

Now you need to pick off or trim the flowers so that they remain with a short stem 2 cm long.

Starting from the bottom of the snail’s “house,” we line it with green chrysanthemums. We decorate the second part with yellow, from the top of the head.

Flowers should be placed as close to each other as possible so that the piaflora is not visible. If small gaps nevertheless form, we close them with smaller buds.

After the entire body of the flower figurine is decorated, we take 2 yellow chrysanthemums, trim its petioles so that the length remains 4 cm, and put these horns in their places.

To make the snail's face, poke one end of the wire through a hole in the button, remove it from the other, and poke the sponge in the appropriate places to attach the first and then the second eye in place. Cut out a mouth from red paper and glue it on.

Now you can give such a beautiful and original gift of fresh flowers.

You understand the principle of this floral idea, so now you can create other toys from flowers. You will need almost the same materials. If you have larger flowers, the figure will turn out fluffier.

It is important to cut out the details of his body from piaflor bricks so that they are proportional, and then fasten them together using pins. Wooden skewers, pencil. To do this, these elements need to be cut to a length of 5-8 cm. Stick one end into one part, and the other into the other. Thus, you will fasten the 2 parts of the animal’s body.

For such a flower toy, first cut out the following parts from water-soaked floral sponge bricks for the body, nose, and head. Two for legs, paws, ears.

To ensure that the bear rests securely on the base, cut out sponges to the shape of the dish. To do this, cut the piaflora brick into 2 narrow pieces, place them side by side, and place a dish on top. Press it on the lips to get an outline. Cut along it. Place the piaflor on the dishes, and attach the parts of the body and legs on top, and on this base - the rest of his body.

Start decorating the base by attaching small green chrysanthemums to the face. Then use 3 of these flowers instead of toes, and one large one at a time to decorate the foot and ears of the flower toy.

Decorate the remaining areas of the animal’s body with large chrysanthemums. Then you will get a fluffy bear. Tie a light bow around his neck, border the dish with leaves, and drape the piaflora on it with small flowers, for example, gypsophila. This is such a wonderful bear made from flowers.

Living three-dimensional paintings

If you want to create long-lasting beauty that will delight you for many years, then make a picture from unpretentious house plants.

To create this little child you will need:

  • succulents;
  • a wooden box with a plywood bottom or 4 blocks and a sheet of fiberboard;
  • picture frame;
  • plastic mesh;
  • the soil;
  • scissors;
  • shoulder blade;
  • wand;
  • dye;
  • silicone gun;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • brush.

Many adult houseplants produce “babies”. It is often a pity to throw them away, so use these small and unpretentious indoor plants to create an original picture.

Look at the condition they are in; if there are dry leaves, remove them.

If you do not have a box that is the right size for the frame, then saw off 4 pieces of wood and knock them down into a rectangle shape.

Cut a piece of construction mesh to the same dimensions and attach it to the furniture bars.

Glue the picture frame to the same side of the bars using a silicone gun. Now turn the work over so that the frame is at the bottom. Nail a sheet of plywood to the bars. To prevent it from getting wet, it is better to first glue the mesh to it, and only then attach it to the base.

Paint the picture frame with varnish and let it dry.

Now pour soil into the tray through the mesh and water it well.

Then plant succulents to create a living picture.

Leave your creation horizontally for 2 weeks to allow the plants to take root. You can then place the painting vertically or hang it on the wall.

You can create not only living pictures, but also beautiful compositions from dried flowers. Before you begin such work, find out how they need to be prepared.

How to make dried flowers

They can be bought or prepared from spring to autumn, collected in the forest or at the dacha. Donated bouquets should also not be thrown away when they begin to fade, because they make excellent material for creative handicrafts.

Flowers for compositions should be collected on a dry day in the late morning, when the dew has dried. Use fresh, beautiful, undamaged plants.

When choosing a color scheme, pay attention to the fact that when dried, red flowers become darker, while light ones turn yellow. But the blue, pink, lilac, and orange colors of plants are perfectly preserved when properly dried.

The easiest way is to air dry flowers, but always in a dark place. Under the rays of the sun they will simply lose their beautiful color. Large plants are laid out on paper in one layer. Do the same with individual elements if, for example, you only need buds, leaves or flowers.

Medium-sized plants are tied into small bunches, turned upside down with flowers, and hung several at a time on a rope or stick. The dark room should be warm, dry and have air flow.

If you need to get dried flowers quickly, then you can use a microwave oven. The main thing here is to bring the plants to the desired condition without drying them out. Therefore, turn on the oven on low power for a few seconds. Turn it off, see what condition they are in, if necessary, dry them further, also by turning on the microwave oven for a few seconds, setting it to low power.

If you want the plant to retain its natural color for a long time, dry it in sand for 3-4 weeks. Unlike air-dried flowers, these flowers will be less brittle.

You can also use silica gel, which quickly absorbs moisture. Using this method, only the inflorescences are dried.

Dried flower arrangements

After you have been able to buy dried flowers or have made this material for needlework yourself, it’s time to start amazing creativity.

Bouquets of dried flowers are in perfect harmony with stones. Therefore, this material was used in this work. Here is a complete list of what is needed:

  • dried flowers: amaranth and yellow craspedia;
  • oblong (rectangular or oval) dish;
  • scissors;
  • large and small pebbles.
Trim the bare stems and place the flowers on the container on which they will be placed. See if they look good and if the stems need to be trimmed further.

Place dried flowers on a dish, press them down with large pebbles, and sprinkle small ones on top.

Trim 3 branches of craspedia a little, place it at the top of the composition. For another 3-4, cut the cuttings larger. Stick these plants into the pebbles.

The work is finished, now you can admire to your heart’s content what a wonderful composition of flowers and stones you have created.

Dried plant painting

You can also create such an interesting composition with your own hands. Even in winter it will remind you of a colorful summer. For needlework prepare:
  • A4 paper;
  • cardboard;
  • masking tape;
  • pistachio shells;
  • PVA glue;
  • toilet paper;
  • hot glue gun;
  • acrylic paints.
Cover the cardboard with white paper and attach tape around the perimeter, along the edges, so that they are even.

You can tint the background a little this way: crumble the leads of colored pencils with a knife, and then rub the resulting colored powder onto the sheet with a cotton pad.

Here's how to make a picture frame, take...toilet paper. Unwind a strip from it, coat it with PVA, and twist it into a rope. Then place the cardboard along the edges, and when the glue dries, paint the resulting frame.

Here's how to make pistachio flowers. Cut out a circle from not very thick cardboard. Using a glue gun, glue the nut shells to it so that each one touches the center and edge of the circle.

Now take dried flowers, place them in one corner of the picture, decorate it with elements of pistachios and greenery. The painting is ready from scrap materials.

How to make earrings, pendants

Dried flowers in combination with epoxy resin provide very interesting ideas. As a result, these are the amazing designer jewelry you will get.

For such work you will need accuracy, patience, and also:

  • dried flowers (here used: speedwell, heather, forget-me-nots);
  • epoxy resin;
  • files;
  • pencil;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • syringe;
  • earring earrings;
  • fine sandpaper.
Mix the resin according to the instructions and leave for 2-3 hours so that the mass becomes more viscous.

At this time, place small dried flowers on a sheet of paper, outline them, giving them a teardrop shape.

Cut out the resulting stencils.

Next you need to find a perfectly flat surface, check this indicator building level. Place the cut out stencils on it and the files on top.

After the resin has infused, pour it from a syringe onto the workpieces in a layer 2-3 mm thick. If the outline is blurred, correct it with a toothpick. Let the epoxy resin dry a little for 20-30 minutes, then straighten the edging again using a toothpick.

To prevent dust particles from sticking to the workpieces, cover them immediately after pouring. In this case, it is better to isolate each separately.

Leave the blanks to dry for a day, then separate them from the files and sand their edges with a nail file or fine sandpaper. Attach dried flowers to the transparent elements. Prepare a new portion of resin in advance, after it has stood for 0.5-1 hours, pour a small layer of dried flowers over the blanks.

Again, give them a day to dry under cover. Turn the blanks over and fill them with epoxy resin (a small layer). After it is completely dry, turn the products over and fill the front surface.

After a day, make a hole in their upper part with a thin drill and thread it into each hook. Here's how to make your own earrings. If you want to make a pendant, thread a chain ring through the hole.

Here's how dried and fresh flowers will help you look beautiful, make unforgettable gifts and decorate your home.

And, as usual, at the end of the article we invite you to look interesting videos, which clearly show the stages of work. From this you will learn how to make toys from flowers:

This video will help you better understand how living pictures are made:

Vertical gardening has long been considered an important attribute of the homes of the future. Perhaps today people have taken the first step that can bring them closer to their dream. And they created amazing living three-dimensional paintings from special types plants - succulents.

Vertical evergreen framed garden at home, what do you need to know about its features?

Eco-designers suggest not taking annual, “capricious” and especially delicate flowers, but experimenting with hardy and unpretentious succulents. There are more than 150 specimens in the group, not counting hybrids. “Little ones” are so accustomed to difficulties that they are able to tolerate the driest places and infertile soils. Different shapes and colors of plants will allow you to realize any fantasy.

2. Draw the project

Before you begin the actual task of decorating the painting, you need a design stage. Everyone knows that every project includes visualization, design calculations and specifications. Living interior decoration is no exception.

For a painting, it is important to choose not only color, but also texture. Succulents without stems are ideal: Echeveria DC, Adromischus, Anacampseros, Agave americana, Haworthia and others. And as a base - hummock moss moss, flat moss, sphagnum moss.

A wooden blank can be used as a frame, which can simply be repainted in the desired color with wood paint. Two or three times is enough to make it rich, fix it with varnish if desired.

The composition is first planned on a sheet of paper, each plant is drawn. After that, all that remains is to “seat” the cells.

3. Design of the picture

It is worth noting that making a living painting with your own hands is quite difficult.
To do this you need:
- assemble the harness from the bars, connect it to the frame;
- cover the reverse side with plywood;
- pour substrate for cacti or succulents;
- cover the soil with non-woven fabric;
- Place moss on top of the cloth and secure it with a steel grid.
It is important that the painting does not spoil the walls; it is also recommended to cover the inside of the plywood with garden polyethylene or film.

To plant plants, carefully make holes in the covering material with pruning shears, the cut is only a few millimeters, or a hole is pierced to the ground with a bamboo stick. This way, the vertical flower arrangement will continue to grow, decorating the interior, and will not crumble.

4. Features of care

Despite the hardiness of succulents and their unpretentious living conditions, they need sunlight. Therefore, they will take root where there is an abundance of it. Using stabilized moss or turf, you will be able to retain moisture for a long time, but at the same time, so that the painting does not lose its decorative properties, you should also not forget to spray it with a spray gun at least once a month.

Succulents rarely get sick, but excess moisture can have a negative impact on their growth, causing them to rot. Watering should be dosed; it is better to remove the living picture from the wall and transfer it to the bathtub.

Your comments:

Living pictures in vertical gardening: rules for selecting plants and planting technology

Creating paintings from plants. Master Class.

The fashion for “green walls” or “phytowalls” came to Russia quite recently, although this design technique has existed for a long time. With the advent of large and bright rooms, as well as materials and technology, “living walls” became possible in our country, but this name did not catch on with designers, so they often say “paintings from plants.” This is one of the types of vertical gardening.

The direction is so interesting that it has interested not only professionals, but also amateurs indoor plants.

Here are interesting implementations of this design idea.
A living painting representing a copy of Van Gogh's famous painting "Wheatfield with Cypress Tree" - a project of the National Gallery and GE. It was displayed in 2012 along the west wall of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square in London. Its creation required 8,000 plants, a lot of time and effort. But it was worth it.
Van Gogh's painting was chosen from many others because, due to its clear lines and color scheme, it is most suitable for creating a painting from living plants of all shades of green.

But these are masterpieces not for our climate. We can only limit ourselves to a heated room.
Therefore, the sizes should be more modest.

Perhaps even more modestly:

Plants in a modern home and office should be harmoniously integrated into the surrounding environment. Pots on window sills are no longer fashionable; they are often a nuisance in the interior.

In winter we already have little sun, so windows should let in as much light as possible.
Decorative leafy species of indoor plants are used in phyto-paintings. They are usually unpretentious. But they perfectly enrich the room with oxygen and maintain a comfortable level of humidity.

Such paintings look like a carpet with lush pile and cause admiration.
Is it possible to use beautiful flowering plants in living pictures?
Maybe. But flowering plants require more care And better conditions. Therefore, in my opinion, flowering indoor plants are best grown traditionally.

If living walls made from decorative foliage plants look more like a carpet, then a real picture can be made from succulents. Succulents are slow growing and don't require frequent watering and are rich in color and texture.

A real picture frame would be appropriate here. In addition, you can enjoy your sedums not only in the summer at the dacha, but also in the winter at home.

What should you consider when choosing succulents for a plant painting?
They are photophilous, therefore, the place for the painting should be well illuminated by sunlight and placing a phytolamp with directional light would be quite appropriate.
Well, now let’s turn to the experience of foreign designers and watch a master class on how to make a living picture.
For this you need a picture frame, a wide soil frame with a bottom and a mesh. And of course, succulents of different shapes, sizes and shades. Succulents can be planted either with roots or cut from a large plant - they will take root perfectly right in the picture.
First stage: making a frame and filling it with soil.

A phyto-picture is a composition of fresh flowers or moss, framed in a stylish frame that can be mounted on the wall. It can be equipped automatic system watering, which allows you to reduce plant care to a minimum.

The simplest and most effective way to accentuate any wall in the interior of an apartment or office is to place a phytocratine of fresh flowers on it. Moreover, depending on the execution of the baguette (classic or modern style), the phyto-picture looks great on different coatings, be it wallpaper, Venetian plaster, decorative paint, brick or masonry, artificial materials imitating various types of surfaces, etc.

Fresh flowers and plants will help make your home beautiful, cozy and comfortable. They will improve the microclimate, enrich the air with oxygen and simply please the eye and improve your mood. The living plants for phyto-paintings that our company offers are hardy and unpretentious; they can grow in both natural and artificial light, which means that you can decorate any residential or office space with phyto-paintings.

A phyto-picture is also an original and universal gift for your loved ones, friends, colleagues, and managers. Simple installation, easy maintenance and stunning visual effect make it the most desirable and unforgettable!

Buy a phyto-painting. Delivery from a warehouse in Moscow, Novosibirsk or St. Petersburg to all regions of Russia.

You can choose a ready-made phyto-picture in our online store or contact the managers of our company and discuss the possibility of an individual design. We have been engaged in professional interior landscaping for many years, so we can offer you best option phytodesign of your premises. Phytomodules, phyto-pictures, phytowalls made of live and artificial plants, floor and wall planters made from high-quality material, a large selection of plants and flowers suitable for vertical gardening systems - all this is offered to you by LetoStudia.

In our online store you can buy phyto-paintings various sizes and styles, as well as choose beautiful living plants for her. Delivery of phyto-paintings to any region of Russia.

Recently, paintings made from flowers and living plants have become especially popular in decorating home interiors. Such landscapes not only look very stylish and beautiful, but are also very useful for the inhabitants of the house, since they saturate the building with oxygen. Making a painting from fresh flowers with your own hands is quite difficult, but for the sake of an amazing result, it is still worth putting some effort into the process. This is what our article will be about.

Picture of flowers in frame

Flowers for living paintings must be selected individually depending on living conditions, individual characteristics of living components and compositional decisions.

Choosing plants depending on the amount of sun in the room

To create panels from plants, the following types are usually used:

  • Dracaena is unpretentious to lighting, has a presentable appearance and a beautiful shade of leaves and stem;
  • Succulent - grows well in any soil and in any light, is not afraid of drought and changes in humidity;
  • Haworthy - has an original color scheme of fleshy greens and compact sizes;
  • Delosperma - this representative of coniferous trees will perfectly complement your work with a snowy effect;
  • Zygocactus - fits into any composition, has a long stem that is easy to plant and beautiful shades of flowers;
  • Rhipsalis - unpretentious to lighting and soil, will perfectly complement any composition;
  • Euphorbia is an unusually hardy herb that is not afraid of drought, changes in humidity and light.

Note! Each representative of the list has individual external features that provide the work with originality and flavor.

The design of a living picture of plants must be individually drawn up in accordance with the concept of your home. As a rule, for such purposes, light greens are alternated with dark representatives and planted in the soil in the form of a pattern. In the center of the picture it is better to place the most beautiful flowers with a variety of colors. Plants with dark and fleshy greenery can be planted around them, thus creating a certain contrast in the landscape.

If the composition involves the use of decorative elements, then you need to carefully consider how to attach them. For example, small and medium-sized pebbles or shells can be glued to the frame with glue.

Note! After completing the composition and planting all its representatives, you need to give the living picture time to strengthen the flowers in the soil. To do this, lay it out on a flat surface in a well-lit room and let it sit for two weeks.

Flower arrangement

Step-by-step production

Making a living picture from flowers and greenery is difficult, but quite possible. For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary elements of the composition and strictly follow the instructions presented below.

Required Tools

To create the piece you will need the following materials:

  • Sheet of plywood.
  • Nails.
  • Gloves for carrying out the process.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Hammer.
  • Priming.
  • Wooden frame.
  • Decorative materials for decoration.
  • Metal mesh.

All these components will need to be fastened into a single frame; therefore, a mesh should be selected that is suitable in size for the frame. You also need to prepare a special insulating film that will protect walls and other surfaces from moisture penetration and mold development.

After choosing the greenery for decoration, we proceed directly to making the base. The dimensions of the plywood sheet, frame and mesh are determined in advance in accordance with the planned project. It is better to use oak plywood; it is more reliable and resistant to loads.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place the frame face down and pull it over it metal mesh. We remove excess parts of the mesh with wire cutters.
  2. We nail wooden blocks on top of the mesh. It is better to carry out such work together - one person nails it, while the other tightens the mesh.
  3. Then we stretch a special insulating mesh over the resulting fabric and securely fix it.
  4. We evenly distribute the base along the mesh - moss is perfect for these purposes, which will prevent soil from spilling out through the holes.

    Note! In addition to this option for making the base, it is possible to simply nail a sheet of plywood to the frame instead of moss and mesh. This option is much more reliable, but the design becomes heavier.

  5. Then we lay the soil on the moss and again distribute the moss over the entire surface of the future living picture.
  6. We stretch the mesh again and nail it.
  7. Next we plant greenery and mount the structure to the wall.

Color selection

Plant installation

Installation of greenery is quite simple. To do this, you need to carefully make holes in the ground with pruning shears. The incision is made several millimeters deep. If you don’t have a pruner, you can use a bamboo stick. You should also understand that after planting, the plants require certain care - watering, removing dry leaves.

Attaching the painting to the wall and further care

After completing the above steps, you will need to provide structures reliable fastening to Wall. To do this, use at least two fasteners. Determine where the composition will be at the bottom, and where the author himself will be at the top. It can also be hung in a diamond shape. But in any case, the bottom edge of the work should protrude slightly. To ensure the tilt of the structure, you can use two wooden bars, which are nailed to the bottom edge of the frame or simply screw two self-tapping screws of the same size into it.

  • Paintings need to be watered twice a month; sprayers are used for this purpose;
  • You also need to regularly remove dead leaves and replace them with living greens;
  • Once a year the work will have to be removed to loosen the soil.

Living paintings made from real flowers are a stylish and original piece of furniture that will certainly appeal to all the inhabitants of the house and its guests. It is not easy to do such a thing, but it is possible. To make it, you do not need any special skills; it is enough to have aesthetic taste and follow the recommendations presented.

Every day, when going outside, people notice many brilliant pictures of nature. A charming landscape of majestic trees in a city park, living pictures of flowers underfoot, a green panorama of a suburban forest. All this was created by the Creator and has served all humanity for centuries.

Many people, imitating the Great Artist, arrange their homes and plots in a unique way. Recently, fresh landscaping ideas have been used for this purpose. Creative summer residents create green decor to cover unattractive walls of utility buildings or fences. Moreover, they decorate living spaces with compositions from green plants.
Unique living paintings are made from indoor plants, which are placed in special frames. They fit effectively into any interior of a house or apartment.

With the help of phyto-paintings, you can exotically decorate your apartment, give it a special coziness and enliven it with greenery.

Original live panorama on the wall

Creative designers, creating living paintings, sought to turn them into an original element of an art object. In this case, instead of paints and canvas, use indoor flowers and soil. As practice has shown, a green mini-landscape, unlike a painted picture, constantly changes its appearance. It increases in size, plays with shades, purifies the air and relieves stress.

To create a living picture on the wall, you need the following materials:

  • wooden frame;
  • plywood;
  • metal grid.

These elements are fastened into a single frame that will support living plants. First, take a thick wooden frame with slats (the bottom one should be at least 4 cm) and select plywood of the same size for it. Prepare a film for insulation and a mesh with small cells. Next, the film is applied to the plywood so that the soil does not damage the wall.

Even cling film is suitable for waterproofing if you wrap it around plywood in several layers.

A mesh is attached between the frame strips with nails or staples. Plywood is nailed to the back of the frame. The main thing is that the insulated part is inside the structure. After this, it is necessary to make at least 2 fastenings to securely install the painting on the wall. Paint and varnish the finished device.

The dried structure is filled with soil through the mesh cells. You can compact it with a pencil or a wooden stick. When the soil reaches the level of the mesh, it should be sprinkled with water and covered with a small layer of dry soil. To prevent it from spilling out of the structure, you can use moss. Next, start planting indoor plants.

At the same time, it is important to know the basic rules of how to make a living picture so that it turns out to be a real work of art. So, indoor flowers should be planted in such an order that the intended pattern is obtained. In order to save time, under the frame they carry out drip system glaze.

Some designers, instead of a grid, use hanging containers that can be firmly fixed to the wall. In each of them they plant suitable plant for the intended composition.

Using containers of different shapes and colors, you can freely change the design, periodically updating the design of the room.

It is quite possible to create an exotic picture of fresh flowers without using frames. The landscape is placed on part of the wall, having previously covered it waterproofing material. It will protect the structure from the destructive effects of moisture coming from fresh flowers.

Suitable flowers for living masterpieces

Green succulent flowers are often used as a suitable material for paintings. They feel great on any soil. They react normally to varying humidity and unexpected drought if watering is not done regularly.

To make it beautiful living picture from plants, they make it in a horizontal position. Flowers are planted according to the planned composition, starting with large cuttings.

Since succulents grow very slowly, it is advisable to arrange them quite tightly in the frame.

After planting, the finished painting is left in warm room away from sunlight for 1 month. During this time, the flowers will take root and begin to grow. Now they can be hung in a permanent place in the house or apartment.

Original living compositions are created from different flowers. Particularly impressive:

In some phyto-paintings, designers add colored pebbles, seashells or pebbles. This gives them a more luxurious look.

Advantages of living paintings in the interior

Unlike ordinary paintings, living compositions fill the room with freshness and originality.
As the greenery grows, the panorama changes, which brings emotional satisfaction to the household.
In addition, you can periodically change the set of plants to create new landscapes.

The living picture presented in the photo fits harmoniously into the simple interior of the apartment.
Here you can clearly see that such a masterpiece always looks voluminous and rich in a living space.
Therefore, you can contemplate it from any angle and see its indescribable beauty.
And finally, a living painting is the fruit of your labor, which you can enjoy for many years to come.

Living painting ideas - video