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Can a man drink when planning a pregnancy? Pregnancy planning for men. Blood tests for TORCH infections

All about preparing a man for conception.

Proper pregnancy planning is the key to having a strong and healthy baby. Both parents should plan a pregnancy: mom and dad. A man needs to start preparing 3 months before the desired date of conception. It is during this time that sperm renewal occurs.

Which doctor should a man see when planning a pregnancy?

Good health of parents plays a major role in the conception and birth of a child. Therefore, the first thing a man should do is go to the doctor. You can be examined in a public clinic or in a private one. In a public clinic, the process can take much longer than in a private clinic.

First, send the future dad to a urologist. Or better yet, see a urologist-andrologist. Urology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that interfere with conception. An andrologist is responsible for the reproductive health of men. In addition to the urologist, you need to go to a therapist for a general health examination.

Typically, men are reluctant to see a doctor. This is due to psychological reasons. The fear of appearing inferior and insolvent greatly hurts the pride of men. If your man flatly refuses to go to the doctor, try to convince him of the correctness of this decision.

Not only mom, but also dad should prepare for pregnancy

Tests for men when planning pregnancy

The following tests are mandatory when planning pregnancy:

Test for sexually transmitted infections (STDs)

Important: Sexual infections in men most often occur in a latent form and do not appear outwardly in any way. However, these infections negatively affect conception.

But even if conception occurred with an existing STD, pathogens of infectious diseases can harm the fetus.

It is imperative to conduct a study to identify pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardella). It is also necessary to be examined for the presence of oncogenic types of human papillomavirus.

There are several methods of testing for STDs:

  • PCR— a smear is taken from the urethral mucosa (the method is considered the most accurate)
  • ELISA— the presence of antibodies in the blood to infectious pathogens is determined
  • Bakposev

Blood test for HIV, hepatitis C and B

Important: Doctors advise all people to be tested for HIV, regardless of whether they are planning a pregnancy.

But if we are talking about planning a child by a man and a woman, then donating blood to detect these diseases is extremely necessary. HIV and hepatitis C and B are harmful not only to the fetus, but also to the parents.

Blood tests for TORCH infections

TORCH infections include:

  • rubella
  • cytomegalovirus
  • herpes
  • toxoplasmosis

These infections are fraught with infection of the fetus in the womb and further damage to systems and organs.

General analysis of urine and blood

These tests reflect the man's overall health. Treatment of almost all diseases begins with the donation of urine and blood.

Blood chemistry

The functioning of the liver, kidneys, spleen, etc. is determined. On the day of the test, it is important not to eat anything until the blood is drawn.

Before conception you need to undergo a series of tests

Examination of men when planning pregnancy

Important: If a couple is unable to conceive a child after prolonged attempts, the man is recommended to undergo a more thorough examination.


This type of examination shows whether a man is able to conceive a child naturally. The sperm is examined under a microscope. The motility, quantity, and concentration of sperm are determined.

Study of prostate secretion

Detection and treatment of inflammation in the prostate.

Blood test for hormones

The level of hormones important during conception is examined: testosterone, also insulin and gonadotropic hormones.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor

Blood testing for group membership and determination of the Rh factor is not necessary if the man already knows these data. If you don’t know, then you need to donate blood. Based on the results, you can determine what blood type the child will have.

Important: The Rh factor must be established if the expectant mother of the child is negative. There is a possibility of Rh conflict between mother and fetus, which can cause a miscarriage.

If a man, like his chosen one, has a negative Rh factor, there will be no Rh conflict. In any case, the doctor leading the pregnancy must be aware and prepared.

Dad and baby

Nutrition for men when planning pregnancy

  1. Anyone who wants to become a father should give preference to meat, fish, greens, fruits and vegetables, nuts
  2. It is better to avoid sweets, large quantities of flour products, carbonated water, fatty and spicy foods.

Adequate nutrition is very important step on the way to procreation. Along with the products, a man receives useful substances that affect the quality of sperm.

To procreate, a man's diet must be varied.

What vitamins should a man take when planning a pregnancy?

Vitamins supplied through food may not be enough. The main vitamins that have a beneficial effect on conception are:

  • Folic acid
  • Selenium
  • L-carnitine
  • Vitamins C and E

Vitamin E for men when planning pregnancy

  • Vitamin E affects male fertility. The higher your fertility, the greater your chances of creating offspring.
  • Vitamin E improves sperm motility and viability.

Omega-3 for men when planning pregnancy

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on sperm maturation. With enough of these substances, sperm become elastic and mobile, which increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Multivitamins for men when planning pregnancy

There are multivitamins for men that can help them become fathers. Here are the names of some of them:

  1. Spermactiv
  2. Speroton
  3. Orthomol
  4. Spermstrong

Important: To choose a multivitamin, you must consult an andrologist. This specialist deals with issues of the male reproductive system. Only a specialist will be able to determine in what dosage and what vitamins a man’s body needs.

Speroton - multivitamins for conception

Can a man drink alcohol when planning a pregnancy?

Men are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol when planning a child. The answer is categorical - No.

  • Some men are sure that they should only give up strong alcoholic drinks. However, even alcoholic drinks with a low percentage of alcohol (for example, beer) can have a detrimental effect on the health of the fetus.
  • The semen of a non-drinking man contains about a quarter of damaged sperm. That's a lot, you might think. But if a man drinks alcohol, the percentage of defective sperm increases. Hence there is a risk of conceiving an unhealthy child
  • Smoking has the same negative impact. It’s better to give up bad habits, because the health of the unborn baby is at stake

Important: Alcohol should be completely eliminated three months before the desired conception. It is during this time that the sperm are completely renewed.

Alcohol - no

A competent approach to conception is an indicator of a man’s responsible attitude towards impending fatherhood. Such a man will be a loving and caring father. Support your man in his desire to continue a healthy birth.

Video: Preparing for a man to conceive

Planning pregnancy for men is a mandatory step in preparing for conceiving a healthy child. Experts say that the baby’s health depends not only on the condition of his mother’s body, but also on the health of his father. For this reason, a man must understand that it is necessary to prepare for conception together with his wife.

An examination of a man is mandatory, as it makes it possible to check the health of the future father and, if necessary, treat diseases that can become a serious obstacle to conceiving a healthy child.

A man must undergo the following tests:

  1. General blood analysis

This is a mandatory universal analysis that allows you to detect a large number of diseases and allows you to assess the general condition of a man’s body.

  1. General urine analysis

This study makes it possible to assess the general condition of the genitourinary system of the future father. By the number of leukocytes in the urine one can judge the presence or absence of inflammatory processes. Glucose and protein levels indicate the health of the kidneys. If salts are found in the urine, this indicates the possibility of urolithiasis.

For this study, blood is taken from a vein. The study allows you to determine the condition of many systems and organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, and pancreas. In addition, this analysis makes it possible to determine the level of glucose in the blood.

  1. Blood test to determine group and Rh factor

This study must be carried out if a man does not know his blood type and Rh factor. This is necessary in order to avoid Rh conflict during pregnancy.

  1. Blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
  2. Checking your hormones

It is necessary to check the level of the hormone testosterone in the body of the expectant father. A reduced level of testosterone, just like an increased one, adversely affects a man’s ability to conceive a child. In addition, the doctor may direct the future father to donate blood to check insulin and gonadotropic hormones.

This study is mandatory for men after forty years of age, as well as for those with high blood pressure, frequent headaches, excess weight and bad habits.

  1. Ultrasound of internal organs

The abdominal cavity and chest helps to exclude pathologies that may interfere with conception.

How does the age of the future father affect conception?

It is a mistaken opinion that the age of the future father does not matter at all during conception, since male reproductive cells are regularly renewed. The older a man is, the worse the quality of sperm produced, and the number of motile and healthy sperm decreases. Experts say that a man’s chance of becoming a father after forty is 60%; after 45 years of age, the chances drop to 35%.

Vitamins when planning for men

If a couple begins planning a pregnancy, the man, like his wife, is recommended to take special vitamin complexes. Taking vitamins should begin 3-4 months (ideally six months) before the expected conception. This period of time is enough for the formation of new healthy sperm.

Healthy eating is a must when planning.

Such vitamin support for the body will provide the necessary conditions for the formation of healthy sperm that will carry genetic information without mutations. At the planning stage, a man needs to provide his body with the following: vitamins and microelements:

  1. Folic acid takes an active part in the formation of healthy, motile sperm.
  2. Vitamin B is involved in the synthesis of hormones and DNA, increasing the ability of sperm to penetrate the egg.
  3. Vitamin E prevents damage to the sperm structure and makes them motile. It has antioxidant properties and normalizes hormonal balance.
  4. Vitamin C supports the synthesis of male sex hormones and also promotes optimal testosterone levels in a man’s body.
  5. Zinc helps fight sexual dysfunction and takes part in the synthesis of testosterone.
  6. Selenium effectively affects the sexual activity of men of any age.

Please note that only a specialist should prescribe vitamin complexes, based on the examination results, the man’s age and many other factors.

When is it necessary to take a spermogram?

Planning a pregnancy for men often involves giving birth. This analysis allows you to determine the state of the reproductive system. This is a simple and inexpensive test that helps to find out the main causes of male infertility.

But not all men need to take a spermogram, but only in some cases:

  • if male infertility is suspected,
  • in the process of infertility treatment,
  • preparation for and ICSI,
  • if a man wishes to become a sperm donor.

You must carefully prepare for the test: for 5 days before the test, refrain from having sex, give up alcohol and smoking. Visiting saunas and taking a hot bath is also contraindicated. The spermogram is deciphered by a specialist, taking into account the following: characteristics:

  • sperm count and motility,
  • volume,
  • number of motile sperm,
  • sperm liquefaction,
  • acidity,
  • gluing.

The analysis must be repeated after 7-21 days. If the results of the second analysis differ significantly from the results of the first, the study will have to be conducted a third time.

Nutrition for the future father

A very important period in the life of spouses is planning a pregnancy; where should a man begin preparing for the upcoming conception of a baby? You need to start with nutrition, because the quality of sperm depends not only on the state of health, but also on how much the body is provided with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Do not limit yourself solely to taking vitamin complexes, since nothing can replace natural products that allow the body to replenish its reserves naturally. We give you a list of vitamins necessary for the male body and the products that contain them:

Planning a pregnancy is the task of both spouses.
    1. Vitamin A is found in carrots, milk, liver, nuts, cheese, eggs, and red vegetables.
    2. B vitamins take part in the formation nervous system, take part in saturating the blood with oxygen. Contained in meat, eggs, nuts, legumes, liver, dairy products.
    3. Vitamin C strengthens the body's immune forces, helps it absorb iron, and increases endurance. To replenish vitamin C reserves, eat greens, wild garlic, apples, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, currants, strawberries, and kiwi.
    4. Vitamin E protects sperm from damage. Contained in milk, cereals, liver, eggs, vegetable oil and butter.
    5. Vitamin F These are the same omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that take part in the maturation of healthy sperm and promote conception. Contained in salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, flaxseed oil.

So that the body has the opportunity to absorb required amount vitamins and other useful microelements, stop smoking and alcohol, drive healthy image life.

Pregnancy planning for men begins with mental preparation for conception itself. It consists of a strong desire to become a father and help his wife during pregnancy and in the process of raising the unborn child.

The first stage to creating a miracle!

First you need to decide on the planning time frame. The spouse needs to give up bad habits in advance, and it is best not to have them at all. It is also worth maintaining a healthy lifestyle, since women's eggs accompany the potential mother throughout her life. In this sense, things are simpler for men. In a man’s body, sperm are completely renewed within 3 months. For this reason, a man should prepare for conception at least 3 months in advance. The basic rules are to start eating right, quit smoking and alcohol, and engage in moderate physical activity.

In parallel with these rules, you need to contact a therapist and talk about your intentions. After which the doctor will give directions for the necessary tests. It is imperative to notify your doctor about the presence of chronic diseases and the use of any medications. Moreover, you should get rid of existing infections. Most often these are inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx and caries. Streptococci and staphylococci living in the mouths of future fathers and mothers can be dangerous to the health of the child. To do this, it is enough to carry out simple prevention in the form of rinsing and washing the nose, throat, and mouth.

It is a complete misconception that pregnancy planning for men should begin with a visit to a urologist. You should only go to this doctor when:

  • for a long time (more than a year) a partner cannot become pregnant while having an active sexual life with a partner;
  • the partner suffered from inflammatory diseases, had injuries or surgery on the genitals;
  • The woman had previously had miscarriages.

It is also not necessary to go to a genetic counselor. This should be done when there is a high risk of the unborn child contracting hereditary diseases or other pathologies.

Who is he - his worst enemy!

Any alcoholic drinks should be completely excluded for at least 3 months. The most frequently asked question: is beer harmful when planning? Of course yes! Not only the father's consumption of vodka and cognac, but also a glass of beer has a detrimental effect on the child's mental and physical abilities.

The explanation for the ban is as follows. If a man is healthy and does not drink alcohol, then his sperm contains only 25% of bad sperm. But if alcohol is present in the life of the future dad, then good and bad sperm have equal rights to fertilize the egg. As a result, a miscarriage may occur or a defective child may be born.

Tobacco smoking is equally dangerous for the baby. Toxins and poisons contained in a cigarette destroy healthy reproductive cells. The chance that a defective sperm will reach the egg is very high.

It is worth noting that smoking and alcohol not only worsen the quality of sperm, but also make sperm less active, which is why many couples fail to conceive a baby. Even if a woman does manage to get pregnant, passive smoking disrupts the functioning of the internal organs of the child growing in her tummy. The lungs, heart, circulatory system, and gastrointestinal tract organs may be deformed. You need to quit smoking at least 3 months before planning a pregnancy, so that new sperm have time to form and renew themselves.

Vitamins will also help in this matter!

G A man needs to prepare himself to conceive a child not only morally and by giving up bad habits, but also with the help of health measures for the body.

To strengthen his own immunity and the health of his unborn child, a man needs to eat properly and balanced.

The first step is to reduce your consumption of fried, smoked, sweet, flour and fatty foods.

It is worth adding nuts, honey, dried fruits, herbs, and any vegetables and fruits to your diet.

The most important vitamins for a man who is preparing to become a father are:

  1. B9 - known as folic acid. Reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the embryo.
  2. Zinc - affects sperm quality and promotes greater production of the hormone testosterone.
  3. L-carnitine - helps germ cells mature faster and affects their mobility.
  4. Selenium - able to maintain a partner's sexual activity, very important for people over 35 years of age.
  5. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that makes sperm motile and “tenacious.”
  6. Vitamin C - helps optimize the hormone testosterone.

By improving the quality of nutrition, a man will achieve results, but not significantly. Therefore, doctors suggest taking additional vitamins and synthetic drugs. The dosage is discussed individually with each potential dad. For prevention, they may prescribe 1 tablet of 1 mg of folic acid.

There are entire vitamin complexes for men - Spermaktiv, Alphabet, Ortimol Fertil Plus, etc.

The tests will tell you everything!

If the therapist sees that the man has no health problems, he will be offered to undergo a routine examination.

First of all, they are asked to take a test to detect sexually transmitted infections. Typically, infections do not make themselves felt and do not have pronounced symptoms, therefore, a man may not be aware of their presence. Such infections include candida, gardnerella, gonococci, chlamydia, herpes or papillomavirus, microplasma, etc. There are many ways to detect infections: smear for flora, culture, scraping of the urethral mucosa (DNA diagnostics), testing for antibodies. The doctor will definitely ask you to take a general blood test. It shows in general how the organism lives.

It is not necessary to take a spermogram for those couples who are just starting to prepare for conception, and for those who have not previously experienced problems with this. Using this analysis, you can determine the motility and quality of sperm, as well as a number of other indicators.

They may order a test to determine how hormones are released. For the examination, you will also need a general urine test, which helps to identify diseases of the genitourinary system.

It is advisable to do a blood test for Rh. In the case when the partner is negative. If the partner is positive, the doctor will give recommendations to the wife on how to prevent a possible Rh conflict. You can get tested at any medical institution that specializes in pregnancy planning. It is important to take a blood test for hepatitis C and B. The presence of these diseases is dangerous both for the baby and for the man himself, as well as HIV and syphilis, the presence of which also needs to be tested.

You will also need to donate blood for antibodies to toxoplasmosis, herpes, etc. These viruses are very dangerous for pregnant women, so the expectant father needs to be tested in advance to determine the risk.

No less important nuances

Fresh air is especially important for both women and men. During the period of pregnancy planning, you need to walk more outside, in nature, with your significant other. Regular physical activity and active recreation are encouraged.

Bathhouse is another important nuance. Many people don’t even suspect that the bathhouse can delay the arrival of a child in the family. Why? It's simple: excessive overheating in a bathhouse or sauna affects the quality of sperm.

Men's wearing of tight and tight underwear and trousers also has a negative impact. And sleeping under a blanket that is too warm can disrupt pelvic circulation.

A special diet is not required to improve a man’s body and his reproductive cells. The main thing: exclude harmful products, which, apart from excess fat, do not provide anything useful, and add more fruits, nuts, vegetables and herbs to your diet. This way the body can stock up on vitamins naturally and strengthen the immune system.

You should take dietary supplements and medications very carefully. If you cannot mark the medications (in the presence of chronic diseases), then this nuance should be discussed with your doctor. After a treatment course of antibiotics, it is not advisable to plan a pregnancy until 3 months have passed.

IN modern world Increasingly, you can encounter a situation where a man’s preparation for conception is carried out on an equal basis with his chosen one. Such a man will certainly become a caring, sensitive and wonderful father for a child.

Responsibility for planning a child should be borne not only by the woman, but also by the man. If you believe today's statistics, then it is the man's fault that causes 30% of cases of infertility, 20% of miscarriage, and many genetic diseases can be transmitted exclusively through the male line.

How to plan a pregnancy

In order for sperm to fully mature in the male genital organs, 75 days must pass. If they do not come out within 25-28 days, then their life ends. If a man has an active sex life, then with each sexual intercourse, mature sperm are released into the urethra, and new ones begin to mature in their place.

Many people assume that the success of conception depends on the sexual activity of a man, but this is actually not the case. The most ideal option for successful conception is sexual intercourse after 2-3 days. During this time, sperm significantly improves its quality, sperm mature, and their number increases. If a man abstains for too long, then of course the amount of sperm will be greater, but at the same time the motility of sperm will be several times less.

How to plan a pregnancy for a man

First of all, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and give up all bad habits. You need to quit smoking and completely stop drinking alcohol, because this can have a very negative impact on the child’s health. If a man drinks alcohol, the number of “incorrect” germ cells increases several times, and this can provoke fertilization of the egg with a sperm with defects. Smoking also destroys germ cells, just like any other cells in the body. This can greatly affect the functioning of the lungs, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract The child has.

When you can give up bad habits, you need to acquire good ones. It will be very good if you spend enough time in the fresh air. Also, planning pregnancy for men should include moderate physical activity. At the same time, you should not overload your body too much, because this can have a very negative impact on the quality of sperm.

Pregnancy planning for men: research

If a man is young and healthy, then he only needs to undergo a therapist and a few tests. You can take a general blood and urine test, as well as tests for the presence of infection in the body. An analysis for the presence of antibodies to rubella and chickenpox will also not be superfluous. If you and your wife are not immune to these diseases, then you should think about vaccination. Three months before conception, you can also get a flu vaccine to avoid infecting your pregnant wife. If a couple has different Rh factors, then a test to determine if there is a conflict of Rh factors would be appropriate.

Also, the future dad needs to cure all chronic diseases, if he has any. It is very important to treat your teeth because it can also affect your child. If pregnancy does not occur within a year, then it makes sense to go to a urologist and take a spermogram. Also, this analysis and examination will be appropriate for men who have had genital surgery, inflammatory processes or chronic diseases. If the spouses have genetic diseases, it is necessary to contact a geneticist to solve this problem.

Pregnancy planning for men: healthy eating

Also don't forget about proper nutrition, because this is also very important. It is worth completely eliminating harmful foods, as this not only negatively affects the health of the man himself, but also affects the quality of sperm.

Take care of yourself and keep in mind that planning a pregnancy for men is no less important point than for women.

There is no need to explain to any woman that the issue of pregnancy planning must be treated with great responsibility. It is clear that the state of health expectant mother plays a huge role during conception, pregnancy and childbirth. However, the health of the future father is no less important, since 50% of the DNA of the future baby will consist of his genetic data. Planning a pregnancy is as important an issue for a man as it is for a woman. In this article we will talk about all the features of preparing the strong half of humanity for conception.

Planning pregnancy for a man. What lifestyle changes need to happen?

  • Before planning a pregnancy, a man must first reconsider his daily routine. If he has a sedentary lifestyle, then he needs to diversify it with regular physical activity, preferably in the fresh air. Only when playing sports should you not overdo it; physical activity should be moderate. It is best to do race walking, jogging or cycling in the morning.

  • Frequent visits to a bathhouse or sauna are excluded, where due to the high temperature the scrotum overheats, which leads to the death of sperm. This fact was proven by American scientists from the University of Maryland during an experiment. They invited two hundred men to spend fifteen minutes in the sauna twice a week for three months. At the beginning of the experiment, the quality of all participating men was checked, and it was normal. At the end of the experiment, it turned out that in 87% of men, sperm had completely lost their motility.

  • The next important lifestyle factor is the use of pharmacological or synthetic drugs, such as analgesics, antibiotics, antidepressants and steroids. If a man takes any of the above, it is necessary to stop it, since the chemicals included in the medications can have a detrimental effect on the mental and physical development future baby.

Alcohol and tobacco will have the same effect on the full development of the child if the man does not stop using them. Moreover, we are talking here not only about a categorical ban on strong drinks such as vodka or cognac. Low-alcohol cocktails and beer are also prohibited, because they also contain toxins that destroy healthy sperm. Doctors say that even in a healthy man who leads a normal life and does not have bad habits, 25% of sperm are defective. Just imagine how much higher this percentage is among those who allow themselves to smoke and drink periodically. And if the egg is fertilized by an unhealthy defective sperm, then the likelihood of having a healthy child is reduced to zero.

Planning pregnancy for a man. What changes need to happen in the diet?

Nutrition is one of the most important components for men when planning pregnancy. After all, our health is based on what we eat. If a potential father eats fast food, does not give up drinking carbonated drinks, or abuses fried and flour foods, then the likelihood of a quick pregnancy is greatly reduced. If the food is rich in useful microelements and substances and contains many vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body, then there is a high probability that a man will never have problems with fertility and potency. Healthy products that will help improve sperm include those enriched with vitamins. This is about:

  1. Vegetable oil, nuts and legumes. These products contain vitamin E, which is necessary for men when planning pregnancy, which helps increase the number of healthy sperm and increase their viability.
  2. White cabbage, cranberries, black currants and rose hips are rich in vitamin C - the best natural antioxidants that strengthen the human immune system. For a man in preparation for conception, the question of immunity is extremely important.
  3. Liver and fish oil are sources of vitamin A, which can prevent men from aging ahead of schedule and have a positive effect on sperm motility.
  4. Meat, fish, dairy and fermented milk products are foods enriched with vitamin B11. It is very important for men, since this vitamin is responsible for the viability of sperm.
  5. Parsley, spinach, lettuce, cod liver, walnuts, egg yolks. All these products in their useful composition microelements contain vitamin B9 or, as it is also called, folic acid. In addition, men who are planning pregnancy can take folic acid in tablets. It is available in all pharmacies, available without a prescription and at a price affordable to everyone. Normally, this substance should enter the male body in an amount of 200 mcg, that is, one tablet before or after meals, approximately (3-4 times a day). The tablet must not be chewed, simply swallowed and washed down with a glass of water. It is contraindicated to exceed the dosage of folic acid per day for a man planning a pregnancy, or in general for any person in general, since vitamin B9 promotes the rapid growth of cells in the body, which can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors.
  6. Watermelons, pumpkins, sunflower seeds, oysters, sesame seeds, beef, lamb - a source of zinc, which is responsible for male potency, which is important for preparing for conception.
  7. Seafood, wheat bran, tomatoes, mushrooms - products that contain such a trace element as selenium. It is also very important for male reproductive function, as it promotes the production of the hormone testosterone.
  8. Iodine, contained in foods such as red caviar, persimmon, buckwheat, almonds, pistachios, lentils and so on, contributes to the full erectile function of a man. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, this vitamin should also be consumed.

What tests does a man need when planning a pregnancy?

Before proceeding directly to conceiving a child, a married couple needs to undergo a medical examination. A woman should see a gynecologist, but it is not always clear which doctor a man should see when planning a pregnancy.

If the expectant father is completely healthy, he has not previously had any problems with the genitourinary organs or viral diseases, then he can contact any private laboratory without a doctor’s referral. As a rule, specialists working in such institutions know what tests are indicated for men when planning pregnancy. But there is a nuance here: any private clinic earns decent money from doing tests, so quite often laboratory technicians advise their visitors to undergo dozens laboratory research, which are not at all necessary when preparing for conception. Therefore, it is much more correct to first go to an appointment with a urologist - the main male doctor. Of course, men do not like the procedures he performs, namely, examination of the genital organs and prostate gland, but the question is acute - the health of the future baby depends on the health of the potential father. If no external pathologies are detected in a man, then the urologist will immediately direct his patient to undergo tests that are indicated for a man when planning a pregnancy:

  • A blood test to determine the general health of a man; for the presence of HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and gonorrhea in the body; for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gardnerella, candida, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococcus, papilloma virus, herpes virus and Epstein-Barr virus); for antibodies to rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis; per group and Rh factor; to determine the level of testosterone, gonadotropin and insulin.
  • Urine examination to determine the condition of the genitourinary system.
  • A spremogram to determine a man’s ability to fertilize. This study is not included in the mandatory list of tests for a man when planning a pregnancy, but it can be decisive. Therefore, urologists often recommend doing it right away.

If there are any abnormalities in the tests, or they show the presence of an inflammatory process in the man’s body or a specific disease, then pregnancy planning will have to be postponed until the disease is completely cured. Only after recovery will the man have to take all the tests again, because during the treatment he will obviously take medications that will definitely affect his sperm counts. If everything is normal, then the doctor will prescribe a course of vitamins that both women and men should take during pregnancy planning. We mentioned these vitamins earlier. A man may be prescribed a special diet, which will include foods enriched with the necessary beneficial microelements, or prescribed ready-made medications.

Vitamin complexes for men when planning pregnancy

Unfortunately, we must admit that the amount of vitamins contained in products for men when planning pregnancy is not enough. It will not be possible to fully supply your body with everything necessary for conception to occur successfully and for the child to fully develop. Therefore, you have to use special vitamin complexes, of which there are already a large number in pharmacies. Some of the most common and effective drugs today include the following:

  1. "Vitrum Prenetal": it improves the quality and increases the quantity of sperm, and also ensures that they have the correct set of chromosomes due to the content of folic acid.
  2. "Alphabet": multivitamin complex, which includes 13 vitamins, 9 minerals and Siberian ginseng. These components together increase stamina in men, strengthen their immunity and promote better potency.
  3. "Orthomol Fertil Plus": a drug aimed at improving sperm quality, has a particularly beneficial effect on sperm, making them more motile.
  4. "Spematon": improves the production of hormones in men and increases their ability to conceive. Contains vitamins: E, B9, B11, zinc and selenium.
  5. "Spermstrong": a drug that not only improves sperm quality, but also treats infertility. It does not contain folic acid, but it does have many other vitamins and minerals, such as: zinc, selenium, manganese, arginine, astragalus plant extract, vitamins C, E, B5, B6 and B11.
  6. "Orthomol Fertil Plus": this drug belongs to the expensive class. Its composition, in addition to those found in any of the above complexes, includes additional microelements: levocarnitine, Q10, omega-3 and carotenoids, thanks to which a man’s fertility quickly increases.


The process of preparing a man to conceive a child is a responsible process that cannot be avoided. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man is a carrier genetic information, and a woman is only her guardian. That is, the health and development of the future baby depends on the strong half of humanity at the moment of fertilization. Only by following all the above recommendations, any young couple will be able to ensure strong and happy offspring!

Video: “Folic acid”

This video is an excerpt from the TV show “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva. In it, experts talk about the importance of folic acid for human life, what foods contain it and in what quantity. They pay special attention to the issue of its importance when planning pregnancy for men and women.