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How to open a fruit point. Fruit and vegetable store: business plan. Acceptable storage period

Opening a grocery store is not a new idea, but for those who want to develop a business plan from scratch, it is not a bad option. In addition, there is an opportunity to earn money from the first days and, with the correct presentation of goods, compete with supermarkets.

Where can I get money for a fruit and vegetable store?

Selling vegetables requires certain funds to start. You can borrow money from a bank, borrow from friends, find a partner and open a grocery store together. Another option is that part of the amount can be received from the state for business development. The last option requires certain conditions to be met. You must:

  1. To be registered with the employment service means to be unemployed.
  2. Provide proof of income from your previous place of work.
  3. Provide the commission with a business plan.

Start-up capital: how much savings will it take to open a vegetable kiosk?

As for the preliminary calculations, you will need to purchase before opening the kiosk:

  • cash register – 12 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated display case - 60 thousand rubles;
  • freezer – 18 thousand rubles. (one may not always be enough);
  • scales – 8 thousand rubles;
  • showcases – 4 thousand rubles. (you need several);
  • counters – 3 thousand rubles. (you need several).

As a result, the sale of fruit requires 105 thousand rubles. for equipment. The cost is average. You can spend many times more. Plus you need to add maintenance to the amount cash register, scales, refrigeration units. Such services cost 2 thousand rubles. per month.

But these are, so to speak, the “insides” of the kiosk, but we still need to find a place where they will be located. Amount for rent per month for a premises of 45 sq. m. - 31,500 rubles, that is, per square meter - 700 rubles. And the most important thing is the purchase of vegetables. For them you need to pay approximately 150 thousand rubles. per month. And another plus is to agree on delivery. And don’t forget about the salary of two sellers and a loader - 45,000 rubles. 15 thousand rubles each. each month.

Opening a store without renovation is rare. Set aside at least 50 thousand rubles to put the premises in order. Sanitary and epidemiological inspection - 5 thousand rubles. And besides, to open a kiosk/mini-shop, and for a month of its uninterrupted operation, you need 600 thousand rubles. This does not take into account any unexpected incidents.

In subsequent months, costs will be for employee wages, goods, equipment maintenance, rental premises and housing and communal services. Approximately monthly you need an amount of 230,000 rubles.

You can earn 250-350 thousand rubles from selling vegetables and fruits. monthly. The amount depends on the markup percentage. The largest income in December-January can reach 400-500 thousand rubles. But during these months you need to purchase more goods. To make more money, most often in small kiosks the owners themselves work as sellers and loaders at first.

Features of choosing suppliers and premises

A vegetable business simply needs a reliable supplier - this is the key to success. Then the products will always be fresh and selected. How to find this “trusted” one? Trial and error is the most feasible plan. It is better to first order goods from several suppliers and eventually determine the right one for yourself.

It’s good if your products are environmentally friendly, domestic and local. A business plan with such a clause is to attract buyers who care that the products are grown in their area of ​​residence. That is, you need to find farmers and buy goods from them. But there is a nuance: in this situation, you need to obtain documentation confirming the safety of vegetables and fruits in terms of the content of harmful substances in them.

You can go shopping for goods yourself, monitoring the selection and checking the quality of the products on the spot. It’s good if you manage to conclude an agreement with the supplier with a “return of unsold goods” clause. But this is rare in this type of business. Therefore, such a plan should be abandoned and prices for damaged goods should be reduced. Thus, there will be fewer losses. Yes, you may have to sell vegetables and fruits at cost. But even such a plan has a plus - no losses.

As for the premises, remember that you need space not only for the kiosk itself, but also for sorting and storing products. Good system Ventilation is not only an opportunity to avoid unpleasant odors in the building, but also to preserve the product’s presentation for longer.

A vegetable store of 45 m2 is enough to grow and not be at a constant loss at first. Later, you can rent more space, open a kiosk, and more than one. It is better to place pavilions in residential areas, near ground transport stops, metro exits, and away from supermarkets.


As for the quantity of goods, the smallest and optimal assortment is not 35 items. Some managers advise starting with 60 products and gradually weeding out those that are not in demand among residents of a certain area. The last option involves a lot of extra costs and hassle. It is better to start small, but of high quality, and, if necessary, increase the variety of products.

Anyone who wants to open a store needs to be prepared for seasonal influxes of customers and recessions. In the summer, there is less demand for fruits and vegetables, but the greatest opportunity to earn money is December. Getting ready for New Year's holidays, people save less. Also during this period there will be a demand for exotic products.

How to choose a product for counters? One way is to observe the assortment of fruit and vegetable pavilions. If they have been working for a long time, they already know what customers need. After observations, collection of information, analysis, you can draw up a plan for future purchases.

Selling fruits and vegetables: advantages

If supermarkets purchase products in large quantities, then their products are often not ripe. And this, you see, affects the taste. A small store/kiosk can afford to order goods every day, every other day. Thus, riper and always fresh products will be sold out faster. The loss of goods, even with a decrease in prices for spoiled goods, is 15-20%.

A kiosk or small grocery store is always less of a risk. But in order to reduce the list of failures to a minimum, it is necessary to develop a business plan, thought out to the smallest detail. This is where you can calculate the amount of the markup. It should take into account payment for energy, payment of taxes, payment of salaries to employees, the cost of gasoline/gas for the delivery of vegetables and fruits. The markup for this type of product ranges from 30% (optimal) to 200-300. The store will pay for itself in a year and a half.

If you still want to open a grocery store, then be prepared for ups and downs, but the main thing is to believe in success, your strength and not give up!

Food products are one of the most popular goods in retail trade, which is why many entrepreneurs are interested in starting a business in this direction. On our website in the business ideas section you will find a guide to opening many different specialized stores with various types products. In this article we will talk about how to organize retail trade in fruits and vegetables and try to assess whether it is profitable to do this or not.

Business nuances and trading format

Let's now talk about the pros and cons of this business.


  • high profitability;
  • constant demand;
  • small investments in business;
  • availability of seasonal vegetables and fruits for sale, that is, even in winter there will be no downtime.

Of the minuses:

  • perishable products;
  • high level of competition;
  • work in winter time not very comfortable.

As you can see, we have highlighted the main advantages and disadvantages of a business selling fruits and vegetables, and whether the pros cover the cons is up to you to decide.

Now let's talk about the formats for running this business and describe the main ones.

  1. Business selling fruits and vegetables from a car. For such activities you will need to obtain a fruit trading permit. The disadvantages include the need to purchase freight transport and the inconvenience of working in the winter season. Typically, seasonal fruits or vegetables are sold in this format, for example, watermelons, strawberries, potatoes, cabbage, etc. There is no point in renting a full-fledged retail space for seasonal goods, so entrepreneurs trade from their cars.
  2. Trading fruits and vegetables at the market in a kiosk or tent. Also one of the most popular sales methods. The market is a place where customers for your product gather. If you serve your customers well and at the same time constantly monitor the quality and availability of products, you will have regular customers who will generate the main income from your business. The only problem can be that it is difficult to find a good trading place on the market and the second disadvantage is the huge competition concentrated in one place.
  3. Street fruit trade. Typically this is a tent with several racks. One of the features of this format is that you will either need to have your own transport to transport the entire range of goods, or rent a small warehouse to store them. How you will solve this issue needs to be decided right away. Also, when selling fruits and vegetables on the street, you need to obtain permission from the city administration to sell these goods in the place where you want to set up a tent.
  4. Fruit trade in the pavilion. In this business format, the entrepreneur rents a counter on which he places all the products. This is also a very attractive type of business, but the problem with a warehouse is partially solved there, since such places are usually given out to those who rent a retail outlet there.
  5. A full-fledged store. Including renting premises, signage, retail equipment and more. It’s worth considering that this is the most expensive start in the fruit business, so it’s better to test the niche using the formats suggested above, it will be easier for you to attract buyers.

Why do we recommend the market trading format? Because when renting a store, you will need to spend money on advertising, and your competitors will be large retail chains that you cannot compete with either on price or choice.

Fruit trading rules

As in any product business, you must obtain all necessary work permits. Let's look at what documents are needed for trading fruits and vegetables.

— firstly, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur;

- secondly, select the necessary OKVED documents for work. For Russia it is: 52.21. Retail trade in fruits, vegetables and potatoes. For Ukraine: 47.21 Retail sale of fruits and vegetables in specialized stores.

- thirdly, obtain permission to trade from the SES and fire service;

— fourthly, arrange a buyer’s corner;

— fifthly, it is to have in hand all the necessary certificates of product quality.

Selection of retail space and equipment

The next step, if you decide to rent a kiosk or store, is to look for sites on or near the market. There is also an option to look for offers for renting premises for fruit trading in shopping arcades, there might also be a good place there.

It is advisable to look for a room size of 10 sq.m. and higher. In the case of a stall or kiosk, you won’t have much choice.

Equipment you will need:

  • organize workplace for the seller;
  • shelves on which you will need to beautifully present fruit;
  • racks and display cases;
  • boxes for storing products;
  • scales, preferably electronic;
  • bags for selling goods.

Assortment and suppliers

When starting a business selling fruits and vegetables, it is very important to carefully work out the assortment. You must have all the popular items of goods in stock, and in addition to everything, you can carry rarer options, because perhaps some of the customers will come for them.

The second important factor is the freshness of the product and presentation. Carefully ensure that all goods are in marketable condition and do not allow any rotten fruits or vegetables in the boxes.

So, here is a basic list of assortment:


  • Tomatoes cucumbers
  • Potatoes, carrots, beets
  • Cabbage
  • Onion garlic
  • Pepper
  • Zucchini, eggplant
  • Mushrooms, radishes, pumpkin
  • Corn, peas, beans, beans


  • Apples and pears
  • Citrus
  • Grape
  • Berries
  • Stone fruits
  • Melons
  • Exotic


  • Salads
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Herbs

The assortment can be expanded with seasonal products; we have named only the main categories; each of them has a number of subcategories.

Suppliers can be found either in wholesale markets or work with sales agents directly, who will deliver the desired product directly to the store. Here you will need to focus on the cost of products and calculate the benefits.

How much money do you need to open?

In many ways, investments in this business depend on the format of trade and the volume of the product range, but before you think about where to start this business, you need to decide on the start-up capital, and then move on to finding suitable solutions for distributing the initial costs. Here's just some of what you'll need before opening a fruit and vegetable store from scratch.

  • Room rental – $200 – $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $2000 – $3000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$1000 – $1500
  • Signboard, price tags, banners – $150
  • Transport costs - $50.

How much profit can you expect?

The choice of location for a kiosk or tent will determine the success of your fruit trading business. The more clients you have, the larger volumes of products you can sell, taking into account the fact that you will keep the quality of the product at its best.

The average markup on vegetables and fruits is 30% – 70%.

Based on these figures, you can roughly estimate the required sales volumes.

Conclusions. Opening a Fruits and Vegetables store is a very profitable niche, provided there is a good place for trading. If it is, then you are guaranteed year-round income from this outlet.

Do you work in this field? We look forward to your additions to this article.

August – September in our country are marked as vegetable months. Gardeners harvest their crops, begin to prepare for the winter or sell what they have collected, and those who do not have their own farms buy vegetables and fruits at “summer prices.”

Competition in the fruit and vegetable market during these periods is quite high; many sellers come from the CIS countries to Russia specifically for the purpose of sales, and everyone wants to sell to the maximum, since the product is quite specific and perishable.

If you are the owner of a vegetable stall or your retail store has a fruit department, you are more interested than anyone else in minimizing perishable losses and increasing turnover in the store.

The main difficulty here is not only in sales, but also in the fact that the demand for fresh vegetables and fruits is low, since people collect banal carrots, onions, herbs and even apples in their gardens and dachas. That’s why it’s so important to analyze your assortment and suppliers so as not to fall behind in this category.

Competition and suppliers

The flood of chain retailers in Russian cities has taken away a significant part of consumers from markets and food stores, but the reason was no longer the walking distance of stores, but the association of the vegetable market with the underweight and placement of substandard goods. But as it turns out, retailers have their own drawback in the vegetable departments - fruits from Asian front gardens taste and look like plastic, and the unnatural color of some vegetables makes you wonder.

A small retail store will be able to compete between these two giants if the assortment of fruit products consists of truly high-quality products at reasonable prices. This condition requires finding a supplier that meets your requirements, but the problem may be that farmers and distributors are not interested in selling small quantities as required by a traditional convenience store.

Having found a good supplier, the stage of preparation and presentation begins. Storing fruits and vegetables is a different story; no one will come back to you if you ever buy frozen potatoes or cucumbers. It is better to carry out three-stage quality control:
When purchasing products (especially if you go shopping yourself).
Upon delivery, the rule “trust, but verify” already applies.
When placing goods on shelves (ask sellers to additionally inspect all fruits and vegetables).

When choosing a supplier, it is important not to miss the deadline for purchasing products and send the order to suppliers on time. For your convenience, Mercata offers now to join our VMI platform: electronic document management between the store and suppliers, sending orders and deliveries always on time. You can read more

Layout and tricks

Buyers choose with their eyes (we just mentioned this) and you need to give them this opportunity and show the product in all its glory - fruits and vegetables are laid out in slides and neat piles, often sorted by color and size. A good example can be found among sellers at the eastern market. Containers for fruits should always be clean and intact so as not to spoil the picture.

Many supermarkets also use tricks when displaying them in the vegetable departments - they wash and rub the fruits until they shine, and sometimes sprinkle them with water, despite the fact that this way the products will begin to rot faster. All this is done to associate it with freshness, the buyer sees a shiny, moist surface and the brain already begins to send a “buy” signal.

Another trick spotted by supermarkets is the location of the vegetable department.
Research in the field of buyer willpower has shown that it is necessary to let a person do what is “good”, for example, buy healthy vegetables and fruits on the family table, and then buyers begin to go beyond the limits of diligence in their purchases and buy more harmful products.
Conclusion: place such departments at the beginning of the store, and by the end, customers will buy everything related themselves.

Assortment and prices

When forming an assortment, do not forget about marketing tricks, for example, red apples sell consistently higher in the fall, and green apples in the spring - all this is connected with our psychology. After the winter and autumn periods, we lack freshness and vitamins, and it is these colors that evoke the necessary associations.

When forming an assortment, special attention must be paid to the so-called exotics. If bananas and pineapples have taken root in our country, then, for example, mangoes are still taken with caution, not to mention pitaya, lychee and rambutan, which are avoided simply out of ignorance. Greater demand for Exotic fruits It’s just before the holidays, customers are looking for something “special” for their table and sweeping the exclusive items off the shelves.

It will not be possible to set a high markup for this segment. As we have already said, competition is high and it is not only network operators and markets, but also summer residents and retired gardeners. By keeping prices at an acceptable level for fresh fruits and vegetables, you can form the image of the store - word of mouth will create advertising for you and buyers will come for the products, and at the same time buy other goods sold.

By the way, with the help of Mercat’s smart cash program, you can track the demand and seasonality for sold fruits and vegetables. The profit report will show which items are in demand and in how many days they will run out. This way you can always keep your assortment under control, and regular customers will not go to competitors.


Not all buyers are ready to buy vegetables and fruits in packaged form; it all depends on the level of trust in your outlet, and also do not forget about the principle of buyers choosing with their eyes. By pre-packaging the product there is a certain risk that it will remain on the shelf, but there is also a positive feature - by pre-packaging the product you are already forcing the consumer to take more than he could do on his own.

There are several tricks to successfully sell pre-packaged products:
Package exclusive and highest quality– for example, the same exotic mangoes or European strawberries will not tolerate careless treatment.
The packaging size should be convenient for the buyer; it is unlikely that anyone will want to carry a 50 kg bag of potatoes from the store.
Packaging should be as fresh as possible; customers have become more careful when placing purchases in their carts and more carefully checking all dates and deadlines.

Not so long ago, fruit sets in beautiful boxes became popular. Cardboard boxes and craft bags are a priori associated with the word “ECO”, and competent filling and beautiful presentation increase the price tag for such kits. You can mix the filling or offer your customers to choose the composition themselves, and you can present it as a gift set.


You can make a profit selling vegetables and fruits if you follow some rules, the main ones being freshness and quality. No customer will return to you if the product does not meet his expectations. You can increase sales if you properly build your assortment and track seasonality, and we will always help you with this

We hasten to please those who are already thinking about how to open a grocery store. In the warm season, the profit from such a business will be approximately 4-5 thousand dollars.

In winter, this amount can double. Moreover, even a small store can compete with a hypermarket in terms of assortment. Large supermarkets buy mainly products that can be stored for a long time, and therefore you can often see unripe vegetables and fruits on the shelves.

Small stores do not have such difficulties, since products can be purchased in small quantities. Where to start and what difficulties may arise? We'll figure out.

Start-up capital

Experts say that in a small town you will need to allocate a couple of thousand dollars to open such a store. For a metropolis, this amount will increase to 10 thousand dollars or more.

Those planning to open a grocery store can save some money by purchasing goods themselves and purchasing used equipment. If you take out a loan, then with a trade margin of 30-40%, the store will begin to pay for itself in about 1-1.5 years.

Business plan for a vegetable kiosk

To install a kiosk, you will need to obtain the appropriate permit from the municipality. In small towns this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties, but in a metropolis some difficulties may arise. Installation of kiosks in large cities is carried out through tenders. This procedure is carried out when two or more entrepreneurs apply for one place. In principle, you can bypass the tender if you submit an application from yourself and, for example, from your friend.

The businessman will also have to obtain permission from the local building and architecture department. In addition, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary station and fire department.

In general, to start you will need about 200-350 thousand rubles:

  • it will cost 50-100 thousand rubles to buy a kiosk;
  • scales cost about 3 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork – 10 thousand rubles;
  • cash register – 7 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated display case – 10 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary – 120 thousand rubles.

To reduce costs, rent a ready-made kiosk.

Vegetable tent

Alternatively, you can open not a kiosk, but a vegetable stall. How to open a vegetable tent? The most important thing you need is to find a place to place it. To do this, you should contact the property committee of your locality. There they will tell you where there is free land. It is quite possible that the proposed area will not be in the place where you planned to pitch your tent.

For the space received, you will be required to pay rent, the amount may vary depending on the region, distance from the center, transport interchanges, and so on. On average the cost of 1 sq. meter will be approximately 8 thousand rubles per month.

To install the light, you need to contact the energy supply, where they will install the required power and calculate the cost of the monthly fee. The entrepreneur and his employees must have health records.

Tents and stalls have a very big advantage - they are mobile. You can move to a new place at any time. The cost of renting retail space for kiosks and stalls will be several times lower than the same area for shops.

However, remember that small points of sale are very attractive to unscrupulous sellers. To avoid huge losses, such a business (preferably) should be family-owned. Many experts also recommend opening several tents at the same time. After all, if sales do not occur in one place, this may be compensated by excess profits in another.

Preparation of documents for opening a vegetable store

Before opening a grocery store, you will have to visit all the necessary authorities, which may take 1-2 months. First you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. After this, you need to obtain permits from the following authorities:

Fire Department;

Sanitation station;

State Trade Inspectorate.

After you receive a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection staff about the suitability of the commercial premises, you will need to pay about 4 thousand rubles. In addition, for the smooth functioning of the store you need good equipment. To conclude an agreement for this service, you will have to pay approximately 2 thousand rubles.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To organize sales, you will need the following products:

Scales (costs about $500);

Cash registers (cost at least 15 thousand dollars);

Refrigerators (you will have to pay about $400 for them).

In addition, you will need to purchase counters (at least 1 thousand dollars), display cases for vegetable stores, slides, refrigerated display cases (up to 2 thousand dollars), freezers (about 400 dollars). Roughly speaking, everything you need will cost about 4 thousand dollars.

Choosing a room

For those who have already thought about how to open a grocery store, in addition to filling out paperwork and purchasing equipment, they also need to find suitable premises. To obtain a permanent income, it is best to find premises for a store near public transport stops or in a residential area.

The first option can attract customers from nearby houses, and the second will provide a huge flow of buyers. Don't forget that the store should be well ventilated and free of damp smell. After all, unpleasant odors will scare away buyers.

The sales area must be no less than 40 square meters in size. meters, 10-20 additional sq. meters will also be required for a utility room and warehouse. The cost of renting a building, of course, depends on the location, and averages $10,000.

Goods supply

When you first start a vegetable business, you will have to work with a large number of suppliers. Before paying for the delivery of a consignment of goods, find out where the products were brought from, in what conditions they grew, and, if possible, personally take a sample. This way, over time, you will choose the most conscientious and responsible suppliers.

To open a vegetable store and purchase goods, you will need to spend at least 10 thousand rubles, and then you need to purchase products worth 2-2.5 thousand dollars per month. Of course, special attention must be paid to the quality of the goods, because only vigilance will eliminate losses and preserve your reputation.

Take note right away that at least 15% of vegetables and fruits will spoil. But there is a way out here too; slightly spoiled products can be sold at a 50-70% discount. The trade margin on vegetables and fruits can range from 30% to 250%.


Marketers advise offering customers not only vegetables and fruits grown in mid-latitudes, but also exotic fruits. The greater their choice, the greater the profit will be.

To create the illusion of a rich selection of vegetables and fruits, place exotic goods on the top shelves. If you also plan to sell related products, then it is better to choose juices, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables, and dried fruits.

Service staff

Before opening a grocery store, you will need to find more or less qualified workers. Patience and politeness are the main strengths in this area. In total, you will need to hire loaders and sellers. Labor costs will be at least $800.

What is important to consider?

No matter how sad it may sound, when planning a business, you need to take into account the fact that another competitive store may appear near you at any moment. In this regard, you need to think about the likelihood that you will have to change focus.

In addition, it is also important to think about the organization of the store. This can be a traditional scheme - the seller gives the buyer the product he asked for, or you can work according to the minimarket system. It is the second option, which allows people to choose a product on their own and not have to wait, that is more acceptable.

Businessmen who are thinking about how to open a grocery store need to take care of one more important thing. A significant role is played by the pleasant aromas of vegetables and fruits (in addition, you can use flavoring agents), as well as the friendliness and politeness of the staff. It is also necessary to take care of good lighting. An excellent addition to all this can be soft, light music.

As you can imagine, starting a vegetable business is not that difficult. You now know where to start, what documents you need to prepare and what is important to remember. By following all the above recommendations, you will definitely achieve success.

Those planning to start a business quite often cannot choose a niche. For some, the process takes a long time, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Look around not as a consumer, but as a business-minded person. You will see many common businesses that are easy to start and make good money. For example, selling fruits and vegetables is a business that is easier to start than it seems.

Starting investments: RUB 143,000The number of employees: One
Planned income per month: 150,000 rub.Market competition: High
Approximate monthly expenses: 90,000 rub.Payback:Three months

This niche may seem boring or uninteresting to many. But even this business can be developed, scaled, or marketing tools can be applied to it. You should see in this business not only a point for selling vegetables and fruits, but an opportunity for a good start. Include related products in your assortment.

Main products:

  • vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, beet, onions, garlic);
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes).

Additionally you can sell:

  • bread;
  • canned food;
  • sunflower oil.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

Essentially, starting this business is very easy. You need to find an area where to place a stall. In addition, you can rent a room, but as statistics show, it is best to place a small kiosk in the center of a residential area. Next, you need to find suppliers of the goods. These could be local farmers or wholesalers.

Stages of opening a vegetable kiosk:

  1. Search for territory.
  2. Buying a kiosk.
  3. Registration and coordination of all nuances.
  4. Installation of a point of sale.
  5. Hiring a salesperson.

Registration and preparation of documents

Little documentation is needed. Just register as an entrepreneur, indicating “Retail trade” in the field of activity. To install a vegetable stand, you will need permission from the authorities, an individual entrepreneur license and a certificate from the fire inspectorate.

Search for premises

It is best to purchase a kiosk. But if this is not possible, you can rent it. It should play the role of a warehouse for goods.

Purchase and installation of necessary equipment

No equipment is needed for such a business. The only thing needed is the stall itself and the boxes. It is advisable to purchase a new frame. Inside it, at your discretion, you can equip electricity to be able to trade in the evenings. It is advisable to use boxes of the same size and color so that the display of goods has an aesthetic appearance.

What do you need:

  • kiosk (RUB 45,000);
  • boxes (RUB 5,000);
  • table (RUB 1,000);
  • shelves (RUR 2,000).

Photo gallery “Equipment for a vegetable kiosk”


Considering the fact that most of these kiosks are located in residential areas, your clients will be the same people. You can entice them to shop with you rather than at the supermarket with the help of service. It should be based on your salesperson's friendly approach to everyone. Take an interest in people’s health, opinions about taste, and generally take more feedback.

Promotion and advertising

Financial plan

Trade in vegetables and fruits as a business is not a particularly expensive area. Most of the investment may have to be spent on permitting the installation of a retail outlet and purchasing the first batch of goods. You can keep track of expenses and profits using standard table. Accounting in this case is very simple, everyone can understand. To increase profitability, it will be enough to monitor suppliers’ prices and make a large assortment.

How much finance is needed:

  • equipment (RUB 53,000);
  • territory rental (RUB 50,000);
  • consumables (RUB 15,000);
  • seller (RUB 25,000).

Total: 143,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Risks include low traffic of the place where the vegetable shop is located. Before you start coordinating with local authorities, find out how many people go to the right place. The convenience of this niche lies in its compactness and mobility. If there are few buyers, the store can be moved to another location without much effort.