Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Skyrim how to make an NPC immortal. TES V: Skyrim - Console commands and cheats. It's not sporting

The world-famous game Skyrim, a continuation of the cult series The Elder Scrolls, is famous for its large world and non-linear original storylines. And often players need to save the life of a certain character, but this does not always work out. In this case, in order to complete the storyline to the end, you need to know how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim, so as not to load the next save.

After all, this is not sports!

“Resurrecting characters killed in battle is not sporting,” gamers may say. However, the game is rich not only in interesting monsters, bandits and giants who can deal with the inhabitants of the province with one blow. An integral attribute of the game are all sorts of bugs, such as flying mammoths or objects falling through the textures, which kill the story characters. In this case, knowing how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim is simply necessary for a normal game!

There are more unpleasant situations: you are used to your housecarl bodyguard, for example Lydia, but in the heat of battle you accidentally hit her with a sword and killed her. After this, you don’t want to continue playing without your favorite assistant, ready to follow you into the fire and input, and the save was made a long time ago. It is precisely in such cases that you should use console commands.

Console commands

How to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim? The problem can be solved simply.

To do this, you must follow the sequence of actions below:

  1. Open the console command input menu (key "E").
  2. Without closing the input window, click on the corpse with the left mouse button.

After these manipulations, the character will come to life and begin to live his own life. However, other situations may arise in the game. For example, vampires burst into the city, killed your beloved housecarl, then resurrected him and sent him to fight you. And there is no reason to be surprised that after the battle he will turn into a handful of ashes.

We resurrect NPCs when there is no corpse

Following the proposed plan, you will force the character’s ashes to talk and even trade, but you will not return a full-fledged person to Skyrim. How to resurrect an NPC if there is no body? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Enter prid in the console command menu , Where - personal code of the character.
  2. On the next line, enter enable - this will activate the selected NPC.
  3. Type moveto player and press "Enter" - this will move the "new" corpse to you.
  4. Enter the Resurrect 1 command and press Enter.

If you follow this plan, you will no longer have the question of how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim. The same combination of commands will help if you simply forgot where the dead body is.

How to resurrect a game character?

In the event that for some reason a story character, merchant, or faction member/leader dies, the above combinations will not return the real person to the game. There will be a copy of it that is not related to the plot and gameplay.

But even in this case, the console can help in solving the question of how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim. To do this you need:

  1. Enter the command command .
  2. Activate a gameplay character with the phrase recycleactor.
  3. Resurrect a game object by entering the resurrect combination.
  4. Move the newly created NPC to you with the moveto player command.

Before carrying out such manipulations, it is recommended to create a clean save. This will help avoid many in-game errors.

To stealth kill enemies in Skyrim, you must consider that a number of different factors will influence the effectiveness of your attempts to do so.

So, the higher the level of your Stealth skill, the greater the chance of remaining unnoticed by the enemy. In addition, the level of the opponent is also important - the higher it is, the harder it will be to get close to the enemy.

Lighting is also very important - of course, the darker the environment, the greater your chances of remaining undetected. It’s also important to pay attention to your character’s weapons - to kill secretly in Skyrim, it’s best to use only daggers that don’t make sounds at all.

As for the technical side of the issue, for a secret kill you need to hold down the Ctrl key and get close to the enemy from behind, ideally in the dark. The bow has proven itself well in this matter, with which you don’t even need to get close, you can take out the enemy at a distance.

Also, do not forget that if you are not noticed, then by default your attack will inflict double damage on the enemy, and the skill develops even further, so with the proper skill you can turn into a most dangerous assassin.

You can increase the effectiveness of your actions with the help of a one-handed dagger, used with poison applied to the blade. And even better - add weapon enchantment to this goodness.

Remember that wearing such sometimes useful heavy armor will play a cruel joke on you if you try to act secretly - it makes it harder for Dovahkiin to move in it, therefore, he makes much more noise when moving.

Also, a lot of noise comes from two-handed weapons, one-handed weapons are already an order of magnitude quieter, and daggers and bows do not make any noise at all.

If a torch or fire is burning nearby, it will be much more difficult to hide than in the dark or at least the shadow. You can also be betrayed by some enchanted weapons, such as a flaming sword that has a glowing effect.

You should also be careful with spells, as they can create noise and flashes of light, which will inevitably attract the attention of enemies. It is best to always approach the latter, if not from behind, then at least from the side. Attacking from the front is an almost guaranteed failure to act covertly.

In addition, when you move, you also attract much more attention than when standing still, so don’t rush to run forward if something goes wrong. Trying to escape can only completely give away your location.

While you are moving stealthily, a special icon will be displayed in the center of the screen, which you can use to determine how successfully you are hiding. If the eye is completely open and the inscription “you have been spotted” appears under it, things are bad, the enemy clearly knows where you are and is ready to attack.

If the eye is completely closed and the inscription “they can’t see you” is displayed under it, then you can be calm, they won’t even try to look for you.

As for the stealth skill, initially the Khajiit (plus ten), Argonians and Bosmers (plus five) have a slight head start in its development.

Update to v0.2:

Added closed cities with adjacent docks and stables. The list under the spoiler has also been updated, take a look and point out errors. I’ll say right away that I have no idea how it will work with vampires. Test it yourself and write in the comments. All that remains is to add farms, but that will come later. The update can be installed on top of the previous version.

Update to v0.3:

Added suburbs with mines, sawmills and farms to closed cities, and also added free-standing farms. I wanted to capture the Khajiit caravans, but they turned out to be immortal anyway. I added them to the list too, so that you know about their invulnerability. The list has been updated. At this point, I think, work on the mod can be considered completed, at least for the near future. There are only some hunter camps left, but there are no unique characters there. Write if I missed anyone, and please let me know if the plugin is effective against vampire attacks.

Update to v0.4:

Added several small locations - free-standing taverns, villages. Removed immortality from Roggvir, because... According to the script, he should be executed. Also, at the request of fans of harsh realism, I have optionally added a version with conditional immortality for children. By choosing it, you can kill any child (even Babette from TB), but children will still remain invulnerable to third-party attacks. You use this version at your own peril and risk! In child races, I removed the “Child” mark that protected them, and who knows what bugs this could lead to.

Update to v0.5:

The characters involved in the quest "Conspiracy of Outcasts" have been removed - Betrid Silver Blood, Margret, Weylin, Nepus Nosy. Added Anise.

I also want to inform you that there was a kind person who decided to contribute to the development of the project and adapt the mod for version 1.7 of the game with all the official additions and unofficial fixes. His name is LinKortes. Please consider him my co-author. Now in the archive you will find the basic version of the plugin and an alternative one. Each version comes with a ReadMe file containing detailed description. Please address all questions and thanks you have regarding the alternative version to: LinKortes.

Update to v0.6:

Immortality has been removed from characters involved in the quest "Blood on the Snow" - Calixto Corium and Arivania. Removed Nurelion from the list for the quest "Repairing the Vial" to work correctly. Also, at the request of users, immortality was added to the wandering bard Talsgar and the pilgrim Faldrus.

The alternative version has been updated and adapted to be compatible with the latest patches and fixes (thanks to LinKortes). For more details, see the "Requirements" and "Compatibility" sections or the ReadMe file.

Update to v0.6.1:

This update only affected the alternative version. It has been adapted to work correctly with Unofficial Skyrim Patch 1.2.4, and the plugin no longer applies to Angrenor the Decorated. Anyone who has updated USKP to version 1.2.4, please download the archive and update our plugin. Questions and thanks regarding the alternative version continue to be addressed to LinKortes.

Bug fix (mod version remains the same):

Fixed a bug with Lisbeth, whose dialogue was not activated. The bug has nothing to do with our mod; it is present in the official update. Louis Letrush also has a similar problem, but our mod does not affect him, and we did not set ourselves the goal of correcting the mistakes of the game developers. This is why there are informal ones. patches. Anyone for whom the problem with Lisbeth is critical, please re-download.

Update to v0.6.2b:

An alternative version of the plugin has been remade into a new esp file to ensure compatibility with Unofficial Skyrim Patch 1.2.6. Also removed from the list of changed characters was Mikael, who was accidentally affected by the previous alternate version. This is done to work correctly in conjunction with the UFO plugin. Don't forget to say thank you LinKortes for efficiency.

Update to v0.7:

Characters that were previously overlooked for various reasons were added to the plugin. Their list has been added to the end of the list under the heading "Version 0.7".

An alternative version was adapted to USKP 1.2.7.

Added optional file for Dragonborn DLC. This file is self-contained and only makes changes for DLC characters. It needs to be installed separately and does not require unofficial patches to install. Read more in the ReadMe file. The author of this miracle LinKortes.

Also, for convenience, the names of esp files have been changed. For more details, see the "Installation" section.

Update to v0.8:

The plugin has been completely redesigned to be compatible with the new official patch, and a new feature has been added. Now, despite conditional immortality, civilians will value their lives and, if possible, flee when danger arises. This function affects all NPCs from the list, except those who must behave aggressively according to the scenario of some quests, so as not to disturb the atmosphere of the game.

The file structure remains the same. There is a basic version for pure Skyrim and an alternative version for those who use official patches (you only need to choose one option out of two). There is also an optional version for Dragonborn that is completely independent and can be used with both the base and alternate versions. Let me remind you once again that now our plugin only requires game version 1.9, old patches are no longer supported.

This page presents full list the most useful codes and cheats in Skyrim, which may be needed to fix bugs or if you really want to ruin the game for yourself.

Basic information

1. Calling the console. The console for entering codes opens by clicking on the “~” key (also known as “tilde”), located next to the “ESC” and “1” keys.

2. Where to enter? After calling the console, in the lower left corner you will see a window for entering characters.

3. Scroll. The console scrolls up and down using "Page Up"/"Page Down".

4. Register. All code in the console is case insensitive.

5. Goals. Many commands must be used by first clicking on the target. For example, if you want to open a door, go to the console, click on the door and write “Unlock”.

Incorrect use of console commands

Please note that reckless use of the console may cause the game to crash. Before you use the code, make sure you save and know what you're doing.

List of console commands

If a command requires an argument, then the parentheses indicate that the contents should be replaced with the value of the corresponding destination.

Abbreviations used

  • Quantity - quantity;
  • Identifier - ID.


animcamEnable animation cameraIncludes a third-person camera that can be rotated and brought closer to the character without changing the character's position.
psbIssue a spell book to the playerGives the player a complete spellbook, including dragon screams and beast abilities. Souls will still be needed for screams. May cause game crashes.
s1stShow first person camera in third person game modeWorks only in third person mode. Shows hands behind character's back. That is, you control a character in third person, but the hands simulate first-person play, as if you were controlling a character who was controlling another character.
sucsm<число> Change camera speed in free modeFor example, you can type “tfc” into the console and then “sucsm 50”, thereby increasing the speed by five times
taiEnable/Disable AITurns off and on the artificial intelligence of the selected character or creature. If no target is selected, the AI ​​will shut down globally.
tcGive control of the creature to the playerGives you the ability to control the selected creature. The player character also responds to keyboard commands, unless disabled first.
tcaiToggle combat AITurns on and off the artificial intelligence responsible for combat.
tclToggle collisionsDisables the player's interaction with objects in the environment when he moves. Basically, you can fly.
tdetectToggle detectionEnables or disables detection of the player character by other characters, even if he attacks them.
teofisReduce graphics and improve performanceDisables blur, contrast adjustments and more. Gives a big performance bonus for weak video cards by reducing the graphics level.
tfc<1> Enable free camera modeAllows the player to hover over the character using the keyboard in third person mode. Addition<1>to the tfc code "freezes" the world, but still allows the camera to move.
tfowToggle fog of warShows unexplored places on the local map. Does not affect the global map. If you use this cheat while cutting down wood or mining ore, you run the risk of encountering a bug where your character disappears. Don't forget to save before using.
tgSwitch grassShows and removes the grass.
tgmEnable god modeWhen using this cheat, the player character does not receive any damage, does not waste magic or stamina, does not need to recharge dragon cries, and does not waste arrows. However, God Mode does not protect against diseases and scripted damage.
timEnable immortality modeThe player character does not die when their health reaches zero.
tllSwitch LODSignificantly reduces draw distance, helping to resolve certain performance issues.
tmSwitch menu (interface)Turns user interface elements off and on, including the console itself. To turn the interface back on, press “~” and, despite the fact that you won’t see the console itself, type “tm” and press “Enter”.
tmm<кол-во>(,<кол-во>,<кол-во>) Hide/show all markers on the mapAt<кол-ве>equal to 1 shows all markers, when<кол-ве>equal to 0 hides all markers. The second parameter determines whether fast travel will be available to the marker. The third parameter shows hidden markers. For example, to open all locations without fast travel to them, enter tmm 1,0,0.
tsSwitch skyToggles the sky display on or off.
tscrToggle script executionEnables or disables global script execution.
ttSwitch treesToggles the display of trees.
twfSwitch gridToggles grid display on or off.
twsSwitch waterTurns display on and off water surface. The underwater world remains unchanged.

Commands with target selection

additem <кол-во> <доп. опция> Add a certain number of items to the character.Adds the specified number of items to the selected character or player's inventory. For example, the command player.additem 000669A5 5 will add 5 onions to the player. With the same command you can remove items from your inventory by specifying a negative number in the field<кол-во>. Additional field<доп. опция >, most likely, is responsible for the item belonging to a specific character.
addperk Add perkAdds a certain perk to the character. For example, player.addperk 000c44c0 will add the “adept of destruction” perk.
addspell Add the specified spell to the player's spell listWorks with special abilities, spells, blessings, diseases, but not with dragon screams. Example: player.addspell 00092c48.
addfac/addtofaction <ранг> Add a character to a specific organizationWhen used, assigns the character to an organization with the specified rank
advlevelIncrease levelIncreases the character's level, at the same time increasing the strength of opponents due to auto-leveling.
AdvSkill<навык> <количество> Increase experience points of the specified skillThe skill itself does not increase, the number of experience points increases.
completequest Complete the quest immediatelySets the current job status to completed. Be especially careful when using this command, since it only completes the quest in the quest log; it has no effect on scripts and many other data.
DamageActorValue<атрибут> <кол-во> Damage the attribute to the specified<кол-во>pointsFor example, player.damageactorvalue health 50 will take away 50 health units from your character as if he had been attacked.
disableDo not render the specified objectThe selected object disappears from the game world. Also affects characters.
dispelallspellsDispel all temporary effects on the targetFor example, player.dispelallspells will remove from your character all possible effects from potions, spells, and special abilities.
dropForcefully drop items from a character's inventoryUse code Drop <кол-во>to discard certain (including quest) items from the inventory.
duplicate allitems<контейнер/ID персонажа> Copy all items from the selected container to the specified containerFor example, duplicateallitems 89c79 will copy all the items in the container you selected into container 89c79.
enableRender the specified objectThe selected object appears in the game world. Also affects characters.
equipitem Equip the specified item on the selected characterThe selected character puts on and begins to use the specified item.
forceAV<атрибут> <кол-во> Change attribute valueForces an attribute to a specific value. Similar commands: setAV, modAV.
getAV<атрибут> Get attribute valueReturns the value of the specified attribute for the selected character.
getAVinfo<атрибут> Get numerical information about an attributeTo get information about light armor, enter the cheat code player.getavinfo lightarmor.
getlevel<цель> Show target levelShows the current level of the selected character or creature.
GetLocationCleared Show location status0 - location not cleared, 1 - cleared.
getrelationshiprank<цель> Show the level of relationship between two charactersThe value can range from -3 to +4.
getstage Show the current active stage of the quest.Returns the highest quest stage completed for the specified quest.
hasperk Check if the selected character has the specified perkExample: Hasperk 3af84.
incPCS<название скилла> Increase the specified skill by one levelExample: incpcs lightarmor.
kill<опционально: ID персонажа> Kill the specified characterSelect the desired character and enter “kill” in the console to kill him. Resurrection is performed with the “resurrect” command.
lock<уровень> Close the selected container with a lock of the specified level0 - 25: student, 26 - 50: specialist, 51 - 75: expert, 76 - 100: master, 101+: locked.
MarkForDeleteDelete objectCompletely deletes the selected object.
modAV<атрибут> <кол-во> Change attribute to specified quantityAdds the specified amount to the attribute value.
moveto Move selected character to specified characterplayer.placeatme creates a clone of the character.
movetoqt Move character to quest goalExample: movetoqtda01.
openactorcontainer 1Open character inventoryThis cheat code in Skyrim allows you to view and use the inventories of other characters.
paycrimegold<0-1> <0-1> Pay a fine at the selected propertyFirst argument: 1 - you will move to the prison after entering the code, 0 - you will not move. Second argument: 1 - you stole items, 0 - you did not steal items. Stolen items will be lost.

Faction codes:
00028170 - Falkreath
000267E3 - Eastmarch (Windhelm)
00029DB0 - Haaingar (Solitude)
0002816D - Hjaalmarch (Morthal)
0002816e - White Beach (Donstar)
0002816C - Limit (Markarth)
0002816B - Rift (Riften)
000267EA - Whiterun
0002816F - Winterhold
xx018279 - Raven Rock (Solstheim)

placeatme Place an actor or object at the current locationExample: player.placeatme 000fea9b.
playidle Play the specified animation on the selected characterExample: playidle IdleOffsetArmsCrossedStart.
pushactoraway <направление> Move the character to a given pointExample: pushactoraway 14 1337. Entering a negative value in the direction field will move the specified character to your location.
recycle actor<ссылка на пункт назначения (опционально)> Reset character/itemUsed to "revive" dead characters and deleted items.
removeallitems Remove all items from a character's inventoryUse player.removeallitems to remove all items from your inventory.
removeitem <кол-во> Remove a specific item in a specified quantityTeam player.removeitem 000669A5 5 will remove 5 leeks from your inventory.
removeperk Remove a specific perk from the specified characterExample: player.removeperk 000babe8 will remove the first level Barbarian perk.
removespell Remove a spell, effect, ability (but not dragon scream) from the selected characterExample: player.removespell 00092c48 will remove the Beast Form ability from the player character.
resetAITurn off character AIForcefully turns off the character's artificial intelligence. The enemy, "switched off" in this way, will then unsheath the weapon again and select a priority target.
resethealthFully restore your character's healthTeam player.resethealth will fully restore your character's health.
resetinventoryReload container contentsSequential execution of commands removeallitems And resetinventory will return the contents of the character's inventory to its original state.
RestoreActorValue<атрибут> <кол-во> Restore the value of an attribute by the specified number of pointsExample: if your health is damaged by 50 units, then the command player.restoreactorvalue health 100 will completely restore the character's health.
resurrect<1> Resurrect the selected actorRaises the selected character from the dead. If he was killed while completing a quest, then the game may still consider him dead. Adding one allows you to save your character's equipment.
setactoralpha<0-100> Change the transparency of the selected characterHelps with graphical bugs related to character transparency.
setAV<атрибут> <кол-во> Set the attribute to the specified valueHard-codes the specified value to the specified attribute (tautology-s).
setessential <1/0> Make a character immortal/mortalBy specifying the immortality parameter “1”, you will prevent the possibility of the character’s death. After receiving maximum damage, he will continue to live.
setgs<настройка> <значение> Set Game Option in SkyrimNot saved. For example, to set the jump height for the player character, you will have to enter the command into the console each time setgs fJumpHeightMin<высота> .
setlevel A B C DSet NPC levelEnter into the console SetLevel 1000,0,1,81, so that the character develops along with the player’s character from level 1 to 81.
— percentage of level to the main character (1000 = 100.0%)
- shows how much higher or lower the character is than your character's level.
— base level of a non-player character.
maximum level a non-player character he can evolve into.
SetLocationCleared 1 Clear the weather in the specified areaAll you need is to know the location ID.
Set new character weightAffects the character model according to the specified weight. Range from 0 to 100.
setownership Assign an owner to the selected itemThe command can be used to fix problems with stolen items.
setrace<раса> Change character raceRaces available in Skyrim: (normal/vampire)
ArgonianRace - ArgonianRaceVampire
BretonRace - BretonRaceVampire
DarkElfRace - DarkElfRaceVampire
HighElfRace - HighElfRaceVampire
ImperialRace - ImperialRaceVampire
KhajiitRace - KhajiitRaceVampire
NordRace - NordRaceVampire
OrcRace - OrcRaceVampire
RedguardRace - RedguardRaceVampire
WoodElfRace - WoodElfRaceVampire
setrelationshiprank<цель><#> Establish a relationship between two charactersMinimum value: -4, maximum: +3.
setscale<#> Change target sizeYou cannot change the size of an item. Small size: 0.1, normal: 1, maximum: 10.
setstage <стадия #> Set current job stageExample command: setstage ms01 100.
setunconscious<целое число> Render the target unconsciousTo "knock out" a character, enter setunconscious 1.
inv/showinventoryShow item IDs in inventoryShows item IDs in the character's inventory.
shp<параметр #1-параметр #9> Change image rendering optionsExample command: shp 1.00 0 0.50 0.01 9.00 .1 .99 100 1.0000.
sifh<#> Set friendly-fire for the characterSelecting a value of "1" will allow the selected character to avoid an ally's attacks.
sqs Show quest stageShows the stage of the specified quest.
str<0-1.000000> Set reflection option for selected target0.000001 is the minimum, 1.000000 is the maximum.
teachword<слово> Learn the word of powerAllows you to learn the specified word of power.
unequipitem Remove the specified item from the selected characterThe selected character removes the specified item.
unlockOpen selected objectIt also works on containers and doors locked with special keys.
unlockword<слово> Unlock Dragon ScreamUnlocks a new level of dragon scream.

Commands without target selection

batOpen the file in the game installation folder.
caqsComplete all quest stages
coc<название ячейки> Move to specified cell
cow<локация> Move to specified coordinate
csbClear Screen Blood
fov<угол> Set the camera angle in first person
fw Change the weather
GetGlobalValue<переменная> Get the value of a global variable
GetInCellParam Check the location of an object in a specific location
GetPCMiscStat<статистика> Return the value of a specific statistic
help<текст> Return IDs for skills, spells, etc.
killallactorsKill all characters
load<имя> Load the specified Skyrim save
ModPCMiscStat<статистика> <кол-во> Set the value of a specific statistic
pcbClear memory buffer for current cell
playercreatepotion Create a potion with the three specified effects
playerenchantoobject Create an item with three specified enchantments
Prid Show object ID for subsequent operations
qqqQuick exit from Skyrim
resetinterior Reload the specified interior
refiniReset all settings
resetquest Reset quest
saqStart all quests
save<имя> Save the game under the specified name
saveiniSave settings to file
set<глобальная переменная>to<значение> Set the value of a global variable in Skyrim
setplayerrace Set playable race
set playeranimalcount to<кол-во> Set the number of creature companions for the player
set playerfollowercount to<кол-во> Set the number of companions for the player
set timescale to<кол-во> Set the speed of time
SexChangeChange the gender of the player character
SGTMSet duration of special effects
ShowGlobalVarsShow current global variables
ShowMessage Show message ID
showracemenuOpen character creation menu
showracemenu<раса> Change the player character's race
sqoShow a list of active and completed quests
sqtShow quest and objective IDs

Try on the role of a villain - you will get new impressions from the game, I guarantee! I'm talking about less trivial ways to make your character dark, like joining the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood, completing Daedric Lord quests, and so on. I'm talking about more inventive methods of maintaining the right level of Madness Ore in your blood. 1. Light it up properly! Let's start with something simple. A big butch is a reliable way to unleash your perverted demonic sense of beauty. Enrage everyone who gets in your way. Break into other people's houses and throw things around. Show them all who the Dovahkiin is here. Littering too good idea: throw everything you don’t need right in the middle of the street. It's fun! 2. Wash everything! Choose a house. Or a store. Wait for darkness, when the shadows reliably cover you with their cloak, and at the right moment get inside. While they are having their tenth dream in their warm and cozy beds, steal everything you can from the house! And don’t forget what you can’t do either! Overload? No problem! Leave, dump everything somewhere nearby and come back. Check again to see if you forgot anything. Why do they need things? They don't need things. They have no right to them. You have. 3. Upgrade... And get your money back! We should pump ourselves up, it never hurts. But what to do if you are a poor bard who does not have the thousands of septims that will be needed for this?
The answer is simple: start by leveling up pickpocketing Have you leveled up? Now go learn something else. And then take your money out of your teacher’s pocket! He didn't deserve this money. Even though he taught you. You deserve it. You deserve all the money and all the loot in Skyrim! 4. Kill people with your mind! Why are you Dovahkiin? Yes, because you are cooler than the rest! There is no point in denying this, nor the fact that you own the Voice. Shout everywhere, Shout always, FUS! RO! YESSS!!! Just try not to kill right away, otherwise you won’t be able to torture him further. 5. Announce your engagement... And don't come to your own wedding! There is such a cool feature in Skyrim - marriage. But just getting married is boring! Better seduce the NPC, agree to everything, set a wedding date... and just don't come! And then watch as your failed spouse leaves the temple depressed. His/Her heart is broken! Maybe later he/she will forgive you and give you a second chance... Which you will use in exactly the same way! 6. Kill someone else's husband/wife! If you have already tried the previous method, and you have become bored with it, kill someone else’s spouse! Find a wonderful, sweet couple, choose which of them will remain a widower/widow - and remove the other one. Remember: the second one is always superfluous. Even when it comes to you. You can also then put/hang the body somewhere in a visible place so that it disturbs the memory and continues to cause pain. 7. Make arrogant merchants suffer! You probably know who I'm talking about now (yes, Grelka, I'm talking about you. Listen, listen...). Some merchants consider themselves so cool that they allow themselves to communicate with Dovahkiin like trash. They need to be put on the right path. Make them suffer. Sneak into their house/shop at night and steal their stuff. Wait a few days, which they will spend in fear, waiting for the next raid. And then “swoop” again, taking away everything you can! And yes, leave a couple of human hearts and bones at their house - purely to let them know what will happen to them if they don’t change their behavior. Of course, they won't change it - they're just NPCs in a computer game (did you seriously hope they would?). Well, now you have no choice: kill them. 8. Make a super c-c-c-c-combo!!! Another great way to become “bad” in Skyrim is to kill everyone. Surely, while waiting for the release of the Dawnguard, you managed to level up well. So show us what you are capable of! Go and kill everyone! Everyone! And the guards too! 9. Make a hidden super c-c-c-c-combo!!! If you are a secretive character: a thief, an assassin or a spy - stealth assassinations are your choice! Hide in the shadows, kill in the most rational ways possible - so that no one notices. And then admire how the poor townspeople will discover the corpses. 10. Become a serial killer! Select a specific criterion by which you will select victims For example, they may have a hairstyle you don't like. Or clothes. Basically, pick something like that, whatever you want, and kill them! Anyone who has this sign will die! Based on materials from Rant Gaming, 24 Aug Translation: Vandheer Lorde From the editor. We strongly disapprove of Rant Gaming's advice and have published it only to give you the opportunity to judge the author of the article.