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Sambo for children: from what age and what are the benefits. Combat Sambo for children Sambo class for children

Sambo is one of the few martial arts that is domestic. The sonorous name has nothing to do with the famous samba dance (although it is pronounced similarly), but is an abbreviation, the decoding of which is self-defense without weapons. Indeed, the main principle of sambo is to competently defend yourself even if the enemy has an advantage, including in the form of bladed or firearms.

A serious, responsible occupation aimed at developing moral-volitional, psychological, and physical qualities arouses well-deserved interest and respect among the younger generation. The children of our city can master sambo in specialized sections and clubs, gain not only experience related to the technique and tactics of martial art, but also the necessary skills that are useful to every future citizen of our country - patriotism, perseverance, endurance.

Thus, sambo can also be considered a means of spiritual and moral education. With its help, you can protect not only honor, but also life and health - and this is very important in modern society. And, of course, this type of martial arts has a beneficial effect on general physical condition, the functioning of the heart and lungs, and muscles.

What is possible and what is not allowed in the sports version of martial arts

The main goal of sambo is to learn how to defend yourself without weapons and master techniques that neutralize the enemy. Therefore, it cannot be called an aggressive and offensive type of martial arts. This also left an imprint on the rules: they don’t allow much. In particular, opponents can use grabs by the belt and other parts of the jacket that are located higher, as well as grab the opponent’s arms and legs. There are many more prohibitions: you cannot throw your opponent on his head and touch his face, squeeze his head and press it to the mat, use choking techniques, fall on your opponent with your whole body, strike the neck, press the body with your knees or elbows. Painful holds are also prohibited when wrestling while standing; they cannot be carried out in jerks. In addition, gripping with fingers is not allowed.

The art of self-defense, or Types of Sambo

This type of self-defense, like sambo, originated in the Soviet Union, but has become popular all over the world. Initially, these martial arts represented an integral system, but subsequently a division occurred. First, let's talk about sports sambo, which is in many ways similar to judo, but differs in equipment. Sports sambo wrestlers compete in jackets with “wings” that have belt slits; instead of trousers, the athlete wears shorts, and chooses “sambo boots” as shoes. In judo, athletes fight on a square mat, and in sambo, on a round one. In Sambo, painful holds on the legs are allowed, while choking is prohibited. Points are counted differently in judo and sambo. The second type of martial arts we are considering is sambo wrestling, or the art of self-defense. Similarities can be found in it with jiu-jitsu and aikido. The techniques that a sambist masters help fight both armed and unarmed opponents. Another type of sambo is combat. It is mastered, in particular, by military personnel and police officers. Combat Sambo classes are not recommended for children under 12 years of age. It allows the use of weapons, but fighters are taught how to do without them. Some compare combat sambo competitions with fights without rules, since the techniques include throws, grabs, and various types of strikes.

The children's Sambo and Judo section will help its students keep their body, memory and observation skills in good shape. Jigiro Kano, the creator of judo, said: “It doesn’t matter whether you are better someone . What matters is whether you are better than you were yesterday.” Development of moral aspects of personality and feelings self-esteem- a wonderful bonus when practicing martial arts in the company of like-minded people.

Sambo, having originated in Moscow, will also teach a child to protect himself and competently resolve a difficult situation. It is no coincidence that sports and combat sambo were created for employees of special forces forces.

The Sambo Judo Club 18 section is located in Moscow (Nagatino-Sadovniki district, SEAD) next to the Nagatinskaya, Kolomenskaya, and Kashirskaya metro stations. Classes in the sambo and judo sections for children are held during daylight hours, so that children can independently get to classes at our sports club after school lessons.

Achievements of the Sambo-18 Club

Coaches of SK "Sambo-18" have been engaged in training, as well as professional sports development of children, youth and adults for 8 years. Weekly painstaking work, both on the tatami and at national and international competitions. Every month the Sambo-18 club hosts an open Sambo competition for adults and children; the competition is officially registered in the Moscow Sambo Federation and is eligible for registration for categories!

SK “Sambo 18” is not just a section, it is a professional sports club that works for results. Among our students there is a two-time European champion in Sambo, a prize-winner of the students’ Spartakiad in Judo, a three-time medalist of the Russian Championship in Judo, a champion of Moscow and the Moscow Cup in Jiu-Jitsu (not-vasa), a medalist of the Russian Championship in Jiu-Jitsu (not-vaza), Champion of the CS Dynamo championship.

The club is proud of its international results - we have several champions of the open Sambo championships of Holland, Germany and Slovakia. Prize-winners of the annual international Judo tournament “Yong stars” in Jurmala (Lithuania). Every day we move forward! Every year there are only more new medals and achievements! We work for results, and the truth is behind us in the form of our victories!

Conducting training camps in the insurance company

Summer Sambo and Judo wrestling camps at the Sambo-18 club

  • Training dates: 05.28 - 06.12.2020
  • Age of participants: born 2003 - 2012
  • Number of training days at the camp: 12
  • Meals: Lunch
  • Number of training sessions per camp: 19
  • Rest between workouts: nap after lunch (quiet hour, at the Club base)

Training schedule:

  • Mon/Wed/Fri - 2 training sessions per day (in the morning 10:00 - 11:30 - study work), (in the evening 17:00 - 18:30 - sparring + statics-dynamics)
  • Tue/Thu - 1 training per day (in the morning 10:00 - 11:30 - general physical training + work with rubber) + sauna + lunch

Number of coaches at the training camp: 2-4 coaches

Cost of fees: 16,500 rubles

Uniform of the gathering participants: kimono or sambo uniform

Address: Moscow, 1st Nagatinsky proezd, 15 (Fight Club 18)

Annual Sambo and Judo wrestling camps in August

SK "Sambo-18" invites athletes from any club who have training in Sambo or Judo wrestling to sports training camps. The training camp will take place from August 22 to 31. Participants will stay at the Park Hotel "Ershovo" with three meals a day according to the " Buffet". Comfortable rooms, 3 workouts a day: on the tatami, in the pool and in the fresh air.

Cost of fees - 32,500 rubles

Sambo is a popular sport that only men and boys can practice. The peculiarity of the sport is that it combines several types of martial arts. Today this sport is not an Olympic sport. However, its popularity is only increasing in most parts of the world. Learn this martial art allows multiple sambo clubs.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the Sambo section (sports and combat) with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free sambo sections, sambo clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. Search suitable place for free sambo classes in Moscow can be done directly on the map or according to the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each of the sports sections, the following are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

Knowing how to stand up for yourself is a vital skill. In Sambo classes we master and develop effective self-defense techniques that are applicable both in the gym and in real life. A trained sambo wrestler feels confident in any situation, because he is able to repel an attack thanks to own strength, agility - without any weapons.

Sambo is not only physical, but also moral and volitional development. Regular training strengthens true masculine character. By overcoming heavy loads, we develop fortitude, perseverance, endurance, courage - qualities necessary for everyone in order to succeed in life. And in competitions we hone our desire to win. Our students are true leaders, self-confident and able to defend their position.

Sambo teaches self-defense techniques, strengthens the spirit and instills responsibility in a person. This is perhaps the main difference between the domestic one. The system of “self-defense without weapons” is an exclusively Russian (Soviet) development. Her philosophy includes such concepts as citizenship, patriotism, camaraderie (community).

As a relatively young and synthetic sport, sambo includes all the best elements of traditional martial arts. In our classes you will master techniques that are used in Japanese judo, Georgian, Armenian, Tatar, English, American style wrestling, and Russian fist fighting. The training will equip you with an arsenal of advanced active protection equipment.

Sambo for everyone

We recommend starting training at age 5. At this age, the body of the future athlete is quite ready for feasible physical activity, and the child is most receptive to the theory and practice of exercises. By practicing sambo from an early age, a person matures faster, becomes independent, and easily overcomes the difficulties of adolescence. The self-defense system gives him the main thing - reliable support.

Our school’s wrestlers regularly take part in sambo competitions and constantly improve their skills, including in individual lessons with a coach. We invite beginners and experienced athletes of any age to training. We conduct classes for children, men and girls!

Modern children are surrounded on all sides by technology and gadgets, which significantly reduces the need for movement. The task of parents is to compensate for the lack of physical activity through involvement in any sports sections or clubs. Sambo classes subject to compliance necessary conditions They are quite capable of coping with the task of physically and even morally educating a child.

What is sambo

Sambo, originally called Soviet freestyle wrestling, is a domestic product developed in the Soviet Union in the pre-war years (in the 1930s). The name is derived from a combination of words that briefly describe this area of ​​struggle - “self-defense without weapons.”

One of the founders of sambo, V. Spiridonov (pictured in the center), developed a system of self-defense and attack for employees of the Soviet special services

Sambo was initially conceived not just as a sport, but as an important component of the ideological formation of the young Soviet state. This type of wrestling was a combination of physical training and moral education, so necessary for the formation and mass implementation of the integral values ​​of Soviet society.

Features of Sambo as a type of martial arts

Sambo is a martial art in which a set of techniques is aimed, first of all, at defending against an attacker. The arsenal of techniques consists of throws, grabs, holds and painful holds. In a duel, one of the tasks of the wrestler is:

  • throw the opponent off balance by throwing him onto his back while remaining on his feet;
  • force the opponent to surrender by applying a painful hold to him.

Sambo has much in common with judo, but unlike it, it is constantly evolving and supplemented with new elements from other types of wrestling.

Since for a long time sambo was a closed discipline and was developed for use by employees of special departments, significant attention is paid to general physical training in classes.

Currently, two directions are developing in parallel: sports sambo and combat sambo. Combat Sambo is a more aggressive fight, which also includes striking techniques.

Video: about the features of sambo

8 reasons to send your child to the sambo section

SAMBO adherents give many reasons for their choice. Here are the main ones:

At what age can you start sambo training?

Sambo is a universal type of wrestling, distinguished by the fact that “all ages are submissive to it.” Children's classes start from almost 4 years old, and the sections for adults contain no restrictions at all.

Basically, on the websites of clubs and sections, especially paid ones, they call for sending children to sports from the age of 6–7 years. But at such a young age, a child can hardly make a conscious and informed choice in favor of one section or another.

In the first years of training, training in the children's section will be aimed more at general physical development as an integral part of preparation for mastering wrestling techniques. Therefore, adults need to understand what they want to achieve from their son or daughter.

Flexibility exercises are a mandatory part of sambo training

It often happens that, starting training from an early age, children lose interest in this sport, and by the time it is time to start competitions and more professional training, the child has already lost his “sports interest”, he does not feel such zeal, like at the beginning of classes. It is not necessary that this will happen to your child, but such a development of events is quite likely.

The optimal age for starting serious training, according to professional trainers, is considered to be 9–10 years. After all, children from 10–11 years old are allowed to participate in official competitions.

How to choose the right section

If previously the system of physical training outside of school lessons was limited to sections in children's sports schools, now the choice is much wider. In addition to government institutions, there are many commercial clubs.

Parents should pay attention to the following factors, determining the most significant ones for themselves:

  • Distance from home. Even 20 minutes on the road can cause additional inconvenience, especially in the cold season. Therefore, you should first study the nearby sections.
  • Schedule. It is important that the training time is convenient, taking into account the school schedule and the busy schedule of parents and grandparents.
  • Cost of classes. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend on development. Sambo is supported at the state level, so you can also find free classes.
  • Reputation of the club and coach. This is one of the key factors that takes precedence over others. We recommend that you learn about the coach’s participation in competitions and his achievements. In addition to personal merits, it is important to take an interest in the successes of his students. After all, this is precisely what can characterize him as a coach. It will be important to find out the child’s opinion about how he perceives this person.

What you will need for classes

Sambo wrestlers wear shorts without any fasteners, zippers or other details and special jackets - sambovkas. The athlete must wear wrestling shoes - special boots with leather soles. The uniform must be red or blue.

To practice combat sambo you will need additional protective elements:

  • mouth guard;
  • shell for groin protection;
  • shingarts (gloves);
  • helmet.

Photo gallery: sambist equipment

A sambist is distinguished from another wrestler by his special uniform
Wrestling shoes allow the athlete to perform many techniques without the threat of foot injuries Participants are allowed to participate in combat sambo classes and competitions only if they have protective elements

Sambo represents universal look wrestling, so there are no special restrictions on practicing this sport.

Should girls do sambo?

The question of whether a girl should attend sambo training should be decided at a family council. There should be no fears if we are talking about the general physical development and basic self-defense skills. But opinions differ regarding the vocational training of girls. Some experienced sambo trainers do not advise girls to practice during adolescence. Others deny the possibility of developing an unfeminine figure due to training, suggesting that they look at photos of female sambo athletes.

Restrictions for medical reasons

Regarding medical contraindications, rules apply that are relevant for many sports. So, you will have to give up sambo if the child has:

  • myopia;
  • heart defects, both congenital and acquired;
  • instability of the cervical vertebrae.