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Where can you invest a small amount of money? Equity Exchanges

The ability to manage your funds is a key quality of a successful person. 20 thousand rubles may seem like a small amount, but with a competent investment approach, the income can be colossal.

For the average person, there are many investment options. The choice depends on long-term and short-term goals, personal preferences and level of awareness of the main points of the process.

Investing in bank deposits

The main option for storing funds for most citizens is bank deposits. There are many advantages of this type of investment, but one main disadvantage should be pointed out - this method of investment belongs to the category with a narrow disabilities, .

There is a percentage offered by the bank, above which there will be no return.
Main advantages:

  • reliability,
  • passive type of income,
  • transparency,
  • stability,
  • clear predictability,
  • minimal risks.

When deciding where to invest 20,000 rubles, you should take into account average interest rates and the opportunity to take advantage of bank promotional programs. An approximate figure of 15% means that over the course of a year, 20 thousand rubles invested in a deposit will bring 3 thousand rubles.

Thus, the yield covers inflation. You can count on more significant totals if you open a foreign currency account. As a rule, the longer the deposit term, the higher the interest.

Investing in websites

Internet sites can generate an annual income of 30-40%. These are real numbers for those who have taken the issue seriously and delved into the essence of the process. Experienced professional investors can earn much higher earnings on acquired sites.

Buying a ready-made website is the best option for a beginner. 20 thousand rubles may be quite enough. It is important to consider the following points:

  • the subject matter and specifics of the site should be at least a little familiar to the investor;
  • orientation of the site to people and for people: understandable, accessible, interesting;
  • the preferred age of the purchased domain is from three years, at least one year;
  • availability of stable income without significant fluctuations over a long period;
  • sharp jumps in site traffic are undesirable, and search engines should be the preferred channel of traffic;
  • Checking the site before purchasing is required.

Successful monetization of a website largely depends on the experience and level of training of the investor in this matter, so it is not recommended to invest large amounts of money for beginners who have no idea about the process.

Investing in currency

Converting existing savings into foreign currency is a popular way to store funds and fight inflation. As for investments, the answer depends on the chosen currency and period.

The basic components of the money market: the dollar and the euro are considered popular and reliable. In terms of reliability, experts highlight the English pound and the Swiss franc. The Chinese yuan is gaining particular popularity among investors as a promising and promising currency.

The best option- not just exchanging the ruble for a selected monetary unit and waiting for exchange rate changes, but placing a foreign currency deposit. In this case, the source of income will be exchange rate differences and bank interest.

Investing in shares

Investing in PAMM accounts

Today this is one of the most relevant types, which actually involves trust management. The best option for investors with a lack of experience and necessary knowledge.

The guarantor of rights and the intermediary between the trader, who performs his work to a certain percentage, and the investor is the PAMM platform, that is, the broker. The initial amount can be any.

Investing in binary options

Binary options are a highly profitable and easy-to-learn method of earning money, which has become very popular, including among small investors.

The essence lies in the correct assessment by investors of the profitability of an asset over a certain period of time.

A successful transaction can bring 65% profit, and under the most favorable circumstances up to 91%, which is not comparable to most other investment methods.

You will learn where it is better to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles in order to make a profit, what investments are the most promising today, how to invest money and not go broke

Hi all! This is the founder of HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we will talk about profitable investments in conditions of economic instability and find out which areas of financial investments are the most profitable at the moment.

The article will be useful for beginning entrepreneurs, money makers (specialists in making money on the Internet) and anyone who wants to increase their capital in the safest and most profitable way.

So, let's begin!

1. How to invest capital in rubles - principles of profitable investment

Surely you have asked yourself these questions more than once: why do some people get rich, while others live from paycheck to paycheck and constantly get into debt? How are the rich different from the poor? Why are some people able to generate stable income while others are not?

We assure you that this is not only about the talents and increased efficiency of wealthy people. They just know how to manage their assets more competently. The starting data for the rich and the poor are in many cases the same, but the approach to material and spiritual resources is radically different for both.

People accustomed to constant poverty and debt do not direct their attention and energy in the right direction. But citizens with a different type of thinking create assets that help them radically change their lives.

The long-term goal of any monetary deposits is to create passive income and free yourself from financial slavery. This means that you don’t have to work “for someone else” for 40-50 hours a week for a fixed salary that doesn’t even meet your needs by a quarter.

In one of our previous publications we already wrote about this - read it.

Having made a successful investment once, we receive constant dividends that do not depend on our labor costs and are constant and stable. Such income can be quite substantial: their main advantage is that they free up your personal time.

Time is a person’s main asset, which cannot be returned back, but can be used right now with maximum effectiveness. It is investments that can give us more time for life, love and creativity.

In order for investments to fulfill their tasks, they must be competent. In this section we will reveal the main principles of profitable investments and explain how to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles with minimal risk.

Practicing investors and specialists in profitable investments give the following advice:

  • invest only “free” money in investment projects. First you need to create the so-called “ financial airbag“- a reserve of money that, in the event of a delay in payments or an unsuccessful scenario, will provide your family with the usual standard of living for several months;
  • follow the principle of diversification of deposits. It sounds complicated, but in reality it means a simple truth - you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Divide your financial contributions into different areas;
  • control risks. Before making a deposit, calculate your chances in detail and do not make hasty decisions. It is better for novice investors to choose the most conservative financial instruments;
  • attract partners (co-investors). If your money is not enough for a profitable investment, you can create a group of shareholders or an investment pool. The larger the investment amount, the more reliable opportunities there are.

These are basic and elementary principles, but they will help you avoid typical beginner mistakes and save your finances, nerves and energy.

And don't expect too quick results. Investments pay off at different rates: it can sometimes take months or even years (if the investment is long-term) before commissions are credited to your account.

2. Where to invest 100,000-200,000 rubles for a month or more to earn interest - TOP 7 most profitable ways to invest

100-200 thousand rubles is quite a decent amount for investment. Experts advise making investments thoughtfully and wisely.

It is advisable to divide the amount of deposits into several parts so that your investment portfolio is as resistant to market fluctuations as possible. If you place money in 3 different investment areas, you will be well insured against drawdowns and force majeure circumstances.

And now - specific ways of investing, the most profitable, reliable and promising in modern economic realities.

Method 1. Investments in Internet projects (websites, blogs, online stores)

Making a profit through the World Wide Web is a current area of ​​investment, a niche that is worth occupying right now, while competition in this area has not yet reached its peak.

The Internet is one of the few sectors of the economy that is in a growing trend, despite economic instability.

You can verify this fact yourself by observing how rapidly social networks, online projects, and applications for mobile devices are developing.

To successfully invest in Internet projects, it is not necessary to have a good understanding of digital technologies and programming. Basic financial literacy and basic knowledge of marketing – that’s all you need to create passive income online.

The resource "" where you are now - typical example successful investment of capital in an Internet project. But we warn you in advance that you should not expect instant financial results from your own website.

Investments of up to 200,000 rubles will begin to generate income, at best, six months after the launch of the project. Website owners receive their main income from advertising or direct sales.

In the first case, the maximum profit is brought by information portals with a large audience of readers; in the second, profit is generated through the sale of goods and services through an online store.

The most profitable product to sell online is information products. Discs, programs, files, books that are sold to everyone for money, sometimes quite decent. This could be trainings, courses, video and audio content. Such products are created once, and if successful, they are sold hundreds and thousands of times.

In general, there are a huge number of ways to make money on your own website.

Here is just a sample list of online business areas:

  • selling links;
  • work on affiliate programs;
  • sale of contextual advertising and space for banners;
  • writing advertising articles;
  • infobusiness.

The territory of activity on the Internet is still vast and fertile. It is not always possible to achieve passive income immediately, but the long-term prospects for such investments are very definite.

Method 2. Bank deposits

Bank deposits are a popular and reliable way to save money. True, one cannot expect much income from deposits in rubles at the current level of inflation.

Therefore, investors are advised to use this method as an auxiliary tool, using bank deposits as a kind of insurance in case of force majeure in other investment areas.

Good news for over-cautious investors in the Russian Federation: deposits worth up to 1 million 400 thousand are subject to compulsory insurance. This applies to all financial organizations operating under an official license.

For investments, we advise you to choose large banks with an impeccable reputation. In the Russian Federation, Sberbank is traditionally at the top of popularity, but you should know that this institution has one of the lowest interest rates on deposits of individuals.

It may be worth considering the option of exchanging rubles for foreign currency and making a deposit in euros or dollars, thereby neutralizing the effects of inflation and devaluation.

The advantages of bank deposits are obvious:

  • low risk and high reliability;
  • fixed percentage of income;
  • the ability to return funds to your pocket at any time;
  • accessibility and ease of management (almost all large banks provide users with the ability to remotely manage accounts and cards through their personal account).

The disadvantages are also clear - relatively low income, loss of interest rate if the deposit is reset early.

No matter how you look at it, 10,000 rubles is a small amount of money. Many people even have a monthly income that is much higher than this mark, since salaries of 20,000–30,000 rubles are no longer uncommon. At the same time, it will be a shame if you have this amount of money on hand and it just sits there, not bringing any benefit.

Let's find out where to invest 10,000 rubles so that they give a certain profit, or even better, double and turn into 20 thousand rubles of income in the shortest possible time.

Bank deposit

The most reliable way to save your small capital and even increase it a little is to invest in a bank deposit. The problem is that bank interest rates are relatively small. At the moment, it is unlikely that you will be able to place an investment on a bank deposit at more than 15–20% per annum.

That is, in order for ten thousand rubles to turn into 20,000, you will have to wait at least 4–5 years, and we initially set a goal to find ways to quickly increase funds.

So this method is more suitable not for those who are looking for real ways to increase their small capital, but for those who simply want to save their savings from inflation, without knowing where to invest them.


You can also lend your money to an individual at interest. This is much more profitable than investing in a deposit account at a bank. Now interest on microloans reaches 300% per annum and even exceeds this figure.

So it’s quite possible, using this investment tool, to increase your 10 thousand rubles to 20 thousand in just a few months.

But a logical question arises: why do people take out microloans at such high interest rates if they can get a loan from a bank at a significantly lower interest rate? There could be many reasons for this:

Bad credit history;
lack of official sources of income;
other reasons why the bank refuses a loan;

These factors are associated with the negative side of microcredit for the lender. Even if the person taking out the loan does not initially pursue fraudulent purposes and plans to return it, then due to a number of objective factors, he simply will not be able to do this.

It’s not for nothing that microloans are taken out mainly by people at risk, which is why they have such a high percentage of non-repayments.

Therefore, before issuing a private loan to someone, you should not delude yourself with high interest rates, but carefully calculate all the risks, since there is a high probability that you will not receive not only the interest, but also the loan itself.

Additionally, if you do not properly register your business, you may find yourself in legal trouble.


You can also invest 10 thousand rubles in shares or other securities. But the problem is that due to the limited size of the amount, many types of investment will simply not be available to you, because some large companies do not even consider such small savings as investments.

However, if you are lucky and you can invest in a young and promising company that will be able to achieve impressive results in the future, you have every chance to recoup your investment with great profit.

In addition, you can invest money in projects like HYIP. These are projects that work on the principle of the MMM pyramid, only on the Internet, and in a short time they promise investors a significant increase in funds. The idea that all of them, without exception, are fraudulent is wrong.

Indeed, all these projects sooner or later fall apart, but if you understand the laws of the life cycles of the pyramid, know when you need to enter a project and when you should leave it, then you can quite invest your money.

HYIPs are designed specifically for investors with small savings, and our 10 thousand rubles are ideal for investing in such a project. If you have the necessary knowledge, this amount will most likely turn into 20,000 rubles in one month.

But you should not forget about the high risk of losing funds when you are dealing with HYIPs. So before investing money in HYIP, think carefully about whether you have enough knowledge so as not to be left in the cold.


With ten thousand rubles, you can also try to start trading Forex on your own. Of course, it is better to start with larger amounts, for example, 20 thousand rubles, since when trading with small amounts there is a fairly high probability of “losses”. But with a sum of less than 10,000 rubles, opening a deal for a beginner is extremely dangerous.

You can also try investing your funds in PAMM accounts, but, unfortunately, not all leading traders work with such small amounts.

Bookmaker bets

If you have a fairly solid knowledge of sports and are strong in probability theory, then you can make professional money betting. Of course, it is better to start with smaller amounts than 10 thousand rubles, but if you develop your own strategy and it allows you to achieve positive results, then over time bets on such amounts will seem commonplace.

Of course, unless you have great luck (which you cannot rely on in this matter), you are unlikely to immediately raise a profit of 20,000 rubles from one bet, but, in general, you can get a good income.

General results

It must be said that the main disadvantage of investing 10,000 rubles is the limited investment opportunities, since some large companies and projects simply refuse to work with such amounts.

If you want to increase your capital in a short time and turn your investments into, for example, 20 thousand rubles, then this is also associated with quite high risks. I also recommend reading about profitable and reliable investments.

You don't have to be worth millions to become an investor. You can start working with your money small. But what to do if you said to yourself “I want to invest money,” but you don’t know how and how much you can get from an investment of 5,000 to 100,000 rubles? Let's look at the main ways to turn a small amount into a profitable investment.

What does "invest" mean?

When they say “invest”, this means not just spending money on a profitable purchase, but investing money in order to increase your capital - they bring more money to the investor. Capital gains occur due to the “work” of finances that do not just lie under the mattress. However, investing by its very nature involves risk. You need to take this into account when choosing a way to invest your savings.

Where to invest 5000 rubles?

Even such a tiny amount can be invested to benefit your own budget. But the list of areas where investors can invest small amounts of money is limited. Only one proposal to increase capital of this size can be considered successful - lending money at interest.

Today there are various methods to become a private lender:

This method of investing money is easily scalable - you can always increase the amount of investment by issuing more and more loans. Many services have the ability to insure risks.

  • Minuses– high risk of non-return, need to track transactions.
  • pros– enormous profitability and high diversification of risks.

An investment of 5,000 rubles in a year can turn into 6,000 – 18,000 rubles.

Where to invest 10,000 rubles?

Benefits cannot always be measured in money. You can also invest in intangible assets, which will subsequently generate income. Thus, we can talk about profitable investments when it comes to spending on education and improving the professional skills of the investor himself.

So, where to invest 10 thousand rubles if we are talking about self-education? This capital can be spent on your own training: take courses foreign languages, attend lectures by specialized experts, take a number of seminars on relevant topics, or simply buy books and use them in your work or investment activities.

Such expenses will pay off by increasing your demand as a specialist in the labor market, which means an increase in wages, and a novice investor can use the acquired skills to wisely allocate funds in the future.

Where to invest 30 thousand rubles?

It is profitable to invest such a relatively small amount with a long-term perspective, so as not to withdraw large sums from your own budget for a long period. The following investments can become such long-term income-generating projects.

1. Anonymized metal account.

The investor gets the opportunity to convert money into gold (silver, platinum, palladium and others) without extra effort. By placing his funds in such an account, the client owns the equivalent of the amount in these at the current rate. The price of gold or other metal rises, which means that the amount of capital also grows. But the risk of a fall in the price of the asset still exists, and the difference between the purchase price and the sale price often “eats up” the entire income. This option is only suitable for investments for the long term - the trend of rising prices for real precious metals is still in effect (sometimes reaching 20% ​​per year), but recessions can last for several months, so it is better not to plan a quick withdrawal of funds from compulsory medical insurance, but to wait for the rate to rise.

  • Minuses– dependence on the price of assets in the precious metals market, which is known for its volatility in the economic situation, as well as the lack of passive income – benefits can only be obtained after the closure of compulsory medical insurance and recalculation of the value of existing assets at the current rate.
  • pros– opportunity to earn a high income.

In total, for a year of placing funds on compulsory medical insurance, you can get back not 30,000, but 36,000 rubles.

2. Investment insurance.

Not so common offers for endowment life insurance with payment in 5-10 years or more. During this period, it is necessary to regularly make contributions in the amount of 30,000 rubles per year or more, in order to then receive the entire amount of these funds with accrued interest. The growth is achieved through capital management (10% per annum and above), the minimum payment limit is guaranteed, and the loss limit is fixed by contract.

  • Minuses– minimum supply on the market, significant risks and reduced profitability, as well as the need to make regular payments under the fear of losing past investments.
  • pros– additional payments in case of accidents and disability, the possibility of returning contributions to heirs.

In total, you can count on the fact that for each year the insurance company will increase 30,000 rubles to 33,000 rubles.

3. Mutual funds.

Investments in mutual funds are possible even with such a small amount. The management company will diversify the fund's capital and distribute risks in order to minimize them. The function of replenishing your account is available. Instead of spending time on stock analytics and Forex trading on their own, the investor delegates this to professionals. Profitability or losses depend both on the qualifications of the management company and on the market situation and can vary from a loss of 1-5% per annum to an increase of 1-15% per annum or more.

  • Minuses– high risks of losing funds in the short term.
  • pros- Opportunity to earn a high income.

In a year you can turn your initial investment into 34,500 rubles.

Where to invest 50 thousand rubles?

Having an amount of 50,000 rubles can allow you to be a conservative investor, because... It’s a shame to lose that kind of money, so the risks should be minimal. The following solutions can be considered as ideal examples of such investments.

1. Bank deposit.

Deposits today are protected by a state guarantee up to 1.4 million rubles, so there is no need to worry about losing funds in the bank; on average, the yield on these products reaches 10-15% per annum, which, in terms of the available amount of investment, will be an increase of 5-7 .5 thousand rubles. The income is truly passive and after choosing a deposit you do not need to make additional efforts to receive the promised income regularly without extra costs.

  • Minuses– relatively low profitability.
  • pros– profitability is still guaranteed, even in conditions of economic instability.

In total, over the course of a year, the initial investment will turn into 55,000 - 57,500 rubles.

2. Savings certificate.

A security that, like a bank deposit, allows you to generate guaranteed income. The rate of this deposit product is approximately 10% per annum when placing 50 thousand rubles for a year.

  • Minuses– low profitability, lack of insurance and passive income.
  • pros– you can easily give and change the owner, but, for example, he is not involved in the division of property during a divorce.

Total after a year: 55,000 rubles.

3. Foreign currency.

You can simply exchange “wooden” ones for foreign currency, and then put it in a bank deposit. Apart from the fever of the dollar and euro at the end of 2014, the stable increase in the exchange rate of these currencies is 3% per annum, and now reaches 5-10% per annum. Additionally, you need to take into account the return on foreign currency deposits - 5-6% per annum.

  • Minuses– currency risks, low income.
  • pros– availability of insurance, the possibility of receiving passive income.

In just a year, 50 thousand rubles can first turn into dollars, euros or other currencies, and then again can be exchanged for an amount of 54,000 to 58,000 rubles or more.

Where to invest 100,000 rubles?

One hundred thousand rubles can be invested in creating your own business, supporting, purchasing a share in someone else’s business, purchasing an asset for rent, purchasing and promoting web resources with their subsequent sale. You can use this amount for any investment method described above.

The most profitable and risky option for small investments is issuing loans through intermediaries or personally; it can bring returns of up to 20-360% per annum. The risks are especially high in the mutual fund segment - you can make a loss, and income from investments in foreign currency and the equivalent of precious metals is also unstable.

Bank deposits are still the calmest and most reliable deposits, and those deposits are insured by the state - now they have quite acceptable rates.

In addition, there is an opportunity to earn decent money with small investments, without risk and in a short period of time. Thus, it makes it possible for only 59 thousand rubles to start selling original dolls made from environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and safe materials for children’s health.

Handmade work and the original design of the dolls distinguish them favorably from Chinese products and ensure constant demand. Having bought one doll, parents will definitely want to please their child again and again. High margins of up to 90% ensure high profitability of sales. You can sell such toys via the Internet to any region of the Russian Federation.

If you have already decided what to invest some money in, then feel free to do it. The main thing is a reasonable approach. Whatever investment option you choose, you need to carefully consider all the parameters of such offers and evaluate not only the promised profitability, but also the level of risks, as well as the ease of use of this method for you.

The Internet provides users with extensive opportunities for passive income. There are many ways to invest money online and earn a regular income. The initial contribution may be minimal. Our article will tell you where to invest a thousand rubles in 2019 so that they work for you constantly.

Since 2009, the world financial market has been circulating special kind electronic money - cryptocurrency. This digital asset consists of complex cryptographic codes, in exchange for which you can receive goods and services. Cryptocurrencies are not related to government policies, gold rates, or oil production volumes. Their price rises or falls depending on real demand and stock market speculation.

To earn passive income, it is enough to buy cryptocurrency; you can pay for it from an electronic wallet or bank account. Then you need to wait for the price to change and resell the assets.

The beauty of cryptocurrency is that you don't have to buy a whole unit. For example, 1000 rubles can be invested in 0.0066666(6) part of a bitcoin. And if you had invested one thousand rubles exactly a year ago, buying 0.025 bitcoin at the old rate, today you would have 3,750 rubles.

There are 739 types of digital currencies used in the world. Leading positions in the market are occupied by:

  • Bitcoin;
  • Ethereum;
  • Ripple;
  • Litecoin;

1 bitcoin at the time of writing (July 2017) costs approximately $2,500, and in July 2016 it cost $663. Bitcoin is currently at its peak, and this could be a signal for the cryptocurrency to fall further. Therefore, it is better to buy cryptocurrency for 1000 rubles when the price drops as much as possible. As a rule, soon after a decrease there is a sharp rise in price. The dynamics of price changes can be tracked on the CoinMarketCap website.

Current Bitcoin rate

Pros of using cryptocurrencies:

  • speed of payments;
  • small commission for transactions;
  • wallet anonymity;
  • lack of relationships with banks.


  • inability to pay with cryptocurrency at retail outlets in Russia;
  • high risk of virtual fraud;
  • strong influence of speculation on the exchange rate of cryptocurrencies.

To save a significant amount, it is not enough to invest 1000 rubles once. The cryptocurrency wallet must be replenished regularly.

Cloud mining

To mine cryptocurrency, it is not necessary to buy special expensive equipment (video cards, ASIC); you can mine on your home computer or even on your phone. The income will be from $0.5 to $5 per month or more, depending on the power of your hardware. Therefore, if you want to earn more, you will need to buy, at a minimum, a powerful video card or processor. You won’t be able to do this for 1,000 rubles, but you can rent capacity in the cloud.

For $16.5 you can rent 110Gh/s for a year, after 5-7 months (depending on the Bitcoin rate) you return the invested amount, and then make a profit. In simple words, with a constant Bitcoin exchange rate, the return is 100% per year.

Three personally tested cloud miners:

  • Genesis Mining;
  • MinerGate.

Attention! There are services on the network masquerading as cloud miners (HYIPs). Such projects promise a high percentage of income, but they can close at any time and it will not be possible to get back the money invested.

Bank account

A thousand rubles can be invested at interest with minimal risks, for example, by opening a deposit in a bank. Ruble or foreign currency deposit or open an impersonal metal account (OMS). Creating a deposit account ensures constant income without effort on the part of the depositor.

Ruble deposit

You know in advance how much money you will receive after what period, and you are also sure that you will not lose your investment. There are several investment options, here are the most suitable:

  1. A deposit with the ability to withdraw and deposit any amount at any time.
  2. A deposit with the ability to replenish money, but without the ability to withdraw money.

When choosing a bank and deposit, focus on the interest rate, conditions for early withdrawal, and give preference to deposits with monthly interest accrual (capitalization).

Currency deposit

In this case, you should deposit currency into the account - euros, dollars, pounds sterling, yen or Swiss francs. If the exchange rate rises, the deposit amount automatically increases; if the exchange rate falls, it decreases. The interest rate on a foreign currency deposit is always lower than on a ruble deposit.

Anonymized metal account

The client opens an account not with money, but with one of precious metals– gold, silver, platinum or palladium. Precious metals are not required directly; their cost is credited to compulsory medical insurance. As the exchange rate of precious metals rises, the deposit amount will increase.

Advantages of bank accounts:

  • ability to forecast income;
  • insurance in case of bank bankruptcy;
  • trust of the bank in case of obtaining a loan, mortgage;
  • possibility of extending the deposit with recalculation of the interest rate.


  • low profit;
  • inability to speed up the accumulation process;
  • inflation is often higher than interest rates;
  • lack of compulsory medical insurance.

Purchase and resale of small goods

An excellent solution for people with a commercial streak is to buy small things on the Aliexpress trading platform and resell them in your city. By investing only 1,000 rubles on the purchase of small goods, you can get a wholesale price from the seller. And the markup can be 100%.

Alternatively, you can resell:

  • vapes;
  • flash drives;
  • phone cases;
  • charging device;
  • protective films for phones;
  • small toys;
  • spinners.

For example, a spinner on Aliexpress costs 40 rubles, but in real stores it costs 100-150 rubles. If you buy for 1000 rubles. 25 spinners and resell them for 70-80 rubles. per piece, the profit will be 80%. Wholesale purchases on the Internet provide savings and increased profits by 2-3 times more than the investment. You can sell small goods on the Avito, Yula resources, on social networks, as well as to friends and acquaintances.


  • quick income;
  • the ability to independently determine the price;
  • minimum tax.


  • search for buyers;
  • the need to advertise the product.

Lack of entrepreneurial skills can lead to failure.

Currency markets and exchanges

A small amount can be gradually increased through financial transactions with currency and securities. Here are the most relevant resources where you can invest 1000 rubles and make a profit.

Forex market

It is an international financial currency exchange resource. Investors receive income from the difference in rates. To work in Forex, you must register a trading account. Then a currency pair is selected - 2 currencies of different countries. By buying one currency at the peak of its depreciation and exchanging it for another at the moment of its increase, you can earn income from the price difference.


This is an investment in a currency trading account. All financial transactions are carried out not by the investor himself, but by the trader. Operations with PAMM bring up to 9% profit per month, but the income will have to be shared with the trader. If a trader's trades are unsuccessful, both partners lose funds.

mutual fund

The term “mutual fund” refers to collective investments in a mutual fund of bonds, shares and other securities. Shareholders make investments, but the management company runs the fund. Profit can reach up to 35%, but it is irregular, as it depends on the success of the company.

Binary options

This is a way to trade outside of exchanges - currency pairs, securities, commodities. Investors place bets on the value of a particular asset. With the right bet you can make a profit of up to 80%. Binary options differ from Forex in the ability to calculate risks.

Advantages of financial transactions:

  • quick profit generation;
  • the ability to entrust operations to experienced traders;
  • small amounts to open an account.


  • high level of risk;
  • the need to have experience and knowledge in the financial sector;
  • Forex and binary options are not passive income; you need to regularly monitor the situation.

The least risky method among those listed is considered to be making money on binary options.

P2P lending

In our opinion, the most interesting way to invest 1000 rubles on the Internet! There are online financial portals where users provide each other with short-term loans of small amounts at interest. Examples of resources for P2P lending:

After registering on the portal, the lender can independently set the loan amount, interest and repayment terms, and select a borrower after first checking his credit history. Lending brings, on average, from 15 to 36% of profit monthly.

Advantages of the method:

  • stable income;
  • rapid growth of fixed capital;
  • there is no need for special training or experience.


  • risk of non-payment of debt by the borrower;
  • legal costs to collect debt.

P2P lending is considered one of the most passive and safe investment methods.


In business, startups are new developing projects. Their financing is often carried out through investments from investors. There are 2 ways of investing in startups - crowdinvesting and equity investment exchanges.


This is the collective investment of many investors to launch a commercial project. As the project develops, each investor receives a certain share of assets or shares. A type of crowdinvesting - a young company borrows money from investors, returning the debt with interest after the project has been stabilized.

Equity Exchanges

This special area, where you can purchase an investment share in a developing project. The exchanges use 2 methods - the primary purchase of shares directly from startups and the secondary purchase of shares from other investors through trading. The investor's profit comes from dividends from the purchased share. An example of a site where it is easy to find a project for investment is Simex.

Advantages of investing in startups:

  • possibility of investing small amounts;
  • reducing risk by investing in different companies;
  • wide selection of projects.


  • closure of the project due to an insufficient number of investors;
  • commercial failure of the project;
  • risk of fraud;
  • stock exchange bankruptcy.

It is safer to invest in startups using exchanges, since users are guaranteed legal security.

Controversial investment options

Let's look at 5 more options for investing money on the Internet that can generate income. They are considered controversial because they are associated with certain difficulties.

Business online

This is investing in the development of websites, online stores, and communities on social networks. For 1000 rubles it is quite possible to buy a small community in social network or a simple online store. But this will be an investment in a tool with which you need to work, spend time, learn new materials.


  • Possibility of working from home or while traveling.
  • no expenses for renting premises or staff salaries.
  • legal registration after achieving a stable income.


  • time spent on advertising and website design;
  • payment system commissions;
  • the need to organize delivery;
  • the need to study search engines and Internet marketing.

Investing in Domains

An amount of 1000 rubles is enough to increase the investment in the purchase of a domain - the website address. One domain in the .RU zone costs approximately 100 rubles.

In the future, the domain can be resold for an amount many times greater than the initial costs. Short and beautiful domain names in professional zones cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Here are the top 5 most expensive domains in RuNet:

  1. - $550,000
  2. - $250,000
  3. - $90,000
  4. - 2.5 million rubles
  5. - $80,600

For a domain to be in demand, you need to come up with a name that will be available for registration and relates to a specific business, service or popular topic.


  • the ability to start with minimal investment;
  • significant income.


  • annual name renewal fee;
  • spending time and effort studying the niche;
  • long-term profitability.

Investments in precious metals

Using the WebMoney Transfer Gold system, you can open an electronic gold wallet. In contrast to the OMC described above, when selling gold you do not need to pay tax on profits. There is no minimum investment requirement, so for 1000 rubles you can purchase a certain amount of wmg - the portal’s currency unit. Gold wallet funds are equivalent to 995 gold. You can buy electronic gold by bank transfer or from an exchanger. An increase in the gold rate according to quotes from the London Metal Exchange causes an increase in the cost of the deposit.


  • protection against inflation;
  • quick processing of gold purchases;
  • no taxes.


  • webmoney commission;
  • slow income growth.

Gambling and lottery

It’s difficult to call this method an investment, but maybe you’re lucky in life and this is your option.

Online casinos offer a variety of slots, roulettes, tournaments, and wheels of fortune. If you develop your own gaming strategy, you can win large sums from time to time.


  • Possibility of a one-time big win;
  • Lack of complex programs;
  • No special training required.


  • high risk of fraud;
  • the possibility of account closure by the casino administration without explanation;
  • the emergence of gambling addiction.

And remember, in a casino, as in a lottery, there is always one winner, this is the owner of this casino.


Hyping is a type of financial pyramid in which the investor makes a profit through investments from new investors. In most countries, such activities are recognized as fraud. Most hype projects now operate on the Internet, speculating with electronic currencies. While new financial injections are received, participants in the pyramid receive high interest rates on their deposits.


  • big profit;
  • high speed of income generation;
  • no knowledge or experience required.


  • illegality and lack of legal support;
  • stopping the entry of new participants into the project;
  • inability to predict income;
  • short lifespan of the project.

A legal type of hype is MLM, multi-level marketing. This is the resale of products and receiving bonuses for inviting new sellers. This activity cannot be called passive income, since the investor has to conduct commercial activities.

Conclusion: where is it more profitable to invest 1000 rubles?

To invest money with maximum effect, you need to thoroughly study 3-4 investment options, choose an Internet resource with a good reputation and start with a small deposit.

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