Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Research work program. Work program of scientific research work Know: stages of psychological research





Research work









Psychology of management (management), entrepreneurship




Humanitarian technologies in management and business







Behind Full-time

Abbreviated correspondence.

Total hours to master the educational material

(according to the State Standards/Curriculum)




Total classroom hours




Hours of lectures by semester

Hours of practical training

broken down by semester




Hours independent work




Number of tests

broken down by semester

Number coursework

Number of credits broken down by semester (sem.)


30 (11)

10 (8)

Number of exams by semester

Number of credits




Number of modules


Author of the work program Kovalenko Inna Viktorovna

(signature) (full name)


  1. State educational standard for higher professional education _ March 17, 2000 G.
(date of approval)

  1. Model program _________________________________________________
(date of approval)

  1. Curriculum ___________________________ 2 June 2010_.______________________________
(date of approval)



(name) (signature of department head) (full name)

Minutes of the department meeting No.____ 10 ___________ from _______June 30, 2010_________________________________

UMS :__ Educational project “Humanitarian technologies in management and business”__

(name) (signature of the chairman of the UMS) (full name)

UMS Protocol No.______ 4 _________ from ______1 May 7, 2010_ _________________________________



In the process of studying the discipline, students must:

Have an idea: on planning, content and structural components of research work

Know: stages of psychological research

Be able to: work with scientific literature, as well as conduct independent research work; formulate the staging part of the diploma and structure the material for the thesis.

Master the competencies:

  • Methodical: Knowledge of technology for conducting research work, methods of psychodiagnostics, public speaking, etc.

  • Social: Having skills in interacting with people, maintaining and developing interpersonal contacts, and public speaking

  • Organizational: design skills, research planning skills



3.2 Practical exercises


Lesson topic


Col. hours



Organization of independent work of students when preparing their diploma project

Independent work of students when preparing a diploma project: content, types, specifics





Planning and research activities of the student in preparing the diploma project

Fundamentals of scientific planning research activities student when preparing a diploma project: requirements, conditions, specifics, effectiveness.





Structure of the diploma project

Content components of the thesis project structure: title page, table of contents, introduction, chapters, paragraphs, conclusion, bibliography, appendices (description)





Search for information on a topic

Search for information on the topic: resources, organization, planning, conditions, efficiency





Analysis of specialized literature on the problem under study





Structural components of the “Introduction” in the diploma project

Basic requirements and design specifics





Writing and designing the abstract part of the diploma project. "Introduction".

Basic requirements, typical shortcomings and errors





Analysis of the implementation of the “Introduction” in the diploma project

Development of the “Introduction” of the diploma project, its presentation, discussion








4Independent work


Contents of independent work

Col. hours O/W/S

Form of control


studying basic terms on the topic




Psychological glossary on the topic of deep research


working with bibliographic sources




Abstract of 2-3 sources


selection of literature on the topic of the diploma project






literary review on the problem of thesis research




Literary review on the problem of thesis research


preparation of the table of contents and “Introduction” of the diploma project




Structural components of the table of contents of the diploma project


design and presentation of the “Introduction” of the diploma project




Contents of the “Introduction” of the diploma project and its public presentation







1. “Scientific work as a special case of question-and-answer thinking.”

4. “Applied aspects of scientific research in business.”

5. “Applied aspects of scientific research in the field of management.”

6. “Modern business problems and their scientific basis”

7. “Modern problems of management and their scientific basis”

8. “Possibilities of Internet resources in research activities”

9. “Difficulties of diagnostic tools in scientific research”

10. “Topics of modern scientific research in the field of business and management”


6.1Basic literature


List of literature


Voiskunsky A.E. Scientific information in psychology: electronic resources. – M.: RPO, 1997.


Gazen V.A., Balin V.D. Theory and methodology of psychological research. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 1991.


GOST 7.60-90. Editions. Main types. Terms and Definitions.


GOST 7.32-91. Research report. Structure and design rules.


GOST 7.9-77. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Abstract and annotation.


Druzhinin V.N. Experimental psychology. – M.: INFRA, 1997.


Kuznetsov I.N (Author-Compl.) Scientific works: Methodology of preparation and design. – 2nd ed. – Mn.: Amalthea, 2000


Kulikov L.V. Psychological research: methodological recommendations for conducting. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2001.


Searching for information in libraries: Method. Recommendations /Moscow. international Shk. “Business in industry and science”; Comp. E.R. Sukiasyan. – M., 1992.


Usacheva I.V., Ilyasov I.I. Formation of educational research activities. – M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 1986.

6.2 Further reading


List of literature


Berezhnova E.V. Requirements for coursework and diploma works in pedagogy. – M., 1999.


Bocharov V.A., Markin V.I. Basics of logic. – M., 2000.


Bright D. Jones F. Stress. Theories, research, myths. – SPb.: Prime-EVROZNAK, 2003.


Vakhrin P.I. Preparation method and defense procedure theses in financial and economic specialties: Proc. Benefit. – M.: “Marketing”, 2001.


Golodaeva V.S. (Compiled) Recommendations for the preparation and execution of coursework and dissertations. – M.: Publishing House “Dashkov and K*”, 2000.


Dobrov G. M. Science about science - K., 1999.


Kedrov B. M Classification of sciences. - Book 1, 2. - M., 1991, 1995.


Kuznetsov I.N (Author-Comp.) Preparation and execution of coursework, diploma, abstract and dissertation works: Guidelines.– Mn.: Harvest, 1999.


Kulikov L.V. Course and final qualifying papers: Requirements for content and format. Recommendations for implementation and protection. Textbook allowance. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House. University, 2001. – 48 p.


Logic as part of the theory of knowledge and scientific methodology. - Book I, II. - M., 2002.


Science about science // Sat. Art.. Per. from English – M., 1999.


Petrov Yu.A., Zakharov A.A. Practical methodology. - M., 1999.


Petrov Yu.A. Theory of knowledge - M., 2000.


Workshop on general, experimental and applied psychology / Ed. A.A. Krylova, S.A. Manicheva. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.


Problems of studying the structure of science. - Novosibirsk, 2000.


Organization of scientific activities. - M., 1998.


Effectiveness of scientific research // Sat. Art.. Per. from French and English – M., 1998.


Scientific creativity // Sat. Art. – M., 1999.

7Information and methodological support (learning materials, computer programs, electronic textbooks, Internet resources)



1 (A.Ya. Psychology)


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Russian State Humanitarian University"




Department of Finance and Credit


Working programm

for master's degree in 38.04.01 – Economics


Corporate finance

Moscow, 2016

Research work



Minutes of the meeting of the department Head of EP VO

Finance and Credit Economics

№___1 __ from_____ September 7, 2016 ______ ___________________


Head of the department signature Nesterenko Yu.N.

Compiled by signature Zubov Ya.O.,

Prokofieva T.Yu.

Director Scientific library signature of Batov L.L.

© Russian State University for the Humanities, 2016

Abstract………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

Research work program….…….…………………………………………………………… 7

1 . Explanatory note…………………………………………………………………… 7

1.1 The purpose and objectives of the research work………. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

1.2. Competencies to be developed, as well as a list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline (knowledge, skills), formulated in a competency-based format……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………..7

1.3. The place of discipline in the structure of the main educational program……………..9

2. Structure of research work……….………………………………………………………………. eleven

4. Information and educational technologies…………………………………... 20

5. Fund of assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification based on the results of research work…………………. ………………………………………………………………22

5.1. List of competencies indicating the stages of their formation in the research process……….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. 22

5.2. Methodological materials, defining procedures for assessing knowledge, abilities, skills and (or) operational experience……………………………………………………………….25

5.3. Description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation, description of assessment scales………………………………………………………………………………27

5.4. Typical control tasks or other materials necessary for assessing knowledge, abilities, skills and (or) operational experience…………………………………………………….32

6. Educational, methodological and information support for research…………………….........34

6.1. List of sources and literature……………………………………………………………34

6.2. List of resources of the information and telecommunication network “Internet” necessary for carrying out research…………………………………………………………………………………35

7. Educational and methodological support for research……………………………………………………….......38

8. Material and technical support for research…..…………………………………41

List of changes in the research program……………….. ……………………………………. 42



Research work is carried out at the Faculty of Economics by the graduating department: Finance and Credit.

Target conducting research work - developing the ability to independently carry out research activities related to solving professional problems.

Research objectives:

Learn to determine the content of the problem being studied;

Learn to formulate the goals and objectives of research, the object and subject of research, put forward and justify research hypotheses;

Develop the ability to select and use research methods appropriate to the content of the study;

Gain skills in drawing up a plan for independent research activities; determining intermediate stages and choosing effective forms of self-control;

Master the skills of conducting bibliographic work using modern information technologies;

Gain the skills to independently process the results obtained, analyze and comprehend them;

Learn to present the results of your research in the form of reports and communications at scientific conferences;

Develop skills in preparing the results of the work done in the form of abstracts, reports, scientific publications, master's thesis.

Research work is aimed at developing the following competencies:

- general cultural:

ability for abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis (OK-1);

willingness to act in non-standard situations, bear social and ethical responsibility for decisions made(OK-2);

readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential (OK-3);

- general professional:

readiness to communicate orally and in writing in Russian and foreign languages for solving problems of professional activity (OPK-1);

- professional:

the ability to generalize and critically evaluate the results obtained by domestic and foreign researchers, identify promising directions, and draw up a research program (PC-1);

the ability to substantiate the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the chosen topic of scientific research (PC-2);

ability to conduct independent research in accordance with the developed program (PC-3);

the ability to present the results of the research to the scientific community in the form of an article or report (PC-4);

ability to prepare analytical materials for assessing activities in the field of economic policy and making strategic decisions at the micro and macro level (PC-8);

ability to analyze and use various sources of information to carry out economic calculations (PC-9).

As a result of the implementation of research work, the master’s student must:


· modern scientific and research projects in the field of finance (PC-1);

· modern methods Economic Research (PC-3)

Be able to:

· draw up an economic research program (OK-2, OK-3, PC-1)

· justify the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the chosen topic of scientific research (PC-2);

· carry out economic research related to the topic of the master's thesis (PC-2, PC-3);

· make calculations of basic economic and financial indicators (PC-9);

· present the results of scientific research in the form of an article or report (OPK-1, PC-4)

· based on the initial data, develop a scientific hypothesis for the preparation of a master's thesis (OK-1, PC-1, PC-8)


· skills of independent research work (PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-4)

· skills in presenting the results of scientific research (OK-3, OPK-1, PC-4)

· skills in developing economic policy at the micro- and macro-level based on the results of scientific research (PC-8)

Research work requires certification in the first, second and third semesters in the form of a test; in the fourth semester - in the form of a test by assessment.

The total labor intensity of mastering the discipline is 30 credit units, 1080 hours.



Related information.

Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Ministry of Culture Russian Federation FSBEI HPE "Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts" Social and Humanitarian Institute Department of Cultural Studies Level of training of highly qualified personnel: postgraduate study RESEARCH WORK Work program Direction of training: 51.06.01 "Culturology" Scientific specialty: 24.00.01 "Theory and history of culture" Branch of science: 24.00.00 “Theory and history of culture” Graduate qualification: “Researcher. Teacher-researcher" Form of study: full-time, part-time Kemerovo 2015 1 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency The program is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education for the training of highly qualified personnel in graduate school in the field of preparation: 51.06.01 “Cultural Studies” (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1038 dated 08/22/2014) based on the passport of the scientific specialty 24.00.01 “Theory and history of culture”, developed by the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission in connection with the introduction of a new Nomenclature of specialties for scientific workers (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 59 dated February 25, 2009; edition dated January 10, 2012 No. 5). Compiled by: Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies G. N. Minenko; Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies A. S. Dvurechenskaya. Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Cultural Studies on November 25, 2014, protocol No. 5. Approved at a meeting of the educational and methodological council of the social and humanitarian institute of KemGUKI on April 16, 2015, protocol No. 7. Research work [Text]: work program for full-time and part-time postgraduate students in the field of study 51.06.01 “Culturology”, scientific specialty 24.00.01 “Theory and history of culture”, branch of science 24.00.00 “Theory and history of culture”, qualification “Researcher. Teacher-researcher” / compiled by: G. N. Minenko, A. S. Dvurechenskaya. – Kemerovo: Kemerovo. state University of Culture and Arts, 2015. – 20 p. 2 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 1. The goal of mastering block 3 curriculum postgraduate student training “Research work” The purpose of mastering block 3 of the postgraduate training curriculum “Research work” (hereinafter referred to as the postgraduate research work) is to conduct scientific research based on in-depth professional knowledge and perform research work that meets the criteria established for scientific - qualification work (dissertation) for the degree of candidate of science. Objectives: 1. Application of the acquired theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities when conducting scientific research in the field of theory and history of culture. 2. Determination of the area of ​​scientific qualification research; analysis of problems and achievements in the subject area under study. 3. Determination of the main scientific problem being solved; analysis of the degree of its development in the scientific literature and existing approaches to its solution. 4. Setting research problems; determination of the methodological basis and structure of the dissertation research. 5. Collection, processing, systematization and analysis of theoretical and empirical material. 6. Conceptual generalization, presentation and testing of the results obtained; determination and justification of their scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance; development of recommendations for their use; determining the prospects for further development of the problem being solved. 2. The place of research work in the structure of OOP postgraduate study. The discipline belongs to block 3 of the variable part of OOP postgraduate study in the field of preparation 51.06.01 “Cultural Studies”. Completion of a graduate student's research program presupposes his knowledge of philosophy, theory and history of culture, cultural concepts in the scope of the main educational program of higher professional education (specialty, master's degree), as well as 3 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency » deepened knowledge in the following disciplines of the curriculum for postgraduate training in Kemerovo state university culture and arts (hereinafter referred to as KemGUKI) in the scientific specialty 24.00.01 “Theory and history of culture”: - “History and philosophy of science”; - “Theory and history of culture”; - “Introduction to the methodology of social and humanitarian research”; - “Research seminar”; - “Methodology for developing a training course.” The competencies that a graduate student develops while performing research are necessary when preparing and defending his final qualifying thesis (dissertation) with the qualification “Researcher.” Teacher-researcher." 3. The student’s competencies, formed as a result of performing research work. The graduate student’s research work is aimed at developing the following universal and general professional competencies: - the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new ideas when solving research and practical problems , including in interdisciplinary fields (UK-1); - the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); - willingness to use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in state and foreign languages ​​(UK-4); - ability to follow ethical standards in professional activities (UK-5); - ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6); - willingness to organize the work of a research team in the field of culture (GPC-4). 4 Copyright OJSC "CDB "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" As a result of performing research work, a graduate student must demonstrate the following learning outcomes: know:  principles and methods of scientific research and cultural knowledge, criteria and norms of natural science and humanitarian thinking (UK-1 );  historical stages of the formation and development of scientific directions and schools, the main works of the most prominent representatives of foreign and domestic cultural thought in this area (UK-2);  current problems and theoretical achievements in the field of cultural and philosophical understanding of the world and methodology of cultural studies in Russia and abroad (UK-1, UK-2);  leading Russian and foreign scientific schools in the relevant subject area, their methodological guidelines and research programs, the most prominent representatives and their main works (UK-1, UK-2);  cultural and philosophical concepts, theoretical models of processes and phenomena related to the subject area under study (scientific problem being solved) (UK-1);  leading Russian and foreign scientific periodicals, which publish scientific articles and materials on the topic of dissertation research (UK-1, UK-4);  content, forms of organization, criteria for the quality and effectiveness of research work, types of scientific products and rules for its design, requirements for the level of training of a graduate student and for dissertation research (UK-1, UK-5);  requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for the preparation and defense of dissertations and standard requirements for an applicant for an academic degree (UK-1, UK-5); be able to:  formulate problems, set goals and objectives of scientific research; plan and conduct research work (UK-6, OPK-4);  determine and justify the theoretical and methodological basis of scientific research, select and use cultural and general scientific methods in scientific research (UK-2, UK-6); 5 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency  collect, evaluate, systematize, analyze and summarize scientific information on the topic (problem) of scientific research (UK-2);  draw up the results of scientific research (writing analytical reviews, research reports, scientific articles, abstracts of scientific reports and communications) (UK-6);  make scientific reports and communications at scientific (scientific and applied) conferences, theoretical and methodological seminars (UK-6, OPK-4);  formulate the main provisions and conclusions submitted for defense, analyze and evaluate the reliability of the results obtained, the degree of their scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance (UK-1); own:  conceptual and categorical apparatus within the framework of theory and history of culture (UK-1);  skills in using elements of systemic and interdisciplinary approaches, methods of comparative-historical and cultural-historical analysis, hermeneutics in cultural research (UK-1, UK-2);  the basics of structural-functional, structuralist, cultural-symbolic and axiological methodology (UK-2);  skills in preparing scientific texts in accordance with approved standards (UK-2). 4. The volume, forms of ongoing control, intermediate certification and content of research work of a graduate student in the scientific specialty 24.00.01 “Theory and history of culture” is 138 credit units, which corresponds to 4968 academic hours. Research work is carried out throughout the entire period of study and ends with tests based on the results of the postgraduate student’s report for the 1st–5th semesters (full-time study), 1–6th semesters (correspondence course). The final form of certification for a graduate student’s research work is the defense of the final qualifying work (hereinafter referred to as the FQR) at the State Final Attestation (hereinafter referred to as the State Final Attestation). 6 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 4.1. Volume, forms of ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification of research work. The total labor intensity of research work is 138 credit units, 4968 academic hours. Course Semester Scope of discipline in academic hours OFO / WFD Forms of current control by forms of education OFO WFO 1656 1350 1 828 675 2 828 675 1 report; 1 report; 1 test 1 test 1 article; 1 article; 1 chapter (or 2) – 1 chapter (or 2) – working version working version 1602 1404 2 reports; 2 reports, 2 credits - 2 credits 3 articles, of which 3 articles, of which 1 article - RNI; 1 article – RNI; 2 chapters, of which 1 chapter (or 2) is a working version, one is a refined version, the other is a working version 3,801,702 1 report; 1 report; 1 test 1 test 2 articles, 2 articles, 1 chapter (or 2) – 1 chapter (or 2) – refined, clarified, working version working version 4 801 702 1 report; 1 report; 1 test 1 test 1 article – RNI; 1 article – RNI; 2 chapters, of which - 1 chapter (or 2) – one is a refined, clarified working version, the other is a working version 1st year 2nd year of the general educational system of the Western Federal District Forms of intermediate certification for forms of training of the general educational institution of the western federal district 2 reports; 2 reports; 2 credits - 2 credits and 2 articles; 2 articles; 1 chapter (or 2) – 1 chapter (or 2) – working working version; option; research plan research plan 1 report; 1 article; research plan 7 1 report; 1 article; research plan 1 test 1 test Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Course Semester 3rd year 6 Total Forms of current control by forms of study Forms of intermediate certification by forms of study OFO WFO OFO WFO OFO WFO 1710 1512 2 report; 2 reports, 1 test 2 tests 3 articles, of which 3 articles, of which 2 articles - RNI; 2 articles – RNI; 5 4th year Volume of the discipline in academic hours OFO / ZFO 855 855 7 4 968 756 756 final version of the text of the thesis (based on the results of research work) for discussion at the department and at the State Academy of Arts 2 chapters, one of which is a refined version, the other is a working version 2 reports; 1 report; 3 articles, of which 2 articles are RNI; the final version of the text of the thesis (based on the results of research) for discussion at the department 2 articles, of which 1 article is RNI; 2 chapters, one of which is a refined version, the other is a working version 1 report; The final version of the text 1 article – RNI; Thesis (based on the results of research) for the defense; the final version of the text is presented at the State Academy of Sciences; 6 reports; 8 articles, of which 3 are by the Higher Attestation Commission 8 articles, of which 3 are by the Higher Attestation Commission 8 1 credit 1 credit - 1 credit - - 5 credits - 6 credits Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 4. 2. Contents of research work Contents of sections and topics Formed competencies 1. Drawing up a research work plan for a graduate student and a plan for preparing a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences Formulating the scientific problem to be solved and a working version of the thesis topic in accordance with the passport of the scientific specialty. Determination of the main directions of research, the scope of its theoretical and practical parts. Development of a research program (drawing up a research plan (as part of an individual curriculum for the work of a graduate student) 2. Review and analysis of information on the topic of research and development work. Types of scientific information (review, reference, abstract, relevant, etc.). Types of scientific publications (monographs, articles in refereed journals, collections of scientific articles, materials of scientific conferences (seminars) and round tables, reports on research results, works of scientific journalism, etc.) Methods of searching for scientific information (use of library catalogs and indexes, chronicles of abstracts of dissertations, chronicles of dissertations, refereed periodical scientific publications, electronic information resources, automated means of searching and processing information).Collecting, evaluating, systematizing and analyzing scientific information; compiling a list (preparation of an analytical review) of sources on the topic of the scientific research mastery of the sections is aimed at developing the following competencies: - the ability to critically analyze and assessment of modern scientific achievements, generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields (UK-1); - the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); - willingness to use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in state and foreign languages ​​(UK-4); - the ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6). As a result of mastering the sections, the graduate student must: know:  current problems and theoretical achievements in the field of cultural and philosophical understanding of the world and the methodology of cultural studies in Russia and abroad (UK-1, UK-2);  leading Russian and foreign scientific schools in the relevant subject area, their methodological guidelines and research programs, the most prominent representatives and their main works (UK-1, UK-2);  leading Russian and foreign scientific periodicals, which publish scientific articles and materials on the topic of dissertation research (UK-4); be able to:  formulate problems, set goals and objectives of scientific research; pla9 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Contents of sections and topics 3. Setting the goals and objectives of the research project; Determining the object and subject of research; setting its goal(s) and objectives. Construction of a “tree” of goals and objectives of the research work to formulate (clarify) the requirements for it and determine the associated limitations (time, information, etc.) 4. Determination of the theoretical and methodological basis of the research work Selecting philosophical, general scientific and specific scientific research methods; determining the goals, conditions and boundaries of their use. Analysis and synthesis of the results of the conducted methodological work; assessment of the effectiveness (effectiveness) of the methods and techniques used to solve the assigned research problems. Formed competencies to develop and conduct research work (UK-6);  collect, evaluate, systematize, analyze and summarize scientific information on the topic (problem) of scientific research (UK-2); master:  conceptual-categorical apparatus within the framework of theory and history of culture (UK-1) Mastering the sections is aimed at developing the following competencies: - the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields (UK-1); - the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); - the ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6). As a result of mastering the sections, the graduate student must: know:  principles and methods of scientific research and cultural knowledge, criteria and norms of natural science and humanitarian thinking (UK-1);  historical stages of the formation and development of scientific directions and schools, the main works of the most prominent representatives of foreign and domestic cultural thought in this area (UK-2);  leading Russian and foreign scientific schools in the relevant subject area, their methodological guidelines and research programs, the most prominent representatives and their main works (UK-1, UK-2); 10 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Contents of sections and topics 5. Conducting fundamental and applied scientific research Analysis of approaches established in philosophy and science to solving the main problem and tasks of scientific research. Interpretation and generalization of accumulated theoretical and empirical material. Identification of gaps and contradictions in the studied concepts, their strengths and weaknesses; determining the possibilities of using these concepts (some of their provisions) in your research. Formation of one’s own reasoned research position on controversial issues of theory and practice related to the topic being developed (problem being solved). Construction and justification of a theoretical model of the object under study. Systematization and ranking of the results obtained; assessment of their scientific reliability and novelty, theoretical and practical significance. Explication of the main provisions and conclusions of the WRC Competencies being developed: to be able to:  formulate problems, set goals and objectives of scientific research; plan and conduct research work (UK-6);  determine and justify the theoretical and methodological basis of scientific research, select and use cultural and general scientific methods in scientific research (UK-2, UK-6); possess:  skills in using elements of systemic and interdisciplinary approaches, methods of comparative historical and cultural-historical analysis, hermeneutics in cultural research (UK-1, UK-2) Mastering the section is aimed at developing the following competencies: - the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generating new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields (UK-1); - the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); - the ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6). As a result of mastering the section, the graduate student must: know:  principles and methods of scientific research and cultural knowledge, criteria and norms of natural science and humanitarian thinking (UK-1);  leading Russian and foreign scientific schools in the relevant subject11 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Contents of sections and topics Formed competencies of the subject area, their methodological guidelines and research programs, the most prominent representatives and their main works (UK- 1, UK-2);  cultural and philosophical concepts, theoretical models of processes and phenomena related to the subject area under study (scientific problem being solved) (UK-1);  requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for the preparation and defense of dissertations and standard requirements to an applicant for an academic degree (UK-5); be able to:  formulate problems, set goals and objectives of scientific research; plan and conduct research work (UK-6);  collect, evaluate, systematize, analyze and summarize scientific information on the topic (problem) of scientific research (UK-2);  draw up the results of scientific research (writing analytical reviews, research reports, scientific articles, abstracts of scientific reports and communications) (UK-6); possess:  skills of using elements of systemic and interdisciplinary approaches, methods of comparative-historical and cultural-historical analyses, hermeneutics in cultural research (UK-1, UK-2);  the basics of structural-functional, structuralist, cultural-symbolic and axiological methodology (UK-2);  skills in preparing a scientific text in accordance with approved standards (UK-2) 6. Completing an application for participation Mastering the section is aimed at developing research granting the following competencies: Types of research grants. - the ability to design and implement Preparation of application materials for complex research, including 12 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Contents of sections and topics Formed competencies participation in the development of a research grant. Description of the project, mechanism and expected results of its implementation, existing scientific groundwork. Work assignment (proposal on the terms of execution of the work contract). Concept and work schedule. Interim and (or) final reports on the completion of work. Contents and rules for preparing application materials for state registration of the result of intellectual activity (intellectual product); the procedure and timing of the examination (review) of such an application, including interdisciplinary ones, based on an integral systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2);  content, forms of organization, criteria for the quality and effectiveness of research work, types of scientific products and rules for its design, requirements for the level of training of a graduate student and for dissertation research (UK-1, UK-5); - willingness to organize the work of a research team in the field of culture (GPC-4). As a result of mastering the section, the graduate student must: know:  current problems and theoretical achievements in the field of cultural and philosophical understanding of the world and the methodology of cultural studies in Russia and abroad (UK-2);  content, forms of organization, criteria for the quality and effectiveness of research work, types of scientific products and rules for its design, requirements for the level of training of a graduate student and for dissertation research (UK-1, UK-5); be able to:  formulate problems, set goals and objectives of scientific research; plan and conduct research work (OPK-4);  make scientific reports and communications at scientific (scientific and applied) conferences, theoretical and methodological seminars (GPC-4); possess:  skills in using in cultural research elements of systemic and interdisciplinary approaches, methods of comparative-historical and cultural-historical analyses, hermeneutics (UK-1, UK-2) 13 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Contents of sections and topics Formed competencies 7. Approbation of the results of the scientific research project Types of scientific publications (abstracts of a scientific report (communication); scientific article; dissertation and abstract of the dissertation; scientific monograph); requirements for their structure and content. Preparation of scientific publications. Presentations and presentations at scientific (scientific and practical) conferences and methodological seminars. Discussion of the concept and main provisions (results) of the study at a research (graduate) seminar and at a department meeting. Defense of the prepared thesis at the State Archive. Mastering the section is aimed at developing the following competencies: - the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new ideas when solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields (UK-1); - the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); - ability to follow ethical standards in professional activities (UK-5); - the ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6). As a result of mastering the section, the graduate student must: know:  content, forms of organization, criteria for the quality and effectiveness of research work, types of scientific products and rules for its design, requirements for the level of training of the graduate student and for dissertation research (UK-1, UK-5) ;  requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for the preparation and defense of dissertations and standard requirements for an applicant for an academic degree (UK-1, UK-5); be able to:  draw up the results of scientific research (writing analytical reviews, research reports, scientific articles, abstracts of scientific reports and communications) (UK-6);  make scientific reports and communications at scientific (scientific and applied) conferences, theoretical and methodological seminars (UK-6); 14 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Kniga-Service Agency Contents of sections and topics Formed competencies to master:  the basics of structural-functional, structuralist, cultural-symbolic and axiological methodology (UK-2);  skills in preparing a scientific text in accordance with approved standards (UK-2) As a result of mastering the discipline as a whole As a result of mastering the discipline as a whole, a graduate student must demonstrate: - the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new ideas when solving research and practical tasks, including in interdisciplinary areas (UK-1); - the ability to design and carry out complex research, including interdisciplinary research, based on a holistic systemic scientific worldview using knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science (UK-2); - willingness to use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in state and foreign languages ​​(UK-4); - ability to follow ethical standards in professional activities (UK-5); - ability to plan and solve problems of one’s own professional and personal development (UK-6); - willingness to organize the work of a research team in the field of culture (OPK-4) 15 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 5. Educational and methodological support independent work of postgraduate students The main form of activity of a postgraduate student when carrying out research work and preparing the thesis is independent work with consultation from a supervisor and discussion of the concept (theoretical and methodological basis) of the research and the results obtained at department meetings, at scientific (scientific and practical) conferences of postgraduate students, at scientific -research seminars. Monitoring of the mastery of topics in a graduate student’s independent work is carried out in the form of an interview with the supervisor and at department meetings in the form of reports on the implementation of research work as part of the individual curriculum of the graduate student’s work at the end of each semester. The final form of certification for a graduate student’s research work is the defense of the thesis at the State Academy of Sciences. 6. EDUCATIONAL, METHODOLOGICAL AND INFORMATIONAL SUPPORT FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS’ RESEARCH 6.1. Regulatory documents 1. GOST R 7.0.11-2011. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Dissertation and dissertation abstract [Text]: structure and formatting rules. – Moscow: Standartinform, 2012. – 11 p. 2. GOST R 7.0.5-2008. System of standards for information technology, library and publishing. Bibliographic link [Text]: general requirements and rules of compilation. – Moscow: Standartinform, 2008. – 19 p. 3. GOST 7.1-2003. System of standards for information technology, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description [Text]: General requirements and drafting rules. – Moscow: Standards Publishing House, 2003. – 71 p. 4. On the procedure for awarding academic degrees [Electronic resource]: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 24, 2013 No. 842 // Garant: information and legal portal. - Electron. Dan. – Moscow, 1990–2015. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen. 16 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 6.2. Basic literature 1. Zakharov, A. A. How to write and defend a dissertation [Text] / A. A. Zakharov, T. G. Zakharova. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. – 160 p. 2. Kuznetsov, I. N. Dissertation works: methods of preparation and registration [Text]: educational method. allowance / I. N. Kuznetsov. – 4th ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Dashkov and Kº, 2010. – 488 p. 3. Kuznetsov, I. N. Scientific research: methodology and design [Text] / I. N. Kuznetsov. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Dashkov and Kº, 2008. – 460 p. 4. Raizberg, B. A. Practical guide to writing and defending dissertations [Text] / B. A. Raizberg. – Moscow: Economist, 2008. – 144 p. 5. Reznik, S. D. University graduate student: technologies of scientific creativity and pedagogical activity [Text]: textbook. manual for graduate students of universities / S. D. Reznik. – 2nd ed., revised. – Moscow: Infra-M, 2011. – 520 p. 6. Reznik, S. D. How to defend your dissertation [Text]: practical. allowance / S. D. Reznik. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Infra-M, 2012. – 345 p. 6.3. Additional literature 1. Bezuglov, I. G. Fundamentals of scientific research [Text]: textbook. manual for graduate and undergraduate students / I. G. Bezuglov, V. V. Lebedinsky, A. I. Bezuglov. – Moscow: Academic Project, 2008. – 194 p. 2. Bermus, A. G. Introduction to humanitarian methodology [Text] / A. G. Bermus. – Moscow: Kanon+; Rehabilitation, 2007. – 336 p. 3. History and methodology of science: the phenomenon of specialized knowledge [Text]: textbook. manual / ed. B.I. Lipsky. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Publishing House, 2004. – P. 250–338. 4. Kokhanovsky, V.P. Philosophical problems of social sciences and humanities [Text]: textbook. manual for graduate students / V. P. Kokhanovsky. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2005. – P. 260–304. 5. Cohen, S. Introduction to logic and scientific method [Text]: translated from English. / S. Cohen, E. Nagel. – Chelyabinsk: Socium, 2010. – 655 p. 6. Novikov, A. M. Methodology of scientific research [Text] / A. M. Novikov, D. A. Novikov. – Moscow: Librocom, 2010. – 280 p. 17 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 7. Perlov, A. M. Historical sciences: introduction to the methodology of humanities [Text]: course of lectures / A. M. Perlov. – Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2007. – 310 p. 8. Amendment, E. A. Methods of cultural research [Text]: textbook. allowance / E. A. Amendment, S. M. Dudarenok. – Vladivostok: Dalnevost Publishing House. University, 2008. – 287 p. 9. Ruzavin, G. I. Methodology of scientific research [Text] / G. I. Ruzavin. – Moscow: UNITY, 1999. – 316 p. 10. Chebanyuk, T. A. Methods for studying culture [Text] / T. A. Chebanyuk. – St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2010. – 350 p. 6.4. Internet resources 1. GSNTI – 2. VINITI – 3. TsITIS – 4. GPNTB – http: // 5. GSNTI SB RAS – 6. VIMI – 7. INION – 8. ICSTI – 9. Russian Foundation for Basic Research 10. Information culture – 11. Scientific electronic library – http:/ / 12. IPS “Science” – 7. Material and technical support for research work A workstation equipped with a computer connected to local network KemGUKI and the Internet. 18 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency CONTENTS 1. The purpose of mastering block 3 of the postgraduate training curriculum “Research work”.................... ............................................... 3 2. Place Research work in the structure of postgraduate educational programs.................................................. 3 3. Student competencies formed as a result of research work.................................................... ........................................................ ............ 4 4. Scope, forms of current control and intermediate certification, content of research work........................... ........................................................ ................ 6 4.1. Scope, forms of current control and intermediate certification of research work.................................................... ........................................................ .......... 7 4.2. Contents of research work................................................... .................................. 9 5. Educational and methodological support for independent work of graduate students....... ........................................................ ........................................... 16 6. Educational and methodological and information support for postgraduate research work.................................................... ........................................................ ...... 16 7. Material and technical support for research.................................... ... 18 19 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency Editor T. V. Safarova Computer layout by Y. A. Kondrashova Signed for publication on 08/24/2014. Format 60x841/16. Offset paper. Times typeface. Academic ed. l. 0.7. Conditional oven l. 1.1. Circulation 300 copies. Order No. 1075. ________________________________________________________________ Publishing house KemGUKI: 650029, Kemerovo, st. Voroshilova, 19. Tel. 73-45-83. Email: [email protected] 20