Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

DIY night light: tips and ideas on how to make simple and concise models. Assembling a beautiful night light at home Make a night light out of paper

This article describes the most interesting master classes on creating your own unique night light.

Almost all children love to fall asleep under the mysterious and soft light from a night light. But what can we hide, even adults like the cozy atmosphere it creates. And it’s even more cozy to build a night light yourself!

Do-it-yourself night light floating in the air: photo, description

In order to make such a night light with your own hands, you will need:

  • A hacksaw designed for woodworking, or a jigsaw as an alternative
  • An ordinary drill or screwdriver with a set of drills
  • Glue gun
  • White wood paint with brush
  • Scissors
  • Sandpaper
  • Wooden slats. One needs to be selected so that its length is equal to 210 cm, and according to the parameters - 1.5x1.5 cm. The length of the second should be 60 cm, and the parameters are 3x3 cm.
  • Lamp with fluorescent or LED socket
  • Power cord equipped with switch and plug
  • A4 paper - plain white
  • Transparent multi-colored plastic

IMPORTANT: If this is difficult to find, you can purchase the most ordinary colored paper folder at any office supply store.

You can get started:

  • First of all, pieces are cut out of the slats. You need to make 8 pcs. By 1.5x1.5x13 cm, 3 pcs. By 1.5x1.5x25 cm, 1 PC. By 1.5x1.5x23 cm, 4 things. By 3x3x12 cm.
  • Now the pieces with sides along 13 cm need to be glued with the blocks along 25 cm. You need to use glue for connection. You need to hold the frame at least 5 minutes, Otherwise, good gluing will not work.
  • Further bars along 23 and 25 cm glued to the bars 13 cm.

  • Now you can build base. These will be pieces 12 cm– they need to be glued together.

  • Frames are glued together among themselves, as a result of which the master receives a cube.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to allow time for the cube to dry. It is preferable to press it down on top with weights - this way the gluing will be better.

  • After the workpiece has dried, you can start making holes under the power cord.

  • You need to remember that the holes are definitely worth clean with sandpaper.
  • Next is do the stand. Marking it correctly is almost the main task of the master. Here lies the answer to the question of how the night light is going to float in the air. The fact is that the cube should move slightly relative to the base, and the latter should not be noticeable as a result. You will get the optical effect of floating in the air.

  • Then the base and the cube are glued together and left for some time to dry.

IMPORTANT: If you glue the base and the cube together incorrectly, all the zest of the idea will be lost. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to this stage.

  • Now you can paint the workpiece white paint. Everything is painted - both the frames and the bottom.
  • Next you need to awaken the electrician in you, passing the wire into the previously made holes, collecting the cartridge and connecting the wire.
  • The wire is fixed hot glue from a gun.

  • The cartridge is also glued. But already to the base of the workpiece.

  • Sheets are cut out from colored folders, equal in parameters to the sides of the cube. These will be light filters. They are glued to the sides of the cube so that they end up from the inside lamp

  • And here front end pasted over with regular paper.

DIY night light in the form of a starry sky: master class, photographs

This type of night light is very popular. In order to create it, you will need:

  • A jar made of glass and equipped with a lid - preferably cylindrical in shape
  • Battery-powered pocket flashlight
  • Thick foil
  • Awl, scissors

Making a night light with your own hands is easy:

  • Cut from a sheet of foil workpiece, equal in height to the jar and in width to its circumference.
  • Made in foil holes, which will later become stars on the walls.

IMPORTANT: If you want to create not just chaotic stars, but real constellations, you can cut them out purposefully. Then the night light will also be educational.

  • The ends of the workpiece are glued and placed inside the jar. The jar should ultimately be completely sealed from the inside with foil.
  • Foil sticks to the inside of the can.
  • Then it remains put a flashlight on the bottom and turn it on at night.

DIY night light from a tea can: description, photo

Surely many people have unnecessary containers in their home. Eg, tea jar. It also makes a great lamp. You just need to stock up on the following things:

  • With the jar itself
  • A sheet of scrap paper that matches the parameters of the jar
  • A sheet of cardboard
  • Acrylic paint
  • Sandpaper
  • With a knife

IMPORTANT: You need not a kitchen knife, but a knife for office work.

  • Masking tape
  • Superglue
  • Incandescent lamp and socket for it
  • Power cord and switch

Now you can start making a night light with your own hands:

  • If the sheet scrap paper more necessary parameters, then you need cut the required piece for a jar. It is necessary to take into account that the top will also have to be decorated. The fact is that the jar will be upside down and the bottom will be up.
  • Sheet sticks per jar.
  • Next from plain paper an oval is cut out. For convenience, you can circle the lid of the jar - it should just have an oval shape.
  • Cut out oval attaches to the side of the can using masking tape.

IMPORTANT: You must remember to circle the oval with a pencil.

  • Further along the outlined contour a window is cut out right in the bank.
  • The edges are being cleared sandpaper.
  • Now to a blank sheet of paper the same oval is applied again. It is outlined and cut out, but only inside should stripes remain.
  • This oval is worth glue to the inside of the jar so that it covers the window.
  • Left decorate the night light to your liking. Acrylic paint, threads, paper, buttons, ribbons - whatever your heart desires.
  • Now the technical points. At the back of the can you need to cut a neat hole for the cord.
  • You need to cut out the lid of the jar hole for the cartridge.
  • Socket, switch and electrical plug are going together.

IMPORTANT: Only then is the socket secured in the jar and the lamp screwed into it.

  • Above putting on a night light jar- and now the craft is ready!

DIY LED night light: instructions, photos

For such a night light you need:

  • Plastic tubes, transparent – ​​2 pcs. The diameter must be different
  • LEDs and board for them
  • Large traffic jam
  • Pebbles made of glass
  • Small piece of wire
  • Glue and pliers

You can start:

  • For starters, it's worth bend the ends at LED bulbs.

  • Next is everything the pieces come together using a wire. They should be located parallel each other and be polar.
  • Wire ends join to the board.

  • Now into a larger tube pasted smaller.
  • Voids are filled decorative glass stones.

  • Now LED the plug is connected to the tube. All you have to do is turn on the night light - and you can use it!

DIY moon night light: master class, photo

The materials are as follows:

  • A balloon that is round in shape when inflated
  • Paper towels
  • Glue - the most common PVA
  • Acrylic paint – white, ivory. Ideal to mix it with ocher
  • Sponge

IMPORTANT: The larger the pores on it, the better.

The process of making a night light with your own hands looks like this:

  • To begin with, outline the place where the formation occurs. ball knot. The diameter of the circle should be 6 or 7 cm.
  • The inflated balloon goes down in glue. Or you can apply the glue with a brush.
  • Now its surface covered with paper towels. Preferably do at least 3 layers towels
  • As soon as the glue dries, the ball is processed acrylic paint.
  • Next to paint dipping a sponge– it should be used to treat the surface of the ball.
  • Now you need to cut out the previously outlined circle - the ball must be removed through it.
  • Then it is placed inside light bulb or garland.

DIY cloud night light: description, photo

Necessary materials:

  • The lampshade is of a suitable shape, that is, oval or round. If there is no lampshade, you can prepare a wire frame covered with translucent fabric.
  • LED light bulb, or many light bulbs
  • Thick thread

The operating procedure is as follows:

  • In a lampshade or in a wire frame a light bulb is placed.
  • Through the lampshade the thread is held- the night light will be attached to the ceiling using it.
  • From cotton wool a cloud forms. The fluffier the better. The cotton wool is attached using glue, which just needs to be applied a little to each piece.

IMPORTANT: If the hole in the lampshade is noticeable, it must also be sealed with cotton wool.

  • All that remains is to attach the night light to the ceiling- and the storm cloud is ready!

As readers can see, it is not at all necessary to be an expert in order to assemble your own night light. A little patience and careful following of the master classes - and now the cozy interior detail is ready!

Master class on making a night light from wood:

Sometimes a room just needs a night light. Of course, the easiest option is to buy it in a store, but often you want something unusual and original. Then simple master classes come to the rescue, which are easy to repeat and do not take much time.

At the same time, the craft will look beautiful, give the room an atmosphere of comfort and combine with the overall interior. So, as you already understand, today we will talk about how to make a night light with your own hands.

Night light starry sky"

The first and very easy to make is “starry sky”. It got its name for its interesting appearance, which in the dark resembles the very sky. It can also be called a children's night light, although you can even use it in your own bedroom.

List of necessary things to make it:

  • A glass jar, always with a lid. It is better to take a cylindrical jar than a regular one.
  • Thick foil.
  • Small flashlight with batteries.
  • And also an awl.

First you need to cut a piece of thick foil the height of a jar. Next, make holes in it, it is desirable that they are the same and evenly distributed. Then we place a piece of foil in the jar and install the lantern. Then you can turn on the resulting craft and use it for its intended purpose.

There is also an easier way to make your own night light. This time we won't need foil, but we will need an awl. We take a cylindrical tin can, having first removed the label and remaining glue from it, and make holes using an awl.

Then we paint the jar in any color you like, it is best to do this using a can of spray paint. Next, we put a battery-powered flashlight or even a candle into the finished night light, but be careful, it’s still fire.

LED night light

Now, let's talk about how to make an LED night light with your own hands. This master class will be more difficult than the previous one, but the result is worth it. Here is a list of required materials:

  • A pair of transparent plastic tubes, which should be of different diameters.
  • LEDs of the desired color, as well as brightness.
  • The cork is quite large.
  • Glass pebbles (decorative).
  • Short length wire.
  • Hot glue (you can also use instant glue).
  • Pliers.
  • And of course the board to which we will connect the LEDs.

In order not to get confused, we have made step-by-step instructions for this master class:

The first step is to bend the ends of the prepared LEDs using pliers; you can see how to do this correctly in the photo.

The next step is to connect the already prepared LEDs with a piece of wire. Don't forget about polarity. Next, we attach the two resulting ends to the finished board.

Afterwards, you need to check the operation of the LEDs and the entire structure as a whole; to do this, you need to turn on the night light, namely its executive part. If the light bulbs start to heat up, then add a resistor to the common circuit.

Now we take two transparent tubes. The smaller one needs to be placed in the middle of the larger one and carefully glued. Decorative glass stones must be filled into all voids.

The final step is to take a plug, it should be with LEDs and put it on a large tube. If the plug is larger than the diameter of the tube, make a seal. For example, it can be made from a small piece of a strap.

Now the night light is ready and you can check its operation; there should be no malfunctions.

As you can see, if all the necessary materials are at hand, making such a night light is quite simple. And it looks very beautiful and original, and most importantly, it fulfills its main function - it illuminates the room at night.

A wooden night light also looks very interesting, but it is more difficult to make.

So, today you learned how to make a night light called “starry sky” from a glass or tin jar with your own hands, as well as how to make an interesting and original LED night light. I hope you chose the idea you liked and everything worked out for you.

Photos of night lights with your own hands

Today, the market can provide a huge selection of various types of lighting, including all kinds of night lights. Their diversity is simply amazing. A night light can create a pleasant atmosphere in a room and allow you to navigate at night without any problems. They are usually installed in children's rooms to create fabulousness and magic. This atmosphere helps the child not be afraid of the dark. Such a miracle, of course, can be bought in any store, but it will be better if you simply make it yourself.

How to make a night light with your own hands from scrap materials

Making your own night light is an original idea of ​​your imagination and a decoration for your room design. Anyone can make such a light source at home; you just have to use a little imagination and your room will be filled with pleasant and unusual light.

A made-made, not store-bought, night lamp will delight you with its uniqueness and beauty. And also such a device, made with love, will create warmth and comfort in your home.

You can create homemade lamps from various available tools and materials. Anything that comes to hand will do, and your imagination will help you create a miracle lamp. It can be any shape and size you want.

Material from which you can make a night light:

  • Trees;
  • Plywood;
  • Papers;
  • Capron;
  • Disks.

You can also make a night lamp from: an ordinary glass jar, a garland, a broken charger, a plastic bottle, and even any cardboard box will do. All these accessories can be found in every home and can be used to make an original night light that will delight you with its unusualness and charm.

Decorative night light made of wood: the materials needed for it

A night lamp can be created from any material that you find at home. Ideas for creating a night light can be very different. One of them is a wonderful night light made of wood. It is very easy and simple to make such an unusual lamp and you will not need a lot of material at all.

This decorative lamp will decorate and transform your room. You can also give it to your loved ones and friends, delighting them with such an unusual gift.

To create such a miracle you will need some tools: a drill press and a band saw. As well as a small amount of material and accessories: glue, a log, varnish, strips with LED lights and sandpaper. Having collected all this, you can begin to create a masterpiece.


  • First of all, we cut out small circles from the log. Two of them should be larger than the others.
  • Now we measure the center of the wheels and drill small holes of the required diameter. In the two large ones they should be deaf.
  • To rid the workpieces of roughness and irregularities, you need to treat them with sandpaper.
  • The drilled holes must be carefully coated with glue.
  • After the glue has dried, we open the wheels with varnish.
  • We put wheels on a pre-prepared rail and attach an LED strip.

So we have made an interesting night light that can be installed in any room of your home or given to your friends. Such a beautiful lamp will delight residents for a long time. Homemade wooden lamps are environmentally friendly devices that can be installed even in children's rooms.

Making a starry sky with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The night light, which represents a beautiful starry sky, will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. It is usually created from scrap materials found at home. Moreover, it will not need to be connected to the electrical network. And it will glow from a small battery-powered flashlight.

Such a starry sky, of course, can be purchased at any store, however, a home-made night light will give you greater pleasure. Such a night light, today, decorates every child’s room.

So, to create such splendor you will need: an ordinary glass jar that is screwed on with an iron lid, a small flashlight, thick foil, a hard surface (tray), scissors and an awl. All these items can be found at home.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • A diagram of the starry sky is drawn on the foil. The original drawing, of course, will not work out, but a copy should come out.
  • On the drawn diagram of the sky we make holes (stars) with an awl.
  • Cut to the shape and size of the jar, we insert the sheet inside very carefully.
  • Place the flashlight on the bottom of the prepared jar and turn it on.

Now, those who are interested in space will be able to admire it at home. Wait until dark and enjoy, any star is now under your control. This model of the starry sky can also decorate a New Year’s party for children.

Beautiful DIY LED night light: its positive qualities

Making an adorable LED night light yourself is not that difficult. In this case, only the presence of LEDs is required. Such night lights can be made of any size; for example, the smallest ones can be decorated with a decorative lampshade or lampshade. There are even photo shoots where you can present your best work in the form of a night light.

LED night lights are made very often today and from just about anything. This type of lamp is very popular because of its luminous element - LED. Making such a night light would be the right and rational decision.

This type of night light can be made from a damaged fumigator, a broken charger, even any diode element or projector will come in handy. LED has a number of characteristic advantages, which makes it so popular.

Advantages of LED:

  • Availability;
  • Long service life;
  • High-quality glow;
  • Energy saving work;
  • Does not heat up;
  • Has many application schemes.

To properly assemble such an LED night light, you first need to correctly solder its electrical circuit. Any electrical device can be used as a housing. A table lamp today is a completely irrational purchase. It is best to create or purchase lamps with LED lamps.

DIY children's night light: a variety of options

Most children are afraid to sleep if there is no light. This problem can be solved if you purchase a lighting device for your baby that will not burn very brightly, but it will be enough for the child. Today, special devices such as night lights have become relevant.

Such light sources can be purchased at the store, but it is better to make them yourself. By making a night light with your child, you will thereby make all his wishes come true, and he will be able to enjoy the whole process.

By making such a device together with your child, you will not only save money, but also create something completely new, delight the child, thereby showing his creativity. A children's night light can be made in various versions and any materials can be used.

Variety of night lamps:

  • Starry sky;
  • Cloud;
  • LEDs in a bottle;
  • Lace night light;
  • Lamp with butterflies.

By making one of the above night lights, you will not only be able to decorate the nursery, but also transform the bedroom or even the living room. This lamp will add romanticism and sophistication to you.

How to make a night light with your own hands (video)

Today, a different source of light is the most important and integral part of life for us. With them our existence becomes more beautiful and more fun. They bring not only beauty, but also warmth and comfort to our home. Any interior of a house or apartment is complemented by chandeliers, lamps and lamps.

The night light of the bedroom creates a cozy atmosphere in the room before going to bed, and also makes it possible to perfectly navigate in the dark, which helps not to disturb those sleeping nearby by turning on sufficiently bright lighting. A night lighting device in the nursery will relieve kids from the fear of darkness. Such night lights consume a minimum of electricity and are distinguished by their variety.

In addition to its functional purpose, a night light is considered an integral part of interior design and creates various visual effects. The catchy design of the children's lighting makes the room mysterious and fairy-tale-like, and the lighting in the bedroom in half tones adds intimacy.

Own design of night lights

Modern stores offer a huge variety of night lighting devices of various designs, for different tastes and at any price.

And not in every case is it financially justifiable to create such devices with your own hands; however, their design gives scope for turning creative fantasies into reality without spending a lot of money. That is why anyone who wants to make their home interior original can create a night light with their own hands.

In the process of designing light, in comparison with basic lighting, where the same distribution of light flux is necessary, the main emphasis is on the competent combination of a number of factors through which visual perception is formed:

  • device shade;
  • light refraction, as well as its decomposition into shades;
  • scattering and reflection of light flow;
  • combination of colors and visual effects.

Starry sky on the ceiling surface

To create such an LED night light, you can do it yourself by projecting patterns onto the ceiling surface.

For similar purposes, a projector designed for filmstrips is used, while placing the frame with a starry sky pattern. However, this device will become uneconomical in terms of energy consumption and produces unwanted noise.

It is possible to invent a projector that is quite economical and also simple, without the use of lenses. For these purposes, you will need the required size canning jar.

It is necessary to create holes around the circle of the jar in order to then arrange a light source of minimal power inside. The light passing through the holes, hitting the ceiling surface, will display the night stars.

Application of laser objects for lighting device

We suggest using this idea to make your own night light, creating the background light of distant stars. At the same time, recreating the constellations using fixed laser pointers, projecting their illumination onto the ceiling surface in the required order.

These pointers are powered by batteries, which immediately run out with constant use of the lighting device. It is for this reason that to use them in a night light, you need to connect the voltage available in the power supply.

For these purposes, you should disassemble the pointer, and also connect to the existing poles on the battery, electrodes, securing the button in the pressed state with electrical tape, or by installing a special jumper on the board.

In a laser, an LED is used as a light source; it is for this reason that the beam does not have destructive characteristics. However, it is still important to ensure that the direct beam of the devices is not directed at the retina of the eyes.

In fact, LEDs have enormous potential for making night light devices on your own, thanks to their compact size, minimal energy consumption, and variety of shades of light.

Night light safety

On various specialized forums there are examples of design ideas in the field of making decorative light, as in the photo of a night light with your own hand below. In addition, methods for working with various decorative elements and various techniques by which visual original effects are produced are described.

To get inspired, you need to visit such sites, however, first of all, wondering what you can make a night light from at home and how, you should worry about complete safety and build a power supply circuit designed for the light source.

There is a myth that the minimum voltage and minimum power of small light sources are the key to complete safety.

In fact, at least volts are not dangerous to humans in direct contact with them. However, when a short circuit occurs, an electric arc will appear at the point of contact, and a current will pass through the wires, heating the insulation system to the ignition temperature.

The power supply will continue to operate for a long period of time during an overload, and the special protective circuit breaker will not react. When equipping night lights, as well as power supplies, on your own, it is important to provide the wiring with a protective system.

Photos of night lights with your own hands

It's no secret that many people: adults, children, do not like or are simply afraid to sleep in the dark. Small table or wall lamps called nightlights often help to get rid of this feeling.

A night light is not just a source of artificial lighting. It is an important element of decorating a bedroom.

He performs his main role in the evenings and at night. Hence its name. They hardly use it during the day.

In the evenings, when the sleep period begins and the large ceiling chandeliers are turned off, the night light becomes the dominant element.

The easiest way to buy a night light is in a store. But if someone wants to ask how to make a night light with their own hands, it turns out that it is a very exciting activity.

Using a lot of different materials at hand, you can create an excellent, exclusive, stylish night light. Its colors and external shapes will depend entirely on the imagination of the home craftsman.

What is the use of a night light

The night light is an excellent soothing remedy for “night panties”, as stated above.

But a small light bulb, usually located near the bed, has other useful functions:

  • Creating a pleasant environment before bed.
  • Saving electricity, since the light bulb in a small night lamp consumes little electricity. Its power is several times less than that of a large ceiling chandelier.
  • Acting as a room interior decoration and so on.

Night light locations

Before bringing to life the idea of ​​​​creating a night light, it is worth deciding on the method of its location. As you already know, such a lamp is placed not far from the bed.

That is, it can be a beautiful battery-powered night light that is mounted on the wall, or a lamp standing on the night table, or on the floor.

Examples of night lamps

You can get ideas for creating a night light on the Internet. Although this is usually the first thing that comes to mind. To obtain information, you can use colorful manuals and a variety of literature intended for home handicrafts.

Independent work is always interesting, since creating a similar design from a photo of a night light made by yourself, posted on one of the Internet pages, is quite interesting, but the idea of ​​​​creating your own work looks much more attractive.

The Internet can be used to determine the basic material that will be used in the work.

What materials are used in the work?

Sometimes, in search of suitable materials for work, people visit construction markets and stores, but quite often everything that is needed can be found at home.

In this regard, it is interesting to consider the available tools that many craftsmen like to use in their creativity. Most of these tools are always at hand.

You can make a night light with your own hands from scrap materials using thin wooden boards and a sheet of acrylic, plexiglass, plastic bottles and so on.

An example of making a night light using LED strip

To implement one interesting idea for creating a night light, you will need a small amount of boards, an acrylic sheet and an LED strip.

The process of making a night light with LEDs with your own hands is as follows:

Take 2 boards of identical parameters with a small thickness. The thickness should allow for easy cutting. The material is carefully sanded with sandpaper or a sanding machine to obtain a smooth surface.

A rectangle of the same size as the planks is cut out of an acrylic sheet.

On one of the boards a pattern is depicted or some inscription is applied.

A jigsaw or drill is used to cut out a pattern or inscription using the through method. The resulting holes will serve as areas through which the light flux from the night lamp will pass.

Each board and acrylic sheet is equipped with four corner holes for installing mounting bolts. A hole is drilled in one of the empty boards for a cord attached to the LED strip.

A wide groove is cut out on the acrylic sheet, exceeding the width of the LED strip. The strip is laid in the lower part of the workpiece and secured in the groove.

Finally, the night light is assembled by connecting the boards with bolts.

This lamp can be installed on a table or mounted on a wall.

Other craft options are no less interesting in appearance and manufacturing technology.

Some involve a complex manufacturing process, for example, a “flower” night light made in the shape of a rose, while some are simple and quick, such as an LED garland placed in a glass jar.

Photos of night lights with your own hands