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Presentation on the topic "political status of the individual." Open lesson in social studies Political status of the individual Forms of political participation

Let us recall the basic terms and concepts of Political activity. Political activity. Status. Status. Role. Role. Democratic political culture. Democratic political culture. Political participation and its types. Political participation and its types.

Task1 Let's test our knowledge 1.Parliamentary type party 2.Political pluralism 3.Civil responsibility 4.Totalitarian regime. 5. Populism. 6. Ochlocracy. 7.Civil society. 8.Democratic political culture. 9.Human rights. 10.Legal social state. 11.Democracy. 12. Authoritarianism. 13.Tolerance. 14.Consensus. I. A society dominated by: public ownership, planned regulation of the economy, strong executive power, one party, a single ideology, people are the means of realizing the most important political tasks. II. A society dominated by: large private property, a free market, a two-party political system, a person has economic freedom, all natural and inalienable rights, the state does not set the goal of social security for the unemployed and the poor. III. A society in which various forms of ownership prevail, a combination of planned and market elements of economic regulation, social security of citizens, separation of powers, the rule of law, a person is the highest value of this society.

Political status of an individual POLITICAL STATUS is the PLACE OF A PERSON IN THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF SOCIETY, THE SET OF HIS INALIENIAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, OBLIGATIONS, THE OPPORTUNITY TO INFLUENCE THE POLITICAL LIFE OF SOCIETY. POLITICAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS Political roles and functions that a person performs in accordance with his status. The variety of political roles of an individual: voter, deputy, mayor, governor, senator, party member, president.


Task 4. What types of political participation does each of the given characteristics correspond to? a) Elected to the City Duma, he made every effort to fulfill the demands of voters to change the operating hours of the largest department store stores. b) Once he took part in the elections of district councilors and remembered this for a long time, surprised by his activity. c) Every time the presidential elections approached, he worried, read analytical articles in newspapers, and did not miss one serious political discussion in a television studio. The elections passed, and his interest in politics declined.

All articles of Chapter 2 of the Constitution Russian Federation“Human Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen” consistently distinguishes between rights and freedoms depending on the presence or absence of citizenship. This is reflected in the wording of the articles. Where human rights are discussed, the Constitution uses the following formulations: “everyone has the right,” “everyone can,” “everyone is guaranteed,” etc. Such formulations emphasize the recognition of the rights and freedoms of any person located on the territory of Russia, regardless of whether he is a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreigner or a stateless person. Along with this, Articles 31,32,33,36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation formulate rights that belong only to citizens of the Russian Federation. Conclusion: the scope of rights and obligations depends, first of all, on whether a person is a citizen of any state or not. A feature of the legal status of a citizen is, first of all, that a citizen, in addition to personal, economic, social and other rights, has political rights in full.

Political rights and individual freedoms Political rights and individual freedoms The right to participate in the management of state affairs. The right to participate in the management of state affairs. The right to elect and be elected to state representative bodies and local government bodies. The right to elect and be elected to state representative bodies and local government bodies. The right to participate in a referendum. The right to participate in a referendum. The right to equal access to public service. The right to equal access to public service. The right to participate in the administration of justice. The right to participate in the administration of justice. The right to appeal to state bodies and local governments. The right to appeal to state bodies and local governments. The right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, to hold meetings, rallies and demonstrations, processions and pickets. The right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, to hold meetings, rallies and demonstrations, processions and pickets.

Let’s remember - It’s not enough to have the right to vote, you also need to be prepared for the role of a voter internally, in your own way. personal qualities. It is not enough to be a citizen in the legal sense, you need to be a citizen in the broad sense of the word. A citizen has those personality traits that make him capable of conscious, proactive and qualified participation in the governance of the country, and a feasible solution to the problems facing it. It is extremely important for a democratic state that the mechanism of the electoral system works properly. If it does not function, democracy will lose its most important basis - the true election of government bodies.

You need to know this You need to know A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 acquires voter status. Participation in elections is a manifestation of the responsibility, conscience, political and legal maturity and culture of every citizen. No one has the right to control the will of the voter. The electoral rights of citizens are the constitutional right to elect and be elected to bodies state power and to elected bodies of local self-government (Article 3, 23, Constitution of the Russian Federation). In a democratic regime, the voter participates in elections on the basis of universal, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot. Participation in elections is voluntary. Honestly fulfilling the duties of a voter is one of the important signs of citizenship. Much depends on the results of elections to state authorities and local governments in the life of both the country and the region.

Also, in any way prevent a citizen from freely expressing his will during voting. It is prohibited to exert any influence on a citizen in order to force him to participate or not to participate in elections. It is also prohibited to in any way prevent a citizen from freely expressing his will in voting.

Let's remember: Abuse of freedom is not allowed during election campaigning. mass media, agitation that incites social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity, calls to seize power, forcibly change the constitutional system and violate the integrity of the state, propaganda of war. -If these violations are committed, election commissions have the right to apply to the court with a proposal to cancel the decision to register a candidate (list of candidates). The said proposal is considered by the court within three days. -Election commissions monitor compliance with the established procedure for pre-election campaigning. (From the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation.)

Are you familiar with the program Have you met the candidates? with the candidate? candidates? with the candidate? yes no yes no no yes no yes Are you confident that the candidates will keep their promises? 29 people (72.5%) 11 people (27.5%) 9 people (77.5%) 9 people (22.5%) No 37 people. (92.5%) Yes. 3 people (7.5%)

AgeEducation Candidate Party Under 30 years of age Higher-4 (66.7%) Secondary-2 (33.3%) Dyachenko-2 (33.3%) Bobrov-1 (16.7%) Fradkov-1 (16.7% ) Tarkhov-1 (16.7%) United Russia-1 (16.7%) Spraved.Russia-1 (16.7%) Communist Party of the Russian Federation-1 (16.7%) Green Party-1 (16.7 %) From years Higher-20 (67%) Secondary special-6 (20%) Secondary-3 (10%) Tuchin-8 (27%) Dyachenko-10 (33.3%) Matveev-3 (10%) Suchkov-2 (7%) Ilyin-1 (3.3%) Bobrov-1 (3.3%) Fradkov-1 (3.3%) Sazonov -1 (3.3%) United Russia-11 (37 %) Spraved.Russia-10 (33.3%) Communist Party of the Russian Federation-2 (7%) Green Party-2 (7%) Union of Right Forces-1 (3.3%) Patriots of Russia-1 (3.3%) From years Average specialist-1 (50%) Secondary-1 (50%) Bobrov-1 (33.3%) Borisov-1 (33.3%) Communist Party of the Russian Federation- 1 (33.3%) United Russia- 1 (33.3%) LDPR-1 (33.3%) Over 60 years Higher-1 (33.3%) Middle specialty-2 (66.%) Bobrov-1 (50%) Tuchin-1 (50%) United Russia-2 (100%)

Has the right (can) Has the right (can) 1) Having reached 18 years of age, has the right to vote. 2) Do not participate in elections or vote against everyone (based on the principle of voluntary participation). 3) Request and receive information about candidates. 4) If you are not on the voter lists, find out and eliminate the reason. 5) Contact the authorities controlling elections if violations of their organization are noticed

Does not have the right (impossible) 1) To elect if: a) has not reached the age of majority, b) recognized by the court as incompetent, b) recognized by the court as incompetent, c) convicted and serving a sentence. c) convicted and serving a sentence. 2) Take bribes from the candidate. 3) Vote on behalf of someone else (for example, for relatives) 4) Impose your opinion on other voters. to voters. 5) Spoil the ballot. 6) Violate the norms of public order at the election site.

Public lesson in social studies 9th grade.


Full name

Lopatinsky Dmitry Vladimirovich

Place of work

MOBU secondary school No. Sochi, Krasnodar region

Job title

Teacher of History and Social Studies


Social science



Lesson summary

Lesson topic : Political status of the individual.

Lesson type : workshop lesson.

Lesson form : role-playing game "Election Campaign"

Target : consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge about democratic political models of behavior; to promote practical mastery of methods of activity that reflect the essence of the role of the voter, as well as the cultivation of such personality qualities as humanism, tolerance, feeling self-esteem and respect for the dignity of others, civic responsibility.

Equipment : textbooks, notebooks, propaganda posters and leaflets, ballot papers, a class list for the counting commission, a memo “Rules of Public Controversy,” forms for self-assessment and assessment of each participant in the game.

Preliminary preparation :

1. All students in the class participate in the game. They are divided into two groups:

Group I: political parties or movements represented by:

“candidates” for an elective position (3 people) and their “active supporters” or assistants (3-4 assistants for each “candidate”)

Group II: “voters”.

2. Selecting an issue, determining the name of your political party or movement, choosing a leader.

  1. Development of election programs by students

    Preparation of a speech by the “candidate” and his supporters - getting to know voters.

    Production of propaganda posters and leaflets

During the classes

    1. Introductory word from the teacher.

Announcement of the lesson topic, purpose and structure of the lesson.

Guys, we are finishing our study of a large block of issues related to the political sphere of society.

The topic of today's lesson is “Political status of the individual.”

Each citizen, depending on life circumstances, personal needs, abilities and opportunities, chooses a specific political role (or roles). Not everyone can go to a rally or become, for example, participants in the women's movement. Not everyone, naturally, will want to make politics their profession. Yes, this is not necessary. Nevertheless, there is a necessary minimum of political activity guaranteed by the constitutions. This includes democratic elections. Participation in them is a responsible matter. After all, by voting for a candidate for deputy, a person delegates to him the right to express and protect his interests at the state level. How can you prevent or at least moderate the error of your choice? To this end, today we are conducting a workshop in the form role playing game“Electoral campaign”, where we must consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge about democratic political models of behavior, simulate a situation of free exchange of opinions, which allows us to master the art of argumentation and the culture of public speech and practically master methods of activity that reflect the roles of a voter and a candidate for an elected representative post .

For this purpose, a large preparatory work. First of all, the class decided on the choice of problem and the level of the election campaign. The entire class was divided into two groups: the first consisted of political parties and movements, which were represented by “candidates” for an elected position (3 people) and their “active supporters” or assistants (4-5 assistants for each candidate); the second is “voters”.

Each group received advanced tasks.

The first group - “Candidates” - decided on the name of their political party, prepared a speech to introduce voters, developed a draft election program on the identified issue, and released a campaign leaflet and poster.

The second group, “Voters,” thought through questions for the “candidates,” based on the studied criteria for evaluating election programs.

II . Role-playing game "Electoral campaign".

    Teacher's opening speech: announcement of the conditions of the game.

Today we are conducting an election campaign for candidates for deputies of local government bodies in the city of Nizhnekamsk in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Throughout the game, a counting commission operates, which will take into account the degree of participation of each player and at the end will count the votes on the ballot papers. After the votes are counted, the counting commission will announce the winner. All members of the winning political party receive excellent marks.

The remaining members of the political parties and their voters will also be assessed depending on the data provided by the counting commission and the data that each political party will present at the end of the game on self-assessment and assessment of each team member on the degree of participation in the process of preparing and conducting the role-playing game.

During the game, each participant is obliged to follow the basic rules of public debate (refer to the poster - memo on the board “Rules of Public Debate”).

I must:

Listen to your opponent’s opinions;

Find in them thoughts close to my position;

Clarify and develop his arguments;

Clearly formulate your own position;

Be able to substantiate it with facts;

Clearly see the essence of our differences

I can't:

- “get to the opponent’s personality”;

Try to “shout” him;

Reject his views without evidence;

Use unverified or unreliable facts

Also, during the game, each political party must strictly comply with the announced rules of the game.

For violating the rules of public controversy and non-compliance with the regulations, penalty points are awarded, which will be taken into account at the end of the game when counting votes.

So, the basic rules of the game have been announced. We can begin.

    Representation of political parties (movements) and their leaders.

Let me introduce political parties and movements, as well as their candidates for deputies to local government bodies of the city of Nizhnekamsk.


    Political party "Union of Progressive Youth"

    Youth Movement: "Realization"

    Political party "Phoenix"

The floor for speaking and meeting voters is given in turn to each political party (movement). Each team is given 2-3 minutes to present. The order is determined by lot.

    Protection of election programs of political parties (movements).

Each political party (movement) has developed its own election program.

When developing the program, it was necessary to take into account the topic for discussion that the class had previously chosen. This topic is “Problems and prospects for the development of the city of Nizhnekamsk.”

The programs should also reflect the following aspects:

    Assessment of the existing situation in the city. Show strengths and disadvantages.

    Formulate the main directions for improving work in the city of Nizhnekamsk (in the economic, political, cultural and social spheres of life)

    Determine the goals of each of these areas and the means to achieve them.

    Give arguments (arguments) in favor of the measures you propose.

Texts of election programs of political parties (movements)

(see Attachment)

Each party is given 5 minutes to defend its election program.

    Voter questions.

After each political party (movement) presents its election program, a debate is organized.

“Voters” ask questions, support the program of provisions or make critical comments and suggestions for its improvement, or reject it, citing arguments and evidence of its inadequacy (ineffectiveness or unrealism)

“Voters” can ask 3 questions to each political party (movement).

Sample questions for debate.

    Free medical care and education in the future - is it a reality or a myth?

    Replacing benefits with cash compensation – is it necessary? Your suggestions for solving this problem.

    What additional benefits can you offer to Nizhnekamsk residents?

    Will utility bills be reduced?

    What place does youth employment play in your program?

    In what ways will your party fight juvenile crime?

    What measures do you plan to take in the city to improve it?

    How do you propose to solve environmental problem in the city of Nizhnekamsk?

    Are there any items in your program about improving the social status of teachers in the city of Nizhnekamsk?

    Who should control the distribution of drugs? What ways do you see to solve this problem in our city?

“Voters” receive pre-prepared ballots and conduct a Secret Vote. While the counting commission is counting votes, the game participants fill out forms for self-assessment and assessment of each representative of the political party (movement).

III . Summarizing.

It turns out whether the set goal was achieved; active participants in the game are noted; issues of practical implementation of proposals developed during the game are being thought through.

IV . Homework:

Write an essay on any of the suggested topics:

    Is the role of a voter difficult?

    Democratic type of political culture, its significance for the individual and society.

    What is the relationship between the concepts of “morality,” “legality,” and “politics”? Can politics be legal but not moral? Can politics be moral but illegal?

(the choice of topic is determined by the student depending on his level of preparation)

Approximate distribution of teaching time in a lesson

(role play regulations)

    1. Teacher's introduction (5 min.)

      Presentation of a political party (movement) to voters 2-3 min. (9 min.)

      Defense of election programs by political parties (movements) 5 min. (15 minutes.)

      Questions from voters to political parties (10 min.)

      Summing up (5-6 min.)

Slide 1

Topic: Political status of the individual Prepared by: Svetlana Ilyinichna Shubenina, teacher of history and social studies, Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 34, Tyumen

Slide 2

Politics is the desire to participate in power and influence the distribution of power. M. Weber.

Slide 3

Goal: to promote the formation of conscious democratic political choice and readiness for the creative implementation of political roles typical for an ordinary citizen in accordance with modern requirements.

Slide 4

Objectives: 1 to reveal the essence of political culture, the rules of political behavior; 2 to promote the formation of conscious opposition of young people to attempts at manipulation, to promote the development of an active civic position; 3 develop readiness to affirm democratic values ​​and norms in their practical political activities.

Slide 5

Political rights and obligations: the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government; unite in public organizations, including political parties; hold rallies, street processions, demonstrations, pickets, subject to prior notification to the authorities; send personal and collective appeals (petitions) to government bodies and officials.

Slide 6

Political roles: voter, deputy, party member, rally participant, member of a public organization, etc.

Slide 7

The structure of political culture: knowledge and ideas about politics; political value orientations (beliefs, preferences) methods of practical political action; political consciousness; political behavior.

Slide 8

Functions of political culture: Identification - reveals a person’s constant need to understand his group affiliation and to strive to determine acceptable ways for himself to participate in expressing and defending the interests of a given community. Orientation - characterizes a person’s desire for a semantic reflection of political phenomena, an understanding of social opportunities in the implementation of rights and freedoms in a specific political system. Adaptation – expresses a person’s need to adapt to changing political life. Socialization - characterizes the acquisition by a person of certain skills and properties that allow him to realize his own in a particular system of power. civil rights, political functions and interests. Integration – provides different groups with the opportunity to coexist within a certain political system, preserving the integrity of the state and its relationship with society as a whole. Communication is associated with the interaction of all subjects and institutions of power based on the use of generally accepted concepts, symbols, stereotypes and other means of information and language of communication.

Slide 9

Types of political cultures (according to G. Almand and S. Verbe): patriarchal, or community type; subject, or type of subject; activist, or participant type; “citizen culture”, or mixed type.

Slide 10

Forms of political participation: citizens' reaction to impulses emanating from the political system; participation in elections; participation in the activities of political parties, organizations, movements; appeals from citizens, meetings with a political leader; participation in rallies, pickets, etc.; activities of political leaders.

Slide 11

Degree of involvement in politics (according to M. Weber): “Occasional” politicians are people who took part in political life during elections, referendums, election campaigns, etc. “Part-time” politicians are people who have proven themselves in political life, who took part in politics out of necessity, which did not become the main business of their lives. Professional politicians are active participants in political life, professionally engaged in politics, which has become their main occupation and source of existence.

Slide 12 Participation in elections is your political culture.

Slide 2


Politics is the desire to participate in power and influence the distribution of power. (M. Weber)

Slide 3


To promote the formation of conscious democratic political choice and readiness for the creative implementation of political roles typical for an ordinary citizen in accordance with modern requirements.

Slide 4


  1. reveal the essence of political culture, the rules of political behavior;
  2. promote the formation of conscious opposition of young people to attempts at manipulation, promote the development of an active civic position;
  3. develop readiness to affirm democratic values ​​and norms in their practical political activities.
  • Slide 5

    Political rights and responsibilities

    • the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government;
    • unite in public organizations, including political parties;
    • hold rallies, street processions, demonstrations, pickets, subject to prior notification to the authorities;
    • send personal and collective appeals (petitions) to government bodies and officials.
  • Slide 6

    Political roles

    • voter,
    • deputy,
    • member of the party,
    • rally participant
    • member of a public organization, etc.
  • Slide 7

    The structure of political culture

    • knowledge and ideas about politics;
    • political value orientations (beliefs, preferences)
    • methods of practical political action;
    • political consciousness;
    • political behavior.
  • Slide 8

    Functions of political culture

    • Identification reveals a person’s constant need to understand his group membership and to determine acceptable ways for himself to participate in expressing and defending the interests of this community.
    • Orientation characterizes a person’s desire for a semantic representation of political phenomena, an understanding of social opportunities in the implementation of rights and freedoms in a specific political system.
    • Adaptation expresses a person’s need to adapt to changing political life.
    • Socialization characterizes the acquisition by a person of certain skills and properties that allow him to realize his civil rights, political functions and interests in a particular system of power.
    • Integration provides different groups with the opportunity to coexist within a particular political system, preserving the integrity of the state and its relationship with society as a whole.
    • Communication is associated with the interaction of all subjects and institutions of power based on the use of generally accepted concepts, symbols, stereotypes and other media and language of communication.
  • Slide 9

    Types of political cultures (according to G. Almand and S. Verbe)

    • patriarchal, or community type;
    • subject, or type of subject;
    • activist, or participant type;
    • “citizen culture”, or mixed type.
  • Slide 10

    Forms of political participation

    • the reaction of citizens to impulses emanating from the political system;
    • participation in elections;
    • participation in the activities of political parties, organizations, movements;
    • appeals from citizens, meetings with a political leader;
    • participation in rallies, pickets, etc.;
    • activities of political leaders.
  • Slide 11

    Degree of involvement in politics (according to M. Weber)

    • “Accidental” politicians are people who took part in political life during elections, referendums, election campaigns, etc.
    • “Part-time” politicians are people who have proven themselves in political life, who took part in politics out of necessity, which did not become the main business of their lives.
    • Professional politicians are active participants in political life, professionally engaged in politics, which has become their main occupation and source of existence.
  • Slide 12

    Main stages of the election campaign

    • calling elections;
    • organization of electoral districts and precincts;
    • creation of election commissions;
    • registration of voters in accordance with the established procedure;
    • nominating candidates for elected positions;
    • pre-election campaigning (biography, program, rally, printed campaign, meeting with voters, television debates, etc.)
    • voting process at polling stations;
    • summing up voting results;
    • establishment and announcement of election results.
  • Subject: Political status of the individual.

    Repetitive and generalizing 2-hour lesson on the section "Politics"

    Target: contribute to the formation of conscious democratic political choice and readiness for the creative implementation of political roles typical for an ordinary citizen in accordance with the requirements of our time.

    Teacher's tasks:

    1. Create conditions for acquiring knowledge about the political status of an individual, forms of political participation and political culture;
    2. Activation of students' civic position;
    3. Contribute to the formation of desire and willingness to assert in one’s own practical activities democratic values ​​and norms;

    Student tasks:

    1. Mastering the basic concepts and terms of the topic;
    2. Awareness of the role of a person’s active civic position in a democratic society.

    a) identify and correctly use in oral and written speech the basic concepts and terms of the topic (political values, political status, political roles, democratic political culture, populism, political participation);

    b) name and list socio-political phenomena and objects, their essential properties;

    c) compare and explain political processes and phenomena.

    institutions and mechanisms of democratic power in Russia.

    : a lesson in learning new knowledge

    A lesson with a variety of activities.


    Lesson technology: problem-based learning.

    Means of education: ICT (Power Point presentation), didactic materials.



    Two-hour lesson for 11th grade

    Subject : Political status of the individual.

    Target: contribute to the formation of conscious democratic political choice and readiness for the creative implementation of political roles typical for an ordinary citizen in accordance with the requirements of our time.

    Teacher's tasks:

    1. Create conditions for acquiring knowledge about the political status of an individual, forms of political participation and political culture;
    2. Activation of students' civic position;
    3. Contribute to the formation of desire and readiness to affirm democratic values ​​and norms in their practical activities;

    Student tasks:

    1. Mastering the basic concepts and terms of the topic;
    2. Awareness of the role of a person’s active civic position in a democratic society.

    In accordance with new approaches in education, based on the need to develop competencies modern man, employee, citizen, and, at the same time, without deviating from the generally accepted goal-setting scheme, I consider it advisable to highlight the following in this lessongroups of goals that form:

    1. Cognitive competencies (cognitive):

    a) identify and correctly use in oral and written speech the basic concepts and terms of the topic (political values, political status, political roles, democratic political culture, populism, political participation);

    b) name and list socio-political phenomena and objects, their essential properties;

    c) compare and explain political processes and phenomena.

    2. Operational competencies (developmental):

    Operational competencies (developmental):

    a) improve the ability to independently obtain knowledge (working with documents, media, Internet materials);

    b) systematize and creatively process knowledge (filling out tables, preparing and presenting projects, analyzing and summarizing data);

    c) practice discussion skills, the ability to present one’s position in a reasoned manner (conversation, debate);

    d) demonstrate communication skills, working in a team, creating collective projects.

    3. Value competencies (educational):

    a) continue to develop an active civic position;

    b) develop a sense of responsibility for the future of their country;

    c) to form the need to express one’s judgments about the value, level and significance of socio-politicalinstitutions and mechanisms of democratic power in Russia.

    Type of lesson by educational purpose: a lesson in learning new knowledge

    Type of lesson according to delivery method:lesson with a variety of activities.

    Form of organization of educational and cognitive activities of students: group

    Lesson technology:problem-based learning.

    Means of education:ICT (Power Point presentation), didactic materials.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Political roles.

    Forms and types of political participation.

    Political status of the individual.

    1. The role of the voter.

    During the classes:

    I. Organizational moment:

    Hello, dear young people - 11th grade students, colleagues and guests of the lesson.

    My name is Irina Dashievna and before moving on to the lesson, a few words about what we will do in this lesson.

    What do we do? /SLIDE 2/

    • We will learn about the conditions and forms of political participation of citizens existing in our society;
    • Let us individualize the question of the political status of the individual and define for ourselves our civic responsibility in the democratization of society.

    HOW will we do this? /SLIDE 3/

    • We will do all this in teams, divided into groups.
    • Taking a creative approach to assignments, we will solve assignments, debate and state our position.

    And finally, why do we need all this? /SLIDE 4/

    • To feel involved in the life of your state, your people, to understand: much depends on you, citizens of Russia, in our country today.

    So, let's begin , the topic about which we met is undoubtedly one of the most pressing topics of today. Let's write it down in our notebook:

    TOPIC: Personal political status

    Teacher : Political life is dynamic and changeable. People and social groups participate in it. In the sphere of politics, an individual has rights and obligations, expressed in legal acts and characterizing legal status individuals in society.

    1. Problem conversation.

    Goal: to find out the place and role of the individual in the system of political and power relations, forms of individual participation in the political process.

    List the political rights and freedoms of a citizen?

    Suggested student answers: SLIDE 5

    • the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government;
    • unite in public organizations, including political parties;
    • hold rallies, street processions, demonstrations, pickets, subject to prior notification to the authorities;
    • send personal and collective appeals (petitions) to government bodies and officials.

    In connection with these rights, a person has political roles, name them?

    Suggested student answers:

    Voter, deputy, party member, rally participant, etc.

    SLIDE 6

    For general characteristics of all these political roles the concept is used

    "political participation".

    Political participation-this is the degree of involvement of an individual in political relations.

    SLIDE 7

    Here is the classification of M. Weber, who in the 20s. XX century defined three degrees of involvement in politics:

    1. “Accidental” politicians are people who took part in political life during elections, referendums, election campaigns, etc.
    2. “Part-time” politicians are people who have proven themselves in political life, who took part in politics out of necessity, which did not become the main business of their lives.
    3. Professional politicians are active participants in political life, professionally engaged in politics, which has become their main occupation and source of livelihood.

    You have worksheets, let's complete task No. 1 - 30 seconds.

    1. Workshop – filling out the table (task 1).

    Purpose of the task: apply knowledge and skills in a new situation.

    SLIDE 8

    Forms of political


    Types of political participation




    By number of participants

    Frequency of participation

    Participation in elections

    Let's discuss: name the form of political participation and the types in which participation can be carried out.

    Student answers:1 and 3, 2 and 4, 3 and 6 groups

    Well done, you independently revealed the types, roles and forms of political participation

    /Autonomous and mobilization types/

    1. Practical work - tasks, work with text.

    Purpose of practical work: to develop group work skills, consolidate acquired knowledge through solving cognitive problems, apply previously acquired knowledge for further generalization and systematization.

    Now we will summarize our findings and possibly supplement them by doing practical work in groups.

    Worksheet, task No. 2 – 40 sec. SLIDE 9 (Weber for 5 g.)


    1 group


    (During the discussion, students come to an answer - in the first description we are talking about constant, in the second - about one-time, in the third - about episodic political participation.)

    Group 2 SLIDE 11

    1. Participant of the arts festival.
    2. Peaceful demonstration participant

    Answers: 1,3,5,

    Group 3 SLIDE 12

    Exercise : Define the political roles of this citizen and the rights underlying their execution? (civil servant, author of a collective appeal to government bodies, voter, organizer and participant of a rally, member of a political party)

    Group 4: SLIDE 13

    ≪ ≫ .


    Group 5: SLIDE 14


    SLIDE 15

    Group 6:

    Exercise: Based on the facts presented, draw a conclusion aboutreasons for absenteeism - avoidance of participation in politics.

    Student answers

    1. Definition of the term.

    Purpose of the task : to activate the perception of educational information, to stimulate the independence of mental activity of students.

    So, reflecting on all that has been said, let’s define the concept of “personal political status” - this is….

    Suggested answer:

    Writing in a notebook: SLIDE 16

    Political status is a person’s place in the political system of society, the totality of his rights, freedoms and responsibilities, and the ability to influence the political life of society.

    SLIDE 17

    1. Educational discussion

    Target: stimulate students’ cognitive activity, evaluate the effectiveness of students’ assimilation of previous material.

    Let's discuss, before you two theses from each group, give several arguments confirming or refuting this or that point of view:

    1. An educated person always has a high political culture.
    2. Political culture is not needed, since in any political regime everything is decided by the ruling elite.

    Children's arguments


    We all want to live well. None of us wants to live poorly. Man is born for happiness, like a bird is born for flight. What does each of us dream about? What do you need most in this life?

    Conclusion: We are all very different, but we have common desires. We all strive for a happy and prosperous life.

    On whom and what does our happy and prosperous life depend on?(From ourselves, from the society in which we live, from the state, from the government that controls the state).

    Teacher: The problem of absenteeism is not only a Russian problem. Different countries They are trying to solve it in different ways.

    Regarding voting rights, as our main political right, for example, in a number of democratic countries(Italy, Belgium, etc.)There is compulsory participation in elections. Voters who do not come to the polling station on election day are subject to prosecution, including criminal liability. For evasion, they are charged a fine.

    In other countries, they raise the age limit, considering young people incapable of making important decisions.

    1. Technique: “Field of Ideas.” SLIDE 18

    Goal: activation of civic position

    Now I will ask you to think and answer this question: what can I personally do to develop a democratic political culture?

    Write down the answer on the colored sheets and please paste your answer onto this Whatman paper.

    Well, it’s great, so many bright ideas. All of them have one thing in common - love for the Motherland, the responsibility of each of us, already realized by you, for how our country and our society are developing.


    1. draw up a diagram “Political culture”.
    2. * Based on a sociological study conducted by scientists in the mid-90s, population groups that differ in relation to politics were identified.

    Interest in politics is constant; they use various sources of information to keep abreast of current events.


    They have long chosen political forces and leaders they trust and mainly monitor their activities


    They are interested in politics from time to time, mostly busy with their own affairs.


    They are not interested in politics, do not take part in political life and do not intend to take part.


    Find it difficult to determine their position.


    Based on your sociological research, prepare answers to the following questions:

    1. Has the attitude towards politics changed in our time?
    2. Has the number of people interested in politics increased or decreased?
    3. Determine the positions of each group at the beginning of this century.
    4. Give reasons for your point of view.

    Sociological research can be carried out either individually or in a group.

    7. Summing up the lesson.

    Purpose: to evaluate students' work in class.

    Thank you for your work.


    GROUP 1

    Student Worksheet

    Task No. 1

    Fill out the table by placing any sign for the correct answer (V, for example):

    Forms of political


    Types of political participation




    Citizens' reactions to impulses emanating from the political system

    Participation in elections

    Participation in the activities of political parties, organizations, movements

    Task No. 2

    a) Elected to the city council, he made every effort to fulfill the demands of voters to change the operating hours of the largest department store stores.

    b) Once he took part in the elections of district councilors and remembered this for a long time, surprised at his activity.

    c) Every time the presidential election approached, he worried, read analytical articles in newspapers, and did not miss one serious political discussion in a television studio. The elections passed, and his interest in politics declined.

    Exercise . What types of political participation correspond to each of the given characteristics?

    GROUP 2

    Student Worksheet______________________________________________________________ 11 “b” grade

    Task No. 1

    Forms of political


    Types of political participation

    /by the number of participants/



    Citizens' reactions to impulses emanating from the political system

    Participation in elections

    Participation in the activities of political parties, organizations, movements

    Task No. 2

    Indicate which of the following provisions characterize the political status of an individual:

    1. Deputy of the State Duma.
    2. Owner of a private Model House.
    3. Leader of a political party.
    4. Participant of the arts festival.
    5. Peaceful demonstration participant

    GROUP 3

    Student Worksheet______________________________________________________________ 11 “b” grade

    Task No. 1 : Fill out the table: 1) the column with an unspecified type of political participation; 2) put any sign on the correct answer (V, for example):

    Forms of political


    Types of political participation

    /frequency of participation/

    One-time participation


    Citizens' reactions to impulses emanating from the political system

    Participation in elections

    Participation in the activities of political parties, organizations, movements

    Task No. 2

    A certain twenty-two-year-old Russian, known as the author of an appeal from a group of civil servants to a higher government body with proposals for the reorganization of their institution, during the election campaign for the mayor of the city, organized a rally and spoke at it in defense of the election program of one of the candidates, a member of the party to which he himself belonged , and then voted for him at the polling station.

    Exercise : Define the political roles of this citizen and the rights underlying their execution?

    GROUP 4

    Student Worksheet______________________________________________________________ 11 “b” grade

    Task No. 1 : Fill out the table by putting any sign of the correct answer

    (V, for example):

    Forms of political


    Types of political participation




    Appeals from citizens, meetings with a political leader

    Participation in rallies, pickets, etc.

    Activities of political leaders

    Task No. 2

    The free and voluntary political participation of citizens pursuing their personal or group interests is called autonomous participation. Its opposite is mobilized participation, which is coercive in nature. For example, in the USSR, under the threat of any sanctions, citizens were obliged to participate in festive demonstrations in order to show popular unity and approval of the political line being pursued. Mobilized participation dominates in totalitarian and authoritarian political regimes, and autonomous participation dominates in democratic regimes.≪ Only in a democracy, emphasizes modern American political scientist S. Verba, does political participation become an effective mechanism through which a citizen conveys information about his interests, preferences, needs and puts pressure on those to whom this information addressed to≫ .

    Exercise: Describe autonomous and mobilizing political participation. Based on social science knowledge and your own personal experience confirm or refute the opinion of the American political scientist S. Verba

    GROUP 5

    Student Worksheet______________________________________________________________ 11 “b” grade

    Task No. 1 : Fill out the table: 1) the column with an unspecified type of political participation; 2) put any sign on the correct answer (V, for example):

    Forms of political


    Types of political participation

    /by the number of participants/



    Appeals from citizens, meetings with a political leader

    Participation in rallies, pickets, etc.

    Activities of political leaders

    Task No. 2

    You have probably been convinced more than once that, having equal legal opportunities, people get involved in politics in different ways. Depending on the degree of participation in it, scientists distinguish five personality types:

    1. The personality of an activist / characterized by high political activity, constant interest in political problems and awareness of them /.

    2. A person who occasionally takes part in politics/shows interest in politics is well informed, but due to certain personal circumstances

    (lack of free time, illness, etc.) participates only in elections and individual political actions/.

    3. The personality of a political observer with varying levels of competence, who does not always show interest in politics and does not personally participate in it.

    4. Passive personality with a neutral, indifferent attitude towards politics.

    politics, not interested in it and knowing little about it. Such a person is not a subject of politics.

    Exercise: Compare the modern classification with the classification of M. Weber. Do you find similarities and differences?

    GROUP 6

    Student Worksheet______________________________________________________________ 11 “b” grade

    Task No. 1 : Fill out the table: 1) the column with an unspecified type of political participation; 2) put any sign on the correct answer (V, for example):

    Forms of political


    Types of political participation

    /frequency of participation/

    One-time participation


    Appeals from citizens, meetings with a political leader

    Participation in rallies, pickets, etc.

    Activities of political leaders

    Task No. 2

    Political competence is directly related to education. According to sociologists, more educated people are more active politically. Moreover, the influence of the education factor turns out to be higher than income level or profession.

    Interest in politics has a lot to do with meeting human needs. Needs, as you know, form a hierarchy. Socio-economic (material) needs are considered the lowest. This is followed by the needs for security (legal protection), social and political identity (identifying oneself with a particular social group). The highest needs are considered to be the desire for self-affirmation (increasing one’s social status) and self-realization (realization in the political sphere of one’s creative abilities and value orientations).

    In a society in which the most basic human needs are not satisfied, political participation will be determined not by the desire for creative self-realization, but by unsatisfied socio-economic needs and

    the need for legal protection. It is no coincidence that the majority of Russian citizens are included in politics under the slogans of increasing living standards, social protection, and the fight against crime.

    Taking a creative approach to assignments, we will solve assignments, discuss and state our position.

    To feel involved in the life of your state, your people.

    POLITICAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF A CITIZEN the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government; unite in public organizations, including political parties; hold rallies, street processions, demonstrations, pickets, subject to prior notification to the authorities; send personal and collective appeals (petitions) to government bodies and officials. 5

    POLITICAL ROLES VOTER DEPUTY POLITICAL LEADER PARTY MEMBER RALLY PARTICIPANT Political participation is the degree of involvement of an individual in political relations

    Forms of political participation Types of political participation By the number of participants Frequency of participation Citizens’ reaction to impulses emanating from the political system Participation in elections Participation in the activities of political parties, organizations, movements Appeals from citizens, meetings with a political leader Participation in rallies, pickets, etc. Activities of political leaders

    CLASSIFICATION OF M. WEBER “Occasional” politicians are people who took part in political life during elections, referendums, election campaigns, etc. “Part-time” politicians are people who have proven themselves in political life, who took part in politics out of necessity, which did not become the main business of their lives. Professional politicians are active participants in political life, professionally engaged in politics, which has become their main occupation and source of existence.

    GROUP 1 a) Elected to the city duma, K. made every effort to fulfill the demands of voters to change the operating hours of the largest department store stores. b) Once I. took part in the elections of district councilors and remembered this for a long time, surprised at his activity. c) Every time the presidential elections approached, V. worried, read analytical articles in newspapers, and did not miss one serious political discussion in a television studio. The elections passed, and his interest in politics declined. Exercise. What types of political participation correspond to each of the given characteristics?

    GROUP 2 Indicate which of the following provisions characterize the political status of an individual: 1. Deputy of the State Duma. 2. Owner of a private Model House. 3. Head of a political party. 4. Participant of the arts festival. 5. Participant in a peaceful demonstration

    3 GROUP A certain twenty-two-year-old Russian, known as the author of an appeal from a group of civil servants to a higher government body with proposals for the reorganization of their institution, during the election campaign for the mayor of the city organized a rally and spoke at it in defense of the election program of one of the candidates, a member of the party to which belonged himself, and then voted for him at the polling station. Assignment: Determine the political roles of this citizen and the rights underlying their execution?

    GROUP 4: “Only in a democracy,” emphasizes modern American political scientist S. Verba, “political participation becomes an effective mechanism through which a citizen transmits information about his interests, preferences, needs and puts pressure on those to whom this information is addressed.” Assignment: Describe autonomous and mobilizing political participation. Based on social science knowledge and your personal experience, confirm or refute the opinion of the American political scientist S. Verba

    5 GROUP. POLITICAL PARTICIPATION MODERN CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO M. Weber 1. Personality of an activist Politicians “on occasion” 2. Personality who takes occasional part in politics Politicians “part-time” 3. Personality of a political observer with varying levels of competence, not always showing interest in politics and not personally participating in it. Professional politicians 4. A passive person with a neutral, indifferent attitude towards politics, not interested in it and knowing little about it.

    Absenteeism - avoidance of participation in politics

    POLITICAL STATUS IS a person’s place in the political system of society; the totality of his rights, freedoms and obligations; the opportunity to influence the political life of society.

    An educated person always has a high political culture. Political culture is not needed, since in any political regime everything is decided by the ruling elite.

    What can I personally do to develop a democratic political culture in Russia?

    HOMEWORK: 1) Make a diagram of “Political culture”. 2) Creative task. Sociological research. The main question: has the number of citizens interested in politics increased or decreased (compared to the results of research by scientists in the 90s).