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What sport is best for children? We choose a sport for a child, taking into account his character, physique, temperament and state of health. How to help your child choose a sport

All parents, without exception, want their children to be healthy and comprehensively developed, so from an early age they send them to various sections. But which sports to choose? For children of different ages, there are certain directions that are recommended to be followed.

How to choose a sport?

IN modern world Many children are hypermobile and restless. However, currently the planet is enveloped in information technologies, which take up all the child’s free time. That is why today the issue of luring children into sports sections is so urgent.

In young organisms, energy flows like a fountain. Parents often fail to cope with it, which is where quarrels and prohibitions arise. Therefore, the child so needs active entertainment (sports). Species today number in the dozens. However, before choosing a section, it is important to understand whether the child will be able to withstand the load, whether he will be interested, and whether there will be enough free time for it.

It's no secret that any kind of sports for children is very important from a medical point of view. Active exercise helps strengthen the immune system and make the body healthy. Scientists have proven that sports reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 50%. The advantage is that a child can train at school, in special sections, and just on the street or at home.

Sports by age

Many parents want their children to realize the dream of their youth: to become famous gymnasts, runners, hockey players or football players. However, when choosing a section, you should rely only on the desires of the child himself, as well as on his state of health. If a child has problems with the respiratory system, then he should not be sent to athletics or winter sports. To such children would be better suited swimming or horse riding.

It will also be useful to know what age criteria exist. Starting from 3 years old, children are only shown swimming or gymnastics. After a year, you can send your child to a section on ballroom dancing, figure skating, tennis or hockey. At the age of 5 years, martial arts such as wushu and karate are allowed.

It is recommended that first-graders be enrolled in acrobatics or football sections. Many experts are sure that it is at this age that children are best taught skiing. At the age of 9, basketball, volleyball, cycling and even biathlon are allowed. Closer to 4th grade, children can begin to show good results in athletics, boxing, fencing, horse riding.

Team events

This category of sport is best suited for children aged 5 years and older. Team sports help not only to develop speed, endurance and reaction, but also improve communication skills. Working in a group makes boys and girls communicate more, be more united, and more friendly. In addition, such sports for children are important from an emotional point of view. In a team it is easier to cope with defeats and more pleasant to rejoice at successes.

Whether it's football, hockey or some other team sport, it helps strengthen the visual system, the musculoskeletal system, and helps improve the functioning of the heart and lungs. Also one of the advantages is the relatively inexpensive equipment, with the only exception being hockey. Many orthopedists and pediatricians believe that football and basketball are best views sports for children from 5 to 7 years old. The downside is the relatively high risk of injury.

Team sports for children are contraindicated for those who have flat feet, asthma, fragility of the cervical spine, or peptic ulcers.

Martial arts

Boxing, karate, judo, aikido, sambo - these sports (see photo below) are contraindicated for children under 5 years of age. The main advantages of martial arts are the development of flexibility, endurance, quick reaction and precision of movements. Thanks to these sports, a young body develops strong spirit, which can subsequently manifest itself in life in the form of self-defense.

Martial arts help to release excess energy, aggression, emotions, teach self-control, and strengthen the immune system. Like team sports, these sports have an extremely high risk of injury. Both boys and girls can practice martial arts equally, since each child finds something especially interesting and useful during training.

The main contraindications to martial arts are diseases of the spine and heart.

Swimming (pool)

Allowed for children from 3 years old. This is where the child’s muscular system is finally formed. As you know, water helps develop and strengthen the body, as well as improve blood circulation. Among other things, these sports normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and strengthen the body. Children with diseases such as scoliosis, diabetes, myopia and obesity, attending physicians must prescribe regular visits to the pool.

It is worth noting that parents are attracted to swimming because of its budget component. For this sport, you practically do not need to purchase any equipment except swimming trunks (swimsuit) and a special protective cap. The only possible downside to swimming is the quality of the water. If it is not filtered regularly and copiously “cleaned” with chlorine solution, then children may develop allergic reactions or bacterial diseases.

Contraindications: chronic otitis media, skin rash.


Such olympic events sports (see pictures for children below), such as running, javelin throwing and many others, are allowed from the age of 10, although many experts are confident that they will be useful even for first-graders.

Athletics allows you to strengthen the muscular and skeletal systems, build strength, agility, the will to win, and speed. To practice these sports you do not need any special skills or expensive equipment. In addition, it is not necessary to train in specific sections or in the gym. A yard or park is ideal for running, and the same goes for jumping types.

Unfortunately, the statistics recent years shows that children are less and less interested in athletics school age. The only type of it that is still popular is shuttle running. However, it is also in demand among adults, as it allows you to lose extra pounds and achieve optimal shape.

These for children have the following contraindications: heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes.

Gymnastics and dancing

These types are incredibly popular among girls. Gymnastics is indicated for children from 3 years old, dancing - from 4. All these sports (see photo below) help the child develop not only flexibility and graceful movements, but also endurance and correct posture.

Gymnastics allows children to discover their true creative potential. However, parents should immediately be warned that it is considered one of the most traumatic sports. This is why many parents choose to send their children to dance.

Ballet is separate from dance. He teaches the child to control his body. This is a very graceful and elegant dance, which is indicated for children with increased nervous excitability. It should be noted that ballet is allowed for constant training only from 10 years of age.

Gymnastics has few contraindications: scoliosis, heart disease and myopia.

Skis and skates

Winter sports for children are allowed from 5 years old, but there are exceptions. You can start teaching figure skating to a child who attends a preschool group. As for skiing, they are shown only from 9-10 years old.

Winter sports for children are good for the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and immunity. Figure skating allows you to develop grace, endurance, and artistry in a young body. Skiing is useful for osteochondrosis and metabolic failure.

The disadvantages are quite expensive equipment and the need for specific weather conditions. Winter species are contraindicated for children with lung diseases and myopia.


Many experts are confident that a child can engage in this sport already at the moment when he is able to firmly hold a racket in his hand. Approximate age: from 4 years.

Tennis develops dexterity and reaction in children, strengthens the spirit, forms the will and desire to win, normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system and improves coordination. Many parents strive to give their child to a sport that can bring material benefits in the future. In the modern world, tennis is just that. Today, professional tournaments have very large prize money.

Tennis is suitable for ambitious and very active children with good coordination skills. Contraindications apply only to diseases such as asthma, fragility of the spine, and flat feet.

Horseback riding

This specific sport has recently become increasingly popular among young people, but children also have considerable interest in it, primarily related to horses. The permissible age for starting riding is 10 years.

This sport does not require any physical activity, but it forces all muscles to work hard, especially the legs and back. Horseback riding is used in the prevention of mental disorders and cerebral palsy, as it gives children unforgettable emotions from interacting with horses. In addition, such classes are often prescribed to their patients by neurologists. It has been proven that while riding a horse, children calm down and gain self-confidence.

Sports tourism

This type does not require long training, although it is a little expensive in terms of equipment. Clean air always has an amazing miraculous effect on the human body, and for a child it is absolutely necessary, especially for his respiratory system.

Walking along forest paths, mountainous areas and river mouths will not only broaden children's horizons, but will also give them a boost of emotions and vigor for the entire next month. Sports tourism develops endurance, hardening, strengthens the muscular and respiratory systems, improves blood supply to the brain.

Our children today are so active and restless that many parents often think about where to direct their endless energy in order to use it for peaceful purposes. There is only one way out - of course, into sports! Fortunately, the types of sports for children today are so diverse that this is not difficult to do - in any school there is a huge number of a wide variety of sports sections, and there is no talk at all about houses of additional education, and even more so about private clubs. By sending your child to a sports club, you not only keep his spirit and body cheerful, but also teach him self-control, discipline and, of course, make his body stronger and healthier. Indeed, according to statistics, children who are actively involved in sports get sick less, suffer less often from cardiovascular diseases, and do not have excess weight and problems with the spine. Such children are more active, sociable and always have a positive attitude. They are busy, get along well in a team, and are less likely to encounter interpersonal problems.

But how to choose the direction of the sports section so that the child likes it and benefits him? If you hope to raise a professional athlete, you need to undergo special diagnostics as early as possible to identify a suitable sport for your child with the help of professionals. If you need sports for children to support their health and physical development, go to absolutely any section. The basis in this case should be the desire of the child himself, his well-being, and, of course, the opportunities that you have. The most important thing is that the child should not have any medical contraindications to certain physical exercises, so first consult with a pediatrician, and then with a club teacher who knows better the specifics of the sport he teaches. But in no case should you embody your unfulfilled fantasies and dreams in your children. When choosing the direction of a sports club, be guided not by personal preferences, but by the child’s passions, interests and desires, as well as his characteristics and temperament.

Team sports for children.

These are sections for football, hockey, basketball, volleyball and the like. They are great for sociable and very active child. If your baby, on the contrary, is too uptight and shy, this will develop some communication skills in him, because they all require activity, mobility, as well as mutual understanding and trust of the team. Cohesion, a sense of personal responsibility and mutual support are components of any of these sports. Thanks to football, your child will perfectly develop the muscles of the lower extremities. Volleyball will teach you to be agile and fast. It will have a beneficial effect on posture. And hockey and basketball will relieve problems with breathing and the cardiovascular system. However, if a future athlete has an ulcer, flat feet, problems with the spine, suffers from myopia or bronchial asthma, it is not worth attending such classes. It is better to turn your attention to other sports for children. Keep in mind that children are recruited into the hockey team from about 4 years of age. You can play football from 6-7 years old. And they can only join the basketball and volleyball sections from the age of 8.

Individual sports for children.

Any of the sports described in detail below accustoms children to discipline, teaches independent activity and develops in them a sense of responsibility, internal motivation and serious attitude to the point.

Swimming. There are no contraindications to swimming lessons, other than open wounds, skin diseases and eye problems. Therefore, almost all children can go swimming, and going to the pool is beneficial even for infants. Swimming sections recruit children from 3-4 years old. Swimming will strengthen your baby, develop posture and strengthen muscles. The pool is very useful for overweight children and those who have scoliosis and even diabetes. Swimming lessons will improve blood circulation, improve lung function and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Martial arts. Sections such as karate, wushu, sambo, Greco-Roman wrestling, hand-to-hand combat and similar types of combat are quite common among boys and even girls. The ability to stand up for yourself and protect a friend are always valuable and relevant things. All martial arts They perfectly develop the child’s reaction, increase his self-esteem, responsibility, and improve him physically and spiritually. Almost all such sections are taken mainly from 6-7 years old, boxing - only from 10, but karate often includes children as young as 4 years old.

Dancing. This sport is very diverse and includes a huge number of different styles, from Russian folk dances to aerobics and breaking. All of them develop correct and beautiful posture, coordination of movements and plasticity. In addition, they discipline, help children unite and find new friends with similar interests.

Gymnastics. Just like acrobatics, it is a very beautiful and popular sport, especially among girls. Such activities make your posture correct and your movements graceful. Work with children in these sections begins at the age of 4. But children with myopia and scoliosis should not do gymnastics. Gymnastics, acrobatics and trampolining can be either separate sections or one, which will certainly include certain exercises. All of them teach children to navigate in space, control their body and move to the beat of music. Such gymnastic exercises They perfectly develop the child’s vestibular apparatus and strengthen all his muscle groups.

Athletics. What sports should you choose for children if they don’t stand still for a second, but constantly run around and jump? Perhaps such children will be interested in athletics. This can be distance running, race walking, long or high jumps, and even throwing a javelin, hammer or discus. Children from 7 years old and with completely different physical characteristics are taken here. This sport is accessible to almost everyone, provided there is desire, responsibility and hard work, and the proposed loads can be varied thanks to the huge variety of athletics exercises.

Tennis. Probably, along with horse riding, this is the most fashionable sport today. Tennis affects the development of reactions, improving coordination of movements, agility and endurance. It improves respiratory system, and strengthen all the child’s muscles. However, it also has contraindications: flat feet, myopia, problems with the cervical vertebrae and stomach ulcers. You can start practicing this sport as early as 9-10 years old.

Horseback riding. Or in other words - equestrian sport. He doesn't mean big physical exercise, however, it involves fairly active work of all muscles, especially the back, lower legs and hips. Horse riding is beneficial for children with cerebral palsy. Periodic communication with horses is a great help for any nervous disorders, and simply gives positive emotions and teaches love. As a rule, such sections recruit children from 10 years old. Unfortunately, their cost is not acceptable for everyone, and besides, there are not many such sections in our country.

Skis. In addition to skiing in the traditional sense, alpine skiing, snowboarding, and ski jumping are quite common. Children are accepted into such sections starting from the age of 10, however, children can start using regular skis at the age of 2-3. Increased immunity, excellent conditioning, strengthening the muscles of the arms and legs, development of movement coordination - all this will be provided to your child when practicing winter sports.

Figure skating. This sport, beloved by many, has an excellent effect on the formation of the musculoskeletal system, greatly increases the endurance of children and has a great effect on the performance of their body. Classes in this section will help cope with problems of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. However, contraindications may include lung diseases, flat feet, myopia and asthma. Figure skating begins at the age of 4.

Absolutely all types of sports for children are useful for their physical development, as well as for their spiritual and psychological education. Of course, the choice of a sports section for a child is influenced by the capabilities of the parents and the presence of one or another section in the city in which he lives. However, it is very important that the child engages in sports that he would like, so that he does it with initiative, interest and desire.

When a child turns 5 or 6 years old, parents begin to think about choosing a sports section. In diversity various types training, it is difficult to choose an option that will not only please the child, but will also improve his health. To make an informed and safe choice for your baby, read our selection guide sports activities for preschool children.

Children's sports with health benefits

Before sending your child to the sports section, Take him to see a specialist. In this case, it is better to choose a doctor at a sports club rather than a local pediatrician, since the therapist does not always know the specifics of individual types of stress. Only after securing the doctor’s approval can you plan your training schedule.

  1. Any serious problems with the respiratory or circulatory system may be a contraindication to active sports. If a child has high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm or bronchial asthma, physical therapy is ideal for him.
  2. When choosing a sport, consider existing chronic diseases child. If a child has poor vision, neither contact martial arts nor outdoor games such as volleyball, basketball or football are suitable for him.
  3. If the baby often catches colds and suffers from respiratory diseases, any sports that require prolonged contact with cold air, be it skiing, skating or hockey, are contraindicated for him. Swimming in the pool is not suitable for those suffering from chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis. Children with diseases of the genitourinary system should refrain from water sports.
  4. At the age of 5-6 years, children should not engage in sports that may lead to improper muscle formation in case of improper training. Such sports include, for example, badminton and big.

You should not force your child to train intensively from preschool age. A fragile, growing body reacts negatively to excessive stress caused by an improper training regimen. If your child gets tired quickly, is capricious for no reason, is easily distracted and does not sleep well, think about reducing sports activity or changing the coach.

Any active activity can be beneficial for your baby's health, but it can be improved if done outdoors. Outdoor activities will bring maximum benefits to your child. Perfectly strengthens the immune system and swimming in the pool. Sports activities that take place in spacious, well-ventilated areas are always preferable to small gyms without exhaust hood. This opinion is shared by expert Yulia Ermak, whose video you can watch on our channel.

What to look for when choosing a sports section?

  • First of all, The child must have a desire to play sports. Knowing which section is right for your preschooler can be difficult. Show him videos of various sports competitions, tell him about the rules and advantages. This will help the baby decide.
  • Secondly, take into account the physical and psychological characteristics of your preschooler. If he is short, don't try to sign him up for volleyball or basketball. An overweight child should not be sent to or. Such activities will only ingrain complexes in the child’s psyche due to the fact that you have placed him in obviously unfavorable conditions.
  • A successful choice of section also depends on child's character. Sociable kids will have fun playing in a team. If your little one likes to be the center of attention, athletics will suit him, because he won’t have to share his victory with anyone. For introverted and shy children, individual sports such as swimming, tennis, and gymnastics would be an ideal choice.
  • The third important factor when choosing a section is good coach. He must combine the ability to teach and knowledge of child psychology. It is not always possible for a renowned athlete to find a common language with children and create a comfortable atmosphere for them to develop. Attend the classes of the selected trainer before enrolling your child in his group. Chat with the mothers of other children who are already working with this coach and find out their opinion.
  • Consider also location of the sports school. Ideally, it should be close to home or kindergarten, so that the child spends less time on the road and can get home from training faster. On the other hand, location should not be a deciding factor if the child is not suitable for the sports or coaches of the nearest children's sports club.
  • remember, that Some sports require significant investment in equipment. For example, if your daughter will be participating in dance competitions, she will need shoes and costumes. If you are not ready for additional expenses, choose sections that do not require special equipment.

Which sports section should I choose for a 5-6 year old child?

  • Swimming- one of the most gentle and beneficial sports for children's health. Children can swim from the first days of life, so at the age of 5 or 6 years nothing will stop them from starting to visit the pool. When choosing a pool, pay attention to the administration’s attitude towards the medical certificates required for admission to the water. Before purchasing a subscription, it is also worth studying the condition of the sports complex, the temperature of the water and the quality of its purification.
  • Active, sociable boys are ideally suited for classes or basketball, or volleyball. All these sports have a general strengthening effect on the growing body, strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, develop dexterity and increase reaction speed. Playing in a team also develops communication skills and promotes better adaptation to a new team. On the other hand, team sports can be quite traumatic, so you will need to spend money on quality equipment: comfortable sports shoes and protective equipment.
  • Martial arts, be it or martial arts, will allow the child to throw out excess energy and gain useful self-defense skills. Contrary to popular belief, such sections are suitable not only for boys, but also for girls. Martial arts develop dexterity and coordination, and increase reaction speed. Breathing practices of martial arts serve to prevent colds and soothe nervous system. The high risk of injury can be minimized by wearing protective equipment.
  • perfectly develops flexibility and grace, guarantees good posture. Such activities are suitable for artistic children who like to express themselves in movement. As a less traumatic alternative to gymnastics, you can choose sports or ballroom dancing.
  • Any disciplines athletics strengthen the muscular and skeletal systems, develop agility, speed and strength. However, monotonous workouts can quickly get boring for kids, so such sections are only suitable for really enthusiastic and purposeful children.
  • Winter sports, such as and, strengthen the immune system due to hardening and develop endurance. Such sections are suitable for children who can easily tolerate the cold. The disadvantages of the classes are the high level of trauma and the high cost of equipment.
  • Suitable for ambitious babes who love to win. Classes will improve coordination and dexterity, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the respiratory system. Unfortunately, the cost of training is usually very high.

Your child has grown up, become more active and independent, and you have decided to enroll him in one of the sports sections. However, you are faced with a difficult question - which one? After all, firstly, preschoolers are not accepted into all sections. Secondly, if you are guided by your preferences, you would be happy to send your child, for example, to hockey. But, unfortunately, your child is a girl! Or, for example, have you dreamed of playing chess all your life, but your son is too active and cannot sit still for five minutes? How to choose the right section for a child? This is what we will talk about today.

Features of choosing a sport for a child: how to take into account body type, health and temperament when selecting a section?

Take a closer look at your child's body type. Determine its type. This is very important, because in different types sport has certain requirements. For example, tall height is important for basketball. But in gymnastics, tall height can become a hindrance. Are you worried that your child is prone to obesity? Overweight children first need to get involved in sports. In the section they will lose weight and increase their self-esteem. Let's look at how to determine what body type a child belongs to.

How to choose a sports section based on your child’s body type?

Asthenoid type

The child is thin, has long legs, and narrow shoulders and chest. The child slouches, shy of unfamiliar company. Such children achieve success in gymnastics, basketball, golf, cycling .

Thoracic type

Children of this physique are characterized by mobility and activity. They have well-developed shoulder girdles and chests, and fairly wide hips. All sports that develop endurance are suitable for them. They love speed. For example, they make good football players, hockey players, skiers, figure skaters, kayakers .

Muscle type

It is characterized by a massive skeleton and well-developed muscle mass. Such children can be safely enrolled in sections weightlifting and water floor . They will achieve results by playing hockey.

Digestive type

Children with this physique are not tall, they have a well-developed chest, and there are deposits of fat mass. They are a little clumsy and slow. Sections are perfect for such children athletic gymnastics, shooting, throwing.

We've sorted out body type, now let's move on to temperament. After all, it depends on him whether your child will like the section and what sporting successes he will achieve in the future. A special Eysenck test will help determine.

How to take into account a child’s temperament when choosing a sports section?

  • If your child is sanguine, a leader by nature, a section may suit him fencing or karate.
  • Emotional choleric people most suitable team sports.
  • Phlegmatic people will be willing to play chess, study gymnastics or figure skating.
  • Melancholic will captivate sailing, rowing and shooting.

The health status of your child must also be taken into account. Not all sports are suitable for children with existing health problems. For example, myopic children should not be sent to volleyball, football, basketball, and tennis sections. Playing hockey is not recommended for children with a history of chronic diseases. Figure skating is contraindicated for children with pulmonary diseases or pleural diseases.

Before assigning your child to participate in a particular section, we strongly advise you to consult with his or her doctor.

What sport is suitable for a boy 5-7 years old: types of sections, pros and cons

Review of sports sections for boys 5-7 years old: pros, cons

Kind of sport pros Minuses
Figure skating

The optimal age (if you want to engage in this sport professionally) is from 4 to 6 years.

This sport is suitable for almost all children who do not have a history of diseases such as: asthma, lung disease, myopia.

You should not send children with a weak nervous system or vestibular disorders to the figure skating section.

This sport develops coordination of movements and flexibility.

Strengthens ligaments and muscles.

Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Boosts immunity and improves blood circulation.

The child becomes resilient and efficient.

This sport is considered traumatic.

Figure skating is a rather expensive sport. As a rule, all equipment is purchased at the expense of the parents.


The optimal age to start is 4 to 5 years.

Suitable for almost all children. Of course, not everyone will become champions, but everyone will strengthen their nervous system and back muscles.

It is not advisable to enroll children who have had seizures in the section.

Swimming will strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, and strengthen your child.

Children who require a rehabilitation course after injuries and operations can be enrolled in this section.

Swimming is an excellent prevention of all spinal diseases.

Chlorinated pool water can cause allergies.

At first, it is possible that the child will get colds more often.

Sometimes children develop chronic rhinitis.

Horseback Riding

You can start riding horses after 6 years of age.

Horseback riding is not recommended for children with heart disease, thrombosis, or diseases of the pelvic organs.

“Hippodrome therapy” is widely used for therapeutic purposes after injuries and is recommended for children with cerebral palsy and children suffering from autism.

Horseback riding develops the muscles of the back and legs.

Improves coordination. It has a powerful relaxing effect and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

There are practically no downsides. Perhaps the equipment is not too cheap.

Officially, boys over 5 years of age are accepted into the section.

Children with myopia, heart disease (congenital and acquired defects), and spinal diseases should not play hockey. Playing hockey has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, and improves immunity.

Children who play hockey practically do not get colds, they are brave and sociable.

Hockey is a dangerous sport.

Hockey lessons take a lot of time. Equipment for children is expensive.

Martial arts

The optimal age to start practicing martial arts is 6 years old.

This sport is contraindicated for children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, spinal diseases, vision problems and musculoskeletal problems. Eastern martial arts allow you to gain the necessary self-defense skills and forget about all your fears and phobias. The child becomes bold and courageous.

Thanks to classes, active physical development child, his immunity is strengthened.

There is a risk of injury. Important right choice trainer.
Acrobatics Acrobatics classes are contraindicated for children with scoliosis or severe myopia. It is not recommended to enroll children suffering from epilepsy, heart disease, or asthma in the acrobatics section. Acrobatics promotes the harmonious development of the body.

Strengthens and normalizes metabolism.

Allows you to get rid of clumsiness and trains the vestibular apparatus. Develops all muscle groups.

Risk of injury. As a rule, these are bruises, sprains, dislocations.

What sport should a 5-7 year old girl participate in?

Sports for girls 5-7 years old

Sports for girls Who is this sport suitable for? pros Minuses

Real rhythmic gymnastics classes begin at the age of 5-7 years.

Rhythmic gymnastics is not physical therapy, so children with excess weight and scoliosis will not be enrolled in this section. Gymnastics perfectly disciplines children and provides general physical training.

Rhythmic gymnastics strengthens the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, improves immunity, and stabilizes metabolism.

This sport teaches you to listen and hear music and develops taste. The gymnasts have a beautiful figure, correct posture, and flexible movements.

Risk of injury.

It is officially believed that girls can start playing this sport at the age of 10.

Not recommended for: children with problems with the spine, heart, or respiratory system. Harmonious muscle development, proper breathing, flexibility and agility. A dangerous sport.
Swimming There are no restrictions. Swimming allows you to correct your posture, learn to breathe correctly, improves immunity, and improves blood circulation. Chlorinated pool water can cause allergic reactions.

It is considered a one-sided sport. Therefore, it is recommended that girls start playing this sport no earlier than 11 years old. Otherwise, one side of the body will be developed more than the other. Of course, there are plenty of exercises to avoid this, but is it worth the rush?

Girls can be enrolled in tennis at 4 and 6 years old. But these will be developmental and health-improving activities.

It is not recommended to send children with spinal problems, peptic ulcers, flat feet, or neurological diseases to tennis. Tennis makes the body flexible, strengthens joints and the cardiovascular system.

Develops flexibility, speed, and intuition in children. Tennis is a non-traumatic sport.

A financially expensive sport. Coaching sessions are expensive.
Figure skating

From the age of 4-5, girls are willingly accepted into the sections.

Girls with flat feet, neurological problems, poor eyesight, or pulmonary diseases should not be enrolled in the figure skating section. Exercises can strengthen the immune system, increase endurance, and improve blood circulation. Figure skating improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Expensive sport. Quite traumatic.

You can start mastering the intellectual game at the age of 4-5 years.

There are practically no contraindications. However, a girl who is too active - an emotional choleric person - is unlikely to be carried away by sitting for a long time at the chessboard. Chess develops in children such skills as: independence, perseverance, ability to analyze and make decisions. Excellent development of analytical thinking. There are no cons.

When choosing one or another, try to take into account all the features of his character and temperament. But remember, sport is simply necessary for the development of a healthy and harmonious personality.

Nowadays, all parents know that sport is good for health and, in particular, that it is necessary for the harmonious development of a child.

a) A child who plays sports has better health. Physical exercise causes profuse sweating, facilitating and accelerating the elimination of toxins that poison the body. Sport also has a beneficial effect on the oxygenation of red blood cells and on digestion. A child who plays sports grows better - he has a good appetite and assimilates food better.

b) A child who plays sports is more physically balanced

  • strong muscles
  • flexible joints
  • straight back
  • slim stomach
  • slimmer waist
  • more graceful movements
  • best reflexes

and mentally

  • self-control
  • equilibrium
  • willingness to compete

c) You should choose the sport that is most suitable for the child. We don't intend to talk too much about sports; we have neither the space nor the proper training for this. The school doctor, sports therapist, and physical education teacher can determine whether a child is capable of participating in a particular sport; In the case of children who require rehabilitation exercises, prescriptions are developed in collaboration with a neuropsychiatrist and a specialist in sports medicine.

The age between 6 and 11 years is the period when a child’s physical capabilities flourish. The purpose of physical exercise is not the accumulation of strength, but the development of “maintenance tone,” that is, the hardening of the muscles to make them capable of supporting and helping the harmonious development of the skeleton.

Sports - the best remedy combating the disadvantages of school life, especially against spinal curvature, which is an occupational ailment for schoolchildren (80% of them suffer from this).

d) Specialization should be avoided. You cannot engage in only one sport, as this favors the development of certain parts of the body at the expense of others.

Any child should not be allowed to devote himself to competition. If any sport, even the healthiest one, is practiced intensively in childhood, in the midst of growth, this has an adverse effect on the overall harmonious development of the body.

Only completely exceptional cases Intensive training for competition is allowed for individuals (with a special calling and physical and mental endurance).

d) Mostly, Strength exercises are prohibited. If they are practiced too regularly, such exercises greatly develop the muscles. Overdeveloped muscles, instead of promoting growth, slow it down: they lose their extensibility, cannot accompany the impulse of bone lengthening, slow down and sometimes even block it. Therefore, you should exclude weights and anything that forces your muscles to work hard. There is a danger of turning such children into small, stocky, overly muscular creatures.

f) The child should get enough rest. The schoolwork itself is already quite labor-intensive, so the child should not be burdened with extracurricular activities. Some thoughtfully chosen sport is sufficient.

Physical education lessons should not result in excessive fatigue due to a busy schedule or a long journey. Before you start playing sports, you should consult your doctor. Some sports that are excellent for healthy children may be completely contraindicated in cases of heart, lung or spine disease.

Athletics is a good preparatory basis for all sports. It develops flexibility and resistance, balances the nervous system, and makes all the muscles of the body work harmoniously. Contrary to what some parents believe, athletics is quite suitable for girls who get a good figure from it. Running is an excellent exercise for breathing, blood circulation, for all the muscles of the body and one of the best growth stimuli.

Throwing develops agility, concentration and detenta (discharge). Shot put is not recommended for girls at an early age, as it requires too masculine gestures. But discus throwing is quite suitable for them.

Jumping develops elasticity, promotes the formation of thin and long muscles, hardens the ankles and strengthens the ankle joints.

Swimming Recommended for both boys and girls. Of all the sports, swimming is the most comprehensive. Its main disadvantage is that it is practiced most of the year in indoor pools. It should be supplemented with activities in clean air.

Swimming develops exceptional breathing ability, straightens the back, and strengthens the muscles that support the spine. Breaststroke and backstroke styles are excellent exercises for correcting some back curvatures. But the “crawl” style (the legs move in a different rhythm than the arms and head, being in the water as much as possible) is not recommended.

Swimming promotes muscle growth in length and extension. For girls with red shins and stiff, thick joints, repeated kicking in the water is especially helpful. For boys, swimming broadens the shoulders and narrows the hips; for girls, it promotes the formation of a beautiful bust.

There is a widespread fear among parents of germs in swimming pool water. In this regard, the danger is low, since the water is controlled and under the supervision of the State Sanitary Inspectorate. The only danger comes from disinfectants for children with sensitive eyes; They are advised to wear special, tight-fitting glasses.

Skating Recommended from 5-6 years old for girls and boys. It can be started earlier; In Sweden, children learn to skate at the same time as walking. This sport develops dexterity, balance, mastery of gestures, affects the muscles of the legs and thighs and the silhouette. For young children this is an excellent preparatory exercise for skiing.

Skis. Mountain children start skiing early. Ski training can begin by age 6. The best age for learning is considered to be 10-11 years old.

The benefits of skiing are primarily beneficial influence mountain climate. From a physical exercise standpoint, skiing engages every muscle in the body and builds balance and confidence. This is an excellent tool for hardening and getting used to the cold.

Many parents want to make their child a little champion; let them not forget that by subjecting it to too much effort they risk overworking the heart.

Bike. Until the age of 8, cycling should be limited to driving around gardens, parks or riding on the sidewalks of streets around the house. Starting from 8-9 years old, the child can be allowed longer walks. Only by the age of 12 are longer routes (more than 10 km) allowed.

Bicycling is a double-edged sport. If it is practiced as a game, there is no objection to it. Cycling develops resistance and is an ideal gymnastics for the legs and thighs (including the hip, knee, and ankle joints). However, if it is practiced as a competitive sport, a number of negative phenomena arise, such as excessive development of the legs at the expense of the rest of the body, up to inhibition of growth. The abdominal muscles do not work at all, the chest does not develop, and the respiratory capacity does not increase. Cycling is also not recommended for children with certain spinal curvatures.

Football Recommended for boys over 12 years of age. All 6-7 year old boys have fun kicking a ball: they call it “football”. This type of play, which makes them run, breathe, and expend energy, is excellent for children and should not be prohibited.

When it comes to actual football training, some caution must be exercised. This sport develops more of the lower body at the expense of the upper body. During a soccer game, participants run a lot, but stop-and-go sprints, unlike athletic running, develop muscles more in terms of strength than elongation.

A child who plays too much soccer will end up with overly muscular thighs, which is not conducive to lengthening of the lower limbs (as is the case with cycling).

Ball games(volleyball, handball, basketball). For both boys and girls, volleyball begins relatively early; for basketball, minimum age is 9 years. The latter should be practiced moderately, as it is a big burden on cardiovascular functions.

These sports are especially beneficial for boys and girls between 12 and 16 years of age. It is a sport of elongation of the muscles that they develop in length. They are excellent exercises for the back muscles and provide good support for the spine. In addition, they form a slender and graceful figure, develop dexterity and quick reflexes, and foster a spirit of solidarity.

Rowing sport Recommended for girls and boys from 14 years of age. If a roller seat (skiff) is used, rowing is a comprehensive sport in which all the muscles of the body (arms, stomach, back, legs) are involved, which entails harmonious development. Rowing promotes joint flexibility and is especially an excellent exercise for regulating breathing.

Judo promotes the development of physical and nervous balance, develops dexterity and confidence in movements, is an excellent school of discipline and self-control, gives confidence to the shy and calms fighters.

However, this sport is contraindicated in cases of diseases or weakness of the spine and has the disadvantage that in children with sensitive skin or fragile blood vessels it causes bruises due to falls that occur during play.

Tennis presents the disadvantage that it is a one-sided sport. It improves muscle development, gives flexibility to joints, but is contraindicated before 10-12 years of age, as it develops one half of the body more than the other. You should do compensatory exercises at the same time, forcing you to work and left hand(for a right-handed player), otherwise there is a risk of developing right spinal scoliosis.

In cases where tennis starts early, care must be taken and the child should be subject to regular medical monitoring.

Gymnastics recommended for girls and boys from 6-8 years old. It should not be mixed with simple physical education. Gymnastics is a full-fledged sport that leads to almost perfect control of one’s own body and maximizes flexibility and dexterity.

Gymnastics is especially useful for girls: it is one of the sports that creates the most beautiful types of athletes; it gives grace, elegance, and confidence to movements.

After the Olympic Games in general, and after the success of our gymnasts, many parents are inclined to try to make their daughters participants in gymnastics competitions. As with any sport in general, and for gymnastics in particular, the choice must be made by specialists, judiciously, on the basis of selection, taking into account the physical and mental abilities and state of health of the child.

It should be recalled that gymnastics has the disadvantage (but the only one) that it can be done mainly in the hall, therefore without sufficient ventilation. Therefore, it should be supplemented by sports in the clean air and spending holidays in mountain and sea climates.

Dance. This is a sport that starts very early, around 3 years for rhythmic and around 6-7 years for classical.

Rhythmic dance is a corrective gymnastics and a means of mental and motor re-education. This is a source of relaxation and balancing for unstable children with negativity reactions.

Classical dance gives self-confidence, endurance, grace and elegance. This is one of best schools patience. It teaches the child to control his physical strength and forms spindle-shaped muscles.

Classical dance is especially useful for girls with an inferiority complex, nervous, shy; it promotes their favorable evolution, allows them to express themselves and gain self-confidence. Besides, classical dance useful for boys and girls who find it more difficult to integrate into a social group and for those who are less physically gifted, giving them flexibility, grace, lightness and a certain amount of flirtatiousness.

However, dancing can be harmful if it is not practiced under the supervision of a serious and competent teacher. You should choose the dance that is most suitable for each child. Erroneous guidance conceals a serious danger: the correct development of the child is disrupted due to possible curvature of the legs or spine. Therefore, you cannot pursue brilliant results at any cost.

Finally It should be recalled that before starting to engage in any sport, regardless of age, the child must be examined by a doctor who gives appropriate feedback. The recommendation for the age at which one can start a particular sport is indicative and applies to ordinary children.

For competitive sports, selection is made by physical education teachers, and medical feedback is given by medical specialists. sports medicine, who, along with a clinical examination, subject the child to paraclinical examinations with special equipment, with the help of which they detect any anomaly, as well as the ability of talented children selected by trainers when exercising.

In general, doctors are very reserved in their opinions regarding the age and tests that a child can be subjected to before the age of 10-12 years.