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How to make up Asian eyes. Rules for applying makeup for Asian eyes. The look of Kazakh eyes: beautiful nature

Asian women are charming and attractive, but they have some peculiarities that make classic makeup techniques useless. The special shape of the eyes, combined with a massive upper eyelid and short eyelashes, and a yellowish skin tone require a special approach to Asian eye makeup in order to highlight their advantages, making them even more attractive.

  1. Concealer. Due to the natural yellowish tint, milk, caramel, coffee and golden foundations are the most advantageous for Asian women. But there are also exceptions (whitish skin or, conversely, chocolate), for which you need to select other options.
  2. Eyeliner. You will need white eye corrector (eyeliner) to increase volume while maintaining natural attractiveness (a thin strip is drawn along the bottom) and black. For eyebrows - a little lighter than hair (for Asian women they are already quite expressive). A fixing gel will not be superfluous. It will secure the hairs in the desired position for a long time.
  3. Mascara. “Open” the eyes and correct the overall impression with the help of voluminous mascara.
  4. Shadows. The standard recipe for cosmetologists is to purchase a dark and light version of the same color. Several variations from the same range are allowed. The smooth transition adds mystery. It is better to give preference to a matte texture. Glossy and pearlescent are good for festive eye makeup.
  5. Pomade. Here the scope for creativity is enormous: naturalness, “classics of the genre” (cold red) or brightness, matte or shine. The main cosmic prescription: the more noticeable the eye makeup, the more natural the sensual mouth should look, and vice versa.
  6. Blush. Coral, peach, lavender refresh and create an attractive glow.

You should pay attention to creamy pigments; they make it easier to smooth out transitions. Dark ones are useful for shading eyeliner. If possible, you can additionally purchase a gel eyeliner; it is easier to give them narrow and neat outlines. Golden sparkles will also come in handy; with their help, you can create a playful festive look. To highlight your cheekbones, use a bronzer.

Basic order

The proposed procedure is traditional in the makeup of girls with Asian eyes, suitable for all occasions, for daytime and evening wear, you should deviate from it only for the sake of bold experiments or on the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists. This simple sequence will allow you to demonstrate your natural attractiveness and master the basics of a beauty portrait:

  1. They start with eyebrow correction. Remove excess hair, but only from below, to refresh the look and visually lift the “heavy” eyelid. A “falling” ponytail should be avoided: it only emphasizes the flaw. Shade the voids, placing emphasis on the bridge of the nose. Comb the hairs with a special brush and fix with gel.
  2. A little powder. The work begins by covering the eyelids with a small layer of powder. Or with a primer (fixes makeup).
  3. Working on the gradient. Place a small amount of the softest shade from the palette (light golden and others) on the moving part. Then create a smooth gradient in the form of a triangle in the corner of the eye. Sudden changes should not be allowed, but remember The best way adjustments - shading.
  4. Mark the contours. The line at the top should be thicker (it will visually widen the eyes) and not go too far beyond. It is not always worth bringing down below. If the eyes seem slanted (the outer corners, in comparison with the inner ones, seem to rise upward), only the outer edge is outlined with kajal and shaded with a brush (there is no need for clear boundaries here).
  5. Eyelashes. Since in Asian women they are usually short and sparse, they are curled with a brush and painted in 2-3 layers.
  6. Lips. A beautiful shape can be emphasized with a pencil. They also add volume (draw a millimeter above the natural border).
  • tracing the eye on both sides, the features do not connect near the nose;
  • the top line thickens towards the corner and ends with a raised arrow;
  • visually the width increases if you bring it from the bottom to the outside, gradually thickening it and ending at the border.

Almond shaped eyes

The charm of almond-shaped (oblong) eyes is demonstrated by a smooth gradient in makeup. It is created in at least three shades: calm, medium and the most saturated (in this order: from the inner corners to the middle and beyond).

Dark circles

“Circles” under the eyes of Asian women are a common problem. They are hidden with a concealer with a peach tint. For eye makeup you will definitely need a base and bright “colors” (they will act as a “distraction”).

Makeup for Asian eyes with drooping eyelids

Special makeup that hides this feature of Asian girls and changes the sad expression on their faces is created in several stages:

  1. A makeup base is applied to the eyelids, and matte shadows are applied on top of it (pearl shadows are not suitable). Cover the problem area with them: just above the moving part, without going to the bridge of the nose. To see the area of ​​work, just open your eyes.
  2. You can use a gel eyeliner and blend everything out.
  3. Apply thick mascara to your eyelashes.
  4. Avoid excess foundation. Concealer will help, its reflective properties concentrate attention on the contours of the face.
  5. The finishing touch is soft lips.

You should take warm and cold tones, but exclude all varieties of red (they increase the existing swelling). Don't push your eyeliner over the edge. It is better to go over the bottom of the eye with a white pencil. For the best result in makeup, shading is actively used.

Video: How to hide drooping eyelids

Basic mistakes in “Asian” makeup

Even with clear guidance, it is difficult to get excellent results right away. Girls often make serious mistakes:

  • drawing a line along the mucous membrane, connecting both, focusing on the Asian shape of the eyes;
  • abuse dark cosmetics;
  • selecting inappropriate means.

But don't give up when mastering special makeup. Basic steps will help you choose your style, and experiments, even bold ones, will create a unique image.

What makeup suits Asian eyes, how to choose the ideal tone for “yellow” skin, and what beauty trends should moon-faced girls adopt? Professional makeup artist, stylist, personal shopper ASIA studio style Elena Shotkinova knows the answers to all these questions.

P.A.: Elena, first tell us about your experience in the field of beauty, please. How did your passion for the art of makeup begin?

E.Sh.: Since childhood, I love to draw, dress up, and design. I have always drawn inspiration from literature, painting, fashion magazines, cinema, travel and communication with people. All this still shapes my taste.

At first, I used my knowledge in the field of fashion and beauty to create my own image, and at a certain point, relatives and friends began to listen to me, seek advice, and ask my opinion regarding their appearance. It was they, my close people, satisfied with their own reflection in the mirror, who convinced me of the need to develop in this direction. And, in gratitude for the services rendered and the time devoted to them, they began to pay for my work. So the hobby logically grew into a professional activity.

I received a diploma as a makeup artist and opened ASIA studio style. We provide a range of professional services for make-up, style consultations, shopping support in Irkutsk, the Irkutsk region, and often work with clients from Ulan-Ude and Buryatia.

But even now my learning does not stop for a moment. Every day you learn something new, adopt other people’s experiences, and experiment. After all, a professional is an expert, he is always aware of all trends and new products, he is the first to learn and begin to apply new techniques. Of course, I follow the work of my colleagues, world-famous celebrity stylists and makeup artists, bloggers and major trendsetters. We live in the information age, when acquiring knowledge is not a problem, all you need is desire and inspiration.

And I am inspired by the surrounding beauty - the beauty of nature, objects, faces. Well-groomed, stylish, tastefully dressed people always attract my attention and often delight me.

P.A.: Many Moscow makeup artists admit that they do not know how to paint Asian eyes. What do you think is the most difficult thing about makeup for Asian girls?

E.A.: Indeed, many makeup artists fall into a stupor and do not understand how to paint a “flat” eye, devoid of an obvious fold of the upper eyelid, how to correct a wide face, protruding cheekbones or our chubby cheeks. They often use inappropriate textures of cosmetic products and choose the wrong intensity of pigments. In a word, they do not take into account the features of an Asian face, of which there are also several types. But for many Asians, they all look the same.

In this regard, everything is clear to me and my colleague (note: ASIA studio style makeup artist Irina Shotkinova), we ourselves are the owners of a bright Asian appearance and know firsthand all the nuances that may worry our girls. In addition, I myself have never been satisfied with the work of a “European” makeup artist, so I decided to become a professional myself.

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E.Sh.: Let me start with the fact that if you have any problems with your skin, it is better to immediately contact a cosmetologist. No extra money? There are also free public clinics. The main thing is not to engage in amateur activities! As for make-up techniques, they are more international:

1) moisturize your skin, paying special attention lip skin;

2) when applying foundation, never don't distribute it in dots all over the face for subsequent shading - in these places it has time to gain a foothold and you will eventually get spots;

3) I advise intensively draw the interciliary space black or dark brown pencil. This will make your eyelashes appear thicker and your gaze deeper;

4) always curl your eyelashes for a more wide-open look, intensively painting them from the roots in two layers with lengthening mascara;

5) it is necessary to have foundations of two shades in your cosmetic bag: light and darker, in order to mix, choosing the color that best suits the skin depending on the time of year. Also, foundations of dark and light shades will allow correct the shape of the face, make it sculptural.

6) I recommend that you master techniques for oily and dry face correction by signing up for a makeup lesson with professionals! The makeup artist will introduce you to your own face and its proportions. She will teach you how to select cosmetics and master basic makeup techniques that are right for you. (Such a service with the option of disassembling a cosmetic bag is presented in our ASIA studio style, its duration is 1.5 hours, the cost is 2000 rubles.)

“Any image will not be complete and harmonious without makeup. The “correct” make-up will always highlight your natural beauty and correct small imperfections. It is believed that girls and women who “don’t wear makeup” have too high an opinion of themselves!”

P.A.: What do you think are the most common makeup mistakes Asian women make? How NOT to apply makeup? Do you have any beauty taboos?

E.Sh.: For several seasons in a row, emphasis on eyebrows has been in fashion. I am glad that so much attention has been paid to this element of the face - eyebrows, along with tone, are indeed the most important point in makeup. But at the same time, they most often become the subject of ridicule. Unfortunately, very often our Asian beauties literally disfigure themselves with black, clear, intensely colored at the bridge of the nose, too short or too long, old-fashioned round or triangular graphic arts. Dear girls, please give up once and for all eyebrow tattoo and use grease pencil, even if your eyebrows are missing as a genre. Eyebrow tattooing is a taboo! Grow yours as much as possible and contact professional makeup artist so that he can create a fashionable, beautiful, naturally accentuated eyebrow line.

Work Asia Studio Style

It is often possible to observe incorrect application of blush. Girls either draw the shadow low, then the lower part of the face “floats” down. Or you can clearly apply blush along the cheekbone cavity, then the cheekbones become even more pronounced. Remember, blush is applied to the apples of the cheeks towards the temples!

And further - There is no such thing as brown blush!

You should also be careful with pearlescent textures. When thinking about adding shine, beware of another effect - swelling.

I would also like to note that our Asian girls often have the sin of wearing evening makeup from the very early morning. To put it mildly, dark smoky eyes and/or red lipstick don’t look entirely appropriate at 8 am.

P.A.: How to choose the right foundation/BB cream for Asian skin? Do we really all have a predominant yellow undertone and therefore should we look for foundations with yellow pigments (and in no case with red)?

E.Sh.: Asians are a yellow race. Indeed, most people living in Asia have a dark, yellowish skin tone, especially those living in southern latitudes and areas with intense solar activity. But let's not forget that northern peoples, such as the Yakuts, Evenks, Western Buryats, etc. often have very fair skin with pink undertones or even uniformly snow-white skin of a cold shade.

The ideal tone should blend with your skin tone and match the color of the skin on your neck. Moreover, the color of the foundation always depends solely on the natural shade of your skin at a given time of year (darker in summer, lighter in winter).

Again, there is a neutral palette of colors: from the lightest to the darkest with beige pigment. Such products are suitable for everyone, including helping to neutralize both excessive yellowness and pink, reddish tones.

Each brand offers tonal products in a cool, warm and neutral palette. Designations of tones with the letters W, C, N mean: warm - warm, cold - cold, neutral - neutral.

P.A.: What makeup trends are there today that are perfect for Asian women?

E.Sh.: Our type of appearance is now in great demand in the global fashion industry. Asian models take part in the best shows of the season and set trends, inspiring us all!

In the spring-summer ’15 season, ideal radiant skin devoid of imperfections, wide eyebrows, and Nude makeup are unrivaled.

If you are the owner of sunny freckles, this season they do not need to be covered with thick corrective products, but even need to be emphasized.

For Asian eye makeup: feel free to draw graphic, jet-black arrows. The thickness can vary from thin for an office option to thick and curved, a sort of theatrical option.

An alternative is bright eyes, with unusual colored arrows along the upper or lower eyelid, or double arrows, when the black one is duplicated on top of the colored one:

Or maybe someone will like it monochrome application of shadows on almost the entire eyelid, for example, yellow or bright blue.

European beauties with charming and sweet oriental makeup walk confidently along the catwalks. Whitened skin, clear eyebrow line, special almond-shaped eyes, innocent look.

Let's share our knowledge on how to do Asian makeup for European eyes step by step.

In this article:

What are the features of Asian makeup?

Classic makeup schemes don't work when it comes to Asian makeup. When using decorative cosmetics, you should take into account that oriental beauties have certain characteristics.

  1. Asian women's skin color never contains a pinkish undertone. This means that foundation and corrective compositions should be chosen with yellow pigments. Respectively exclude coral, terracotta and pink blush. We settle on classic colors of beige or caramel.
  2. When tinting eyelashes and eyebrows, only an uncompromising jet black color is used.
  3. The shape of the eyelid dictates the use of a special palette of shadows: all shades close to skin color. Gold and silver paints are chosen to place accents.
  4. But There are no restrictions on lipstick color. The lips are decorated with fatal bright scarlet lipstick and cold pale pink and rich burgundy color.

The main problem that we have to solve is how to make an Asian eye shape for a girl with a Slavic appearance. After all, only with the help of cosmetics it is necessary to achieve the effect of a flat eyelid, which has almost no crease.

What will you need?

We perform Asian makeup on a girl with European appearance. Before we begin solving the problem of how to draw Asian eyes, let’s prepare suitable cosmetics and a set of brushes and.

Materials that will be useful: foundation, always with a yellow tint, light powder, concealer with reflective particles, natural shades in beige-brown, gray-brown tones, black liner or gel eyeliner, black mascara, soft pink or beige pencil, lipstick .

Step-by-step execution algorithm

  1. Cleansing and moisturizing the skin.
  2. Application. Choose a foundation one tone lighter than your skin color. Carefully shade the borders. Additionally, use concealer to highlight the triangle formed by the lower eyelid and the wing of the nose. Apply the product in a translucent layer with a sponge, and finally blend with your fingertips.
  3. Setting the foundation with loose powder. Apply concealer to one or two shades lighter than your own skin.
  4. For a clear contour, we work on the oval of the face. We darken the hairline, areas under the cheekbones, wings of the nose, and the lower border under the chin with matte bronzer.
  5. We shape the eyebrows. Even if you are a fair-haired beauty, we take a coal-black pencil. Set the eyebrow shape straight or curved, like the string of a bow. The main rule: maximum geometricity, clear contours, no shading.
  6. We begin to draw the eyes. Use a black liner to apply eyeliner on the upper eyelid. First, we draw a thin line along the eyelash edge - from the place where the active growth of eyelashes begins to the outer corner of the eye. Carefully paint the spaces between the eyelashes and lower the eyeliner line slightly downwards. So the eye will visually look narrow and elongated. And we finish the process with the arrow up, about two to three mm.
  7. While the line is still wet, go along it with a cotton swab. The border will become less contrasting, and the end of the arrow will be smooth and natural.

  8. Use a beige pencil to highlight the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. We correct the shape of the eye, and at the same time refresh the look.
  9. Apply one layer of black mascara to the eyelashes. It is not customary for Asian women to give volume and a fancy bend to their eyelashes. The lower eyelashes are not painted at all.
  10. Let's start applying lipstick. It can be any shade, but there are tricks to applying it. Using your fingertips, spread the foundation or concealer over the moistened skin of your lips. Apply a bright shade of lipstick to the middle of the lips. Using a brush, extend the color to the contours of the upper and lower lips. Apply transparent glitter on top.

Makeup is ready. We critically examine the result in the mirror, wink at the oriental beauty and go to a party with friends.

Exotic Asian eyes are seductive and mysterious. But due to the fact that they have an unusual shape - they are narrow, have drooping heavy eyelids - their owners must know several special secrets to emphasize their beauty. Their makeup corrects facial features, making the eyes visually larger.

Distinctive features of Asian appearance

  • Slight yellowing of the skin.
  • Narrow slanted eyes.
  • Drooping eyelid - its upper part covers the moving part. This creates a feeling of heaviness and swelling in the eyes.
  • Pronounced cheekbones
  • Eyelashes are short and sparse.
  • Beautifully defined lips.

Makeup for an exotic appearance

Asian makeup should begin with smoothing the skin with foundation. But not all shades are suitable for Asian girls. You should not use pinkish colors. Beige color, coffee with milk, gold, caramel will come in time. The main thing is that the foundation is not darker than the natural color of the skin.
  • Design of cheekbones
    For an exotic make-up, you need to choose natural blush in peach, plum, or bronze shades.

  • Shadows
    Asian women look great with a variety of shadows. You can take two or three shades at once, the only condition is that they be well compatible. Suitable dark gray, beige, green, pearl, cream, coffee. You should not use reddish shades.
    The shadows should not be pearlescent so that the eyes do not appear inflamed and swollen. The exception is evening makeup, where you can use light pearlescent ones.
    If you are doing daytime makeup, you can do without shadows or limit yourself to light, light shades. For daytime, dark shadows are needed only to emphasize the depth and exoticism of the eyes. For the evening, you can take more saturated colors according to the smoky makeup style - deep blue, brown, violet.

  • Eyeliner
    The eyelash line of Asian women should be outlined - with a pencil or eyeliner. The outline color can be different: black, dark brown, purple, blue.
    It is applied along the lash line, thickening at the outer corner of the eye. You can extend the line a little beyond the outer corner, lifting it up towards the temples.

  • Eyelash curler
    They are essential for Asian makeup. Eyelashes are curled to make them appear fuller and longer.

  • Mascara
    Asian girls usually have short and sparse eyelashes. Therefore, it is worth using lengthening mascara, which is applied to the upper eyelashes at least twice, and once to the lower ones.

  • Lipstick or lip gloss
    In this version of makeup, you can use both bright and pastel colors of lipstick.

Makeup tips for Asian eyes

There are two such ways:
  1. When using this method, the natural shape of the eyes does not change. For example, a light shade is applied completely to the eyelid. A darker color accentuates the depth of the eyes.
  2. In this case, by drawing an additional fold on the upper eyelid, the eyes are visually enlarged.
To begin, apply foundation to your face in the form of a yellowish foundation. Use a corrector to correct any unevenness. Lightly highlight and blend the brow line with a brush.

For daytime makeup, use shadows in natural shades. Apply a light foundation over the entire eyelid. Apply bronze-colored shadows to the moving part of the eyelid.

Draw a line along the eyelash contour with a dark brown pencil. Extend the line a little at the outer corner of the eye. Curl your eyelashes with a curler and apply mascara twice. Remove oily shine by powdering your face. Liven up your cheeks with warm-toned blush. Touch up your lips.

Evening makeup for Asian eyes

Apply foundation to your face. Paint the entire upper eyelid with light shadows. Emphasize the shape of the eyes with a darker tone. Draw the eyelash line with a dark purple pencil, remembering to shade it. Draw the lower eyelid with a purple outline. Duplicate the contour with dark purple shadows.
Apply lengthening mascara to curled eyelashes. Finally, apply peach or pinkish powder and gloss or lipstick.

To make Asian makeup look spectacular, use several shades of eyeshadow. Apply a light eyeshadow base completely to the upper eyelid. Apply shimmer shadows to the moving eyelid.
Use eyeliner to visually enlarge your eyes. Draw the outline on the lower eyelid as well. Shape your lips with a pencil and, without going beyond the contour, apply lipstick.

With today's abundance of fashion trends, girls have the opportunity to experiment with their appearance, creating different images. We offer you makeup for Asian eyes that will help you achieve the effect of wide eyes and add charm to narrow eyes.

Makeup for slanted Asian eyes

Although any look is crowned with eye makeup, it’s still worth starting with the skin.

  1. Create the effect of a porcelain face by applying foundation, foundation and concealer. Avoid a thick layer of makeup to prevent the appearance of a “mask”.
  2. Correct the shape of your eyebrows using cream powder applied under and above the arch. Line your eyebrows with a brown or gray pencil.
  3. Cover the entire upper eyelid with ivory eye shadow.
  4. Using a black or dark gray pencil, draw a neat corner, protruding beyond the outer corner of the eye and connecting it with the fold of the eyelid. Along the eyelash line, the arrow should be clear, but on the eyelid it can be blurry.
  5. Lengthen the eye with horizontal, neat strokes of the pencil. Then blend it out with a flat brush.
  6. Mix brick and blue shadows on the back of your hand. The result will be a “pink jam” pigment. It will make makeup for small eyes more expressive.
  7. Apply the resulting shade to the previously outlined corner. Blend.
  8. Line the lower eyelid 2/3 with dark brown eyeshadow. Blend the pearlescent beige shade, connecting the line of the lower lashes with the outer corner of the eye, lengthening it.
  9. Thinly line the upper lash line, shading the outer corner of the eye.
  10. Apply 2 layers of mascara and apply false eyelashes - clearly along the eyeliner line. This eye makeup looks extremely colorful.
  11. Cover your cheeks with a light peach blush that won’t distract attention from your eyes.
  12. Apply lipstick a couple of shades darker than your lips - they should not be pale.

This makeup is perfect for slanted eyes, as it makes them wide and deep. Use the look for a party or wedding.

Makeup for Asian Brown Eyes

Typically, makeup for Asian eyes is done in golden-brown tones, which are so suitable for brown eyes. Let's not deviate from the classics.

  1. Use a foundation that is a shade darker than your skin tone. Carefully hide imperfections with concealer.
  2. Outline your eyebrows with a dark brown pencil. They should be curved and not too wide.
  3. Cover the entire eyelid with a creamy golden brown eyeshadow. Remove excess from fold. Blend with light gray pigment.
  4. Line the lower lash line with a black gel pencil, going beyond the outer corner of the eye and lifting the tip of the arrow upward.
  5. Blend the eyeliner with black shadows, and add beige ones a little lower. This will make makeup for slanted eyes sophisticated and bright.
  6. Apply a thin layer of golden glitter to the moving eyelid.
  7. We draw a thin black arrow on top, thickening in the outer corner of the eye. We gradually reduce its tip to nothing.
  8. Complete the look with jet black mascara and fake lashes.
  9. Highlight your cheekbones with a bronzer and brighten your cheeks with a tan-toned flush.
  10. Cover your lips with pink-beige lipstick or caramel gloss.

And gorgeous makeup for small eyes is ready without much effort.

Evening makeup for Asian eyes

The ideal eye-highlighting makeup for Asian eyes should not be overloaded with dark shades. Brightness can be achieved by playing with contrasts.

  1. Apply a foundation that matches your skin color to your face.
  2. Carefully draw in your eyebrows, shading them slightly.
  3. Highlight the inner corners of your eyes with white eye shadow.
  4. Apply a bright lilac pigment to the middle of the eyelid (up to the crease), shading it with white.
  5. Cover the outer corner of the eye with a dark purple shade, going beyond the natural contours.
  6. Use a fluffy round brush to blend the lilac and purple colors. This eye makeup looks very festive.
  7. Draw neat arrows, drawing a line with black eyeliner as close as possible to the upper eyelashes and bending the tails up.
  8. Apply 2-3 layers of black mascara.
  9. Tint your cheeks with muted blush.
  10. Cover your lips with a neutral gloss.

Having mastered these nuances, you can create flawless makeup for Asian eyes.