Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

GOST construction metal working drawings. Appendix D (for reference) Examples of diagrams and markings of elements of metal structures. Composition of design and working documentation

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Project documentation system
for construction






The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions”, GOST 1.2-97 “Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The procedure for development, adoption, application, updating, cancellation" and MSN 1.01-01-96 "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions".

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Closed Joint Stock Company “Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research and Design Institute of Construction Metal Structures named after. N.P. Melnikov" (JSC "TsNIIPSK im. Melnikov")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 32 of November 21, 2007)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state construction management body


Ministry of Urban Development




State Agency for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic


Agency for Construction and Territorial Development

Russian Federation



Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan




Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 25, 2008 No. 58-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.502-2007 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2009.


Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) “National Standards”, and the text of the changes is published in the information indexes “National Standards”. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index “National Standards”


This standard was developed on the basis of the standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS) and the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the execution of design and working documentation of metal building structures of the KM brand, which is the main basis for the development of working detail drawings of the KMD brand, a work execution plan (WPR), an order of metal and containing all the necessary and sufficient data to perform these works.

This standard includes the requirements of SN 460-74 “Temporary instructions on the composition and design of construction working drawings of buildings and structures.”

GOST 21.502-2007


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.

Execution rules of design and working documents for metal structures

Date of introduction - 2009-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the execution of design and working documentation of building metal structures, developed at the stages of “detailed design”, “project” and “working documentation” and carried out on paper or electronic media.

The requirements of this standard do not apply to the execution of detail drawings of metal structures of the KMD brand.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

When designing facilities included in the lists of state supervision bodies for environmental, technological and nuclear safety, it is necessary to take into account the requirements that reflect their specifics and type of construction.

When designing and developing particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects, the customer, together with the general designer, research and specialized design organizations, must develop technical specifications that reflect the specifics of their design, construction and operation.

4 Composition of design and working documentation

4.1 Design and working documentation for metal structures is developed by:

In one stage - “working draft” (approved part and “working documentation”);

In two stages - “project” (approved part) and “working documentation”.

4.2 Design stages depend on the category and complexity of the object and are established in the contract and design assignment.

4.3 The design documentation developed at the “project” and “detailed design” stages (approved part) includes:

An explanatory note containing: output design data, main technical and economic indicators and characteristics that are critical for safe and proper operation; loads and impacts on metal structures and other necessary data;

General view drawings of metal structures of a building or structure;

Technical specifications (if necessary) - according to GOST 23118;


4.4 The working documentation includes the main set of working drawings of metal structures of the KM brand (hereinafter referred to as working drawings KM).

4.4.1 The main set of CM working drawings includes:

Common data;

Loads and impacts on metal structures;

Loads on foundations;

General view drawings of metal structures of a building or structure (plans, sections, views, fragments);

Layout diagrams of elements of metal structures;

Drawings of elements of metal structures;

Drawings of components of metal structures;

Specification of rolled metal products and products;


4.4.2 KM working drawings must contain the necessary and sufficient data for the development of detail drawings of metal structures of the KMD grade, a project for the execution of work and the ordering of rolled metal and metal products.

Deviations from the CM working drawings are not allowed. If necessary, these deviations must be agreed upon with the organization that developed the working design drawings.

4.5 Calculations of metal structures performed at all stages of design are not provided to the customer (unless otherwise provided by the contract).

The calculations are drawn up as a text design document and deposited in the archives of the developer organization.

4.6 Drawings are drawn up in accordance with the basic requirements of GOST 21.101 (except for section 6) and the requirements of this standard.

4.7 Conventional letter designations for the names of main structures and products in design and working documentation - in accordance with GOST 26047 and GOST 2.321.

5 Rules for the design of CM drawings

5.1 General information

5.1.1 The “General Data” sheet based on the working drawings of the CM is drawn up in accordance with the general requirements of GOST 21.101.

5.1.2 On the “General Data” sheet, in the general instructions, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101 and GOST 21.501, the following is given:

Information about loads and impacts for calculating the structures of a building or structure;

Information about the main design features of a building or structure;

Design diagram of structures with information about loads and impacts with the necessary explanations (if necessary);

Description of installation and factory connections;

Information on measures to protect metal building structures from corrosion - in accordance with GOST 23118 and other regulatory documents;

Requirements for manufacturing and installation, including requirements for control of welds, as well as accuracy in accordance with current regulatory documents;

Technical and economic indicators obtained as a result of the development of the project (approved part);

Applied conventional images and designations of bolts and welds not established in GOST 2.312 and GOST 2.315;

Other additional information.

5.1.3 The used conventional images of bolts and welds that are not included in GOST 2.312 and GOST 2.315 are given in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 - Conventional images of bolts



1 Bolt of accuracy class B (permanent)

2 Temporary bolt

3 High strength bolt

4 Self-tapping bolt

Table 2 - Conventional images of welds


Weld image

Dimensions, mm



1 Seam of a butt welded joint - continuous:

a) from the visible side;

b) from the invisible side

2 Seam of a butt welded joint - intermittent:

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

3 The seam of a corner, T or lap welded joint is continuous:

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

4 Seam of a welded joint in a corner, tee or overlap - intermittent:

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

5 Seam of welded joint overlap, contact, spot

6 Electrically rivet welded joint overlapped seam (with a round hole)

kf - fillet weld leg;l- length c area to be cooked; a is the seam size.

5.2 Loads and impacts on metal structures

5.2.1 The composition of standard and design values ​​of loads, safety factors for loads and data on possible combinations of technological and other loads and impacts - in accordance with the requirements of technological, architectural and construction tasks.

5.3 Loads on foundations

5.3.1 On the sheets of loads on foundations the following is given:

The value of loads on foundations;

The accepted rule for signs of loads on foundations;

Layout diagrams of foundation bolts for each brand of foundation;

Diameters, heights of protruding parts, lengths of cuts, steel grades of foundation bolts, embedded parts;

Requirements for foundation deformability (if necessary).

An example of the design of a sheet of loads on foundations is given in (Figure A.1).

5.4 General view drawings of metal structures

5.4.1 General drawings of the metal structures of a building or structure provide diagrams of structures with connections, indicating the relative position of the structures, their connections and support on foundations, as well as tables of main indicators (only for the approved part).

Examples of general drawings are shown in (Figures B.1 - B.5).

5.4.2 General drawings are usually made schematically and contain plans, views and sections.

If construction is planned to be carried out in several stages, then the general drawings should reflect the order of construction of the building or structure.

5.4.3 General drawings indicate:

Main overall dimensions of structures;

Linking and basic parameters of technological equipment (handling and transport, etc.) affecting structures;

Characteristic marks;

Adjacent building structures that are not developed in the design drawings. Overall dimensions are given both for the entire structure as a whole (spans, length, width, height, diameter, etc.) and for its largest elements (height of trusses, etc.).

Characteristic are the dimensions that determine the shape of a building or structure and its individual parts: slopes (roofs, bottoms, road surfaces, etc.), radii of curved surfaces, dimensions that determine the change in the width of the towers along the height, etc.

5.5 Layout of elements of metal structures

5.5.1 Layout diagrams for elements of metal structures are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with GOST 21.501, with the following change: instead of the specification according to GOST 21.101 - a list of elements.

The list of elements is carried out according to Form 1 in accordance with.

5.5.2 When making layouts of elements on several sheets, a list of elements is usually placed on each sheet, or a list of elements common to all sheets is placed on one sheet.

5.5.3 The technical requirements placed on the layout diagrams of elements include:

Force values ​​for calculating the attachment of elements that are not indicated in the drawings and in the list of elements;

Additional information and technical requirements for manufacturing and installation that are not included in the general data.

5.5.4 Marking of elements of metal structures is usually indicated on the layout diagrams of elements. Structural elements not included in the layout diagrams of elements are marked on the general view drawings and assemblies in accordance with GOST 26047.

5.5.5 Examples of diagrams and markings of elements of metal structures are given in (Figures D.1 and D.2).

5.6 Drawings of elements of metal structures

5.6.1 Drawings of elements of metal structures are performed if the design features of the elements are not sufficiently identified on the layout diagrams of the elements for the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade.

5.6.2 The drawings of elements of metal structures indicate:

Geometric dimensions;

Support reactions;

Markings of the top and bottom of structural elements;

Dimensions of individual parts;

Type of installation and factory connections;

Names or grades of metal of the parts included in the element;

Technical requirements.

5.6.3 The technical requirements on the drawings of elements include:

Efforts for calculating attachments not indicated on the drawing;

Additional requirements for the manufacture and installation of elements;

Numbers of sheets of layout diagrams of elements.

5.6.4 The dimensions of welds and the number of fasteners are determined when developing detail drawings of the KMD grade.

5.6.5 An example of a diagram of a metal structure element is given in Appendix E (Figure E.1).

5.7 Drawings of metal structures assemblies

5.7.1 The drawings of components of metal structures show the fundamental solutions of the components that ensure the operation of the design diagram of a building or structure.

5.7.2 In drawings of nodes, it is necessary to depict elements converging in a node, indicating references to coordination axes, axes of elements, surfaces of parts, marks of the top or bottom of structural elements.

An example of a unit drawing is shown in (Figure E.1).

5.7.3 On the drawings of the units, adjacent structural elements that are not developed in these working drawings of the KM are shown, indicating their sizes, connections and other requirements necessary for the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade.

The simplest structural components that do not require explanation are not shown in the drawings.

5.7.4 On the drawings of units (at the “detailed design” and “detailed documentation” stages) indicate:

Forces acting in the elements (if they are not specified in the list of elements);

Snaps to coordination axes;

Thickness of parts;

Weld seam dimensions;

Types, strength classes, number, diameters and pitches of bolts or rivets;

Requirements for treated surfaces;

Sections, names and grades of metal of parts not specified in the list of elements;

Technical requirements.

The dimensions of welds, the number and pitches of bolts or rivets are not indicated if they are determined during the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade.

5.8 Metal specifications

5.8.1 The specification of rolled metal products and products (CM) is compiled according to the layout of elements on sheets of any format and is carried out according to Form 2 given in. The size of the CM format depends on the number of lines in the column “Mass of metal by structural elements”.

5.8.2 CM are compiled for each type of structural element without taking into account processing waste and the mass of deposited metal.

5.8.3 For construction projects with the phased release of sets of working drawings, the CM draw up a CM for each stage of construction.

5.8.4 Based on the MS, a consolidated specification of rolled metal products and products (CMC) is drawn up in Form 2.

SM and CMC can be combined into a separate collection (SSM) with a title page in accordance with GOST 21.110 and a separate table of contents.

Each CM, CMC and CCM is assigned a designation, which includes: a basic designation established according to the system in force in the organization, and (through a dot) the CM, CMC or CCM code and the serial number of the specification.

Examples of notation CM, CMC and SSM:

3 - 1824 - 403 - KM.SM16

3 - 1824 - 403 - KM.SMS

3 - 1824 - 403 - KM.SSM,

where 3 is the number of the development department;

1824 - construction site number;

403 - building number according to the explication on the general plan;

KM - brand of the main set of KM drawings.

Specifications (CM, CMC and CCM) are recorded in the list of attached documents.

5.8.5 An example of fulfilling the specification of rolled metal products is given in (Figure I.1).

Appendix A
An example of designing a sheet of loads on foundations

Figure A.1 - Load sheet. Loads on foundations

Appendix B
Example of general view drawings

Figure B.1 – General view when installing two tanks

Figure B.2 - General view of the mast

Figure B.4 - Layout of columns at 0.000 m

Figure B.5 - Section 1-1

Appendix B

Form 1 - List of elements List of elements

Instructions for filling out the list of elements:

In the “Element Brand” column indicate:

brand of the element according to the arrangement of elements or general appearance;

In the “Section” column indicate:

“sketch” - location of the element’s section details, positions of the section details, required dimensions,

"pos." - serial numbers of parts positions,

“composition” is an abbreviated designation for the profiles that make up the section, consisting of a symbol for the profiles according toGOST 2.410and profile numbers or sizes in accordance with standards or specifications for a specific type of profile;

In the column “Attachment force” indicate:

A- reaction in the reference section of the element, kN,

N- longitudinal force in the element, kN,

M- bending moment in the supporting section of the element, kN m;

In the column “Name or brand of metal” indicate the name or brand of metal for the entire element, if all parts of the element are made of the same metal, and by position - if the name or brand of metal of the parts is different;

in the “Note” column indicate other necessary data about the element.

Examplefilling out form 1:

List of elements

Item brand


Attachment force

Name or grade of metal










Sheet 12



ë 100 ´ 8


900 ´ 8


200 ´ 16



Figure E.1- Node 1

Appendix G

Form 2 - Specification of rolled metal products

Instructions for filling out the specification of rolled metal products

In the SM specifications and CMC should be indicated:

Column “Name of profile, GOST, TU” - name of the profile in accordance with the applied standards or technical conditions;

Column “Name or grade of metal, GOST, TU” - name or grade of metal and designations of standards or technical conditions in accordance with which the supply is made;

Column “Profile number or dimensions, mm” - profile number or dimensions in accordance with the symbols given in the standards or technical specifications. The designation of profiles is written in ascending order of their numbers or sizes;

Column "No. item" - sequential numbers of all lines in which the mass is indicated;

The column “Mass of metal by structural elements, t” - mass according to the working drawings of the design material, determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a ton;

The column “Total mass, t” - the mass according to the working drawings of the design model, determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a ton.

For each profile name, the line “Total” is given, and for each grade of metal - “Total”.

At the end of each SM and CMC give the lines:

“Total mass of metal”;

“Including by brand or name.”





Official publication


GOST 21.502-2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, acceptance, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Closed Joint-Stock Company “Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Scientific Research and Design Institute of Construction Metal Structures named after. N.P. Melnikov" (JSC "TsNIIPSK im. Melnikov")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated November 22, 2016 No. 93-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 2, 2016 No. 1917-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.502-2016 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2017.

5 INSTEAD GOST 21.502-2007

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information. notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Stamdartinform. 2017

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 21.502-2016

1 area of ​​use............................................... ..................1

3 Terms and definitions................................................... .................2

4 General provisions................................................... ....................2

5 Composition of working documentation................................................... ............2

6 Rules for the design of drawings of the KM brand.................................................... ....3

6.1 General data on working drawings.................................................... .....3

6.2 General view drawings of metal structures...................................................3

6.3 Layout of elements of metal structures....................................4

6.4 Drawings of elements of metal structures............................................4

6.5 Drawings of metal structures components....................................................5

7 Specifications of rolled metal.................................................... ..........5

Appendix A (mandatory) Symbols and designations of fasteners

and seams of welded joints.................................................... ..7

designs........................................................ .............9

Appendix B (for reference) Example of performing loads on foundations....................................11

Appendix D (for reference) Examples of general view drawings....................................12

Appendix E (for reference) Examples of diagrams of elements of metal structures____16

Appendix G (for reference) Example of filling out the list of elements..................................19

Appendix I (for reference) An example of a drawing of a metal structure element... ..20

Appendix K (for reference) Example of a drawing of a metal structure assembly.......21

Appendix M (for reference) Example of filling out a specification for rolled metal products...................23

GOST 21.502-2016


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction. Execution rules of working documents for metal structures

Date of introduction - 2017-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the execution of working documentation for building metal structures, drawings of the KM brand.

The requirements of this standard do not apply to the execution of detail drawings of metal structures of the KMD brand.

2 Normative references

8 of this standard uses regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

GOST 2.312-72 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.31S-68 Unified system of design documentation. Simplified and conventional images of fasteners

GOST 2.321-84 Unified system of design documentation. Letter designations GOST 2.410-68 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for making drawings of metal structures

GOST 21.001-2013 System of design documentation for construction. General provisions GOST 21.101-97* System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.201-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional images of elements of buildings, structures and structures

GOST 21.501-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation of architectural and structural solutions

GOST 535-2005 Long-rolled and shaped rolled products made of carbon steel of ordinary quality. General technical conditions

GOST 4121-96 Crane rails. Specifications

GOST 8240-97 Hot-rolled steel channels. Assortment

GOST 8509-93 Hot-rolled equal flange steel angles. Assortment

GOST 19903-74 Hot-rolled sheet products. Assortment

GOST 23118-2012 Steel building structures. General technical conditions

GOST 26020-83 Hot-rolled steel I-beams with parallel flange edges. Assortment

* GOST R 21.1101-2013 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Official publication

GOST 21.502-2016

GOST 26047-2016 Steel building structures. Symbols (brands)

GOST 27772-2015 Rolled products for building steel structures. General technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST 21.001, GOST 21.501. as well as the following term with the corresponding definition:

3.1 costructure unit(s): Interface, connection between elements of building structures and their components.

4 General provisions

4.1 Detailed documentation of metal structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.101 (except for section 6) and this standard.

4.2 Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and building structures are accepted in accordance with GOST 21.201.

4.3 Symbols of rolled profiles are adopted in accordance with GOST 2.410.

4.4 Graphic images of materials in sections, sections, as well as the rules for their application are accepted in accordance with GOST 2.306.

4.5 Symbols (grades) of metal structures are accepted according to GOST 26047.

4.6 The main letter designations are adopted in accordance with GOST 2.321.

4.7 Images of fasteners in connections must correspond to those specified in GOST 2.315 and table A.1 (Appendix A).

4.8 Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints must correspond to those specified in Table A.2 (Appendix A).

In this case, the designation of seams can be indicated without extension lines, placing them directly above or below the image of the corresponding weld, regardless of whether the weld is visible or invisible.

It is allowed to perform conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints in accordance with GOST 2.312.

5 Composition of working documentation

5.1 The working documentation of metal structures includes:

Working drawings (main set of working drawings of the KM brand);

Rolled metal specifications:


Note - Calculations are not included in the working documentation, unless otherwise specified in the agreement (contract) and design assignment.

5.2 The main set of working drawings of the KM brand includes:

* general data on working drawings;

General view drawings of metal structures of a building or structure (plans, sections);

> layout diagrams of elements of metal structures:

Lists of elements for layout diagrams of metal structures;

Drawings of elements of metal structures;

Drawings of components of metal structures.

GOST 21.502-2016

5.3 Working drawings of the KM grade must contain the necessary and sufficient data for the development of detail drawings of metal structures of the KMD grade. project for the production of works and the order of rolled metal and metal products.

Deviations from the working drawings of the KM brand are not allowed. If necessary, these deviations must be agreed upon with the organization that developed the working drawings of the KM brand.

6 Rules for the design of drawings of the KM brand

6.1 General information on working drawings

6.1.1 On the first sheets of the main set of working drawings of the KM brand, general data is given in accordance with GOST 21.101.

6.1.2 In general guidelines, in addition to the requirements provided for by GOST 21.101. lead:

Information about the main design features of a building or structure:

Information about loads and impacts on metal structures:

Design diagram of structures with necessary explanations:

Description of installation and factory connections:

Instructions for protecting metal building structures from corrosion in accordance with GOST 23118 and other regulatory documents:

Instructions for manufacturing and installation, including requirements for quality control of welded joints. as well as geometric dimensional accuracy in accordance with current regulatory documents.

6.1.3 Information on loads and impacts on metal structures is usually given in tabular form, which indicates: standard and design values ​​of loads, safety factors for loads and data on possible combinations of technological and other loads and impacts in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents*, technological and architectural and construction specifications.

Examples of loads and impacts on metal structures are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

6.1.4 Loads on foundations include:

Value of loads on foundations:

The accepted rule for signs of loads on foundations;

Layout diagrams of foundation bolts for each brand of foundation;

Diameters, heights of protruding parts, lengths of cuts, steel grades of foundation bolts, embedded parts;

Requirements for foundation deformability (if necessary).

An example of performing loads on foundations is shown in Figure B.1 (Appendix B).

6.2 General view drawings of metal structures

6.2.1 General drawings are made in the form of plans, views or sections of the corresponding structures with a simplified or schematic representation of the elements.

In drawings of the general view of metal structures of a building or structure, diagrams of structures with connections are given, indicating the relative position of the structures, their connections and support on the foundations.

6.2.2 On the general drawings the following is indicated:

Coordination axes of a building or structure;

Dimensions that determine the distances between the coordination axes, marks of areas located at different levels, and other necessary dimensions;

Linking to the coordination axes of the building (structure) or, if necessary, to other structures and the main parameters of technological equipment (handling and transport, etc.). affecting structures;

Overall and characteristic dimensions;

* In the Russian Federation, SP 20.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.01.07-85* is in force. Loads and impacts."

GOST 21.502-2016


Adjacent building structures not developed in the working drawings of the KM brand. which are depicted schematically with thin lines:

Lines and designations of sections;

Designation of extension elements (nodes and fragments);

Brands of structural elements.

Overall dimensions are given both for the entire structure as a whole (spans, length, width, height, diameter, etc.), and for its largest elements (height of trusses, etc.).

Characteristic are the dimensions that determine the shape of a building or structure and its individual parts: slopes (roofs, bottoms, road surfaces, etc.), radii of curved surfaces, dimensions that determine the change in the width of the towers along the height, etc.

6.2.3 Examples of general drawings are shown in Figures G1-G.4 (Appendix D).

6.3 Layout of elements of metal structures

6.3.1 Layout diagrams of elements of metal structures are carried out in accordance with subsection 6.3 of GOST 21.501-2011, taking into account the specifics of the execution of drawings of metal structures.

6.3.2 Marking of elements of metal structures is usually indicated on the layout diagrams of elements. Structural elements not included in the layout diagrams of elements are marked on the general view drawings and assemblies in accordance with GOST 26047.

6.3.3 A list of elements is compiled for each layout of elements of metal structures according to form 1 given in Appendix E.

The list of elements is placed on a sheet containing the corresponding diagram.

It is allowed to list elements on a separate sheet.

It is allowed to draw up one general list of elements for all layout diagrams, indicating in the “Note” column a link to the sheets where these diagrams are located.

6.3.4 The technical requirements placed on the layout diagrams of elements include:

Force values ​​for calculating the attachment of elements that are not indicated in the drawings and in the list of elements;

Additional information and technical requirements for manufacturing and installation that are not included in the general data.

6.3.5 Examples of the layout of elements of metal structures are shown in Figures D.1 and D.2 (Appendix D).

6.3.6 An example of filling out the list of elements is shown in Figure G.1 (Appendix G).

6.4 Drawings of elements of metal structures

6.4.1 If the layout diagrams of elements of metal structures do not sufficiently identify the design features of the elements for the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade. then additionally, drawings of elements of metal structures are performed.

6.4.2 The drawings of elements of metal structures indicate:

Geometric dimensions;

Effort values;

Support reactions;

Markings of the top and bottom of structural elements;

Dimensions of individual parts:

Type of installation and factory connections;

Names or grades of metal of the parts included in the element;

Technical requirements.

6.4.3 The technical requirements on the drawings of elements of metal structures include:

Force values ​​for calculating attachments not indicated on the drawing;

Additional requirements for the manufacture and installation of elements;

Numbers of sheets on which the layout diagrams of structural elements are located.

6.4.4 The dimensions of welds and the number of fasteners are determined when developing detailed drawings of the KMD grade.

GOST 21.502-2016

6.4.5 An example of a drawing of a metal structure element is shown in Figure I.1 (Appendix I).

6.5 Drawings of metal structures assemblies

6.5.1 The drawings of components of metal structures show fundamental solutions that ensure the operation of the design diagram of a building or structure.

6.5.2 Drawings of assemblies show elements of metal structures converging in an assembly, indicating references to coordination axes, axes of elements, surfaces of parts, marks of the top or bottom of structural elements.

An example of a drawing of a metal structure assembly is shown in Figure K.1 (Appendix K).

6.5.3 The drawings of the assemblies depict adjacent structural elements that are not developed in these working drawings of the KM brand, indicating their sizes, connections and other requirements necessary for the development of detail drawings of the KMD brand.

Drawings of the simplest structural units that do not require explanation are developed in detail drawings of the KMD brand.

6.5.4 The drawings of the units indicate:

Values ​​of forces acting in the elements (if they are not specified in the list of elements);

Snaps to coordination axes:

Part thicknesses:

Weld seam dimensions;

Types, strength classes, number, diameters and pitches of bolts or other fasteners:

Requirements for treated surfaces:

Sections, names and metal grades of parts not specified in the list of elements:

Technical requirements.

Note - The thickness of parts, dimensions of welds, number, pitches and strength class of bolts or other fasteners are not indicated if they can be determined during the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade.

7 Metal specifications

7.1 The specification of rolled metal products and products (SM) is compiled to the layout diagrams of elements according to Form 2, given in Appendix L.

Format of the sheet on which the CM is performed. accepted according to GOST 2.301 depending on the number of columns in the column “Mass of metal by structural elements, t.”

7.2 CM are compiled for each type of structural element without taking into account processing waste and the mass of deposited metal.

7.3 For construction projects with the phased release of sets of working drawings, the KM brand compiles a CM for each set of drawings.

7.4 Based on the MS, a consolidated specification of rolled metal products and products (SMS) is drawn up in Form 2 (see Appendix L).

7.5 The first sheet of the SM and SMS specifications is drawn up with the main inscription according to form 3. subsequent ones - according to form 6 GOST 21.101-97.

7.6 CM and SMS may be combined into a separate collection (SCM).

Each SM. SMS and SSM are assigned a designation, which includes the basic designation. established according to the system in force in the organization, through a hyphen - the mark of the main set of drawings and through a dot - the code and serial number of the specification:

Example - 2345-12-ХМ.СМ16: 2345-12-ХМ.СМS; 2345-12-KM.SSM,

where 2345-12 is the base designation. The basic designation includes, for example, the number of the agreement (contract) and/or code of the construction site, as well as the number of the building or structure according to the master plan;

KM - brand of the main set of drawings;

SM16. SMS. SSM - code and serial number of specifications.

GOST 21.502-2016

7.7 The first sheet of the collection of SCM specifications is the title page, made according to Form 15 GOST 21.101-97 on an A4 sheet.

After the title page, the content is placed, which is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Example - 2345-12-KM.SSM-S

7.6 CM and SMS are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents, which is included in the general data on the working drawings. If the specifications are combined into the SMS. then in the “Attached documents” section only the collection is recorded.

7.9 Examples of specifications for rolled metal products are shown in Figures M.1 and M.2 (Appendix M).

7.10 Changes to the specifications are made in accordance with GOST 21.101, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

Information about changes made to the specifications compiled in the form of a collection (SCM) is given in the “Note” column of the contents of the collection of specifications.

The table of changes in the title block of the contents of the collection of specifications does not take into account corrections. introduced into the content in connection with changes to the MS and SMS.

The table for registering changes is not placed on the title page of the collection.

GOST 21.502-2016

Appendix A


Conventional images and designations of fasteners and welded joints

Table A.1 - Conventional images of fasteners and holes

Table A.2 - Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints


Weld image

Dimensions mm



1 Seam of a butt-solid welded joint

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

2 Seam of a butt welded joint - intermittent

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

3 Seam of a welded joint in a corner, T-joint or lap-sleeve joint:

a) on the visible side

b) from the invisible side

GOST 21.502-2016

End of Table A.2


Weld image




4 Seam of a welded joint, corner, tee or lap-discontinuous:

a) on the visible side

b) from the invisible side

5 Seam of welded joint overlap, contact, spot

6 Lapped seam of the ectrose-riveted welded joint (with a round hole)

kf - fillet weld leg: / - length of the welded section, a - distance between the weld sections.

GOST 21.502-2016

Figure B.1 - Example of performing loads on metal structures

GOST 21.502-2016

GOST 21.502-2016

Appendix B


An example of performing loads on foundations

GOST 21.502-2016

Appendix D


Examples of general view drawings

Figure D.1 - Example of a general view drawing of a tank

Paaoeal-I Plan umtu RazyaZ-Z Raeoee4-4

Figure D.2 - An example of a drawing of a general view of a mint

GOST 21.502-2016

Column layout at 0.000

Figure D.Z - An example of the layout of the studs of an industrial building

GOST 21.502-2016

Figure P4 - An example of a section of a production building

GOST 21.502-2016

Layout of coating elements along the lower chords of trusses

GOST 21.502-2016

Appendix D


Examples of diagrams of elements of metal structures

Figure D1 - Example of the layout of coating elements

nm Cut 2-2 (6) nm

Cut 3-3 (6)

Figure D2 - Example of drawing sections of an industrial building

GOST 21.502-2016

GOST 21.502-2016

Form 1 - list of elements

Form 1-List of elements

E.1 In the list of elements indicate

In the “Element Brand” column indicate:

element brand according to the arrangement of elements or general appearance:

In the “Section” column indicate:

“Sketch” - location of the element’s cross-sectional details, positions of the cross-sectional details, required dimensions.

"Pos." - serial numbers of parts positions.

“Composition” is an abbreviated designation of the profiles that make up the section, consisting of the symbol of the profiles in accordance with GOST 2.410 and the number or dimensions of the profile in accordance with the standards or specifications for a specific type of profile:

In the column “Attachment force” indicate:

A is the reaction in the reference section of the element. kN.

N is the longitudinal force in the element. kN.

M is the bending moment in the supporting section of the element. kN*m.

It is allowed to indicate additional indicators (values) of efforts for attaching N, M x. Mu M tp, etc. with their obligatory illustration on diagrams or assemblies:

In the column “Name or brand of metal” indicate the name or brand of metal for the entire element. if all the parts of the element are made of the same metal, and by position - if the name or grade of metal of the parts is different:

In the “Note” column indicate other necessary information about the element.

E.2 The dimensions of the table columns, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

GOST 21.502-2016

Appendix G


Example of filling out a list of elements


Efforts al and attachments

Name or grade of metal


Figure G.1 - Example of filling out a list of elements

Along the heels,_pits

Rafter truss FP1

Shape 112. C2S5; except as specified

IG 63x5 IG 160x12

Support rib 200x20: C346-3

Figure I.1 - An example of a drawing of a pyx tain metal skewer



GOST 21.502-2016

Appendix K


An example of a drawing of a metal structure assembly

GOST 21.502-2016

Form 2 - Specification of rolled metal products

Nshmyayaeyanio profile gost, tu

NrimvnOnOnie or march hid GOST, TU

unrm pttppgch gp appementsh ionepipiA t

P.1 In the specifications CM and SMS should indicate

In the column “Profile name. GOST, TU" - name of the profile in accordance with the applied standards or technical conditions:

In the column “Name or grade of metal. GOST TU" - name or grade of metal and designations of standards or technical conditions in accordance with which the supply is made:

In the column “Profile number or dimensions, mm” - the profile number or dimensions in accordance with the symbols given in the standards or technical specifications. The designation of profiles is written in ascending order of their numbers or sizes:

In the column "Pos." - serial numbers of positions in which the mass of metal is indicated for structural elements:

In the column “Mass of metal by structural elements, t” - mass according to working drawings of the KM brand. determined to the nearest tenth of a ton:

In the column “Total mass, t” - the mass according to the working drawings of the KM. determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a ton.

For each profile name, the line “Total” is given, and for each grade of metal - “Total”.

At the end of each SM and SMS the following lines are given:

“Total mass of metal”:

“Including by brand or name.”

L.2 The dimensions of the specification columns, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

GOST 21.502-2016

Appendix M


An example of filling out a rolled metal specification

Naima noaanie

or metal grade GOST. THAT

Profile number or dimensions mm

masea metal l moments keystoush


GOST TU profile


GOST 27772-68

steel gormymtaii with


the edges of the butts

GOST 26020-83

GOST 27772-68

Total profit

Ugot steel***


GOST 27772-68

according to GOST Adoe

All profit

GOST 27772-88




Voete prop


(Name of developer and construction site)

(Name of construction site)


rolled metal

Format l!

Figure M.1 - Example of filling out a rolled metal specification

GOST 21.502-2016

profile number or dimensions mm

weight of metal based on structural cements, g


GOST profile. THAT


or metal grade GOST. THAT

hot rolled


GOST 19903-74

Total profiles

Total mass of metal:

Including by brand

or names


Figure M.2 - Example of filling out the specification of a megalpoprog

GOST 21.502-2016

UDC 691:002:006.354 ISS 01.100.30

Key words: system of design documentation for construction, metal structures, composition, working documentation, design rules, working drawings of the KM brand. general data, loads* and impacts, general view drawings, drawings of elements, drawings of components, layout of elements, specifications of rolled metal

Editor S.I. Bochkova Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader RA Mvntova Computer layout P.A. Circular

Delivered for recruitment on December 20, 2016. Signed on chat" 01/30/2017. Format 60 "64 V§. Headset Arial Usp. oven l. 3.72. Uch.-iad. p 3.37 Circulation S4 em. Zach. 250.

Prepared based on the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FSUE "STANDARTINFORM". 12399S Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4.

11.1 Specification of rolled metal (SM) is intended for ordering rolled metal.

11.2 CM must be carried out in accordance with Figure 10 or Figure 11 according to the CM drawings, without taking into account processing waste and the mass of deposited metal.

11.3 For construction projects with the release of sets of working drawings of the KM brand in stages, it is necessary to draw up a CM for each stage.

11.4 CM should be drawn up for each type of structural elements in accordance with sections of the price list of wholesale prices for building steel structures or other regulatory documents.

11.5 Based on the MS, a free specification of rolled metal products (SMS) is drawn up in the same form.

11.6 SM and SMS may be combined into a separate collection (SSM) with its own title page in accordance with GOST 21.110 and table of contents.

Each SM, SMS and SSM is assigned an independent designation, consisting of the designation of working drawings in accordance with GOST 21.101 and STP 15-95 through a hyphen code SM, SM S or SSM and the serial number SM.

For example, XX - XXXX - XX - KM.SM.16



SM, SMS and SSM are recorded in the list of attached documents.

11.7 When carrying out CM in the form of separate sheets of working drawings of the KM brand, the CM tables (Fig. 11) are included in the set of working drawings of the KM brand.

11.8 In the SM and SMS columns the following should be indicated:

in the column “Brand or name of metal, GOST, TU” - the brand or name of the metal and the number of the state standard or technical conditions according to which the supply is made;

in the column “Profile name, GOST, TU” - the name of the profile subgroup according to the “All-Russian Product Classifier OK 005-93”. - M:, IPK Standards Publishing House, 2000;

in the “Line number” column - sequential numbers of all lines in which the mass is indicated;

in the column “Profile number or dimensions, mm” - the profile number or dimensions in accordance with the symbols given in state standards or technical specifications, and the length of the profile, if it is supplied in measured lengths. The profile length is indicated in the second line. Within the name, profiles are written in ascending order of their numbers or sizes;

in the column “Brand code or metal name” - a four-digit code of the brand or metal name in accordance with OKP (block of metal and alloy grades);

in the column “Profile code” - a four-digit profile code in accordance with OKP (profile block);

in the column “Technical code. har." - four-digit code of the technical characteristics of the profile in accordance with OKP (technical requirements block);

In the column “Convention code. deliveries" - two-digit codes of delivery conditions in accordance with OKP (block of order forms and delivery conditions). The column is filled in if necessary;

in the column “Weight, t” - the mass according to the working drawings of the design model, determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a ton;

in the column “Total mass, t” - the mass according to the working drawings of the design model, determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a ton.

For each profile name, the “Total” line is given, and for each steel grade - the “Total” line;

In the columns “Brand code or name of metal”, “Profile code”, “Technical code. har.", "Convention code. deliveries" record codes only at the request of the customer.

11.9 At the end of each SM and SMS the following lines are given:

“Total mass of metal”, “Including by brand or name”, “Including by enlarged types of assortment”.

11.10 An example of SM implementation is given in Appendix E.

Picture 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Appendix A


on welding and selection of welding materials

A General instructions

1 All factory connections of metal structure elements are welded. Installation welded connections are indicated in nodes.

2 Materials for welding corresponding to steels should be taken according to table 55* SNiP II-23-81* (1991 edition).

3 Instructions for welding structures:

Butt, waist and fillet welds in elements longer than 2 m are recommended to be performed using automatic submerged arc welding; other factory seams of all elements - by mechanized welding in carbon dioxide or in its mixture with argon;

The values ​​of the coefficients β f, β z and the calculated shear resistance of the weld metal R ωf, R ωz are taken according to tables 3, 4*, 34* of SNiP II-23-81*;

The dimensions of fillet welds indicated in the drawings are taken from the calculation: factory - for mechanized welding in a carbon dioxide environment with a welding wire with a diameter of 1.4 - 1.6 mm in the lower position and horizontal on a vertical plane; wire with a diameter of 0.8 - 1.4 mm - in vertical and ceiling positions; mounting - for manual arc welding;

When switching to other types of welding or welding materials, as well as when applying special measures aimed at increasing the productivity of the welding process, the dimensions of all specified welds must be recalculated in accordance with the instructions of SNiP II-23-81 *;

When welding structures made of steel with a design resistance of up to 2400 kg/cm 2, welded with steels of higher strength, use E42A type electrodes.

4 The dimensions of the design welds should be taken depending on the forces indicated on the diagrams and in the lists of structural elements, except for those specified in the units, and also depending on the thickness of the elements being welded.

5 Welds with edge preparation should be performed with full penetration, with mandatory stripping and subsequent welding of the root of the weld. The use of welding on the remaining linings is prohibited, except for certain special cases specified in the CM drawings or subject to agreement with the author of the project.

The quality of all full penetration welds must be checked by non-destructive testing methods. Quality control of welded joints must be carried out taking into account the requirements of GOST 23118-99 “Steel building structures. General technical conditions".

The beginning and end of butt welds and fillet welds with full penetration should be brought outside the parts being welded onto lead strips, followed by their removal and cleaning of the installation sites.

6 The minimum lengths of fillet welds should be taken according to table 38* of SNiP II-23-81*.

The minimum length of fillet welds is 60 mm.

7 When welding T-, corner and cross-shaped joints from low-alloy steel C345 with a thickness of 20 mm or more, in order to reduce the likelihood of destruction of welded joints associated with the physical heterogeneity of rolled products in thickness, additional technological measures must be provided when developing welding technology:

Mandatory thorough calcination of welding materials and their release to work in accordance with the requirements for their preparation, storage and use;

Mandatory cleaning of the welded elements before welding from mill scale, rust and other contaminants to a width of 20 mm in each direction from the cutting edge;

Compliance with the design dimensions of design and non-design fillet welds, preventing their reduction;

Elimination of sharp depressions between rollers with a depth of more than 0.5 mm, undercuts during the transition from the weld metal to the base metal, and other stress raisers;

Inspection of welds with full penetration by ultrasonic flaw detection or inspection by penetrating radiation to detect possible cracks and discontinuities in welds and the heat-affected zone.

8 Paragraph 7 contains the basic requirements for making welded joints of metal structures, taking into account the physical heterogeneity of rolled products in thickness. Manufacturing plants and installation organizations (if it is necessary to perform field welding), based on the adopted technology and existing practical experience, can apply other technological measures aimed at ensuring high-quality welded joints in accordance with CM drawings and standard requirements.

9 In order to prevent the formation of cracks in welded joints and layered cracking of rolled products under the influence of welding stresses and loads, pay special attention to strict adherence to the technology of assembly and welding of metal structures, ensuring the requirements of norms, technical conditions, standards, work of the plant’s quality control department at all stages of manufacturing metal structures .

10 Final quality control of welded joints of structures made of C345 steels should be carried out no earlier than 48 hours from the completion of welding of the unit being tested. Identified defects in welded structures must be inspected and corrected. Without fulfilling the specified requirements, it is prohibited to prime and ship metal structures from the manufacturer and accept them for installation.

11 Welding of joints made of high-strength steels C375 and higher must be performed using a specially developed technology that takes into account the specifics of structures, their stress state and other factors.

Welding technology can be developed by the TsNIIPSK Institute named after. Melnikov under a separate agreement (agreement).

B Instructions for making welded joints of rolled and welded beams

1 Factory and installation connections (joints) of rolled and welded beams are made end-to-end with full penetration of the edges of the flanges and walls and must be of equal strength to the base metal of the section.

2 The location of the installation joints is indicated either in the CM drawings, or is determined by the manufacturer (together with the installation organization) with mandatory agreement with the authors of the project.

3 The technology for assembling and welding factory and installation joints (joints) can be developed by the TsNIIPSK Institute named after. Melnikov within the framework of an additional agreement (agreement).

Instructions for making welded connections of elements from angle profiles with packaging in nodes of lattice structures

When making welded connections of lattice elements from angle profiles with packaging of rafter and sub-rafter trusses, column branches, braces and other lattice structures, the following additional requirements must be observed (see node A):

1 Welds attaching the grille elements to the gussets should be made with welding of the ends of the corners.

2 The overlap lengths of the corners on the gusset l Н1, l Н2 are determined based on the load-bearing capacity of the gusset (tearout, shearing, etc. factors) and welds along the butt and feather, ensuring the transfer of forces acting in them. The lengths l H1, l H2 should be no less than 1.7b 0 along the butt and 1.1b 0 along the feather (where b 0 is the width of the corner flange adjacent to the gusset).

3 When assembling the units, it is necessary to press the corners of the grille to the gusset along the entire abutment plane in order to ensure the requirements for gaps in accordance with GOST 14771-76* or GOST 5264-80* (type of connections T1, N1).

Placement of tacks is allowed at a distance of 30 - 35 mm from the end of the angle.

4 Weld seams attaching corners to gussets should be performed in the following sequence:

4.1 Weld seam Ш1 along the leg of the angle, starting at the edge of the gusset (see point 5) and ending in the middle of the end of the angle;

4.2 Weld seam Ш2 along the edge of the corner, starting at the edge of the gusset (see point 5) and ending in the middle of the end of the corner, overlapping seam Ш1 by 20 - 30 mm;

4.3 If necessary, make additional passes of seams Ш1 and Ш2 along the butt and feather, shifting the beginning of each subsequent pass by 10 mm, ensuring the calculated values ​​of the legs.

5 Begin seams Ш1 and Ш2 with a deviation from the edge of the gusset of no less than 10 - 15 mm.

6 Weld craters must be welded and free of cracks.

7 The quality of welds must be controlled.

Appendix B


for making bolted installation connections

A Friction connections with high-strength bolts

1 The connections are designed in accordance with the provisions of SNiP II-23-81* (edition 1991) and are calculated under the assumption of the transmission of forces acting in the elements by friction forces arising along the contacting planes of the connected elements from the tension of high-strength bolts. The distribution of axial force between the bolts is assumed to be uniform. To determine the forces on the bolts from the existing loads, see the instructions on the KM drawings. The numerical value of the friction forces is directly proportional to the values ​​of the friction coefficients on the contact surfaces, the pre-tensioning forces of high-strength bolts and the number of friction planes.

Bolts M20, 24-6gx1.110 GOST 22353-77*;

Nuts M20, 24-6N.110 GOST 22354-77*;

Washers 20, 24 GOST 22355-77*.

Note. When the design temperature of the construction area is from -40 °C to -65 °C, bolts and nuts of climatic design HL, placement category 1 (HL1) should be used.

3 The diameter of the holes should be taken equal to 28 mm for M24 bolts and 23 mm for M20 bolts, except as specified in the drawings. When drilling holes, use jigs or other specialized equipment that ensures that quality requirements and permissible deviations in hole dimensions are met in accordance with the requirements for the manufacture of the structure (see Section IV).

4 In places where high-strength bolts are installed, the contact surfaces of structural elements and linings should not be primed or painted.

5 Method of processing (cleaning) the contact surfaces of the connection - with steel brushes without preservation. The calculated value of the friction coefficient is taken to be μ = 0.35.

6 The method of regulating the tension of the bolts is by tightening torque (“according to M”).

7 The tightness of the package is checked with a 0.3 mm thick probe, which should not penetrate into the zone of the outer hole, limited by a radius of 1.3d 0 from the center of this hole (d 0 is the diameter of the hole).

8 After acceptance of the connection, the mark of the foreman and the person responsible for making the bolted connection is applied to each node in a place accessible for inspection. The height of the mark must be at least 8 mm. The location of the stamp (about 100x100 mm in size) is painted with white paint.

9 All tensioning and tension control work should be recorded in a logbook for monitoring the execution of installation connections on high-strength bolts.

10 The number of bolts in connections and the thickness of the linings are determined in accordance with the Guidelines for the calculation of assemblies on high-strength bolts, if they are not specified in the drawings of the assemblies.

11 Overlays of the same geometric shape, but differing in thickness by less than 4 mm, should be unified and accepted according to the larger of them. The use of plates of the same thickness and geometric shape made of different steels is not allowed.

12 The distances between the centers of the hole and to the edge of the element in the longitudinal and transverse directions are taken in accordance with table. 39 SNiP II-23-81*, except as specified in the KM drawings.

13 If the difference between the planes of the connected elements is from 0.5 to 3 mm, to ensure a smooth bend of the lining, the edge of the protruding part must be smoothed with an emery stone at a distance of at least 30 mm from the edge. If the difference is more than 3 mm, gaskets made of steel C235 and higher should be used in accordance with GOST 27772-88 and processed during installation on both sides in the same way as the linings.

14 Each bolt is installed in connection with two round washers: one is placed under the bolt head, the other under the nut. It is prohibited to place more than one washer on each side of the bag.

B Connections with permanent bolts of accuracy class B, working in shear and tension

1 Connections with bolts of accuracy class B are designed on the assumption that the forces acting in the elements are transmitted by the resistance of the connected elements to crushing, the bolts to shear and tension. When making installation connections with bolts, follow the “Recommendations and standards for the technology of installing bolts in installation connections of metal structures”, Moscow, TsNIIproektstalkonstruktsiya, 1988.

2 Accuracy class B bolts, nuts and washers should be taken:

Bolts of strength class 5.6:

· bolts M12, 16, 20, 24-6gx1.5.6 GOST 7798-70*, GOST 1759.0-87* and GOST 1759.4-87*; factory mark and strength class marking are required; the use of free-cut steel, as well as lightweight bolts (the diameter of the smooth part is equal to the average diameter of the thread) is not allowed;

· nuts of strength class 5: M12, 16, 20, 24-6N.5 GOST 5915-70*, GOST 1759.5-87;

Bolts of strength class 8.8:

· bolts M16, 20, 24-6gx1.8.8 GOST 7798-70*, GOST 1759.0-87* and GOST 1759.4-87*; the use of lightweight bolts (the diameter of the smooth part is equal to the average diameter of the thread) is not allowed;

· nuts of strength class 8: M16, 20, 24 - 6N.8 GOST 5915-70*, GOST 1759.5-87;

Bolts of strength class 10.9;

· bolts M16, 20, 24-6gx1.10.9 GOST 7798-70*, GOST 1759.0-87* and GOST 1759.4-87*; the use of lightweight bolts (the diameter of the smooth part is equal to the average diameter of the thread) is not allowed;

· nuts of strength class 10: M16, 20, 24-6N.10 GOST 5915-70*, GOST 1759.5-87.

Washers for bolts of all strength classes

Washers (flat) 12, 16, 20, 24 GOST 11371-78* and GOST 18123-82*;

3 Use bolts of strength classes 5.6, 8.8, 10.9 with diameters d b ≥ 16 mm with guaranteed impact strength characteristics in accordance with GOST 1759.4-87*.

4 The use of bolts without markings is not allowed.

5 The difference in the nominal diameters of the hole and bolts is assumed to be 2 mm, except as specified in the CM drawings.

When drilling holes, use jigs or other specialized equipment that ensures compliance with quality requirements and permissible deviations in hole sizes. Permissible deviations from the nominal diameter and ovality are no more than +1.0 mm. The deviation in the distance between the centers of holes in a group should not exceed 1.0 mm for both adjacent and outer holes. The discrepancy between the axes of the holes (blackness) is no more than 1.5 mm.

6 When assembling connections, the threads of the bolts should not be in the hole at a depth of more than half the thickness of the element adjacent to the nut. In single-shear connections, the bolt heads should be located on the side of the thinner element, in double-shear connections - on the side of the thinner lining.

7 One round washer should be installed under the bolt heads and under the nuts.

8 The nuts must be secured against self-unscrewing by installing locknuts.

9 Nuts and locknuts must be tightened to failure with a wrench with a handle length of 150 - 200 mm for M12 bolts, 250 - 300 mm - M16, 450 - 500 mm - M20, 600 - 650 mm - M24 with a force of at least 30 kg.

10 The tightness of the package is checked with a 0.3 mm thick probe, which should not penetrate into the zone of the outer hole, limited by a radius of 1.3d 0 from the center of this hole.

B Flange connections with high-strength bolts.

1 The manufacture and installation of structures with slate connections should be carried out in accordance with Section IV of the general data, “Recommendations for the calculation, design, manufacture and installation of flange connections of steel building structures” (VNIPIPSK, TsNIIPSK, Moscow, 1989) and these Guidelines.

2 High-strength bolts, nuts and washers take:

Bolts М24-6gx1.110ХЛ1 GOST 22353-77*;

Nuts M24-6N.110HL1 GOST 22354-77*;

Washers 24 GOST 22355-77*.

Technical requirements and material of bolts, nuts and washers according to GOST 22356-77*.

3 For flanges of steel structure elements subject to tension, bending or their combined action, sheet steel should be used in accordance with GOST 19903-74* with guaranteed mechanical properties in the direction of rolled thickness in accordance with TU 14-1-4431-88 classes 3 - 5 grades 09G2S-15 and 14G2AF-15 or according to TU 14-105-465-89 brand 14G2AF-15.

The flanges can be made of low-alloy steel sheet C345, C375 in accordance with GOST 27772-88 quality category 3 or 4 with a relative narrowing in the direction of the rolled thickness Ψ z ≥ 15%.

The mechanical properties of steel in the direction of rolled thickness are checked by the manufacturer of building steel structures according to the methodology set out in Appendix 8 of the “Recommendations...” (see paragraph 1 of this section).

4 When drilling holes, use jigs or other specialized equipment that ensures that quality requirements and permissible deviations in hole sizes are met in accordance with manufacturing requirements.

The diameter of the holes is 28 mm, except for those specified in the KM drawings.

5 The quality of steel for flanges must meet the requirements specified in table 1 of the “Recommendations...” (see paragraph 1 of this section).

Steel quality control using ultrasonic flaw detection methods is carried out by a plant that produces building steel structures.

6 Quality control of welds connecting flanges to truss chords is carried out in accordance with Table. 1 and 4 GOST 23118-99 and table. 8, 9, 10 SP 53-101-98.

7 The contact surfaces of the flanges should not be primed or painted at the manufacturer's factory; they should be treated with steel brushes during installation.

8 Structures with flanged connections must undergo general assembly at the manufacturing plant, during which their compliance with the drawings and compliance with tolerance requirements is checked.

Designs made with deviations exceeding the permissible ones are subject to rejection. It is strictly forbidden to tighten flanges if the permissible gaps between the flanges are exceeded.

9 To ensure a tight fit of the flanges, it is necessary to mill the end surfaces in the finished product (after welding them).

10 The results of tension and tension control must be recorded in the logbook for monitoring the execution of installation connections on high-strength bolts.

11 It is mandatory to place washers under the nuts and bolt heads.

12 The tightness of the truss flange tie is controlled by a 0.1 mm thick probe, which should not penetrate into the zone of the outer hole, limited by a radius of 1.3d 0 from the center of this hole.

Appendix B


on corrosion protection of steel building structures operating in non-aggressive and slightly aggressive conditions

1 General part

1.1 These instructions apply to corrosion protection of steel building structures operating in mildly aggressive conditions and non-aggressive indoor conditions.

1.2 Protection of steel building structures from corrosion must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11-85 “Protection of building structures from corrosion”, GOST 9.402-80 “Preparation of metal surfaces before painting”, SNiP 3.04.03-85 “Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion."

1.3 To ensure the reliability of protective coatings, metal structures must be completely protected from corrosion at the manufacturing plant. If the Customer does not have the opportunity to place an order at a plant that has equipment for complete protection against corrosion of metal structures, it is allowed to carry out surface preparation and priming at the plant, and final painting at the construction and installation site.

1.4 The technological process of protecting metal structures from corrosion includes the following operations:

Surface preparation before painting;

Application and drying of paint and varnish coatings;

Quality control of work performed.

2 Surface preparation before painting

2.1 Surface preparation includes cleaning the surface of metal structures from oxides (mill scale and rust), mechanical, grease and other contaminants.

First, auxiliary elements, burrs, welding spatter, flux residues must be completely removed from the surface of metal structures, weld seams must be cleaned, sharp edges must be rounded with a radius of less than 0.3 mm using a manual or mechanized abrasive tool.

2.2 Degreasing of the surface should be carried out to degree 1 according to GOST 9.402-80 with brushes or rags moistened with white spirit, nefras or B-70 gasoline.

2.3 Cleaning the surface of newly manufactured structures from oxides should be done by shot blasting or shot blasting (sandblasting) methods to degree 3 according to GOST 9.402-80, provided that the interval from the moment of manufacture of painted metal structures to the supply of heat to the building does not exceed 6 months and to degree 2 - when interval of more than 6 months. In this case, painted metal structures should be stored on wooden pads with spacers made of polyethylene film.

The surface, cleaned to degree 2, must be matte, gray in color, with uniform roughness, the maximum value of which is 40 microns, without residues of corrosion products and mill scale visible to the naked eye.

On the surface of metal structures, cleaned of oxides to degree 3, the presence of individual stripes and inclusions of rust and mill scale is allowed, occupying no more than 5% of the surface.

2.4 To prevent the formation of secondary rust on the cleaned surface, the interval between surface preparation and application of protective coatings should be reduced to a minimum. It should not exceed 6 hours outdoors and 24 hours indoors under conditions that prevent dust, oil, moisture, and other contaminants from coming into contact with the cleaned surface and moisture condensation on it.

3 Application of paint and varnish coatings

3.1 The color of the coating is chosen by the Customer in accordance with the recommendations of the architect.

3.2 Application of paint and varnish coatings should be carried out according to one of the options: option 1 - with an interval from the manufacture of painted metal structures to the supply of heat to the building for no more than 6 months, option 2 - with an interval from 6 months to 2 years.

Option 1

1 Primer GF-0119 (or FL-OZK, GF-021) - 1 layer;

2 Enamel PF-115 (or PF-133) - 2 layers.

The total coating thickness is at least 60 microns.

Option 2

1 Primer VL-02 - 1 layer;

2 Primer AK-070 (or AK-069) - 1 layer;

3 Enamel XB-124 (or XB-125, XB-16) - 4 layers.

The total coating thickness is at least 110 microns.

3.3 Application of paint and varnish coatings should be carried out at an ambient temperature of not lower than 15 ° C and a relative humidity of not higher than 80%, unless otherwise specified in the regulatory and technical documentation for each specific material.

3.4 Application of paint and varnish coatings should be carried out using pneumatic or airless spraying methods. When painting fasteners and correcting defects in the coating of metal structures after installation, the use of a brush is allowed.

To ensure high-quality painting of the most corrosion-vulnerable areas, sharp edges, corners, welds and hard-to-reach areas should be painted with a brush before spraying.

3.5 Paint and varnish materials should be prepared for work in accordance with GOST or specifications for these materials.

3.6 Paint and varnish coatings damaged as a result of transportation, storage and installation of metal structures must be restored.

4 Quality control

4.1 The paints and varnishes used must comply with the requirements of GOST or TU for these materials, have manufacturer’s passports and have not expired.

4.2 The quality of the applied coating is controlled by appearance by visual inspection of 100% of the surface of structures, drying time, adhesion and thickness.

The applied paint coating must be continuous (without unpainted areas), without foreign inclusions, drips, wrinkles, bubbles, pockmarks and other defects that reduce the protective properties of the coatings. The coating must be uniform and of sufficient thickness and have satisfactory adhesion (1 - 2 points). In terms of its decorative properties, the coating must meet the requirements of classes V - VI according to GOST 9.032-74.

The adhesion of coatings is determined by the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140-78.

The thickness of paint and varnish coatings is determined by non-destructive testing using magnetic or electromagnetic thickness gauges, for example MT-33N, MT-50NTs or other brands.

It is preferable to apply paint coatings of different colors (each layer has its own color), which allows you to control the order and number of applied coating layers and obtain a higher quality paint coating.

4.3 Coatings made in accordance with these requirements provide protection of metal structures from corrosion for 5 years for the coating system according to option 1 and 10 years for option 2.

5 Protection of bolted installation connections

5.1 Protection of connections on high-strength bolts should be carried out in accordance with clause 4.34 of SNiP 3.03.01-87, as well as taking into account the following requirements: the contours of the linings, bolt heads, nuts and parts of the bolt threads protruding from them should be protected using enamel with aluminum powder in accordance with the instructions in paragraph 5.2.

5.2 To protect joints on high-strength bolts at the installation site, the enamels specified in Section 3 should be used with the original viscosity (without dilution with a solvent) with the addition of aluminum powder to a consistency that prevents the enamel from flowing into the bag by more than 20 mm.

5.3 Gaps in the joints between elements connected with high-strength bolts (see Fig. 1) should be filled with non-hardening sealing mastic NGM in accordance with GOST 14791-79.

5.4 After assembling a bolted joint without controlled tension, the mounting joints, including bolt heads, nuts, protruding parts of bolt threads, must be cleaned, primed, and cracks in places where there are differences must be filled.

A bolted connection primer can be used to protect the bolted connection. For putty, use the composition according to the recipe in paragraph 5.2.

6 Safety precautions

When carrying out anti-corrosion work, you must be guided by:

SNiP 12-03-99 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements";

GOST 12.3.005-75 “Painting works. General safety requirements";

GOST 12.4.011-75 “Means for protecting workers. Classification";

GOST 12.3.016-87 “Anti-corrosion work in construction. Safety requirements";

GOST 12.1.005-76 “Working area air”.

Appendix D


for the manufacture and installation of steel structures

1 To ensure the operability of steel structures, reliability and durability during operation, their production must be carried out at a specialized plant that has experience in manufacturing such structures.

2 Manufacture of steel structures should be carried out in accordance with GOST 23118-99 “Steel building structures”, SP 53-101-98 “Manufacture and quality control of steel building structures”, instructions and requirements of this CM project, as well as taking into account additional technical requirements of the installation organization .

3 Installation of steel structures should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures” and in accordance with the “Works Project” (WPR) developed by a specialized organization, in which it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of this structure.

Fundamental decisions on PPR should be agreed upon with the authors of the KM project.

Appendix D


Table of sections and forces

1 Data on the elements of metal structures developed in the drawings of the KM brand are entered into the table in Form 1:

In the columns of the table of sections and forces in Form 1 the following should be given:

in the “Brand” column - the brand of the element according to the arrangement of elements or general appearance;

in the “sketch” column - the location of the element’s section details, the positions of the section details, the required dimensions;

in the column "pos." - serial numbers of parts positions;

in the “composition” column - an abbreviated designation of the profiles that make up the section, consisting of the symbol of the profiles in accordance with GOST 2.410 and the number or dimensions of the profile according to the relevant standards or technical specifications. When executing the table in an automated way, other profile symbols are allowed;

in the column “Attachment force” -

A - reaction in the support section of the element, kN;

N is the longitudinal force in the element, kN;

M - bending moment in the supporting section of the element, kN.m;

in the column “Name or brand of metal” - the name or brand of metal for the entire element, if all parts of the element are made of the same metal, and by position, if the name or brand of metal of the parts is different;

in the “Note” column - indicate other necessary data about the element.

An example of filling out a table of sections and forces is given:

Table of sections and forces

Brand Section Attachment force Name or grade of metal Note
sketch pos. compound Ah, shh N, ts M, ts. m
FS1 Difficult Sheet 12
B1 I 40B1 - - S345-3
L 100×8 - - - S245
B2 -900×8 - S345-3
K1 I 40Ш1 -38 -41 S345-3

2 In drawings of the KM brand, depending on the nature of the structural element of the diagram, the use of other tables of sections and forces is allowed.

Appendix E


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GOST 21.502-2007

Group Zh01


System of design documents for construction



System of design documents for construction.

Execution rules of design and working documents for metal structures

ISS 01.100.30

Date of introduction 2009-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions", GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, updating, cancellation" and MSN 1.01-01-96 "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions"

Intelligence about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Closed Joint Stock Company "Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research and Design Institute of Building Metal Structures named after N.P. Melnikov" (CJSC "TsNIIPSK named after Melnikov")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 32 of November 21, 2007)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country

according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state construction management body


Ministry of Urban Development




State Agency for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic


Agency for Construction and Territorial Development

Russian Federation



Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan




Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 25, 2008 N 58-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.502-2007 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2009.


Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalogue) "National Standards", and the text of the changes is published in the information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"


This standard was developed on the basis of the standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS) and the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the execution of design and working documentation of metal building structures of the KM brand, which is the main basis for the development of working detail drawings of the KMD brand, a work execution plan (WPR), an order of metal and containing all the necessary and sufficient data to perform these works.

This standard includes the requirements of SN 460-74 "Temporary instructions on the composition and design of construction working drawings of buildings and structures."

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the execution of design and working documentation of building metal structures, developed at the stages “detailed design”, “project” and “working documentation” and carried out on paper or electronic media.

The requirements of this standard do not apply to the execution of detail drawings of metal structures of the KMD brand.

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2.312-72 Unified system of design documentation. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.315-68 Unified system of design documentation. Simplified and conventional images of fasteners

GOST 2.321-84 Unified system of design documentation. Letter designations

GOST 2.410-68 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for making drawings of metal structures

GOST 21.101-97 System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.110-95 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for fulfilling the specifications of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.501-93 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of architectural and construction working drawings

GOST 7798-70 Hex head bolts, accuracy class B. Design and dimensions

GOST 8240-97 Hot-rolled steel channels. Assortment

GOST 8509-93 Hot-rolled equal flange steel angles. Assortment

GOST 19903-74 Hot-rolled sheet products. Assortment

GOST 23118-99 Steel construction structures. General technical conditions

GOST 26020-83 Hot-rolled steel I-beams with parallel flange edges. Assortment

GOST 26047-83 Steel building structures. Symbols (brands)

GOST 27772-88 Rolled products for building steel structures. General technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards using the “National Standards” index compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 General provisions

3.1 When managing design, it is recommended to be guided by a quality policy developed in accordance with the requirements.

3.2 When designing facilities included in the lists of state supervision bodies for environmental, technological and nuclear safety, it is necessary to take into account the requirements reflecting their specifics and type of construction.

3.3 When designing and developing particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique facilities, the customer, together with the general designer, research and specialized design organizations, must develop technical specifications that reflect the specifics of their design, construction and operation.

4 Composition of design and working documentation

4.1 Design and working documentation for metal structures is developed by:

In one stage - “working draft” (approved part and “working documentation”);

In two stages - “project” (approved part) and “working documentation”.

4.2 Design stages depend on the category and complexity of the object and are established in the contract and design assignment.

The content of sections of the documentation should reflect characteristic and justified fundamental decisions, taking into account alternative studies.

4.3 The design documentation developed at the “project” and “detailed design” stages (approved part) includes:

An explanatory note containing: output design data, main technical and economic indicators and characteristics that are critical for safe and proper operation; loads and impacts on metal structures and other necessary data;

General view drawings of metal structures of a building or structure;

Technical specifications (if necessary) - according to GOST 23118;


4.4 The working documentation includes the main set of working drawings of metal structures of the KM brand (hereinafter referred to as working drawings KM).

4.4.1 The main set of CM working drawings includes:

Common data;

Loads and impacts on metal structures;

Loads on foundations;

General view drawings of metal structures of a building or structure (plans, sections, views, fragments);

Layout diagrams of elements of metal structures;

Drawings of elements of metal structures;

Drawings of components of metal structures;

Specification of rolled metal products and products;


4.4.2 KM working drawings must contain the necessary and sufficient data for the development of detail drawings of metal structures of the KMD grade, a project for the execution of work and the ordering of rolled metal and metal products.

Deviations from the CM working drawings are not allowed. If necessary, these deviations must be agreed upon with the organization that developed the working design drawings.

4.5 Calculations of metal structures performed at all stages of design are not provided to the customer (unless otherwise provided by the contract).

The calculations are drawn up as a text design document and deposited in the archives of the developer organization.

4.6 Drawings are drawn up in accordance with the basic requirements of GOST 21.101 (except for section 6) and the requirements of this standard.

4.7 Conventional letter designations for the names of main structures and products in design and working documentation - in accordance with GOST 26047 and GOST 2.321.

5 Rules for the design of CM drawings

5.1 General information

5.1.1 The “General Data” sheet based on the working drawings of the CM is drawn up in accordance with the general requirements of GOST 21.101.

5.1.2 On the “General Data” sheet, in the general instructions, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101 and GOST 21.501, the following is given:

Information about loads and impacts for calculating the structures of a building or structure;

Information about the main design features of a building or structure;

Design diagram of structures with information about loads and impacts with the necessary explanations (if necessary);

Description of installation and factory connections;

Information on measures to protect metal building structures from corrosion - in accordance with GOST 23118 and other regulatory documents;

Requirements for manufacturing and installation, including requirements for control of welds, as well as accuracy in accordance with current regulatory documents;

Technical and economic indicators obtained as a result of the development of the project (approved part);

Applied conventional images and designations of bolts and welds not established in GOST 2.312 and GOST 2.315;

Other additional information.

5.1.3 The used conventional images of bolts and welds that are not included in GOST 2.312 and GOST 2.315 are given in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 - Conventional images of bolts



1 Bolt of accuracy class B (permanent)

2 Temporary bolt

3 High strength bolt

4 Self-tapping bolt

Table 2 - Conventional images of welds


Weld image

Dimensions, mm



1 Seam of a butt welded joint - continuous:

a) from the visible side;

b) from the invisible side

2 Seam of a butt welded joint - intermittent:

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

3 The seam of a corner, T or lap welded joint is continuous:

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

4 Seam of a welded joint in a corner, tee or overlap - intermittent:

a) from the visible side

b) from the invisible side

5 Seam of welded joint overlap, contact, spot

6 Electrically rivet welded joint overlapped seam (with a round hole)

Fillet weld leg; - length of the welded section; - seam size.

5.2 Loads and impacts on metal structures

5.2.1 The composition of standard and design values ​​of loads, safety factors for loads and data on possible combinations of technological and other loads and impacts - in accordance with the requirements of technological, architectural and construction tasks.

5.3 Loads on foundations

5.3.1 On the sheets of loads on foundations the following is given:

The value of loads on foundations;

The accepted rule for signs of loads on foundations;

Layout diagrams of foundation bolts for each brand of foundation;

Diameters, heights of protruding parts, lengths of cuts, steel grades of foundation bolts, embedded parts;

Requirements for foundation deformability (if necessary).

An example of the design of a sheet of loads on foundations is given in Appendix A (Figure A.1).

5.4 General view drawings of metal structures

5.4.1 General drawings of the metal structures of a building or structure provide diagrams of structures with connections, indicating the relative position of the structures, their connections and support on foundations, as well as tables of main indicators (only for the approved part).

Examples of general drawings are given in Appendix B (Figures B.1-B.5).

5.4.2 General drawings are usually made schematically and contain plans, views and sections.

If construction is planned to be carried out in several stages, then the general drawings should reflect the order of construction of the building or structure.

5.4.3 General drawings indicate:

Main overall dimensions of structures;

Linking and basic parameters of technological equipment (handling and transport, etc.) affecting structures;

Characteristic marks;

Adjacent building structures that are not developed in the design drawings.

Overall dimensions are given both for the entire structure as a whole (spans, length, width, height, diameter, etc.) and for its largest elements (height of trusses, etc.).

Characteristic are the dimensions that determine the shape of a building or structure and its individual parts: slopes (roofs, bottoms, road surfaces, etc.), radii of curved surfaces, dimensions that determine the change in the width of the towers along the height, etc.

5.5 Layout of elements of metal structures

5.5.1 Layout diagrams for elements of metal structures are, as a rule, carried out in accordance with GOST 21.501, with the following change: instead of the specification according to GOST 21.101 - a list of elements.

The list of elements is carried out according to Form 1 in accordance with Appendix B.

5.5.2 When making layouts of elements on several sheets, a list of elements is usually placed on each sheet, or a list of elements common to all sheets is placed on one sheet.

5.5.3 The technical requirements placed on the layout diagrams of elements include:

Force values ​​for calculating the attachment of elements that are not indicated in the drawings and in the list of elements;

Additional information and technical requirements for manufacturing and installation that are not included in the general data.

5.5.4 Marking of elements of metal structures is usually indicated on the layout diagrams of elements. Structural elements not included in the layout diagrams of elements are marked on the general view drawings and assemblies in accordance with GOST 26047.

5.5.5 Examples of diagrams and markings of elements of metal structures are given in Appendix D (Figures D.1 and D.2).

5.6 Drawings of elements of metal structures

5.6.1 Drawings of elements of metal structures are performed if the design features of the elements are not sufficiently identified on the layout diagrams of the elements for the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade.

5.6.2 The drawings of elements of metal structures indicate:

Geometric dimensions;


Support reactions;

Markings of the top and bottom of structural elements;

Dimensions of individual parts;

Type of installation and factory connections;

Names or grades of metal of the parts included in the element;

Technical requirements.

5.6.3 The technical requirements on the drawings of elements include:

Efforts for calculating attachments not indicated on the drawing;

Additional requirements for the manufacture and installation of elements;

Numbers of sheets of layout diagrams of elements.

5.6.4 The dimensions of welds and the number of fasteners are determined when developing detail drawings of the KMD grade.

5.6.5 An example of a diagram of a metal structure element is given in Appendix E (Figure E.1).

5.7 Drawings of metal structures assemblies

5.7.1 The drawings of components of metal structures show the fundamental solutions of the components that ensure the operation of the design diagram of a building or structure.

5.7.2 In drawings of nodes, it is necessary to depict elements converging in a node, indicating references to coordination axes, axes of elements, surfaces of parts, marks of the top or bottom of structural elements.

An example of a unit drawing is given in Appendix E (Figure E.1).

5.7.3 On the drawings of the units, adjacent structural elements that are not developed in these working drawings of the KM are shown, indicating their sizes, connections and other requirements necessary for the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade.

The simplest structural components that do not require explanation are not shown in the drawings.

5.7.4 On the drawings of units (at the “detailed design” and “detailed documentation” stages) indicate:

Forces acting in the elements (if they are not specified in the list of elements);

Snaps to coordination axes;

Thickness of parts;

Weld seam dimensions;

Types, strength classes, number, diameters and pitches of bolts or rivets;

Requirements for treated surfaces;

Sections, names and grades of metal of parts not specified in the list of elements;

Technical requirements.

The dimensions of welds, the number and pitches of bolts or rivets are not indicated if they are determined during the development of detail drawings of the KMD grade.

5.8 Metal specifications

5.8.1 The specification of rolled metal products and products (CM) is compiled according to the layout of elements on sheets of any format and is carried out according to Form 2 given in Appendix G. The size of the CM format depends on the number of lines in the column “Mass of metal by structural elements”.

5.8.2 CM are compiled for each type of structural element without taking into account processing waste and the mass of deposited metal.

5.8.3 For construction projects with the phased release of sets of working drawings, the CM draw up a CM for each stage of construction.

5.8.4 Based on the MS, a consolidated specification of rolled metal products and products (CMC) is drawn up in Form 2.

SM and CMC can be combined into a separate collection (SSM) with a title page in accordance with GOST 21.110 and a separate table of contents.

Each CM, CMC and CCM is assigned a designation, which includes: a basic designation established according to the system in force in the organization, and (through a dot) the CM, CMC or CCM code and the serial number of the specification.

Examples of designations CM, CMC and CCM:




where 3 is the number of the development department;

1824 - construction site number;

403 - building number according to the explication on the general plan;

KM - brand of the main set of KM drawings.

Specifications (CM, CMC and CCM) are recorded in the list of attached documents.

5.8.5 An example of the specification of rolled metal products is given in Appendix I (Figure I.1).

Appendix A


An example of designing a sheet of loads on foundations

Figure A.1 - Load sheet. Loads on foundations

Appendix B


Examples of general view drawings

Figure B.1 - General view when installing two tanks

Figure B.2 - General view of the mast

Figure B.4* - Layout of columns at 0.000 m


*Numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

Figure B.5 - Section 1-1

Appendix B


Form 1 - List of elements

Instructions for filling out the list of elements:

In the “Element Brand” column indicate:

brand of the element according to the arrangement of elements or general appearance;

In the "Section" column indicate:

"sketch" - location of the element's cross-sectional details, positions of the cross-sectional details, required dimensions,

"pos." - serial numbers of parts positions,

“composition” is an abbreviated designation of the profiles that make up the section, consisting of the symbol of the profiles in accordance with GOST 2.410 and the number or dimensions of the profile in accordance with the standards or specifications for a specific type of profile;

In the column "Attachment force" indicate:

Reaction in the reference section of the element, kN,

Longitudinal force in the element, kN,

Bending moment in the support section of the element, kN m;

In the column “Name or brand of metal” indicate the name or brand of metal for the entire element, if all parts of the element are made of the same metal, and by position - if the name or brand of metal of the parts is different;

In the "Note" column indicate other necessary information about the element.

Example filling out form 1:

List of elements

Item brand


Attachment force

Name or grade of metal


Sheet 12


I 40B1












I 40Ш1





Figure D.1 - Rafter truss FP1

Appendix E


An example of a unit drawing

Figure E.1 - Node 1

Appendix G

Form 2 - Specification of rolled metal products

Instructions for filling out the specification of rolled metal products

The CM and CMC specifications should indicate:

In the column “Name of profile, GOST, TU” - name of the profile in accordance with the applied standards or technical conditions;

In the column “Name or grade of metal, GOST, TU” - name or grade of metal and designations of standards or technical conditions in accordance with which the supply is made;

In the column "Profile number or dimensions, mm" - the profile number or dimensions in accordance with the symbols given in the standards or technical specifications. The designation of profiles is written in ascending order of their numbers or sizes;

In the column "N p.p." - sequential numbers of all lines in which the mass is indicated;

In the column “Mass of metal by structural elements, t” - mass according to the working drawings of the CM, determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a ton;

In the column “Total mass, t” - the mass according to the working drawings of the design model, determined with an accuracy of one tenth of a ton.

For each profile name, the line “Total” is given, and for each grade of metal - “Total”.

At the end of each CM and CMC the following lines are given:

"Total mass of metal";

"Including by brand or name."

Appendix I


An example of a rolled metal specification

Figure I.1 - Specification of rolled metal, sheet 1

Figure I.1 - Specification of rolled metal, sheet 2


ISO 9001:2000

Quality Management System. Requirements

SNiP 2.01.07-85

Loads and impacts

Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:

official publication

M.: Standartinform, 2008