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What gift to give to a colleague on February 23rd. Inexpensive gifts for the male half of the team

Although Defender of the Fatherland Day will not come so soon, you need to choose gifts in advance, because this is an important and responsible matter. What can you give to your colleagues?

What should the gift be?

What could be a gift for a male colleague? Let us define the criteria by which to choose it:

  • In any case, even a small present should be pleasant. By the way, to make such a gift, you don’t have to spend a lot of money. If your imagination works well, then you can come up with something bright and original, but not too expensive.
  • If the donated item is useful, then your colleague will probably appreciate it, so take this into account and do not give cute trinkets (the stronger sex simply does not see the point in them).
  • Nothing personal! In any case, you should not give underwear or socks to a colleague, even if you are in a friendly or close relationship, it is simply indecent. You shouldn’t give them as gifts, let them be better picked up by the beloved woman of the defender of the fatherland.
  • If you have a young team in which a light, friendly atmosphere reigns, then you can choose cool gifts. But a serious man middle-aged people may not appreciate such a surprise.

And remember that the most important thing is attention. So even the most inexpensive gift, presented with all your heart, will please any defender of the fatherland.

How to find out what men want?

The preferences and tastes of men are undoubtedly different. But how can we find them out? There are several options:

  • Casual conversation. Go out to lunch with your male colleagues and try to get them talking. For example, start a conversation about hobbies and interests, this will give you some leads. Then replay the entire conversation in your memory and remember who is interested in what.
  • A little trick. Tell them that you need to choose a gift for February 23rd for a friend or brother (your spouse will not work, because you can give him something personal and intimate) and ask the male half of the team what you can choose. Remember all the proposals and those who put forward them, because everyone will advise something that they themselves would not mind taking possession of.
  • Vote. And this option is possible. For example, if there are a lot of men in a team, then finding out everyone’s preferences will not be easy. Prepare some forms and offer several categories, such as “”, “hobbies” (at this point the voter will have to indicate his hobbies), “useful accessories”, “jokes” and so on. Each colleague will have to vote and remember to indicate their name. After voting, you will analyze the results and be able to choose a suitable and useful gift for everyone.

Individual approach or collective wisdom?

Undoubtedly, an individual approach is preferable, since everyone will receive something special and will understand that effort and time were spent choosing a gift, which, of course, is very pleasant.

But if there are a lot of men in a team, then it is simply impossible to find out everyone’s preferences. In this case, you should choose collective gifts. But it’s still not worth presenting the same surprises; they should differ in some characteristics (even in colors or shapes).

A few ideas


Pleasant emotions and vivid impressions are sometimes worth much more than the most expensive gifts. Several win-win options:

  • Give your defenders a real holiday! If funds allow, invite your colleagues to a cafe. If the budget is limited, then arrange a celebration right in the office. Prepare the room in advance and decorate it. Don't forget the treats. Defenders will certainly enjoy eating home-cooked meals prepared by their female colleagues. If everyone brings something from home, the end result will be a chic and rich table. And, of course, prepare a festive program. These can be competitions, songs and dances, riddles and much more.
  • If there are poets or creative personalities in your team, then dedicate a poem to each man, which will list all his qualities and virtues.
  • Give your colleagues a real men's holiday by renting a bathhouse for them. Defenders will certainly appreciate such a gesture.
  • Go with your whole friendly team to a bowling club or other establishment.
  • Invite men to feel like real defenders of the fatherland by immersing themselves in the exciting game of paintball. You can also invite your colleagues to a shooting range or a game of laser tag.
  • You can give your boss a subscription to the pool or several sessions of a relaxing massage. Water and other stress-relieving procedures will definitely not hurt him.
  • Air congratulations. Buy a balloon for each male employee. Place a greeting inside the balloons. This could be a piece of congratulations (certainly original), a edited photo, an interesting portrait or caricature.

Military attributes

And even if they are not the most useful, they will certainly remind every man of his purpose and essence. Today on sale you can find military flasks, caps, caps in the shape of caps, slippers in the shape of airplanes or tanks, mugs in the shape of grenades and much more.

Useful little things


  • Any office employee at work will need a memory card. But choose something original and unusual, for example, a card in the shape of a pistol or an airplane.
  • On a winter evening, a defender stuck in a traffic jam will be warmed by tea, which he can always take with him, having an original thermos.
  • Many will appreciate such a gadget as a heated mug.
  • A safe piggy bank will finally teach a man not to spend his entire salary at once and will help him save for a vacation or for a new car.
  • Do you want to give something useful, unusual and inexpensive? On sale you can find various sets of 2 in 1, 3 in 1 or even 4 in 1. So, it could be a keychain with a knife, a flashlight, wire cutters and a pen. It's very convenient and useful.
  • For many, car supplies and accessories are relevant: air fresheners, nano-mats, phone stands and much more.
  • An unusual alarm clock, for example, a flying or running one, will help you get up in the morning and not be late for work.
  • For get-togethers in a group of men, a set of wooden beer mugs or unbreakable glasses may come in handy.
  • A variety of stress-relieving toys will help relieve stress after a hard day at work.
  • An office worker will definitely need a wireless computer mouse.
  • Real men love and know how to cook, and a stylish men's apron will help avoid stains.
  • If you know the preferences and hobbies of a colleague, but you are afraid of making a mistake, then insure yourself by buying a gift certificate for a purchase at a tool store, fishing or hunting supplies, or any other. Let your colleague choose something he likes.

Corporate gifts

To maintain corporate spirit and unite the team and at the same time please your colleagues, order interesting souvenirs. These can be mugs with the company logo, keychains, pens, organizers, notebooks, various travel kits and much more.

With humor in life

Laughter and a smile prolong our lives, so give your colleagues something funny, for example, an exciting and funny board game for a friendly company, an unusual and cool figurine, a puzzle, a signal bell to control a woman (yes, this happens) or something other.

Some useful tips for those who have to choose gifts for colleagues:

  • Take care of buying gifts in advance to think through and prepare everything.
  • How you give the gift is also important, so prepare an original greeting.
  • Decide on a budget and base it on the amount you want to spend.
  • A good gift is a gift given with soul.

Let all your colleagues be happy.

On the eve of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, women are racking their brains about what to give to their dear and close men. But the more pressing question is what gift to choose for colleagues on February 23rd. You can find ideas for original, useful and acceptable gifts for male employees in this article.

Basic principles when choosing gifts for colleagues on February 23

At first glance, it may seem that choosing a gift for a man is very simple. But as soon as they move from words to action, it turns out that the shower gel is unoriginal, and the leather wallet is expensive. Some women want to put their soul into a gift, even if it is being prepared for a work colleague, while other ladies prefer not to attach much importance to the choice of a gift, following the principle that the main thing is attention. Be that as it may, it is worth considering the following nuances.

Originality in gifts

Men value care and a good sense of humor, so even if it’s not an expensive gift, it will be pleasant with a certain meaning. Whether it’s even an ordinary keychain, the main thing is to play up the gift in such a way that the man feels that this is not just a gift “just to give,” but a thoughtful present.

original key chains

Practical gifts

If you can't think of anything other than shaving machines, that's okay. Any man will appreciate a practical and not particularly original gift; all you need to do is present it with kind words and wishes. A mug, shower gel and even soap - which a man will find use for, and your gift will be appreciated.

mugs in the shape of Canon camera lenses

Avoid ambiguity

Avoid ambiguity, otherwise you risk being misunderstood, because underwear or souvenirs with erotic overtones, even if given as a joke, can be perceived by many males as a call to action or a hint. This can often lead to quarrels, misunderstandings and discord in the team (especially if it is dominated by married people).

beautiful ashtray

Consider the type and age of men

When women need to decide what gift to give to colleagues on February 23, they should not consider ideas related to alcohol. Athletes won't like them. You should also take into account that older people may not appreciate a brand new smartphone case. Before choosing a gift, evaluate what your colleagues are interested in. It is quite possible that they are all football fans, then football paraphernalia or tickets for some match will become a good gift.

football watch

Gifts for male bosses on February 23

When you need to decide what to give to your boss, you should take the choice of gift seriously. As a rule, they throw in money to choose a more presentable gift. If you know your boss's taste, then a bottle good wine, expensive cognac or whiskey in a beautiful package will make a good gift. If, on the contrary, the boss is interested in sports, then a subscription to the pool or a trip to the spa or massage will become relevant on February 23.

pool pass

Gifts for male colleagues on February 23

Often in a team, men and women occupy equal positions, spend every weekday side by side, and the atmosphere in the office is friendly. In this case, you can afford not just a present, but a gift in the form of an interesting pastime, for example:

  1. Bath or sauna as a gift (men only);
  2. Paintball game;
  3. Mass viewing of a new film in a cinema;
  4. Relax in an anti-cafe (2-3 hours playing board games or playing X-box with tea and cookies);
  5. Going bowling.

fun evening of bowling

But the necessary gifts for work and travel will also be appropriate:

  1. A funny alarm clock (especially for those who like to be late);
  2. A set of mugs for the office (these can be personalized glasses, united by one style, for example, the colors of the company where you work);
  3. Penknife (men really love such things, 2 in 1, 3 in 1, and best of all - 10 in 1);
  4. Thermos;
  5. Flash drive or large memory card.

set of positive mugs

thermos with inscription

flash drive

flash drive bullet

auto mug

Gifts for male subordinates on February 23

It also happens that at work you are the boss, and you have male employees subordinate to you. In this case, choosing a gift becomes more difficult, since financial possibilities are limited. The following gift options are also suitable if there are a lot of men in the team, and ladies need to pay attention to the defenders of the fatherland on holiday at all costs.

Festive tea party at work

Have a tea party (a cake, tea bags and disposable tableware will be inexpensive, and pleasant communication at the table will be remembered for a long time).

beautiful and delicious cake

Original distribution of inexpensive souvenirs

Organize a prize draw (buy inexpensive souvenirs and put everything in one large bag, invite the men to pull out the gifts themselves with attached cards with wishes).


big-eyed scissor stand

office accessories

Video congratulations on February 23

Prepare a video congratulation (sometimes it’s better to limit yourself to verbal congratulations, but to make it memorable, write it down interesting video congratulations and send it by email to your employees, they will definitely like this attention).

Unusual gifts for men

We offer to surprise your colleagues with non-standard, and at the same time useful gifts. For example, they will like the following things:

  • for a cyclist - a bicycle lock in a floral design;
  • for those who like to cook - an original apron with a themed pattern;
  • amateur computer games or a person who works a lot at the computer - a beautiful mouse in the shape of a car;
  • for a person with a developed sense of humor - socks in unusual military packaging.

branch lock with leaves for bicycle

original men's apron

computer mouse in the shape of a car

box of socks

Festive men's wall newspaper

Make a wall newspaper (men will be pleased to see their photos and original signatures and congratulations to them, plus everyone who comes into the office will see your efforts).

Poems or song as a gift for men

Compose a song or poem (if you rhyme the first and last names of your employees, and also mention how hardworking, strong, and cheerful they are, such a gift will be very pleasant).

So, a gift for February 23 can be anything - expensive or budget, useful or humorous, it can be any thing or gifted impressions. Whatever you choose, remember that your present should be made from the heart; men will definitely appreciate it.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, it is customary to congratulate all men without exception. Everyone equates this day with a men's holiday, regardless of the man's type of activity and relationship to the army. We congratulate relatives, friends, loved ones. On the eve of the men's holiday, many are wondering what to give their male colleagues on February 23rd. In the article we will look at many options from which there is something to choose.

Classic gift options for colleagues

There are several options for gifts for colleagues that have been tested by time and experience. These gifts are always appropriate in a team and will be received correctly. If you haven’t yet decided what to give your male colleagues on February 23, then you can safely choose something from the list below.

  1. Tea or coffee. It is customary to take tea or coffee breaks at work. For this reason, tea bags or coffee are always necessary. You can also choose options in a beautiful box for home use: large-leaf good loose tea or coffee beans.
  2. Alcohol. A bottle of good spirits will be appropriate for this holiday. For men, you can choose whiskey, cognac or good vodka. You can give bottles in gift bags and boxes. The gift can be supplemented with accessories: a corkscrew, an alcohol meter, chocolate, and so on.
  3. Chocolate. Men, just like women, can be given chocolate. It can be classic or dark chocolate in beautiful stylized packaging. You can order special packaging from the printing industry with company logos or photographs.
  4. Leather goods: belts, wallets.
  5. Stationery: personalized pens, notepads, organizers, and so on.
  6. Mugs or sets of glasses with holiday symbols, with congratulations or photographs printed on them.
  7. Key rings with military symbols and a small flashlight.

All of the above options for what to give male colleagues on February 23 are suitable for any team. You can choose a more expensive one or a budget option depending on how much the team has decided to spend on it. But these are ordinary, familiar options, perhaps already used before. Let's look at what else you can give your male colleagues on February 23 that is original and interesting.

Original gifts

When congratulating men in a small team or in a department, you can set the table and place original gifts for everyone on the edge. It can be:

  1. Towels or blankets, rolled up and decorated with helmets with an asterisk, a belt with a grenade in the shape of soldiers. Attach to them printed photos of the face of each of the men who are planning to be awarded. Let everyone recognize themselves and take their gift.
  2. Order packaging for Alenka chocolate bars for men with a photo of the men and a signature corresponding to the holiday.
  3. Bath caps with holiday symbols or funny text.
  4. A shaving brush for applying shaving foam or gel in the shape of a soldier with the foam or gel itself.
  5. A funny wall newspaper for men with congratulations, photographs, drawings corresponding to the holiday theme.
  6. Soap self made. You can buy or order humorous soap in various shapes from master soap makers. These can be pieces or sets of pieces in the form of: a pistol, bottles of alcohol, car emblems, banknotes, tanks, cars, stars, grenades and so on.
  7. Wooden ties in the shape of a butterfly. This is a stylish and fashionable accessory today. Even if it is not useful for daily use, it will definitely cheer up men.
  8. Decorative pillows with the image of a place for the head, in the shape of a man's shirt, with congratulatory inscriptions or pictures corresponding to the holiday.
  9. Piggy banks in the form of items related to military themes: a tank, a weapon, a grenade, or in the form of a bag with the inscription: “for vacation”, “for a trip to the sea”, “for a bottle” and so on.
  10. Movie tickets or ticket certificates so that everyone can choose the movie they want.
  11. Collectible soldiers. Such things can be bought from handmade craftsmen. These can be tin soldiers painted with acrylic or metal ones.
  12. Housekeeper. This could be a home key holder in the form of a small cabinet that can be hung on the wall, or a small key holder for carrying keys with you, packing them securely and neatly and perhaps clipping them to a pocket or bag.
  13. Small accessories for the car: a mat or stand for the phone, USB charging, smokeless ashtrays, DVR and so on.
  14. Business card holders.
  15. Unusual alarm clocks. These could be flying alarm clocks that you need to catch in order to turn them off, or alarm clocks in the form of a rolling, running away ball.
  16. A set of glasses in the form of a roulette. These sets are designed in the form of a small game roulette, which you need to spin, with small shot glasses on the sides for drinks.
  17. USB vacuum cleaner for keyboard and computer.
  18. Travel kits. These can be kits for personal care while traveling or for caring for shoes and clothes.
  19. Desk calendar in the form of a construction set or a puzzle.
  20. Decision ball.
  21. Car scraper and brush.
  22. Kebab sets.
  23. Picnic sets or camp chairs, blankets and bedding.
  24. Original toilet mats with minigolf.
  25. The Antison device is for drivers who have to spend a lot of time day and night on the road behind the wheel.
  26. Headset for mobile phones.
  27. Lock defroster. A very relevant and necessary thing for Russians in winter, when they often have to defrost car locks very quickly in the morning so as not to be late for work.
  28. Anti-stress device "Newton's Cradle". These are balls that swing and push the neighboring ones.

Before giving Original gifts with humor, you need to think again about whether your colleagues will perceive your humor correctly.

Practical and necessary gifts

The most necessary and desired gift, according to statistical studies and survey results, is money. In this regard, the answer to the question of what to give to male colleagues on February 23 will be obvious. But, most likely, management or the trade union will please male employees with such a holiday gift. But you can also use this option by packing the bills in some interesting way. Especially if there are much fewer men in the team than women. Below is a list of several necessary and practical gifts for men for the holiday of February 23:

  1. Flash drives. You can buy memory cards with interesting design for each colleague or order a special design in specialized studios. These can be personalized flash drives or with any drawing or photograph.
  2. Headphones. Most likely, men use a phone or player and listen to music. For this you need headphones. They are inexpensive, but often break down, so a gift will come in handy.
  3. T-shirts or scarves. These wardrobe items have virtually no size and are versatile. You can order beautiful pictures, congratulations or photos on T-shirts. You can buy stylish neckerchiefs or scarves for each individual.
  4. Ergonomic computer mice or comfortable stylish mouse pads.
  5. A useful gift with humor would be packing socks in a tin. Today such sets can be ordered in advance in online stores. Cans are opened with a can opener. The cans themselves may have an interesting inscription: “For a real man”, “For a brutal electrician” and so on. In addition, the sticker on tin can You can order yours with any text or image.
  6. Portable Charger for phones. This is an important and necessary gift, given the characteristics and pace of our daily lives.
  7. Electric shoe warmers.
  8. Flasks or small thermoses. They can be decorated with engraving or image.
  9. Thermal mugs or travel sets with shot glasses and a flask.
  10. Folding knives. They can be ordered for everyone with an individual design and images, or you can buy good ones, the same for everyone, of proven quality.
  11. Massage devices. These can be portable massagers, chair covers, foot massagers in the form of a rolling pin.
  12. Umbrellas, raincoats.
  13. USB stand – mug warmer. An irreplaceable gift for workaholics who have to drink tea without leaving the computer or workplace.
  14. A set for comfort while traveling, on the road. This is a pillow in the shape of a semicircle, fabric slippers, an eye pad, and earplugs.
  15. Special stands for charging phones. This will make it very convenient to leave your phone at a charging outlet at work.
  16. Backlights for books, which are made in the form of special luminous bookmarks or small lamps on clothespins.

Any gift chosen from the above list will be welcome and well received.

Funny gifts

For men of a small enterprise or department, you can organize a small celebration on the territory of the enterprise itself. Before the start of a holiday or working day on February 23, you can decorate your offices with balloons in the shape of interesting characters or in the form of stars, grenades, or pistols. And here are some very funny and unusual gifts for men’s holiday:

  1. Caricatures of men from the team. They can be ordered to an artist or photographer in advance based on photographs.
  2. Lighters in the shape of a pistol or grenade.
  3. Flash drives in the shape of weapons.
  4. Bouquets of dried fish wrapped in paper in the form of a newspaper.
  5. Bouquets of socks. You can make them yourself or order them from handmade masters.
  6. Souvenir pendants in the form of coffee toys with interesting inscriptions: “For a real man”, “Tanks are not afraid of dirt”, “Don’t be afraid of this grenade, it’s hand-made” and so on. Such souvenirs can be bought at handmade goods fairs.
  7. Army set of dry rations.
  8. Original stands for mobile phones that can be placed on your desktop so that your mobile phone is always at hand or used at home.
  9. Toys. Men will be happy with any toy for a boy. It could be: a remote control car, a construction set, a robot, sets of soldiers, an electronic game.
  10. Original beer mugs with funny inscriptions.

Ordinary things that are usually given as gifts, but in an unusual design, can be funny. For example, a mug in the shape of a grenade or a pistol, a photo frame with an unusual design in a holiday theme, an ergonomic USB computer mouse in the shape of a grenade, slippers in the shape of a tank.

Sweet gifts

It has long been known that men love sweets. So you can please your colleagues with some sweets on this holiday. But when deciding what sweets to give your male colleagues on February 23, you don’t need to choose banal sweets or cakes, choose original sweets. It could be:

  1. Sets of designer handmade gingerbreads. Each gingerbread in the set can be in the shape of stars, numbers “23”, tanks, cars, ties, grenades, pistols and so on.
  2. Handmade sweets. They can also have any shape, according to the theme of the holiday, or beautiful, interesting packaging with photographs or any inscriptions.
  3. Cakes or pastries decorated with fondant with figures or inscriptions.
  4. Candies arranged in compositions in the form of: a tank, a ship, a pistol, a grenade, and so on.
  5. Chocolate in the shape of an expensive liquor bottle or lollipops in the shape of bottles of alcohol.

Sweets can be either an independent gift or an addition to the main gift.

Let's start with the fact that it is not forbidden to please all representatives of the stronger half of the team with the same gift. So that no one would be offended and it wouldn’t cost too much money. A very interesting gift - something made by yourself. You'll have to try hard and remember your handicraft lessons, but it's worth it! If you want to show off your culinary skills to your colleagues, you can bake pies, make a signature cake or salad. There is no need to give them, but no one will refuse to sit well at the festive table on February 23. Every man likes to relax sometimes at work.

A good present for colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day would be:

  • Souvenirs with company symbols.
  • Alcohol and sets for it.
  • Perfumes and cosmetics.
  • Shaving accessories.
  • Gadgets.
  • Sporting goods.
  • Gift certificates.
  • Accessories for cars and computers.
  • Personalized gifts.
  • Stationery.
  • Cool trinkets.

Affordable gift options for Defender of the Fatherland Day

It is not customary to pamper colleagues with expensive gifts. They are bought for husbands and beloved men. On February 23, it is enough for an employee of the company to present one of the traditional items. Like a calculator, a mouse pad, or a mug stand. An office company is always happy to receive such gifts. They can be used every day, they have a bright design and positive energy. Among inexpensive and pleasant things, pay attention to business card holders, flashlights, flasks, photo frames, ashtrays and phone holders.

Pen "Grenade". An example of a successful gift for February 23rd. Inexpensive, original, easy to use. It will please a man for many years.

Desk calendar. You can decorate it with photographs of your colleague. Ideally there should be twelve of them. Exactly according to the number of months in a year.

Travel set. If your work involves frequent business trips, you can't think of a better gift. Both in the vastness of the Fatherland and beyond, you will provide your colleagues with the necessary minimum of useful things.

Passport cover. It won't sit idle either. Guarantees the safety of the main document under any circumstances.

Vinyl record clock. They should be given to colleagues with good taste. Others simply won’t understand the designers’ intentions. One thing is certain: the experts have created a small masterpiece.

Wine Cooling Case. Gifted along with a bottle of a great drink, it will not leave anyone indifferent. If in doubt, check!

Choosing cool gifts for a colleague on February 23

A cool toilet mat, a flying or running alarm clock, a talking waste paper basket, an original one will help brighten up your gray office routine. board game, giant stationery. For Defender's Day, it is appropriate to order new cabinet plates. It is assumed that the inscriptions on them will not be quite ordinary. Such gifts will certainly find a response in the team.

Set of 100 pairs of socks. Give your colleagues an unforgettable surprise. It will help you forget about washing for several months.

Set "Think for three". Another representative of the line of cool gifts. To enjoy sitting in close company, men can only buy alcohol.

Cool apron. There is no doubt that women know a lot about unusual gifts! A good choice will make a strong impression on your colleagues!

Ushanka hat “Marquis”. Such gifts on February 23 are never forgotten. We have managed to forget the practicality of the national headdress. Isn't it time to remember?

Military packed lunch with stewed meat. With this gift you can go hunting or fishing. A simple high-calorie meal will help you regain your strength while away from home. The important thing is that you don’t need to cook anything.

Decision Ball. A reliable advisor for all occasions. Just ask a question, shake the gadget and press a button. There will be no more room for doubt!

Personalized gifts for colleagues on the occasion of February 23

Everything can be personalized. Well, or almost everything. After applying an engraving, drawing, or photo print, the item becomes unique. Giving a second one just like it won't work.

For male colleagues, it is best to order personalized barbecue sets, thermoses, and wristwatches. A gift that is pleasant to show off in a purely male group will be successful: a hunting knife or multi-tool. On February 23, it is quite appropriate to organize an award ceremony for colleagues. Please them with gifts in the form of diplomas, certificates, and memorable figurines. It should turn out beautiful and original.

T-shirt. The gift is a win-win. It is appropriate for work colleagues to order summer clothes with the company logo, photographs, names, and unusual inscriptions.

Mug. Any office has plenty of gifts like this. To avoid being caught plagiarizing, use corporate colors in your design.

Personalized plate. It can be placed on the holiday table. The most perspicacious colleagues will understand that they received original gifts, and not new dishes.

Flash drive. Anyone needs it to modern man. The storage capacity depends on the intended tasks.

Personalized external battery. On February 23, it is appropriate to give identical “power banks” to colleagues. They should be distinguished by the names of men on the outer surface.

Figurine from photo. Made by hand to order. Such gifts are highly valued.

What can you pick up for your boss on Defender of the Fatherland Day?

The boss also needs to pay attention on February 23rd. Even if you don’t want to give him any gifts, step over yourself. A well-chosen present will improve the boss’s mood. Not only the microclimate in the team depends on it, but also the salaries of employees.

A person with good income most likely knows a lot about gifts. You can't put a bar of chocolate or a notepad on the table for him. You will need to collect a certain amount and purchase a status gift. You can opt for a branded tie, gold-plated cufflinks, a leather briefcase, or a branded purse. In the main office of the organization, accessories for wine, expensive wine glasses, and porcelain teaware are always in demand. Finally, a fountain pen in a wooden case will do as a gift.

. By appearance They judge a person, and by gifts they judge his taste. Do right choice and don't disappoint your boss.

Belt. A win-win gift for February 23rd. Consult with colleagues regarding length. It will be uncomfortable if it does not match your waist size.

Purse. Donate without hesitation! Before purchasing, you can only argue about the manufacturer of the wallet, the color and capacity of the wallet.

Paperweight "Boss". Don't skimp on hospitality gifts. They help the boss feel like an even more senior boss.

Tabletop device. At first glance at such gifts, it should be clear in what field the man works. Finding something suitable will not be difficult.

Portrait from photo. Ideal for decorating an office. If you are concerned about choosing a gift, you can’t imagine anything better.

Floor globe bar. Having taken out a bottle and glasses, the chef will tell the guests that his subordinates are delighting him with excellent gifts. Let them envy your ability to choose them.

If there are men in your team, then this day traditionally belongs to them! February 23 gives our defenders, part-time employees, the opportunity to feel their courage, feel undivided female attention and smile gratefully after receiving a pleasant gift.

And the weaker sex begins to rack their brains as soon as they have finished the New Year holidays.

How to surprise your male colleagues? What if there are many of them in the team? What to present to the boss? And you can’t disappoint! The task is not easy.

How do you like this idea - to give every man the only thing in the world? Yes, yes, unique, inimitable, made especially for him! Then he will definitely be captivated by the attention paid to him, because, in the end, the attention shown is sometimes more important than the gift itself.

This is possible if the chosen gift, even the same for all representatives of the strong half of your team, is personalized and personalized.

I’ll say right away that I not only collected gift ideas for your male colleagues on February 23, but also found where you can buy some of them. Links are provided in the text or in banners in this article. Look, choose.

Personalized gifts

Today you can find a personalized gift for every taste and budget. For many colleagues there is a large selection of inexpensive, but always necessary and pleasant little things. And for the boss or the universally cherished only man in the team, it’s worth going the extra mile and purchasing a more expensive, but also unique item.

Any employee will find it useful, for example, desk or wall calendar. And made in an individual style, with a name and photograph, it will undoubtedly become an office decoration and a good memory. Can be decorated in the same style notebook, workbook, organizer folder.

If there are a lot of men, it’s worth giving each one a pen or pencil with a personal engraving - now no one will take someone else’s writing instrument to “use” without returning it!

And a respected boss will be pleased to put on his desk a convenient diary with an engraving made especially for him.

What employee wouldn’t want to take a break from work for a cup of tea? Moreover, if cup everyone also has a unique, personalized, and on personal pack of tea the most beautiful word in the world flaunts - your name, and with warm words of congratulations! Nothing human is alien to us, is it?

Sweet gifts, surprisingly, can also please the stronger half of humanity.

And if you look at the range on offer, you yourself will be unexpectedly and pleasantly surprised. I was! delicious help against laziness, for brilliant ideas, for nervous disorders and just for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Cookies with surprise fortunes (also in a personalized box) and a chocolate card (design options are limited only by your imagination) will go well with tea. This gift will be loved in the truest sense of the word. Even office dishes can be decorated with portraits of your stronger half and gift inscriptions!

All of the listed options for personalized gifts for the male part of the team are offered by this service. There you will also find alcohol-themed accessories from the section below.

Alcohol gifts

Why not, if you don’t taste gifts right at your workplace? Good alcohol has always been considered a good gift for a man.

It’s easy to make a personalized bottle sticker right in the office with words of congratulations from the highest degree of warmth! Just find sticker templates on the Internet, download and print them.

And, of course, the accompanying accessories will be pleasant -

  • whiskey glass,
  • champagne glass,
  • beer mug.

Such corporate gifts can also be ordered personalized and with individual engraving. A nice addition would be marble or steel cubes for cooling drinks. →

Gifts with electronic filling

Something that will always be useful to any man. A wonderful gift - personalized flash drive, made in an original design, for example, in the form of a key or a secret lock with a code that protects invaluable information from strangers.

The flash drive can come complete with a business card holder and a pen: stylish and convenient.

A beautiful accessory is an external battery in the form of a cartridge with the name of the owner.

For motorists, it can be a pleasant addition thermal mug with engraving, holder for a smartphone or navigator.

T-shirts with slogans

A T-shirt is a universal piece of clothing that will fit into any wardrobe, so such a gift will always come in handy. And if there is a cheerful, apt inscription on it, the man will flaunt it with undisguised pleasure. Buying such a unique gift couldn't be easier:

  • select the T-shirt size in the sign;
  • decide on the T-shirt design, picture or photo on it;
  • enter the name and text of the congratulation;
  • order!

Well, there are countless options for funny inscriptions!

“Andrey, your time has come!”, “Vadim is a bright personality,” “Vladimir is widely known in narrow circles.”

You can choose a T-shirt in accordance with your character traits, for example, for a shy employee - “I can do everything, but sometimes I’m shy”, for a grumpy employee - “Babaika”, for a kind employee - “I’m always ready to protect you”, and for a loving employee - “God grant everyone someone like me.” "

Or quite simply and cheerfully - “The girls didn’t know how to congratulate me”...

You can order such T-shirts from specialized services. Here's one place where you can. →

Small male joys

There are counters (well, or online stores!) that men cannot pass by calmly; their goods are vital for them, and there is never too much of it. Various accessories that emphasize masculinity and are needed for hobbies are always good as a gift, including a budget one, on February 23rd.

Recognizable brand will emphasize the value:

  • gift set for fisherman,
  • folding cups,
  • compass,
  • hunting knife,
  • various flasks,
  • signal flashlight

and many other typically masculine items. . →

Classics of the genre

If you find it difficult to choose a gift, for example, you don’t know very well the character of the men you are about to give, there are still some in stock win-win options. A good classic will always come in handy, will always please, and will never disappoint.

A wallet, umbrella, business card holder and other necessary items of excellent quality are an inexpensive and practical truly masculine gift for a colleague on February 23rd. This ! →

Gifts with humor

If the men of your team have a sense of humor, then you are in luck - you can add cheerful notes to the official severity of the men's holiday, and also prolong the life of yourself and those around you with the sincere laughter that your gifts will cause. The office routine can be diluted, for example, giant stationery, swearing wastepaper basket, flying alarm clocks.

A funny thing is funny signs on the door, for example, “Don't litter! Maybe with money” or “I’m there!” I think everyone will like the “decision maker” who gives “yes” or “no” to asked question. And give your boss, “the man who has everything,” a belly button warmer: he’s unlikely to have such a thing!

Dear ladies, if you are the majority in the team, it will not be difficult for you to choose a gift for so few dearly valued defenders of the fatherland, using these ideas. Well, if there are few of you or you are the only beautiful flower in a stern male team, especially don’t be upset: show attention to your colleagues on February 23, and very soon you will be showered with a flurry of admiration and gifts, because March 8 is ahead!