Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

How to make a boat from geometric shapes. Design lesson. Ship made of figures. lesson plan on design, manual labor (senior group) on the topic. Schemes and figures of the tangram game

The bell has already rung

He told us: “Lesson!”

Everyone sit down quietly

Get to work.

Guys, look at each other and smile. Give a smile to yourself, to each other, to me. And I give a smile to you. And joy will help us in our work! Have a look at everything in your workplace? Colored paper on the spot? Is the glue and glue brush in place? Scissors, a simple pencil in place? Well done!

Today we are going with you to a fairyland, and it is called “Figured”, and we will get acquainted with its inhabitants.

Would you like to meet the people of this country? Guess the riddles:

1) I have no corners

And I look like a saucer.

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends? (circle)

What objects are shaped like a circle?

Give your own examples.

2) He has known me for a long time,

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Same length.

I'm glad to introduce him to you,

And his name is ……… (square)

What objects are shaped like a square?

Give your own examples.

3) Three corners,

Three sides

Can be of different lengths. (triangle)

What objects have the shape of a triangle?

But before we get started, let's do some exercises for our fingers.

What geometric shapes do you know?

Look, what parts does the boat consist of?

Guys, everyone has templates on their desks geometric shapes.

The template is the markup for our parts. You will work with them in class. Let's remember how to work with the template?

  • When tracing the template, make sure that it does not move to the side.
  • Hold the template tightly with one hand and trace it along the outline with a pencil with the other hand.
  • We make markings on the white side of the paper.


(Hand clenched into a fist)We shared an orange.

(Turn your fist left and right)There are many of us, but he is alone!

(With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)This slice is for the hedgehog,

(Extend the index finger)This slice is for the siskin,

(Extend the middle finger)This slice is for ducklings

(We bend the ring finger)This slice is for kittens

(We bend the little finger)This slice is for the beaver,

(Turn the open palm left and right)Well, for the wolf - the peel.

(We show the cleft palate with both hands)He is angry with us - trouble!

(Fold our hands together)We hide in the house - here!

Guys, but every case is built according to plan. Look at the blackboard. This is the plan we will work on:

  • Trace (observe color);
  • Cut out (don't forget the quantity);
  • Check (using templates);
  • Collect;
  • Glue it (look at the product).

Guys, let's remember the rules of working with scissors.

1. Do not leave scissors open.

2.Work with them only at your workplace.

3. Be careful not to injure the fingers of your left hand.

4.When cutting out parts, rotate the paper.

5.Cut with the middle part of the blades, opening and closing the scissors.

Monitor each student's work. Helping students when difficulties arise.

Guys, let's take a look at our work.

(Pay attention to the accuracy and correctness of the work performed)

Whose work did you like best and why?

Guys, please stand up, those who liked the lesson?

What did you like?

What did we do in class?

Design lesson

Goals: Consolidating the ability to design from geometric shapes, consolidating knowledge of geometric shapes, repeating transport. Tasks: Development of attention, development of memory



Design lesson

Topic: Water, air, rail, underground transport.

Laying out a ship from geometric shapes

Goals: Consolidating the ability to design from geometric shapes, consolidating knowledge of geometric shapes, repeating transport.

Tasks: Development of attention, development of memory

Equipment: The sample is different for each child, each child has his own set of geometric shapes made of paper, and each child has a sheet of cardboard, pictures of transport, a small ball.

Sample example:

Progress of the lesson:

(The teacher shows the children pictures with images different types transport and asks questions)

P: (Metro) Where does this transport go? Above ground or underground? Underground, that means it is underground (the teacher shows with a gesture how the metro runs underground). The metro is very convenient transport, the metro is driven by a driver.

(Electric train, train) Where does the transport go? On the rails. The rails are iron, which means transport is by rail.

What other transport is there? (ship) Where does the ship go? On water. That means he is aquatic.

(Plane) Where does the plane fly? By air. That means he is airborne.

(Trolleybus, bus, car) - where does it go? On the ground, that means he is ground-based.

(The teacher asks the children to say all the words - underground, railway, water, air, ground).

P: Today we will lay out a ship from geometric shapes. Let's remember what kind of ships there are? Freight, passenger, military.

(The teacher hands out samples of ships to the children and asks everyone to show what geometric shapes they see on the sample, how many are the same)

(Children complete the task)

P: Well done guys! (now the teacher asks each child, first rolls the ball towards him)

Name something that can fly?

D: Mosquito, plane, balloon...

P: Name what can roll

D: Ball, bicycle, pencil, log...

P: Tell me what can float?

D: Ship, man, fish...

P: Name something that can crawl?

D: Caterpillar, beetle, snake...

Didactic game in mathematics for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Description: the material will be interesting and useful for preschool teachers, additional education workers, heads of “Entertaining Mathematics” clubs, and parents
Purpose: the material can be used as didactic game, as part of classes on FEMP, applications, design, in individual work, in independent activities of children

Integration: cognitive, speech, social-communicative, artistic and aesthetic development

Target: developing the ability to design from geometric shapes

educational: teach children to arrange geometric shapes according to tables and diagrams;
developing: develop the eye, visual memory, spatial orientation;
educational: cultivate interest in designing from geometric shapes.

Methods and techniques: playful, visual, independent activity of children, individual tasks, use of literary words

Preliminary work: classes on FEMP in the sections "Geometric shapes", "Orientation in space", classes on application on the topic "Panels of geometric shapes", construction from a flat and volumetric construction set in the corner "Young Builder"

1. Conversation about types of transport.
2. Design using tables and diagrams.
3. Didactic task “Invent it yourself”
4. Applique work.
5. Summary. Analysis.

The content of the work:
People have always believed in miracles and composed fairy tales about Carpet-Airplane, Emelin's Stove, Boots-Fleet Walkers because there was always a need to move somewhere. But this is all a fairy-tale, unreal transport that “works” only in a fairy tale.
But in our life, transport is different - this is what actually moves: it drives, swims, flies, carries goods and passengers. If we need to go somewhere, sail, fly, we use transport.
What types of transport do you know?
Children's answers:
- ground: car, bus, bicycle, motorcycle...
- underground: metro
- airborne: plane, helicopter, rocket, balloon...
- water: motor ship, boat, cutter, yacht...

2.Educator: I will make riddles about transport. Whoever guesses gets a table-diagram and adds up what he guessed.

1) What kind of bird:
Doesn't sing songs
Doesn't build a nest
Carrying people and cargo?

Look at the plane
He sings us a song:
Soon I will fly into the sky!

2) Give me an answer as soon as possible:
A few years will pass,
And from Earth faster than light
It will fly to the stars... (rocket)

There's a rocket under the rainbow
Soared to the skies
And the same rocket
I built it myself!

3) The palace floats on the waves -
He carries people along.

The boat is sailing, sailing
To distant lands.
Who is the captain of the boat?
Of course it's me!

4) What a miracle - a long house,
There are a lot of passengers in it,
Wears rubber shoes
Does it run on gasoline?

The stop is empty:
Everyone is on the bus, inside.
And now half the battle is over -
Take everyone home.

5) And we have fun in our family:
Celebrating housewarming.
We moved in an instant
but he helped us... (truck)

Why our truck
Not used to being lazy?
On his back he carries a body for large and small loads.

6) I drink gasoline and eat oil,
At least I'm not hungry at all.
And without them I'm so sick,
That I won’t be able to go!

I'm so brilliant
And, of course, a passenger car.
Along the road I rush like an arrow -
You can't keep up with me!

3. Educator: And now I suggest you use the same sets to come up with your own model of transport.

4. Educator:
What type of transport would you like to stick and decorate our exhibition?
Children's answers and choices.

What were we doing? (types of transport were designed using tables and diagrams)
What have you learned? (construct modes of transport from geometric shapes)
What did you like? (solve riddles, stick on geometric shapes...)

Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle made from figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts in a special way: 2 large triangles, one medium one, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. As a result of folding these parts together, flat figures are obtained, the contours of which resemble all kinds of objects, from humans, animals to tools and household items. These types of puzzles are often called "geometric puzzles", "cardboard puzzles" or "cut puzzles".

With a tangram, a child will learn to analyze images, identify geometric shapes in them, learn to visually break an entire object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements, and most importantly - to think logically.

How to make a tangram

A tangram can be made from cardboard or paper by printing a template and cutting along the lines. You can download and print the tangram square diagram by clicking on the picture and selecting “print” or “save image as...”.

It is possible without a template. We draw a diagonal in the square - we get 2 triangles. We cut one of them in half into 2 small triangles. Mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. We cut off the middle triangle and other shapes using these marks. There are other options for how to draw a tangram, but when you cut it into pieces, they will be absolutely the same.

A more practical and durable tangram can be cut from a rigid office folder or a plastic DVD box. You can complicate your task a little by cutting out a tangram from pieces of different felt, stitching them along the edges, or even from plywood or wood.

How to play tangram

Each piece of the game must be made up of seven tangram parts, and they must not overlap.

The easiest option for preschool children 4-5 years old is to assemble figures according to the diagrams (answers) laid out into elements, like a mosaic. A little practice, and the child will learn to make figures according to the pattern-contour and even come up with his own figures according to the same principle.

Level one - download and print the color tangram, this will make it easier to navigate the diagram.

Schemes and figures of the tangram game

Recently, tangrams have been often used by designers. The most successful use of tangram is perhaps as furniture. There are tangram tables, transformable upholstered furniture, and cabinet furniture. All furniture built on the tangram principle is quite comfortable and functional. It can change depending on the mood and desire of the owner. How many different options and combinations can be made from triangular, square and quadrangular shelves. When purchasing such furniture, along with instructions, the buyer is given several sheets with pictures on different topics that can be folded from these shelves.In the living room you can hang shelves in the shape of people, in the nursery you can put cats, hares and birds from the same shelves, and in the dining room or library - the drawing can be on a construction theme - houses, castles, temples.

Here is such a multifunctional tangram.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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  • teach how to apply;
  • develop the perception of objects by color, shape, size, material, quality;
  • cultivate neatness, accuracy of execution, aesthetic taste;

Lesson type: lesson consolidation

Methods and techniques: verbal (conversation, questions and answers), instruction (ongoing), practical method

Equipment: templates, technical drawing, glue stick, album sheets, napkins, board for applying glue

Vocabulary work: stern, sail, porthole, triangle, circle, rectangle.

During the classes

Topic: Application “Boat”.

Sample of the finished product

I. Introductory part

1. Organizational moment, preparation for the lesson.

Hello guys. Now we have a labor lesson. Let's check your readiness for the lesson. On your table are templates, a glue stick, a napkin, and a board for applying glue. (slide 2)

1. Introductory conversation.

Guys, do you like to travel? (Yes)

Let us go on a trip by sea on a boat to distant countries. I will be your captain, and you will be the sailors. (I put on a captain’s cap for myself and caps for the children) (slide 3.4)

But in order to go on a trip, we need a boat and we will make it using colored cardboard (show) and glue (show).

2. Sample demonstration.

A ship is one of the types of water transport. The first ships began to be built under Tsar Peter I. (slide 5)

Now let's look at our boat. What is it made of? (from geometric shapes)

What geometric shapes do you see? (circle, triangle, rectangle)

Rectangle, this is the aft part, what color? (of blue color)

Triangles, these are sails, what colors? (red, green)

Now I will show you how we will glue our boat in compliance with safety precautions when working with glue.

First, take a blue rectangle, this is our aft part, apply glue to the white side of the workpiece and glue it at the bottom of the sheet, remove excess glue with a napkin.

Take one of the small triangles and glue it on the side of the rectangle, then the second one on the other side.

Then we take a large green triangle, this is our sail, and glue it on top of the rectangle, next to it we glue a smaller red triangle. Don’t forget to remove excess glue with a napkin. (slide 7)

If you have time, stick the flag on yourself.

Gymnastics for fingers

Exercise “Ring”

  1. The tip of the thumb of the right hand alternately touches the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers.
  2. Perform the same exercise with the fingers of your left hand.
  3. Perform the same movements simultaneously with the fingers of your right and left hands. (slide 8)

3. Practical work of students.

Now let’s take the blanks and make a boat on the desk. We look at the sample and try to place the parts correctly. Well done. (slide 9)

Before we stick, let's stretch our fingers.

Gymnastics for the eyes

IP - sitting at the table

Close eyes. Rest 10-15 s. Open eyes. Repeat 2-3 times.

Movements of the eyeballs.

Eyes to the right - up

Eyes left - up

Eyes right - down

Eyes to the left - down.

Close your eyes. Rest 10-15 s.


Rub your palms. Close your eyes, place your palms on your eyes, fingers together. Hold for 1 s. Palms on the table. Open eyes. (slide 10)

4. Independent work of students.

We move the folded boat to the side, take a landscape sheet and, just as we folded it on the desk, we will try to stick it on. (I’m posting a technical card with a rectangle pasted on)

Guys, show me which part of the boat you will stick on?

Ksyusha, Dasha, Ilnar paste onto the drawn outline. (I display the technical card: a rectangle, one of the small triangles on the side)

Show me, then what part will you stick on? (I display the technical card: a rectangle, one of the small triangles on the side, a small triangle on the other side) (slide 11)


We are overcome by drowsiness,
Reluctant to move
Come on, do it with me
The exercise is like this:
Stretch up and down
Wake up completely.
They stood up together from behind their desks
And they walked on the spot,
They stretched on their toes,
And now we’ve bent forward,
Like springs, we sat down,
And then they sat down quietly. (slide 12)

(I display the technical card: a rectangle, one of the small triangles on the side, a small triangle on the other side, a large red triangle on top of the rectangle)

We have glued the stern part of the boat, show me which part of the boat we will glue next? (I display the technical card: a rectangle, one of the small triangles on the side, a small triangle on the other side, a large red triangle on top of the rectangle, a green triangle next to it)

5. Individual work with students.

During independent work students and Dasha work “hand in hand”.

Well done. Now let's add a flag.

III. Lesson summary

1. Assessing student work.

The works are exhibited randomly on the painted sea.

2. Exhibition of student works.

To the music (the sound of water) and a poem, an imitation of a sailing ship.


Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river.
And the frogs jump
On my heels,
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain! (slide 13)