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Herpes simplex virus 1 igg antibodies detected. Preparation for analysis for HSV and its decoding. Determination of antibodies against HSV

The herpes simplex virus, once settled in the human body, remains in it forever, and it can be constantly activated - you can get sick with it many times. HSV analysis (herpes simplex virus test) shows the “relationship” between the virus and the body. There are two types of HSV – type 1 and type 2. These two species are capable of causing infectious pathologies of varying severity, including damage to the central nervous system.

Herpes simplex virus

HSV is a viral pathology that is accompanied by the appearance of blisters and papules on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, containing serous exudate inside. In medicine, there are two types. Tests to determine herpes, in particular tests for IgG and IgM, make it possible to find out whether it is present in the human body.

Actually, even without a specific study, you can understand that the virus is present in the body, since it manifests itself with severe symptoms. The difficulty is that many people act exclusively as carriers; they have the virus, but it “sleeps.”

Important: you can become infected with the herpes virus not only from a person with symptoms, but also from people who are carriers without external signs of infection.

The first type of infection is the most common. It is characterized by various rashes on the lips, nose, cheeks and other areas of the face. The second type, when activated, most often provokes rashes on the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

It is impossible to completely get rid of an unpleasant “neighborhood”. However human body can produce antibodies, as a result of which the pathogenic agent is under constant control of the immune system.

When the immune system becomes weaker under the influence of a number of provoking factors, viral rashes appear relatively quickly - this is the dominant sign of HSV activation. If the rash is predominantly on the lips - type 1, when localized in the intimate area - type 2. In the first and second cases, the help of a medical specialist is required.

Preparing for analysis

At the initial stages of the development of a viral process in the body, it is almost impossible to detect herpes, since the formation of antibodies requires a certain period of time. When infected with the herpes virus, there are constant relapses of the disease, and the immune status suffers.

It is worth knowing: herpes is dangerous for pregnant women, since it poses a significant threat to mother and child - arbitrary termination of pregnancy, intrauterine infection, which leads to impaired development of the baby. There is a high probability of infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.

What tests need to be taken for the herpes virus? Your doctor will recommend a specific test. At the moment, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), serological and cultural testing are most often used.

For women during pregnancy, the test is prescribed at the antenatal clinic. In some pictures, blood is tested for herpes 2-3 times during the entire gestation period. This is due to the fact that the expectant mother can become infected at any time.

The PCR analysis method is recommended by a medical specialist in cases where rashes appear on the skin without an obvious etiology or there is a suspicion of genital herpes. The biological material used is blood, urine, saliva, and swab.

A blood test for herpes requires certain preparation to eliminate false-positive or false-negative results. Preparation consists of the following points:

  • Biological material is collected on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning;
  • 24 hours before blood sampling, alcohol, smoking, and excessive physical activity are excluded from the diet;
  • The minimum period of fasting to obtain the correct result is 8-12 hours;
  • Before the study, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations;
  • If an analysis is being carried out for a child, then 30 minutes before blood sampling, he is given water - 250 ml for half an hour in small sips;
  • Avoid any activity 15 minutes before blood sampling. You need to sit quietly, not make sudden movements, not worry, etc.

To obtain reliable results, you cannot take medicines. If this option is not available, you need to provide the doctor with a complete list of medications currently taken.

How to decipher the results of a herpes test?

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent diagnostic method detects not the herpes simplex virus itself, but immunoglobulins - antibodies to it, which are produced by the human immune system. In the laboratory, special biological reactions are carried out to help find antibodies to a particular type of viral agent.

Antibodies in the interpretation of tests are proteins that are produced by the immune system in response to infectious processes. The production of antibodies occurs in the circulatory system, then they are distributed throughout the body. Afterwards, an attack of pathogenic agents is observed anywhere.

Note: for each infection, the corresponding types of immunoglobulins are synthesized. Antibodies M (lgM) and G (lgG) react to the herpes simplex virus.

IgM antibodies are immunoglobulins that are detected in the first few weeks after infection. In approximately 35% of clinical pictures, their presence in the analysis indicates that the infection is not new, but an old one has been activated. IgG are diagnosed in situations where the pathology is chronic.

The result of the analysis takes into account such a term as “avidity”. This parameter indicates the ability of immunoglobulins to independently get rid of the virus. When HSV is present for a long time, the IgG avidity will be high.

Interpretation of analysis results:

  1. The avidity index is up to 40%, low-avidity IgG was detected. The result indicates a recent infection of a primary nature.
  2. Avidity ranges from 40 to 60%, IgG is a gray area. We can talk about an uncertain primary stage of the infectious process. The result requires another study to clarify the diagnosis. It is recommended to re-draw blood after 7-14 days.
  3. When avidity exceeds 60%, a high-avidity form of IgG is detected - a long-standing chronic infection.

Typically, immunity in herpes is significantly reduced, so complex therapy is required to suppress the activity of viral pathology. A medical specialist should interpret the results.

What are the normal values ​​for IgG and IgM?

Of course, the patient, having received the results of his research, wants to find out as quickly as possible what the laboratory diagnostics showed. It’s not always possible to get to your doctor on the same day, so you can try to decipher it yourself.

For your information, each laboratory has its own established standards and indicators (indicated in the forms), therefore, without a medical education and without knowing the standards, it is difficult to figure it out on your own.

The herpes virus test provides information:

  • IgG and IgM with a minus sign. There is no immunity to the herpes simplex virus. They talk about a high probability of primary infection;
  • IgM with a + sign, and IgG with a minus sign. The immune system works well. There is no possibility of primary infection. The risk of secondary activation of the virus depends on the state of the immune system and can be prevented. In the presence of provoking factors, a pathological process develops;
  • IgG -, IgM +. Primary infection has occurred. Medication correction is required;
  • IgG and IgM with a + sign. A secondary exacerbation is observed; conservative treatment is necessary.

When the amount of antibodies is low, the result is said to be negative. If their concentration increases above the permissible limit - established standards, this indicates a positive result.

Basic values:

  1. Anti-HSV IgG. The biological material contains antibodies to the herpes simplex virus and there is a history of the disease. This indicator is normal and is found in almost the entire population.
  2. Anti-HSV IgM. Antibodies were detected in the blood, and the pathological process is at the acute stage. After conservative therapy, this result is normally detected within 60-70 days.
  3. Anti-HSV IgM -/ Anti-HSV IgG (minus). No virus activity was detected, the person is absolutely healthy.
  4. Anti-HSV IgM +/ Anti-HSV IgG +. The infection is exacerbated or there is a sluggish inflammatory process.
  5. Anti-HSV IgM +/ Anti-HSV IgG -. The virus is present in the body. If such a result occurs in a woman during pregnancy, then there is a significant probability of infection of the baby.

The herpes simplex virus is found in the body of almost every person. Carriers of the virus do not experience discomfort from such a “neighborhood”; there are no alarming symptoms. In others, against the background of weak immunity, it manifests itself externally - rashes.

Infectious exacerbations caused by HSV types I and II are particularly common representatives of the herpes virus. This is due to the fact that herpes infection can easily affect almost every person.

HSV type I is otherwise called the labial herpes virus, HSV type II is the genital virus. From a genetic point of view, both varieties are similar to each other, but their antigenic properties are different.

Antibodies to the herpes virus are substances and compounds released by the body when infected by infectious cells that prevent the spread of the herpes virus. Diagnosis of antibodies to herpes in children and adults can show the true picture of the state of the immune system, as well as reveal the characteristics of the types of reaction of the body to the reactivation or latent presence of a human blood virus.

This procedure involves identifying immunoglobulins for herpes igm, igg and iga. Molecular diagnostic methods are often required. When studying the resulting markers, it becomes possible to assess the presence of an immune system response by introducing pathogens into the body.

The circulation parameters igm and igg are the most important indicators when carrying out research. Let's take a closer look at the method for determining igg.

Definition of igg

This type of study allows you to detect antibodies to herpes types I and II in the blood serum, as well as avidity indicators. Antibodies to herpes igg are often found in about 85-95% of adults. For a child, the picture may be different.

Particular attention is paid to monitoring the dynamics of the behavior of antibodies to the herpes virus. So, during exacerbations or in the presence acute forms subject to reactivation, the level of antibodies to herpes igg increases significantly.

The circulation of antibodies can be observed throughout life. If the study reveals an increase in the level of antibodies provided that samples are taken at intervals of a week or more, this means that there is a recurrent form of the virus.

The correct interpretation of the herpes test is especially important for all pregnant women: affected women are at risk of spontaneous abortion, and there is also a possibility of infection of the newborn. The risk is several times greater compared to healthy patients.

Avidity igg

The term avidity is understood as a characteristic of the strong bonds of antibodies with interconnected antigens. If igg is positive, avidity is determined to be increased (high-avidity antibodies), then the likelihood of recurrent lesions or primary infection is minimized.

Studying the avidity index for HSV types 1 and 2 makes it possible to determine and predict the timing of infection, as well as to distinguish the primary lesion of a herpetic infection from an exacerbation or relapse. It is also possible to detect latently present infection.

Definition of igm

The procedure is carried out similarly to the determination of igg, and its results allow us to make a conclusion about the presence of low-avidity or high-avidity forms of antibodies and their presence in the blood.

Preparation for analysis

In order for the interpretation of the blood test for herpes to be as accurate as possible and for the specialist to be able to accurately make predictions and describe the patient’s current condition as realistically as possible, it is recommended to follow simple instructions when taking tests:

  • Blood donation must be done on an empty stomach;
  • Before donating blood from a vein, a short rest of at least 10-15 minutes is required;
  • The day before the test, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco and eating fatty foods. It is also necessary to minimize physical activity;
  • Often it may be necessary to stop taking medications or drugs, because their presence in the body during the test can negatively affect the results of the study and the likelihood of obtaining false results increases.

Good to know

After taking tests and receiving the results, as well as a doctor’s conclusion about the state of the antibodies, treatment or preventive measures can be prescribed, if such a need is necessary. It is important to understand several possible outcomes and research results:

  • If a situation is detected where immunoglobulin g is elevated, it may indicate the presence of a recurrent type of herpes infection or lichen. Viral cells present in the blood and actively multiplying in it are the reasons that increase the content of immunoglobulin;
  • If immunoglobulin M is elevated, then we can say that a primary exacerbation of a herpetic infection has occurred or is about to occur;
  • Only the norm of immunoglobulin g allows us to say that the state of protective and reaction processes in the human body is in perfect order. It is worth remembering that the normal value of the indicator may vary depending on age. This behavior of this indicator is associated with a gradual decrease in the body’s protective functions with age and with their gradual increase in the process of active development of children.

It is also worth remembering that g is formed as a result of a response to processes occurring in the patient’s body during damage. M are formed before them. G are characterized by the fact that once formed in the patient’s body, they remain there for a long period of time (up to several decades).

– these are antibodies to the herpes virus types 1 and 2, which are present or absent in human blood. Such proteins appear if a person has been infected. The virus is one of the most common, can be transmitted from person to person, be active or passive in the body. A person can be a carrier of the virus and not experience any of its manifestations.

Types of antibodies

To determine the presence of immunoglobulins to the herpes virus in the body, you need to take a blood test. An enzyme immunoassay is carried out, during which antibodies are detected or not detected.

Proteins for herpes are produced in the body from the first minutes of virus cells entering the body. Primary immunoglobulins are designated as IgM, secondary immunoglobulins as IgG. When the first antibodies are detected, we can conclude that the person became infected relatively recently and the disease is in an active acute stage. Minor proteins mean that the disease has already passed, or it has developed into a chronic form.

Based on the results of the analysis, the following data can be obtained:

  1. Both types of antibodies are absent in the body - the person has never had herpes.
  2. If IgG is positive, the infection occurred some time ago, the patient will not get sick again.
  3. Only IgM was detected - urgent treatment is required, the disease is in the acute phase.
  4. If the results of both types of protein are positive, immediate treatment is required, since such a result indicates an exacerbation of secondary infection.

If ANTI HSV types 1 and 2 igg is positive, then treatment is not required. The person was infected some time ago, there cannot be a secondary infection, that is, the body is resistant to this type of herpes. However, patients in this group require regular immunotherapy, especially women planning pregnancy.


Immunoglobulins for herpes can be detected during a laboratory blood test. Such a study helps to identify proteins in the blood, even if the disease itself does not manifest itself in any way. This is important to do in order to accurately know the state of the immune system and assess the risks of re-infection.

The IgG marker is detected in the stage of regression of the disease, when all acute symptoms are over. In this case, we can say that the person has had the herpes virus, but at the moment his health is not in danger. Also, it is not contagious to other people.

To obtain more accurate analysis results, a culture test is required. Such research takes a lot of time and is expensive. To carry out this procedure, a culture is taken from the site of the lesion, from the herpetic vesicle. Analysis can only be carried out during the acute phase. A test is often prescribed for children to distinguish the herpes virus from chickenpox.

A blood test will help determine the avidity of the virus, the results may be as follows:

  • low avidity: IgM and IgG positive, antibodies in large quantities;
  • high avidity: IgG+, little or no antibodies.

If avidity is high, we can conclude that the acute phase passed several months ago. No treatment is required at this time.

Infection during pregnancy

If a woman is found to have ANTI HSV types 1 and 2 igg during pregnancy, it means that she once had HSV and is currently in remission. To prevent re-infection, a woman should take vitamin complexes and strengthen her immune system in every possible way. In a dormant state, the virus is not capable of harming either the mother or the baby, but if it becomes active, the fetus may develop:

  • mental disabilities;
  • congenital skin lesions.

In addition, the disease in the active phase can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

That is why experts advise approaching the issue of pregnancy planning with great responsibility and getting tested for viruses and infections in advance. If in the body expectant mother active antibodies to herpes will be detected, in which case treatment will be required; if only IgG protein is detected, immunotherapy will be required.

Herpes types 1 and 2 are one of the most common acute viral diseases, externally manifested against the background of low immunity. According to research, the causative agent of this disease is present in the body of 75% of the world's population. HSV or herpes simplex virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, sexually, from mother to fetus, and also through household methods. Protecting yourself from infection is difficult, and sometimes even impossible. HSV infection during fetal development is especially dangerous.

Pregnancy: antibody testing, therapy for pregnant women and newborns

The expectant mother may be infected with the virus and not even know it. If there are no external manifestations of the disease on the body, herpes may be in dormant mode. At this moment, the disease does not pose a danger to anyone; it is impossible to become infected with it. As soon as the immune system weakens during pregnancy, the baby is in danger.

Possible consequences for the fetus:

  • mental retardation;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth;
  • congenital damage to the body by herpetic infection.

To minimize risks, gynecologists and reproductive specialists advise a woman, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, to undergo testing for herpes types 1 and 2. The study is carried out based on the determination of antibodies to the virus.

Two main indicators:

  1. anti hsv igg – shows that antibodies have been produced by the body, which means the infection was previously suffered;
  2. anti hsv lg m - indicates that the virus is in the active stage.

Explanation of the test for antibodies to HSV:

  • if herpes type 1 and 2 is not detected in the body, then igg and lg m antibodies will be negative - this means that the person is completely healthy, you can continue planning pregnancy;
  • in the case when the active stage of the disease occurs again, that is, a relapse of herpes occurs, the analysis will come with positive igg and lg m antibodies. In this situation, the doctor prescribes treatment at the pregnancy planning stage, after which the test is repeated;
  • if lg m antibodies are found in the body, but there is no igg, the situation indicates the primary active stage of a herpetic infection, pregnancy planning is prohibited;
  • when, on the contrary, igg antibodies are positive and lg m are negative, this means that the virus is in dormant mode. Planning a pregnancy with this result is permitted.

Positive lg m antibodies are an obstacle to future pregnancy; the doctor will prescribe treatment and only after recovery will he allow you to begin active planning.

If herpes type 1 or 2 becomes active during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes immediate treatment. All drugs are prescribed carefully; the patient must monitor her body’s reaction. After the therapy comes to an end, the test for lg m and igg antibodies is taken again.

If a woman contracts HSV during pregnancy, there is a risk of having a child with affected areas on the body.

In this case, from the very first day of the baby’s life, therapy with antiviral drugs is carried out.

Diagnosis of the disease

If blistering formations occur on the face or body, you should consult a dermatologist; if the infection has affected the external genitalia, a gynecologist will provide assistance to women, and a urologist to men. You can consult a doctor who treats STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) - a venereologist.

The doctor will first conduct a diagnosis. An analysis for lg m and igg antibodies to HSV is usually taken only at the stage of pregnancy planning; in all other cases, doctors give preference to other studies.

Herpes types 1 and 2 are determined using:

  • examination of affected skin areas;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • method of growing viral cultures.

Examination of the affected areas of the skin often gives an accurate result: an experienced specialist will immediately suspect HSV in the patient. Characteristic external signs of the disease are inflamed-looking blisters with fluid inside. The favorite places for herpes hsv-1 are the lips, less often this type appears in other areas of the face, hsv-2 - the external genitalia. The patient may complain of a number of symptoms - dryness of the affected areas of the skin, itching, increased body temperature.

The disease occurs in 4 stages, almost all of which a specialist will notice with the naked eye:

  1. The affected skin becomes an unnatural reddish hue, itching and burning may occur. At this stage, visual diagnostics are not very informative and there is a high chance of error.
  2. After some time, a blistering formation appears at the site of redness, touching which causes pain.
  3. After 3-5 days, the bubble bursts and an ulcer forms.
  4. The ulcer dries out and becomes covered with a crust, which will soon go away.

In some cases, the dermatologist prescribes immediate treatment without the results of additional studies, based on the findings after the initial examination.

If a specialist prescribes treatment based on a single visual examination, laboratory tests are still necessary - this will rule out a number of other skin diseases. The most popular test is carried out using the PCR method. Diagnostics is based on the study of the DNA of the virus. The analysis can determine the type of HSV - 1 or 2.

The PCR method requires biological material, which can be:

  • blood;
  • amniotic fluid;
  • saliva and phlegm;
  • discharge from the vagina, cervical canal, urethra.

There are two possible PCR diagnostic results: positive, indicating that the n-type virus is present in the body, and negative, indicating that no n-type virus has been detected. The disadvantage of PCR diagnostics is the impossibility of checking all possible strains of herpes.

Cultural analysis for HSV is the most reliable, but it is relatively expensive. The basis of the method is placing neoplasms in a nutrient medium, in most cases it is a chicken embryo, in order to monitor further development. Currently this method is rarely used practical medicine. Only after the herpes virus has been laboratory confirmed and its type has been established, will the doctor be able to come up with an effective individual treatment regimen.

Drug therapy and subsequent recovery

Treatment of HSV should solve a number of the following problems:

  1. suppress the development of viral infection in the cells of the body;
  2. relieve symptoms of the disease;
  3. provide further protection against possible relapses.

These problems can be solved with one drug or with different drugs. A universal option, which in most cases can solve all problems at the same time, is a new generation antiviral agent that has an immunomodulatory effect.

Such drugs are available in the following forms:

  • tablets, pills, tablets - anything that is taken orally;
  • solutions for injections;
  • a number of ointments, gels and creams - preparations for external use;
  • suppositories - rectal and vaginal suppositories.

Treatment with these drugs is prescribed not only as therapy for the first or second type of herpes, they are also prescribed when other strains of the virus are detected.

Most often, doctors prefer external agents, but most of them do not have an immunomodulatory effect.

In these cases, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed - an antiviral drug and a drug to strengthen the body's protective cells. If the patient is bothered by severe itching and burning in the affected areas of the body, the dermatologist will prescribe products with an antihistamine effect.

After the external signs of HSV have passed, the attending physician must provide the patient with restorative therapy, its main task is to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of relapse. Since HSV is activated against the background of reduced immunity, much attention is given to the issue of strengthening the body’s protective cells. The patient must approach this issue comprehensively.

You can increase the protective properties of the immune system in the following ways:

  1. regular hardening. Alternating high and low temperatures will ensure good health. To begin with, it is enough to take a contrast shower. Later, when the body gets used to such stress, you can practice dousing and swimming in the ice hole;
  2. physical activity. Moderate but regular exercise has a positive effect on overall health;
  3. By balancing your diet you can reach a new level. Often, blues, fatigue, and weak immunity are a sign that the body lacks nutrients and vitamins. The diet should include seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, legumes;
  4. giving up bad habits will increase the body's protective properties. Smoking and drinking alcohol are accompanied by the release of carcinogens and toxins that undermine health.

It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, but you can make sure that the disease never reminds you of itself. This is precisely the main goal of treatment.

Herpes virus test is necessary, despite the fact that herpes infection is one of the most common human infections. Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) types 1 and 2 are infected with 65 - 90% of the world's population, but it does not manifest itself in all infected people. HSV is transmitted in 4 ways: airborne droplets, sexual contact, contact (kissing, shaking hands, sharing common household items) and vertical (from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth).

Most dire consequences has herpetic infection, transferred by the fetus in utero. If in an adult the herpes virus lives in the nerve ganglia without destroying the cells, then nervous system the fetus is defenseless against the aggression of the virus. Irreversible changes occur in the brain and pathways. The most common clinical manifestations of herpes infection are cerebral palsy (or cerebral palsy) and decreased intelligence (mental retardation). Therefore, it is recommended that before pregnancy you need to find out whether the woman is a carrier of the virus. If an active herpes infection is detected, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment and plan a pregnancy after 6 months.

The most dangerous infection with the herpes virus is in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

To diagnose herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, the most widely used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 with determination of the avidity of IgG and IgG to the early proteins of the virus.

What is ELISA? This laboratory test, in which special biochemical reactions can be used to determine the content of immunoglobulins (or antibodies) in the blood.

What are immunoglobulins (antibodies)? These are proteins that are produced by blood cells. When a pathogen of a particular infection enters the human body, immunoglobulins bind to it (form a complex) and neutralize it after some time. As many different microbes, viruses and toxins as there are, there are as many different immunoglobulins as there are. Together with blood, they can penetrate into any, even the most distant corners of our body and overtake “aggressors” everywhere.

What are immunoglobulins M (Ig M) the first antibodies formed after infection with the herpes virus, appearing in the blood within 1 - 2 weeks from the onset of infection. IgM antibodies to the herpes virus are primarily an indicator of primary infection. In 10 - 30% of people, when an old infection is activated, IgM antibodies can also be detected.

What are immunoglobulin G (Ig G)? Class G antibodies are produced during chronic infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2. In case of reactivation of the virus (due to decreased immunity, hypothermia, etc.), the amount of immunoglobulin G in the blood increases sharply.

What is IgG to early proteins of HSV types 1,2? These immunoglobulins are produced a little later than IgM and are also an indicator of acute or activation of chronic herpes infection

What is IgG avidity for herpes simplex virus? Avidity (from avidity - greedy) is an assessment of the ability of IgG antibodies to bind to the herpes simplex virus to further neutralize the latter. At the very beginning of the disease, IgG binds rather weakly to the virus, that is, it has low avidity. As the immune response develops, the avidity of IgG antibodies increases.

What are the normal values ​​for Ig M and G?

Each laboratory that conducts such an analysis has its own normal values ​​(the so-called reference values). They must be indicated on the form. If the antibody level is below the threshold value, the result is considered negative; above the threshold value, the result is positive.

How to decipher the results of a herpes test?

Ig M Ig G to early early proteins Ig G late Interpretation of results
negative positively positively If earlier laboratory tests indicated the absence of the herpes virus in the body (i.e. there was seronegativity) and there were no clinical manifestations of infection, then such an analysis indicates the second half of the primary acute infection - there is a threat to the fetus
If in the past the herpes virus was detected according to laboratory tests or there were clinical manifestations of infection (the person is a carrier of herpes simplex virus types 1.2), then this analysis should be regarded as a relapse (exacerbation of infection) - there is protection for the fetus, but treatment may be required
negative negative positively The body has already encountered the herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Immunity has been developed. (remission, carrier state)
positively positively negative The first half of primary acute infection is a threat to the fetus
positively positively positively
negative negative negative Absence of infection and never has been - threat of primary acute infection (in case of pregnancy, the fetus is not protected)

For criteria for positive results, see the conclusion form.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of DNA of herpes simplex virus types 1.2.

What is the DNA of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2? We are talking about the well-known deoxyribonucleic acid. It is contained inside the virus and is its carrier hereditary information.

What is polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? This is a very sensitive method for laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases. It is based on the detection of DNA or RNA of the infectious agent in the material taken for research (this can be blood, urine, amniotic fluid, sputum, saliva, etc.). To carry out diagnostics using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method of herpes simplex virus types 1.2, the research material can be blood, urine, scrapings from the mucous membranes, and saliva.

When is this test for herpes performed? Polymerase chain reaction can detect the herpes virus in a patient only at the time of primary infection or exacerbation of a chronic one. In addition, the study is carried out when it is necessary to determine the type of virus (1 or 2).

How to decipher the result of a herpes test? PCR (polymerase chain reaction) usually gives a positive result (the pathogen is present) or a negative result (the pathogen is not present). The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method allows you to detect even a negligible amount of the pathogen.

Preparation for ELISA and PCR (polymerase chain reaction): No specific preparation for the study is required. It is advisable to donate blood on an empty stomach; The day before you should avoid eating fatty foods.