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Calculation of ideal body weight (calculation of ideal body weight using the Devine and Robinson methods). Body Analysis Calculators Divine Water Formula

In order to calculate excess or underweight, the ideal, or normal, body weight index is used. The most common belief is that the ideal weight for a person is the one he had at 18 years old. However, this judgment is quite superficial. This calculator will allow you to calculate your ideal weight using parameters such as height and gender.
Calculation of normal weight for adults can be done by two methods: according to Devine or Robinson. The difference between these methods lies in the difference in the coefficients used in the calculation formulas.
It is worth noting that the most popular is the formula proposed by Dr. Devine in 1974. This formula was first used to calculate the dosage of medications for patients. Ideal body mass index then became more widely used.

Formula for calculating ideal body weight using the Devine method (most often used for calculation):
Men: BMI=50+2.3*(0.394*height-60)
Women: BMI=45.5+2.3*(0.394*height-60)

Formula for calculating ideal body weight using the Robinson method:
Men: BMI=52+1.9*(0.394*height-60)
Women: BMI=49+1.7*(0.394*height-60)
BMI - ideal body weight, kg

Body mass index (BMI) is an indicator that is calculated based on the relationship between a person's height and weight. BMI defines the range over which body weight can vary for a given height.

There are many formulas for calculating normal and ideal weight, but each of them is very approximate and can only serve as a rough estimate. Some formulas don't take into account body type, body fat percentage, or skeletal bone density, which varies from person to person.

In athletes, BMI can be high due to muscle, which is denser and heavier than fat tissue. A BMI within the normal range also does not indicate an ideal physique and the absence of health problems. BMI was initially used in medicine to select the optimal treatment and prescribe the correct dose of drugs, and then found wider use.

To calculate the table, select daily calorie content

1711.7 - 1891.9
1540.5 - 1702.7
1369.4 - 1513.5
1198.2 - 1324.3
1027.0 - 1135.1
Proteins, g Fats, gr Carbohydrates, g Kilocalories, kcal
Breakfast 38.9 - 43.0 5.3 - 5.9 9.0 - 9.9 239.6 - 264.9
Snack 19.5 - 21.5 2.7 - 2.9 4.5 - 5.0 119.8 - 132.4
Dinner 68.1 - 75.3 9.3 - 10.3 15.7 - 17.4 419.4 - 463.5
Snack 19.5 - 21.5 2.7 - 2.9 4.5 - 5.0 119.8 - 132.4
Dinner 29.2 - 32.3 4.0 - 4.4 6.7 - 7.4 179.7 - 198.6
Snack 19.5 - 21.5 2.7 - 2.9 4.5 - 5.0 119.8 - 132.4
Total 194.7 - 215.2 26.6 - 29.4 44.9 - 49.7 1198.2 - 1324.3

To lose weight healthy, you need to reduce the number of calories you take in during the day. First you need to calculate the amount of energy spent by the body on basal metabolism. It is equal to 1 kcal × 24 hours for every kilogram of weight. To this you need to add the calorie intake, which is calculated depending on your type of activity and lifestyle.

As people age, they begin to lead a more relaxed and sedentary lifestyle. With a decrease in physical activity, the caloric content of the diet should also decrease.
The planned calorie deficit may vary depending on body type and amount of excess body weight, but should not exceed 600 kcal per day.

In the best way Losing weight is a reduction in calories consumed per day by 200-300 units in parallel with an increase in physical activity. Two hours of intense training provides a loss of 500 kcal.

The more the ratio between muscle and fat mass increases in favor of muscles, the more calories begin to be spent on basal metabolism, since the growth of muscle mass requires increased nutrition and energy expenditure for its maintenance.

Daily nutrition should be balanced and correspond to the formula: proteins/fats/carbohydrates = 30%/20%/50%. Following this formula guarantees the most effective results in the weight loss process. Diets with a sharp reduction in one of the components of the diet (proteins, fats or carbohydrates) cannot be followed for a long time.

Once a week you can spend fasting days on kefir, cottage cheese, apples, buckwheat, rice, etc. The duration of such a mono-diet should not be more than 1-2 days. On fasting days, the number of meals can be increased to 8-10 times a day, the volume of liquid drunk to 2.5 liters. Fasting days should be alternated.

You want add 21 kg.
For a given calorie difference you can
average raise your weight by 270 grams in Week,
and achieve the desired result by:

Losing excess weight takes time. After all excess weight also did not appear instantly, but accumulated over the years. Any strict diets, promising fast weight loss in short time, very harmful and dangerous to health. Their consequence can be serious metabolic disorders in the body, the recovery of which will take a long time.

For the weight loss process to be safe, you should lose about 2-3 kg per month or no more than 3-5% of your initial weight. With a more dramatic weight loss, tissue sagging and loss of elasticity are inevitable, which will negatively affect your appearance and figure.

The calorie deficit in the diet should not exceed 600 kcal per day. The best way to lose weight is to reduce your daily calorie intake by 200-300 units and increase physical activity. Two hours of intense training provides a loss of 500 kcal.

If the goal is to gain weight, then you need to increase the calorie content of the daily diet and the frequency of meals (up to 5-6 times). Anaerobic exercise is also a must.

Once a month it is necessary to recalculate calories depending on changes in body weight.

You can determine your body type by the circumference of your wrist.

Your ideal body weight:


There are three main body types: asthenic (thin-boned), normosthenic, hypersthenic (wide-boned). It should be noted that body type is determined genetically: a plump asthenic will never turn into a hypersthenic, just like an emaciated hypersthenic will never turn into an asthenic.

Signs of asthenic are narrow shoulders and pelvis, a short torso, long legs and arms with narrow hands and feet, a long, thin neck, a small amount of subcutaneous fat, and poorly developed muscles. The broad-boned type is characterized by broad shoulders, pelvis, chest, long body with short legs, wide hands and feet, and a tendency to be overweight. Normosthenics occupy an intermediate position between these two types and are distinguished by the proportionality of their figure.

Body type is usually determined by the size of the wrist circumference:

  • If the wrist circumference is less than 15 cm (for women) and less than 18 cm (for men), then this is asthenic.
  • If the wrist circumference is 15-17 cm and 18-20 cm for a woman and a man, respectively, then this is a normosthenic person.
  • You are hypersthenic if your wrist circumference is more than 17 cm (women) and more than 20 cm (men).

You can also determine your body type using a simple technique: clasp your left wrist with your right index finger and thumb. If the fingers do not close, you are hypersthenic; if they are closed end to end, you are normosthenic; if the fingers overlap each other, you are asthenic.

You: body type unknown

This chart was compiled by Dr. Margaret Ashwell to determine health risks by body type, based on the relationship between height and waist size. This assessment method is suitable for both women and men.

When fat is deposited in the waist area, it increases its circumference and makes a person look like an “apple”. With such a physique, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer increases sharply.

When excess fat accumulates in the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks, the body takes on a “pear” shape. This is less hazardous to health.
Excessive thinness when the figure becomes like a “capsicum”, may also indicate health problems (with the exception of pronounced asthenics).

If you are in the pear zone, there is no reason for special concern. If you are in the “apple-pear” zone, you should be more attentive to your health and avoid increasing your waist circumference. If you are in the “apple” zone, you need to take action, your health is at risk.

Normally, your waist circumference should be less than half your height. As the famous French saying goes, “The thinner the waist, the longer the life”.

Number of calories you need per day:

The number of calories you need per day to lose weight:

Important: to maintain health while losing weight, the number of calories consumed per day should be 1000-1200 kcal for a woman, 1200-1500 kcal for a man.

→ If you need 1100 kcal per day to lose weight, calculate the average number of servings between 1000 and 1200 kcal.

The table below will help you figure out what one serving is equal to.

Composition of one dietary serving

One serving (by type) To choose from
Starchy 1 slice whole grain bread
1/2 cup cooked pasta
1/3 cup cooked rice, buckwheat, oatmeal
1 medium potato
1/2 cup beans or corn
Fruits 1 medium-sized fruit (for example: orange, apple)
1 cup fruit, cut into large pieces
1 cup large berries (eg strawberries)
1/2 cup small berries (eg: blueberries)
1/4 cup dried fruit
Vegetables 1 cup fresh leafy greens
1/2 cup fresh chopped vegetables
1/2 cup cooked vegetables
Protein 30 g cooked meat, poultry or fish
1/2 cup beans, peas, lentils
1 egg or 2 whites
30 g low-fat cheese
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
Fat 1 tsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp. l. sunflower seeds
6 medium nuts
Dairy 1 cup skim milk
1 cup low-fat yogurt
1 cup low-fat kefir

1 cup (200 ml) is a generally accepted measure used by nutritionists to measure serving size.

All food groups except starchy foods can be eaten at any time and in any combination of them. Starchy ones are recommended to be consumed in the morning or afternoon, but not in the evening for dinner.

Fat mass:

“Clean” body weight (without fat):

Basal metabolic rate:

Amount of calories needed per day:

Body fat percentage is an important indicator of health and fitness level. Fats play a large role in the body, but the amount of fat should not exceed certain norms. Simple weighing is not enough to determine these limits, since it does not provide information about the ratio of muscle mass to fat mass.

Normally, the amount of fat in the body should be at least 13% and no more than 34% (for women) of total body weight.

Determining your body fat percentage is especially important for athletes. The effect and correct direction of the training program can only be assessed on the basis of this indicator.

There are various techniques for determining body fat content, from ultrasound to measuring the thickness of fat folds.

The fat calculator takes into account waist, hip and neck measurements. A parameter such as neck circumference is taken into account because, when gaining weight, it begins to change last, only with extreme degrees of obesity, therefore, it can be used to determine a person’s body type.

An impressive number of formulas have been developed to calculate the ideal (more correctly, normal) body weight. Using any of the formulas below, you can calculate your normal weight and determine how many kilograms you need to lose. However, it is worth remembering that none of the formulas gives an absolutely correct idea of ​​​​the composition of your body. After all, only knowing how many extra kilograms of fat mass really are can you work on losing weight without compromising your health.

  • Calculation of ideal body weight by Devine method produced using the following formulas:

for men: BMI = 50+2.3*(0.394*height-60);

for women: BMI = 45.5+2.3*(0.394*height-60)

  • The formula for calculating ideal body weight using the Robinson method is as follows:

for men: BMI = 52+1.9*(0.394*height-60);

for women: BMI = 49+1.7*(0.394*height-60), where ideal body weight (BMI) is measured in kilograms and height in centimeters.

  • Calculation of ideal weight using Cooper's formula:

Ideal weight for women (kg): (height (cm) x 3.5: 2.54 - 108) x 0.453.

Ideal weight for men (kg): (height (cm) x 4.0: 2.54 - 128) x 0.453.

  • Among the variety of formulas in medicine, it is very popular Broca's formula:

Weight = height-100 (if height is up to 165 cm).

Weight = height-105 (height 166-175 cm).

Weight = height-110 (height more than 175 cm).

These numbers are suitable for people with a normal build. If a person has an asthenic body type, that is, he has a narrow chest, the result should be reduced by 10%. With a wide chest (hypersthenics) – increase the result (but not more than 10%).

For example, with a height of 180 cm, for normosthenics the ideal weight will be 180-110 = 70 kg, for asthenics - 63 kg (-10%), and for hypersthenics 77 kg (+10%).

Before you start making calculations, you need to determine your body type, and this will help you Solovyov's method. To determine your body type using this method, you need to measure the volume of the thinnest part of your wrist with a measuring tape.

Decoding the results:

  • Asthenic type: less than 18 cm in men and less than 15 cm in women.
  • Normosthenic type: 18-20 cm in men and 15-17 cm in women.
  • Hypersthenic type: more than 20 cm in men and more than 17 cm in women.

To characterize body weight in medicine, the definition is used body mass index (BMI) BMI = weight, kg: height, m².

Body mass index shows the degree of obesity or, conversely, malnutrition. But, unfortunately, it also has its own characteristics. If you determine the BMI of an obese person and an athlete in the same weight category, the index will show that the athlete is also obese.

So, you have determined your normal weight, but this does not mean at all that you should have exactly this number of kilograms and no more. Your BMI should aim for 23-27, and your weight may differ from the ideal, the main thing is that you are healthy, athletic and like yourself.

To achieve your goal, you need to calculate your daily caloric intake. You should start by calculating the basal metabolic rate (BMR). BOO is the minimum level of energy expenditure required to maintain the vital functions of the body in conditions of relatively complete physical and emotional rest. There are also older and newer exact formulas here.

  • Harris-Benedict formula. Formula Harris-Benedict(introduced in 1919) is used quite well nowadays:

Women: BOO = 65.5 + (9.5* body weight (kg) + (1.8* height (cm) – (4.7 * age (years).

Men: BOO = 66.5 + (13.7 * body weight (kg) + (5 * height (cm) – (6.8 * age (years).

  • Mifflin-St Jeor Formula. The Mifflin-St. Geor basal metabolic formula is modern method calculation. The formula was developed in 2005 and, according to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), today allows the most accurate calculation of how many calories the body of a healthy adult spends at rest.

Calculation of basal metabolism using the Mifflin-San Geor formula:

For women: BOO = (10 * weight (kg) + (6.25 * height (cm) – (5 * age) – 161.

For men: BOO = (10 * weight (kg) + (6.25 * height (cm) – (5 * age) + 5.

By calculating the basal metabolic rate, you can calculate the approximate number of calories needed per day to maintain body weight, taking into account the level of physical activity.

To do this, multiply the resulting number by the physical activity coefficient (PFA):

BOO * CFA = daily calorie intake, kcal

Interpretation of CFA

CFA and lifestyle



Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle

The person rarely makes physical effort, does not walk long distances, does not regularly engage in sports, and spends his leisure time sitting or standing without moving: talking, reading, watching TV or working on a computer.

An office worker who rarely experiences serious physical exercise


Moderately active and active

A person who experiences moderate physical activity at work, or who leads a generally sedentary lifestyle but occasionally exercises

Office worker jogging or cycling an average of 1 hour per day

Worker in “non-heavy” professions

High and very high physical activity

People engaged in long hours of hard physical labor or sports

Professional dancer, athlete

The resulting calorie content is necessary to maintain your actual (current) weight. If you want to start losing weight, subtract 500 kcal from the resulting number, and if you need to gain weight, add 500 kcal.

To make it clearer for you, let's consider example:

Man, 38 years. Manager. Height 180 cm, weight 92 kg, aerobic training 2-3 times a week for 2 hours.

SBI according to the Harris-Benedict formula = 66.5 + (13.7 * 92 ) + (5 * 180 ) – (6,8 * 38 ) = 2485 kcal.

SBI according to the Mifflin-San Geor formula = (10 * 92 ) + (6,25 * 180 ) – (5 * 38 ) + 5 = 1860 kcal.

At this stage, it is quite clear what error exists between these formulas.

The second step is to determine the daily calorie content of the diet (TFR):


CFA in this case = 1.7.

TFR = 1860 * 1.7 = 3162 kcal should be the daily diet to maintain body weight.

If your goal is weight loss: 3162 kcal– 500 kcal = 2662 kcal with the same physical activity.

And for weight gain: 3162 kcal + 500 kcal = 3662 kcal.

In these ways you can independently calculate the required calorie intake for yourself.

But you must understand that it is not enough to calculate only the daily calorie intake. To achieve your goals and to ensure that your diet is balanced and healthy, it is important to correctly distribute calories throughout the day, and also take into account the individual amount of dietary fat required by your body, taking into account your lifestyle, goals and health status.

The article was prepared by Natalya Valerievna Suchkova, nutritionist

Calculator ideal body weight intended for calculation optimal weight, which represents a combination of maximum life expectancy with a minimum probability of death from a number of diseases (hypertension and diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc.). Meaning ideal body weight depends on a person’s height, gender and body type (type of constitution). To use the calculator and calculate ideal mass your own body, sequentially fill out all the fields of the form below. Registered and authorized users of our Internet portal can save the results of their calculations in the “favorites” section personal account and return to them later.

Ideal body weight

At the moment, the ideal body weight is considered to be that which is statistically reliably combined with the longest life expectancy. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the concepts “ ideal body weight" and "normal body weight" are by no means identical. Ideal body weight is a fairly abstract indicator and is typical only for a small part (5-10%) of the population of developed countries. It depends on a number of factors, the determining factors being a person’s height, gender and body type (asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic). Concept ideal body weight cannot be interpreted too literally, because when talking about it, we mean the expected life expectancy of a large group of people, and not an accurate and reliable forecast of the longevity of a specific person.

If overweight is assessed by ideal body weight, 60-70% of the population (including developed countries) will be diagnosed with varying degrees of obesity, which is a consequence of the artificially created hype around the “slim body industry” and thereby the formation of demand for various means of losing weight. At the same time, when calculating excess weight according to the criterion of normal body weight, the prevalence of obesity in developed countries approaches 25-30%, which is true and confirmed by numerous studies. Normal body weight ranges from 5-10% relative to ideal and, as a result, is represented by a wider range of weight options. Maintenance ideal body weight allows a person to achieve a good level physical development And high level performance, as well as emotional and mental stability.

Calculation of ideal body weight

Currently there are many ways calculation of ideal(and normal) body masses and, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. According to P. Broca's system in the definition ideal body weight growth plays a decisive role. To calculate the indicator using this method, a person with a height of up to 155 cm needs to subtract 95 from the body length, with a height from 155 to 165 cm, you need to subtract 100, from 166 cm to 175, 105 is subtracted, and with a height of 175 and above - 110. However, this The formula for calculating ideal weight gives an approximate and very inaccurate idea of ​​the calculated indicator, since it does not take into account the gender and body type of a person. Moreover, according to experts, ideal body weight calculation according to P. Broca’s method, it is correct only in the age range from 40 to 50 years. It should be reduced by 10-12% for people aged 20-30 years and increased by 5-7% for people over 50.

Soviet endocrinologist and academician G. Baranov at one time for ideal body weight calculation recommended using the last two height figures, making adjustments taking into account the structural features of the skeleton and muscle development (body type). In people with an athenic body type (thin bones and a narrow chest, poorly developed muscles and a wrist circumference of less than 16 cm), it is equal to the number that consists of the last two digits of height minus 10% of this number. For normosthenics ideal body weight is equal to the number corresponding to the last two digits of height, and for hypersthenics (wide, strong bones and a wide chest, highly developed muscles and a wrist circumference greater than 18.5 cm) it is calculated by increasing the number consisting of the last two digits of height by 10% .

Calculation ideal body weight according to the Devine method is produced using the following formulas:

for men: BMI=50+2.3*(0.394*height-60)

for women: BMI=45.5+2.3*(0.394*height-60)

Formula for ideal mass calculation body according to the Robinson method looks like this:

for men: BMI =52+1.9*(0.394*height-60)

for women: BMI =49+1.7* (0.394*height-60)

Where ideal body weight (BMI) is measured in kilograms and height in centimeters.

Critical periods of change in ideal body weight

In the process of life the meaning ideal body weight each person is constantly changing and undergoing adjustments both in the direction of decrease and in the direction of its increase. This is an inevitable and natural process, which, nevertheless, must be kept under control. In order to prevent sudden weight gain and obesity, you should be aware of periods of increased risk of such deviations from ideal body weight.

Particularly careful monitoring of weight in children is necessary up to 2 years of age, as well as between 10 and 13 years, that is, before puberty. Quite often, an increase in body weight is observed immediately after the start of married life, which is explained by a banal decrease in the spouses’ attention to their own figure. Pregnancy and the early postpartum period are another critical period for deviation from ideal body weight among women.

Sharp weight gain and obesity are possible after stopping intense sports training. Often such weight deviations from ideal body weight occur during treatment with hormonal drugs and taking contraceptives, as well as after stopping smoking and during menopause.