Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Jade cave for love. Jade Rod&Co (pearls from romance novels) A thousand love thrusts

She blinked her eyes.


Sleeping Mary shivered from the night cold. In the morning he will give her heat, but now she needs to warm up.

Blue eyes moved over her face.

Having torn her eyes, Mary found herself lying wrapped around Wright.

His tongue, rushing into her mouth, frantically did what the other part of his body was striving for.

His desire was almost palpable.

With one powerful thrust he entered her and she moaned, delighted by his precision.

She looked at him briefly every now and then, as if wanting to make sure that he was not distracted. He wasn't distracted for a second. He was swollen and hard and ready for her before she even reached the middle button of his shirt. Now he stood naked in front of her over a pile of clothes, giving her the opportunity to look at him as much as she wanted.
“Take me with your hand...” he asked very politely and grinned. - It’s a little cold in these castles.

Nervous shivers crawled up my spine.

Her hand was disturbing an important part of his body.
Will he be able to see in the dark how clearly his chest is visible through a thin T-shirt and how goosebumps run across his skin?

She turned into one single giant goosebump and said yes.

He pressed her even closer to him, melting her feminine curves with the sharp corners of his body.

There was such a fire in his eyes that she felt cold. Her flesh opened and closed around him as if it were a secret project.

My male organs are in working order. You let me know what you need earlier than you understand.

Mary took a quick glance at the cherub-painted ceiling and said a short prayer.


Having reached some park, they played for two hours in a clearing covered with a cold white substance.

The moon was somewhere high.

Despite such a hot night, Selina shivered, trampling the sand with her bare feet.
The endless buzzing of insects and the chirping of birds, combined with the influence of food and wine, lulled her into a state of leaden stupor.

She opened one eye and immediately closed it back.

Jack began to slowly cover all the curves of her life-giving body with kisses and caresses.

She did not show the slightest sign that could be interpreted as a reluctance to be subjected to further erotic actions on his part.

When his palms met at the navel, they continued their erotic journey upward. Finally, the brave travelers reached the mountain heights. In his palms lay a fruit, gently shaking in time with his quickened breathing. The fingers involuntarily clenched several times.

Caressing hands moved along the contours of the body.

A concert of erotic dance took place along Selina's entire spine.

The body became a minefield of strange yearnings.

Jack leaned her head against his shoulder again, caressing her with his smiling mouth.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said hoarsely and began to rub her already sore nipples with his thumbs.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and took an active part in what was happening.
The wet, pulsating mound between her legs had been leading its own life for a long time.

Selina moaned, no longer straining her brain...

She gazed at his elegant, charming masculine symmetry.

She knew the theory, but the reality was different from what the virgin's imagination had imagined. The reality turned out to be more. And harder. And she had her own desires. She felt dizzy thinking about where this reality would inevitably end up today.
Jack grabbed her buttocks and thrust deep into her, filling all the lonely corners that had been empty for too long.

“What a pity, oh, what a pity that she didn’t have time to return home in time and pull up her tights!”
She closed her eyes and so did he. His vision became clouded, and his head began to spin a little. And then, as if by magic, their eyes closed and they sighed in unison.

She wanted to die, but instead she fell asleep.


Behind us the bay sparkles like a tub with green sparkles.

Jake winced when he heard the chirping of grasshoppers coming from the river,

Aren't you going to start a fire? - Grace grumbled. Jake flushed.

When she spoke, her lips curled in a thousand different ways.

Grace felt her nipples become erect. This is a new step in their relationship.

She rested her cheeks a little, but otherwise everything was fine.

Seeing the desire on her face, he responded with the corresponding part of his nature.

A frightening knowledge of the goal burned in the eyes.

If he enters her, he will enter her heart, and then she will love him forever and hopelessly.

He entered her, miraculously filling her completely.

The touch of his hairy legs on hers made Grace shiver with admiration.

Forgive me,” he said as tensely as if he were holding back a galloping horse.
Even though he’s drunk, he’s still such a sweetheart! - she thought.

He pressed his lips to hers so fiercely that she was speechless.
A smile, like a mask, covered her face.

She felt feverish with impatience. As if lost in an erotic fog, she felt her bones melting and her whole body turning to jelly.

She blinked her eyes.

She wanted him almost indecently.

Something was always boiling in his brilliant brain.

He watched the balls spinning in her head and decided to help.

He penetrated deep into her body and she felt it swell, filled with his masculinity.

She heard laughter deep in his chest.

“I love you,” he said as his blunt spear penetrated the wet tangle of ashen curls.

And then him hard lips and her tongue found her mouth again and left their mark on it forever.

She felt tears in her nose and throat.

He broke the silence.

He touched her breasts, found her tiny nipples with his thumbs, and they became hard from his caress.

Her nipples became so hard that they pierced his chest with pain.

His muscles tensed, and with a low growl, he finally lowered his hand. And he touched her where no man had touched her before. She froze. And she was about to open her mouth to protest, but then he touched with his finger a fluttering flower with soft petals. A flower, now abundantly moistened with dew and open to the sun.

Crowds of naive poor people believe that such a life is worth dying for.


Cole heard strangled sounds and realized that the brother and sister were hugging.

The twins, returning from school, actually took over Amy. They dragged her to swim in the pool, where Amy amazed everyone: it turned out that the girl swims like a fish. During her eighteen months of living in the desert, she had apparently acquired some survival skills.

Cole, with wet hair and blue stubble, joined her.

The girl caught herself thinking that all her attention was completely focused on the wet dark arrow of hair, buried in his swimming trunks, which were clearly not intended for inexperienced female eyes.

She gave him an optimistic, meaningless smile.

Amy could have sworn that he could see the hardening tips of her breasts through the thin fabric of her swimsuit and, moreover, felt the spasms deep inside her, in hot and dark places that she herself barely knew existed.

She had already gotten dressed and adjusted her expression.

He had eyes of some strange gray-blue color, the color of light clouds, and his chest was densely covered with dark hair, silky when touched,

Putting her head against his chest, Cole hugged her. He smelled like a man.
He began to kiss her. And there was a lot of kissing - all over her!

There was no hesitation in his kisses. He knew exactly how to find her lips.

Then their lips parted.
“Only a fool could believe that he kissed her thanks to her lips!”

The man's fingers stroked her bare skin.
Amy grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away.

She wanted to make love to Cole, not just sleep with him.

“There would be no greater pleasure for me than to be the first in you,” he whispered in her ear, and goosebumps danced all over Amy’s body.

She felt even more of a virgin than ever.

She cried out softly as their bodies came close enough to touch.

Cole stretched out his entire body on top of her, covering her completely and even more.

He squeezed her breast with his palm - he experienced the highest male pleasure.

He placed his hand on her stomach, feeling the shocks and ripples.

She was gone - she became just an offshoot of Cole.

Her flesh disappeared into his body. He stubbornly slid his tongue over her lips, repeating their shape.

Amy moved on to examine the pulsating bundle of muscle between his legs.

The smile on her lips grew wider with every second of orgasm approaching.

“What does she really want? Just sex or something deeper?

All her senses were on alert, receiving a danger signal.

Amy even pressed her hand to her lips in order to quickly suppress the flashing thought.

She looked up at Cole with her clear dark eyes.

“I’m not a fool anymore, I’m learning quickly...” she said, taking a sitting position.

I will protect you from the terrible fate of becoming pregnant. - Cole's self-confident smile signaled her again.

And her smile showed that she had left this world and gone to heaven with happiness

What it looks like long trunk and a rounded head?.. However, this does not prevent a woman from examining a man’s penis with curiosity, as if getting to know him, and how he looks also matters. Just as no two faces are exactly alike, with the exception of identical twins, no two penises are alike.

A man's penis has distinct individual features, be it thickness, length of the shaft, shape of the head, color, or angle of erection.
An erection makes this part of the male body unpredictable and irresistible. It is impossible to predict what an erect penis will look like; mysteriously twisted, gracefully curved, menacingly reared or boldly sticking out like a knight's spear. The color of the penis has a whole palette of shades: from soft pink, purple to blue-lilac.

The head of the penis is the most sensitive part, equipped with many nerve endings. Inside the penis there are cavernous bodies in the form of cylindrical tubes, surrounded by muscles, the tension of which promotes erection.

The elastic head with a gentle surface is like a shock absorber that protects female organs from damage, especially to the cervix. In a calm state, the delicate head of the penis is covered with a fold of skin that protects it from dangerous mechanical influences. The strip of skin connecting the head and body of the penis is called the frenulum, and it is also a source of additional pleasure during friction.

It is known that some animals, such as dogs, wolves and tigers, have a bone formation inside the body of the penis, however, in rare men a bone 4-5 cm long is also found lying between the cavernous bodies above the urethra.

On average, the angle between the erect penis and the man's torso is 65 degrees. The older the man, the greater the angle of his erection. The erection angle of a young man is 45 degrees, while for fifty-year-old men the angle is 135 degrees.

Most erect penises bend to the left. But the point is not in the tendency of men to cheat on their partners - to have affairs “to the left”, but in the fact that the human body is asymmetrical. It all depends on which hemisphere of the brain is dominant. The right hemisphere serves the left side of the body and vice versa. But most people are left-brain dominant, so they write with their right hand. The hemispheres of the brain are governed fundamentally various types mental activity, motor reactions, feelings, affects the bends and sizes of individual organs, determining their anatomical features. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, speech and writing. The right is responsible for imagination, feelings, perception of color and rhythm.

The deviation of the penis to the left is explained by the fact that the center responsible for sexual arousal and orgasm is located in the right hemisphere, which in turn controls the left side of the body. Deviation of the penis to the right, if its owner is not left-handed, indicates that his creative abilities, logic, and intuition predominate; this is the most finely organized sensitive nature.

Excessive bending of the penis - up to a break at a right angle - causes pain to its owner during an erection and requires surgical intervention.

The shape of the penis is divided into three main types: a pointed head - a pencil, a mushroom-shaped head and a head whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the shaft.

According to the eastern philosophy of Taoism, which includes traditional teachings, elements of mysticism and religion, the male member is not just a reproductive organ, but a symbol of male spiritual power, reflecting his inner individual essence, characteristics of the psyche and health.

“Jade dragon”, “rod”, “stem” or “root” - is controlled by five elements: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth.

There are five types of male penises- Jade rods and five types of sperm - Yang moisture. The elements give the penis different shapes of the glans, affect the color, smell and texture of sperm, and its healing properties.

If the types of penis and sperm coincide, then the positive or negative qualities inherent in a particular element are enhanced.

The combination of the elements of Earth with Fire, Metal and Water and Wood with Water is favorable. Metal gives the Earth great strength. Earth adds passion and heat to Fire. The Earth willingly absorbs Water, using it for good. The combination of Water and Wood gives sperm mobility and fertility.

The combination of Fire with Wood and Metal, Metal with Water, Wood with Earth is negative. Fire burns the Tree, dries up the sperm. Fire destroys Metal, depriving the sperm of its thickness. Water destroys Metal, deteriorating the quality of male sperm.


The penis is long and muscular, the head is large, fleshy, pronounced, the lower edge is separated from the shaft by an annular groove.

The head of the “metal” penis abundantly secretes a transparent secretion similar to saliva. When it enters a woman’s body, this elixir has a healing effect on her and strengthens the immune system.

During intimacy, Metal prefers silence and concentration; this inflames his imagination.
Sperm of the Metal element - bright white, with a tart or pungent taste, dense, cool to the touch. Ejaculation is heavy, explosive. Metallic sperm from a healthy man is beneficial for women with kidney and bladder diseases.

The erotic atmosphere of Metal is darkness and night time. He is aroused by spicy oriental perfumes.
Men with metallic sperm benefit from sweets, fruits and millet; fried foods and spices are contraindicated. They should avoid anger.


The head of the water type penis is flat, wide, with a barely noticeable ring at the base.
The secreted secretion is similar to sperm and is beneficial for women with diseases of the endocrine system.

Water is characterized by unstable ejaculation. The tremors are accompanied by noticeable breaks.
Sperm of the Water element is transparent and salty in taste. The more often you ejaculate, the thinner and more transparent it becomes.
Alcohol greatly impairs sperm quality.

Men of the water element like to be played with and seduced. A “water” member cannot imagine pleasure without oral caresses. Water men benefit from having sex in the light and in nature.

Water corrodes Metal, so if a Water-type member secretes “metallic” sperm, it quickly becomes unusable.


A member with a thin, not clearly defined head, and a soft rim, corresponds to the element - Wood. The texture of the secretion is similar to that of sweat. It has a positive effect on a woman’s circulatory system.

Sperm is viscous, grayish in color, moderately warm to the touch, and has a somewhat unpleasant odor. The smell worsens sharply during times of psychological stress. Tree is contraindicated to have sex in a state of increased anxiety or depression; his partner risks being “infected” negative energy. Aromatic oils and incense soothe and stimulate desire.

Tree loves quick and easy sex, but it must look sophisticated. Food helps a man restore his reserves of sexual energy, but for Wood this statement is truer than ever. The element of Wood corresponds to sour taste. Citrus fruits are especially beneficial for men of this type. They also have a beneficial effect on the smell and taste of sperm.

A “wooden” penis in combination with Water type sperm gives good health. And since Wood uses and devastates the soil, a member of the Wood element that secretes Earth-type sperm causes a woman to have problems with conception.


The element of Fire gives a pointed head of the penis, this looks the most elegant. The rim at the base of the penis is curved and asymmetrical.
The secretion, similar to viscous mucus, is beneficial for the female digestive system.

Fire's sperm is hot, pinkish in color, with a bitter taste, and is characterized by profuse ejaculation with volcanic pulsating spray. Adversely affects the skin, causes burns and allergies.

Fiery men are passionate and insatiable, they like to take the initiative in bed and subjugate their partner. They are encouraged to create an erotic atmosphere for making love by candlelight.

It is important for a fiery man to control himself during sexual intercourse and do everything possible to prolong the time of pleasure.

To balance the energy of the “fiery” penis, women need to be in the cowgirl position more often. It is useful to use ice cubes for lovemaking.


The element of Earth bestows a penis with a powerful, thick head and a thick ring at the base. The body of the penis is developed, with protruding veins.

The Earth knows no shame and loves experiments, it is characterized by slow ejaculation and neutral sperm temperature. It often contains lumps. Sperm is yellowish, with a sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

Frequent ejaculations are contraindicated for men with such sperm, and to maintain good spirits, he needs regular exercise.

Ass to the wall! - the command sounded over the radio in a completely dark hall. Six men brought in by assistants pressed their butts tightly against one of the walls of the hall. At a distance of twenty-five meters against the opposite wall, six women sat comfortably in chairs with spinning rods in their hands, the fishing lines from which stretched across the entire hall to the men. At the end of each line, instead fishing hook, a leather collar with a button was attached. After a short pause, the same metallic voice commanded: Trousers down! I am waiting for a confirmation.
- Ku-ku. Ku-ku,” the men standing at the wall confirmed the execution of the command six times.

Pinch the clamps! - the buttons clicked, which meant that “the clamps were pinching.” After this, “ku-ku” sounded six times.
- Pull the lines! Ladies, do you remember when you need to start turning the handles of spinning rods as hard as you can?
- Ku-ku! Ku-ku! - there were six squeaky female answers, which meant that the ladies remembered everything.

The men resist, counting out loud to one hundred and twenty, then give in to the urge. Whoever succumbs first will be disqualified and further treatment will be stopped,” the voice on the radio threatened. - It's clear?
“Ku-ku,” the action participants answered in unison.
After a long pause, a metallic voice commanded: “Catch fish, big and small! Ladies, let's start!
In the tense silence, in a completely dark hall, only the loud counting of the men could be heard. Finally, “One Hundred and Twenty!” sounded, the shuffling of steps on the floor and the screams of women were heard, who were pulling towards them on spinning rods the men fastened to them by symbols.

Before going to the “Attraction of the Jade Rod” action, six members of the “Club of Anonymous Impotents” were instructed by Arnold Nikolaevich: - All of you at one time were sex symbols: some in your workplace, some in your own family, some even in your hometown. But, alas, unfortunately, the time has come when, for various reasons, sex-bye-bye has evaporated somewhere, and only symbols remain. Therefore, let’s agree: for the convenience of communication, we will henceforth call your now weak personal belongings “symbols.”

Exactly a minute later the command “Light!” was heard. - Dozens of powerful lamps flashed with multi-colored lights, and the orchestra struck up Strauss’s waltz “Tales of the Vienna Woods.” The spectators who occupied the mezzanine burst into thunderous applause. Women who dragged unfamiliar men to them on fishing lines were obliged, by agreement with the administration of the Trikato health center, to dance a waltz with their “prey.”

Kaleria Markovna looked at her “prey” with surprise and undisguised interest. The “prey” was sitting on her lap and represented a small little man with a sparse, grayish beard, running eyes of an indeterminate color, set too close to each other. The eyes rummaged all over Kaleria Markovna’s figure, wherever they could reach it, and were clearly pleased. Mutual examination took a moment, after which the little man jumped up and spun Kaleria Markovna in a whirlwind of a waltz. He danced well, although he was a head shorter than his partner.
“Kiryusha,” the dancer introduced himself after the first round, “and you?”
- Kaleria.

The orchestra fell silent and Kiryusha gallantly, although he was without pants, kissed Kaleria Markovna’s hand and escorted her to her seat; he himself, crossing his legs, sat down next to him.

Tell me, Kiryusha, what trouble brought you to this health establishment? - Kaleria Markovna involuntarily stopped her gaze on Kiryusha’s sharp, goosebump-covered knee.

You see, I'm a farmer with a penchant for glamour. I decided to exchange my wife for a young one. And he changed it. I parted with the old one and installed a new one. He set it up, then he set it up, but then trouble came - male infirmity clung to it. And the young one, she’s also a human being. Woman. I went to the doctors - it was useless. That's what my neighbor recommended. You, he says, drink kefir with alabaster on an empty stomach. For a glass of kefir, add a level teaspoon of alabaster. I drank three times, and then I couldn’t even knock myself out on a stool - let alone love, I couldn’t go to the toilet. I ran to the doctors, and they said: you need to soak it in water for a year. And then I heard about Trikato. While I was running here, the young woman ran away with some sea captain.

Listening to Kiryusha, Kaleria Markovna laughed until she cried. Kiryusha perceived her laughter as a call to action; he, as if by chance, put his hand on her round knee. Kaleria Markovna glared at his hand, but did not remove her knee - she felt sorry for the little man who ate alabaster for love.
Then they announced on the radio: “The action is over. Everyone to the banquet hall for a buffet in honor of the official opening of the multifunctional health center for sexual problems “Tricato”.

The invitees sat down at the banquet table laughing and joking. Six women and six men participating in the action were seated opposite each other. At the head of the table sat the mayor of the city, Vasily Petrovich Lozhkin, with his wife, and Denis was located on his right; Arnold Nikolaevich sat down next to Denis, then Aglaya.

Vasily Petrovich stood up with a glass of champagne in his hand: “Gentlemen! I congratulate you on the opening of the first health center in our city, Trikato. We owe this significant event to a philanthropist, a person who cares about the aspirations of the residents of our city, entrepreneur Denis Maksimovich Denisov. - The hall was shaken by stormy applause. - Denis stood up, bowing and thanking those present. - The city leadership thanks Denis Maksimovich and allow me to present him with a certificate of an honorary citizen of the city. Applause shook the banquet hall again.

“Gentlemen,” continued the mayor of the city, “but our wonderful center would not exist if it were not for the most versatile doctor, Arnold Nikolaevich Stotsky; if not for the erudite, expert in occult sciences, Professor Georgy Lvovich Kostomarov and his student, clairvoyant, hereditary healer, a person with extraordinary abilities, the seer Aglaya.

The slogan of women should be “Impotents, get out!”, the slogan of men should be “Women, get out of here!” Today we will find out the reasons that prompted us to resort to the services of the center and exchange information. - Arnold Nikolaevich finished his speech and gestured to Georgy Lvovich to speak. The maestro stood up and addressed those present:

I ask the men to stand up and repeat after me the words of the prayer - conspiracy: “In the middle of the field there is a wooden trunk, that trunk, like a born baby, is naked. There is a wooden branch on the trunk; it does not bend, does not break, and does not bend from violent winds. - Serafima Markovna watched her husband sideways. The mayor of the city diligently, with bulging eyes, repeated the words of the prayer, and at the words “does not bend, does not break, does not bend from violent winds,” he frantically felt his “symbol” through his trousers and, making sure that everything was in order, continued to repeat the words of the spell.

So it would be for me, God’s servant Kiryusha,” Kaleria Markovna’s neighbor shouted his name louder than anyone else, “my symbol did not break, did not bend, but rose at the first thought of the woman. My word is true, my deed is controversial. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.” After a solemn pause, Georgy Lvovich announced: the female part of the ceremony will be conducted by the seer Aglaya.

Nastya stood up and raised her hands above the table: I ask the women to repeat after me: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The month is bright, the stars are frequent, you saw that he pestered me, kissed me, had mercy, and that his symbol stood on me, everywhere and always, until the last day. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Having finished the prayer, Aglaya made the sign of the cross and sat down. We drank to the creators of the center.

And now each of those who want to be healed,” Arnold gestured broadly around those present, “will tell briefly about main reason, which, in his opinion, gave rise to his illness. The conversation must be frank, otherwise we will not get results. Let’s start with you at least,” he pointed to a portly man, whose spherical head was covered with thin light brown hairs and rose above his massive shoulders, like a mine of the Second World War. The man’s face became flushed with blood, his small eyes with whitish eyelashes blinked in confusion, and he stuttered and said: “I’m just shy.”

Everyone hummed with dissatisfaction and encouragement: “Come on, come on, there are no secrets from anyone here - everyone is brothers and sisters.” Kiryusha tried especially hard: “I ate alabaster and nothing happened, but he is shy. Me too, James Bond. Secret agent. Come on, inject yourself." "James Bond" fidgeted in his seat and began his confession:

I have a house outside the city. My wife and I raise various animals there. My wife and children somehow went to see their mother. In the evening I went out onto the porch to smoke and saw a rooster trampling a chicken. Then such a desire came over me. He grabbed the first chicken he came across, put it in his boot upside down, - the narrator stopped, wiped the sweat that had profusely appeared on his forehead with a handkerchief and continued, - well, he wanted to take it into account - the evil one misled him. As soon as I got ready, she just broke out. No, she shouldn't run away.

No! - she turned and pecked me... well, at this... at the symbol... The most offensive thing, - the narrator frantically rubbed his hands, - the most offensive thing is that the chicken turned out to be a fighting rooster. A friend brought it to me as a gift from Thailand. And when I was drunk, I confused him with a chicken. He pecked me at the symbol, I let’s run, and he’ll catch up with me, spread his wings and let’s peck. He hid forcibly. Here you go. The wife arrived, but the symbol is neither, nor, - the narrator sighed heavily and fell silent.
-What about the rooster? - Kiryusha asked a question.
“What, what, he’s trampling chickens, and I’m here,” the lover of chicken love sighed heavily.

Finally, the silence was broken by a guy of about twenty-five sitting at the very edge of the table:
“My story is short,” he began embarrassedly. - My wife and child went on vacation. They were gone for a month. Well, of course, I went for a walk. No, don’t think anything - I love my wife And nothing like that... So, with friends... In short, before her arrival, let’s wash the floors. Heat. He stripped naked and mine. You understand - I’m standing on all fours. In general, my dignity in free flight is dangling.

Suddenly, well, as you say, a symbol, something will bite him. I howled in pain. And then the cat looked and looked and, apparently, decided that it was a mouse or a rat, so he grabbed it. - The narrator paused, sighed heavily and continued. - My wife has arrived, but I’m of no use. I came through an advertisement - help. All hope lies with you.
“Six hundred percent guarantee - we will justify your hopes,” Georgy Lvovich reassured him.
- Well, what about my hopes? - Kaleria Markovna flashed her eyes.
- No questions. What brought you to Trikato?

The art of being a woman Evgenia Valentinovna Frolova

Jade cave for love

Jade cave for love

Ecstasy is the most natural thing

state of energy.

Deepak Chopra

We have come to a description of the most intimate place of the female body - the vagina, which gives rise to a new life and attracts men with the promise of unearthly pleasures. The ancient Taoists poetically called the female womb a “jade cave” (and the phallus a “jade rod”). Below the clitoris and urethra, the entrance to the vagina opens, the walls of which are pressed tightly against each other. If you relax the muscles, the walls will open up and you will see the vaginal passage.

The vagina consists of three layers: the internal mucous layer, the middle muscular layer and the serous layer adjacent to the abdominal cavity. The inside of the vagina is covered with transverse folds, has two longitudinal ridges, and many veins and muscles.

If you run your finger along the inside of the vaginal mucosa, you will find numerous folds on the walls. This indicates the good condition of the smooth muscle of the vagina. But if your inner surface is smooth, it indicates weakness in the muscle layer. Due to the transverse folds, the vagina is stretchable in length and width, which resembles the bellows of an accordion, so it easily adapts to the volume of the inserted phallus.

The vagina is a very sensitive organ, especially its opening and “bottom”. At rest, the length of the vagina is no more than 7–12 cm. If a woman is excited, her vagina unconsciously expands and deepens. The task of every woman is to recognize this process and learn to control it with the help of developed vaginal muscles.

A physiological feature of the vagina is the ability to create sensations of pleasure and bliss when compressing the striated muscles of the pelvic floor, which cover the vagina from all sides. When the womb is overstretched, on the contrary, the woman experiences pain. It is known that at the moment of vaginal orgasm, developed muscles, contracting rhythmically and in waves, contribute to the promotion and retention of sperm directly at the uterus, which contributes to rapid and physiological conception.

Somewhat deeper, inside the vagina, is the famous G-zone. It is named after Dr. Ernst Grafenberg, who first described it. In the East, this area has been called the “Black Pearl” for many millennia. It is located at the depth of two joints of the middle finger and is easier to detect at the moment of excitement: this area can double in size. The entire G-zone consists of glandular tissue with a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels, similar to the male prostate gland. Its main task is secretory. When this zone is stimulated at a moment of deep ecstasy, the gland contracts and a large amount of secretion is released (female ejaculation).

But this little piece of hardware hides not only the key to a woman’s vaginal orgasm, but also a powerful weapon for seducing men.

It is here that our pheromones are produced - substances that act magically on men, capable of seducing and captivating them. But in order to use this natural gift, you need to learn how to put this piece of iron into work by contracting the adjacent muscles. And this complex and exciting work awaits us ahead.

In the depths, closer to the cervix, there is an AFE zone - the “orgasmic cuff”. This zone was studied and named by Malaysian sexologist Chua Chi An. The “orgasmic cuff” is longer and more widespread, unlike the G-zone, but is stimulated only during sexual contact with deep jerking or wave-like movements of the phallus. A woman can learn to consciously include this area in active stimulation by contracting the vaginal muscles.

The area of ​​skin and muscle between the vagina and anus is called the perineum. There is a dense network of blood vessels here. At the moment of sexual arousal, these vessels become engorged with blood and become sensitive to gentle stroking.

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CHAPTER 3 Men and their “cave” Without a doubt, for newcomers from Venus, the most important and useful information about people from Mars is understanding the equation - a man plus his “cave”. The fact that a man loves his wife but sometimes wants to be alone is difficult to comprehend

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Truth 5: If you want guarantees in love, you don't want love. To maintain peace of mind, step back as if you were the ultimate ruler of the universe. Larry Eisenberg, writer To be truly irresistible is to capitulate to the fact that in life and love

From the book Strategy of Mind and Success author Antipov Anatoly

About love In the ancient Indian epic, the formula of love was expressed as follows: “the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, and the needs of the body - sexual desire. And all three together give birth to love,” i.e. love = friendship + respect + sexual desire. All these phenomena can

From the book Brain Plasticity [Stunning facts about how thoughts can change the structure and function of our brain] by Doidge Norman

From the book The Big Book of Bitches. A complete guide to stervology author Shatskaya Evgenia

From the book Recognition author Bogat Evgeniy

About Love When Stendhal wrote the book “On Love”, he was about forty years old; Before this, he fought, traveled, loved, experienced the blows of fate, studied the characters and morals of the era; he himself called this unique book “a journey into the little-explored areas of human

From the book Roots of Love. Family constellations - from dependence to freedom. Practical guide author Liebermeister Swagito

From blind love to conscious love From the examples of Max and Antonella, we see that it is very important to find the family member with whom the child identifies and include him in the system again so that all family members can see him. If the excluded relative is accepted with

From the book Sign Language in Love by Piz Alan

Love Language for Her Women in short skirts hug their legs tightly together for obvious reasons; as a result, they appear to be non-contacting. In a nightclub, a man would prefer to invite someone else to dance. Men like to see women's legs. Choose a comfortable one

From the book Erotic and Eroticized Transference author Romashkevich, ed. M.V

From the book Alpha Male [Instructions for use] author Piterkina Lisa

About love, power and the power of love Victoria's story We met a long time ago, about 3 years ago. He was already a deputy, and I was new to the political scene and was just beginning my journey in this difficult field of activity for a woman. He is the darling of fate: young, handsome,

From the book The Path to Change. Transformational metaphors author Atkinson Marilyn

Cave Has a miracle ever happened to you? Perhaps you remember a time when fate laid out its gifts in front of you and you were shocked by what it offered you. One such incident happened to me many years ago during a two-day hike that I went on with my

From the book I Can Do Anything! Positive thinking using the Louise Hay method author Mogilevskaya Angelina Pavlovna

Love training In our “School of Life” we learn to rely on positive experience and therefore we will now conduct love training, which is also based on magical power words.Take a piece of paper and write different gentle words on it in legible handwriting for five minutes.

Jade rod. What can you immediately think about? That's what I'm talking about. Remembering the phrase from the Posner-Donahue live teleconference: “There is no sex in the USSR. ". For some reason, this phrase was not listened to to the end, it was taken out of context and it started spreading all over the world! Despite all the inconveniences of that time, almost everyone had a vigorous youth. Yes, in those days, in our speech, not only did we not use the “phallus,” we didn’t even use the “penis,” but we had a clear idea of ​​what was between our legs. I first became acquainted with the jade rod from consumer goods literature, when during the years of perestroika such “waste paper” was only sold, and I had long been a family man and had twice tasted the taste of fatherhood. Why did you think about such “camouflage” in literature? Even later I learned that this term was first used in China somewhere in the thirteenth century. This is where the legs grow from. The term is beautiful and I won’t argue with the Chinese. And this is all about him, dear and jade.

Jade rod in the cave of passion

Jade rod in the cave of passion

I always want this and today it happened.
Thousands of poets and writers have described and are describing this state when something else penetrates into you and becomes yours, immeasurably yours, bringing the feeling of something you want again and again, want always and everywhere. And at this moment the world stops, there is only this. Poets and writers call it and have called it differently: from a jade rod to a stick, but everyone has always understood that it is simply something that one cannot live without.
If this rod, sword, stick, x. does not happen in you, you cease to be a woman, affectionate and gentle, important and strong, you simply cease to be.

Why jade? This is such a figurative expression.
After all, here is the ring, green, with dark, almost gray veins. Light green, gently and habitually covers the skin, lightly pressing and as if caressing it.

Jade rod...
Why did those who know more about love than anyone living on Earth give this beautiful creation of nature, this crown of grace and sensual pleasure such a chilling name: JADE ROD.
HE - and cold green?

So smooth - in its highest tension.
So graceful - in its slight bend.
So soft - like the fluff on a baby's cheek.
Why - jade, I asked myself question after question, encountering this miracle on the pages of books, articles - and in real life.

After all, here it is: warm, with thin veins, dark pink, like strawberry ice cream - and just as delicious - n-yum!
Delightfully elastic and slightly convex - where inside there is a lot, a lot of blood: in the caves, living caves of male flesh.
Trembling, slightly swaying - and naturally asking for affection.
Caress the womb, fingers, lips. Jade rod and divine lotus cave.

Why jade?
Until one day I saw it: on black velvet, under the transparent glass of a display case, at an exhibition of precious stones - a JADE ROD - made of soft pink jade - the rarest and most beautiful mineral created by nature.

To the beautiful - beautiful...

The jade massager is the tool most used in the ancient stone healing technique that has re-entered our lives.

Jade penis (double jade dildo). China, 10th-13th century

“So that’s what you are, jade rod”

A thousand love strokes

Ancient literature often speaks of the “thousand love strokes” that are necessary to fully satisfy a woman. When it comes to explaining variations in thrusting style and depth, there is no better teacher of the Tao of Love than the seventh-century physician Li Tong Xian. His book "Tun Xuan Tzu" is partly devoted to the technique of pushing. Of the sixteen chapters, seven describe penile thrusting. The book distinguishes six styles:

1. Make contact and squeeze the jade rod in a shuttle motion back and forth, exfoliating the jade substance as if we were opening an oyster to remove the sparkling pearls. This is the first style.
2. Push down towards the jade substance and pull out the golden knife (clitoris) as if splitting stones in search of beautiful jade.
3. He uses his jade shaft to push firmly in the direction of the clitoris, as if pounding a copper mortar with an iron pestle.

4. He moves his jade rod back and forth, striking the left and right sides of the "external organs" (the side of the external organs), as a blacksmith shapes iron with five hammers.
5. The jade rod and jade gate rub tightly and tightly, like mixed avalanches.
6. He strikes his jade rod back and forth with short and slow strokes inside the external organs, like a farmer preparing the ground for late planting.

Of course, such attention to numbers can be taken too literally, and “a thousand love thrusts” may seem to a man who does not know the Tao of love more like hard work than sexual pleasure.

But for one who is experienced in the Tao of love, this is not hard work at all - quite the opposite. (You can easily do it in half an hour or 1000 seconds, and at a really slow pace). There is a special pleasure for a man in knowing that he can give this degree of sexual pleasure to his partner. Knowing that he can satisfy the sweetest woman is enough to increase his self-confidence.

Jade Rod&Co (pearls from romance novels)

She blinked her eyes.

Sleeping Mary shivered from the night cold. In the morning he will give her heat, but now she needs to warm up.

Blue eyes moved over her face.

Having torn her eyes, Mary found herself lying wrapped around Wright.

His tongue, rushing into her mouth, frantically did what the other part of his body was striving for.

His desire was almost palpable.

With one powerful thrust he entered her and she moaned, delighted by his precision.

She looked at him briefly every now and then, as if wanting to make sure that he was not distracted. He wasn't distracted for a second. He was swollen and hard and ready for her before she even reached the middle button of his shirt. Now he stood naked in front of her over a pile of clothes, giving her the opportunity to look at him as much as she wanted.
- Take me with your hand. - he asked very politely and grinned. “It’s a little cold in these castles.”

Nervous shivers crawled up my spine.

Her hand was disturbing an important part of his body.
Will he be able to see in the dark how clearly his chest is visible through a thin T-shirt and how goosebumps run across his skin?

She turned into one single giant goosebump and said yes.

He pressed her even closer to him, melting her feminine curves with the sharp corners of his body.

There was such a fire in his eyes that she felt cold. Her flesh opened and closed around him as if it were a secret project.

— My male organs are in working order. You let me know what you need earlier than you understand.

Mary took a quick glance at the cherub-painted ceiling and said a short prayer.

Having reached some park, they played for two hours in a clearing covered with a cold white substance.

The moon was somewhere high.

Despite such a hot night, Selina shivered, trampling the sand with her bare feet.
The endless buzzing of insects and the chirping of birds, combined with the influence of food and wine, lulled her into a state of leaden stupor.

She opened one eye and immediately closed it back.

Jack began to slowly cover all the curves of her life-giving body with kisses and caresses.

She did not show the slightest sign that could be interpreted as a reluctance to be subjected to further erotic actions on his part.

When his palms met at the navel, they continued their erotic journey upward. Finally, the brave travelers reached the mountain heights. In his palms lay a fruit, gently shaking in time with his quickened breathing. The fingers involuntarily clenched several times.

Caressing hands moved along the contours of the body.

A concert of erotic dance took place along Selina's entire spine.

The body became a minefield of strange yearnings.

Jack leaned her head against his shoulder again, caressing her with his smiling mouth.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said hoarsely and began to rub her already sore nipples with his thumbs.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and took an active part in what was happening.
The wet, pulsating mound between her legs had been leading its own life for a long time.

Selina moaned, no longer straining her brain...

She gazed at his elegant, charming masculine symmetry.

She knew the theory, but the reality was different from what the virgin's imagination had imagined. The reality turned out to be more. And harder. And she had her own desires. She felt dizzy thinking about where this reality would inevitably end up today.
Jack grabbed her buttocks and thrust deep into her, filling all the lonely corners that had been empty for too long.

“What a pity, oh, what a pity that she didn’t have time to return home in time and pull up her tights!”
She closed her eyes and so did he. His vision became clouded, and his head began to spin a little. And then, as if by magic, their eyes closed and they sighed in unison.

She wanted to die, but instead she fell asleep.

Behind us the bay sparkles like a tub with green sparkles.

Jake winced when he heard the chirping of grasshoppers coming from the river,

Aren't you going to start a fire? - Grace grumbled. Jake flushed.

When she spoke, her lips curled in a thousand different ways.

Grace felt her nipples become erect. This is a new step in their relationship.

She rested her cheeks a little, but otherwise everything was fine.

Seeing the desire on her face, he responded with the corresponding part of his nature.

A frightening knowledge of the goal burned in the eyes.

If he enters her, he will enter her heart, and then she will love him forever and hopelessly.

He entered her, miraculously filling her completely.

The touch of his hairy legs on hers made Grace shiver with admiration.

“Forgive me,” he said as tensely as if he were holding back a galloping horse.
Even though he’s drunk, he’s still such a sweetheart! - she thought.

He pressed his lips to hers so fiercely that she was speechless.
A smile, like a mask, covered her face.

She felt feverish with impatience. As if lost in an erotic fog, she felt her bones melting and her whole body turning to jelly.

She blinked her eyes.

She wanted him almost indecently.

Something was always boiling in his brilliant brain.

He watched the balls spinning in her head and decided to help.

He penetrated deep into her body and she felt it swell, filled with his masculinity.

She heard laughter deep in his chest.

“I love you,” he said as his blunt spear penetrated the wet tangle of ashen curls.

And then his hard lips and tongue found her mouth again and left their mark on it forever.

She felt tears in her nose and throat.

He broke the silence.

He touched her breasts, found her tiny nipples with his thumbs, and they became hard from his caress.

Her nipples became so hard that they pierced his chest with pain.

His muscles tensed, and with a low growl, he finally lowered his hand. And he touched her where no man had touched her before. She froze. And she was about to open her mouth to protest, but then he touched with his finger a fluttering flower with soft petals. A flower, now abundantly moistened with dew and open to the sun.

Crowds of naive poor people believe that such a life is worth dying for.

Cole heard strangled sounds and realized that the brother and sister were hugging.

The twins, returning from school, actually took over Amy. They dragged her to swim in the pool, where Amy amazed everyone: it turned out that the girl swims like a fish. During her eighteen months of living in the desert, she had apparently acquired some survival skills.

Cole, with wet hair and blue stubble, joined her.

The girl caught herself thinking that all her attention was completely focused on the wet dark arrow of hair, buried in his swimming trunks, which were clearly not intended for inexperienced female eyes.

She gave him an optimistic, meaningless smile.

Amy could have sworn that he could see the hardening tips of her breasts through the thin fabric of her swimsuit and, moreover, felt the spasms deep inside her, in hot and dark places that she herself barely knew existed.

She had already gotten dressed and adjusted her expression.

He had eyes of some strange gray-blue color, the color of light clouds, and his chest was densely covered with dark hair, silky when touched,

Putting her head against his chest, Cole hugged her. He smelled like a man.
He began to kiss her. And there was a lot of kissing - all over her!

There was no hesitation in his kisses. He knew exactly how to find her lips.

Then their lips parted.
“Only a fool could believe that he kissed her thanks to her lips!”

The man's fingers stroked her bare skin.
Amy grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away.

She wanted to make love to Cole, not just sleep with him.

“There would be no greater pleasure for me than to be the first in you,” he whispered in her ear, and goosebumps danced all over Amy’s body.

She felt even more of a virgin than ever.

She cried out softly as their bodies came close enough to touch.

Cole stretched out his entire body on top of her, covering her completely and even more.

He squeezed her breast with his palm - he experienced the highest male pleasure.

He placed his hand on her stomach, feeling the shocks and ripples.

She was gone - she became just an offshoot of Cole.

Her flesh disappeared into his body. He stubbornly slid his tongue over her lips, repeating their shape.

Amy moved on to examine the pulsating bundle of muscle between his legs.

The smile on her lips grew wider with every second of orgasm approaching.

“What does she really want? Just sex or something deeper?

All her senses were on alert, receiving a danger signal.

Amy even pressed her hand to her lips in order to quickly suppress the flashing thought.

She looked up at Cole with her clear dark eyes.

- I'm not a fool anymore, I'm learning quickly. - she said, taking a sitting position.

“I will protect you from the terrible fate of becoming pregnant.” “Cole’s self-confident smile signaled her again.

And her smile showed that she had left this world and gone to heaven with happiness

via nochnaya_koshka

Jade - Stone of Change

“The stone of life is green jade.
He will protect you from harm.
You will know the taste of victory with jade.
You will experience the happiness of true love.
The one who wears - everyone is faithful to him -
There is no price for jade for this!”)))

FROM WIKIPEDIA: “Jade is a mineral, a type of actinolite, consisting mainly of tangled fibers of amphibole. A remarkable feature of this rock: exceptionally high viscosity - jade fragments are very difficult to split into pieces. The strength of jade is comparable to good varieties become. The color of the breed is varied - from almost white through all shades of green (yellowish, grassy, ​​emerald, marsh) to almost black. Red jade is also found, but it is both very valuable and very rare. The color depends on the iron content and impurities of chromium, manganese, and nickel. Samples with a uniform color are valued higher than those with an uneven color (striped, spotted, “cloudy”). Jade is often used as an ornamental stone.
Until 1863, jade and jadeite were considered one mineral - jade.

DEPOSITS: known on all continents. In Russia, jade deposits in the Eastern Sayan and Polar Urals are mined using open-pit (quarry) methods. In the Vitimsky region of Transbaikalia there are also many places where people find jade, but what is especially important is that here you can find this stone of different colors. There are jades from black to white with all shades of gray, green and blue. Our major industrial sources of raw materials were the Ulan-Khodinskoye (now depleted) and Ospinskoye deposits (East Sayan group), Khamarkhudinskoye and Khokhyurtovskoye (Dzhida group), Buromskoye and Golyubinskoye (Vitim group). Deposits and manifestations of jade are also known in the Polar Urals (Nyrdvomenshor), Kazakhstan, Tuva, etc.
Foreign sources of jade include China (Kuen Lun Range, Pamir), USA (Montana, Alaska, Washington, California), Canada, Myanmar, New Zealand (New Zealand material is distinguished by its high quality; it is translucent, has good coloring and is considered one of the best in the world), Brazil, Mexico, Poland. Nephritis good quality comes from Taiwan. Here you can find stones with a silky finish, which is why it is sold as “jade cat’s eye”
Jade resources are still far from depleted.


Hotan (Chinese: 和田, pinyin Héti9aacute;n) - the most valuable varieties of jade for the Chinese are mined in Hotan County in Xinjiang Province. From here they bring the most valuable white jade, called “lamb fat color” with a thick waxy matte sheen. In ancient times, only the Emperor himself could use products made from such jade.
Xiuyan (Chinese: 岫岩, pinyin Xiùy9aacute;n) - jade, which comes from Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province, is colored white or light green. Jade is usually translucent, but is rarely transparent.
Lantian (Chinese: 蓝田县, pinyin Lánti9aacute;n Xiàn) - jade is mined in Lantian County, north of Xiyan in Shanxi Province. Lantian jade is yellow in color interspersed with green, sometimes containing a cloud-like pattern.
Nanyang (Chinese: 南陽, Chinese: 南阳, pinyin: Nány9aacute;ng) is the most common jade, sometimes also called Dushan jade (Chinese: 独山), which is brought from Nanyang County, Henan Province. This translucent jade is usually colored yellowish or white with pinkish, green, yellow inclusions and has many different impurities. It is very heterogeneous in composition. It is very often used for making sculptural compositions

“The Great Road is as straight as a ray of sunshine.
The arrival of spring is a series of wonderful days.
Five Hills are noble sons.
The ringing of jade is on the harness of two horses. »


Jade has been used since the Bronze Age. People used it as a stone to make very durable weapons and tools, and later as objects and jewelry. Archaeological research has discovered jade objects dating back to the Neolithic. Various tools and weapons were made from jade, amulets (mainly from white jade), figurines of gods, and jewelry were carved.

Digression 1. JADE AND CHINA

Jade (Chinese 玉, yu; often loosely translated as jasper) is highly prized by the Chinese, who call it the “stone of life” and is their national stone.
Jade has always been a material valued above gold and silver in China.
Jade in Ancient China was so highly valued that plaques were made from it, which were circulated on a par with coins; jade weights were the standard for weighing gold, and ambassadors were presented with jade plates as credentials.
Chinese philosophers attributed five main virtues to jade, corresponding to six spiritual qualities; its soft shine represents mercy, its hardness represents moderation and justice, its translucency represents honesty, its purity represents wisdom, and its changeability represents courage. An old Chinese proverb says: “Gold has a price, but jade is priceless.” Confucius said about a good person: “His morals are as pure as jade.” Many Chinese proverbs describing the moral qualities of a person are associated with jade. One of the most common is about upbringing and education: “Unpolished jade does not sparkle.”
Archaeological data indicate that already 7000-8000 years ago the Chinese were familiar with this stone. It was used to create weapons, make ornaments, and ritual accessories. At the end of the Neolithic period, about 6,500 years ago, jade began to be deified as a stone to which sacred properties were attributed, it was subjected to only minimal processing. Often in rituals they used round disks made of jade to personify the Sky and plates in the shape of a square to personify the Earth. Plates decorated with symbolic images of animals were used for protection from evil forces, worn on the chest or belt.
The high-born Chinese nobility ate with jade chopsticks, from jade dishes, at that time they wrote on jade plates with a brush with jade handles, and when someone addressed the emperor, they had to hold jade plates in front of their lips so as not to offend His Heavenly Majesty with their breath.

Jade belts and hairpins were a mandatory component of the rich dowry of brides of the Chinese nobility; the most valuable ancient manuscripts, calligraphically written on the finest silk, were wound in the form of scrolls on polished jade rods. It was believed that food (drink) in a jade vessel was not afraid of the greatest heat and it did not spoil longer in it. The legendary five-color jade was especially valued in China. No price seemed excessive for jade covered in intricate carvings. In China, this gem served as a symbol of high dignitary position at the imperial court.

Jade is the lapidary stone of the Ruler of Heaven and the emperors of China, symbolizing cosmic energy, perfection, strength, power, incorruptibility, immortality. In the Chinese tradition, it personifies a number of virtues: moral purity, justice, sincerity, courage, harmony, devotion and benevolence. The imperial jade seal symbolized that the power of the emperor was given by Heaven. The many shades of jade, from white to green, blue and red - almost black, made it possible to distinguish religious objects by color as well as by shape. The most famous symbols are the PI on the gates of Paradise (a green-blue disk with a round hole) and the JING - the symbol of the Earth (a yellow cone inside a rectangle). Despite the fact that jade was a symbol of the Sun and “yang”, its serene and calm color was also associated with the soft beauty of the female body and even with sexual relations(“jade game”, “jade cave”, “jade rod”).

The hardness of jade is up to the 18th century. mining jade was not difficult, and it served as the material for most Chinese products made of carved stone - it gave rise to the belief in sympathetic magic that crushed jade prolongs life, and that a jade amulet preserves the body from decomposition after death, hence the large number of jade crafts that were found in burials China. Chinese alchemists believed that jade had a perfect form and in this sense replaced gold as a symbol of absolute purity.


Blooming peach - longevity
Mandarin duck - love talisman
Deer - indicated noble origin
Bat - blessing, good luck
Fish - wealth
Two phoenixes - prosperity
Lotus - holiness
Bamboo - providence from above
Fan - generosity
Dragon - good luck
According to Chinese tradition, jade has a very important and privileged quality - immortality. Therefore, it has appeared in rituals and spells since the third millennium BC, for example, in the figures of dragons and tigers, which represented the cycle of decline and revival of natural forces. This symbolism is taken from Shao Li, dating back to the 12th century BC. It has six ritual incarnations of jade: Pi, Tsupg, Hu, Huang, Kuei, Chan.
The Imperial Seal of China is made from He jade stone.
Summer medals Olympic Games 2008, held in Beijing, inlaid with jade.


IN Ancient Egypt jade was considered one of the Sacred Stones, directly associated with the World of the Gods and the Kingdom of the Dead, with magic and power. In the Egyptian “Book of the Dead” we read about the rules that prescribe placing a semi-precious stone on or in a mummy as a symbol signifying the heart of that person. Only noble people had the right to use it in jewelry.

Green jade was almost as highly prized in ancient Mexico, where it was a symbol of the heart and blood through its union with the fertilizing properties of water. One example would be the custom of placing a piece of chalchihuiti jade or other green stone in the mouth of a noble person after his death, calling the stone a heart deceased (which, by the way, was practiced in both China and Egypt, and mysteriously hints at a certain connection that exists in ancient world between these states located on different continents). Among the poorer population, the cheaper texaxoctli stone was used for the same purposes. Ms. Zelia Nutall finds an explanation of why the ancient Mexicans took green stones for these purposes in two meanings of the word in the Nahuatl language - xoxouhqui-yolloti, which usually means “free person”, and in literature - “freshness or green heart”. Thus, the stone was a symbol of the position of the deceased and his heart. The fact that jades were often found cut into several pieces indicates that they were highly valued; According to Dr. Earl Flint, the chief cut off a piece of his jade, which he wore as a distinctive sign of his position, giving it as an ornament or amulet to his relative. Funeral masks were also made from jade.

Among the Maori people of New Zealand, a beautiful green jade - pounami, found on the South Sea islands,
usually used to make a sacred measure - a military staff symbolizing power,
and for hei-tiki hei-tiki (“carved neck amulet”). — a pendant in the form of a stylized figure of an ancestor.
Just as in Mexico and Guatemala, death masks were made from jade here. Jewelry of this type was a crude and grotesque representation of the human face, or forms, and was generally considered to be a schematic image of distant ancestors. The head was often tilted to the right or left, and the eyes, which were very large, sometimes with mother-of-pearl, looked at an angle of 45 degrees. These jewelry and masks were not only monuments, but also allegedly carried out some kind of connection between the great ancestors who once wore them and the descendants who were honored to possess this family heirloom. In many cases, if a species became extinct, last man he bequeathed to bury the hei-tiki with him so that it would not fall into the wrong hands.
Jade, known among the Maori as punami ("green stone"), was so rare that to find it it was necessary to resort to the help of a tohuriga - "sorcerer9". When going in search of this stone, the seekers took a tohunga with them, and when the expedition reached the area where jade was usually found, the sorcerer retired and fell into a trance. When he woke up, he said that he met the spirit of a dead or living person, who showed him the place where to look for jade. Then the sorcerer led people to this place, where in any case they found a larger or smaller piece of this stone. Naturally, the sorcerer first verified the presence of the stone at the indicated place.
Jade has always played an important historical role in the culture of the Maori - the indigenous people of New Zealand. In this regard, all New Zealand jade deposits (Maori Pounamu) have been placed under Maori management since 1997.
According to Miklouho-Maclay, even the Papuans of New Guinea prepared hammers and axes from jade, although no stone was found in the deposits of the earth's interior.

Jade was also highly valued in Mongolia. It was believed that with its soft shine and deep and calm tone it was able to drive away violent passions and instill peace and tranquility in the soul. The Mongols said: “If you are uncontrollably carried away somewhere, if resentment and anger have crept into your heart, do not let these passions flare up. Take the white and slippery Tsagaan Khash (jade) in your palms, squeeze it tighter, and it will calm you down.” Jade was revered as a stone of tranquility and personified the main eastern commandment: “Don’t worry and don’t rush: there are many days in the year.” The old Arats claim that white jade also has supernatural magical properties. Thin jade plates are capable of producing a clear and lingering ringing. In China and Mongolia, these skillfully carved white plates were hung from a headdress or belt and, when walked, emitted a melodious ringing, which was intended to ward off evil spirits. Jade was used with pleasure by Mongolian women to decorate themselves - it looked great in national costumes and was a talisman-amulet.

Jade was used here and, as in China and Mexico, mummies were decorated with plates connected to each other with gold wire - according to prevailing beliefs, this ensured eternity for the spirit of the deceased. From its pieces they sewed a funeral suit and made funeral masks:

In Samarkand, in the Timurid tomb - the famous Gur-Emir mausoleum, in the center of the hall you can see several large gravestones, among which two stand out: a large, white, striped one made of one piece of marble onyx, which stands on the grave of Ulutbek, the grandson of Tamerlane, and the other , smaller, made of green jade, beautifully polished - on the tomb of Tamerlane. The stone was broken in the middle into two parts. According to one legend, it was defeated by Nadir Shah during the conquest of Samarkand. The conqueror was looking for Tamerlane's hidden treasures in stone. According to the second legend, the stone was stolen by robbers in the hope of finding gold in it, but when loading it onto a camel, the stone was dropped and broken. The angry thieves abandoned it, and it was returned to Tamerlane's grave.

In the countries of the East, figurines have long been highly valued, which were deified, served as objects of worship, and fetishes. Jade tiles in the East with appropriate inscriptions served as an indication of the high birth of their owner. Among the burial places of the Far East, archaeologists find sarcophagi surrounded by jade plates (their number sometimes reaches several thousand). Jade is the main material for making Buddha statues.


In European countries, in particular in Russia, jade was used relatively little, and products made from it are generally distinguished by simpler (compared to Chinese) forms. European stone cutters were frightened by the density of jade - at one of the Krupp factories they carried out an experiment: they placed a block of jade under a steam hammer. The hammer fell on her - the anvil was shattered, but the block remained unharmed.
Therefore, jade was imported to Europe from China as souvenirs.
Queen Victoria of England had an excellent jade scepter, sent as a gift by the Chinese Emperor. Nicholas II had the same scepter. The sarcophagus of Russian Tsar Alexander III is entirely carved from Siberian jade.
Jade until the middle of the 19th century. imported to Russia from China. At this time, the Peterhof lapidary factory purchased dark green jade for a thousand rubles per pound, and for better quality the price doubled. In 1826, N. Shchukin, a teacher at the Irkutsk gymnasium, first discovered jade boulders on the banks of the Sayan mountain rivers Onot and Biboya. But more accurate data about jade were reported by G.M. Permikin in 1851 after he discovered large blocks of jade along the Onotu River.

On November 15, Permikin delivered to Irkutsk 1,200 kilograms of jade in twelve boulders, 400 kilograms in eleven, and 800 kilograms a little later in one solid boulder. And, although among the delivered gems there was no milky gray, which is highly valued by the Chinese, there were no bright green stones, however, in thin plates, lampshades and caps, the wonderful effect of the juicy green color was amazing, and in the passing light its beautiful the pattern of veins, small folds, convolutions and spots that make up a special beauty. Products of the Peterhof Lapidary Factory made from Sayan jade were demonstrated at the World Exhibitions in London and Paris in 1862 and 1867.
The Faberge firm often used jade for various decorative items - bowls, ashtrays, cigarette holders, paper knives, book cases - which were intended for representatives of the supreme power in Russia.

Jade also participated in the creation of the most famous easter eggs Faberge - sometimes the entire body was turned from it, sometimes leaves of flowers or trees, small details of “surprises”.

In the Soviet Union, especially in the post-war years, the work of the All-Union Industrial Association “Soyuzkvartssamotsvety9raquo; New deposits were discovered in the Eastern and Western Sayan, the Dzhida region of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Polar Urals. Most jade deposits are of the metasomatic type and are confined to the hypermafic (dunite-harzburgite) formation.
In the Vitim region, a new genetic type of deposits was discovered for Russia, associated with carbonate rocks and characterized by extremely rare white, light blue, light green and light green jade colors.
Currently, jade is widely popular in both domestic and foreign markets. The stone-cutting industry produces vases, stands, boxes, rings, signet rings, bracelets, beads, jewelry inserts, etc. Jade is also used as a decorative material for inlaying mosaic panels, interior decoration, etc. Jade is valued for its deep and smooth color tone, transparency and ability to take a mirror polish.
World demand for jade, according to experts, can reach thousands of tons per year. So far, Canada and Australia are the leaders in the production and supply of jade to the foreign market - up to 300 tons annually. Russia, without a doubt, could compete with them.

The “jade potential” of our country in Buryatia alone allows us to extract 150-200 tons per year. Despite the fact that the cost of mining this stone is relatively low - about $2 per kilogram. And the selling price on the foreign market can reach 10-16 dollars per kilogram, depending on the variety, quality and other characteristics. Finished jade jewelry is much more expensive. For example, the price of a one-meter high jade vase, made to order, is quite comparable to the price of a brand new car of a prestigious model.


Jade is one of the most popular minerals used in religion and magic.
In China, since ancient times, it has been believed that jade has five main virtues. He is the stone of Heaven and Earth, Wisdom and Eternity. The ancient Aztecs used jade knives for human sacrifice. Buddhists believe that the heavenly throne of Buddha is made of jade. Sumerian priests used jade objects as magical tools. The ancient Mongols, who conquered such a strong country as Rus', decorated their clothes and weapons with jade. In addition, jade is a stone of intelligence, good intentions and virtue. The great sage Confucius considered this stone a symbol of humanity.
Jade has strong energy. It gives people a sense of gentleness, justice, the desire for knowledge, moderation of life, courage and purity. It promotes happy changes and gets you out of a dead end. It is recommended to possess it for those who want to change their worldview and lifestyle, for people who are looking for enlightenment.
Jade is credited with the ability to give vitality, good health and longevity (the talisman symbol of longevity is the jade turtle). Of all the sacrifices, according to the Chinese, jade was the most valuable and desirable. By leaving his tiles and plates on the graves of their ancestors, they were convinced that in this way they were consulting with him.
Jade was used to make religious objects, ritual vases, cabochons, balls, bracelets, images of gods and mythological animals (dragons, hydras, unicorns), bowls intended for wine, sacrificial blood, grain and water, as well as honorary vases-cups, perpetuating the merits and virtue of their ancestors. It was popular to make jade “welfare wands” - “zhu-i9 (whatever one wishes), symbols of goodwill and balls located one inside the other. In China, jade was considered the most perfect embodiment of masculinity in nature.
Take jade in your hand, squeeze it tightly in your hand and it will calm you down, because it was not for nothing that it was called the “stone of calm” from ancient times.
IN ordinary life jade promotes happy changes, so it is often considered a talisman for lonely people. The jade monkey is still considered in Southeast Asia to be a reliable amulet that brings good luck, especially on the road.
Jade is seen as a barometer of our behavior. They say that it darkens on the hand of a hopeless person who persists in his delusions and unwillingness to improve; that this is an energetically very strong stone, capable of transferring its charge of energy to the owner and leading him out of a dead end in life, if he is worthy of it. Red (fire) jade had special energy. According to Chinese legends, even a boiler could be heated on it, like on hot coals.
In the East, jade was considered the “stone of victory” and greatness, an amulet that strengthened vitality and protected from the evil eye.
In China and Tibet, jade talismans were hung around the necks of children to protect them from illness, and if a difficult task was ahead, its participants never did without jade rosaries.
It was also considered the stone of eternal love. A jade butterfly serves as a guarantee of eternal happiness in love. A gift of a jade figurine will help a woman quickly acquire offspring and become a happy mother. But it is good only for family people - in love adventures, jade, which does not tolerate lies and dirt, can only get in the way.
Brings good luck in gambling, helps in business and financial areas.
In China, they believe that jade can serve as an indicator of human behavior if
and it becomes cloudy and then darkens - it indicates the sins you have committed, like many energetically strong stones - it darkens if you persist in your mistakes, not wanting to improve.

Astrologically, jade is indicated for VIRGO, LIBRA, AQUARIUS - it gives them good luck in business. A jade bracelet worn on the right hand brings family happiness to Virgos, and can prolong life for Libra. He also helps CAPRICORN in achieving goals. Jade is least indicated for TAURUS, SAGITTARIUS and especially GEMINI.
JADE is also related to Guardian Angels. It is believed that a greenish translucent warm aura is exuded by the guardian angels of people born in SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER and FEBRUARY: HAMALIEL, ZURIEL, GABRIEL.

Connection with the names: GRIGORY, KIRILL, ALEVTINA, LINA, TAISIYA


Jade is not an ordinary stone. Despite its popularity, not everyone should purchase this stone as a talisman. People who strive for pure love and trusting relationships are better off not dealing with jade, since its purpose is to create blank walls of misunderstanding between loved ones.
Anyone who is not afraid of loneliness, tuned in to his inner world, and not to the people around him, can safely resort to the help of jade. In this case, complete mutual understanding arises between the owner and the stone, jade turns into a real gift of fate, capable of bringing to the right thoughts and supporting in a difficult situation. The mineral protects the owner from harmful influences, both magical and physical.
We must not forget that this mineral is often the cause of big changes in the life of its owner, and not always desirable and predictable ones. Blue jade is the most powerful; it is able to change not only external conditions, but even the very soul of a person, therefore, for impressionable and weak natures, interaction with jade is very dangerous. In short, it is simply impossible for people who do not take care of themselves, their evolution, to wear jade. IN Everyday life Jade promotes change and helps break dead ends. This is like a “leveler,” but it levels in a sharp form.
Jade is a talisman for scientists, a symbol of intelligence and military courage. A person who carries a small jade figurine with him will be more successful and faster than others in moving towards his intended goal. A ring with white jade is a talisman that brings success in professional activities; it also protects family happiness. Amulets made from jade are best suited for warriors. They protect the owner from injury, give courage and the desire to win. Also, jade as a talisman is good for wanderers, monks, and sailors. It is believed that a jade figurine on a ship helps him overcome difficulties and dangers.
Carved items - gifts made of jade - are a sign of special love and friendship, eternal gratitude and goodwill. It is called the stone of eternity. Jade talismans preserve life, protect against poisoning, give vigor, cure physical ailments, and reflect life’s failures and misfortunes.


Effect on chakras. Jade affects the heart chakra (anahata) and the solar plexus chakra (manipura)
Energy. White Jade - Receptive Yin (absorbs energy); Jade of all colors except white - Projective Yang (releases energy, activates)
Since ancient times, jade has been considered almost a panacea for any disease. The stone was worn on the body for the treatment and prevention of absolutely all ailments. Medieval alchemists and healers used powdered jade to make various medicines or simply recommended taking it orally with water.
It is believed that jade helps with diseases of the night and urinary tract. Pregnant women are advised to wear jade products on their bellies to facilitate childbirth. There is an opinion that jade powder can cure diseases of the stomach and intestines. Beads and bracelets made from this mineral normalize sleep and relieve insomnia and nightmares.
Jade has a high heat capacity. It always seems warm and pleasant to the touch. When applied to the stomach area or near the kidneys, jade acts as a long-lasting warming compress or heating pad, gradually relieving pain. In the West, it is called “kidney stone”; it is believed that it best helps in the treatment of kidney diseases.

“We learned about this secret,
What is the best doctor Aibolit,
Who heals everything in the world -
A wonderful stone is jade.
Now forget about illnesses
We sing glory to jade,
Any pain and illness disappear,
We will stone you to death:
Your wrinkles will smooth out,
And the ulcers will immediately heal,
And men will be drawn to you,
And they will give away all the nest eggs;
Everything that hurt, everything that sagged,
It will tighten and cure nephritis.
Thoughts will immediately begin to swirl.
The path to prosperity is open!”

Nowadays, jade pillows are increasingly used -
ancient chinese remedy based healing properties jade (I myself “tried9 such a pillow on my mother - she really liked it - she sleeps on it. Acts as an applicator)))).
A jade cover9 for a chair, computer chair, car seat has a very good effect on all the involved points of the body. For men, pipes with jade stems are recommended, as this stone can neutralize toxic smoke.
But these are the rollers - warm them up in warm water - and after a bath, roll them over the skin of your face, neck and décolleté - I know from personal experience - they have an effect! Jade massage rollers are used to relieve headaches, normalize blood pressure, enhance sexual potency, and for cosmetic facial massage to get rid of wrinkles and prevent sagging skin. Jade massage stimulates and helps blood circulation in the brain, relieves fatigue.

But all the other wonders of jade fade if we imagine that those who lived many centuries ago sincerely believed that this gem could resurrect after death and forever preserve the body from decomposition. Alas, it is simply impossible to believe in this in the 21st century - but it is easy to believe that jade, as has been proven many times, significantly prolongs life, making it healthy and happy.


"Jade Bay"
Pine sculptures
An elegy of freshness shines through the bronchi,
Let's wash ourselves with pine melancholy
In the cool shade.
Kithara Phoebus the radiant
Will fill the forest vacuum,
Descending surrounded by nymphs
In the last gods it is noon.
Heaven's royal laziness
Will lower with a sapphire scroll
On the long arable land in spring.
From sea foam Aphrodite
Will again proclaim beauty,
And fruitful will
Waters in the jade sea."

Secrets of the Jade Root

What do we know about the male penis?

The fact that in appearance it resembles a long trunk and a rounded head. However, this does not prevent a woman from examining a man’s penis with curiosity, as if getting to know him, and how he looks also matters. Just as no two faces are exactly alike, with the exception of identical twins, no two penises are alike.

A man's penis has distinct individual features, be it thickness, length of the shaft, shape of the head, color, or angle of erection.
An erection makes this part of the male body unpredictable and irresistible. It is impossible to predict what an erect penis will look like; mysteriously twisted, gracefully curved, menacingly reared or boldly sticking out like a knight's spear. The color of the penis has a whole palette of shades: from soft pink, purple to blue-lilac.

The head of the penis is the most sensitive part, equipped with many nerve endings. Inside the penis there are cavernous bodies in the form of cylindrical tubes, surrounded by muscles, the tension of which promotes erection.

The elastic head with a delicate surface is like a shock absorber that protects the female organs from damage, especially the cervix. In a calm state, the delicate head of the penis is covered with a fold of skin that protects it from dangerous mechanical influences. The strip of skin connecting the head and body of the penis is called the frenulum, and it is also a source of additional pleasure during friction.

It is known that some animals, such as dogs, wolves and tigers, have a bone formation inside the body of the penis, however, in rare men a bone 4-5 cm long is also found lying between the cavernous bodies above the urethra.

On average, the angle between the erect penis and the man's torso is 65 degrees. The older the man, the greater the angle of his erection. The erection angle of a young man is 45 degrees, while for fifty-year-old men the angle is 135 degrees.

Most erect penises bend to the left. But the point is not in the tendency of men to cheat on their partners - adventures “to the left”, but in the fact that the human body is asymmetrical. It all depends on which hemisphere of the brain is dominant. The right hemisphere serves the left side of the body and vice versa. But most people are left-brain dominant, so they write with their right hand. The hemispheres of the brain control fundamentally different types of mental activity, motor reactions, feelings, influence the bends and sizes of individual organs, determining their anatomical features. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, speech and writing. The right is responsible for imagination, feelings, perception of color and rhythm.

The deviation of the penis to the left is explained by the fact that the center responsible for sexual arousal and orgasm is located in the right hemisphere, which in turn controls the left side of the body. Deviation of the penis to the right, if its owner is not left-handed, indicates that his creative abilities, logic, and intuition predominate; this is the most finely organized sensitive nature.

Excessive bending of the penis - up to a break at a right angle - causes pain to its owner during an erection and requires surgical intervention.

The shape of the penis is divided into three main types: a pointed head - a pencil, a mushroom-shaped head and a head whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the shaft.

According to the eastern philosophy of Taoism, which includes traditional teachings, elements of mysticism and religion, the male member is not just a reproductive organ, but a symbol of male spiritual power, reflecting his inner individual essence, characteristics of the psyche and health.

“Jade Dragon”, “rod9raquo;, “stem9raquo; or “root9raquo; - controlled by five elements: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth.

There are five types of male penises- Jade rods and five types of sperm - Yang moisture. The elements give the penis different shapes of the glans, affect the color, smell and texture of sperm, and its healing properties.

If the types of penis and sperm coincide, then the positive or negative qualities inherent in a particular element are enhanced.

The combination of the elements of Earth with Fire, Metal and Water and Wood with Water is favorable. Metal gives the Earth great strength. Earth adds passion and heat to Fire. The Earth willingly absorbs Water, using it for good. The combination of Water and Wood gives sperm mobility and fertility.

The combination of Fire with Wood and Metal, Metal with Water, Wood with Earth is negative. Fire burns the Tree, dries up the sperm. Fire destroys Metal, depriving the sperm of its thickness. Water destroys Metal, deteriorating the quality of male sperm.

The penis is long and muscular, the head is large, fleshy, pronounced, the lower edge is separated from the shaft by an annular groove.

The head of the “metal9raquo; penis abundantly secretes a transparent secretion similar to saliva. When it enters a woman’s body, this elixir has a healing effect on her and strengthens the immune system.

During intimacy, Metal prefers silence and concentration; this inflames his imagination.
Sperm of the Metal element is bright white in color, with a tart or pungent taste, dense, and cool to the touch. Ejaculation is heavy, explosive. Metallic sperm from a healthy man is beneficial for women with kidney and bladder diseases.

The erotic atmosphere of Metal is darkness and night time. He is excited by the spicy oriental aromas of perfume.
Men with metallic sperm benefit from sweets, fruits and millet; fried foods and spices are contraindicated. They should avoid anger.

The head of the water type penis is flat, wide, with a barely noticeable ring at the base.
The secreted secretion is similar to sperm and is beneficial for women with diseases of the endocrine system.

Water is characterized by unstable ejaculation. The tremors are accompanied by noticeable breaks.
Sperm of the Water element is transparent and salty in taste. The more often you ejaculate, the thinner and more transparent it becomes.
Alcohol greatly impairs sperm quality.

Men of the water element like to be played with and seduced. “Water9raquo; a member cannot imagine pleasure without oral sex. Water men benefit from having sex in the light and in nature.

Water is corrosive to Metal, so if a Water type member secretes “metallic9raquo; sperm, it quickly becomes unusable.

A member with a thin, not clearly defined head, and a soft rim, corresponds to the element - Wood. The texture of the secretion is similar to that of sweat. It has a positive effect on a woman’s circulatory system.

Sperm is viscous, grayish in color, moderately warm to the touch, and has a somewhat unpleasant odor. The smell worsens sharply during times of psychological stress. Tree is contraindicated to have sex in a state of increased anxiety or depression; his partner runs the risk of “infecting9raquo; negative energy. Aromatic oils and incense soothe and stimulate desire.

Tree loves quick and easy sex, but it must look sophisticated. Food helps a man restore his reserves of sexual energy, but for Wood this statement is truer than ever. The element of Wood corresponds to sour taste. Citrus fruits are especially beneficial for men of this type. They also have a beneficial effect on the smell and taste of sperm.

“Wooden9raquo; the penis in combination with Water type sperm gives good health. And since Wood uses and devastates the soil, a member of the Wood element that secretes Earth-type sperm causes a woman to have problems with conception.

The element of Fire gives a pointed head of the penis, this looks the most elegant. The rim at the base of the penis is curved and asymmetrical.
The secretion, similar to viscous mucus, is beneficial for the female digestive system.

The sperm of Fire is hot, pinkish in color, with a bitter taste, and is characterized by abundant ejaculation with a volcanic pulsating spray. Adversely affects the skin, causes burns and allergies.

Fiery men are passionate and insatiable, they like to take the initiative in bed and subjugate their partner. They are encouraged to create an erotic atmosphere for making love by candlelight.

It is important for a fiery man to control himself during sexual intercourse and do everything possible to prolong the time of pleasure.

To balance the energy of the “fiery” women need to be in the cowgirl position more often. It is useful to use ice cubes for lovemaking.

The element of Earth bestows a penis with a powerful, thick head and a thick ring at the base. The body of the penis is developed, with protruding veins.

The Earth knows no shame and loves experiments, it is characterized by slow ejaculation and neutral sperm temperature. It often contains lumps. Sperm is yellowish, with a sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

Frequent ejaculations are contraindicated for men with such sperm, and to maintain good spirits, he needs regular exercise.

If the shape of the penis and the sperm simultaneously correspond to the Earth type, then together they have a healing effect on the genitals of women suffering from cervical erosion and infertility.

To maintain the valuable qualities that the Earth's seed possesses, a man needs to eat boiled rice, green tea and red wine. The disadvantages of such sperm are that if the man himself is not healthy, then its negative qualities are enhanced many times over.

The sperm of a healthy Earth-type man has a beneficial effect on the skin.

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