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International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). How to choose an online training center for IFRS? IFRS training certificate

In connection with the upcoming changes in accounting and financial reporting and the transition to International Financial Reporting Standards, training in the IFRS course seems necessary for every chief accountant, especially for accountants of medium and large enterprises. During the training process, you will learn the principles and methods of accounting according to IFRS, learn to read and analyze international reporting, calculate financial results, prepare and consolidate reports. The course will also be useful to employees of enterprises with partners abroad, independent auditors and financial consultants.

IFRS training cost:

Start dates

date Studying time
December 24, 2019 Morning
December 30, 2019 Day
December 23, 2019 Evening
December 28, 2019 Weekend

IFRS training course program

  1. Introduction. Regulation of financial reporting at the international level.
    • 2.1.History of the creation of international standards.
    • 2.2 Subject of regulation and scope of application.
    • 2.3.Advice. Objectives and structure of the IASB.
    • 2.4 Composition and hierarchy.
  2. Principles for the preparation and presentation of financial statements
    • 3.1 Purposes and users of financial statements
    • 3.2. Basic principles for preparing financial statements
    • 3.3. Elements of financial statements
    • 3.4 Recognition of elements of financial statements
    • 3.5 Evaluating elements of financial statements
    • 3.6. Capital concepts
  3. Presentation of financial statements
    • 4.1 Composition of financial statements
    • 4.2 Disclosures and classifications of individual reporting components
    • 4.3 Accounting policies, changes in estimates, errors
    • 4.4 Discontinued operations
    • 4.5 Events after the reporting date
    • 4.6 Interim financial reporting
    • 4.7 Segment reporting
    • 4.8 Related party information
  4. Recognition, measurement and financial reporting of selected non-financial assets
    • 5.1 Definition and recognition criteria for fixed assets
    • 5.2 Intangible assets
    • 5.3 Impairment of assets. Concepts of recoverable amount, fair value less costs to sell, and value in use.
    • 5.4 Borrowing costs
    • 5.5 Investment property
    • 5.6 Non-current assets held for sale
    • 5.7 Agricultural assets
    • 5.8 Reserves
  5. Employee benefits
    • 6.1 Scope of application. Employee benefits concept.
    • 6.2 Accounting and reporting for pension programs
    • 6.3 Share-based payments
  6. Recognition, measurement and reflection of financial results in financial statements
    • 7.1 Scope of IFRS 18 and definition of revenue.
    • 7.2 Reflection of construction contracts in reporting
    • 7.3 Earnings per share
    • 7.4 Reporting income taxes
    • 7.5 Deferred income tax
  7. Reporting financial assets and liabilities
    • 8.1 Financial instruments
  8. Reserves
    • 9.1 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
  9. Exchange rates
    • 10.1 Impact of changes in foreign exchange rates
  10. Consolidated and individual reporting
    • 11.1 Business Combination. Goodwill arising upon purchase - definition, reporting, reduction in the value of goodwill.
    • 11.2. Consolidated and individual reporting
    • 11.3 Investments in associates
    • 11.4. Participation in joint activities. Proportional reduction method.
  11. Preparation of financial statements in IFRS format
    • 12.1 Initial use
    • 12.2 Transformation of reporting. Methodology for transforming reporting. The concept of transformational adjustments. Types of transformational adjustments. Transformation of individual reporting forms.

Page Content

The course consists of lectures, seminars, a large amount of practical exercises, self-study, carried out with the help of a carefully compiled manual.

As a result, students will acquire deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the application of IFRS, and will also be able to simultaneously prepare for passing exams for Diplomas in International Financial Reporting Standards: DipIFR (ACCA) and DipIFRS (IFA).

  • International financial reporting standards. Full course (128 academic hours)
  • International financial reporting standards. Practical course (32 academic hours)

Period of study:

Cost of education: 80,000 rub.(excluding registration fees for exams).

For individuals, payment is possible in 3 stages.

Students attending IFRS courses (128 hours) are issued a document on advanced training:

  • professional accountants - 40 hours;
  • auditors - 40 hours;
  • members of the DipIFR Institute - 40 hours.

For individuals, it is possible to pay the tuition fee in 3 stages.

Place of classes: Moscow, VDNKh metro station, st. Kibalchicha, 1 (from the metro 6 min., there is a parking lot)

The Institute of Financial Accountants (hereinafter referred to as IFA) was founded in 1916 and is a full member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). In accordance with IFAC standards, it trains and certifies specialists in international financial reporting standards and financial management, awarding prestigious international qualifications. IFA programs are licensed by the UK government and are completed by over 10,000 professionals each year in over 80 countries.

The preparation program for passing the DipIFRS exam (according to the IFA method) is intended for a wide range of specialists in the field of finance (managers, financial directors, chief accountants, auditors, specialists in the field of financial reporting and all interested parties).

Upon successful completion of the training, the student becomes a member of the IFA and receives an international qualification corresponding to the level passed.

The Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards from the Institute of Financial Analysts is of unlimited duration and is issued for English language, and like DipIFR (ACCA), is internationally recognized in 127 countries.

Congratulations to all students of the course "International Financial Reporting Standards" on successful completion

exams for obtaining Diplomas in International Financial Reporting Standards DipIFRS (IFA),

as well as students who have passed the DipIFR (ACCA) exam!

Results of our students passing the DipIFR (ACCA) exams on the first try:

DipIFR (ACCA, exam date – 12/07/2018) – 90 %
DipIFRS (IFA, exam date – November 16, 2018) – 100 %

(The national average pass rate for the DipIFR (ACCA) exam is 41%)

Diplomas for the DipIFRS(IFA) course are issued at our institute.

Documents received upon completion of training:

Topic 1. IFRS structure and accounting principles

1. Purpose of IFRS and their distribution. Application of international financial reporting standards in the Russian Federation.

2. Structure of standards (IAS, IFRS, SIC, IFRIC). Changes to IFRS and the procedure for applying new standards.

3. Conceptual framework of IFRS: qualitative characteristics of financial information, going concern assumption, accrual basis, main elements of financial statements.

Topic 2. Main differences between Russian accounting standards and international accounting standards

1. Distinctive features of the principles for preparing financial statements according to international and Russian standards. Conceptual differences. Differences due to established accounting practices. Technical differences.

Topic 3. Structure of financial statements according to IFRS

1. IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. Composition of financial statements, relationship between reporting forms. Statement of financial position. Statement of comprehensive income. Statement of changes in equity. Cash flow statement. Notes to financial statements.

2. IAS 8 "Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors".

3. Consideration of examples of financial statements of Russian corporations under IFRS.

Topic 4. Valuation of assets and liabilities in accordance with IFRS

1. Measurement at initial recognition and subsequent measurement of assets and liabilities.

2. IFRS 13 "Fair value". Basic rules for determining the fair value of assets and liabilities.

2. The procedure for calculating discounted value. Concepts of annuity, PV, NPV, discount rates. Application of the discounting method when calculating asset impairment, present value of receivables and payables. Examples of discounted value calculations.

3. IAS 21 "The Impact of Changes in Exchange Rates". Determination of functional currency, initial recognition and subsequent measurement of foreign currency transactions. Translation into presentation currency.

Topic 5. Inventory accounting

1. 1. IAS 2 "Inventories". Recognition criteria, calculation of inventory cost.

2. Methods for valuing inventories at the end of the reporting period, the concept of net selling price.

3. Methods for writing off inventories as part of the cost of products manufactured and services provided.

Topic 6. Accounting for fixed assets, asset impairment, investment property

1. IAS 16 “Fixed assets”: definition, basic principles for the formation of initial value, further changes in initial value. Accounting for fruit crops within the framework of IAS 16. Methods of depreciation of fixed assets. Component approach to fixed asset accounting. IAS 23 "Borrowing Costs". Recognition criteria. Start, suspension and termination of capitalization. The influence of the reserve for the liquidation of fixed assets and environmental restoration on the determination of the book value of fixed assets. Revaluation of fixed assets: methodology, reflection in the financial statements. Methods for accounting for the revaluation reserve: upon disposal of an object, annual transfer of excess depreciation.

2. IAS 38 "Intangible assets". Recognition criteria, initial measurement of intangible assets acquired separately and in a business combination, internally generated intangible assets. Accounting for subsequent costs. Features of subsequent valuation of intangible assets: SS method, indefinite useful life, liquidation value.

3. Investment property (IAS 40). Concept and composition, recognition criteria, transfer of fixed assets to investment property. Methods for determining the carrying value at the end of the reporting period, accounting for changes in fair value.

4. IAS 36 "Impairment of Assets". Impairment of fixed assets, goodwill, intangible assets with an indefinite useful life. Signs of asset impairment. Impairment test methodology (estimation of recoverable amount, calculation of value in use). Cash generating unit. Accounting and distribution of impairment losses. Reversal of impairment loss.

Topic 7. Lease of fixed assets

1. IFRS 16 "Lease". Lessor accounting: operating and finance leases. Determination of interest expense for finance lease.

2. Lessee accounting: lease recognition requirements, lease term, initial recognition and subsequent accounting of lease rights and lease obligations. Exceptions.

3. Sale and leaseback transactions. Adjustments to fair value.

4. Disclosure of information about leases in financial statements.

Topic 8. Recognition of revenue from the sale of goods and services in accordance with IFRS

1. IFRS 15 "Revenue from contracts with customers". The concept of transfer of control. 5 steps to recognize revenue.

Topic 9. Business combination

1. IFRS 3 “Business Combinations” - business combination transactions. Accounting for goodwill. Non-controlling interest.

Topic 10. Consolidated and separate reporting

1. 1. IFRS 10 "Consolidated reporting". Concept of control. Reporting consolidation methodology. Major consolidation adjustments. Consolidation of the statement of financial position, statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.

2. IAS 27 "Separate Financial Statements". Reflection of investments in subsidiaries and associated companies in the investor’s separate statements.

Topic 11. Investments in associated companies

1. IAS 28 Investments in Associates. Equity method of accounting for investments in associated companies.

Topic 12. Reserves, contingent assets and contingent liabilities

1. IAS 37 "Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets" - concept and examples.

2. Criteria for creating a reserve, legal and constructive obligation, possible categories of reserves. Contingent liabilities and contingent assets.

3. Consideration of information disclosure in actual reporting of Russian corporations.

Topic 13. Events after the reporting date

1. IAS 10 “Events after the reporting period”: adjusting and non-adjusting events, specific cases.

2. Recognition and disclosure as part of financial statements.

Topic 14. Financial instruments: recognition, measurement, disclosure in financial statements

1. IFRS 9 "Financial Instruments". The concept of a financial instrument. Financial assets and financial liabilities. Classification and reclassification of financial instruments.

2. Initial recognition and subsequent measurement of financial instruments. Modification of cash flows for financial instruments carried at amortized cost. Creation of a reserve for impairment of financial assets.

Topic 15. Income tax

1. IAS 12 “Income taxes”: the concept of deferred taxes, the procedure for determining and accounting for temporary differences. Application of the "balance sheet method" when calculating deferred tax. Recognition of a deferred tax asset. Offsetting deferred tax assets and liabilities.

2. Examples of disclosure of real data in financial statements.

Topic 16: Discontinued operations and non-current assets held for sale (IFRS 5)

1. The concept of discontinued operations. The procedure for reflecting the results of discontinued operations. The procedure for recording non-current assets intended for sale.

Topic 17. Cash flow statement

1. IAS 7 “Cash Flow Statement” - structure, presentation forms. Distribution of cash flows between operating, investing and financing activities.

2. Direct and indirect methods of reporting.

Topic 18. Transformation of Russian reporting into IFRS reporting

1. IFRS 1 "First-time adoption of IFRS": preparation of the first financial statements under IFRS. Date of transition to IFRS. Incoming balance. Main exceptions to IFRS requirements when preparing first financial statements.

2. Transfer method and parallel accounting method. Practical tasks on transposing individual elements of financial statements (end-to-end examples throughout the course).

3. The final task of transforming reporting.

What is IFRS? Today, many countries around the world use the International Financial Reporting System or, as it is also called, International Accounting. IFRS requires completely new knowledge and work skills.

IFRS training. Where can you study and get confirmation of your qualifications and knowledge?

Moscow Higher School of Economics and offers IFRS courses. You will receive all the necessary knowledge in full. Studying IFRS at the Moscow Higher School of Economics is also a guarantee of successfully passing the exam for international qualifications, such as ICFM, ACCA DipIFR (DipIFR). Purpose of the course:

  • studying the basics of financial accounting of income, expenses, assets, liabilities, capital according to IFRS;
  • familiarization with general principles preparation of financial statements according to IFRS;
  • mastering the practical mechanism for transforming financial reporting items into the IFRS format.

Our IFRS courses are a balanced combination of theory and practical exercises. During the lesson, students will be offered self-tests and practical problems to consolidate theoretical knowledge.

Course audience

It is designed for:

  • accountants of enterprises oriented to the international market;
  • financial managers and analysts;
  • auditors, economists, etc.;

During the courses you will learn the difference between International Financial Reporting Standards and national standards. Our domestic standards originate precisely from IFRS and in many ways simply duplicate them. IFRS courses are a great way to improve your skills. After training you will receive a corresponding certificate.

IFRS courses: what are their advantages?

International standards training is in great demand among financial professionals around the world. With the help of our lectures, you have the opportunity to obtain qualifications as an international accountant, which will help you:

  • effectively conduct financial analysis of the organization’s activities to make informed management decisions;
  • prepare financial statements for foreign and Russian investors and partners in accordance with the requirements of international standards;
  • understand the priorities of the accounting policies of foreign companies, the psychology of accounting and its internal logic;
  • improve the image of your organization when entering foreign markets.

Unlike other educational centers, courses at the Moscow Higher School of Economics are the most affordable - flexible and loyal prices, discount program. Classes are taught by practical teachers with experience.

IFRS training courses are intended for those students who already have some knowledge in the field of accounting. This is due to the fact that IFRS courses are quite specific, and only those who have some knowledge in this area can understand what will be discussed during the lectures.

There are various training programs such as: express course, basic, in-depth, preparation for DipIFR exams and others. They all have different training durations and costs. In this article, you can choose the necessary course for yourself depending on your needs and preferences.

Basic express course on IFRS. Course duration 60 academic hours (including 10 hours independent work.

Audience: The course is aimed at accountants, chief accountants, financial managers who want to start studying IFRS in order to improve their professional level.

Purpose of the course:

  1. Obtain theoretical knowledge on the basis of practical examples, problems about international financial reporting standards (study the goals, principles of preparing financial statements under IFRS, elements of financial statements, the procedure for recognizing assets and liabilities).
  2. Learn to navigate international financial reporting standards, understand and systematize the differences between IFRS and RAS.
  3. Obtain sufficient basic knowledge for further study and application of IFRS, preparation for DIPIFR exams.

Form of study:

  • daytime;
  • evening.

After successfully passing the exam, students receive a standard certificate from the National Research University " graduate School economy."

NOCHU DPO "Capital Institute of Economics and Finance" (CAO)

The course program is designed in such a way that all students not only become familiar with theoretical information, in particular, with the methods of transforming reporting into IFRS, but also have the opportunity to consider each of these methods in practice, as part of practical and independent studies.

This teaching method contributes to a more successful consolidation of the information received, and, consequently, a more effective learning result.

Course duration: 48 ac/h.


  1. Introduction. Regulation of financial reporting at the international level.
  2. International financial reporting standards: History of the creation of international standards. Subject of regulation and scope of application. Objectives and structure of the IASB. Composition and hierarchy.
  3. Principles for the preparation and presentation of financial statements: Purposes and users of financial statements. Basic principles for preparing financial statements. Elements of financial statements. Recognition of elements of financial statements. Evaluating elements of financial statements. Concepts of capital.
  4. Presentation of financial statements: Composition of financial statements. Disclosures and classifications of individual reporting components. Accounting policies, changes in estimates, errors. Discontinued operations. Events after the reporting date. Interim financial reporting. Segment reporting. Information about related parties.
  5. Recognition, measurement and reflection in financial statements of certain non-financial assets: Definition and recognition criteria for fixed assets. Intangible assets. Impairment of assets.
  6. Concepts of recoverable amount, fair value less costs to sell, and value in use: Borrowing costs. Investment property. Long-term assets held for sale. Agricultural assets. Inventories.
  7. Employee Benefits: Scope. Employee benefits concept. Accounting and reporting for pension programs.
  8. Share-based payments: Recognition, measurement and reporting of financial results. Scope of IFRS 18 and definition of revenue. Reflection of construction contracts in reporting. Earnings per share. Reflection of income taxes in reporting. Deferred income tax.
  9. Reflection of financial assets and liabilities in reporting: Financial instruments. Reserves. Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets.
  10. Exchange Rates: The impact of changes in currency exchange rates. Consolidated and individual reporting.
    Business combination. Goodwill arising upon purchase - definition, reporting, reduction in the value of goodwill.
  11. Preparation of financial statements in IFRS format.
  12. Types of transformational adjustments. Transformation of individual reporting forms.

After completing the IFRS training and successfully passing the test, you will be issued a certificate confirming the fact of training, and you will also be awarded the qualification “accountant with knowledge of the basics of IFRS.”

Training and consulting center "Panorama" (CAO)

IFRS for beginners:

The financial accounting course is intended for those who wish to study International Financial Reporting Standards, but do not have sufficient experience in domestic accounting and reporting, for example, financial managers and economists.

Purpose of the course: formation of a basic understanding of the principles and procedures for preparing financial statements.

IFRS courses for international certifications:

The course allows you to quickly learn the basic requirements of key IFRSs and their differences from RAS. The course is accompanied practical examples and express tests on each topic.

Course duration – 12 academic hours (3 evening classes or 2 full days on weekdays or weekends).

Basic IFRS and GAAP course:

The course is based on IAS, IFRS standards, in comparison with US GAAP standards and in comparison with the Russian accounting system - RAS. The course covers: issues of accounting according to IFRS and GAAP, standards requirements for individual elements of financial statements and methods for drawing up mandatory reporting forms using various examples.

Practical problems and exercises are solved in all sections of the course. Classes are taught by experienced practicing teachers with international qualifications in IFRS and/or GAAP. This course is focused both on applying the acquired knowledge in practice and in preparing for exams for professional qualifications in IFRS.

Course duration – 48 academic hours of classes in the classroom + 32 hours of independent work on exercises outside the classroom

IFRS rate in banks:

All IFRS standards are covered in terms of their actual application in the banking industry.

During the training process, the greatest attention is paid to the following key topics: accounting policies under IFRS, accounting for asset impairment, features of reflecting financial leases, accounting and disclosure of information about financial instruments (including the calculation of expected credit losses in accordance with IFRS 9), calculation and accrual of provisions for possible losses loans, calculation of earnings per share, formation of all bank reporting indicators according to IFRS.

The course of transformation of Russian enterprise reporting according to IFRS:

A practical course in which, using a large numerical example, you will master the methodology and gain practical skill in transforming Russian corporate reporting into reporting that complies with IFRS in rubles and foreign currency, taking into account new changes in IFRS standards.

Duration of the seminar – 24 academic hours of face-to-face classes in the classroom + 12 hours of independent practical work on performing exercises.

The classes are taught by a teacher with international qualifications in IFRS and experience in transforming Russian reporting for large enterprises.

IFRS course for the oil and gas industry:

IFRS training on industry specific accounting standards for oil and gas producing companies: accounting for oil and gas reserves, classification of costs and methods of accounting for field development costs, accounting for depletion and depreciation of oil and gas assets, reflection in the accounting of costs for decommissioning and abandonment of wells, impairment of oil and gas assets assets, disclosure in statements and notes.

Course on parallel accounting according to Russian and IFRS standards:

A practical course in computer software systems, which is a continuation of international accounting courses, designed to master modern automated means of transition from Russian reporting to IFRS, using the methods of “parallel accounting” and “translation of operations”.

MSUTU Training Center (CAO)

As part of the course, you will learn how to translate domestic reporting into foreign ones according to the system accepted in the international community in compliance with all international accounting and reporting standards (IFRS-IAS).

Learn to read international reporting with the ability to analyze it, you will be able to determine the optimal balance sheet policy of your company and evaluate the differences in accounting for income and expenses and, accordingly, influence the increase in the profit of your company.

Classes in the IFRS course have a practical orientation - highly professional teachers will help you learn how to independently maintain full-fledged accounting in accordance with IFRS.

The duration of the course is 40 academic hours.


Studying IFRS at the Moscow Higher School of Economics is a guarantee of successfully passing the exam for international qualifications, such as ICFM, ACCA DipIFR (DipIFR).

Purpose of the course:

  • studying the basics of financial accounting of income, expenses, assets, liabilities, capital according to IFRS;
  • familiarization with the general principles of preparing financial statements under IFRS;
  • mastering the practical mechanism for transforming financial reporting items into the IFRS format.

IFRS courses are a balanced combination of theory and practical exercises. During the lesson, students will be offered self-tests and practical tasks to consolidate theoretical knowledge.

Course audience:

  • accountants of enterprises oriented to the international market;
  • financial managers and analysts;
  • auditors, economists, etc.

During the courses you will learn the difference between International Financial Reporting Standards and national standards. IFRS courses are a great way to improve your skills. After training you will receive a corresponding certificate.

Studying programs:

  1. Basic course on IFRS.
  2. IFRS workshop.
  3. IFRS for insurance organizations.


International Financial Reporting Standards (60 hours):

The course is aimed at accountants who plan to study international standards and gain practical skills in accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS.

IFRS training includes real examples of reporting by Russian organizations in accordance with international standards, practical tasks on transforming reporting forms from Russian standards to IFRS, and the basics of financial reporting consolidation.

DipIFR (Rus). Standard course:

The course consists of seminars and practical exercises.

During the classes you will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in applying IFRS, learn how to solve exam problems and prepare as effectively as possible for successfully passing the exam.

You will receive a kit educational materials for self-study between classroom sessions, and you will also pass a written rehearsal exam with an assessment of your work and comments from the teacher.

The course includes:

  • 100 ak. hours of face-to-face classes;
  • lectures and practical classes;
  • educational materials;
  • intermediate testing;
  • trial exam and analysis of results;
  • administrative support when registering for the exam.

International Financial Reporting Standards (40 hours):

The course is aimed at accountants and auditors who plan to study international standards and gain practical skills in accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS.

IFRS training includes real examples of reporting by Russian organizations in accordance with international standards, practical tasks on transforming reporting forms from Russian standards to IFRS.

The difference between the course and the closely related “International Financial Reporting Standards (60 academic hours)” is the active use of online learning technologies, as well as the reduction of the program due, first of all, to complex issues of reporting consolidation.

IFRS and RAS: comparison and opportunities for convergence of accounting (20 hours):

The course is intended for chief accountants seeking to prepare their organization for the introduction of international financial reporting standards into Russian accounting practice, or to facilitate the transition to IFRS accounting in the future.

The course examines the main similarities and differences between RAS and IFRS and decisions on accounting policies that make reporting data as close as possible to these standards.

The course will also be of interest to accountants and auditors who are aimed at understanding how the structure and indicators of financial reporting will change during the transformation to IFRS standards.

Transformation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS (20 hours):

The course is designed to develop existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and acquire practical skills in transforming reporting into IFRS.

The course is based on a synthesis of theoretical training and practical training conducted on a PC. Students fill out transformation tables, solve problems and consider examples from real reporting of Russian corporations.

Consolidation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS (20 hours):

The course is designed to develop existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and acquire practical skills in reporting consolidation.

The course is based on a synthesis of theoretical training and practical training conducted on a PC. During practical classes, students fill out consolidation tables, solve problems and consider examples from real reporting of Russian corporations.

IFRS: financial instruments and equity transactions (20 hours):

The course is designed to develop the student's existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and deepen it in such a specific area as accounting for financial instruments, as well as in complex issues of accounting for share capital.

IFRS: deferred income tax (20 hours):

The course will give students a complete understanding of the functions, principles and techniques of calculating deferred income taxes - both in Russian accounting and in IFRS. The program is full of examples and exercises. The problems of “linking” the requirements of PBU 18/02 and IAS 12 are considered in the course of solving the end-to-end problem.

New in International Financial Reporting Standards (20 hours):

The constantly updated course syllabus examines both current and planned changes to IFRS, taking into account the possibility of early adoption. The course is designed to develop the student’s existing knowledge in the field of IFRS and their updating.

Training Center "Specialist" at MSTU. N.E. Bauman (Central Administrative District, Northern Administrative District)

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) basic course:

The course is intended for specialists involved in the preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, managers and employees of accounting and financial and economic services, internal auditors, controllers and treasury employees who want to keep up with the times and be aware of the latest changes in IFRS, as well as financial and bank credit specialists analyzing IFRS statements.

  • navigate international financial reporting standards;
  • understand the principles of IFRS;
  • demonstrate practical skills in identifying the main differences in reporting prepared in accordance with IFRS and RAS;
  • read financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS;
  • generate adjustment entries for VNA (OS and NZS, IS, intangible assets) for the management company and branches;
  • generate adjusting entries for all assets and liabilities of the company in order to transform RAS reporting into IFRS format;
  • process information on a group of companies to evaluate real estate and interact with the appraiser;
  • interact with group companies to reconcile intra-group turnover;
  • distribute real estate assets on fixed assets and IP among the Group companies according to the information provided as part of information requests;
  • analyze interpretations of financial statements according to RAS to transform financial statements according to IFRS;
  • participate in the consolidation of IFRS statements for the company in terms of preparing notes to the statements.

Course duration: 40 ac. h.

Master class Consolidation of financial statements under IFRS:

The course is designed for students who have already completed the Basic IFRS course and have all the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of IFRS; it is assumed that the course was completed not too long ago (up to a year) so that the theoretical data does not become outdated.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Identify the main differences between individual and consolidated reporting;
  • Carry out the main types of consolidation adjustments;

Course duration: 16 ak. h.

Master class Transformation of financial statements according to IFRS:

The course is intended for students who have already completed the Basic IFRS course and have all the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of IFRS; it is assumed that the course was completed not too long ago (up to a year) so that the theoretical data is not outdated.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Identify the main differences between RAS and IFRS;
  • Carry out the main types of transformational adjustments;
  • Prepare the information necessary for the disclosures in the notes.

Course duration: 16 ak. h.

Preparation for the ACCA exam to obtain a diploma in IFRS DipIFR (Rus):

During the course you will be able to prepare for passing the IFRS DipIFR certification exam. You will receive additional practice in solving tasks to successfully pass the exam, and discuss problematic issues with an experienced teacher. The program allows you to prepare for the exam in a short time.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • apply a technique that allows you to successfully pass the exam;
  • successfully solve all main types of exam problems;
  • focus on those points that can bring the maximum number of points in the exam.

Course duration: 48 ak. h.

Management accounting based on IFRS:

The course is designed for those professionals who already have basic knowledge of IFRS and who plan to put it into practice in management accounting.

During the course you will get acquainted with the advantages of building a management accounting system according to IFRS principles, learn how to account for changes in value over time - one of strengths management reporting based on IFRS.

Upon completion of the course you will be able to: Use IFRS in management accounting.

Course duration: 16 ak. h.

Higher School of Finance and Management RANEPA (ZAO)

Form of study: modular (without interruption from work).

Duration of the program: 4 months.

A student of the IFRS program learns:

  • prepare consolidated and segment financial statements of the company;
  • present consolidated financial statements in IFRS format;
  • transform the company's Russian reporting into compliance with international standards;
  • draw up a balance sheet report of the company’s financial condition, including taking into account mergers, acquisitions, and acquisitions;
  • forecast cash flows;
  • carry out financial accounting in a group of companies;
  • analyze the monetarity of revenue, costs and profits.

Program features:

  1. Special author's program and textbooks of the leading teacher of VShFM Mikhail Ivanovich Litvinenko.
  2. International certification (British Institute of Chartered Financial Managers).
  3. The most comprehensive and longest IFRS course.
  4. Trainings, workshops, cases on transformation and consolidation of financial statements.
  5. Convenient training format (on Saturdays).

TC "FinExpertiza" (SAO)

Level of training of students:

  1. Average.
  2. Advanced.

Program Block 1:

  • Classification of financial instruments.
  • The main types of financial instruments in the issuance and investment activities of corporations.
  • Financial assets and liabilities. Classification and subsequent evaluation.
  • Cash flow characteristics test.
  • Test for the business model used.

Block 2:

  • Valuation of financial instruments and impairment procedures.
  • Commencement and derecognition of financial instruments.
  • Fair value and amortized cost concepts.
  • Practice of stock valuation.
  • Valuation and reflection of bonds, bills.
  • Reflection of credit instruments.
  • Expected credit loss model.

Block 3:

  • Stock, commodity and currency risks. Strategic goals for the use of derivative financial instruments in the operating, financial and investment activities of corporations.
  • Main types of derivative financial instruments. General issues of hedging risks using derivative financial instruments.
  • Hedging of production results.
  • Peculiarities of recognition and evaluation of derivative financial instruments.
  • Peculiarities of recognition and valuation of repo.
  • Embedded derivatives.

Block 4:

  • Hedge accounting.
  • Hedging instruments and hedged items.
  • Fair value, cash flow and net investment hedges.

Block 5:

  • Transition to the application of IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”.
  • Transitional provisions regarding classification and assessment.
  • Transitional provisions regarding hedge accounting.
  • Early use.


  1. Consider the new standard IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
  2. To enable specialists to prepare in a timely manner for the practical application of the new standard.


Deepening theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of recognition and measurement of financial instruments, as well as practical skills in preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS 9 in terms of:

  1. Classification and subsequent revaluation of financial assets.
  2. Classification and subsequent revaluation of financial liabilities.
  3. Fundamentals of accounting for derivative financial instruments.
  4. Hedge accounting.
  5. Reflections of price and currency differences of financial instruments.

Financial University (SVAO)

International Financial Reporting Standards (Full Course):

The course consists of lectures, seminars, a large amount of practical exercises, self-study, carried out with the help of a carefully compiled manual.

As a result, students will acquire deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the application of IFRS, and will also be able to simultaneously prepare for passing exams for Diplomas in International Financial Reporting Standards: DipIFR (ACCA) and DipIFRS (IFA).

Course program: 128 hours.

Upon successful completion of the training, the student becomes a member of the IFA and receives an international qualification corresponding to the level passed.

International Financial Reporting Standards (Practical Course):

The training program is intended for specialists who have completed the course “International Financial Reporting Standards”.

The course is dedicated to the practical development of IFRS, allowing you to develop confident problem-solving skills in preparation for passing the DipIFR (ACCA) exam.

Course program: 32 hours.