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Fertilizer for potatoes. Features of using the fertilizer "Giants" Universal fertilizer "Giants" instructions

Wanting to grow tall bushes and get good harvest, gardeners often use the “Giant” fertilizer. Before introducing it into the ground, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what it is and what effect it has on the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

Universal fertilizer "Giant" - what is it?

"Ispolin" is a balanced mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers with the addition of a natural growth stimulant - humic substance. Peat is used as an organic component in this preparation, and micro- and macroelements are used as a mineral component. It is thanks to this combination that “Giant” has a beneficial effect on plant growth and soil fertility. It is advisable to use this fertilizer on infertile soils with low humus content.

This fertilizer is sold in the form of long-acting granules. This contributes to the fact that “Giant” helps not only with growing certain plant(vegetable or fruit), but also improves the condition of the soil as a whole. This is expressed in an increase in the humus content in it, increased activity of microorganisms, and improved water and air conditions.

Using the "Giant" fertilizer

Fertilizer "Giant" can be applied at different times.

  • for vegetable or flower seeds - scatter evenly at the rate of 100 g per 1 m2 and dig up;
  • for - 15-25 g in each well;
  • for potatoes – 15-30 g per square meter;
  • for bushes – 150 – 200 g;
  • For fruit trees– 250 - 300g.

In this case, the fertilizer must be sprinkled with soil so that it does not come into direct contact with the roots, and then watered very well so that the decomposition process begins.

If you want to fertilize fruit bushes and trees in the spring, then you need to apply “Giant” to the dug up soil around the trunk at the rate of 100 g per 1 m2.

To restore the soil, in the fall, during digging, it is worth watering it with diluted “Giant”.

“Potato Giant” was developed especially for potatoes. Unlike the universal one, it has a good effect on this particular vegetable crop: it accelerates the germination of eyes and improves the taste of root crops. The “Berry” and “Vegetable” types were developed using the same principle.

The Fart company produces several varieties of organic-based complex fertilizer "Giant", but for potatoes "Giant Potato" is most suitable, although "Giant Universal" can also be used. This natural granular fertilizer is successful combination mineral and organic components. The ingredients are selected in such a way as to maximize potato yield without loss of taste.

As part of "Giant":

  • peat;
  • vermicompost;
  • macro- and microelements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron.

"Giant" lasts longer than mineral fertilizers. Thanks to the chemical formula of the drug, the phosphorus contained in it does not transform into difficult-to-digest forms, and potassium and nitrogen are washed out much more slowly even from very light soils. Gradually decomposing granules provide the potatoes with regular, continuous nutrition. The utilization rate of nutrients is 90–95%.

Benefits of fertilizer:

  • peat granules improve soil structure. Fertilizer is especially effective on infertile, humus-poor soils;
  • by improving the structure of the soil, beneficial microflora are activated in it, which leads to a decrease in the incidence of potatoes;
  • balanced fertilizing with easily digestible organic matter does not cause stress in plants, like conventional mineral fertilizing;
  • humic acids serve as a natural growth stimulator;
  • the eyes of planted tubers sprout more intensively;
  • in the tubers of the new harvest, the amount of carotene, proteins, starch increases, and taste improves.

Features of use and dosage of "Giant"

“Giant” is convenient to use from spring to autumn:

  • When planting, 10–15 g (tablespoon) of granules are added to each hole. They are sprinkled with a little earth, and a tuber is placed on top;
  • Before budding, plants need feeding. Throw 50 g of “Giant” into a bucket of water and leave for a day, stirring occasionally. This feeding can be combined with watering;
  • In the fall, empty potato beds are fertilized, preparing for the new season. To restore soil fertility, 1 liter of fertilizer is applied per 1 m² (150 g of granules are placed in a 250 ml glass). Then the soil is dug up;
  • in the spring, fertilizer is evenly distributed over the surface of the beds at the rate of 100–150 g per 1 m² and the soil is dug up.

"Giant" does not fit with mineral fertilizers, since they disrupt the balance of nutrients. If the soil is too acidic, it is allowed to add dolomite flour together with “Giant”.

Everyone who has to engage in crop production, be it a large agricultural producer or a summer resident cultivating his 6 acres, is interested in obtaining a high-quality and rich harvest. And here you can’t do without special fertilizers. And the final result directly depends on how correctly the fertilizer is chosen.

As practice shows, humic fertilizers, including products of the Ispolin brand, have now become especially popular. This fertilizer combines organic matter with mineral micro- and macroelements. This combination allows crops to receive the substances necessary for development, and humic acid promotes their growth, which together leads to an excellent harvest.

Characteristics of Ispolin fertilizers

Giant is a long-lasting fertilizer. Available in the form of granules, powder, and also in liquid form. It is used as a dry fertilizer and as a top dressing, which is carried out when watering plants (the fertilizer is diluted with clean water).

The fertilizer contains: nitrogen compound (2.5%), phosphorus oxide (4.5%), potassium oxide (9%), calcium oxide (1%), magnesium oxide (0.2%), iron oxide (0 .1%), water-soluble humic acids (2%), as well as pH aqueous suspension (8-10%).

Today you can buy 4 types of Ispolin brand fertilizers: universal, berry, vegetable and potato. Their difference lies in small changes in the number of elements included in their composition.

Advantages of the Giant

  • The fertilizer is completely natural;
  • Close in composition to the structure of the soil;
  • Promotes soil aeration and improves its quality;
  • Dissolves in the soil within a short time, without harming microorganisms and plants;
  • Accelerates the growth and development of cultivated plants;
  • Improves fruit quality, increases productivity;
  • Reduces the number of diseased plants;
  • Humic acids are resistant to leaching, but are easily absorbed by plants;
  • Environmentally friendly product;
  • Cost-effective, easy to use;
  • Promotes an increase in microorganisms in the soil, the soil does not dry out and does not turn into clods;
  • The land is suitable for planting even a year after applying the Igigan fertilizer.

Instructions for using the Ispolin fertilizer

Rules for using the Ispolin fertilizer vary depending on the purpose of its use, as well as the time of year when it is used. For example, in the spring, Giant is used to enrich the soil, as well as to feed plants planted in the ground. In the first case, the granules are scattered throughout the area, after which it is dug up. The fertilizer consumption rate in this case is from 100 to 150 g per 1 sq.m. The same rate will be required to enrich seed beds. After sowing the seeds, the beds must be moistened. Thanks to the content of the applied fertilizer in the soil, plants through their root system will receive the nutrients necessary for their growth and development.

When planting shrubs, the rate of applying fertilizer to the hole is approximately 100-200 g, for tree seedlings - 250-300 g. First, fertilizer is applied, sprinkled with soil a little, then the plants are carefully planted so as not to damage the roots, the hole is filled with earth, and moistened.

IN summer time Giant is used to feed crops in the form of an infusion. To do this, dissolve 1 tablespoon of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and infuse for 24 hours. The solution is thoroughly mixed from time to time. It is necessary to feed the plants with this nutritious infusion once a week.

The advantage of using the Gigantic fertilizer is that it completely eliminates the need to feed the soil with manure or compost. In addition, it lacks the main disadvantage of traditional organic fertilizers - the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and weed seeds.

Combining Giant with other fertilizers

Using the Gigantic fertilizer, it is quite possible to do without additional fertilizing. But if the soil is poor and poorly structured, then the plants should still be fed with foliar fertilizers for the first few years.

But it is not recommended to combine Giant with mineral fertilizers in order to prevent the soil solution from becoming oversaturated with salts.

When growing plants on personal plot Gardeners periodically feed crops for better yields and improved fruit quality. For these purposes, you can use monofertilizers, but it is better to use complex fertilizers: they have a rich composition that ensures the full functioning of all types of crops. The “Giant” fertilizer showed good results.

The fertilizer in question is a universal product based on mineral and organic components, as well as humates. The drug is available in granular form. Manufacturer: Fart company. All varieties of "Giant" fertilizer have a rich composition, which makes it applicable to all plants. The main components of feeding are:

  • micro- and macroelements;
  • peat component;
  • humic acids.

The total share of the last two components in the composition of the product is about 70%.

“Giant” is easily digestible and is almost completely (up to 95%) absorbed into the plant through the roots and green part. The drug contains nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium in different dosages depending on the type of fertilizer. Thanks to such a variety of components, the product has a wide range of applications and has a positive effect on plants, from planting to harvesting.


“Giant” has a number of advantages that are revealed during use:

  1. increases crop yields and soil fertility;
  2. improves the structure of the soil and substrate, making them looser;
  3. applicable for deoxidation of acidified areas;
  4. controls the general condition of plants, normalizes metabolism;
  5. accelerates growth;
  6. economical, does not require complex preparation before application;
  7. increases the resistance of crops to adverse factors, making plants less susceptible to diseases, pests, and sudden changes in weather conditions;
  8. prevents the leaching of nutrients from the soil during watering or rain;
  9. plants absorb fertilizer slowly, as needed;
  10. environmentally friendly product (does not harm humans or the environment);
  11. strengthens the root system;
  12. improves the taste of fruits and their preservation;
  13. increases the humus content in the soil;
  14. does not increase soil acidity and salt content;
  15. reduces the concentration of harmful substances in crops;
  16. does not contain larvae, fungal spores, pests, pathogenic microorganisms, weed seeds;
  17. Stored at a wide range of temperatures for 3 years.

Effect on plant development

After using fertilizer, crops develop more actively. Their root system is strengthened and the green mass grows. The taste of the fruits improves: they become juicier and more sugary. Plantings do not accumulate harmful substances. Plants better tolerate drought, frost, and attacks by harmful insects.

Effect on soil

“Giant” enriches the soil with useful microelements, and thanks to its organic components, significantly improves its structure. The soil becomes looser and more granular, air exchange is more intense, and moisture quickly penetrates deeper.

The use of "Giant" showed better results than the use of compost and manure. Fertilizing increases the fertility of even clay soils.

Fertilizer application schemes

Based on the percentage of components, the drug is differentiated into several varieties, differing in patterns of use depending on the season.

Application of the drug in spring

To prepare the soil for planting, it is necessary to add 130-150 g of “Giant” per 1 m2, scattering the granules evenly over the treated surface. After this, it is recommended to dig up the area and water it.

You can feed garden plantings with the drug while planting seeds or seedlings. To do this, fertilizer is distributed over the sown area at the rate of 100 g of product per 1 m2, the soil is dug up and the seed is planted.

When applying “Giant” locally under a bush, a dosage of 15-25 g is used. For each berry bush or fruit tree, 150 and 250 g of fertilizer are applied, respectively. After using the drug, the soil must be carefully dug to a depth of 8 cm and watered.

Application in summer

During this season, only the roots are fed with “Giant”. For this purpose, prepare a solution: dilute 50 g of the product in 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours. The composition must be applied at the root 3 times a month.

The liquid substance penetrates well into the root system, saturating it with useful substances.

"Giant Potato"

Used in two methods:

  1. As a preparatory fertilizer for soil. For this purpose, the soil is treated with the preparation in question in the fall after digging at the rate of 100 g of “Giant” per 1 m2 by scattering granules over the area. There is no need to dig again, but it is recommended to use a rake to embed the fertilizer into the soil to a shallow depth. By spring, the garden will be ready to plant potatoes.
  2. Immediately upon landing. Fertilizer “Giant for potatoes” is applied to each well, 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 g). The fertilizer should be mixed with the soil and planting material should be placed on top.

After using fertilizer, potato eyes germinate much faster, and the seedlings themselves are resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions.

"Giant Autumn"

Created for preparatory work before the onset of winter, suitable for everyone perennial crops. The fertilizer also restores the soil after annual plants are harvested.

  • In the first case, the granular product is scattered near trees and bushes in the tree trunk area. Dosage – 100 g (8 tbsp) per 1 m2. The granules are deepened 8 cm deep into the fertile layer, after which the area is watered and mulched.
  • As a restorative fertilizer, “Giant” is used in the fall in a dosage of up to 600 g per 1 m2 on already prepared soil. After application, the soil must be covered with a rake.

Replenishment with the product in question is carried out in the last month of summer. The potassium component in the fertilizer accelerates flowering and makes the trunk more massive, and the phosphorus component helps strengthen the roots and protects the plant from frost. Restoration work is recommended to be carried out in October.

"Giant Universal"

Suitable for all plants without exception, applicable all year round. There are several methods of using fertilizer depending on the season and purpose:

  1. Preparatory work on the site in the spring or during planting. The “giant” is scattered over the previously dug up ground. Dose for application – 150 g (1 glass) per 1 m2. After distribution, the garden needs to be raked.
  2. Fertilizing holes. When introducing seed or seedlings into the soil, throw 15-30 g (1-2 tbsp) of “Giant” into each hole, then add a little soil and only then the plant. After this, you need to thoroughly water the soil and lay out mulch.
  3. Fertilizing for trees and bushes during planting (300 and 200 g for each specimen, respectively). The product is mixed with soil and poured into the holes.
  4. Feeding of berry fields and fruit trees occurs in the spring with further planting 8 cm deep, watering and mulching. Dosage – 100 g per 1 m2.
  5. In summer, you can feed all the plants with a solution prepared from a bucket of water (10 l) and 50 g of granular fertilizer “Giant”. The mixture must be infused for 24 hours. The resulting composition should be used to water the crops once every 7 days (instead of regular watering).
  6. Soil restoration in the fall. The fertilizer should be placed 8 cm deep at the rate of 600 g per 1 m2.

The “Giant Universal” fertilizer can replace other fertilizers in this series, except for the “Autumn” version: in the latter the percentage of phosphorus and potassium is higher.

Combining the "Giant" fertilizer with other fertilizers

The drug optimally saturates the soil with useful substances, so there is no need to use additional other means. But with very low soil quality, you can support plants with fertilizers for foliar treatments. The following fertilizers are recommended:

  • "Ideal";
  • "Rainbow";
  • "Barrier."

Application errors

When “Giant” is applied correctly, plants respond with high yields and tasty fruits. If the rules are violated, the instructions can harm the crops. There are several common mistakes:

  1. oversaturation of soil with fertilizer;
  2. use in combination with mineral supplements;
  3. insufficient amount of water when watering.

Approximate prices

"Giant" can be purchased at local points of sale or in online stores. The cost varies depending on the volume of packaging and the type of fertilizer. On average, 2, 5, 10 liters cost 60-80, 125-150, 220-340 rubles. respectively.

“Giant”, when used correctly, will increase the yield on the site and improve the quality of the soil. After its use, the taste characteristics of the fruit improve.

Quite often, gardeners use the drug Giant to cultivate strong, healthy plants and harvest a rich harvest. Gigantic fertilizer is a properly formulated combination of organic and mineral elements that increase productivity. However, before you start using it for its intended purpose, you need to find out where it is best to do it and how it affects the cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops.

What is the Giant?

Fertilizing Giant is a coordinated combination of organic matter, mineral elements and humic substances, which act as a united front as immunomodulators and stimulants. The organic matter in this product is peat, and the mineral components are macro- and microelements. Thanks to this composition, this drug has a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of crops, as well as soil fertility. It is appropriate to use the Gigantic fertilizer on poor lands with a small amount of humus in the composition.

This product can be purchased in specialized stores in the form of a long-acting granular preparation. It is produced in the form of soft granules, which are packaged in bags of various sizes:

  • 500 ml;
  • 2 liters;
  • 5 liters;
  • 10 liters.

As a result of its use in the soil, the composition of humus increases, beneficial bacteria are activated, and the water and air balance is stabilized.

Fertilizer granules are well fixed in the soil, enrich it with useful substances and increase the yield and resistance of crops to various diseases and exposure to adverse factors. This result is achieved through the interaction of the three main components of the product. What is the principle of action of the fertilizer?

  1. Fertilizing does not allow an element such as phosphorus to gain a foothold in a form that is not available to the plant.
  2. At the same time, peat promotes a uniform supply of elements such as potassium and nitrogen to the plant, and also prolongs their effect.
  3. When humic acids interact with minerals, they reduce the mobility of potassium and nitrogen, and phosphorus falls into a configuration that is easily absorbed by the crop.

Taking into account the interaction of organic matter, humic acids and minerals, the drug is 95% absorbed by the plant.

The nutrients in it are in a configuration that is easy for plants to absorb and is resistant to being washed out by liquid. This ensures a uniform supply of the crop with the required variety and necessary nutrition (precisely at a certain stage of plant development) throughout the entire growing season. The application does not disturb the natural structure of the soil, but only gently supports the activities that take place in it. The product is quite easy to use, store and transport.

VIDEO: How does the Giant differ from other Russian-made analogues

When and how to use the product

It must be taken into account that one 250 ml glass contains 150 grams. of the drug, and in one tablespoon there are 15 grams. facilities. It is possible to apply universal fertilizer at any time of the year, except winter.

Application of the drug in spring

  1. When preparing the soil for planting, it is necessary to evenly distribute the product over the soil surface at the rate of 130-150 g. preparation for every square meter of land and then dig up. The drug granules will slowly dissolve in the soil, providing balanced and constant feeding of crops throughout the growing season.

  1. It is also possible to fertilize the soil directly by sowing seeds and planting seedlings of vegetables and flowers in open ground. To do this, you need to scatter the product over the soil surface in the ratio of 100 grams of fertilizer per square meter, and then dig up the soil. Plant seedlings or sow seed and then water with liquid.
  2. Fertilizer is used separately for each seedling during planting. For this purpose, 15-25 grams are added to all holes for seedlings. product, sprinkle with a small amount of soil, then a seedling with a lump of soil is planted and watered abundantly with water.
  3. For planting potatoes, you can scatter 30 grams. funds per 1 sq.m of land or add 15 grams to each hole, mix with soil, lay potatoes and sprinkle with soil.
  4. When planting fruit trees and berry bushes, you need to add about 150 grams of granules for bushes or 250 grams for trees into the planting hole and sprinkle with soil. Then place the plant in the planting hole, sprinkle it well with soil and water it generously with liquid.
  5. You can also use Giant for already growing fruit trees and berry bushes on the site. To do this, dig up the soil to a depth of 8 to 20 cm (depending on the size of the plant) around the area. trunk, distribute 100 grams of fertilizer per square meter and water.

When adding the drug to the soil, you should definitely dig it in with soil, just do it so that the fertilizer does not touch the root system of the plant, and then you need to water it generously to activate the decay process.

In summer

In the summer, it is necessary to feed the root system directly, and this is done with a liquid solution. To do this you need to dilute 50 grams. products in a 10-liter bucket of water. Then you need to let the solution brew for about a day, stirring occasionally, and apply it to the root zone once every ten days.

How to use it in the fall

In order for the soil to restore fertility and improve its structure after harvesting, at the time of digging up the garden, you should water the soil with a diluted solution of Ispolina, according to the instructions (the concentration depends on the size of the package) or scatter granules over it at the rate of one liter per square meter.

If you have already fertilized the soil in the spring or fall, it is better not to touch it in the fall. Leave the beds to rest until spring planting.

Result evaluation

Using the drug, you can get the following effects:

  • due to the balanced inclusion of all components of the drug, the productivity of all agricultural crops increases;
  • young seedlings and seedlings undergo a better period of adaptation and survival after planting in the ground;
  • crops have increased tolerance to low temperatures and lack of fluid;
  • powerful strong roots develop;
  • cultures grow and develop more actively;
  • the number of ovaries increases and the ripening period of the crop accelerates;
  • the storage period of the harvested crop is increased and its loss is minimized;
  • the soil is filled with humus and its fertility improves.

Giant’s ability to evenly enrich the soil with nutrients leads to the absence of an excess of nitrates in the harvested crop and a decrease in the presence of pesticides, while the content of vitamins, on the contrary, increases.

“Potato Giant” was created specifically for potatoes, which, unlike the universal one, has a beneficial effect specifically on this vegetable. Thanks to its use, the process of germination of the eyes is accelerated, and the taste of the root vegetables themselves is improved. The types of Giant “Vegetable” and “Berry” act in the same way.

Thanks to the correctly selected composition of the fertilizer, the beneficial substances from it are perfectly absorbed by various crops. Thanks to this, the amount of the drug that needs to be added to the soil is reduced, which makes this fertilizing an economical means. Today, the Gigantic fertilizer is considered one of the best in its category.

VIDEO: How to properly prepare the soil for planting with the help of Gigantic fertilizer