Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Russian way of serving in a restaurant. New types of dishes and new forms of service in the restaurant. Buffet and buffet service

Tauride National University named after. IN AND. Vernadsky
Faculty of Geography
Department of Tourism

in the discipline "Restaurant Technology"
on the topic of:
"Types of service in restaurants"

Second year student
full-time department of the Department of Tourism,
Group 23-T, Gumovskaya A.K.
assistant L.S. Chudinova

Simferopol, 2011



Chapter 1. Basic types of restaurant services…………………………4
      F r a n s i c T y p e r s t e r v a t i o n … … … … … … …..... 4
      RUSSIAN TYPE OF RESTAURANTS SERVICES … … … … … … … … ….....5
      A m e r i c a n a n t i n g P r e s t a r t u r a t i o n S e r v i c e … … … … … … ..... 5
Chapter 2. Other types of restaurant services………………………….....6

2.1 Buffet.. ……...…………………………………………… ………...6
2.2 Buffet……………………………………………………7
2.3 Buffet service……………………………………………………8
2.4 Club service………………………………………………………………. .9
2.5 Catering……………………………………………………… ……9
2.6 Self-service cafe……………………… ………………….10
2.7 “Cocktail” service…………………………………………………………11
2.8 Serving guests at banquets……………………………..12
2.9 “Barbecue” service..…………………………………….15


A restaurant is a special type of enterprise in which the organization of the production of a wide range of complex culinary products is combined with the organization of a high level of customer service in the restaurant’s sales areas.
Polite and attentive service is one of the main components of a successful restaurant. Professional guest service, neat table setting, creates a unique warm atmosphere of the establishment, determines its style and rank. Service is work to satisfy needs and requirements. Guest service in restaurant establishments is provided by: head waiter (hall administrator), waiter, bartender, bartender, cashier, cloakroom attendant and doorman.
The topic of my essay is “Typesservice in restaurants».
Purpose of the work: to analyze the main types of restaurant services.
- study types of service in restaurants;
- conduct their comparative analysis;
- identify the main characteristic features for each type of restaurant service;
- determine the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Chapter 1. Types of restaurant service

      F R A N C I N S T y p e o f P r e s t a r i v e S e r v i c e
The French style of service is common in fine dining restaurants, where it emphasizes elegance and an upbeat atmosphere. Food is served on a large platter and small plates placed on a trolley. French service is considered the most expensive looking restaurant services. French service requires a whole team of service personnel, which should include:
1) maitre d'hotel: head waiter - restaurant manager,a person who coordinates the work of serving restaurant visitors or hotel guests;
2) chef de rang: senior waiter, responsible for about four tables. He greets guests, explains the menu and takes orders, monitors the efficiency of service and personally puts food on the guests’ plates;
3) demi chef de rang: assistant to the head waiter, takes orders for drinks, serves dishes;
4) commis de rang: the waiter serves water, bread, butter, he also passes orders to the kitchen, brings carts of food from there, and clears the table.
5) sommelier: A sommelier is a restaurant employee responsible for purchasing, storing wines and presenting them to the customer. Sommelier makes upwine list, dealstastingwines and gives recommendations on the choice of drinks to restaurant visitors.
An example of a restaurant with a French type of service isrestaurant La Crete d'or, in the center of Minsk.
With Russian service, food is prepared entirely in the kitchen. Service is carried out by teams of 3 people: a foreman, a waiter for serving dishes and a waiter for serving drinks. This system is characterized by the fact that waiters serve all dishes in multi-portion dishes, all soups in tureens. The waiter's task for serving dishes is to bring dishes with decorated dishes and place them directly on the table without rearranging them. Each dish should have a device for laying out dishes. A heated plate and appropriate cutlery are placed in front of each visitor. Soups are also served in the same way. Visitors serve themselves. This method of serving creates an environment reminiscent of home. To serve drinks, the waiter pours them into glasses only at the beginning of service, and then gives the right to pour drinks to the visitors themselves. This service system is suitable for "extra" category enterprises and national style enterprises.
This is a fairly convenient form of service for family celebrations and corporate parties. It provides an opportunity for communication and reduces the formality of the meeting.When serving this type of service, the waiter must wear gloves.This type of service is convenient for serving banquets and parties.
1.3American type of restaurant service
The American type of restaurant service is a simplified version of Russian service. The food is prepared and plated right in the kitchen, after which the plates are served to visitors. This service option is popular due to its efficiency: the order is completed quickly and the food is served hot. This type of restaurant service is used in most RH establishments in the city of Simferopol.
1.4 English type restaurant service
At In this method, the waiter places food on the guest's plate on a side table, then serves it from the right side. If a refill is required, the waiter uses a clean plate and changes the cutlery. This type of service is labor-intensive and is recommended only for serving individual tables.
In parallel with the term "English service" is used the term "gueridon". The products are placed on a serving dish, which is placed on a table with wheels. The table is brought to the table at which the guest is sitting. The guest chooses the portion himself, and the waiter begins to prepare the dish before his eyes.
The advantage is that with this type of service it is establishedperfect contact with guests. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time.
Chapter 2. Other types of restaurant services
2. 1 Buffet
The advantage of a reception organized as a buffet is that it makes it possible to serve a significantly larger number of guests in the same area of ​​the banquet hall than when organizing a banquet at a table. And the cost of a buffet table per guest is significantly lower than the cost of a banquet at a table.
Those invited to the buffet (usually held from 6 to 8 p.m.) eat and drink while standing. Guests are offered a free choice of seats in the hall, an individual choice of a variety of snacks, dishes and drinks in large quantities arranged on buffet tables, slightly higher than usual.
In the absence of buffet tables, dining tables are used, which are arranged in rows close to each other at the rate of 1 linear meter for 6 - 8 guests (with double-sided serving). When arranging buffet tables, take into account the area and configuration of the dining room, the number of guests, the location of doors and windows. Tables can be arranged in one row along the axis of the hall or symmetrically in rows, sometimes in the form of the letters T, P, W. One of the tables is intended for guests of honor - it should be located so that other guests do not have their backs to it.
Buffet tables are covered with tablecloths that descend from all tables at the same distance, not reaching the floor 5-10 cm.

When serving a buffet, one waiter usually has 15 - 20 guests. The waiter's job is to help select appetizers, offer assistance in pouring wine, putting appetizers on a plate, etc. Drinks and appetizers are usually served to guests by different waiters.
Considering that guests eat standing during a buffet, all cold appetizers are prepared in small pieces, “fork-ready.”
Nothing is placed on the very edge of the buffet table, otherwise guests will have nowhere to put their plates.

2.2 Buffet
In addition, there are other types of service, such as buffet. With this form of service, dishes with hot and cold appetizers are placed on a large table, and guests put food on their plates themselves, without the help of waiters. Typically, guests choose one dish, eat it, and then come back for the next one. The waiter must monitor the assortment and ensure that the dishes remain attractive in appearance.
1) counters-bain-marie counters for soups and main hot dishes;
2) counter for hot drinks;
3) trolleys with squeezing devices;
4) counter for cutlery, etc.
The buffet can be made from special folding tables 750-900 mm high, 1500-2000 mm wide (length of one line 3000-4000 mm) or rectangular (square) tables. To increase the usable area of ​​the table, you can use an additional element - a slide. The table is covered with a white or colored tablecloth, which is lowered almost to the floor (like a buffet table).
A team of waiters is created to serve the buffet. Each worker in the team performs a specific type of work. The waiter foreman or chef, having received the products for breakfast (lunch, dinner), displays them for visitors, monitors the assortment throughout the day, and replenishes it with missing products as it is sold. Waiters set dinner tables and remove used dishes. At the request of visitors (taking into account age, physical disabilities and other reasons), waiters can serve them at the table. Control over the work of waiters and the organization of customer service is carried out by the head waiter of the hall.

The types, methods and forms of service at catering establishments depend on the place of food consumption, the method of receiving and delivering it to consumers, the degree of staff participation in service, etc. The choice of the most rational types of service helps to more fully satisfy consumer demand.

The main types of services in public catering are: sales of products in the halls of open-type enterprises (restaurants, bars, canteens, cafes, snack bars), as well as in canteens at industrial enterprises and educational institutions; servicing passengers en route; sale of culinary products through culinary stores (departments); organization of service by a waiter (bartender) at home.

Form of customer service: an organizational technique that is a variety or combination of customer service methods.

Special forms of service in restaurants are organized with one goal - to speed up service to a large number of consumers with a limited amount of time. This form is used to serve participants in congresses, conferences, symposiums, etc. Special forms of catering in restaurants include express hall, express table, buffet, and catering.

Express lounges are organized in restaurants to speed up service to consumers limited by their lunch break. Such a hall has a small number of seats (from 40 to 50), which are served by a team of four people. The menu is a set lunch consisting of four courses: cold appetizer, soup, main course and dessert. The cost of bread is included in the price of lunch. By lunch time, all tables in the express hall must be prepared to receive consumers. A menu is placed on each table. As soon as consumers sit down at the table, the waiter puts out an appetizer, a sweet (can be set in advance), then brings soup, followed by the main hot course and dessert. Typically, the consumer spends 15-20 minutes on such a lunch. The standard cost of lunch makes it easier and faster for the consumer to pay the waiter. Payment can also be made using a cash receipt, which is issued after payment.

The express table is designed for 20 people, has a round shape, with a rotating central part, on which a variety of snacks, dishes, culinary confectionery, juices, and drinks are placed. Consumers, having sat down at the table, turn the central rotating part by the handle and select the necessary dishes. The waiter serves hot drinks, after which he pays the consumers.

Organizing buffet meals is, first of all, about speeding up the service for large groups of foreign tourists, participants in conferences, congresses, etc. On average, 15-20 minutes are spent on breakfast, 25-30 minutes on lunch and dinner. When serving consumers, you don’t have to wait for the ordered dishes and the bill. To organize a buffet, a separate room or a part of it convenient for service is allocated. Information about opening hours and the cost of breakfast, lunch or dinner is posted in a prominent place at the cash register. The assortment of the buffet depends on the time of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and includes a variety of dishes, which allows each consumer to create his own diet, taking into account individual characteristics nutrition.

The buffet can be made from special folding tables 75-90 cm high, 150-200 cm wide (the length of one line is 300-400 cm) or rectangular (square) tables. To increase the usable area of ​​the table, you can use an additional element - a slide.

The table is covered with a white or colored tablecloth, which is lowered almost to the floor.

To sell hot drinks, a separate table is most often organized. Here a samovar or coffee maker, cups, dessert plates are installed, confectionery is laid out, sugar, honey, preserves, jams, and confitures are offered.

Consumers, taking a tray from a special table located at the entrance to the hall, select and portion food on their own, but if necessary, they are assisted by a consulting chef.

During lunch (dinner) in the sales area you can organize a take-out bar with wine, vodka and tobacco products, which are provided to consumers in cash.

At the request of individual tourists, the restaurant administration is obliged to provide them with food in their hotel rooms, for which tourists are charged an additional fee.

The organization of catering services is most often carried out outside the premises of the catering establishment. The most typical examples of such services are the organization of picnics, banquets, receptions, weddings and other events, when professional managers are invited to organize and conduct them.

Catering can be divided into many different categories depending on the service that is provided to customers. In general, the catering industry can be divided into five main categories: indoor catering; off-premise catering; individual catering; traveling catering; retail sale .

The following service methods are used at catering establishments: self-service, waiter service, combined method.

In case of mass service, with a relatively small assortment of dishes sold, self-service is used to speed up service, during which consumers independently take cold dishes and drinks, and flour confectionery products from the dispenser. Hot dishes are portioned by distributors immediately before the holiday.

Depending on the participation of personnel in service, a distinction is made between full and partial self-service. With full self-service, the consumer performs all operations related to receiving dishes, delivering them to the dining table and clearing dishes. With partial self-service, most of these operations are performed by company personnel to speed up service.

Waiter service is used in restaurants, bars, and sometimes in cafes, in which the creation of comfort plays a big role; these preferences are intended not only for the provision of food services, but also for organizing the rest of consumers.

The combined method involves a combination of these two maintenance methods. For example, an enterprise operates during the day using the self-service method (public dining room, cafe), and in the evening - waiter service. Such enterprises should also create conditions for organizing recreation for consumers.

Exist different ways customer service in catering establishments. Types of service in a restaurant depend on compliance with the following important principle:

Different clients - different service.

Complex types of service in a restaurant Today they are no longer popular. Because restaurateurs strive to combine two important things - to please the client and make the work of the service staff easier. The popularity and success of the entire establishment depends on how well you can combine this.

Any waiter should know the basic types of service in a restaurant, since there are clients who prefer traditional types or methods of serving dishes - in English, French, Russian.

Types of service in the restaurant:

1. Service - buffet.

Service - the buffet provides for the display of dishes on different tables, the so-called “islands”. Restaurant visitors can take their own food. But most often, with this type of service, waiters themselves serve first courses, fish and meat dishes to guests.

Self-service or buffet meals are often incorrectly referred to as "buffets." But there is actually a big difference between these types of services. Traditional self-service involves the presence of a single counter in the hall, on which appetizers, first courses, meat and fish dishes, salads, chopped vegetables, desserts and cheeses are displayed in a certain order. Passing by the counter, the visitor independently chooses dishes to suit his taste. Both the waiter and the restaurant guest can place food on plates.

Self-service has the following advantages:

  • Rapidity.
  • Visibility - the visitor can always see the dishes before choosing it.

American style service is the most popular and widespread type of restaurant service in the world. Its advantages:

  • Practicality.
  • Low costs.
  • Convenience.
  • Does not require special training of operating personnel.

With the American type of service, all the food is put on plates right away in the kitchen. All clients receive ready-made meals. The main task of the waiter is to present them beautifully.

Service in English is often called family style service in a restaurant (family style). For all guests sitting at the same table, food is served on one large platter. And the waiter takes turns filling the plates for each guest.

The waiter brings a dish for several servings to each table, and customers independently put food on their plates.

Service in French is considered the most expensive and most difficult type of service. It requires specially trained personnel and, due to its complexity, is not widely used.

Cooking with this method of service ends on a special table called gueridon. Portions are determined on the same table. Refilling with sauces is carried out on a trolley. Before serving the dish, the waiter invites the “table leader” - one of the client present at the table - to try or taste the dish.

French restaurant service is still used in very old, prestigious restaurants and hotels, where the completion of each dish takes place in front of the customers.

As a rule, each restaurant thinks through and uses its own type of service. Some establishments use several ways to serve guests at once.

When choosing which type of service is right for your restaurant, remember that:

The best service is service that is tailored to the customer.

Good service always increases the value of the dishes on the menu and distinguishes your establishment from its competitors.

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Types of service

service service restaurant

Depending on the number of guests served, the category and equipment of catering establishments, different types of services are used. The following types of services are considered the most common:

1. French service - this type of service is common in high-end restaurants, where it emphasizes the elegance of the service. It can be used both for serving individual tables and banquet tables.

French service is considered the most impressive and expensive in the world. A large dish with food laid out on it is shown to the guests. This takes into account a person’s visual perception of beautifully served food, which undoubtedly stimulates the appetite. Approaching from the left side, the waiter places food from the dish onto the guests' plates. The waiter must hold the dish in the palm of his left hand so that the main product is facing the visitor. However, there is also a type of French service when the waiter offers a dish to a guest who is serving himself.

Portioning of dishes is done in sequence: first put the main product, then the side dish. The main product should be on the plate closer to the visitor, opposite the restaurant logo. The side dish is placed after the main product. Approaching the guest from the left, the waiter transfers food from the dish with his right hand using a device for laying out. If the visitor wants to put a portion of the dish on his plate, the waiter should hold the dish over its side, slightly tilting it towards the visitor. If sauces or side dishes for dishes are sold separately, it is advisable for two waiters to serve them.

French service requires a whole team of service personnel, which includes:

· restaurant manager - head waiter;

· senior waiter in charge of about four tables. He greets guests, explains the menu and takes orders, monitors the efficiency of service and personally puts food on guests’ plates, cuts meat, and so on;

· assistant senior waiter - takes orders for drinks, serves dishes;

· waiter serving water. In addition, he transmits orders to the kitchen, brings carts of food from there, clears the table;

· wine waiter - sommelier.

The advantage of French service is constant contact with guests, as well as the fact that the guest himself determines the desired amount of food. However, this type of service is very labor-intensive and expensive, which is its disadvantage.

English service - is service from a side table or from a trolley. In English service, the waiter places food on the guests' plates on a side table, then serves it from the right side. If the guest wishes for more, the waiter must use a clean plate. In addition, he changes the cutlery.

The waiter first shows the dish to the client on the left side, and then, with the visitor’s permission, transfers it on the back table to the guest’s plate. First the main product is put in, then the side dish. Special care is required when arranging the components of a complex side dish to prevent them from mixing.

The English type of service is considered very labor-intensive; a lot of time is spent serving guests, so its use is recommended only for serving individual tables. Its advantages are ideal contact with guests, as well as freedom of movement for service personnel.

Very often, in parallel with the term “English service”, the term “gueridon” is used. In this case, the products are placed on a serving dish, which is placed on a table with wheels. The table, in turn, is brought to the table at which the guest is sitting. The guest chooses his own portion, and the waiter begins to prepare the dish right in front of the client.

American service - with this method, food is prepared and plated directly in the kitchen. The waiters serve and place plates to the guests. This type of service is popular due to its simplicity and efficiency.

The advantages of American service are low labor intensity, as well as low personnel requirements. The disadvantages of American service include poor contact between waiters and guests and a set volume of served portions.

Russian service - with this type of service, food is brought to guests on a serving platter. The waiter divides it into portions in front of the guests, places the utensils nearby for laying out, and then the guests themselves transfer these portions to plates.

The advantages of Russian service include the fact that the guest himself determines the desired amount of food. However, this type of service is very labor-intensive, and when inexperienced guests transfer food, the appearance of the dish is disrupted.

German service - with this method, food is laid out on a large dish and placed on the table at an accessible distance from the guest so that he can serve himself.

The advantages of German service are considered to be low labor intensity, which determines the small number of service personnel, as well as the fact that the guest himself determines the amount of food and can take extra. The disadvantages of this type of service include the use of a large number of dishes, since all dishes must be served separately.

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Concept, methods and forms of service

Definition 1

Service process in catering- this is a complex activity carried out by the contractor in direct interaction with the client and related to the provision of culinary products and the organization of leisure time.

Definition 2

Customer service method is the way in which food services are provided to visitors.

The following service methods are adopted in restaurant enterprises:

  1. self-service;
  2. waiter service;
  3. combined service.

Definition 3

Service form– an organizational technique, which is a variety or combination of methods of serving consumers.

Forms of service have the following features:

  1. features of the services provided;
  2. place and conditions of their implementation;
  3. the nature of the work of service personnel;
  4. form of settlement with clients.

Self-service method

Definition 4

Self-service is a method of service in which visitors themselves perform certain actions.

The following forms of self-service exist:

  1. complete. The client carries out all activities independently;
  2. partial. A certain amount of work is carried out either by employees of the catering establishment or by specialized mechanisms.

There are the following types of self-service depending on the payment method:

    Self service with preliminary calculation . The client studies the menu, purchases a receipt, and receives the dishes with the receipt at the distribution counter. The negative aspects of this type are that the visitor cannot select the selected dishes in advance, or the organization of complex meals using pre-purchased subscriptions and checks: table setting is preliminary, then complex breakfasts, lunches and dinners are sold, which helps reduce service time. This type has become widespread in the provision of food services to tourists.

    Self-service with subsequent payment. Involves settlement with the client after the purchase of food. The guest gets acquainted with the menu, selects dishes to be served, pays, consumes and carries the dishes independently. The positive aspect of this type is the possibility of preliminary assessment appearance dishes followed by choice. This type also includes self-service with payment after meals. The visitor studies the menu, selects dishes, receives a receipt for the dishes, consumes and then pays when leaving the hall. The positive aspect is the reduction in maintenance time. The negative side is the larger number of service personnel.

    Self-service with direct payment. The client makes a one-time choice, receives dishes and pays for their cost.

Note 1

This form of service is characterized by the sale of products and settlement with the client by one employee.

Waiter service method

The waiter service method is typical for restaurants, bars and snack bars, as well as some canteens.

There are two types of such service:

  1. Full service involves the implementation of all processes of providing food services by waiters. The main feature of this service is the high culture of employees. As a rule, it is common in luxury and high-class restaurants.
  2. Partial waiter service means that visitors carry out a certain number of operations independently. Waiters take orders to the room, but do not provide table service. This form helps to reduce the time period for serving guests and increase bandwidth hall and reducing the number of employees providing services in the hall.

When serving by waiters, the following forms of payment are used:

  1. preliminary. The guest studies the menu and buys a check for food at the cash register. This form has become widespread when serving participants at conferences, seminars, etc.;
  2. subsequent. Payment is made at the end of service by waiters.

Waiter service, based on the nature of the work, is divided into two forms:

  1. individual. All work on providing food services to the guest is carried out by one waiter, who is assigned a certain number of tables in the hall;
  2. brigade. A team of several waiters differentiates between activities. This form helps optimize the service process. Most often, this form is used for banquets and festive events.