Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Maximum ability to move and jump. §1. Development of speed. Acceptance about speed qualities

class words: physical qualities, speed, scientific, biomechanics

2. Speed ​​dynamics

5. Biomechanical aspects of motor reactions

1.Agreement about speed qualities
Speed ​​qualities are characterized by a person’s ability to perform motor actions in a minimum period of time for given conditions. It is assumed that the task lasts a short time and fatigue does not occur.

It is customary to distinguish three main (elementary) types of manifestation of speed qualities:

1) speed of single movement (at low external resistance);

2) frequency of movements;

3) latent reaction time.

Between the indicators of speed of a single movement, frequency of movements and latent reaction time in different people the correlation is very small. For example, you can have a very fast reaction and be relatively slow in your movements and vice versa. With this in mind, they say that the elementary varieties of speed qualities are relatively independent of each other.

In practice, one usually encounters complex manifestations of speed qualities. Thus, in sprint running, the result depends on the reaction time at the start, the speed of individual movements (push-off, bringing the hips together in the unsupported phase) and the frequency of steps. The speed achieved in a holistic, complexly coordinated movement depends not only on the speed qualities of the athlete, but also on other reasons (for example, running speed depends on the length of steps, and that, in turn, on the length of the legs, strength and repulsion technique), therefore it only indirectly characterizes speed qualities, and upon detailed analysis, it is the elementary forms of manifestation of speed qualities that turn out to be the most indicative.

In movements of a cyclic nature, the speed of movement is directly determined by the frequency of movements and the distance covered in one cycle (the length of the “step”):

f=frequency l- step length

With an increase in sports qualifications (and, consequently, with an increase in the maximum speed of movement), both components that determine the speed of movement, as a rule, increase. However, in different types sports in different ways. For example, in skating, the main importance is to increase the length of the “stride”, and in swimming, both components are approximately equally important. Given the same maximum walking speed, different athletes may have significant differences in stride length and frequency.

2. Speed ​​dynamics

Speed ​​dynamics is a change in the speed of a moving body, that is, a function of the form: v = f (t) or v = f (l), where v is speed, t is time, l is path, f is the sign of the functional dependence.

In sports, there are two types of tasks that require maximum speed. In the first case, it is necessary to show the maximum instantaneous speed (in jumping - at the moment of repulsion; in throwing - when releasing a projectile, etc.); In this case, the speed dynamics are chosen by the athlete himself (for example, he can start moving a little faster or slower). In the second case, it is necessary to perform the entire movement at maximum speed (in the minimum time) (example: sprinting). Here, too, the result depends on the speed dynamics. For example, in sprint running, the best results are achieved in those attempts where the instantaneous speeds in individual segments of the starting acceleration are maximum for a given person.

In many movements performed at maximum speeds, two phases are distinguished: 1) increasing speed (starting acceleration), 2) relative stabilization of speed (Fig. 49). The characteristic of the first phase is the starting acceleration, the second is the distance speed. Thus, the speed curve in sprinting can be described by the equation


where v (t) is the speed value at time t, v is the maximum speed value; e—the base of natural logarithms; k is an individual parameter characterizing acceleration during acceleration from the start. The greater the value of k, the faster the athlete reaches his maximum speed. The values ​​of v m and k do not correlate with each other. In other words, the ability to quickly gain “your” maximum speed and the ability to move at high speed are relatively independent of each other. Indeed, the strongest sprinters reach their maximum running speed in approximately the same time as beginners - 5-6 seconds from the moment they leave the start. You can have good starting acceleration and low distance speed and vice versa. In some sports, the main thing is starting acceleration (basketball, tennis, hockey), in others only distance speed is important (long jump), in others, both are important (sprinting).

3. Rate of change of force (force gradient)

The word “speed” is used to denote not only the rate of change in the position of a body or its parts in space, but also the rate of change in other indicators (for example, we can talk about the rate of change in temperature). The force of action that a person exhibits in one attempt is constantly changing. This necessitates studying the rate of change of force—the force gradient. The force gradient is especially important when studying movements where it is necessary to exert great force in the shortest possible time - "explosively". Mathematically, the force gradient is equal to the first derivative of the force

by time:

The force growth curve for a single “explosive” force followed by immediate relaxation has the form shown in Fig. 50. To numerically characterize the force gradient, one of the following indicators is usually used:

1) time to achieve a force equal to half the maximum.

Often this indicator is called the force gradient (this usage is convenient due to its brevity, but is not entirely accurate);

2) the quotient of division F mix / t max. This indicator is called the speed-strength index. It is equal to the tangent of the angle in Fig. 50.

In cases where we are talking about moving your own body

athlete (and not the projectile), it is convenient to use the so-called reactivity coefficient (according to Yu. V. Verkhoshansky):

F max / t max * athlete’s body weight

The rate of force development plays a big role in fast movements. Its practical significance is easy to understand from Fig. 51, which shows the curves for the manifestation of force by two athletes - A and B. Athlete A has a large maximum force and a low force gradient; In athlete B, on the contrary, the force gradient is high, and the maximum strength capabilities are small. If the duration of the movement is long (t > t 3), when both athletes have time to demonstrate their maximum strength, the advantage is given to the stronger athlete A. If the time for performing the movement is very short (less than t 1, in Fig. 51), then the advantage will be on side sports shift B.

With increasing athletic skill, the time required to perform movements usually decreases and therefore the role of the force gradient becomes more significant.

The time required to achieve maximum force (tmax) is approximately 300-400 ms. The time for manifestation of the force of action in many movements is much shorter. For example, the take-off in running for the strongest sprinters lasts less than 100 ms, the take-off in long jump - less than 150-180 ms, the take-off in high jump - less than 250 ms, the final effort in javelin throwing - approximately 150 ms, etc. In In all these cases, athletes do not have time to demonstrate their maximum strength and the achieved speed depends to a large extent on the force gradient. For example, there is a very large correlation between the height of a standing jump and the reactivity coefficient (the athlete who, with the same body weight, can develop greater repulsion force in the shortest time) jumps higher.

4. Parametric and non-parametric relationships between strength and speed qualities

If an athlete performs the same movement several times (for example, putting a shot put from a place), trying to show the best result in each attempt, and the parameters of the motor task (in particular, the weight of the shot) change, then the magnitude of the action force applied to the shot , and the speed of the nucleus ejection will be related to each other by a parametric dependence.

Under the influence of training, the parametric force-velocity relationship can change in different ways. This is determined by what training tools and methods were used by the athlete (Fig. 52).

It is significant that an increase in speed during movements with average resistance (and such resistance in real sports conditions can be, for example, the weight and mass of one’s own body or a projectile) can occur with a different ratio of the increase in strength and speed qualities: in some cases (Fig. 52 , A) - due to an increase in speed qualities (v mm) b others (Fig. 52, B) - due to an increase in strength qualities (F mm).

Which way to increase speed performance is more beneficial in training depends on many reasons (the athlete’s age, experience, type of sport, etc.), and in particular on the amount of resistance (in % of F mm) that the athlete has to overcome: what it is greater, the more important it is to increase strength qualities. This is confirmed, in particular, by the values ​​of nonparametric relationships between the indicators of an athlete’s strength qualities (F mm) and the speed of movements (v t) at different values ​​of resistance. Thus, in one of the experiments (Yu. I. Smirnov), the correlation coefficients were equal: without weights - 0.131, with weights of 1 kg - 0.327, with weights of 3 kg - 0.630, with weights of 8 kg - 0.824.

Therefore, the greater the amount of resistance overcome, the more profitable it is to increase speed (p t) in training due to an increase in strength indicators

5. Biomechanical aspects of motor reactions

There are simple and complex motor reactions. A simple reaction is a response with a previously known movement to a previously known (suddenly appearing) signal. An example would be high-speed shooting from a pistol at silhouettes, starting a run, etc. All other types of reactions - when there is no advance

it is known what exactly needs to be done in response to a signal and what this signal will be like are called complex. In motor reactions there are:

a) sensory phase - from the moment the signal appears until the first signs of muscle activity (usually they are recorded by EMG, i.e., by the appearance of electrical activity in the corresponding muscle groups);

B) premotor phase (electromechanical interval - EMI) - from the appearance of electrical activity of the muscles to the onset of movement. This component is the most stable and ranges from 25 to 60 ms;

c) motor phase - from the beginning of the movement to its completion (for example, before hitting the ball).

The sensory and premotor components form the latent response time.

As athletic skill increases, the duration of both the sensory and motor components in complex reactions decreases. However, first of all, the sensory phase is shortened (the athlete needs less time to make a decision), which allows him to perform the movement itself more accurately, calmly and confidently. At the same time, no matter how it contracts, you need to be able to observe the object of the reaction (ball, opponent, etc.) for a sufficient time. When a moving object enters the field of view, the eyes begin to move, as if accompanying it. This eye movement occurs automatically and cannot be voluntarily inhibited or accelerated (however, such studies have not yet been conducted on high-class athletes:

maybe they know how to do it). Approximately 120 ms after the start of the tracking eye movement, an anticipatory turn of the head occurs approximately to the place in space where the object is moving and where it can be “intercepted.” Turning the head also occurs automatically (even in people who are not good at catching a ball), but can be inhibited if desired. If the head turn does not have time to occur and in general if the time of observation of a moving object is short, the success of the reaction decreases (Fig. 53).

Of great importance in complex reactions is the ability to predict the actions of an opponent (for example, the direction and nature of a blow or throw of a ball or puck); Such a skill is called anticipation, and the corresponding reactions are called anticipatory.

As for the motor phase of the reaction, its duration varies for different variants of technical actions. For example, it takes more time to catch a ball than to hit it. Handball goalkeepers have different speeds of movement when defending different corners of the goal; therefore, the distances from which they can successfully reflect shots at different angles are also different. goal sectors (Table 6, Vo A. Goluhu, revised) The distances from which the ball can no longer be caught or reflected without anticipation are sometimes called the “dead zone”.

Similar patterns exist in other sports games.

The main idea is that the power developed during the jump exceeds the power of the robot's motors. The idea of ​​storing and releasing energy (power modulation) was borrowed from the animal world, namely from the Senegalese galago, a small African animal with large eyes.

Following the example of the Senegalese galago, the SALTO robot makes a series of sequential jumps, including pushing off vertical walls, as in parkour. Perhaps such machines will find application in the army and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

When designing the SALTO robot, scientists studied animals with maximum vertical jumping ability. In nature, there are only a few mammals capable of jumping to a height of more than two meters from a resting state, with the ability to immediately repeat such a jump. The record holder among these animals is the Senegalese galago (Galago senegalensis).

A small bot can quite easily make several vertical jumps in a certain sequence: first, it bounces off walls or other surfaces and thus gains height for the jump. In this way, "SALTO" can jump quite high - just over one meter in height.

The robot can also jump quite high “without the help” of a wall. For example, from one place he can jump 90 centimeters. (The developer in the video specifically demonstrates the height of the jump using a ruler.) This is a fairly serious height, considering the dimensions of the bot - its weight is no more than 100 grams, and when extended, its height is just over 25 centimeters.

However, the real jumping ability of "SALTO" surprises you at the moment when it pushes off from the wall to make an even more ambitious jump. Using a vertical surface, the robot can jump at a speed of 1.75 meters per second. Engineers hope the bot's ability could one day be useful in search-and-rescue missions that require quickly moving sensors and bouncing off rocks, for example.

According to scientists, they were inspired to create a jumping robot after talking with specialists from local search and rescue teams. They have entire areas at their disposal that simulate, for example, destroyed buildings. There are giant piles of rubble there that can give an idea of ​​the destruction.

"We wanted to create a search-and-rescue robot that was small enough that its weight wouldn't destroy those boulders, but could move quickly through destroyed buildings," says roboticist Duncan Haldane.

And, as often happens, researchers began to take a closer look at animals in order to equip their robot with unprecedented jumping ability. The choice fell on monkeys.

There is always a biometric component in robotics - this is one of the possible approaches to creating devices, thanks to which robots are modeled after animals. Let's say that engineers recently created a robot puppy that can run up stairs and jump over fences.

In the case of SALTO, the robot is designed in such a way that it can imitate the movement of galagos, a small African primate that is considered one of the most agile animals.

Galagos navigate their way to a nearby tree by jumping, jumping from one vertical surface to another. Using this method of movement, monkeys can reach heights of up to nine meters in just five seconds.

In the future, the researchers want to implement cameras and a recognition system in the robot so that SALTO can map the environment and choose a path among various obstacles.

>>OBZD: Physical education and sports classes

Section III

Regular classes physical culture and sports are a must healthy lifestyle.

The body of a schoolchild is a complex developing system, and for its proper growth, outdoor games, physical education and sports, and hardening procedures are necessary.

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

If you ask someone this question, you will, of course, receive the answer: “Forward, in motion, according to the law of inertia.” Ask, however, to explain in more detail what the law of inertia has to do with it. You can predict what will happen: your interlocutor will begin to confidently prove his point; but if you don’t interrupt him, he will soon stop in bewilderment: it turns out that it is precisely due to inertia that one must jump exactly the opposite way - backwards, against the movement!
And in fact, the law of inertia plays a secondary role here - the main reason is completely different. And if this main reason forget, then we will really come to the conclusion that we need to jump back, and not forward.
Suppose you need to jump out while walking. What will happen then?
When we jump from a moving carriage, our body, having separated from the carriage, has the speed of the carriage (it moves by inertia) and tends to move forward. By making a leap forward, we, of course, not only do not destroy this speed, but, on the contrary, we even increase it.
It follows from this that it would be necessary to jump backward, and not forward at all, in the direction of movement of the car. Indeed, when jumping back, the speed imparted by the jump is subtracted from the speed with which our body moves by inertia; As a result, having touched the ground, our body will tend to topple over with less force.
However, if you have to jump from a moving carriage, then everyone jumps forward, along the movement. It's really The best way and so proven that we strongly caution readers against attempting to test the inconvenience of jumping backwards from a moving carriage.
So what's the deal?
In the incorrectness of the explanation, in its lack of understanding. Whether we jump forward or jump backward, in both cases we are in danger of falling, since the upper part of the body will still be moving when the legs stop touching the ground. [The fall in this case can also be explained from another point of view (See about this “Entertaining Mechanics”, Chapter III, article: “When is a horizontal line not horizontal?”).]. The speed of this movement when jumping forward is even greater than when jumping backward. But the essential thing is that falling forward is much safer than falling backward. In the first case, we put our foot forward with a habitual movement (and at high speed of the car, we run several steps) and thereby prevent a fall. This movement is familiar, since we make it all our lives when walking: after all, from a mechanical point of view, as we learned from the previous article, walking is nothing more than a series of falls of our body forward, prevented by sticking out the leg. When falling backwards, there is no such saving movement of the legs, and therefore the danger here is much greater. Finally, it is also important that when we actually fall forward, if we put our arms out, we will hurt ourselves differently than if we fall on our back.
So, the reason that it is safer to jump forward from the carriage lies not so much in the law of inertia, but in ourselves. It is clear that this rule does not apply to inanimate objects: a bottle thrown forward from a carriage is more likely to break when it falls than one thrown in the opposite direction. Therefore, if for some reason you have to jump from the carriage, having first thrown out your luggage, you should throw the luggage back and jump forward yourself.
Experienced people - tram conductors, controllers - often do this: they jump backwards, turning their backs in the direction of the jump. This achieves a double benefit: the speed acquired by our body due to inertia is reduced, and, in addition, the danger of falling on the back is prevented, since the jumper faces the front side of the body in the direction of a possible fall.

Rapidity- a person’s specific motor ability for emergency motor reactions and high speed of movements performed in the absence of significant external resistance and complex coordination of muscle work. The physiological mechanism for the manifestation of speed, associated with the speed characteristics of nervous processes, is presented as a multifunctional property of the central nervous system(CNS) and peripheral neuromuscular apparatus (NMA).

Not all modern professions require targeted development of agility and speed of movement. For most types of work activity, the level that is achieved in the process of general physical training is sufficient. At the same time, the work of an economist requires high level development of speed.

There are several elementary forms of manifestation of speed:

- speed of simple and complex motor reactions;

- speed of single movement;

- speed of complex (multi-joint) movement, associated with a change in body position in space or with switching from one action to another;

- frequency of unloaded movements.

In professional activities, one has to deal with various forms of manifestation of speed (a person’s movement at maximum speed, various jumping exercises associated with moving one’s own body, etc.). Complex forms manifestations of speed are usually called speed abilities person.

The main means of developing various forms of speed are exercises that require quick motor reactions, high speed and frequency of movements.

Motor reaction- this is a response to a suddenly appearing signal with certain movements or actions.

There are different reaction times sensory stimuli and reaction time mental processes.

Since there may be not one, but several simultaneous or sequential stimuli and, therefore, one or more possible reactions, we distinguish downtime And complex reaction. Complex reactions are divided into choice reactions And reactions to a moving object.

The speed of motor reaction is of great practical importance for the professional activity of an economist. In the course of solving professional problems, there are cases when it is necessary to respond to some signal with a minimum time delay. Modern technical systems also place high demands on responsiveness.

IN simple motor reaction there are two main components:

Latent (lagging), caused by delays present at all levels of the organization of motor actions in the central nervous system. The latent time of a simple motor reaction is practically impossible to train, is not associated with sportsmanship and cannot be taken as a characteristic of a person’s speed.

Motor, due to the improvement of which the response time is reduced.

When performing intense muscular work, people who are well trained for it experience a shortening of the time of simple motor reaction and an increase in the excitability of the neuromuscular system. In less trained people, reaction time worsens, and there is a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system and the functional state of the IMA.

For the targeted development of the speed of a simple motor reaction, the most effective repeated, dismembered And sensory methods.

Repeated The method consists of repeating the trained movements as quickly as possible upon a signal. The duration of such exercises should not exceed 4-5 seconds. It is recommended to perform 3-6 repetitions of the trained exercises in 2-3 series.

Dismembered The method comes down to training in easier conditions for reaction speed and speed of subsequent movements.

Sensory The method is based on the close connection between reaction speed and the ability to distinguish micro-intervals of time and is aimed at developing the ability to distinguish periods of time on the order of tenths and even hundredths of a second. Training using this method is divided into three stages:

On first stage Students perform a motor task with maximum speed.

On second stage The execution of the initial motor task is repeated, but the students independently evaluate the speed of its implementation based on their feelings, and then compare their estimates with the actual time of performing the exercise.

On third stage it is proposed to perform the task at different, predetermined speeds.

IN Everyday life more often you have to deal with complex reactions, for the implementation of which it is necessary:

Adequately assess the situation;

Make the necessary motor decision and execute it optimally.

It must be remembered that the more options available for solving a motor task, the more difficult it is to make a decision and the longer the reaction time. The most significant reduction in the time of a complex reaction is observed when its motor component is improved.

Basics of the methodology for developing speed

In professional activities, the speed of performing integral motor actions - movements, changes in body position, etc. - is of greatest importance.

The maximum speed of movement that a person can exhibit depends not only on the speed characteristics of his nervous processes and the speed of motor reaction, but also on other abilities: dynamic (speed) strength, flexibility, coordination, level of proficiency in the technique of the movements performed. Therefore, speed abilities are a complex motor quality.

Professional applied activities are characterized by four main types of high-speed work:

Acyclic-one-time manifestation of concentrated “explosive” effort.

Starting acceleration-quickly increase speed from scratch with the goal of achieving the maximum in the minimum time.

Remote- maintaining optimal movement speed.

Mixed-includes all three specified types of speed work.

To develop speed abilities, it is necessary to use exercises that must meet the following basic conditions:

Ability to perform at maximum speed;

Mastery of the exercise should be so good that attention can be concentrated only on the speed of its execution.

During training, there should be no decrease in the speed of exercise. A decrease in the speed of movements indicates the need to stop training this quality and that in this case work on developing endurance has already begun.

The leaders in developing speed abilities are repeated And competitive methods.

The technique aimed at increasing the speed of voluntary movements uses two main methodological techniques:

Cultivating speed in holistic movement;

Analytical improvement of the factors that determine the maximum speed of movements when performing exercises.

During training to develop speed abilities, it is necessary to work not only on the speed of contraction of working muscles, but also on the speed of their relaxation. This can be achieved by constantly monitoring the rapid relaxation of working muscles in high-speed movements, as well as by training the very ability to relax muscles.

One of the main tasks at the initial stage of developing speed abilities in professional applied training is not to specialize in performing any one exercise or action, but to use and vary a fairly large arsenal of various means. For this purpose, speed exercises must be used not in standard, but in changing situations and forms (the use of outdoor and sports games).

You can achieve an increase in movement speed in two different ways:

Increasing the level of maximum (or maximum) speed of movements;

Increasing the maximum strength of working muscles.

It is extremely difficult to significantly increase the maximum speed of movements, so in practice, to increase speed, they use the second way - increasing strength. Speed-strength exercises must be used in combination with strength exercises themselves, that is, when developing the speed of movements, it is necessary to “rely” on the level of maximum strength.

In educational and training sessions, it is necessary to develop all possible forms of manifestation of speed necessary for successful professional and applied training. It should always be remembered that work on developing speed and improving speed abilities is not recommended to be carried out in a state of physical, emotional or sensory fatigue.

Typically, speed training is combined with technical or speed-strength work, and in some cases with the development of individual components of speed endurance.

Means for developing speed can be very diverse. In the process of applied physical training, a variety of exercises can be used to develop speed and speed of movements. Excellent results are achieved during training sports games (table tennis, volleyball, basketball, handball), athletics and other sports.

IN independent studies You can use exercises with and without a partner, group exercises to develop and improve speed and speed of movements. Some of these are quite simple and effective exercises are given below.

Exercises to develop speed




I.P. - sitting, lying face down or up, lying down, lying with your head in the opposite direction

(running from the start from various positions)

Rest intervals 1-1.5 minutes in 3-4 series after 2-3 minutes of rest; It is recommended to perform exercises on a signal, in a group or independently; with time control

I.P. - low start

(running at maximum speed)

Complete 1-3 series; rest until breathing is completely restored

I.P. - high start

(running at maximum speed with "on the move")

From a 30-meter run; complete 1-3 series; rest until breathing is completely restored

I.P. - high start

(fast run downhill (up to 15 degrees))

From a 30-meter run; complete 1-2 series; with the goal of achieving maximum speed and frequency of movements over the distance

I.P. - running

(movement in different stances: forward-backward; left-right; up-down)

Perform 2-3 series after 1-2 minutes of rest, which is filled with flexibility and relaxation exercises

I.P. - crouching emphasis

(moving on all fours at the highest possible speed)

Try to perform in a competitive manner, in relay races

I.P. - o.s., palms of hands folded together

(rhythmic movements of two palms of the hands folded together with maximum frequency)

Movements can be performed left-right, up-down or in circles in 3-4 series; arms straight; breathing is arbitrary

I.P. - o.s., jump rope in hands

(rhythmic jumping rope)

Trying periodically "scroll" jumping rope with your hands more than once in one jump; Gradually increase the speed of hand rotation

I.P. - o.s., hands on the belt

(jumping rope rotated by two partners)

With periodic acceleration of the rotation of the rope; perform 3-4 jumps at a normal pace + 1-3 times at an accelerated pace

I.P. - o.s., ball in hands

(hitting a ball thrown by a partner, "defending" conditional "gates" or a sector near a blank wall)

Everyone performs 10 throws; perform the exercise conditionally: only with arms, only with legs, with arms and legs; gradually reduce the throwing distance, increase the throwing speed

I.P. - standing facing your partner, keep your hands under your partner’s palms

(clap your palms on the backs of your partner’s hands)

Perform with utmost speed; The exercise can also be used as a game, changing roles with a partner: "slammed" with your palm on the back of his hand - won a point

I.P. - standing facing each other, both partners’ hands at stomach level and palms up, hands "leading"-above

(claps your palm on your partner’s palm)

Try "capture" a coin (token) lying in your hand; It is recommended to perform the exercise in the form of a game

(deviations from a ball thrown by a partner)

Everyone performs 10 throws; gradually reduce the distance or increase the speed of throws; the exercise can be performed in the form of an outdoor game

I.P. - running

(running up the stairs with maximum frequency and speed)

The exercise is performed on the steps of the stairs in the stadium

(single standing long jump)

Perform the exercise from the approach or from the run; complete 2-4 series

I.P. - legs bent at shoulder width, arms laid back

(multiple jumps (triple, five, ten))

Perform the exercise with one or two legs; complete 2-3 series; monitor your breathing rhythm

(jumping over evenly spaced track and field hurdles)

Jumping over 5-6 barriers with a height of 76-100 cm; perform with installation on "instant" repulsion

I.P. - standing on a stand, legs half-bent shoulder-width apart, arms laid back

(jumping from a stand 30-60 cm high, followed by "instant" take off while jumping up)

The exercise requires fairly good speed-strength fitness; perform the exercise after preliminary training in jumping and sprinting exercises; complete 1-3 series

Exercises to prepare for the 100 m run




General warm-up:

1. Slow jogging

Watch your breathing

2. General developmental exercises

Perform 4-6 exercises

3. Exercises to stretch the muscles of the legs and pelvis

Monitor range of motion

4. Special running exercises

Running with high hips

Actively work with your hands; produce higher hip extension

Running with the shin whipping backwards

Actively work with your legs and move forward slowly

Mincing run

Hands are relaxed

Running on straight legs

Hands on the belt; legs straight; back tilted back

Jumping from foot to foot

Extend your hips more

Jumping on one leg

Push-off from heel to toe

Special warm-up:

1. Running with acceleration

Gradually increase running speed

2. Running from a high start to technique

Monitor the starting acceleration

3. Run from the start to the team at full strength

Rest 1-2 minutes

4. Run from the start behind the “leader”, at full strength

Rest 2-3 minutes

5. Repeated running

Running speed should be gradually increased every week, starting from 80 percent of the maximum; rest 3-5 minutes

6. Counter relay

Rest 3-4 minutes

7. Running fast

Monitor the rhythmic, loose, coordinated work of the arms and legs and overall running technique; rest between runs 4-6 minutes

8. Running fast

With control of the distance running time; gradually increase running speed

Power training:

1. Half squats with a barbell or with a partner on the shoulders

More prepared students can jump up from a half-squat; make 2-3 episodes

2. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Perform 2-3 exercises


1. Slow running

Breathing is arbitrary

2. Relaxation and breathing exercises

Monitor the intensity of movements; breathing is arbitrary