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Fallopian tube ligation – is the procedure dangerous? Menstruation after surgery to remove the fallopian tubes Tied tubes delayed menstruation cause

Dear Alena!

Most women who have tubal removal surgery begin menstruating 25 to 30 days after surgery. This is an indicator of normal restoration of the reproductive organs. However, missed periods are also quite common. And these are not the only changes in the nature of menstruation that a woman may experience after surgery.

The nature of menstruation after tube removal

The reproductive system has a kind of memory. Even after eliminating the problem, the female reproductive organs may not function properly. However, it's not just about the operation. The cause of various disorders is rather the factors that led to it - a chronic inflammatory process, ectopic pregnancy, various gynecological diseases.

Here are the problems women face during their first menstruation after tubal removal:

  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen. Painful sensations associated with contractions of the uterus, which radiate to the area of ​​the fallopian tubes in which surgical manipulations were performed. Tissue restoration occurs differently for everyone. If inflammation in the operated tissues is still present, then fluctuations caused by a spasming uterus may cause excessively painful periods.
  • Weakness. Women tolerate general anesthesia differently. During surgery to remove the fallopian tubes, it is necessary, but it can greatly undermine the immune system, and due to the hormonal changes that the reproductive system undergoes after the removal of one of the important organs, various symptoms of hormonal disorders may be present, including lethargy, drowsiness, or, conversely, mood swings , tearfulness, etc. And the operation itself is a great emotional shock that requires recovery.

Restoring strength will be helped by following a work and rest schedule, eliminating physical and emotional stress, taking baths, and following all the recommendations of a gynecologist, including taking appropriate medications.

What to pay attention to

After tube removal, not only the intensity of pain may change, but also the volume of menstrual flow. During the first menstruation, they can be quite intense and long-lasting. At the same time, if there was no ovulation in this cycle due to severe stress, menstruation may be quite scanty, because due to estrogen deficiency, the endometrium could grow poorly. The duration of menstruation after surgery can normally reach 5-7 days as a result of recovery processes in the body or while taking oral contraceptives, which can be prescribed after the intervention. If menstruation lasts more than 7 days, this is already bleeding.

As mentioned above, menstruation after tubal removal can be noticeably painful. This is the norm. But if the bloody discharge has a strange smell, your temperature rises, and the pain is so severe that it cannot be relieved with antispasmodic drugs, then this may be a sign of an infectious process that was the result of surgery or non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period. If you notice anything unusual in your sensations, contact your doctor immediately.

Best regards, Ksenia.

Many people associate female sterilization with a similar procedure in animals, particularly cats. After which pets gain weight, become more passive and indifferent to others. But, despite the similar terms, the essence of the procedures is different. In women, sterilization involves only tubal ligation with preservation of all organs. In cats, the ovaries are removed during the sterilization process, often along with the uterus.

Reasons to allow sterilization

Considering the fact that surgical sterilization (tubal ligation surgery) is a serious surgical intervention, its implementation is strictly regulated by law. In Russia, many people perform tubal ligation and tubal ligation is permitted in the following cases:

  • after 35 years - regardless of the number of children;
  • after 18 years - if there are two children;
  • after repeat caesarean section- in the presence of living and healthy children;
  • for medical reasons- from the woman's side.

To perform sterilization, the woman's written consent is required. For medical reasons, surgery is performed if there is mental illness, serious somatic pathologies in which pregnancy is contraindicated (for example, decompensated diabetes or arterial hypertension of III-IV degrees), malignant diseases in the past.

Features of the event

Spontaneous pregnancy in healthy women is possible if the egg meets the sperm and fertilization occurs. Women's sex cell matures in the ovary, and the male one enters the vagina and cervix with sperm. Fertilization occurs in 90% of cases in the fallopian tube.

Why do women get their tubes tied and is it worth it? In order to prevent conception, during sterilization a mechanical obstacle is created in the path of the germ cells at the level of the fallopian tubes - they are cut, bandaged or cauterized. The egg undergoes regression in the fallopian tube from the ovary or in the abdominal cavity. All other structures remain intact, so no other changes in well-being or sexual life are noted. In essence, tubal infertility is artificially created in a woman.

Depending on the time of sterilization, the following options are possible:

  • separately - as a separate operation;
  • during caesarean section- as a stage of surgical intervention;
  • after natural childbirth- on the fifth to seventh day or six weeks later.

During caesarean section

Typically, tubal ligation is performed during a caesarean section. The advantages are as follows:

  • there is no need for additional surgery;
  • no additional examination is needed the day before;
  • The fact of tubal ligation can be hidden from other people.

After a caesarean section, you should think about a reliable method of contraception for at least one and a half to two years. And if the couple does not plan to replenish or there are some medical indications (for example, thinning of the scar on the uterus, signs of placenta accreta in the area of ​​the old suture), sterilization - ideal method contraception.

After natural childbirth, tubal ligation is performed less frequently. This is due to the danger of additional surgery for a weakened body. In addition, a woman’s special hormonal background often makes it difficult to perceive that she is making herself infertile.

Examination the day before

Sterilization includes a full examination the day before, unless it is performed during a caesarean section. The list is as follows:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • coagulogram;
  • fluorography;
  • blood tests for hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • examination by a therapist.


Depending on the surgical technique, different anesthesia is used:

  • laparoscopic- only intubation anesthesia with temporary mechanical ventilation (artificial ventilation);
  • laparotomy - spinal anesthesia (“injection in the back”) or endotracheal anesthesia with mechanical ventilation.

Sterilization does not involve the removal of part of an organ or formation, so the postoperative period proceeds relatively smoothly. The pain is associated only with the wound on the anterior abdominal wall.

Types of operations

Depending on the clinical situation, preference is given to one or another type of surgical intervention. Sterilization during caesarean section - as a stage of the operation. In other cases, possible options are presented in the table.

Table - Sterilization techniques

TechniqueSpecial instruments are placed into the abdominal cavity through 2-3 small incisions in the iliac regions and near the navelAn incision is made in the anterior abdominal wall of 4-5 cm horizontally or verticallyAccess through an incision in the vaginal mucosa
pros- Minimal tissue trauma;
- short rehabilitation period;
- seams and scars are invisible
- Performed even with adhesions and excess body weight;
- the technique is simple;
- no need for “non-standard” tools
- Low-traumatic;
- no marks on the body;
- rehabilitation no more than a week
Minuses- Not performed in case of severe adhesions, obesity;
- requires special equipment and trained specialists
- Traumatic;
- rehabilitation for at least 2-3 weeks;
- a visible seam remains
- Not performed during the adhesive process;
- technical difficulties are possible

A mechanical obstruction at the level of the fallopian tubes can be created in various ways:

  • direct tubal ligation- in this case, the fallopian tubes are tied with non-absorbable suture material;
  • cauterization - the fallopian tube is cut into two parts using an electrode, more often used during laparoscopy;
  • dressing and cauterization- the fallopian tubes are ligated, then dissected and the ends are additionally coagulated;
  • ligation and dissection- the fallopian tubes are tied with suture material and then dissected;
  • application of clips, clamps- used during laparoscopy, which disrupts the patency of the fallopian tubes.

The literature describes methods of sterilization when performing hysteroscopy. In this case, a substance or special conductors are introduced into the lumen of the mouths of the fallopian tubes from the side of the uterine cavity, and over time, obturation (fusion) of the lumen occurs. However, due to the high incidence of complications and reduced effectiveness of contraception, such methods are not widely used.


Contraindications to sterilization are due to limitations in pain relief, as well as a high risk of complications in certain conditions. Surgery for acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs is excluded. List of relative contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tumor formations in the pelvis;
  • diabetes;
  • somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • pronounced adhesive process;
  • obesity degree III-IV.

Permission to perform the operation is given by the therapist and gynecologist after examination.

Postoperative period

The severity of the postoperative period depends on the method of intervention performed. When performing isolated sterilization (not during a cesarean section or other operation), the woman can be discharged home on the second or third day with the following recommendations:

  • physical and sexual rest- in two weeks;
  • exclusion of visiting baths, saunas- within three weeks;
  • postoperative wound treatment- according to appointments.

Possible complications

Complications that may occur:

  • during the operation - bleeding, damage to the intestines, ovaries;
  • after discharge - mental disorders, changes in the menstrual cycle and hormonal imbalance.

Late complications are extremely rare; the likelihood of their occurrence is associated with the woman’s existing diseases, as well as with complications that occurred during the operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each woman makes her own decision about the need for sterilization. The advantages and disadvantages of the method are presented in the table.

Table - Pros and cons of tubal ligation

Chances of conception

Sterilization eliminates the possibility of spontaneous conception. You can get pregnant after surgery only in the following ways.

  • Microsurgery. Allows you to restore the fallopian tubes after ligation, dissection and cauterization, and the application of ligatures. The operation lasts at least two to three hours and requires a special microscope that allows you to distinguish structures less than 1 mm. Efficiency from 40 to 85%. Conventional laparoscopy cannot cope with this.
  • Assisted reproductive medicine. Women after sterilization are similar to those who have tubal infertility for other reasons. There are no obstacles to performing IVF, but it is an expensive procedure that requires a serious hormonal load on the woman’s body.


There are alternative methods of protection. They are as effective as sterilization (about 99%).

  • Hormonal pills, vaginal rings, patches. Reliable, but have many contraindications and side effects. They're not cheap. Sometimes it is difficult to choose a drug. You must follow the dosage regimen. And the patch or ring needs to be replaced.
  • Intrauterine device (IUD). Installed for three to five years. Affordable method. But for some it is not suitable, which results in heavy, painful periods. Cannot be installed if there is pathology of the cervix. The IUD provokes inflammation in the uterine cavity.

Female sterilization is an effective and safe method of preventing pregnancy. Menstruation, the patient’s general well-being and feelings during intimate relationships do not change in any way after the operation. The procedure is regulated by law - it is prohibited for girls under 18 years of age and childless women under 35 years of age.

Sometimes situations arise when a woman does not want to have children. In this case, the doctor offers her various options for protection against accidental pregnancy. In most cases, the lady chooses one of the proposed methods and uses it for a long time.

But what about those women who never want to have children again? Some time ago, doctors began to perform an operation called “surgical sterilization” (tubal ligation). It is worth saying that this procedure does not pass without a trace. Like any surgical intervention, tubal ligation in women has a wide variety of consequences.

Principle of manipulation

The procedure is carried out when a woman is sure that she no longer wants to have children. Also, if pregnancy can cause irreparable harm to the woman, tubal ligation may be recommended. How are fallopian tubes tied? There are several ways to make a woman completely infertile. Let's look at them.

Tubal ligation: methods

The procedure has almost irreversible consequences. This must always be remembered. There are three ways to do it:

  1. Laparoscopy.
  2. Mini-laparotomy.
  3. Use of implants.

In the first two cases, tying, dressing and cauterization can be done. Let's look at the differences between these methods and what problems await a woman after tubal ligation.


This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor inserts several manipulators and a video camera into the woman’s abdominal cavity. Looking at the image on the screen, the surgeon ties or ties the fallopian tubes. These organs can also be completely removed if necessary.


This manipulation also takes place under general anesthesia. This method is often used when planned after a cesarean section. In this case, no additional incisions are required; all manipulations are carried out through the incision that was made to deliver the child.

Application of implants

This method is the most gentle, but it must be remembered that such tubal ligation in women has irreversible consequences. The procedure does not require the use of painkillers. A woman in a gynecological chair has implants inserted into her uterus, which penetrate the fallopian tubes. After just a few months, connective tissue grows around these artificial parts, and the fallopian tubes are completely blocked.

Tubal ligation and consequences

Depending on which method of procedure you choose, various complications may occur. Every woman who decides to undergo such a procedure should know about them. So, what could be the consequences of tubal ligation in women? Let's look at each of them in detail.

Inability to conceive a child

Experts say that tubal ligation as a method of contraception is not dangerous, but it has the consequence of infertility. This may be exactly what you need right now. But everyone knows that life changes, and sometimes a person finds himself in a completely unexpected situation. Sometimes it happens that a woman deliberately makes herself infertile. At this moment she thinks that she will never want to give birth again. But due to current life situations the lady subsequently regrets this and asks the doctor to restore fertility.

If the procedure was done by tying or tying the fallopian tubes, they can be undone. However, this does not guarantee that the woman will subsequently be able to conceive a child on her own.

In the case where implants were installed, tubal ligation in women has irreversible consequences. Such a representative of the fair sex will never be able to conceive a child on her own.

Ectopic pregnancy

If tubal ligation is done, what other consequences may there be?

A serious complication of this procedure is ectopic pregnancy. If the manipulation is performed poorly and the fallopian tubes are poorly tied, then the male sperm can penetrate through the small lumen to the egg. In this case, fertilization will occur, but the fertilized egg will not be able to descend into the uterine cavity. As a result, the embryo will begin to develop in the blocked tube.

At this moment, the woman is sure that pregnancy is impossible. The lady is not even aware of her interesting situation, which can lead to death. If the fact of pregnancy is not established in time, then after a few weeks the fallopian tube will simply rupture under the influence of the growth of the fertilized egg, and extensive internal bleeding will begin.

Inflammatory processes

Tubal ligation in women has consequences in the form of inflammatory processes. It is always necessary to conduct an examination before the procedure. If this is not done, then minor inflammation can lead to serious complications. Such consequences occur especially often after the installation of implants. It happens that pathogenic bacteria are present in the uterus, but under the influence of immune defense they cannot penetrate the fallopian tubes and infect the ovaries. When implants are installed, these same bacteria penetrate along with a foreign body into the fallopian tubes and affect the gonads.

Consequences of anesthesia

If the ligation of the fallopian tubes was carried out using laparoscopy or laparotomy, then the woman was under general anesthesia. This is a prerequisite for the manipulation. After such a procedure, the patient may experience memory impairment and absent-mindedness. Hair loss and deterioration of skin condition are also quite common.

Damage to internal organs

Such consequences occur quite rarely, but they have the right to life. If laparoscopy is performed, the doctor using the manipulators can damage neighboring organs: the uterus, intestines, bladder or ovaries. As a result, bleeding occurs.

If the laparotomy method is chosen, an unskilled surgeon may accidentally make an incision into the uterus or bladder. Such cases end rather disastrously, since the woman then becomes disabled.

If the procedure is carried out, then when the implants are inserted, walls may appear. This phenomenon requires immediate surgical intervention, as it can threaten the woman’s life.

The occurrence of adhesions

Do you want to have a tubal ligation? Read the reviews of those who have done this first. In most cases, such a procedure always ends with an adhesive process. This phenomenon in itself causes a woman considerable discomfort. The lady constantly complains of pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies during menstruation. Also, after restoration of fertility, it can cause infertility.

Aesthetic flaws

The procedure of ligating the fallopian tubes has some consequences from an aesthetic point of view. If laparoscopy or laparotomy is used, an incision must always be made in the abdominal cavity. After the suture heals, an ugly scar forms in its place, which will always remind the fair sex of the procedure performed. It is because of this that many pregnant women who do not want to have more children, who are indicated, write an application for simultaneous tubal ligation. Otherwise, the lady will have to go back to the operating table and get new scars.


Now you know what the worst consequences of tubal ligation are for the fairer sex. Before deciding on such a procedure, you need to think it over several times, weigh the pros and cons, and also consult with your partner.

You don't know what will happen to you in five or ten years. Perhaps life will force you to look at the current situation with different eyes. Most likely, after such manipulation you will never be able to conceive a child on your own. And if pregnancy occurs, it will develop outside the uterine cavity.

Try to use gentler means to protect against unplanned pregnancy. Nowadays, you can certainly choose what suits you. Resort to such drastic measures only in case of urgent need. In Russia, ligation of the fallopian tubes is allowed only after 40 years of age, provided that the woman already has several children. The only exceptions are those cases when the procedure is recommended by a doctor and is carried out for compelling reasons. Listen to the advice of your doctor and be healthy!

Today, tubal ligation is considered the most effective method of birth control, since after such a procedure, pregnancy, as a rule, becomes impossible. Its use is recommended for women who voluntarily refuse to plan children in the future, as well as in cases where pregnancy is unbearably difficult for the body and can threaten the life and health of the expectant mother.

The tubal ligation procedure is essentially an operation and involves blocking, tying, clamping with special devices or cutting the fallopian tubes in order to form an artificial obstruction. Female sterilization or voluntary surgical contraception is a highly effective method of contraception. Today, for this purpose, special tubular implants have also been developed, in the form of metal springs, which are installed directly into the fallopian tubes, performed non-surgically, that is, without dissection. As time passes, scar tissue forms around each installed implant, which acts as a kind of pipe blocker.

As you know, after maturation, the egg leaves the ovary and immediately moves to the fallopian tubes, where it is fertilized, and from there it penetrates the uterine cavity. Since the passage is blocked, fertilization does not occur and pregnancy does not occur. The high contraceptive effect of this surgical method is based on this mechanism.

It is important to know that tubal ligation is your voluntary refusal to conceive children; after such a procedure, pregnancy will never occur. Of course, if necessary, the functioning of the tubes can be restored, but the percentage that a woman will be able to become pregnant again is very low, since difficulties arise in reuniting the cut ends of the tubes. The procedure is performed exclusively by a highly professional and experienced gynecologist.

Blocking the fallopian tubes can be done in several ways, including staples or tying, cauterization (electrocoagulation), cutting and stitching, etc. All of them are performed using different techniques.

The abdominal method is represented by laparoscopy (mini-laparotomy) and laparotomy. Laparotomy (open tubal ligation) is performed using anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor cuts the surface in the abdomen and performs a tubal ligation. This technique is recommended mainly if a woman has diseases of the pelvic organs of an inflammatory nature (they contribute to the formation of scar tissue, which is a contraindication for performing this operation in another way), endometriosis, when performing abdominal surgery for another reason (for example, cesarean section ).

The operation laparoscopy (mini-laparotomy) is performed under general anesthesia and is carried out through a small upper incision (up to 5 cm) on the abdomen of a viewing device (camera) and surgical instrument. Then another (lower, in the pubic area) incision is made, which is intended for clamping. First, gas is injected into the abdomen for greater convenience, and then the dressing is performed directly with metal clamps or clips, and then the ends of the tubes are sealed by applying an electric current (cauterization or electrocoagulation). After the operation, the woman remains in the hospital for a week. After the operation, a large scar forms.

Very often, women resort to this method of surgical contraception immediately after childbirth, 24-36 hours later. This issue is considered in advance by the woman and her partner (husband) and discussed with the doctor. The incision is made in the navel area, since after childbirth the tubes are located slightly higher in the abdominal cavity, which is caused by the enlargement of the uterus.

The vaginal method of ligating the fallopian tubes is performed by colpotomy. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision through back wall vaginas for the purpose of penetration into the abdominal cavity. After surgery, there are virtually no scars left, but the risk of infection increases significantly. Therefore, one of the mandatory recommendations after the intervention is a complete abstinence from sexual activity for a month and a half.

Uterine endoscopy is one of the latest ways to block the fallopian tubes. The ends of the tubes are closed with plastic microtampons during the operation.

Since tubal ligation is a serious operation, like any intervention in the body, it may be accompanied by the development adverse reactions, among the most common are allergies to anesthesia, bleeding, ectopic pregnancy due to incomplete blockage of the tubes, and blood poisoning.

Restoring the functions of the fallopian tubes is possible, but the likelihood of a positive outcome is very slim. Therefore, tubal ligation is considered an irreversible method of contraception.

The procedure for installing tubal implants.
The procedure is performed with local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. It takes no more than half an hour. The specialist, using special instruments, opens the woman’s cervix, and then, with gentle movements, very slowly inserts an implant in the form of a thin tube (catheter) through the cervix and directly into the uterus itself, first into one and then the other fallopian tube. After administration, a woman may experience something similar to the cramps that occur during menstruation. After the procedure, the doctor must check with an X-ray examination whether the implants are installed correctly. During the first three months of using implants, a woman should use additional contraceptives. After this period, she comes to see a doctor. There, a specialist will inject dye into the uterine cavity and perform a hysterosalpingography, which will show how tightly the tubes are blocked by scar tissue. If everything is in order, then additional contraceptives can no longer be used.

If suspicious symptoms are observed after tubal ligation or insertion of tubal implants, it is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out ectopic pregnancy, as one of the risks of sterilization. These symptoms include symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, lack of menstruation, tenderness of the mammary glands), pain in the lower abdomen on either side, and dizziness.

If the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away during the installation of implants, a decision may be made to remove them. With this method of contraception, there is a risk of developing diseases of the pelvic organs. To prevent this, before the procedure for inserting implants, a woman must be examined for the presence of STDs and vaginal infections.

After operation.
After surgery, slight bleeding from the vagina may occur due to the movement of the uterus during the operation. After laparoscopy, you may experience back pain and bloating due to the gas used. You will get rid of this inconvenience after one or two days as your body rids itself of gas.

After a day, you can take a shower, but touching or rubbing the area is not recommended for another week. For a week, it is recommended to protect yourself from physical activity, sexual intercourse. Such operations do not require the use of additional contraceptives. Two weeks after the intervention, you must visit a doctor.

Indications for tubal ligation.

  • Women over thirty-five years of age who must have at least one child.
  • Absolute confidence in your reluctance to have children in the future.
  • Presence of a disease that can aggravate pregnancy.
  • Having a severe hereditary disease that can be passed on to children
  • .
  • Absence of diseases that may make tubal ligation impossible.
The effectiveness of the method of tubal ligation or surgical sterilization is almost one hundred percent effective. With this technique, there is a small chance of pregnancy, but it is so small that you should not count on it. Therefore, if you decide on this method of contraception, do not flatter yourself with hopes of a possible pregnancy in the future.

Pregnancy can occur in the event of fused fallopian tubes or the formation of a new passage (recanalization), if the operation is performed incorrectly, or if there is a pregnancy before the intervention. But the latter is unlikely, since before this the woman undergoes an examination and tests. It is simply impossible to miss such a fact!

Consequences and risks of tubal ligation.
As a rule, there are no serious complications during tubal ligation, usually minor bleeding and allergies to anesthesia. However, there is always a risk of damage to internal organs during laparoscopy (the moment the laparoscope is inserted). In addition, the risks increase if the patient suffers diabetes mellitus, overweight, smokes or has heart disease.

It should be noted that blocking the fallopian tubes will not affect ovulatory function and the menstrual cycle in any way, that is, the egg will mature monthly, and menstruation will occur in the future. Regarding menopause, it will come in its own time, as if you had not had surgery. It is also important to know that this method of preventing unplanned pregnancy will not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if you are not sure about your partner, then additionally use other contraceptives (condoms).

Before performing the operation, the specialist examines the woman in detail and also carefully studies her family relationships, in particular for stability. This is due to the fact that patients often, over time, ask to restore their ability to conceive, that is, to restore the function of the tubes. This mainly happens against the background of the loss of a child (death) or the creation of a new family.

Tubal ligation must be legally formalized from the legal side. The woman signs a document where she officially agrees to the operation. Before you sign, remember that statistically, women who do it regret it later.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of methods and means of contraception; every woman can choose the most suitable one for herself. best option. Tubal ligation or sterilization should be performed only when absolutely indicated. The choice of method of performing the operation is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body.

Tubal ligation is currently one of the most effective methods contraception. The procedure is recommended for women over 35 years of age who have two or more children and do not plan to become pregnant in the future. After tubal ligation, natural pregnancy is not possible.

Tubal ligation is performed by surgical intervention. The operation may be recommended by a doctor for health problems when pregnancy is contraindicated for a woman in principle. Like any other operation, the procedure has disadvantages and can lead to unpleasant consequences, which we will discuss in this article.

First of all, we will answer the question of what is tubal ligation. This is an operation that disrupts the patency of the fallopian tubes and prevents pregnancy.

The fallopian tubes connect the uterus and ovaries on both sides, fertilization of the egg occurs in them and its subsequent movement into the uterus. Tubal ligation prevents this process and pregnancy does not occur.

Currently, there are several ways to perform the operation. The fallopian tubes may be ligated, cut, or clipped. The latter option is unsafe, as the clip may come off, which can lead to restoration of tubal patency and pregnancy.

Tubal ligation. Source:

The operation can be performed by laparoscopy, that is, through a small hole, or by the classical method using a scalpel incision. The first method is low-traumatic, there are no large scars left, and the rehabilitation process is minimal. There is also a method of performing the operation through the vagina, in which case only the internal suture remains and there will be no external scars on the body.

A specialist can tell you which method to choose. So, if there are infectious diseases or cysts, it will be necessary not only to perform tubal ligation, but also to carry out treatment. In this case, the doctor will have to use a scalpel. And although the vaginal method does not leave scars, it can cause infectious diseases, and after the operation, sexual contact is prohibited for a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tubal ligation is a serious step, so before carrying out the procedure, you need to study all its pros and cons. If a woman’s tubal ligation is carried out according to all the rules and in the absence of contraindications, then the likelihood of negative consequences will be minimal.

Let's consider the main advantages of the procedure:

  • tubal ligation does not provoke hormonal disruptions;
  • high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy;
  • menstruation persists;
  • tubal ligation does not affect a woman’s libido;
  • tubal ligation can be performed during a caesarean section;
  • The procedure does not contribute to excess weight gain.

The disadvantage of tubal ligation in women is the inability to conceive naturally in the future. If a woman wants to become a mother after tubal ligation, she will have to go through the IVF procedure.

It is also worth noting that this method of contraception will not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, if a woman is not confident in her partner, she will have to use condoms to avoid infection.

There is also such a thing as restoration of the fallopian tubes after ligation. This operation does not always bring the desired result, it all depends on the method of tubal ligation. The procedure is complex and not every surgeon can do it, so it is very expensive and time-consuming.


Despite many advantages, the procedure also has a number of significant disadvantages. First of all, these are possible complications after surgery. After surgery, bleeding, infection, lower abdominal pain and bloating, and dizziness are possible. Side effects and unpleasant consequences after tubal ligation surgery rarely occur if the procedure was carried out according to all the rules.

Another unpleasant consequence after tubal ligation is ectopic pregnancy. The likelihood of such an occurrence is small, but it still happens sometimes. Therefore, if a woman does not have her period after tubal ligation and she is not breastfeeding, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist.

Many women notice that after tubal ligation their periods become heavier. As a rule, the operation does not affect a woman’s hormonal levels, and therefore cannot cause problems with menstruation. If a woman is concerned about such a fact as heavy menstruation, pain during and before menstruation, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an ultrasound.

In general, tubal ligation surgery is not complicated; it is performed in any gynecological hospital. Consequences occur quite rarely if a woman follows all the doctor’s recommendations and goes to see her at the first unpleasant symptoms. The only thing you need to think carefully about is whether the desire to have children will appear in a few years.