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It’s like life is in a dark place. Black streak in life: what to do to get rid of failures. How to do it

Periods of success are often followed by periods of bad luck. It seems that you are living a normal life, but it’s as if the stars are not aligned: everything is falling through the cracks, going awry. This is normal, everything will improve again soon.

But such periods interfere with enjoying life and it is useful to know how to avoid it, how to quickly move to the bright lane.

How to understand that a black streak has come

First of all, you need to understand what a black streak is and whether it is causing you to suffer now.

A dark streak is a period in life when a person is simultaneously faced with a number of problems in all areas of life: in the family, at work, with friends. Troubles replace one another and it seems that there is no silver lining. This could be: illness, theft, separation, accidents, dismissal from work.

There are people who are ready to dramatize any little thing, and for them a crease in their stockings or a broken nail is already a disaster. But this should not be confused with a black stripe. If you just have a lot of work and no time, then this is not a bad streak - it’s just life.

It is enough to take a close look at your life and all its aspects to understand: a dark streak has come or it seems. All areas need to be analyzed:

  • education;
  • work and career;
  • family;
  • Friends;
  • health;
  • self-realization.

If you find out that you have troubles in only one area, then most likely you can breathe a sigh of relief - this is not a bad streak. You just need to put things in order in this area of ​​life. And you can definitely handle this.

When problems come one after another in all or several areas, you need to gather your strength - you have a bad streak. This is bad news.

But there is also a good thing: it will pass! You need to be patient while using ways to combat the causes of the black streak.

Why is there a black streak?

Just as each life is individual, so one black streak is different from another. At least for reasons. Only you can determine them.

Life is like a zebra - white stripe, black stripe.

It can be:

  1. Carelessness. Life is multifaceted and complex, but often people take serious things very lightly. Such carelessness can harm one or all areas of life. A frivolous approach to determining priorities and untimely resolution of urgent problems play a role here. Naturally, problems in the family will begin if you put work first. They will gradually devastate you, and this will lead to work problems.
  2. All important areas must be harmoniously balanced.

  3. Accident. It happens that a person accidentally gets into trouble. And then again and again. No one is to blame for this: it just happened that way. If you don’t feel any sin behind you and are doing everything right, then calm down. All will pass.
  4. Diffidence. Sometimes a single failure increases a person’s self-doubt and hinders his development. A person is afraid that he will fail again, does not voice his ideas at work, does not go on dates. This cloud covers him in all areas of life.
  5. Negative thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. There is such a thing as self-evil eye. It occurs when a person creates trouble for himself with his negative attitude. These may be attitudes from childhood, fears, prejudices, disbelief that you are allowed to be happy. A person consciously or unconsciously concentrates on the negative sides of things, and thereby attracts them into his life.
  6. Allow yourself to be happy and successful - this is the main thing. Rejoice in every success and celebrate even your small victories. And the black stripe will quickly be replaced by a light one.

  7. Global and personal disasters. Natural disasters, fire, flood or death of loved ones are events that we cannot prevent. They can happen in anyone's life. What to do? Pull yourself together and move on with your life. Don’t suffer endlessly and wait for help, but go out into the world and help others. This will add confidence in the coming day and improve karma.
  8. Enemies and ill-wishers. Another cause of trouble can be the actions of enemies and envious people. Especially if you have been perceived by others as lucky for a long time. You can fight and use the methods of the enemy, you can ignore and not get involved in negativity even deeper, or you can try to make peace.
  9. Lack of life purpose. If you don't know where you want to go, they will decide for you. Where you arrive will benefit everyone, but not you. And you will constantly find yourself in uncomfortable situations and face problems. Define your goals and go towards them.

Problems and difficulties that get in the way during a black streak can be roughly grouped into punishments, tests and signs.

The world sends us punishment for sins, wrong thoughts, and actions. This can be considered karma or punishment. But according to all laws, if you emit light, then light will return to you, and if it is negative, then expect the same thing back.

Tests are designed to test a person's strength - whether he is ready to act for his goal, whether he has enough strength to do what he wants. And if a person is already ready for a new stage of his life, then he will overcome all obstacles and reach his goal.

Signs are events that should make us stop and think: am I doing everything right, am I going there? Fate sends events that may seem bad at first, but this may be a chance to change the direction of the path.

12 ways to get rid of a black streak

If you have identified a black streak in your life, begin to neutralize it. Here are some effective ways:

  1. Let your emotions come out. It's hard and sad for you. It's clear. Do not hide resentment, negativity and suffering within yourself. Let them come out, cleanse your feelings and soul, cry, suffer a little. And only then move on: with the firm belief that a new stage is ahead - better and brighter.
  2. Look around and assess the situation. Analyze what happened and why, evaluate your negative contribution to it and think about how to fix it.
  3. Change your scenery. It is enough to go on a short trip, even to a neighboring city. You can visit relatives or go on an excursion. Where nothing reminds you of past troubles, you will feel better. You can look at your “that” life from the outside. Perhaps everything will not look so tragic.
  4. Assess your losses. You have lost something, you have not received enough, but something remains: at least you are alive! It’s worth thanking fate for this and moving on.
  5. Accept the problem if there is one. Positive thinking is good, but you cannot deny that there is a problem, it will not go away.
  6. Help others. You feel bad, but there are people who may envy you because they feel worse. Find those who need help and make their lives easier, decorate them with your kindness. This will help you realize that it's not all bad and is guaranteed to lift your spirits.
  7. Keep calm. Self-control is the key to solving problems. Gather your thoughts. Sometimes it is enough to take a broader look at the situation to find a quick solution that will at least reduce losses.
  8. Look within yourself for support. No matter what happens, you are still who you are. Look for resources within yourself to get out of an unpleasant period.
  9. Surround yourself with loved ones and dear people. No matter how bad things are, there must still be people who love you. Be with them more often: often a conversation with family is healing and inspiring.
  10. Trips to nature will also help to replenish energy and strength for further struggle.
  11. Accept help. A person in need has no right to refuse help. There is no need to punish yourself even more. Perhaps fate is teaching you a lesson, but if you then send help, then you have been punished enough. Please accept with gratitude.
  12. Enjoy. It may be that it is not a black streak that is ruining your life, but that you just see everything that way. For example, the body lacks happiness hormones - endorphins and everything seems gloomy. Treat yourself: delicious ice cream, your favorite chocolate, a walk.

Practice to Identify Problems

Bring order to your thoughts and problems. It is enough to make a simple sign with two columns: “List of problems” and “Possible solutions.” The “solution” can be either action or inaction.

Often many problems turn out to be far-fetched, and some are completely solvable. If you think carefully, the advantages of the new situation become obvious. You understand that everything is for the better, and you are filled with energy to move forward.

Daily measures

To maintain your mood at a normal level and avoid the risk of falling into depression, you need to perform a number of simple actions every day:

  1. Start the day with gratitude for the new day and a smile. Monitor your behavior throughout the day. And mark the end of the day with gratitude for the opportunity to fill the day with positivity.
  2. Smile at yourself in the mirror from time to time. It may be difficult, but it is worth it: physical action causes a psychological reaction. You will feel much better.
  3. Celebrate all your successes and small victories in your diary.. This strengthens your self-confidence and demonstrates to you that you are worth something.
  4. Engage in self-improvement. Start learning something new, train your skills - sign up for courses, read books.
  5. Alternate work with rest, preferably in the company of friends. Today you can visit a museum, tomorrow go to a movie, then get out into nature. It’s better that all this is filled with positive things: you shouldn’t attend noisy parties with alcohol.
  6. Practice a positive outlook on life, believe in luck and happiness instead of being afraid and worried.

What you should not do, as it will only make the situation worse:

  • drink alcohol, drugs;
  • eat stress with lots of food;
  • feel sorry for yourself and become despondent;
  • withdraw into yourself and not communicate with people;
  • stay at home and not go out anywhere.

When will the black streak end?

When life turns to the bright side again depends primarily on you. Figuratively speaking: how a person relates to problems, so do they relate to him.

When a person becomes fixated on every failure, suffers from it non-stop, feeling sorry for himself, this attracts new similar situations. Because a person “loves” the problem and does not let it go.

And vice versa. Sincere joy for any pleasant occasion will lead to the fact that your life will be filled with light and all manifestations of the black streak will go away.

Often problems go away even from stare. It seems that there is a problem, but take a closer look and it becomes clear that it is far-fetched.

Remember, no matter what happens, everything will pass and there will be new joyful events ahead!

It often happens in a person’s life that he is haunted by a series of troubles: financial difficulties appear, health concerns, lack of personal life. All this accumulates and can turn into a depressive state, when you give up and there is no desire to change anything - you can only go with the flow, often to the bottom.

There are several psychological and objective signs of bad luck:

  • Aggression towards other people. It can be motivated or unmotivated: a person gets irritated by every little thing, makes scandals, and often finds fault with others.
  • Disappointment in yourself and the world around you. This happens due to problems in achieving set goals: either a person is doing something wrong and needs to change tactics, or they are too unrealistic and do not correspond to his capabilities.
  • Diffidence. This quality is usually formed in childhood, and then even a talented person, seeing great opportunities in front of him, does not use them, believing that he will not succeed.
  • Excessive isolation. A person closes himself off and tries to isolate himself from the world around him, thereby depriving himself of the support of friends and loved ones.
  • Feeling empty. When a series of failures haunts you, a person gets used to it, as a result of which he develops such a feeling and stops noticing pleasant little things.
  • The presence of ill-wishers. It also happens that people, out of envy or hostility, spoil others, and then even a strong-willed and talented person notices a discord in affairs.

Having discovered two or more signs in yourself, it is worth thinking about the reason for the streak of failures, having first studied the reasons for this phenomenon.

Reasons for failure in life

From a psychological point of view main reason bad luck is laziness: a person knows what he needs, but does not want to do anything for it, as a result of which, in the absence of what he wants, he develops loser syndrome.

It’s hard to admit this even to yourself, but this is precisely the reason that is considered the main one. There are also several others:

  • Pessimistic outlook on life. If a person does not know how to notice beauty, then even with millions of bank accounts, a family and excellent health, he will consider himself unhappy.
  • Shyness. To achieve what you want, you often need to be less shy and not be afraid to ask other people for help.
  • Poorly developed intuition. It most often helps in matters of doing business and helps to avoid rash steps.
  • Disorganization. It interferes everywhere: both in work and in family matters. Having a lot of free time, a person fails to complete even half of the tasks planned for the day, which is why they accumulate and turn into a big lump.

  • Damage. It can be brought upon even the most beautiful person, who has no open enemies, simply out of a feeling of envy, and then his situation can sharply worsen.
  • Self-evil eye. Characteristic of overly emotional people who enjoy new purchases and achievements.

Also one of the reasons is bad karmic inheritance, which can only be changed with the help of special rituals and conspiracies.

What to do to attract good luck?

To attract good luck, many magicians use various rituals, adhering to the following rules:

  • Belief in the power of magic. Without her, even the most strong conspiracies will not give the desired effect.
  • Complete silence in the room. Strangers are not allowed to be nearby. Mobile phones, TV and other equipment must be turned off.
  • To attract good luck, rituals should be performed on the waxing moon.
  • Before performing the ritual, you should wear clothes without belts and buttons, because... they block the flow of energy.

How to get out of financial problems: a strong conspiracy

This ritual appeared several centuries ago, but even now does not lose its relevance. To carry it out you need to do the following:

  • We take a new gold-colored piece of gold in our hands, hold it between our palms and say, raising the coin to our lips: “ I blow away everything that interferes with happiness, and attract money and luck to myself. »;
  • We change the coin by taking another one out of the wallet. In total, we repeat the manipulations 3 times.

A spell for good luck and happiness with a candle

The ultimate goal of this ritual depends on what color the candle is.

  • Red helps you find love.
  • Green - improve financial condition.
  • Yellow – improve health.
  • Purple promotes spiritual development.
  • White gives a person the strength to successfully complete all matters.

How the ritual is performed:

  • We imagine our ideal state, at the same time we light a candle;
  • We concentrate on sensations and emotions, imagining that what we want has already come true;
  • We look at the burning candle and say: “ Just as the fire calmly curls, so will the money (health, success, etc.) return to me. Amen! »;
  • We put out the flame. It is advisable to read the prayer at midnight before going to bed.

Conspiracy to remove damage

Often the cause of failure is the evil eye or damage, which can be identified and removed as follows:

  • We pour holy water into a glass, place it next to us, take a box of matches;
  • We burn 9 matches one by one, throw them into a glass and read: “ Not the ninth, not the eighth, not the seventh, not the sixth, not the fifth, not the fourth, not the third, not the second, not the first " All matches must be in a horizontal position. If at least one of them is vertical, it means there is damage, and the more matches there are, the stronger it is.

To remove damage caused by bad luck, we say “ Good is in my gates, evil is gone forever ", after which we draw crosses with a finger dipped in water on the chest, solar plexus, forehead, wrists, and shoulders. Finally, take 3 sips and pour out the remaining water.

Ritual to attract fortune

There is another way to get out of a series of failures - to carry out this ritual, which is often used by different categories of people, from large entrepreneurs to students.

How it's done:

  • Take a plate that is not too deep, pour 3 heaped tablespoons of salt into it, then a similar amount of sugar and rice;
  • We open the pin and stick it into the formed slide, leave everything in this position overnight;
  • In the morning we pin a pin to the inside of our clothes.

Spell for good luck in love

Constant fiasco in love relationships It’s depressing and makes you think that your luck has run out for some reason.

To attract her, you should use the following ritual:

  • We wait for the new moon, at midnight we light a candle in front of the window;
  • We read the plot;

“From this hour, this is my order, an order for fate.
Find and give me my betrothed,
destined for me alone.
My word is strong, sealed with White magic.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

  • Let's blow out the fire. We carry out the ritual daily until the candle burns out completely.

There is another ritual that helps to attract good luck not only in love, but also in other matters:

  • Immediately after waking up, we say a prayer without getting out of bed;

“Guardian Angel of the servant of God (the name given to you at baptism).
I beg you for help.
Give me the opportunity to find love
and know happiness."

  • We read the “Our Father” and go about our business.

Talisman for good luck

In addition to reading conspiracies, you can make your own talisman that will attract good luck, love and money:

  • We take thick threads of three different colors: blue, red and green;
  • We tie a knot at one end, weave a braid from the threads, thinking about what goal we need to achieve as if it had already happened: wealth, marriage, etc.;
  • Having finished weaving, we connect both ends to make a bracelet;
  • We put the bracelet on the ankle of our left leg and wear it until the goal is achieved, after which we burn it, thanking the Universe.

Any talismans need to be recharged. To do this, it is enough to periodically place it next to you on the pillow before going to bed and think about your goals, or leave it on the windowsill overnight while the Moon is in its waxing phase.

There is another way - mental reunification with the talisman. Here you need to take it in your hands, concentrate and as if mentally convey to it your positive energy and faith in a good future.

When will the white streak come?

Here everything depends on whether the person reading the conspiracies followed the rules of the rituals, as well as on faith in a good result. Usually positive changes become noticeable almost the next day: it is possible to achieve a salary increase, find Good work and even win the lottery.

As for luck in love, it can appear either the next day or a month later. Singles meet a couple, married people strengthen family relationships, and those who are not yet married can encourage their significant other to get married.

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Human life is structured in such a way that one cannot expect only stability and harmony from it; it will certainly present some kind of “surprise,” perhaps even more than one.

Often such surprises are called black streak in life . TO unexpected turns fates in dark shades, rarely, who is ready and here everything is already determined by the strength of spirit: some withdraw into themselves and let everything take its course, while others, on the contrary, wage a struggle for the well-being of themselves and those close to them.

Why did a dark streak come into your life?

In moments of impending despair, only two questions flash in my head: “ Why is this happening to me?" And " When will this all end?“And if the answer to the first of them may lie in the actions of the past, or fate gives a chance to gain some experience through trials for fundamental changes in the future, then no one knows a clear answer to the second question. With the onset of a dark streak in life, problems are attracted like a magnet, one after another, gradually turning into a big “snowball”. Pessimism, despair and the depression that comes with them destroy a person and his life. The ability to steadfastly cope with difficulties is not given to everyone, but you can still develop self-control, self-control in difficult moments and not get confused.

How to face adversity

Even if initially the situation seems hopeless, you should not give up, you should study it in detail from all sides and you will definitely find a loophole that will open the way to overcome the streak of failures, give you mental strength and instill faith in a bright future.

Change for the better is just around the corner.

« Everything flows, everything changes“,” one ancient Greek philosopher once said, and I also like the phrase “ Everything passes, this too will pass“, and this truth is confirmed by life. Behind the black stripe, a white one will definitely appear, you just need to strive for this yourself, and not take a wait-and-see attitude.

The trials that fate presents are given for a reason, which means that everyone whose lot they befall needs to go through them and, taking the chance, cope with them, gaining a good tempering in life, a strong inner core, a radically changed worldview and moral component.

Life is always a struggle and for it to be effective you need motivation. Thinking, first of all, about his family, a person moves forward, paving the way to prosperity.
An optimistic attitude and positive thoughts also contribute to rapid changes for the better and the materialization of everything that is believed in. The school of life can take the maximum from a person before it places him on the “pedestal of honor.” Overcoming obstacles and black stripe, like a thorny path to a white streak, you will eventually come to understand that success and personal growth are the result of the difficulties and adversities experienced.

The results of our solution to the black streak in life

Of course, discussing other people's problems and giving advice to others is much easier than experiencing adversity yourself. How difficult and sometimes even unbearable it is to understand from the outside is not given to everyone. Therefore, it is important to approach your surroundings selectively, to value those who once proved themselves to be true friends, were there in difficult times and lent a helping hand.
Everything in life is reversible, so you need to be able to appreciate people’s actions and be grateful, and show attention not only to your problems. Having built a rear of reliable, trusted friends in advance, fear of the present and future is reduced to a minimum, any adversity is within your power and you can overcome it with your head held high and confidence in the future.

And this is from Vladimir Dovgan. If you know this man, then perhaps you have heard how many ups and downs and ruins he had. So who else but him can give you advice on how to get out of the crisis?

© Alexey Pruslin especially for the site

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It happens that everything collapses - a loved one leaves, problems begin at work and with health, conflicts arise literally out of nowhere. We call this a black streak and often just give up, waiting for it to end. But in vain! This scourge can and must be fought. But this is what we’ll talk about today.

Looking for root causes

But first we need to find out where the legs of this black stripe come from. After all, nothing happens just like that, without a reason. And there may be several reasons for your misfortunes:

1. You have been jinxed

There are people who are haunted by other people’s happiness and successes, even if they do not directly affect their interests, and in this case, that is, in relation to the black streak, we are not talking about envy as such, rather we can talk about selfishness and low self-esteem of a person , which causes the evil eye. For example, there are two relatives - mother and daughter, sister and sister, grandmother and granddaughter, etc., and one of them, having established her personal life or successfully making a career, breaks away and moves away from the other. She begins to devote less time to her, or even leaves for another city. Accordingly, this becomes the cause of resentment and a desire to return everything to normal. By and large, close relatives don’t even need to do anything special - if the desire to regain their close relative is too great, then everything happens on the mental level - obeying the “relative” order, reality begins to fall apart.

2. You have been damaged

Damage is already deliberately caused harm, evil that acts purposefully. The cause of damage may be an unseemly act that you committed and for which you are being taken revenge, or a desire to take possession of what you possess. Damage mainly manifests itself in the context of a black streak in health problems. Often comes along with a love spell on the man you consider yours.

3. They envied you

Envy is a great force, but for it to cause a black streak, it must come from a person very close to you, who knows your strengths and weaknesses and can, one way or another, influence you. If your neighbor is jealous of you because you bought a new fur coat, it’s not a problem, it’s her problem, but if a close friend has been jealous of you for a long time, this is much more serious. Her envy accumulates over the years and at some point begins to consume not only your friend’s energy, but also your own, and then a bad streak may arise. There is only one way out - to urgently identify this “good” friend and get rid of her company. Once and for all.

4. They write for peace

This is in some way akin to damage, also a purposeful method of causing evil, but it generally concerns all aspects of life. It is precisely because of these actions that a black streak most often arises, since a person, suspecting nothing and unable to resist, becomes a victim of a curse. And it disappears only when similar problems begin in the family of the evil one. However, most often this is what happens. Therefore, you just have to survive a black streak of such origin. And further. If you have not found other explanations for your misfortunes, go to church and talk to the priest. Perhaps some of his actions will speed up your getting rid of the black streak.

5. You made a bad decision some time ago.

Often, breaking everything in our lives, Fate shows us that we took the wrong path - we fell in love with a man from whom serious danger emanated, we chose a job that does not meet our internal needs, we committed meanness. And in order for us to fix this, it’s as if they are taking away from us what we have. In this case, you just need to analyze what you did wrong. For example, every day, overcoming yourself, you go to work that brings neither moral nor material satisfaction. This can last a year, two, three, or maybe just a couple of months - it all depends on your stamina. But sooner or later your body begins to take revenge on you for the state of constant stress. Health problems begin, endless sick leave, and, as a result, refusal of a place. And all because you went against your nature and did not live in harmony with yourself. Something similar happens when Fate shows you your true destiny over and over again, but you remain deaf and blind to its signs. Then she just takes you and puts you in a position where you have no choice but to follow your

6. You have a serious enemy

Each of us has had moments in our lives when the sky seemed like a sheepskin. Before a person has time to “clean up” one thing, something new falls on him. I just figured out the problem as a new misfortune. It is customary to say about such periods: a dark streak has come in life.

But what to do, what to do if you have entered this very dark period? And then, what are the signs of this very black streak?

You are on a bad streak if...

You started having problems on all fronts, such as:

  1. Personal life(relationships with friends, partner, parents or children are not going well);
  2. Problems at work(You were laid off or fired, you can’t find a job for a long time, work suddenly stopped bringing you satisfaction and you want to go there as if to Calvary, every morning you literally pull yourself there by your hair);
  3. Problems in finance(income has fallen, or a financial collapse has occurred, credit slavery has crushed you, you just can’t get out of debt, a large sum of money is not returned to you, etc.);
  4. Bad feeling(weakness, loss of strength, increased irritability, bad dream or its absence - these are symptoms that cannot be ignored. Moreover, if you do not start sounding the alarm, then problems may begin at the level of the physical body. At the same time, the diagnosis may not show anything bad, but you are getting worse and worse);
  5. Creative stagnation, crisis(the dark streak hits especially hard for those whose life is in creativity, because such people depend entirely on inspiration. If it is not there, then there is no money, no orders, no sense of satisfaction from life);
  6. Housing problems(a person is evicted, he cannot solve his housing problem, he was “thrown away” with an inheritance, etc.).

In a word, you can see for yourself that the problems are through the roof and you can’t just leave it like that!

How to survive a bad streak

The saying about drowning people is very, very good, because it reveals the essence of what is happening in the best possible way. To get rid of a bad streak in life, a person does not need to look for help on the outside, much less need to wait for it passively. No one will help anyway. A person must help himself. And there are two important components here: self-confidence and desire to solve the problem .

It’s no secret that many people, being in the “dark” period of life, literally get high and savor all the problems and problems that they have. They endlessly tell everyone and everything about it, they feel sorry for themselves and demand the same from others, they cherish their sores and failures as something priceless. Yes, you yourself have seen such people and had the “fortune” to communicate with them at least once. Save us all from this! After all, communication with such a “miracle” in the literal sense of the word, de-energizes. By the way, here’s another piece of advice for you: stay away from those who behave this way, not wanting to change anything in their lives, they only moan and complain, feeding off of you and your energy. There is a clinical case of the transformation of a black streak into an entangling wire self-curse, and then an energetic black hole, sucking in everything that only a given subject can reach.

So, how can you help yourself if you understand that you are on a bad streak? Let’s say right away that you can come up with something for yourself, you can screw yourself up even more, for example, by thinking that someone has cursed you, that you have been jinxed, that you are under a spell, etc.

We will not analyze the reason why everything went wrong for you, we will simply give you work practice with which you can put your life in order. However, you will still need to analyze yourself, your life and its events for cause-and-effect relationships, it is especially important to do this if your black stripes are repeated very often. Perhaps you predict many negative scenarios yourself. Thus, until you remove the cause, you cannot get rid of the effect.

We reduce failures to a chicken egg

Our technique is simple, but very effective. In order to remove the negativity that is on you, you will need a chicken egg. However, we need to say a little more about the chicken egg. In some sources you can read that “a chicken egg should only be taken from a black chicken,” or, on the contrary, “only from a white one.” This is all complete nonsense. The color of the chicken doesn't matter. But there is another very important point, which is omitted for the most part, and is spoken about very, very rarely. And this moment in treatment is really key. The egg you take should not be store-bought (essentially empty, i.e. without an embryo), but home-made. And not just from a domestic chicken, but from a chicken that “communicates” with a rooster. We will talk about why exactly this is so separately, in a special article dedicated to the phenomenon called “Egg”.

So, as soon as you have obtained such an egg (among other things, it must also be fresh), you need to perform the following cleansing ritual:
Taking the egg in your right hand, you need to start rolling it out counterclockwise, going down. You start at the tops of your heads and end with your heels. Note that if you begin to yawn at the same time, then some kind of magical effect has definitely been imposed on you. Along with your yawning, all the evil spirits and trash will come out of you; the egg, of course, will complete this cleansing process. In difficult situations, you need to repeat the procedure up to three, and sometimes ten times.

At the same time, it is important to remember two things: rolling out is done on the waning Moon and always before sunset. After the sun has set, you can no longer be manipulated. These strict rules are very important to follow.

Spell words for reprimanding failures

At the very moment when you begin to roll yourself out with an egg, you can read the “Our Father” prayer; it is sacred and has very great power, because it was said by Jesus Christ at the very moment when he was on the cross. It is for this reason that she is credited with such enormous power.

If you do not live in the Christian tradition, then you can use any other prayer that is close to you, that is used in your culture, in the culture of your people. If you are an atheist or simply don’t know any prayers, then you can address the egg in your own words. These words are simple, the main thing is that they come from your heart.

For example, before you begin the rolling out (cleaning) procedure, you need to hold the egg in your hands and, turning to it, simply say: “Egg, help me get rid of negativity, cleanse all my bodies.”.

“I’m rolling myself out with an egg,
I treat myself with an egg,
I clean myself with an egg.
Get out of me all the dirt, all the negativity, all the illnesses and all the witchcraft,
All the misfortunes, and all the failures, the bad and all the evil!
Get out of your head, out of your shoulders, out of your arms, out of your stomach, out of your back, out of your legs.
Let it be so"!

The words given above are not a conspiracy, not a prayer, it is simply Your appeal, Your request, which will certainly be heard and you will be helped. The main thing is to ask with all your heart. Then there will be a result.

Once you have properly rolled yourself out, the egg needs to be disposed of. And there are several ways, we will tell you about one of them now. The egg must be taken away from the house and buried in a place where no one walks. You can learn about other methods from the article dedicated to the “Egg”.