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Electrical impulses in the human body. How much electricity does a person generate? Getting and using electricity

Mizun Yu. G., Mizun P. G. SPACE AND HEALTH

We have to consider how a magnetic field can influence the human body, what are the possible ways (mechanisms) of this influence. To do this, we need to understand what role electricity and magnetism play in the life of the body. After all, an external magnetic field can act either on electric currents and electrical charges, or to magnets present in the human body.

Let's consider how the human body works from this point of view, namely: what role electric currents and charges, as well as magnetic fields, play in its life.

The fact that in the human, as in any living organism, there are electric currents, called biocurrents (i.e., electric currents in biological systems), has been known for a long time. These currents, like any electric currents, represent the ordered movement of electrical charges, and in this sense they are no different from the current in the electrical network. The role of biocurrents in the functioning of the human body is very great.

The role of electrical charges (electrons and ions) in the functioning of the body is also very important. They are regulators in the passages of cell membranes leading from the cell to the outside and from the outside into the cell, thus determining all the basic processes of the cell's life.

In addition to electric currents and electric charges, there are small magnets in a living organism. These are molecules of body tissues, primarily water molecules. It is known that two magnets interact with each other. That is why the magnetic needle in the field of another magnet, the Earth, turns its southern end in the direction of the north of the earth's magnet. Likewise, small magnets in the body - molecules - are able to rotate under the influence of an external magnet. An external magnetic field will orient molecules in a certain way, and this will affect the functioning of the body. In a living organism there are huge molecules consisting of thousands and millions of ordinary molecules. The properties of these macromolecules also depend on how they are oriented in space. This determines their performance of certain functions in the body. If such macromolecules have a magnetic moment (i.e. are magnets), such as DNA molecules, then under the influence of a change in the Earth’s magnetic field or any other external magnetic field, the molecules will be oriented differently than in the absence of this field. Since they deviate from the desired direction, they can no longer perform their functions normally. The human body suffers from this.

The circulatory system is a system that conducts electric current, i.e. it is a conductor. It is known from physics that if a conductor is moved in a magnetic field, then an electric current arises in this conductor. A current also occurs if the conductor is stationary, and the magnetic field in which it is located changes over time. This means that when moving in a magnetic field, in addition to useful biocurrents in the human body (and any animal), additional electrical currents arise that affect the normal functioning of the body itself. When a bird is in flight and crosses magnetic field lines, electric currents arise in its circulatory system, which depend on the direction of its movement relative to the direction of the magnetic field. Thus, birds navigate in space thanks to the Earth’s magnetic field. When there is a magnetic storm, the magnetic field changes over time, and this will cause biocurrents in the body.

If we use the terminology of radio amateurs, we can say that electrical currents are generated in the human body. Radio amateurs and radio specialists know the secrets of eliminating these interferences on radio circuits, because only by eliminating these interferences can normal operation of the radio equipment be achieved.

Human body, which in terms of complexity cannot be compared with any of the most complex radio circuits, no one protects against interference that arises in it during solar and magnetic storms.

A. L. Chizhevsky wrote in 1936: “Now we are faced with another question: how to protect a person from the deadly influence of the environment if it is associated with atmospheric electricity and electromagnetic radiation? How to protect a sick person going through the process of illness? After all, it is clear that if the crisis passes safely - and the crisis sometimes lasts only a day or two, a person will live for decades more... Yes, physics knows ways to protect a person from such harmful influences of the Sun or similar ones, no matter where they come from. The savior here is metal..."

A.L. Chizhevsky, proposing to place patients during periods of solar storms in wards shielded with metal sheets, further writes: “Such a ward should be covered on all six sides with a layer of metal of appropriate thickness and appropriate impermeability without a single hole. The entrance and exit from it must ensure that harmful radiation does not penetrate inside, which is easily achieved by a well-armored front with two doors. The restroom must also be armored on all sides and adjacent closely to the armored ward...”

But in real conditions, patients remain unprotected during periods of solar and magnetic storms. Is it any wonder that the number of heart attacks during these periods increases several times, the number of cases of sudden death increases several times, the incidence of glaucoma increases, etc., etc.

Now let's look specifically at how the main parts of the human body are built and function from an electrical point of view. Let's start with the cell. All living organisms are made up of cells and have a lot in common, since their cells are structured the same. Cells are capable of multiplying, changing, and responding to external stimuli.

The structure of the cell is very clearly and accessiblely described by E. A. Liberman in his “Living Cell” (M., Nauka, 1982). We will follow this description. Let's imagine the cell in the form of a medieval city-state.

The outer border of this city (cell) is surrounded by a fortress wall, which keeps the inhabitants within the city walls and allows them in and out of the city only with a certain password. This city wall is the membrane of the cell. The functions of cell membranes are very serious; a lot in the body depends on them. Currently, a whole science has been formed that studies cell membranes - membranology. Let us next consider the internal structure of the cell. Inside this cell city there is a palace from which all orders come to the inhabitants of the city. The palace (the core of the cell) is surrounded by a second fortress wall.

If you look at the city (cage) from a bird's eye view, you can see separate groups of buildings that are surrounded by fortress walls. They house institutions with their own special functions. These groups of buildings are also surrounded by fortress walls. But these walls do not serve as protection from an external enemy located outside the city (the cell); they contain the inhabitants of the institutions themselves within their boundaries. For example, a cell has colonies surrounded by a double membrane (wall) called lysosomes. If lysosomes get outside the boundaries of their institution, then like crazy they will begin to destroy all the substances that make up the cell that come their way. After a short time, they are able to destroy the entire cell.

Why does the cell need these lysosomes, which are contained in special insulators behind a double fortress wall - a double membrane? They are needed in case you need to remove unnecessary, decaying substances in the cell. Then, on command from the palace (core), they do this. Often these bubbles in the cell are called "scavengers". But if for some reason the membrane holding them back is destroyed, these “scavengers” can turn into “gravediggers” for the entire cell. Such a destroyer of the membranes that restrain lysosomes can be a magnetic field. Under its action, the membranes are destroyed and lysosomes gain freedom of action. There are other factors that can destroy these membranes. But we will not consider them here. We only point out that if lysosomes destroy cells malignant tumors, then in this case they can be called orderlies.

The entire administrative apparatus is located in the palace (the core of the cell), which occupies a third of the entire city (cell). This is mainly the famous DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). It is designed to store and transmit information during cell division. The nucleus also contains a significant amount of basic proteins - histones and some RNA (ribonucleic acid).

Cells work, build, multiply. It takes energy. The cell itself produces the energy it needs. There are energy stations in the cell. These stations occupy an area 50–100 times smaller than the area of ​​the palace buildings, i.e., the core of the cell. The power stations are also surrounded by a double fortress wall. But it is not only intended to limit the station, but is also an integral part of it. Therefore, the design of the walls corresponds to the technological process of energy production.

Cells receive energy from the cellular respiration system. It is released as a result of the breakdown of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids, which are obtained in the digestive tract and in the liver from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. But the most important supplier of energy in the cell is glucose.

It is clear how important energy production is in a cell. Let us say in advance that this process is also influenced by an external magnetic field. This happens primarily because the process of converting glucose into carbon dioxide (biological oxidation) takes place with the participation of electrically charged ions. The process, which occurs with the participation of electrons and ions, at its final stage forms water molecules. If for some reason there are no oxygen atoms at this final stage, then water will not be able to form. Hydrogen will remain free and accumulate in the form of ions. Then the entire process of biological oxidation will stop. This means that the operation of the power station will also cease, and an energy crisis will occur.

Interestingly, energy in the cell is produced in small portions - the process of glucose oxidation includes a total of up to 30 reactions. Each of these reactions releases a small amount of energy. Such a small “packaging” is very convenient for energy use. In this case, the cell has the opportunity to most rationally use the energy released in small portions for current needs, and the excess stored energy is deposited by the cell in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid). The energy stored by the cell in the form of ATP is a kind of emergency reserve, NS.

ATP is a complex compound whose molecule contains three phosphoric acid residues. The addition of each residue requires energy of about 800 calories. This process is called phosphorylation. Energy can be taken back from ATP by breaking down ATP into two other substances: ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate.

Similarly, when complex atomic nuclei are split, atomic energy is released. Of course, this analogy is not complete, since the hydrolysis (splitting) of ATP molecules leaves the atomic nuclei unchanged. The breakdown of ATP occurs in the presence of a special substance that is not involved in the reaction itself, but accelerates its progress and is called an enzyme by chemists. In this case, the enzyme is adenosine triphosphase (ATPase). This substance happens various types and is found everywhere where reactions involving energy consumption occur.

ATP is a universal form of energy storage. It is used not only by all animal cells, but also by plant cells.

ATP is formed in the process of biological oxidation from the same substances into which it is broken down during phosphorylation, namely: inorganic phosphate and ADP. Therefore, in order for biological oxidation to occur, the presence of ADP and inorganic phosphate at all stages of this process is necessary, which are continuously consumed as the oxidation process proceeds, since they form a supply of energy in the form of ATP.

The process of oxidative phosphorylation occurs simultaneously with biological oxidation. Both of these processes are closely related to each other, and the entire technology for obtaining energy in cells is connected with them. The coupling of these processes is the key to the existence and functioning of the cell. In a cell under the influence of any internal or external reasons oxidation can continue regardless of phosphorylation. The process of energy production turns out to be independent, unrelated to the process of its release. Normal functioning and even the existence of the cell is impossible.

The described process of production and consumption of energy by a cell is an electrical process at all its stages. It is based on reactions involving electrically charged particles - electrons and ions. A magnetic field of any origin acts on electrical charges and in this way can influence this process of production and expenditure of energy by cells. This means that the energy stations of the cell are poorly protected from the action of an external magnetic field, despite the double fortress wall surrounding them.

Currently, intensive research is being carried out in many scientific and medical centers on the influence of a magnetic field on the process of biological oxidation and phosphorylation (i.e., the production of energy by a cell and its consumption) and it has been shown that a magnetic field can uncouple this process and thereby lead the cell to death.

Some medications, antibiotics, poisons, and also hormones have the same uncoupling effect. thyroid gland- thyroxine.

We said above that entry into and exit from a cell is regulated by electricity. Let us consider this in more detail, since this process is also influenced by the magnetic field. The fortress wall of the cell - the membrane - is built with two bricks. The bricks are phospholipid molecules that form a thin film that is in constant motion. Protein molecules are adjacent to this wall on both sides (inside and outside). We can say that it is lined with protein molecules. Protein molecules are not tightly packed, but form a relatively sparse pattern. This pattern is the same in all cells of homogeneous tissue, say liver tissue. Kidney cells have a different pattern, etc. For this reason, dissimilar cells do not stick together. Through the pores present in the pattern of protein molecules, large molecules can penetrate into the cell and can dissolve in the fats that make up the wall.

Proteins are produced inside the cell. Therefore, they are present outside the cell if there are passages in the wall itself (and not in the protein pattern). Protein molecules make their way out through them. These passages are very small. Their size is the same as the size of atoms and molecules. These passages, or pores as they are called, serve to remove unnecessary molecules and ions from the cell. They resemble tunnels; their length is 10 times their width. There are few such passages in the cell membrane; in some cells they occupy only one millionth of the entire surface of the membrane. These passages are designed in such a way that they are able to pass some molecules and ions and retain others. The password is the size of molecules and ions, and for ions also their electrical charge. The fact is that the membrane itself is under voltage, as if an electric battery is connected to it with the minus on the inner side of the membrane, and the plus on its outer, outer side. What is this battery? It is created by electrical charges carried by potassium ions and sodium ions dissolved in water and located on both sides of the membrane. If anywhere in a solution there is an equal number of positive and negative electric charges, then the total electric charge is zero and the electric potential is also zero. This means the battery is not charged. In order for it to charge, it is necessary to collect more positively charged ions in one place, and more negatively charged ions in another place. These places are nothing more than the poles of the battery - plus and minus. How is this battery created and functions in a cell?

The aqueous solution contains potassium ions and sodium ions on both sides of the membrane, with the interior of the cells containing mainly potassium and the extracellular fluid containing sodium. Potassium ions are much smaller than sodium ions, so they pass through passages in the membrane to the outside more easily than sodium ions into the cell. And since the same number of negative charges remains inside the cell as potassium ions have accumulated on the outside of the membrane, an electric field is created in the membrane. The electric field that arises as a result of the difference in potassium concentration inside and outside the cell maintains a potential difference that does not change with the movement of sodium ions, since the permeability of the membrane for them is negligible. Electric field increases the flow of potassium into the cell and decreases the flow out. When the same amount of potassium ions passes into the cell as goes out, a dynamic equilibrium will occur, as a result of which there is a plus on the outside of the cell and a minus on the inner wall of the membrane. If a cell receives a pulse of electric current (i.e., biocurrent) as a result of external irritation, then the membrane for a short time becomes more permeable to sodium ions, therefore sodium ions, the content of which in the extracellular space is 100 times greater than potassium ions, rush through passages in the membrane into the cell or, say, nerve fiber, as a result of which the charge of the membrane changes, i.e., during excitation, the poles of the batteries change places; where there was a minus, it became a plus, and vice versa. Some time after the cessation of the stimulus, the permeability of the membrane for potassium ions increases again (as before the stimulus), and for sodium ions it decreases. This leads to a rapid restoration of the electrical potential that was on the membrane before the action of the stimulus.

The main conclusion for us from all that has been said is that the passages (pores) in the membranes through which the cell exchanges with the outside “world” change under the influence of electrical (biological) currents, and they allow ions to pass through differently depending on the magnitude these currents. We have already said more than once that a magnetic field can act on electric currents and on the movement of electric charges (ions). This means that it is easy to understand that this process of communication between the cell and the outside world is significantly influenced by the magnetic field. It can disrupt the flow of this communication and disrupt the conditions of existence and functioning of the cell.

The process described above is part of the work of the nervous system and underlies nervous excitation, which in its physical essence is an electrical process.

Let's take a brief look at how the nervous system works. The main unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell - neuron. It consists of a body and processes. The many nerve processes emanating from the cell are short and are called dendrites, and one process, as a rule, is long and is called an axon. The axon is filled with a gelatinous fluid that is constantly created in the cell and slowly moves along the fiber. Many lateral filaments extend from the main trunk of the axon, which, together with the filaments of neighboring neurons, form complex networks. These filaments perform communication functions, just like dendrites. The axons of nerve cells are collected into nerve fibers through which electrical (biological) currents flow. These electrical impulses are transmitted over long distances. For example, the axons of the motor cells of the cerebral cortex have a length of about 1 m. The speed of propagation of electric current along the nerve fiber depends on the cross-section of the conductor (i.e., nerve fiber) and on the sheath. The thinner the nerve fiber, the lower the speed at which the electrical impulse travels through it. Electricians use cables of different sections, with different insulation and other parameters for different purposes. The body also has various nerve fibers, since for normal functioning of the body it is necessary to transmit electrical impulses in different parts of the nervous system at different speeds. There are thick nerve conductors (type A) with a diameter of 16 - 20 microns, along which sensory and motor impulses travel at a speed of 50 - 140 m/s. They are enclosed in a sheath called myelin. These are fibers of somatic nerves that provide the body with immediate adaptation to external conditions, in particular rapid motor reactions.

In addition to this type, the body has thinner fibers with a diameter of 5 - 12 microns, which are also covered with myelin (type B), but with a thinner layer. Electric current passes through these fibers at a lower speed - 10 - 35 m/s. These fibers provide sensitive innervation to internal organs and are called visceral.

There are also even thinner nerve fibers (about 2 microns, type C) that do not have a sheath, that is, they are not cables, but bare wires. They conduct electrical impulses at a speed of only 0.6 - 2 m/s and connect the nerve cells of the sympathetic ganglia with internal organs, blood vessels, and the heart.

What is the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber? It is formed by special cells in such a way that these cells wrap themselves repeatedly around the nerve fiber and form a kind of coupling. In these places, the contents of the cell are squeezed out. Neighboring plot The nerve fiber (axon) is isolated in the same way, but by a different cell, so the myelin sheath is systematically interrupted; between adjacent couplings the axon itself has no insulation and its membrane is in contact with the external environment. These areas between the couplings are called nodes of Ranvier (named after the scientist who described them). They play exclusively important role during the passage of an electrical impulse along a nerve fiber.

Nerve fibers form frequent connections with each other, as a result of which any nerve fiber has connections with many other fibers. This entire complex system of interconnected nerve fibers is designed for the perception, processing and transmission of information by nerve cells. A magnetic field acts on electric currents. More precisely, an external magnetic field interacts with the magnetic field of an electric (biological) current. In this way, the magnetic field interferes with the functioning of the nerve cell.

Let us remember how the influence of magnetic storms on patients suffering from cardiovascular and other diseases was first discovered. In 1915 - 1919 French doctors have repeatedly observed that patients suffering from intermittent pain (rheumatism, diseases of the nervous system, heart, stomach and intestinal diseases) experienced attacks of pain at the same time, regardless of the conditions in which they lived. It was found that attacks of neuralgia and angina pectoris in a wide variety of patients coincided in time with an accuracy of two to three days. Similar series have been observed in a number of accidents.

The attending physicians, who discovered these facts completely by accident, noticed that telephone communications during these periods also began to function intermittently or even stopped working altogether for several hours. At the same time, no damage was observed in the telephone sets and their correct operation was restored by itself after these periods, without the intervention of a human hand. It turned out to be striking that the days of disturbances in the operation of telephone sets coincided with the above-mentioned deterioration during various diseases. The simultaneous disruption of electrical equipment and physiological mechanisms in the human body was caused by increased solar activity and associated solar storms. In 84% of all cases of exacerbation of various symptoms chronic diseases and the occurrence of severe or exceptional complications in their course coincided in time with the passage of sunspots through the central meridian of the Sun, i.e., at the time when the probability of magnetic storms is maximum.

If telephone communications fail during magnetic storms, then is it any wonder that the human body, which is a system of electrical currents and electrical potentials, refuses to work normally in conditions of a magnetic storm. Currently, in mid-latitudes (where the effect of magnetic storms is less than in high latitudes), telephone communications do not fail during magnetic storms. They learned how to make a telephone network with a sufficient margin of safety. Over the past decades, nothing has been offered to man to protect his body from solar and magnetic storms.

Now let's return to consideration of the nervous system.

What is a nerve impulse? A nerve impulse is an electrical current created by the potential difference between the inner part of the nerve fiber and its outer part, i.e. the environment. We have already discussed above where the potential difference between the inner and outer walls of the cell membrane comes from. Sodium ions and potassium ions are found in an aqueous solution, and water molecules carry both a positive and negative electrical charge. Electric charges interact with each other: like electric charges repel, and unlike ones attract. Therefore, the negatively charged ends of water molecules are attracted by positive ions of potassium, sodium, calcium, etc., forming a shell on them, like a fur coat. These ions move together with a shell of water molecules oriented in a certain way. The greater the electrical charge of an ion, the more water molecules it can bind. This means that such an ion forms the largest water coat (shell). The smallest water coat is for potassium ions and much larger for sodium ions.

If a battery is short-circuited with a wire, it will run out very quickly, its potential will disappear and it will be unable to produce electric current. The potassium and sodium ion battery is also shorted. Why doesn't she sit down? At first glance, it should “sit down”, because, as the number of positive electrical charges increases in one place, and negative ones in another place, forces arise that tend to return everything to the original uniform distribution of ions in the water. In order to prevent this from happening, that is, to prevent the battery from running out, it is necessary to forcibly maintain a difference in ion concentrations on different sides of the cell membrane, and therefore a difference in electrical potential, i.e., the ability to create an electric current. This means that ions must be forcibly pumped out. This function is performed by special cell mechanisms located in the membrane - “ion pumps”. They force the ions to move in the direction opposite to that in which the force is pushing them, trying to align everything. How are these pumps constructed? It has been established that the flows of potassium ions in both directions (outside and inside the cell) are approximately equal. This is explained by the fact that for potassium ions the difference in electrochemical potentials between the cell and the environment is very small. The situation is different with sodium ions. Here the electrical and diffusion forces are directed in one direction, and their actions add up. Therefore, the electrochemical potential difference for sodium is greater than for potassium.

The ion pump that pumps out the ions must do a certain amount of work. And work requires energy. Where does it come from?

The source of this energy is the already familiar ATP. Energy is released from it with the participation of the enzyme transport ATPase (adenosine trinophosphatase); Interestingly, the activity of the enzyme increases in the presence of sodium and potassium ions, which is why it is called a “sodium and potassium dependent ATPase.” This ATPase breaks down ATP by preliminary phosphorylation, which is stimulated by intracellular sodium ions, and subsequent dephosphorylation in the presence of extracellular potassium ions. This is precisely the way that sodium ions move in the direction where there are more of them, i.e., against the force tending to equalize their concentration. The pump that pumps out sodium ions is designed so simply and wisely.

How do nerve impulses work? The nerve impulse enters the nerve fiber at the excited node of Ranvier and exits through the non-excited node. If the output current exceeds a certain minimum (threshold) value, then the interception is excited and sends a new electrical impulse along the fiber. Thus, nodes of Ranvier are generators of electrical current pulses. They play the role of intermediate amplification stations. Each subsequent generator is excited by a current pulse that spreads from the previous interception and sends a new pulse further.

The nodes of Ranvier significantly accelerate the propagation of nerve impulses. In those nerve fibers that do not have a myelin sheath, the propagation of the nerve impulse occurs more slowly due to the high resistance to electric current.

From all that has been said above, it is clear that the driving forces of the nerve electrical impulse are provided by the difference in ion concentrations. Electric current is generated due to selective and sequential changes in the permeability of the membrane to sodium and potassium ions, as well as due to energy processes.

Let us note one more circumstance. Cells are excited only in an environment in which calcium ions are present. The magnitude of the nerve electrical impulse and especially the size of the passage of the pore in the membrane depends on the concentration of calcium ions. The fewer calcium ions, the lower the excitation threshold. And when there is very little calcium in the environment surrounding the cell, the generation of electrical impulses begins to cause minor changes in voltage on the membrane, which can arise as a result of thermal noise. This, of course, cannot be considered normal.

If calcium ions are completely removed from the solution, the ability of the nerve fiber to excite is lost. However, the potassium concentration does not change. Consequently, calcium ions provide the membrane with selective permeability to sodium ions and potassium ions. Perhaps this happens in such a way that calcium ions close the pores for sodium ions. In this case, small potassium ions pass through other pores or penetrate near the calcium ions (between the “gate leaves”). The higher the calcium concentration, the more pores closed to sodium and the higher the excitation threshold.

Let's continue our consideration of the nervous system. It consists of the autonomic department, which is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic, and somatic. The latter is divided into peripheral (nerve receptors and nerves) and central (brain and spinal cord).

The brain is anatomically divided into five sections: the forebrain with the cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon, the midbrain, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata with the pons.

The most important part of the central nervous system is the forebrain with the cerebral hemispheres. The layer of gray matter covering the cerebral hemispheres is made up of cells and forms the cortex, the most complex and sophisticated part of the brain.

In the thickness of the brain there are also clusters of nerve cells called subcortical centers. Their activities are associated with individual functions of our body. The white matter of brain tissue consists of a dense network of nerve fibers that unite and connect various centers, as well as nerve pathways that leave and enter the cells of the cortex. The cerebral cortex forms deep grooves and intricate convolutions. Each hemisphere is divided into sections called lobes - frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal.

The cerebral cortex is connected by nerve pathways to all underlying parts of the central nervous system, and through them to all organs of the body. Impulses arriving from the periphery reach one or another point in the cerebral cortex. In the cortex, information coming from the periphery through various pathways is assessed, compared with previous experience, a decision is made, and actions are dictated.

The cerebral cortex plays a major role in the perception and awareness of pain. It is in the cortex that the sensation of pain is formed.

All organs and tissues, even individual cells of a living organism, are equipped with special devices that perceive irritations emanating from both the external and internal environment. They are called receptors and are distinguished by a wide variety of structures, which reflects the variety of their functions. The irritations they perceive are transmitted along sensitive (afferent) conductors in the somatic nerves and dorsal roots to the spinal cord, which is the main cable of the body. Along the ascending tracts of the spinal cord, nervous excitation enters the brain, and through the descending tracts, commands are sent to the periphery. Motor (efferent) nerve conductors, as a rule, reach organs as part of the same somatic nerves along which the sensory conductors travel. The inner part of the spinal cord contains numerous nerve cell bodies that form a butterfly-shaped (in cross section) gray matter. Around it are located the rays and cords, which make up a powerful system of ascending and descending pathways.

In addition to somatic nerves, effector pathways (i.e., conducting instructions from the center to the periphery) run along the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. In this case, the sympathetic nerve cells, the axons of which form these nerves, are grouped in sympathetic ganglia, or nodes, located along the spine on both sides in the form of chains. Parasympathetic neurons form nodes in the organs they innervate or close to them (intestines, heart, etc.) and are called intramural. The dependence of the activity of one or another internal organ on the state of the brain is well known. During excitement and with just the memory of something pleasant or unpleasant, the heart beats differently, breathing changes. Severe or repeated anxiety can cause indigestion, pain, etc.

An important stage in the development of the idea of ​​the role of subcortical structures in the regulation of behavior and other functions was the discovery of the physiological properties of the reticular formation of the brain. Thanks to this system, the main information center of the brain - the visual thalamus, or thalamus - is connected with all other parts and with the cerebral cortex. The thalamus is the most massive and complex subcortical formation of the cerebral hemispheres, which receives many impulses. Here they are filtered, as it were, and only a small part of them enters the cortex. Most impulses are responded to by the thalamus itself, often through centers located underneath it, called the hypothalamus, or hypothalamus.

In the hypothalamus, this small area The brain contains more than 150 nerve nuclei, which have numerous connections both with the cerebral cortex and with other parts of the brain. This allows the hypothalamus to play a key role in regulating basic life processes and maintaining homeostasis.

In the hypothalamus, nerve impulses are switched to endocrine-humoral regulatory mechanisms; This is how the close connection between nervous and endocrine-humoral regulation is manifested. There are modified nerve cells that produce neurosecretion. They are distinguished, in particular, by their large size compared to ordinary neurons. The neurosecretion enters small blood capillaries and then through the portal vein system into the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

Changes in physical and chemical processes in cells can affect various forms of activity of the whole organism, especially if these changes affect structures related to the regulation of the function of the whole organism.

From the above very brief consideration of the structure and functioning of the human body from an electrical point of view, it is clear that the main processes in the human body are associated with electrical (biological) currents, electrically charged positive and negative ions. The nervous system controls almost all processes in the human body. And it is a system of electric currents, electric potentials, electric charges. After such an analysis, it becomes obvious that the human body cannot but be influenced by an external magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation in general.

We have considered only general aspects of the impact of a magnetic field on humans. Not all of them have currently been studied equally fully. There is a large literature on this issue, and those interested will be able to refer to it. Many books have been written about both space and its influence on humans, and even more scientific articles, not always accessible to a wide readership.

When we began writing this book, we pursued several goals. The main one is to show once again that everything in nature is interconnected. Almost any action has an impact on all parts of our universe, only the degree of this influence varies. We are in our own Everyday life, as a rule, we take into account only a very limited set of factors acting on it. This is atmospheric pressure, air temperature, and sometimes also the presence of stressful situations. Rarely do any of us connect our condition with the fact that a global magnetic storm is occurring, that two or three days ago there was a chromospheric flare on the Sun, that colossal electric currents are flowing above us, etc. Currently, various medical research centers have already accumulated huge material showing that our health greatly depends on cosmic factors. Unfavorable periods for us can be predicted and appropriate measures can be taken at this time to protect ourselves from their influence. What are these measures? Of course, they are different for different patients, but their essence is to help a person endure the hardships associated with bad space weather.

Forecasts of solar and geomagnetic storms are currently being compiled in different countries of the world, and they are successfully used in solving various issues that are related to the state of the ionosphere and near-Earth space, in particular issues related to the propagation of radio waves. There are forecasts of various lead times - long-term and short-term. Both are sent to interested organizations, and operational telegraph communication is widely used. In the near future, based on these forecasts, medical forecasts will be compiled, from which it will follow what changes in health can be expected as a result of solar storms. The medical prognosis will be promptly communicated to everyone, including local doctors. They are called upon to help their patients endure the consequences of magnetic storms with minimal trouble.

But for this, a lot still needs to be done. First of all, it’s good to imagine the problem. And this will be helped by a book that gives a picture of the physical processes in space and their impact on health.

admin - Mon, 30/11/2009 - 10:41

We have to consider how a magnetic field can influence the human body, what are the possible ways (mechanisms) of this influence. To do this, we need to understand what role electricity and magnetism play in the life of the body. After all, an external magnetic field can act either on electric currents and electric charges, or on magnets present in the human body.

Let's consider how the human body works from this point of view, namely: what role electric currents and charges, as well as magnetic fields, play in its life.

The fact that in the human, as in any living organism, there are electric currents, called biocurrents (i.e., electric currents in biological systems), has been known for a long time. These currents, like any electric currents, represent the ordered movement of electrical charges, and in this sense they are no different from the current in the electrical network. The role of biocurrents in the functioning of the human body is very great.

The role of electrical charges (electrons and ions) in the functioning of the body is also very important. They are regulators in the passages of cell membranes leading from the cell to the outside and from the outside into the cell, thus determining all the basic processes of the cell's life.

In addition to electric currents and electric charges, there are small magnets in a living organism. These are molecules of body tissues, primarily water molecules. It is known that two magnets interact with each other. That is why the magnetic needle in the field of another magnet - the Earth - turns its southern end towards the north of the earth's magnet. Likewise, small magnets in the body - molecules - are capable of rotating under the influence of an external magnet. An external magnetic field will orient molecules in a certain way, and this will affect the functioning of the body. In a living organism there are huge molecules consisting of thousands and millions of ordinary molecules. The properties of these macromolecules also depend on how they are oriented in space. This determines their performance of certain functions in the body. If such macromolecules have a magnetic moment (i.e. are magnets), such as DNA molecules, then under the influence of a change in the Earth’s magnetic field or any other external magnetic field, the molecules will be oriented differently than in the absence of this field. Since they deviate from the desired direction, they can no longer perform their functions normally. The human body suffers from this.

The circulatory system is a system that conducts electric current, i.e. it is a conductor. It is known from physics that if a conductor is moved in a magnetic field, then an electric current arises in this conductor. A current also occurs if the conductor is stationary, and the magnetic field in which it is located changes over time. This means that when moving in a magnetic field, in addition to useful biocurrents in the human body (and any animal), additional electrical currents arise that affect the normal functioning of the body itself. When a bird is in flight and crosses magnetic field lines, electric currents arise in its circulatory system, which depend on the direction of its movement relative to the direction of the magnetic field. Thus, birds navigate in space thanks to the Earth’s magnetic field. When there is a magnetic storm, the magnetic field changes over time, and this will cause biocurrents in the body.

If we use the terminology of radio amateurs, we can say that electrical currents are generated in the human body. Radio amateurs and radio specialists know the secrets of eliminating these interferences on radio circuits, because only by eliminating these interferences can normal operation of the radio equipment be achieved.

The human body, which in terms of complexity cannot be compared with any of the most complex radio circuits, is not protected by anyone from the interference that arises in it during solar and magnetic storms.

A. L. Chizhevsky wrote in 1936: “Now we are faced with another question: how to protect a person from the deadly influence of the environment if it is associated with atmospheric electricity and electromagnetic radiation? How to protect a sick person going through the process of illness? After all, it is clear that if the crisis passes safely - and the crisis sometimes lasts only a day or two, a person will live for decades more... Yes, physics knows ways to protect a person from such harmful influences of the Sun or similar ones, no matter where they come from. The savior here is metal...”

A.L. Chizhevsky, proposing to place patients during periods of solar storms in wards shielded with metal sheets, further writes: “Such a ward should be covered on all six sides with a layer of metal of appropriate thickness and appropriate impermeability without a single hole. The entrance and exit from it must ensure that harmful radiation does not penetrate inside, which is easily achieved by a well-armored front with two doors. The restroom must also be armored on all sides and adjacent closely to the armored ward...”

But in real conditions, patients remain unprotected during periods of solar and magnetic storms. Is it any wonder that the number of heart attacks during these periods increases several times, the number of cases of sudden death increases several times, the incidence of glaucoma increases, etc., etc.

Now let's look specifically at how the main parts of the human body are built and function from an electrical point of view. Let's start with the cell. All living organisms are made up of cells and have a lot in common, since their cells are structured the same. Cells are capable of multiplying, changing, and responding to external stimuli.

The structure of the cell is very clearly and accessiblely described by E. A. Liberman in his “Living Cell” (M., Nauka, 1982). We will follow this description. Let's imagine the cell in the form of a medieval city-state.

The outer border of this city (cell) is surrounded by a fortress wall, which keeps the inhabitants within the city walls and allows them in and out of the city only with a certain password. This city wall is the membrane of a cell. The functions of cell membranes are very serious; a lot in the body depends on them. Currently, a whole science has been formed that studies cell membranes - membranology. Let us next consider the internal structure of the cell. Inside this cell city there is a palace from which all orders come to the inhabitants of the city. The palace (the core of the cell) is surrounded by a second fortress wall.

If you look at the city (cage) from a bird's eye view, you can see separate groups of buildings that are surrounded by fortress walls. They house institutions with their own special functions. These groups of buildings are also surrounded by fortress walls. But these walls do not serve as protection from an external enemy located outside the city (the cell); they contain the inhabitants of the institutions themselves within their boundaries. For example, a cell has colonies surrounded by a double membrane (wall) called lysosomes. If lysosomes get outside the boundaries of their institution, then like crazy they will begin to destroy all the substances that make up the cell that come their way. After a short time, they are able to destroy the entire cell.

Why does the cell need these lysosomes, which are contained in special insulators behind a double fortress wall - a double membrane? They are needed in case you need to remove unnecessary, decaying substances in the cell. Then, on command from the palace (core), they do this. Often these bubbles in the cell are called "scavengers". But if for some reason the membrane holding them back is destroyed, these “scavengers” can turn into “gravediggers” for the entire cell. Such a destroyer of the membranes that restrain lysosomes can be a magnetic field. Under its action, the membranes are destroyed and lysosomes gain freedom of action. There are other factors that can destroy these membranes. But we will not consider them here. Let us only point out that if lysosomes destroy the cells of malignant tumors, then in this case they can be called orderlies.

The entire administrative apparatus is located in the palace (the core of the cell), which occupies a third of the entire city (cell). This is mainly the famous DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). It is designed to store and transmit information during cell division. The nucleus also contains a significant amount of basic proteins - histones and some RNA (ribonucleic acid).

Cells work, build, multiply. It takes energy. The cell itself produces the energy it needs. There are energy stations in the cell. These stations occupy an area 50 - 100 times smaller than the area of ​​the palace buildings, i.e., the core of the cell. The power stations are also surrounded by a double fortress wall. But it is not only intended to limit the station, but is also an integral part of it. Therefore, the design of the walls corresponds to the technological process of energy production.

Cells receive energy from the cellular respiration system. It is released as a result of the breakdown of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids, which are obtained in the digestive tract and in the liver from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. But the most important supplier of energy in the cell is glucose.

It is clear how important energy production is in a cell. Let us say in advance that this process is also influenced by an external magnetic field. This happens primarily because the process of converting glucose into carbon dioxide (biological oxidation) takes place with the participation of electrically charged ions. The process, which occurs with the participation of electrons and ions, at its final stage forms water molecules. If for some reason there are no oxygen atoms at this final stage, then water will not be able to form. Hydrogen will remain free and accumulate in the form of ions. Then the entire process of biological oxidation will stop. This means that the operation of the power station will also cease, and an energy crisis will occur.

Interestingly, energy in the cell is produced in small portions - the process of glucose oxidation includes a total of up to 30 reactions. Each of these reactions releases a small amount of energy. Such a small “packaging” is very convenient for energy use. In this case, the cell has the opportunity to most rationally use the energy released in small portions for current needs, and the excess stored energy is deposited by the cell in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid). The energy stored by the cell in the form of ATP is a kind of emergency reserve, NS.

ATP is a complex compound whose molecule contains three phosphoric acid residues. The addition of each residue requires energy of about 800 calories. This process is called phosphorylation. Energy can be taken back from ATP by breaking down ATP into two other substances: ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and inorganic phosphate.

Similarly, when complex atomic nuclei are split, atomic energy is released. Of course, this analogy is not complete, since the hydrolysis (splitting) of ATP molecules leaves the atomic nuclei unchanged. The breakdown of ATP occurs in the presence of a special substance that is not involved in the reaction itself, but accelerates its progress and is called an enzyme by chemists. In this case, the enzyme is adenosine triphosphase (ATPase). This substance comes in various forms and is found everywhere where reactions involving energy consumption take place.

ATP is a universal form of energy storage. It is used not only by all animal cells, but also by plant cells.

ATP is formed in the process of biological oxidation from the same substances into which it is broken down during phosphorylation, namely: inorganic phosphate and ADP. Therefore, in order for biological oxidation to occur, the presence of ADP and inorganic phosphate at all stages of this process is necessary, which are continuously consumed as the oxidation process proceeds, since they form a supply of energy in the form of ATP.

The process of oxidative phosphorylation occurs simultaneously with biological oxidation. Both of these processes are closely related to each other, and the entire technology for obtaining energy in cells is connected with them. The coupling of these processes is the key to the existence and functioning of the cell. In a cell, under the influence of any internal or external causes, oxidation can continue regardless of phosphorylation. The process of energy production turns out to be independent, unrelated to the process of its release. Normal functioning and even the existence of the cell is impossible.

The described process of production and consumption of energy by a cell is an electrical process at all its stages. It is based on reactions involving electrically charged particles - electrons and ions. A magnetic field of any origin acts on electrical charges and in this way can influence this process of production and expenditure of energy by cells. This means that the energy stations of the cell are poorly protected from the action of an external magnetic field, despite the double fortress wall surrounding them.

Currently, intensive research is being carried out in many scientific and medical centers on the influence of a magnetic field on the process of biological oxidation and phosphorylation (i.e., the production of energy by a cell and its consumption) and it has been shown that a magnetic field can uncouple this process and thereby lead the cell to death.

Some medications, antibiotics, poisons, as well as the thyroid hormone thyroxine have the same uncoupling effect.

We said above that entry into and exit from a cell is regulated by electricity. Let us consider this in more detail, since this process is also influenced by the magnetic field. The cell's fortress wall - a membrane - is built with two bricks. The bricks are phospholipid molecules that form a thin film that is in constant motion. Protein molecules are adjacent to this wall on both sides (inside and outside). We can say that it is lined with protein molecules. Protein molecules are not tightly packed, but form a relatively sparse pattern. This pattern is the same in all cells of homogeneous tissue, say liver tissue. Kidney cells have a different pattern, etc. For this reason, dissimilar cells do not stick together. Through the pores present in the pattern of protein molecules, large molecules can penetrate into the cell and can dissolve in the fats that make up the wall.

Proteins are produced inside the cell. Therefore, they are present outside the cell if there are passages in the wall itself (and not in the protein pattern). Protein molecules make their way out through them. These passages are very small. Their size is the same as the size of atoms and molecules. These passages, or pores as they are called, serve to remove unnecessary molecules and ions from the cell. They resemble tunnels; their length is 10 times their width. There are few such passages in the cell membrane; in some cells they occupy only one millionth of the entire surface of the membrane. These passages are designed in such a way that they are able to pass some molecules and ions and retain others. The password is the size of molecules and ions, and for ions also their electrical charge. The fact is that the membrane itself is under voltage, as if an electric battery is connected to it with the minus on the inner side of the membrane, and the plus on its outer, outer side. What is this battery? It is created by electrical charges carried by potassium ions and sodium ions dissolved in water and located on both sides of the membrane. If anywhere in a solution there is an equal number of positive and negative electric charges, then the total electric charge is zero and the electric potential is also zero. This means the battery is not charged. In order for it to charge, it is necessary to collect more positively charged ions in one place, and more negatively charged ions in another place. These places are nothing more than the poles of the battery - plus and minus. How is this battery created and functions in a cell?

The aqueous solution contains potassium ions and sodium ions on both sides of the membrane, with the interior of the cells containing mainly potassium and the extracellular fluid containing sodium. Potassium ions are much smaller than sodium ions, so they pass through passages in the membrane to the outside more easily than sodium ions into the cell. And since the same number of negative charges remains inside the cell as potassium ions have accumulated on the outside of the membrane, an electric field is created in the membrane. The electric field that arises as a result of the difference in potassium concentration inside and outside the cell maintains a potential difference that does not change with the movement of sodium ions, since the permeability of the membrane for them is negligible. The electric field increases the flow of potassium into the cell and decreases the flow out. When the same amount of potassium ions passes into the cell as goes out, a dynamic equilibrium will occur, as a result of which there is a plus on the outside of the cell and a minus on the inner wall of the membrane. If a cell receives a pulse of electric current (i.e., biocurrent) as a result of external irritation, then the membrane for a short time becomes more permeable to sodium ions, therefore sodium ions, the content of which in the extracellular space is 100 times greater than potassium ions, rush through passages in the membrane into the cell or, say, nerve fiber, as a result of which the charge of the membrane changes, i.e., during excitation, the poles of the batteries change places; where there was a minus, it became a plus, and vice versa. Some time after the cessation of the stimulus, the permeability of the membrane for potassium ions increases again (as before the stimulus), and for sodium ions it decreases. This leads to a rapid restoration of the electrical potential that was on the membrane before the action of the stimulus.

The main conclusion for us from all that has been said is that the passages (pores) in the membranes through which the cell exchanges with the outside “world” change under the influence of electrical (biological) currents, and they allow ions to pass through differently depending on the magnitude these currents. We have already said more than once that a magnetic field can act on electric currents and on the movement of electric charges (ions). This means that it is easy to understand that this process of communication between the cell and the outside world is significantly influenced by the magnetic field. It can disrupt the flow of this communication and disrupt the conditions of existence and functioning of the cell.

The process described above is part of the work of the nervous system and underlies nervous excitation, which in its physical essence is an electrical process.

Let's take a brief look at how the nervous system works. The main unit of the nervous system is the nerve cell - neuron. It consists of a body and processes. The many nerve processes emanating from the cell are short and are called dendrites, and one process, as a rule, is long and is called an axon. The axon is filled with a gelatinous fluid that is constantly created in the cell and slowly moves along the fiber. Many lateral filaments extend from the main trunk of the axon, which, together with the filaments of neighboring neurons, form complex networks. These filaments perform communication functions, just like dendrites. The axons of nerve cells are collected into nerve fibers through which electrical (biological) currents flow. These electrical impulses are transmitted over long distances. For example, the axons of the motor cells of the cerebral cortex have a length of about 1 m. The speed of propagation of electric current along the nerve fiber depends on the cross-section of the conductor (i.e., nerve fiber) and on the sheath. The thinner the nerve fiber, the lower the speed at which the electrical impulse travels through it. Electricians use cables of different sections, with different insulation and other parameters for different purposes. The body also has various nerve fibers, since for normal functioning of the body it is necessary to transmit electrical impulses in different parts of the nervous system at different speeds. There are thick nerve conductors (type A) with a diameter of 16 - 20 microns, along which sensory and motor impulses travel at a speed of 50 - 140 m/s. They are enclosed in a sheath called myelin. These are fibers of somatic nerves that provide the body with immediate adaptation to external conditions, in particular rapid motor reactions.

In addition to this type, the body has thinner fibers with a diameter of 5 - 12 microns, which are also covered with myelin (type B), but with a thinner layer. Electric current passes through these fibers at a lower speed - 10 - 35 m/s. These fibers provide sensitive innervation to internal organs and are called visceral.

There are also even thinner nerve fibers (about 2 microns, type C) that do not have a sheath, that is, they are not cables, but bare wires. They conduct electrical impulses at a speed of only 0.6 - 2 m/s and connect the nerve cells of the sympathetic ganglia with internal organs, blood vessels, and the heart.

What is the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber? It is formed by special cells in such a way that these cells wrap themselves repeatedly around the nerve fiber and form a kind of coupling. In these places, the contents of the cell are squeezed out. The adjacent section of the nerve fiber (axon) is isolated in the same way, but by a different cell, so the myelin sheath is systematically interrupted; between adjacent couplings the axon itself has no insulation and its membrane is in contact with the external environment. These areas between the couplings are called nodes of Ranvier (named after the scientist who described them). They play an extremely important role in the process of passing an electrical impulse along a nerve fiber.

Nerve fibers form frequent connections with each other, as a result of which any nerve fiber has connections with many other fibers. This entire complex system of interconnected nerve fibers is designed for the perception, processing and transmission of information by nerve cells. A magnetic field acts on electric currents. More precisely, an external magnetic field interacts with the magnetic field of an electric (biological) current. In this way, the magnetic field interferes with the functioning of the nerve cell.

Let us remember how the influence of magnetic storms on patients suffering from cardiovascular and other diseases was first discovered. In 1915 - 1919 French doctors have repeatedly observed that patients suffering from intermittent pain (rheumatism, diseases of the nervous system, heart, stomach and intestinal diseases) experienced attacks of pain at the same time, regardless of the conditions in which they lived. It was found that attacks of neuralgia and angina pectoris in a wide variety of patients coincided in time with an accuracy of two to three days. Similar series have been observed in a number of accidents.

The attending physicians, who discovered these facts completely by accident, noticed that telephone communications during these periods also began to function intermittently or even stopped working altogether for several hours. At the same time, no damage was observed in the telephone sets and their correct operation was restored by itself after these periods, without the intervention of a human hand. It turned out to be amazing that the days of disturbances in the operation of telephones coincided with the above-mentioned deteriorations in the course of various diseases. The simultaneous disruption of electrical equipment and physiological mechanisms in the human body was caused by increased solar activity and associated solar storms. In 84% of all cases, exacerbations of various symptoms of chronic diseases and the occurrence of severe or exceptional complications during their course coincided with the passage of sunspots through the central meridian of the Sun, i.e., at the time when the probability of magnetic storms is maximum.

If telephone communications fail during magnetic storms, then is it any wonder that the human body, which is a system of electrical currents and electrical potentials, refuses to work normally in conditions of a magnetic storm. Currently, in mid-latitudes (where the effect of magnetic storms is less than in high latitudes), telephone communications do not fail during magnetic storms. They learned how to make a telephone network with a sufficient margin of safety. Over the past decades, nothing has been offered to man to protect his body from solar and magnetic storms.

Now let's return to consideration of the nervous system.

What is a nerve impulse? A nerve impulse is an electrical current created by the potential difference between the inner part of the nerve fiber and its outer part, i.e. the environment. We have already discussed above where the potential difference between the inner and outer walls of the cell membrane comes from. Sodium ions and potassium ions are found in an aqueous solution, and water molecules carry both a positive and negative electrical charge. Electric charges interact with each other: like electric charges repel, and unlike ones attract. Therefore, the negatively charged ends of water molecules are attracted by positive ions of potassium, sodium, calcium, etc., forming a shell on them, like a fur coat. These ions move together with a shell of water molecules oriented in a certain way. The greater the electrical charge of an ion, the more water molecules it can bind. This means that such an ion forms the largest water coat (shell). The smallest water coat is for potassium ions and much larger for sodium ions.

If a battery is short-circuited with a wire, it will run out very quickly, its potential will disappear and it will be unable to produce electric current. The potassium and sodium ion battery is also shorted. Why doesn't she sit down? At first glance, it should “sit down”, because, as the number of positive electrical charges increases in one place, and negative ones in another place, forces arise that tend to return everything to the original uniform distribution of ions in the water. In order to prevent this from happening, that is, to prevent the battery from running out, it is necessary to forcibly maintain a difference in ion concentrations on different sides of the cell membrane, and therefore a difference in electrical potential, i.e., the ability to create an electric current. This means that ions must be forcibly pumped out. This function is performed by special cell mechanisms located in the membrane - “ion pumps”. They force the ions to move in the direction opposite to that in which the force is pushing them, trying to align everything. How are these pumps constructed? It has been established that the flows of potassium ions in both directions (outside and inside the cell) are approximately equal. This is explained by the fact that for potassium ions the difference in electrochemical potentials between the cell and the environment is very small. The situation is different with sodium ions. Here the electrical and diffusion forces are directed in one direction, and their actions add up. Therefore, the electrochemical potential difference for sodium is greater than for potassium.

The ion pump that pumps out the ions must do a certain amount of work. And work requires energy. Where does it come from?

The source of this energy is the already familiar ATP. Energy is released from it with the participation of the enzyme transport ATPase (adenosine trinophosphatase); Interestingly, the activity of the enzyme increases in the presence of sodium and potassium ions, which is why it is called a “sodium and potassium dependent ATPase.” This ATPase breaks down ATP by preliminary phosphorylation, which is stimulated by intracellular sodium ions, and subsequent dephosphorylation in the presence of extracellular potassium ions. This is precisely the way that sodium ions move in the direction where there are more of them, i.e., against the force tending to equalize their concentration. The pump that pumps out sodium ions is designed so simply and wisely.

How do nerve impulses work? The nerve impulse enters the nerve fiber at the excited node of Ranvier and exits through the non-excited node. If the output current exceeds a certain minimum (threshold) value, then the interception is excited and sends a new electrical impulse along the fiber. Thus, nodes of Ranvier are generators of electrical current pulses. They play the role of intermediate amplification stations. Each subsequent generator is excited by a current pulse that spreads from the previous interception and sends a new pulse further.

The nodes of Ranvier significantly accelerate the propagation of nerve impulses. In those nerve fibers that do not have a myelin sheath, the propagation of the nerve impulse occurs more slowly due to the high resistance to electric current.

From all that has been said above, it is clear that the driving forces of the nerve electrical impulse are provided by the difference in ion concentrations. Electric current is generated due to selective and sequential changes in the permeability of the membrane to sodium and potassium ions, as well as due to energy processes.

Let us note one more circumstance. Cells are excited only in an environment in which calcium ions are present. The magnitude of the nerve electrical impulse and especially the size of the passage of the pore in the membrane depends on the concentration of calcium ions. The fewer calcium ions, the lower the excitation threshold. And when there is very little calcium in the environment surrounding the cell, the generation of electrical impulses begins to cause minor changes in voltage on the membrane, which can arise as a result of thermal noise. This, of course, cannot be considered normal.

If calcium ions are completely removed from the solution, the ability of the nerve fiber to excite is lost. However, the potassium concentration does not change. Consequently, calcium ions provide the membrane with selective permeability to sodium ions and potassium ions. Perhaps this happens in such a way that calcium ions close the pores for sodium ions. In this case, small potassium ions pass through other pores or penetrate near the calcium ions (between the “gate leaves”). The higher the calcium concentration, the more pores closed to sodium and the higher the excitation threshold.

Let's continue our consideration of the nervous system. It consists of the autonomic department, which is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic, and somatic. The latter is divided into peripheral (nerve receptors and nerves) and central (brain and spinal cord).

The brain is anatomically divided into five sections: the forebrain with the cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon, the midbrain, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata with the pons.

The most important part of the central nervous system is the forebrain with the cerebral hemispheres. The layer of gray matter covering the cerebral hemispheres is made up of cells and forms the cortex, the most complex and sophisticated part of the brain.

In the thickness of the brain there are also clusters of nerve cells called subcortical centers. Their activities are associated with individual functions of our body. The white matter of brain tissue consists of a dense network of nerve fibers that unite and connect various centers, as well as nerve pathways that leave and enter the cells of the cortex. The cerebral cortex forms deep grooves and intricate convolutions. Each hemisphere is divided into sections called lobes - frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal.

The cerebral cortex is connected by nerve pathways to all underlying parts of the central nervous system, and through them to all organs of the body. Impulses arriving from the periphery reach one or another point in the cerebral cortex. In the cortex, information coming from the periphery through various pathways is assessed, compared with previous experience, a decision is made, and actions are dictated.

The cerebral cortex plays a major role in the perception and awareness of pain. It is in the cortex that the sensation of pain is formed.

All organs and tissues, even individual cells of a living organism, are equipped with special devices that perceive irritations emanating from both the external and internal environment. They are called receptors and are distinguished by a wide variety of structures, which reflects the variety of their functions. The irritations they perceive are transmitted along sensitive (afferent) conductors in the somatic nerves and dorsal roots to the spinal cord, which is the main cable of the body. Along the ascending tracts of the spinal cord, nervous excitation enters the brain, and through the descending tracts, commands are sent to the periphery. Motor (efferent) nerve conductors, as a rule, reach organs as part of the same somatic nerves along which the sensory conductors travel. The inner part of the spinal cord contains numerous nerve cell bodies that form a butterfly-shaped (in cross section) gray matter. Around it are located the rays and cords, which make up a powerful system of ascending and descending pathways.

In addition to somatic nerves, effector pathways (i.e., conducting instructions from the center to the periphery) run along the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. In this case, the sympathetic nerve cells, the axons of which form these nerves, are grouped in sympathetic ganglia, or nodes, located along the spine on both sides in the form of chains. Parasympathetic neurons form nodes in the organs they innervate or close to them (intestines, heart, etc.) and are called intramural. The dependence of the activity of one or another internal organ on the state of the brain is well known. During excitement and with just the memory of something pleasant or unpleasant, the heart beats differently, breathing changes. Severe or repeated anxiety can cause indigestion, pain, etc.

An important stage in the development of the idea of ​​the role of subcortical structures in the regulation of behavior and other functions was the discovery of the physiological properties of the reticular formation of the brain. Thanks to this system, the main information center of the brain - the visual thalamus, or thalamus - is connected with all other parts and with the cerebral cortex. The thalamus is the most massive and complex subcortical formation of the cerebral hemispheres, which receives many impulses. Here they are filtered, as it were, and only a small part of them enters the cortex. Most impulses are responded to by the thalamus itself, often through centers located underneath it, called the hypothalamus, or hypothalamus.

In the hypothalamus, this small area of ​​the brain, more than 150 nerve nuclei are concentrated, having numerous connections both with the cerebral cortex and with other parts of the brain. This allows the hypothalamus to play a key role in regulating basic life processes and maintaining homeostasis.

In the hypothalamus, nerve impulses are switched to endocrine-humoral regulatory mechanisms; This is how the close connection between nervous and endocrine-humoral regulation is manifested. There are modified nerve cells that produce neurosecretion. They are distinguished, in particular, by their large size compared to ordinary neurons. The neurosecretion enters small blood capillaries and then through the portal vein system into the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

Changes in physical and chemical processes in cells can affect various forms of activity of the whole organism, especially if these changes affect structures related to the regulation of the function of the whole organism.

From the above very brief consideration of the structure and functioning of the human body from an electrical point of view, it is clear that the main processes in the human body are associated with electrical (biological) currents, electrically charged positive and negative ions. The nervous system controls almost all processes in the human body. And it is a system of electric currents, electric potentials, electric charges. After such an analysis, it becomes obvious that the human body cannot but be influenced by an external magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation in general.

We have considered only general aspects of the impact of a magnetic field on humans. Not all of them have currently been studied equally fully. There is a large literature on this issue, and those interested will be able to refer to it. Many books and even more scientific articles have been written about both space and its influence on humans, which are not always accessible to a wide readership.

When we began writing this book, we pursued several goals. The main one is to show once again that everything in nature is interconnected. Almost any action has an impact on all parts of our universe, only the degree of this influence varies. In our daily lives, as a rule, we take into account only a very limited set of factors affecting it. This is atmospheric pressure, air temperature, and sometimes also the presence of stressful situations. Rarely do any of us connect our condition with the fact that a global magnetic storm is occurring, that two or three days ago there was a chromospheric flare on the Sun, that colossal electric currents are flowing above us, etc. Currently, various medical research centers have already accumulated huge material showing that our health greatly depends on cosmic factors. Unfavorable periods for us can be predicted and appropriate measures can be taken at this time to protect ourselves from their influence. What are these measures? Of course, they are different for different patients, but their essence is to help a person endure the hardships associated with bad space weather.

Forecasts of solar and geomagnetic storms are currently being compiled in different countries of the world, and they are successfully used in solving various issues that are related to the state of the ionosphere and near-Earth space, in particular issues related to the propagation of radio waves. There are forecasts of various lead times - long-term and short-term. Both are sent to interested organizations, and operational telegraph communication is widely used. In the near future, based on these forecasts, medical forecasts will be compiled, from which it will follow what changes in health can be expected as a result of solar storms. The medical prognosis will be promptly communicated to everyone, including local doctors. They are called upon to help their patients endure the consequences of magnetic storms with minimal trouble.

But for this, a lot still needs to be done. First of all, it’s good to imagine the problem. And this will be helped by a book that gives a picture of the physical processes in space and their impact on health.

5. "Waves of Death"

By the way, living electricity is the cause of many very strange phenomena that science is still unable to explain. Perhaps the most famous of them is the “death wave,” the discovery of which led to a new stage of debate about the existence of the soul and the nature of the “near-death experience” that people who have experienced clinical death sometimes report.

In 2009, in one of the American hospitals, encephalograms were taken from nine dying people who at that time could no longer be saved. The experiment was conducted to resolve a long-standing ethical dispute about when a person is truly dead. The results were sensational - after death, the brain of all subjects, which should have already been killed, literally exploded - incredibly powerful bursts of electrical impulses arose in it, which had never been observed in a living person. They occurred two to three minutes after cardiac arrest and lasted approximately three minutes. Previously, similar experiments were carried out on rats, in which the same thing began a minute after death and lasted 10 seconds. Scientists have fatalistically dubbed this phenomenon a “wave of death.”

The scientific explanation for “waves of death” has raised many ethical questions. According to one of the experimenters, Dr. Lakhmir Chawla, such bursts of brain activity are explained by the fact that, from a lack of oxygen, neurons lose electrical potential and discharge, emitting impulses “avalanche-like.” “Living” neurons are constantly under a small negative voltage - 70 minivolts, which is maintained by getting rid of positive ions that remain outside. After death, the balance is disrupted, and neurons quickly change polarity from “minus” to “plus.” Hence the “wave of death.”

If this theory is correct, the “death wave” on the encephalogram draws that elusive line between life and death. After it, the functioning of the neuron cannot be restored; the body will no longer be able to receive electrical impulses. In other words, there is no longer any point in doctors fighting for a person’s life.

But what if you look at the problem from the other side. Suggest that the “death wave” is the brain’s last attempt to give the heart an electrical discharge to restore its functioning. In this case, during the “wave of death” you should not fold your arms, but rather use this chance to save lives. This is what resuscitation doctor Lance-Becker from the University of Pennsylvania says, pointing out that there have been cases when a person “came to life” after a “wave,” which means that a bright surge of electrical impulses in the human body, and then a decline, cannot yet be considered the last threshold.

Cyborgs - they have filled the entire planet...

1. Man is an electrical system. There are certain laws that govern the movement of electric current inside the human body. The human and animal body are electrical systems where there is an electricity generator, conductors (peripheral nervous system), objects of partial absorption of biocurrents (internal organs) and objects of complete absorption of biocurrents (acupuncture points).
The animal’s body has its own “power plants” (brain, heart, retina, inner ear, taste buds, etc.), “power lines” (nerve branches of varying thickness), “consumers” of biocurrents (brain, heart, lungs , liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands, muscles, etc.) and absorbers of ballast electricity (in the form of biologically active points located under the skin).

If we consider the human body from a “technical” point of view, then Human is autonomous self-regulating electrical system .
Physics names three main components of an electrical circuit: electric current manufacturer(generator), power transmission system(current conductors) and consumer(absorber) of electricity. For example, a power plant generates electric current, a power transmission line (PTL) transmits electricity over long distances to the consumer (plant, factory, residential buildings etc.). It is known from the physics of electricity that electric current will flow in a circuit only if there is an excess of electrons at one end of the conductor and a deficiency at the other end. Electric current moves from a positive electric charge to a negative one. Conditions for the movement of electric current will not arise until a potential difference.

An electricity generator creates an excess of electrons in one place, and electricity consumers act as continuous electron sinks. If consumers of electricity did not absorb electrons, but gradually accumulated them, then over time their potential would become equal to the electrical potential of the generator, and then the movement of electricity in the circuit would stop. That's why first law of electrophysics can be formulated as follows: for the movement of electric currents in a circuit, the presence of three components
- in the form of a generator (electric plus) that produces electrons,
- a current conductor that transfers electrons from one place to another,
- and a consumer of electricity (electrical minus), which absorbs electrons.

It is well known that thanks to the biocurrent moving through the nervous tissues, intestinal peristalsis, contraction of the muscular tissue of the heart, and the work of the muscular-articular apparatus (thanks to which a person walks and performs labor activities) occur. Thinking and manifestation emotions is also carried out due to the movement of biocurrents through the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex. The flow of biocurrents along the nerve trunks to the speech apparatus makes it possible for people to communicate with each other. Bioimpulses emanating from the brain regulate the synthesis of proteins in the liver, hormones in the endocrine glands, affect the excretory function of the kidneys, and establish the frequency of respiratory movements. A person as a whole should be perceived as a complex electrical (cybernetic) system that is capable of mental and physical activity and reproduction. Of course, the “electrical” structure of a living organism is much more complex than a banal electrical circuit. But general principles their activities are the same.

2. About the electricity generators of the human body. Animal organisms have two kinds electricity generators: internal and external. The internal ones include the brain and heart, and the external five senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch).
In the brain biocurrents are produced in the place where the reticuloendothelial formation is located. From the brain, biocurrents enter the spinal cord, and from there along the nerve plexuses they are sent to all organs and tissues. Next, very small nerves penetrate into all organs of the chest and abdominal cavity, into bones, muscles, blood vessels, ligaments of the torso and limbs. Nervous tissues are specific conductors of biocurrents. In the form of a thin mesh, they penetrate all organs and tissues of the body. At the end of their path, biocurrents leave the nerve endings and pass into the intercellular space of nonspecific conductors of electricity in internal organs, muscles, blood vessels, skin, etc. All tissues of the human body consist of 95% water with salts dissolved in it. Therefore, living tissues are excellent conductors of electricity.

In heartbiocurrents are generated in the synatrial node. From it, a concentrated flow of electrons passes through the Hiss bundle, the nerve branches of which end in Purkinje cells, diffusely located in the myocardium. Purkinje cells transmit bioimpulses to the muscle cells of the heart. Under the influence of bioimpulses, the heart muscle contracts. Next, the cardiac biocurrents leave the limits of concentration and “spread” throughout the body. Thanks to this, the electrocardiograph records the presence of biocurrents on the contact metal plates that come into contact with the skin of the chest, legs and arms.

Inside the eyethere is also a specific generator of biocurrents in the form of a retina. When light hits the retina, a stream of electrons is generated, which then travels along the optic nerve and is transmitted to the cerebral cortex. Thanks to the production of biocurrents by the retina of the eye, a person gets the opportunity to see the world. Vision provides more than 80% of information for humans.

Inner earis a generator of electrical impulses that arise when exposed to sound waves. Sensitive auditory cells of the organ of Corti are located on the main membrane of the inner ear (cochlea) and become excited when the main membrane vibrates. From the cochlea, biocurrents pass along the auditory nerve to the medulla oblongata, and then to the cerebral cortex.

Skin receptors perceive touch, pressure, painful stimulation, cold and heat. Histological examination revealed a large number of nerve endings in the skin in the form of brushes, baskets, rosettes, surrounded by a capsule. Tactile sensitivity is perceived by Merkel cells, Vater-Pacini cells and Meissner corpuscles. The free ends of the axial cylinders in the form of points and button-like thickenings perceive pain sensitivity. Krause's flasks, Meissner's and Ruffini's corpuscles perceive feelings of cold and heat. On 1 square centimeter of skin there are 200 pain receptors, 20 tactile, 12 cold and 2 heat. The impact of pressure, heat, cold, injection and other types of trauma on these skin receptors leads to the emergence of bioimpulses, which are transmitted along small and large nerve trunks to the spinal cord, then to the medulla oblongata and the cerebral cortex. Skin receptors are among the smallest generators of electricity in the human body.

Olfactory nerves originate on the so-called mitral cells of the olfactory bulb. Impact odorous substances on these cells leads to the emergence of bioimpulses. Olfactory nerve cells end in the piriform gyrus of the cerebral cortex.
Taste buds located on the tongue and represented by microscopic “taste buds”, which are combined into taste buds. When exposed to chemicals, the taste buds of the tongue produce a bioimpulse, i.e. taste buds play the role of electric current generators. Taste nerves belong to the fibers of the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Through them, bioimpulses pass to the thalamus and end in the guardian region of the cerebral cortex. Electric potentials arise in this area after irritation of taste buds by chemicals.
If all the electricity that is produced by the corresponding tissues throughout the day is taken as 100%, then 50% of this amount is produced by the heart, 40% by the brain, and only 10% by the senses (retina of the eye 7%, inner ear - 2%, and 1 % tactile, olfactory and taste receptors). Of course, if a person has suffered a severe injury, then pain receptors (tactile sensory organs) can produce up to 90% of the total number of bioimpulses generated by a person per day.

second law of bioelectrophysics: in the human body there are 7 biological generators of biocurrents. Physiological studies of nerve tissue have long established the fact of the existence of two different functional nerve cells: efferent and afferent. In the efferent electrical circuit, biocurrents spread from the center (brain) to the periphery (skin), passing through all internal organs and tissues. In afferent pathways, biocurrents spread from external generators of electricity (sense organs) to the central nervous system(first to the spinal cord, and then to the brain). This provision relates to the second law of bioelectrophysics.
3. The trajectory of movement of ballast (waste) electricity from the heart and brain. Now let us turn our attention to a phenomenon that has actually never been studied by the physiology of nervous tissue. Biocurrents are generated in a living organism for the purpose of transmitting information encoded in a sinusoidal electrical biopotential. They conduct biocurrents along efferent nerve cells, from the central nervous system to internal organs and tissues (and, ultimately, electricity flows to the skin). This could be an information command about increased intestinal motility, about the vomiting reaction, about an increase in the secretion of gastric juice, about a decrease in the secretion of hormonal substances, about the contraction of a certain muscle group, and so on. All internal organs and tissues “read” the information contained in the bioimpulse, react accordingly, and then this flow of biocurrents becomes unnecessary for the body and must be eliminated. Cells perceive the information of the bioimpulse, and after that they do not need its existence. Further, through the intercellular space, biocurrents enter the skin.

Interesting latest research author of the book. He found that a slow accumulation of “ ballast electrons "due to active mental activity. It causes " mental fatigue" person, inhibition of thinking and action, poor memory. In the brain, by the end of the day (before going to bed), about 15% of static, waste electricity is “stuck” inside the nerve tissue. Harmful static electricity leaves brain cells (for some reason) only at night, during sleep . During sleep, streams of static electrons “stuck” in the brain cells during the day rush to the acupuncture points of the head. The human body requires sleep because the brain must “discharge” the electrical charge accumulated in it, which (for some reason) leaves the brain cells and is destroyed by acupuncture points only during sleep. This fact indicates the imperfection of brain cells, since these cells, over the billions of years of their evolution, have not developed an electrical or biochemical mechanism for the complete, 100% removal of spent, “static” electrons from their body during the daytime, during wakefulness person. If such a mechanism existed, then sleep would not be necessary for people.

Heart, like brain, is also the strongest power plant our body, however, a stream of “previously stuck” electrons is not released from the nerve and muscle cells of the heart during sleep. This has been clearly established through experiments measuring the potentials emanating from the heart at night. Consequently, the nerve and muscle cells of the heart muscle do not accumulate ballast electricity within themselves, and all biocurrents are discharged beyond their limits into the intercellular space during daytime activity. Then we can say that the brain works during the day and rests at night (throws out harmful biocurrents from its cells), and the heart works both day and night! And one more conclusion can be drawn that the nerve cells of the human heart are more perfect than nerve cells in the brain. Consequently, the heart (as an organ) in all animals is an earlier and more perfect formation than the brain.

4. The trajectory of movement of ballast (waste) electricity from the five senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch). As already mentioned, there are also external current generators in the form of the five sense organs. They conduct biocurrents along afferent nerve cells from the surface of the body to the central nervous system. What is the fate of these biocurrents? Perhaps they are completely absorbed in the cerebral cortex without the formation of “slag” biocurrents? Neurophysiologists have conducted a large number of experiments on the study of electroencephalograms (EEG) under the influence of a flash of bright light (biocurrents from the eye were studied), strong sound (biocurrents from the inner ear were studied), odorous substances (biocurrents from olfactory cells were studied), chemical substances on the mucous membrane of the tongue (biocurrents were studied biocurrents from taste receptors) and pain symptoms (biocurrents from tactile receptors were studied). In all cases, the encephalograph noted multiple changes in biocurrents emanating from the brain to the scalp. It should be noted that the encephalograph perceives electrical impulses not from the deep areas of the brain, but from the skin of the head! Consequently, these experiments prove that bioimpulses from the sense organs enter the brain via afferent nerves, transmit information to the cerebral cortex, and then, in the form of ballast electricity, currents penetrate the surface of the skin through the bones of the skull and soft tissues of the head.

5. Currents tend to the “skin” periphery of the body. So, all organs and tissues absorb only 5% of the biocurrents that come to them, and 95% of the electrical potential becomes “unnecessary ballast” and it flows onto the skin at a speed of 200 meters per second. Why are all biocurrents (completely, 100%) not absorbed by the organ to which they are intended? Why do biocurrent generators generate an excessive amount of electricity, and not exactly as much as is required to transmit some information to the organ? Has nature really created a costly mechanism for supplying electricity to living organisms? The author provides answers to all these questions in the following paragraphs.
So, we can state the fact of the existence of a large amount of “ballast” electricity inside and on the surface of the human body. The constant supply of “waste” biocurrents to the surface of a living organism is third law of bioelectrophysics.
What makes all the biocurrents of the body end their movement on the skin of the body? The answer to this question is given by the following physical experiment.

6. Physical experiment. Now let's turn our attention to an experiment that is carried out in physics lessons with high school students. For the experiment, take a hollow metal ball with a thick wall (about a centimeter), which has a small round hole “in the bottom”.
(See Figure 1).
Using an ebonite stick, we charge the metal ball from the inside with static electricity, touching points D, E and K. Immediately after recharging, we use the device to measure the electrical potential at these points. To the great amazement of the students, the device shows the absence of electric potential on the inner surface of the ball (at points D, E and K). No matter how much we charge the inner surface of the ball, it always turns out to be electrically neutral. At the same time, the device detects the presence of a high electric potential on the outer surface of the ball, including at points A, B, C, despite the fact that the iron ball was not saturated with static electrons from the outer surface. Based on this experience, a very important conclusion can be drawn: when the internal “zone” of a body is saturated with electrical charges, the entire potential will quickly flow to the outer surface of the body. It is interesting to note that any attempts to direct at least part of the electric potential from the outer surface of the ball (from points A, B, C) to the inner surface (to points D, E, K) are not feasible.

Figure 1. Hollow metal ball.

Subject to this electrophysical law, the ballast electricity of the human body uncontrollably strives from the internal organs to the periphery of the body - to the skin! Next, endogenous electricity will “spread” over the entire surface of the skin, covering “the same number of electrons” with every square centimeter of the skin. If a figurine of a person is cast from metal with arms and legs moved to the side, then the tendency of electric charges to occupy the outermost surfaces will be expressed as follows. More than 80% of electrical charges are located on the feet, hands and scalp. Only 20% of the charges will remain on the torso (back, stomach), shoulders and hips. It can be assumed that due to the lower electrical conductivity of living tissues (compared to metal), the behavior of endogenous electricity will be somewhat different, but these differences will not be very pronounced.
From what has been said we can formulatefourth law of bioelectrophysics: free electrical charges always tend to quickly leave the internal “regions” of the metal conductor (internal organs and tissues of the human body), and tend to settle on the surface of the metal conductor (on the surface of a metal wire conducting electricity, on the skin). Electricians know well that electric current spreads through the very outer shell of an iron room, and a person who is inside an iron room will never be shocked by electricity. Throughout the life (of an animal or a person), there is a continuous flow of “waste” biocurrents from the internal environment of the body to its outer (peripheral) surface. If the skin did not carry out the process of recycling electric current, then every person would become a carrier of a strong charge of static electricity. However, the accumulation of electric charge on the surface of the body does not occur. By the way, there are animals that accumulate endogenous electricity on their surface and, when attacking another animal (or person), strike him with a fatal electric shock. This sea ​​fish: electric Stingray, electric eel and others.

6. Where is the electrical “plus” and where is the “minus” in the body? The great physiologist I.P. Pavlov argued that in the place where electricity arises (in the central nervous system), it is absorbed there. That is, he believed that in the central nervous system, as in an electric battery, there are tissues that produce electricity (generator, positive potential) and tissues that absorb electricity (minus potential). The movement of biocurrents is carried out in a circle: from the electricity generator, “from the plus” - to the efferent nerve fibers, after which they flow to the organ.

All biocurrents in this scheme do not go beyond the boundaries of the nervous tissues, do not leave the nerve cells, “armed” with reliable electrical insulation in the form of a fatty Schwann membrane. True, then the fate of the electricity generated in the heart becomes unclear. After all, cardiac biocurrents cannot get into the central nervous system in any way for their “liquidation.”

Unfortunately, the “Pavlovian reflex arc” is untenable. The Pavlovian reflex arc (more precisely, the Pavlovian ring) can explain the movement of biocurrents produced in the central nervous system, but it is impossible to explain the movement of biocurrents from the heart and five sense organs.

It does not provide an explanation to the question: why can all biocurrents be recorded on the surface of the skin?

Indeed, according to Pavlovian theory, biocurrents should not leave nerve fibers, which have excellent fatty insulators around their electrically conductive fiber. But why then do electrical devices determine the presence of electrical potentials on the surface of the skin coming from the heart (electrocardiogram, ECG) and from the brain (electroencephalogram, EEG)?

The actual distribution of biocurrents in the body of animals and humans has the form of movement in only one direction: either from the center to the periphery, or from the periphery to the center. Pavlov's theory ignores the physiological fact that efferent nerve cells have their own generator of biocurrents in the central nervous system and the heart, and their final path, which is interrupted in the depths of internal organs and tissues. Afferent nerve fibers have completely different energy generators on the surface of the body (skin, eye, tongue, nose, ear) in the 5 sense organs, and they are interrupted in the central nervous system.
From this it is clear that a closed cycle of movement of biocurrents does not exist in nature, and the theory of the reflex arc is subject to correction.
Modern views in electrophysiology refute the Pavlovian model of “electricity supply” to organs and tissues.
The difference between the mechanism of electricity absorption by industrial consumers (plants, factories, cities) and animal organisms is as follows: technical consumers of electricity act simultaneously as both a consumer and an absorber of electricity. In a living organism, these two functions are separated. The internal organs of the human body are consumers of bioimpulses, and the skin acts as electron absorbers (ballast, static biocurrents).
As my research shows, if an impulse is sent along a nerve towards some organ with a current strength that can be taken as 100%, then the organ absorbs no more than 5% of the electrical energy, and about 95% of the potential leaves the organ and quickly flows to the skin .

In electrical physics, every battery has a positive potential where electrons are abundant and a negative potential where electrons are absorbed. In the human body, an excess of electrons is created by biological current generators.

The localization of electricity generators inside the human body is well known to scientists. But the places where bioimpulses are absorbed have only now been established. It turns out that all the electrons that the body generates in its body after transmitting valuable information to the cells arrive at the periphery of the body through the intercellular space.
This is why the body needs to contain a solution of table salt (NaCl) in the blood and intercellular space.
This is why food without salt is “not tasty.”

By the end of the day (before going to bed), about 15% of the static electricity produced by the reticuloendothelial formation throughout the day gets stuck in the brain. Apparently, during work, hundreds of “programs” work autonomously in the human brain: memory, attention, intuition, tension in thinking, hearing, vision, and a system of a certain sequence of purposeful actions is developed. The operation of the entire “computer network of the brain” requires energy expenditure throughout the entire period of wakefulness. Only after a person has fallen asleep, the operational work of the “brain computer network” is turned off, and the biocurrents are “extinguished.” During sleep, the need for the “brain computer network” to operate disappears and the (now ballast, harmful, static) electricity leaves the brain cells.

Man has a far from ideal electrical system, despite 3 billion years of continuous evolution. Such wastefulness and imperfection of living tissues can be explained (or rather, justified) by the following reasons.
Firstly,an inadequately high electrical potential is generated by the body's power plants for the purpose of rapid passage of biocurrent from the initial nerve fiber through dozens of synaptic clefts and secondary nerve fibers to the innervated organ.

Secondly,The explanation for the production of an excessively large electrical potential in the human and animal body is that ballast electrons at acupuncture points, when “destructed,” give the body heat, that is, electrical energy does not disappear without a trace, but is converted into thermal energy. The author of this book came to this conclusion after experimentally measuring the temperature at acupuncture points. It turned out that at an ambient temperature of 18° Celsius, human skin has a maximum temperature of 36.6° - 36.8 ° exclusively and directly above the acupuncture points, and the skin around the point has a temperature lower by 0.5 - 2 degrees.

This proves the fact that acupuncture points participate in the process of generating heat for the body. After all, cooling of the body always begins from the periphery, from the skin. Nature “made sure” that heat generators are located at the very periphery of the body - in the skin. Animals 100 million years ago (including dinosaurs) had a mechanism for intensive cooling of the body through the evaporation of water from the skin, but did not have a mechanism for producing (generating) heat. Then the environment (ocean waters and atmospheric air) was excessively heated to 50 ° - 70 ° S. But already 100 million years ago, a slow cooling of the Earth’s surface began. Warm-blooded animals appeared on Earth about 70 million years ago, when rapid cooling of the planet's surface began. Complex biochemical mechanisms of endogenous (internal) heat formation have appeared inside animal organisms.

Thanks to long evolutionary processes, 1,700 acupuncture points began to generate heat, located evenly over the entire surface of human and animal skin. Those animals that were able to “acquire” their own heat generators 70 million years ago survived and continue to develop. All other animals, including large dinosaurs, died from the cold.

From what has been said we can formulate fifth law of bioelectrophysics: in the animal body there has been a separation of the process of consumption of biocurrents by organs from the process of their destruction on the surface of the skin. Excess electrical energy occurs inside electrical generators (heart, brain, 5 sense organs), all human organs and tissues consume biocurrents, and electrons are absorbed inside acupuncture points on the surface of the skin.

In addition, based on the above, we can formulate sixth bioelectrophysical law: all biocurrents produced in the human body are concentrated in the skin, where they are eliminated (utilized, absorbed) due to the specific activity of biologically active points.
Therefore, it would be more correct to call acupuncture points annihilation points, or electroabsorbing points.
It is interesting that ancient Chinese doctors completely correctly interpreted the functional activity of acupuncture points, giving them energetic significance. However, further explanations of ancient Chinese doctors do not agree with modern ones. scientific concepts and more like mysticism. In their opinion, acupuncture points are openings in the human body through which energy is exchanged with the environment and with space. Through these “windows in the body” and through needles inserted into the skin, energy “flies” into space when there is an excess of it in the body. If the body feels a lack of energy, then, thanks to treatment, it can be replenished, slowly “absorbing” into the body from outer space. Only through the windows in the human body (that is, through acupuncture points) do pathogenic climatic factors of the external environment (Wind, Heat, Cold, Moisture and Dryness) enter the body, and solely for this reason diseases arise in humans, since these “pathogens” violate energetic harmony in the body.

CONCLUSION. Now let's draw a general conclusion from what has been said. Man is a closed electrical system. Inside it, electrical currents of various frequencies are generated in 7 biological power plants: in the heart, in the brain and in the five senses. First, biocurrents through nerve cells carry information to specific cells of the human body, to organs and tissues. The human body absorbs only 5% total energy. At the final stage, the fate of 95% of the electricity is as follows. After transmitting information to the cells of the corresponding organs, electricity rushes through the intercellular space to the skin, where it is annihilated by acupuncture points. All electricity that is generated inside the human body (and animal body) is absorbed by its tissues. Not a single electron produced inside a living organism leaves the human body and does not enter the environment, but is absorbed by the skin. This is what determines the closed nature of the human electrical system. The body itself absorbs all the electricity that it previously produced and generated.

From here

The main sources of electrical charges are electrolytic currents within the dendrites of large pyramidal cells of activated neurons in the human cerebral cortex. In general, formulated mathematically as a point flux of dipoles. They are studied according to generally accepted relativistic laws and methods of classical applied and theoretical physics. This important circumstance introduces inevitable dissonance and makes all supposedly mathematically accurate conclusions only a reflection of real processes.

Due to their heterogeneity, for example, the bone tissue of the human skull and brain tissue in the electrical circuit “skull - brain” have anisotropic (directional dependence) conductivity, showing the uneven distribution of charges over the surface of the head. It has been experimentally proven that: “Current density A/sq.m = from 0.02 at the crown of the head to 0.006 at the periphery of the cerebral hemispheres and further to 0 outside the boundaries of the skull.” FE analysis showed that skull anisotropy has a blurring effect on the first EEG measurements and no effect on the MEG. While the anisotropy of the brain causes reverse flows of charges to flow in parallel to the fiber paths. The following dependence was revealed. The deeper the charge source is, the more it is surrounded by anisotropic tissue, the greater the influence of this anisotropy on the final results of EEG and MEG." Therefore, their correlation is required.

Since the proposed calculation method has already been used in practice and has given acceptable results, we express our deep gratitude to its developers for the work done. We would consider it possible to recommend that researchers use it until new ways of extracting information are created.

The author, as an experiment, performed calculations to determine the numerical value of the biopotential that a person receives from one generation unit. For the calculations, the theoretical provisions of the MHD theory of American professors E. Priest and T. Forbes were taken. (Chapter 10. Page 334)

We believe it is possible to determine the generating component of the energy balance in the human body, to carry out similar calculations for all human generation blocks. A variant of the algorithm for calculating power supply from one of the generation blocks - bioelectrogenesis - is given below.

Block. Biological electrogenesis (bioelectrogenes).

Biological electrogenesis, or the production of electricity by living organisms, involves a complex of mechanisms leading to the generation of biocurrents. The Lennarda-Dzhonsa potential (1924) is a widely accepted model for calculating forces reacting between molecules, expressed by the formula:

Uld(g) = 4 e (su /g) 12) - (su /g) 6 (1) where:

r is the distance between the centers of particles; 8 - depth of potential depression; o is the distance at which the interaction energy becomes zero. Parameters 8 and a - depend on the properties of the molecules.

The foundations of modern ideas about the mechanisms of bioelectricity generation were created by J. Bernstein (1902 - 1912), linking their occurrence with the properties of the surface membrane of the cell. The study of the permeability of the membrane by ions of huge nerve fibers allowed the English physiologists A. Hodgkin (A. Hobg11kt), A. Huxley (A. Haksli) and E. KaTny (B. Katts) (1947-52) to formulate the modern membranous theory of excitation, which is now accepted almost all electrophysiologists.

Z - ion valency: Ftp - Faradeja constant: R - universal gas constant: T - absolute temperature of the medium: j - membrane potential. The size of the resting membrane potential in a steady state is determined by the equation Goldman(CoStap) - Hodgkin(Noigt) - Karrna(Kattsa):

The Goldman-Hodgkin-Kattz equation essentially confirms Bernstein's theory. To calculate the constant membrane potential for human axon cells, it is necessary to know the intrinsic ion density. say per 1 kg. F120.

This is an objective dynamic index for each individual person. It is known that the biological membrane of a cell is a piezocrystal liquid and functions by the principle of induction of the biological quasi-phenomenon of piezoelectricity. Today, the essence of the piezoelectric effect is tied to the action of an electric charge on the surface of a specific crystal, causing a change in the curvature of its surface. By class, these are second-order curves, suggesting: “..that two congruent figures in an elliptical plane, or the same one in the process of deformation, can have either the same or different orientation” (p. 86).

And this, in turn, leads to a redistribution of charge on the surface and - or to a change in the sign of the charge on the reverse surface of this crystal. The very fact of the existence of biological kvazi-pezoeffektov in a living organism (at the macro level) is no longer in doubt.

Block. Nervous adders of the skin and outer integument of hair. The human body contains free electrical charges (mainly in ionic-rich fluids such as blood and lymph) that interact in response to forces resulting from chronomic currents.

Sources: solar radiation; spatial radiance; choronomic EMF Earth; artificially created EMI EU and electrical devices. The Earth's atmosphere is bombarded by space ray particles with a frequency close to 1000 m~2s ~, "(see, for example, Gaisser, 1990).

These particles are charged nuclei, and approximately 90% of them are protons, 9% are alpha particles, and the others are heavier nuclei.

The permeability of the human body to electromagnetic waves is equal to the permeability of air. But the human body for its various parts receives a whole range of different values ​​of electromagnetic waves at a certain frequency.

The most important feature spatial rays - their high energy. In the spectrum of spatial rays, relativistic ones predominate (relativus is the relative number of armor.). Particles (and some of them have velocities equal to the speed of light), ultra-relativistic energy, to at least 1020 eV (20 J)

The energy density of space rays is approximately 1013 Dzh/m3 (10-12 erg/sm 3 or “1 eV/cm 3”). A person receives energy from the supply of cosmic radiation particles from outer space, the external EP of the Earth, and the artificially created field of existing cable and overhead power lines.

The potential received by the human body is calculated using the formula:

where: ] of a spatial particle; E is the intensity vector calculated by Professors Priest and Forbes: 10 eV 20 or (20 J.).

The energy density of spatial particles -p- is equal to:

For a specific person with a volume of Vpers. = (170x50x40) cm 3 , setting potential consumed at T = 1 second. We get the potential:

The human body consists of biological materials with different electrical conductivities: blood, bones, brain, lungs, muscles, skin. Consequently, the possibilities of generating electric fields by these substances also differ.