Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Replacement of automatic elevator door control unit estimate. Drawing up local estimates for lift equipment. An example of an estimate for commissioning of elevator equipment

Today, elevators are available in almost all apartment buildings: it is convenient, practical, and fast. High-quality elevator equipment serves regularly for many years, but it is still necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance from time to time. Maintenance, repairs, or even complete replacement freight or passenger elevator. And this, as you know, requires money, and not little. Often it is necessary draw up a correct cost estimate for work with elevator equipment at prices generally accepted in a particular region. For this purpose, territorial pricing bases, called TEP, have been created for each region, region and edge of our vast country. Using these prices, estimators justify the cost of replacement, installation, maintenance and repair of elevator equipment, and, interestingly, the price by region for the same work does not always coincide. This is due to the regional industry and market conditions of individual territories and regions. In addition, differences in the cost of work with passenger and freight elevators arise when calculating the cost using the resource or basis-index method. In our examples, we will try to consider examples of drawing up estimates both in the GESN database and in unit prices TER / FER.

An example of drawing up an estimate for replacing elevator equipment

Rationale Name Basic Salary EkMash Salary Fur Total
TERmr01-02-011-01 Installation of a winch frame for a 9-floor passenger elevator 29,34 0 30,22
TERmr01-01-007-01 Replacement of the elevator control system for 9 floors, with the number of elevators in the entrance: 1 1079,51 341,09 37,57 1452,99
TERmr01-01-002-05 Replacing an elevator winch for a 9-floor passenger elevator 368,34 239,35 27,83 618,74
TERmr01-01-009-03 Replacing the speed limiter in a passenger elevator for 9 floors 66,25 0,9 69,14
TERmr01-01-009-05 Replacing the tensioner of the speed limiter rope of a passenger elevator for 9 stops 56,71 0.00 0.00 58,41
TERmr01-01-010-03 Replacement of the introductory passenger elevator device for 9 stops 38,05 0.00 0.00 39,19
TERmr01-01-005-01 Replacement of the passenger elevator shaft door for 9 stops 231,7 8,78 247,43
TERmr01-02-001-01 Alignment of cabin guides (counterweight), 2 m long 153,36 0.00 0.00 157,96
TERmr01-02-001-02 For every subsequent 2 m of lift height, add 01-02-001-01 to the price 23,81 0.00 0.00 24,52
TERmr01-01-014-01 Replacement of the door beam of a passenger elevator cabin for 9 stops 92,13 0.00 94,89
TERmr01-01-009-04 Replacing the speed limiter cable 90,27 0.00 0.00 92,98
TERmr01-04-003-01 Balancing the cabin-counterweight system of a 9-stop passenger elevator 115,49 0,76 0.00 119,71

The specified estimate calculation scheme in the TER database is suitable for justifying calculations for element-by-element replacement of an elevator with dismantling of the existing one apartment building. If there is a need to install new equipment without dismantling the old elevator, it is better to take other prices - from the collection for installation work. While in the previous example, the standards are set from the collection for maintenance and repair, that is, they are more suitable for work within the framework of reconstruction. Now let's look at an example in the FER database, more suitable for work within the framework of new construction.

An example of an estimate for the installation of new elevator equipment

Pricing for commissioning work on elevator equipment is carried out according to the prices of the FERp collection - Commissioning of Lifting and Transport Equipment. Let's consider an example of preparing an estimate for commissioning work.

An example of an estimate for commissioning of elevator equipment

When installing a new elevator or replacing an old one, it is necessary to install and configure dispatch equipment: communication kits, an elevator unit with an installation kit, as well as laying twisted-pair communication cables. We will not dwell on the installation and commissioning of dispatch equipment. Let's just say that when drawing up estimates, prices are taken from the communication installation book. From the collection on instrumentation and automation, you can take the price FERm11-03-001-01, since it is universal and suitable for many types of devices installed on switchboards and consoles. You can start up the dispatch communication at the rate FERp02-01-001-xx, the exact code is set depending on the number of channels.

Drawing up estimates for finishing work when replacing elevator equipment

Civil works occupy a special place when drawing up estimates for the replacement of elevator equipment. When dismantling an old elevator and installing a new one in an apartment building, as a rule, repairs to the surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors in the machine room, elevator shaft and other utility rooms are required. In addition to the finishing itself, windows, doors and hatches are often replaced during the repair of the machine room. After laying communications, you need to seal the grooves, or, on the contrary, punch new holes for installing calling devices on each floor. All these works can be classified as general construction works. Let's consider an approximate list of prices for general construction work during the reconstruction or replacement of an elevator:

Installation of fire doors: single-leaf solid doors Installation of fire hatches - FER09-04-013-01;

Dismantling of wooden fillings of openings: door and gate FER46-04-012-03;

Installation in residential and public buildings window blocks made of PVC profiles: fixed with an opening area of ​​up to 2 m2 - FER10-01-034-01;

Installation of screeds: cement screeds 20 mm thick - FER11-01-011-01;

Simple oil painting of previously painted floors: with preparation and removal of old paint to 35% FERr62-6-3;

Continuous leveling of wall plaster with cement-lime mortar with a marking thickness of up to 5 mm - FERr61-1-1;

Coloring water-based compositions previously painted wall surfaces: water-based paint with removal of old paint up to 35% - FERr62-16-3;

Installation of straight and curved ladders, fire ladders with fencing - FER09-03-029-01.

Drawing up estimates for electrical installation work when installing passenger and freight elevators

Well, now we come to the electrics - that, in fact, is what makes the elevator run at all. When installing a passenger elevator in an apartment building, fluorescent lamps are usually installed (for example, according to the price TERm08-03-593-06), switches and sockets (in the machine room), circuit breakers type IEK, distribution boards ShchRN-12 (at the price FERm08-03-573-04), busbars, nuclear power plant boxes, distribution boxes and other electrical installation products. Almost all prices are taken from collection No. 8 for electrical installation work, which is quite natural.

Thus, we briefly talked about how to create an estimate for replacing elevator equipment (as part of a major overhaul or during new construction). Based on just one elevator equipment, you can create many different estimate options, because there are freight elevators, passenger elevators, for administrative buildings, with microprocessor equipment for a different number of floors. In addition, an estimate can be drawn up for dismantling the elevator and installing its individual elements or systems. In each individual case, the estimator approaches the calculation individually. We will draw up for you any estimate for elevator equipment at the lowest price. Contact our estimate office for high-quality estimates at an affordable price.

In general, when estimators are faced with the task of drawing up a local estimate for the installation and launch of a freight or passenger elevator, they consider it an easy task. Indeed, what would seem simpler: draw up an estimate for installation and commissioning of elevator equipment, when any database contains prices for similar types of work. So, in the FER database, and in TER, and, of course, in GESN there is part 3 of collections for installation work, in which there are prices for estimating the installation of many types of lifting and transport equipment, incl. freight and passenger elevators. Part 3 “Lifting and transport equipment” contains many prices: for the installation of conveyors, stacker cranes, elevators, winches, etc., but now we are only interested in elevator equipment. Let's try to make an estimate for the installation of a passenger elevator in a multi-story building according to the prices of part 3.

An example of a local estimate for the installation of a passenger elevator

Pricing code Type of work Unit Unit cost, rub. Salary of staff EM ZPM
TERm03-05-001-01 Installation of a passenger elevator with a cabin speed of 1 m/s, a load capacity of 350 kg, number of stops 9, shaft height 29 m 1 PC. 15916,89 7255,71 6815,12 686,47
TERm03-05-001-06 For each meter of shaft height, reduce for elevators with a load capacity of up to 400 kg - 3 m shaft 73,76 72,31 0
TER06-01-015-08 Installation of embedded parts weighing up to 20 kg for framing the elevator shaft 250 kg 8109,69 460,24 40,11 1,56
TER13-03-002-04 Primer of metal surfaces in one go: primer GF-021 for elevator metal structures 23 m2 226,09 45,4 6,74 0,08

This example estimate considers the case of installing elevator equipment in a new apartment building without the need to dismantle the elevator being replaced. The situation is completely different when drawing up estimates, when a passenger elevator needs to be installed to replace the existing one as part of a planned reconstruction and technical renovation. Then these prices will not be suitable, and it will be necessary to estimate the replacement of elevator equipment according to the collection for repairs and technical re-equipment in part 2 of the TERmr, (FERmr) collections. Let's try to estimate the installation work for the same 9-stop passenger elevator, only now with the dismantling of the old equipment.

An example of an estimate for replacing a passenger (freight) elevator in an apartment building

Pricing code Type of work Unit Unit cost, rub. Salary of staff EM ZPM
TERmr01-01-007-01 Replacement of the control system for a freight and passenger elevator for 9 floors 1 PC. 1452,99 1079,51 341,09 37,57
TERmr01-01-010-03 Replacement of the introductory freight and passenger elevator for 9 floors 1 PC. 39,19 38,05 0
TERmr01-01-005-01 Replacing the shaft door, load capacity of a freight or passenger elevator: up to 500 kg PC. 8109,69 460,24 40,11 1,56
TERmr01-01-004-01 Replacement of a cargo or passenger elevator cabin compartment with load capacity: up to 400 kg PC. 544,77 522,53 6,74 0,08
TERmr01-01-009-02 Replacement of the rope tie device for a freight or passenger elevator: up to 500 kg PC. 129,2 125,44 1,56
TERmr01-01-009-01 Replacing the traction rope of a freight or passenger elevator PC. 208,72 202,64 0,08
TERmr01-01-012-01 Replacing the calling apparatus of a freight or passenger elevator: up to 400 kg PC. 51,95 50,44 1,56
TERmr01-01-009-04 Replacing the speed limiter rope of a freight or passenger elevator PC. 92,98 90,27 0,08
TERmr01-01-024-01 Replacement metal frame freight or passenger elevator cabins PC. 247,15 236,38 3,68
TERmr01-01-023-01 Replacement of guides: freight or passenger elevator cabins 33 m 30,3 28,87 0,56
TERmr01-01-023-02 Replacing guides: counterweight of a freight or passenger elevator m 14,11 13,43 0,28
TERmr01-01-002-05 Replacing the elevator winch PC. 618,74 368,34 239,35 27,83

Drawing up estimates for installation and commissioning of a freight elevator has its own nuances due to the fact that a freight elevator has a greater load capacity than a passenger elevator. When installing a freight elevator, you can use the following prices:

GESNm (FERm) 03-05-004-05 adjusted for the number of stops, shaft height, load capacity. Price - GESNm (FERm) 03-05-004-16 helps to balance the cost of a freight elevator in the presence of additional shaft doors. To estimate the dismantling of a freight elevator, you can use the same prices only with the coefficient adjusted for dismantling.

If you need to dismantle old winch beams, you can use the price of GESNr (FERr) 54-8-1. It is necessary to make holes for calling devices - then we will take the price from part 46 for the reconstruction of FER46-03-009-01.

In any case, if you need to draw up an estimate for the installation of a freight elevator, general construction work, dispatching or electrical installation work, our estimate bureau “SMETA-PROF” is always ready to do this work for a small fee.

Our organization, a potential contractor, sent estimate documentation for the replacement of passenger elevators in apartment buildings under 185-FZ for examination of estimate documentation to the Department of Pricing and Information in Construction of the Kaluga Region. Estimates for the replacement of elevators were drawn up on the basis of FERm-2001 Collection No. 3 “Lifting and transport equipment” as amended in 2009 using a factor taking into account the influence of work conditions under paragraph 1, table 2 “Installation of equipment” k = 1.2 (MDS 81-35.2004).
Based on the results of the examination, a letter was sent to our organization “On eliminating the following deficiencies in the estimate documentation submitted for verification.”
1. According to the Inspection Report, “work to replace equipment will be carried out in a covered shaft, in accordance with clause 1.3.31 of FERm-2001 Collection No. 3 “Lifting and transport equipment” as amended in 2009, when performing work in covered elevator shafts, they are determined according to FERmr- 2001 Collection No. 1 “Major repairs and modernization of elevator equipment.”
2. Exclude the coefficient 1.2 applied on the basis of MDS 81-35.2004, paragraph 1, table 2, paragraph 1 from major repair work apartment buildings, financed from funds provided for by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services” (as amended on May 3, 2011).
3. Exclude the costs of examining the estimate documentation from the summary estimate.
4. It should be noted that according to clause 27 of MDS 81-40.2006 “If installation and commissioning work on any equipment is carried out by the same unit (team), prices for commissioning work on such equipment should be accepted with a coefficient 0.8".
Please provide clarification on the following issues:
1. In which case, when replacing an elevator, the cost of work is determined according to GESNm-2001 Collection No. 3 “Lifting and transport equipment”, and in which case according to GESNmr-2001 Collection No. 1 “Major repairs and modernization of elevator equipment”?
a) Since Guidelines(MR) on the formation of the scope of work for the overhaul of apartment buildings financed from funds provided for by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services” (as amended on May 3, 2011) clear they don't give an answer. However, in clause 4.4.5. MR said that “The cost of repair and replacement of elevator equipment is determined based on estimated standards assets established by the State Elementary Estimate Standards (hereinafter - GESN), approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia as part of the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework:
- GESNm-2001 Collection No. 3 “Lifting and transport equipment”;
- GESNmr-2001 Collection No. 41 “Major repairs and modernization of elevator equipment.” That is, we are talking about the possibility of using 2 collections when determining the cost of work to replace elevators.
b) Clause 4.4.4 of the MR states that “to take into account the influence of work conditions, the coefficients specified in Table 3 of Appendix No. 1 of MDS 81-35.2004 are applied, namely: e) in local estimates for repair or replacement of elevator equipment - according to paragraph 2, table 2 “Installation of equipment” (k=1.35).
Obviously, this coefficient can be applied in the case when the cost of work to replace elevators is determined according to GESNm-2001 Collection No. 3 “Lifting and transport equipment”, since GESNmr-2001 Collection No. 1 “Major repairs and modernization of elevator equipment” has already been taken into account specific conditions for the repair and modernization of elevator equipment.
2. According to the MR on the formation of the scope of work for the overhaul of apartment buildings, financed from funds provided for by Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services” (as amended on May 3, 2011) the cost of the examination of estimate documentation is included in the costs that form the cost of major repairs, that is, 185-FZ provides funds for the examination of estimate documentation.
Please explain to what extent is it legitimate for the experts to exclude the costs of examining the estimate documentation from the consolidated estimate?
3. Please clarify when clause 27 of MDS 81-40.2006 should be taken into account “If installation and commissioning work on any equipment is carried out by the same unit (team), prices for commissioning work on such equipment should be accepted with a coefficient 0.8" either at the stage of passing the examination of estimate documentation, or at the stage of registration of KS-2 for the work performed?
4. Please explain how the costs of elevator disposal services should be taken into account when drawing up estimates in the FER-2001 database?

According to clause 1.3.30 General provisions to GESNm-2001, the costs of replacing an elevator in blocked shafts are determined according to GESNmr-2001, part 1 “Major repairs and modernization of elevator equipment.”
According to GESNm-2001, part 3 “Lifting and transport equipment”, the costs of dismantling and installing elevators as a whole in uncovered shafts should be determined (clause 1.1.3. General provisions to GESNmr-2001).
In accordance with the Recommendations for the application of estimate standards (clause 2.1.) of the General Provisions for GESNmr-2001, the standards of Part 1 “Major repairs and modernization of elevator equipment” take into account the specific conditions for carrying out work on the repair and modernization of elevator equipment, including cramped workplaces , performing individual work near live devices, etc., and therefore, the standards do not allow the application of any increasing factors for the conditions of work.
According to Part 5 of Article 15 of the Federal Law Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ (as amended by subsequent Federal laws) funds from the Fund for Assistance in Reforming the Housing and Communal Services, funds of equity financing from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) funds from local budgets, funds from homeowners’ associations, housing, housing construction cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives or owners of premises in apartment buildings, within the minimum volume established respectively by part 2 of article 18 and paragraph 2 of part 6 of article 20, allocated for major repairs of apartment buildings, can only be used for carrying out the work specified in part 3 of this article, as well as for the development project documentation for the overhaul of the apartment buildings specified in paragraph 1 of part 2 of this article, the types of work for which are established by part 3 of this article, conducting a mandatory energy inspection of the apartment building, if the regional targeted program for the overhaul of apartment buildings provides for this inspection and the state examination of such documentation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities.
Taking into account the above, the cost estimates include the costs of conducting a state examination of design (not estimate) documentation, if such an examination is provided for by current legislation.
In accordance with paragraph 4.1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), the price of a state or municipal contract is firm and cannot be changed during its execution, with the exception of cases of concluding a contract on the basis of clause 2.1 of part 2 of article 55, as well as cases established by parts 4.2, 6, 6.2 - 6.4 of article 9 of the said Federal Law. Mutual settlements for work performed (costs) are carried out in the manner prescribed by the government contract, within the limits of the fixed contract price. The contract price may be reduced by agreement of the parties without changing the quantity of goods, scope of work, services and other conditions of the contract provided for in the contract.
Based on the above and in accordance with paragraph 2.7 of the Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning work (MDS 81-40.2006), it is reported that in the case of installation and commissioning work on any equipment by the same unit (team) in mutual settlements for work performed the cost of these works can be reduced by agreement of the parties, taking into account a factor of 0.8.
According to clause 4.12. MDS 81-35.2004 in cases where, in accordance with design solutions structures suitable for reuse are dismantled; based on the results of local estimates for disassembly, refundable amounts are provided that reduce the amount of capital investments allocated by the customer.
The cost of such structures as part of refundable amounts is determined by the price possible implementation minus from these amounts the costs of bringing them into a condition suitable for use and delivering them to storage areas.
If it is impossible to use or sell materials from disassembly, their cost is not taken into account in the refund amounts.
In accordance with clause 4.10 of the Instructions for the Use of FERR-2001 (MDS 81-38.2004), the prices do not take into account the costs of loading and unloading materials unsuitable for further use obtained during dismantling of buildings and structures. These costs should be determined based on current transportation rates and distances from construction site to the dump site.
Taking into account the above, the costs of the contractor for removing structures unsuitable for further use to the disposal site should be taken into account additionally in local estimates.