Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Planning educational work 1 ml gr. Annual calendar and thematic planning in the first junior group. "My favorite kindergarten"

Elena Krivoshta
Daily planning first younger group

Daily planning 1st junior group.

MONDAY 05.03.2018

Conversation (cognitive) "Our Pets". Target: encourage children to answer questions about their pet, convey their attitude towards him in the story. Develop connected speech, learn to listen to the stories of peers.

Practical exercise: learning to dress yourself. Target: to develop children’s self-service skills, teach them how to dress independently. Cultivate neatness, form a conscious attitude towards one’s appearance.

Didactic exercise "Find your house". Target: teach children to understand the essence of the task, consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Working in a corner of nature, we help adults water the flowers. Target: teach children to provide all possible assistance to an adult, to develop appropriate work skills. Learn to determine the purpose of objects, name verbs denoting labor actions.

Work on the formation of the group of groups "At the table". Target: teach how to use cutlery and napkin correctly. Remind them of table manners and teach them to eat independently and carefully.

GCD_№1 Speech development (speech development)

Subject: looking at a painting "Children play with blocks"

TARGET: continue to teach to understand the plot of the picture, answer questions and speak out about what is depicted.

Source: V. V. Gerbova No. pp. 77 – 78.

GCD_№2 Music

Subject: By plan musical director.


Observing nature in the shadows. Target: introduce children to the concept "shadow", pay attention to the fact that if you stand next to a light source (lantern), you can see a shadow, show how the shadow follows the contour of the reflected object.

P/Game "Catch-up". Target: teach children to move freely. Develop the ability to understand the essence of the task. Develop motor activity and coordination of movements.

Work assignments, we remove gaming equipment. Target: to form in children a conscious attitude towards order and the desire to maintain it. Develop appropriate work skills, encourage the desire to be useful, and imitate adults.

S/R game "Family" game situation "They brought food". Target: teach children to perform game actions in accordance with the plot, take on various roles. To form in children initial ideas about the work of a cook.

"Pass the item". Target: promote the development and strengthening of the back muscles, increase the flexibility of the spine, learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

2nd half of the day

Reading fiction, telling Russian folk tales "Turnip". Target: teach children to listen to a fairy tale, teach them to answer questions.

S/R game “Doll Katya congratulates her grandmother on the holiday”. Target: invite children to take part in the game, activate polite words and expressions in their speech, introduce them to new speech constructions.

Creative workshop drawing "Spring". Target: tell children about the changes that will soon occur in nature. Introduce children to the technique of wax painting. Learn how to paint a sheet of paper with watercolors, hold a brush correctly, draw in water and paint, and paint a blank according to a sample.

P/game "Train". Target: teach children to correctly perform game movements and practice running. Develop the ability to regulate the pace of movement, quickly and accurately respond to the teacher’s signal. Promote hardening child's body, enrich motor experience.

Individual work: By teacher's plan.

TUESDAY 06.03. 2018

Looking at paintings "Animals and their young". Target: teach to name animals and their cubs, enrich children’s vocabulary.

Game exercise "We reached out". Target: teach children to perform movements according to a model, to accurately perform movements after the teacher. Develop and strengthen the back muscles, help increase the flexibility of the spine and the mobility of the joints of the shoulder girdle.

Preventive measures: teach children to sit on chairs without slouching. Develop beautiful posture.

Work in the book corner reading a poem by V. Berestov "Mom's Holiday". Target: teach children to expressively recite stanzas of a poem. Develop memory and speech activity.

P/game "Catch a mosquito". Target: introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to push off energetically from the ground and jump up, to help themselves with their hands when pushing off the floor. Develop leg muscles and coordination of movements.

Work in the corner of sensory development - volumetric modeling "Clothespins". Target: teach children to place clothespins on a cardboard circle according to a pattern. Develop children's fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and imagination.

GCD_№1_Artistic creativity (modeling)

Subject: "New Year's balls"

TARGET: learn to listen to poetry, distinguish round objects, roll balls, know colors, be able to dance in a circle.

Source: O. V. Pavlova p. 126.

GCD_№2 Physical education

TARGET: exercise children in walking on an inclined board. In long-distance throwing with the right and left hands, promote the development of dexterity, overcome timidity, and teach how to play together.

Source: S. J. Laizane No. 3 pp. 116 – 117.


Observing the weather draw children's attention to changes and weather patterns characteristic of early spring. Enrich your vocabulary with concepts related to natural phenomena, activate cognitive interest.

Game exercise "On a smooth path". Target: to develop in children the ability to perform movements in a column one at a time, teach them to walk in an even formation, and not break it. Enrich motor experience, develop the ability to concentrate.

Sound pronunciation work "Big and Small". Target: teach children to imitate the sounds that big and small animals make.

We collect toys for work assignments.” Target: form in children the habit of collecting toys after a walk.

S/R game "The little bear came to the store". Target: teach children to take on a role, select the necessary attributes. Help children arrange a place to play and promote the development of the plot.

Ind. work on developing basic movements "We March". Target: teach children to follow each other.

2nd half of the day

Learning poems about mom. Target: teach children to clearly pronounce sounds and recite poems expressively. Draw children's attention to what words poets use when talking about mother.

P/game "Hit the target". Target: teach children how to swing and throw. Promote the development of joint mobility and coordination of movements.

Formation of KGN we say thank you. Target: teach children to thank for help provided.

Didactic exercise "Find by description". Target: teach children to understand the essence of the task, find objects by description, name objects. Develop observation skills and enrich children's vocabulary.

Present print. games "The Hungry Caterpillar". Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands, consolidate the names of vegetables.

Individual work on teacher's plan.

WEDNESDAY 03/07. 2018

Observation "Spring". Target: pay attention to the signs of spring, learn to name the observed phenomena. Enrich children's sensory experience

Learning situations “We help set the table”. Target: teach children to arrange spoons according to the number of plates, place bread bins and napkin holders on the table. Shape primary ideas about the role of work, the need to learn to be independent.

P/game "Big and Small". Target: teach children to perform different movements when running, jumping forward and up on two legs from a standing position, to combine walking with performing various movements. Enrich motor experience, develop endurance, coordination of movements.

Preventive measures: teach children to sit upright in chairs. Target: develop correct, beautiful posture.

Work in a corner of nature looking at indoor plants. Target: invite children to look at plants, recall their names, and activate the names of plant parts in speech. Offer to observe the teacher’s actions in caring for plants.

Didactic exercise "Who's wearing what". Target: teach children to observe who is wearing what. Develop observation skills, distinguish colors, name items of clothing.

Work on the formation of the group of groups "At the table". Target: teach children to behave properly at the table and use cutlery.

GCD_№1 Speech development (fiction)

Subject: acquaintance with the story of Ya. Taits "Train"

TARGET: improve the ability to listen to a story without a visual image.

Source: V. V. Gerbova No. 7 pp. 74 – 75.

GCD_№2 Music

Subject: By plan musical director.


Animal Observation "dressed" animals". Target: pay attention to people’s clothes, compare with "clothes" animals in the immediate environment known to children (cats, dogs). Learn to name objects and items of clothing of people, introduce the concept "wool", talk about how wool protects animals from the cold.

P/Game "Catch it, throw it". Target: train children to throw a ball up with both hands and catch it. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, gross motor skills of the hands.

Learning poems by A. Barto "Elephant". Target: develop children's memory, connected speech. Replenish your vocabulary.

C/game "Family" plot "Mom is cooking dinner". Target: teach children to select the necessary attributes, interact with adults and peers. Contribute to the development of the plot of the game, the formation of role-playing behavior.

Sound pronunciation work "Who's screaming". Target: teach children to repeat the sounds that certain animals make. Develop the articulatory apparatus.

Ind. work on developing basic movements "Get in the circle". Target: teach children to throw a small diameter ball with their right and left hands at a horizontal target, focus on the feeling of success.

2nd half of the day

Self-care work: children get dressed. Target: to develop self-service skills in children, to teach how to dress independently, to activate the names of items of clothing in speech, to learn to coordinate words in a sentence.

Dramatization game "Repeat after me". Target: teach children to repeat after the teacher the words of a familiar nursery rhyme. Develop connected speech.

Games with big building material we build houses for dolls. Target: teach children to build houses in different ways by combining parts, develop the ability to act according to basic instructions. Learn to play with buildings and add new details to them.

Unlearning (bad word) singing a song "Okay". Target: teach children to sing along with the teacher, develop a sense of harmony, the ability to feel the emotional expressiveness of sound movement.

P/game "Find where it's hidden". Target: develop in children the ability to navigate in space, teach them to reflect search actions in speech.

Individual work: By teacher's plan.

Yulia Natarova
Annual calendar and thematic planning in the first junior group

Yulia Natarova Preschool Educational Institution 114, Lipetsk

No. Topic Detailed content of the work Options for the final event


Hello, kindergarten Adapt children to the conditions kindergarten; introduce the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment (premises and equipment groups; personal locker, crib, toys, etc.); introduce the children and the teacher; teach the rules of behavior in a daycare center; contribute to the formation of positive emotions towards the kindergarten, teachers, and children. Design of personal lockers for children “Who is our good guy?”

3. "Golden Autumn" To form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people’s clothing, in the kindergarten area, consolidating knowledge about autumn natural phenomena. Drawing up a single composition “Let’s collect a beautiful bouquet of leaves”

4. "My favorite toys"

(project) Introduce children to toys and games group; consolidate children’s knowledge of the location of different toys, the ability to put each toy in its place;

A game “Put the toy in its place” (use them carefully). Exhibition of children's drawings "Truck Road"

5. "Entertainment Autumn" Continue to form elementary ideas about autumn; give primary ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits; introduce the behavioral characteristics of forest animals and birds in autumn; cultivate respect for nature. Plot - game situation “The bear got his feet wet”

6. "Fruits" Clarify children's knowledge about the benefits of fruits for human health; consolidate knowledge of the names of fruits; expand children's understanding of certain fruits, develop the ability to distinguish and name fruits by appearance. Exhibition: “Gifts of Autumn. Fruits" (fruit dummies)

7. "Vegetables" Clarify children's knowledge about the benefits of vegetables for human health; consolidate knowledge of the names of vegetables; expand children's understanding of some vegetables, develop the ability to distinguish and name vegetables by appearance (cucumber, tomato, carrot). Exhibition: “Gifts of Autumn. Vegetables" (models of vegetables)

8. "Autumn gifts of the forest" To form children’s basic ideas about mushrooms and berries; give an idea of ​​what parts a mushroom consists of (hat, leg); develop the ability to find similarities and differences between mushrooms (thick – thin leg) and berries (color, size); promote safe behavior in the forest. Application “There’s a little bit of everything in the autumn basket”

9. "Music Sounds" Introduce children to various musical instruments (maracas, drum, rattle, tambourine, pipe); promote aesthetic development and auditory perception; cultivate a love of music. Exhibition "Musical instruments"

10. "Pets" Introduce children to pets; teach, carefully examine images of domestic animals, name them; teach to distinguish animals from each other by external signs, imitate their onomatopoeia; cultivate a humane attitude towards animals; Game situation “Who is screaming?”

11. "Wild animals" Strengthen your understanding of wild animals; learn to name animal body parts; expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the life of animals (air, water, food, etc.); talk about animal protection. Story game "Zoo"

12. "Our Little Friends" (poultry) Introduce children to poultry and their habits; teach, carefully examine images of poultry, name them, imitate their onomatopoeia. Tabletop theater show "Chicken Ryaba"

13. “We drive, we rush” (transport) Form ideas about the purpose of transport; give children an idea of ​​the types of transport; note the characteristic distinctive features of transport; arouse educational interest in transport. Gaming situation: "The truck carries cargo"

14. “Hello, winter-winter!” To form basic ideas about winter (seasonal changes in nature, people’s clothing, in the kindergarten area, consolidating knowledge about winter natural phenomena. To give an idea of ​​safe behavior in winter; to arouse research and educational interest during experimental activities. Exhibition of children’s works "It is snowing!".

15. “Who has what kind of fur coats?” Introduce some features of the behavior of forest animals in winter; introduce the properties of snow; introduce some features of the behavior of forest animals in winter. Tabletop theater show "Zayushkina's hut"

16. "Winter fun" To form children’s ideas about winter games, to enrich children with vivid impressions of outdoor entertainment, to introduce children to the tradition of winter sleigh rides and playing "Snowballs". Walking games ( "Snowballs") Short term project subject: "Beauty Christmas Tree"

17. « New Year» Clarify children's knowledge about the New Year tree; to form ideas about the New Year as a cheerful and good holiday; evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday. Coloring silhouettes of Christmas tree decorations Short term project subject: "Beauty Christmas Tree" photo exhibition "We and the Christmas tree"; applique "Holiday Christmas tree"

"Visiting a fairy tale" Develop the ability to listen to an adult read, repeat familiar phrases, play out characters; continue to introduce Russian folk tales and fairy-tale characters. Book exhibition "Fairy tales for children"

19. "I am a man in the world" Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person, about the main parts of the human body, their purpose; teach children to demonstrate neatness skills; follow the basic rules of behavior in kindergarten. Game situation “We wash ourselves with the dolls”.

20. "Folk toy" Introduce children to folk art using the example of folk toys and oral folk art (songs, nursery rhymes, etc.). Exhibition creative works "Our beloved matryoshka" (together with parents).

21. "Pets" Expand children's knowledge about pets (where they live, what they eat); learn to name and compare them by size "big" And "small"; cultivate a love for animals. Carrying out an outdoor game "Cat and Mice".

22. "My family" Give an idea of ​​the role of each family member (duties, deeds, and actions); learn to call members of yours families: mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather; instill in children love and respect for family members, teach them to take care of loved ones. Story game "Tea Party".

23. “The kids congratulate dad” To form ideas about the moral values ​​and traditions of the holiday; cultivate love for your family, respect for your dad, and a sense of empathy; implementation of patriotic education. Presenting gifts for dads. Photo exhibition "Our dads!".

24. "Cloth. Shoes" To form an idea of ​​the types of clothing and shoes in accordance with the time of year, to introduce the names of clothing parts (collar, sleeves, pockets); develop dressing and undressing skills. Game situation .

25. “The kids congratulate mom” To form ideas about the moral values ​​and traditions of the holiday; cultivate love for your family, respectful attitude towards women (mother, grandmother, sister, desire to help them, take care of them. Photo exhibition "Our beloved mothers". Making holiday cards.

26. "Spring came" Form elementary ideas about spring ; give an idea of ​​safe behavior in spring; introduce some features of the behavior of forest animals in the spring. Children observing lilac branches in a corner of nature.

27. "The birds have flown" Shape primary idea of ​​birds "feathered friends"; learn to notice how birds move (fly, walk, jump, peck food, drink water); cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. Making birdhouses together with parents.

28. "Professions" Expand children’s understanding of adult work and different professions; introduce professions (driver, builder, salesman, doctor, hairdresser); cultivate a sense of gratitude and respect for a person of this profession, for his work. Game situation “Doll Katya got sick”;

29. "Dishes. Food" To form children’s understanding of dishes; give an idea of ​​what products are, where they can be bought, what can be prepared from them; cultivate table manners. Game situation "Lunch for Dolls"

30. "Furniture" Give children an idea of ​​pieces of furniture; learn how to make buildings for fairy-tale characters; introduce the purpose, structure and features of the use of furniture (wardrobe, table, chair, bed). Game situation “Let’s put the doll Katya to sleep”

31. “Growing up healthy, strong, cheerful” Shape primary ideas about healthy way life; instill in children the habit of neatness and cleanliness; instill cultural and hygienic skills and simple self-care skills. Carrying out an outdoor game "Who is taller..."

32. “The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life” (spring phenomena) Continue to form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal changes in nature, people’s clothing, in the kindergarten area); develop a caring attitude towards the environment. Game situation “Let’s dress Katya doll for a walk”.

33. "Six-legged babies" (insects) Expand children's understanding of insects; consolidate knowledge about butterflies and beetles (have wings, fly); teach to recognize them in nature and in pictures, to observe insects on the site. "Journey along the ecological trail" (observation of an anthill).

34. "Plants and Flowers" Give an idea of ​​the plant world; introduce different types flowers and plants; to form an interest in the beauty of the surrounding world, a careful attitude towards them. Excursion along the ecological trail (looking at plants and flowers).

35. "Trees and Shrubs" Continue to form an understanding of the plant world; learn to identify common characteristics of trees and shrubs (root, leaf) and differences (a tree has one trunk, but a bush has many). Carrying out an outdoor game "One, two, three, run to the tree".

"Hello summer!" Expand children's understanding of summer; develop the ability to establish simple connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, to conduct seasonal observations; introduce summer sports; to form an idea of ​​safe behavior in the forest. Panel "Sun"(composition on a single basis from "palms" children)

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to implementing the tasks of preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step to action should be planning. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process largely depends on the quality of planning.

There are ready-made long-term and calendar plans for some sample preschool education programs. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such plans sometimes do not take into account a number of important points: current situation of children’s development, characteristics of a group of children, implemented technologies, regional component, variable part educational program, and also do not always allow the implementation of such requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, such as taking into account the interests of the child, supporting his initiative and the development of the child as a subject of his own education. Our planning notes comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, but:

ready-made plans can only partially be used to develop teachers’ own plans. When downloading the plan, you should read it in detail and change it in accordance with your children, their interests and abilities.

The effectiveness of implementation depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out. educational areas generally.

Long-term planning of the educational process in age groups is the advance determination of the order and sequence of implementation of the educational process in academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. It is based on the basic general education program preschool. A long-term plan is drawn up by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or a year (corrections during work in this type of plan are acceptable).

The long-term plan is developed independently by educators and specialists for one academic year and is implemented on the basis curriculum, approved by the manager. Long-term planning of direct educational activities (DEA) is compiled for each age group, taking into account complex thematic planning.

The long-term plan includes (depending on the preschool educational institution program):

Implementation deadlines;
educational areas (socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development; physical development);
goals and objectives (for a month);
types of children's activities,
literature used and methodological manuals,
work with parents for the school year (parent meetings and consultations);
at the beginning of each month, the following is determined: morning exercise complexes, after-sleep exercise complexes, work with parents and children for the month (individual and group consultations, group and kindergarten-wide parent meetings, information stands, moving folders, reminders, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, musical and sporting events, days open doors, etc.).

The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and long-term plan is 5 years.

Summary of long-term plans for the year


The summary includes:

  • Routine and routine processes (child adaptation, physical education and health activities, organization of daytime sleep)
  • Classes
  • Independent play activity
  • Working with parents, topics of consultations and conversations.
  • A complex of morning exercises for every month.
  • Games-activities by day.


Author Lyamina Alevtina Ivanovna. Methodological work and long-term planning in the 1st junior group for the academic year.docx>>


Summary of long-term lesson planning for the year by month

One week - one common theme. Each week includes classes in the following areas: cognition, communication, fiction, drawing, modeling, design.

Planning for the program "From birth to school"

Developments according to the program “From birth to school” by N. E. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova for the 1st junior group for the entire academic year, divided into weeks, given the topic, tasks, cognitive, artistic, gaming, work and other activities. Author Kostikova Natalia Petrovna. Long-term planning in the first junior group for the academic year (pdf file)>>

Another planning summary for the “From Birth to School” program. Working programm compiled by educational areas: physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development (FSES DO). Teacher Sukhikh Natalya Sergeevna. Download abstract >>

Long-term planning in the 1st junior group according to the Rainbow program

Teacher Osovskaya Natalya Aleksandrovna. Download plans for "Rainbow" >>

Long-term planning of the first junior group based on an approximate educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard "Childhood"

Summary 5 weeks

Planning classes and routines for the first junior group in 5-week cycles in accordance with 5 educational areas. These are social-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic-aesthetic and physical. Notes from mid-September to mid-October.

Comprehensive thematic planning of the educational process is planning in accordance with the main general educational program of preschool education in all educational areas. Comprehensive thematic planning is compiled by the methodologist and teachers of each age group together and is developed for the academic year (from September to May inclusive). This type of planning should reflect:

Name of the topic and period of its implementation;
pedagogical problems to be solved;
activities of the teacher with children in sensitive moments;
options for final events.

Comprehensive thematic planning is an integral part of the main general education program of a preschool educational institution and must be developed by a methodologist and teachers before the start of the school year. The plan must be printed and must have a title page.

On this page you can download notes on comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities in the first junior group of kindergarten. The plans comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. To adapt to your group and school year, you need to change the dates and days of the week in accordance with the calendar.

Notes from teacher Tamara Ivanovna Jafarova. Program "Perspective". Federal State Educational Standards for Preliminary Education Download the comprehensive thematic plan >>


Zakharkina Lyubov Viktorovna. Download abstract >>


Group subgroup


With a subgroup of children, water the plants. Examine the plants, highlight parts and colors. Morning exercises.

Complex (birds).

Suggest a mosaic, find the same color as I show (out of 2 colors) Frol, Kirill, Zhenya

Teach to sit at the table, not fidget, hold a spoon correctly, teach Sophia to drink from a cup.

Springs, mushrooms.

Conversation with parents about the well-being of children at home on weekends.

Drawing “Apples grew on an apple tree” page 28


Observation of leaf fall reading verse leaf fall.

Work. Collection of natural materials for crafts

d/and what color is the leaf? Pay attention to color, learn to find yellow.

P/n “Everyone clapped their hands” running in one direction. Kirill, Nikita, Sophia

D/U “who does what?” learn to look at a picture and name what is depicted in it.

Offer to play with the doll “Let’s treat the doll to tea.” Teach how to play with the doll and perform simple actions with it

D/and “lacing” to develop fine motor skills. Zhenya Alisa, Dima.

Teach children to wash their hands before eating and find their own towel.

Laces, mosaic.

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents and social partners

Direct educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Group subgroup


Encourage children to communicate on topics close to the child from personal experience, encourage them to actively respond to the adult’s questions and suggestions by all available means.

Games with did. with toys - pyramids, strengthen children’s ability to assemble a pyramid of 3-6 rings, the ability to determine the color and size of the rings.

continue to learn how to take off socks and shoes on your own. support the child's desire to act independently

Tables with pyramids.

Conversation with parents about the need to talk more when dressing, to focus on the color and item of clothing, and the sequence of dressing.

Speech development “Looking at fruits”

Physical training

Lesson 3 page 78


Observing the flowers in the flowerbed will introduce children to marigolds and clarify its structure. introduce the name of the flower and its parts into children's speech.

Labor Collecting seeds.

D/i Games with sand “let’s bake a pie” to strengthen children’s ability to use molds.

P/n “Run to me” to teach children to run in all directions.

When running, do not push.

Ind. slave Walking on a limited surface. Sophia. Frol, Alisa.


Continue to introduce the group room and the things that are in it. activate children's vocabulary. Develop in children the need to cooperate with adults

We play with cereals, develop fine motor skills Kirill, Nikita, Dima.

continue to teach how to put on socks and shoes independently. support the child’s desire to act independently.

Select the color of things.

Cubes for building a path are toys for playing with.

Kalyuzhnaya Anna Sergeevna