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Beautiful and smart woman. Psychology. Italy. Maria Montessori

There is an opinion that smart women“scare off” men and men are delighted with stupidly beautiful women. They say that men prefer “blondes”, that is, stupid ones, and they prefer relationships with them than with smart ones. Is it so?

What should a woman who considers intelligence to be her dignity do? Is it really possible for a smart woman to hide her intelligence in order to attract the attention of a man?
Fortunately, reality is smarter than rumor and men prefer to have serious relationship with women who have common sense.

And the most important thing is not to go too far and not try to be “clever” all the time. Natural behavior is encouraged. In addition, men really like to play the role of a “mentor,” so they ask questions without hesitation, without fear of being branded as “dunno.” A wise woman knows how to behave with a man.

Wise and beautiful like Charlize Theron!)
However, if a woman pretends to be a frivolous coquette and constantly flutters her eyelashes, then this can alert and even scare away a man.
If a woman wants to show off her intelligence, then the opportunity for this will arise in communication, but it is better to do this with restraint: a few relevant comments and a favorable impression are guaranteed.

Nobody likes arrogance in people; truly, an intelligent woman will not show off her knowledge, but will share it and give tactful advice. There is no “tug of war”, because you want to be liked. It turns out that a beautiful woman must also be wise. A wise woman knows when and what to say!

There are a few simple rules for those women who want to appear before a man in the most favorable light. Firstly, at the very beginning of dating, you should not delve into the discussion of topics that are considered masculine. Football and politics are only slightly discussed. Secondly, a sense of humor is certainly a sign of intelligence and a man will appreciate such a wise woman without a doubt. Showing off your wit in a timely manner is your strong point.

I think many men will answer this question in the negative!

But anyway! Yes, a girl can be both beautiful and smart! But for some reason many men really don’t like it! Some even run away from those in whose eyes they see even the slightest ability to think logically. Although, I don’t argue, there are those who are not interested in spending time just with a doll!!!

Sometimes it seems to me that men contradict themselves. They like beautiful and smart girls, but when they meet one in the professional sphere, they don’t want to agree and admit that she’s really smart.

Why, when a beautiful girl gets a job Good work, it doesn’t even occur to anyone that she can be smart, everyone thinks that she’s in this job only because of her appearance...

On the other hand, why is everyone so against the fact that a girl sometimes uses her external data?! After all, in principle there is nothing wrong with this. Many people use something to achieve success: some use connections, others use their parents' money, many use their cunning or professional skills! After all, everyone has their own advantages, some are acquired in the process of life, others are given from birth. But in essence it’s the same thing!

Look, if two girls come to you for an interview, both are smart, but one is beautiful and well-groomed, the other is not, you will naturally hire the one who is beautiful! Similarly, in the opposite case, if two equally professional guys come to me for an interview, but one is prettier than the other, I will do the same as you - I will hire the one who is prettier! Beauty adorns people! It’s easier to find a common language with such people and simply more pleasant to communicate with.

So there is no need to think badly about beautiful girls who have achieved results - they occupy a good position and are successfully promoted career ladder! A stupid girl will still not achieve anything, even if she is hired for a good job, whatever one may say, but over time everything will fall into place and there is a high probability that in the end she will lose this position.

And believe me, if a girl is beautiful but stupid, she won’t think of using her appearance to get a good job and get a good salary, she doesn’t need it! She will be able to provide for herself in another way by enticing some businessman or oligarch! And smart girls strive for independence!

In fact, girls are the beautiful half of humanity! But this fact must be justified, therefore, always look great! So there is nothing wrong with a girl being beautiful and smart!!! Maybe you men are a little jealous of smart and beautiful girls?;)

Everyone famous story: beautiful, smart, but no man. And what to do about it is completely unclear. Expert Astro7 decided to look into the problem.

If you are a woman, you can conduct such an experiment. Register a profile on any popular dating site and post one photo (yours or even someone else’s). In a week you will have up to 1000 proposals from men. You won’t even have time to say “hello” to each of them. However, you are unlikely to want to date these men. Despite the abundance of offers, you will continue to hang on this site and wait for the weather by the sea. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what you look like - thin or plump, young or mature, beautiful or not so beautiful. Women search - and for some reason they remain lonely, just like men.

The story of female loneliness

Let's start digging into the problem of female loneliness from the most banal - childhood and teenage attitudes given by parents. These attitudes have two extremes: the first sounds like this: “you will only marry a prince.” And the second is its complete opposite: “the main thing is to get a man, no matter what, because a woman without a man is like a cow without milk.” The young girl wraps it in her pigtail and logically thinks: “The prince is still better than some vague guy.” And since this is the 21st century, the prince’s parameters are growing every year along with technological progress. Of course, a village prince is not a city prince: it is enough for him to have a mare with a tinted cart and a two-story hayloft, plus drink a little less than twice a day. Well, if our heroine is a star of the metropolis, then it is clear that she would not marry for less than a new Lexus and a diamond necklace. Starting the search for her soul mate, the girl gradually becomes a woman, gradually returning from heaven to earth. Through trial and error, she learns that reality is harsh, and by the age of 30 she has a couple of divorces behind her, three children, and a one-room apartment somehow wrested from the last “prince.” The heroine understands that she should have immediately acquired a simple man - at least he wouldn’t leave her so quickly. What should she do now? Who will look at her now (with an armful of children to boot)? Another popular mistake that a girl makes in her youth - and most often she makes it forcedly - is to quickly marry her first (in as a last resort, second) love. The goal is to separate from your parents, and achieving it through marriage does not seem like a mistake. But the young family will soon fall apart: the young husband is not ready for responsibility, and he no longer needs marriage (usually due to a sudden pregnancy). Female loneliness sometimes overtakes a girl before the age of 20 - with a child in her arms.

Psychological origins of loneliness

Finally, there are several psychological answers to the question “why are girls lonely.” 1. Inferiority complex- it doesn’t matter whether it goes into plus or minus. “I’m ugly - I’m too beautiful”, “I’m very tall - I’m very short”, “I’m too fat - I’m too thin” - and so on. At the same time, a girl can be completely normal and not even have any real physical differences from others; 2. Internal feminization. A woman convinces herself that she must be a strong and self-sufficient careerist. The male sex is either despised or used for selfish purposes. This also includes fear of sex or relationships in general; 3. Increased importance of motherhood. The tendency to “give birth for yourself” plus prejudice against abortion plus sexual immaturity (a girl learns that contraception exists at 9 months of pregnancy) - all this is grist for the mill of female loneliness. A child, as it were, replaces everything for a woman - and the meaning of life lies in him. A woman does not immediately think about the fact that it would be nice to arrange her personal life, and that it is harmful for a child to grow up without a father. The question “How to get rid of loneliness?” actually needs to be rephrased. Because in modern reality it sounds different and quite sad: “How to remain a woman, no matter what?”

How to remain a woman?

And to begin with, a warning so as not to fall into the traps described above. The first point: try to resolve the issue of childbearing yourself. The girl will have a hard time: at an age when children can appear from any careless relationship, she will have to clearly decide for herself whether she is planning a child right now or not. And decide BEFORE, not AFTER. It is clear that not everyone can cope with this, so there is only one way: carry condoms with you and ask your beloved, dear and only man to use them. This is the simplest solution to the huge problem of the infantilism of young people, the irresponsibility of sudden families and the incredible number of single mothers. And second: sign up for femininity courses. In any way it is necessary to cleanse the minds of girls from left-wing attitudes. It's complicated. All the same, the majority will either suffer with an alcoholic, or endure a jealous king, or believe in male monogamy. What to do if nothing helps? Loneliness still crept up, and the presence or absence of children, age and reflection in the mirror no longer matter. And options for salvation like “becoming a lesbian”, “getting drunk on vodka” or “working hard for 24 hours” have either been tried and did not help, or seem idiotic. What can be done: 1. Understand the reasons for loneliness Go to a psychologist/girlfriend/astrologer/tarot reader - if you can’t do it yourself. The main thing is not to go to a charlatan who will only charge you money for taking off some “crowns”. Having understood the reasons for your failed personal life, you can begin to recode them and bring new habits into your life, learn new skills and not be afraid to post your best photo on a dating site. 2. Look in the mirror again Every second specialist will tell you that you need to love yourself. However, this sometimes takes a lifetime. Self-love is a deep internal transformation, so you can start with a smile. At first, it’s enough to just like yourself, and from femininity courses you already know how to wink at a man so that he becomes interested in you. Start practicing in front of a mirror, and when you go out in public, practice not on every man, but only on those you like. Being liked by men is not a shame! 3. Gain experience Experience brings the main life revelation: Your expectations are not met. If you didn’t know about this yet, or you have little experience, now you know about it. Want to check it out? Forward. But you can just believe it. Once again: Your expectations are not met. And if you are still sure that your marriage is eternal, your man is not cheating on you and will always be with you... and maybe your man is waiting for you around the next corner... then all that remains is to come to terms with the reality of loneliness. And after that, under no circumstances should you give up, but put on your best dress and go hunting!

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500 rub Maybe women don’t even suspect that men really wait for them, love and want them? On the streets, in homes, at work, on the Internet - there are thousands, millions of lonely men everywhere around. And not all of them are afraid to take the first step. Many people turn their attention to you - they open doors for you, give you cute little things for no reason, call you affectionately, unobtrusively offer help or support... Where are you all this time? Maybe you're waiting for the prince? Either you are hopelessly married, or you simply think “I don’t like him, he has no taste.” Or maybe this particular person is your soul mate. Don't believe me? Ask some tarot reader and let him tell your fortune for the strange man in your office... Women's loneliness is the work of women themselves. Women are not lonely because all men are assholes. The same applies to male loneliness. Someone wise said long ago that people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. This happens due to mistrust of each other. Please build bridges.

Standards of female beauty undergo changes over time. The most attractive female representatives, according to the public, do not necessarily have to have the parameters of podium stars. The place in the ranking is influenced not only by appearance, but also by popularity among the population, the presence of an army of fans and the activities through which the beauty managed to become famous.

So, for your attention:

50 - Claudia Lynx

Iranian-born actress living in Toronto. Removed from age 3. Toy designers created a doll in her image.

49 - Candice Swanepoel

Supermodel from South Africa. The first angel of the world famous lingerie company Victoria's Secret.

48 - Freida Pinto

Film actress from India. His film debut was the drama Slumdog Millionaire. Pinto actively fights for women's rights.

47 - Megan Fox

Actress, model from America, known for her roles in several parts of “Transformers” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”.

46 - Laetitia Casta

The top model comes from the French province. She started acting at the age of 15. Her image became the prototype of Marianne, the symbol of the French Republic.

45 - Nina Dobrev

Bulgarian by birth, Nina achieved fame in Canada. She realizes herself as a singer, actress, and fashion model.

44 - Mila Kunis

The American star was born in Chernivtsi (Ukraine). She was nominated for the prize for best actress for the film “Black Swan”.

43 - Sandra Bullock

The actress has received worldwide recognition for many of her works. Winner of the prestigious Oscar award. She donated $1 million to the Red Cross twice.

42 - Elise

Dancer and singer from Corsica. He is also interested in football and Muay Thai. The first album, released in 2000, immediately became mega popular.

41 - Ksenia Sukhinova

Model from Russia, born in Tyumen. Won 1st place in beauty contests in all-Russian and world beauty contests.

40 - Sofia Vergara

Model, TV presenter of Colombian origin. Received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

39 - Kate Middleton

The most popular person in Great Britain. Duchess of Cambridge, wife of Prince William.

38 - Iris Mittenaere

Model, winner of the Miss France and Miss Universe contests 2016.

37 - Charlize Theron

Actress from America, producer originally from Africa. She won popular love for her participation in the films “The Devil’s Advocate”, “Monster”, “Hancock”.

36 - Miranda Kerr

A supermodel from Sydney who works a lot with famous brands from Europe and America. Twice included in the top ten richest models according to Forbes.

35 - Gisele Bündchen

A supermodel from Brazil who previously dreamed of a professional sports career. Has a twin sister.

34 - Vera Brezhneva

33 - Olivia Wilde

An actress from New York, born into the family of a journalist and television producer. 4 times included in the hundred most fascinating women on the planet.

32 - Irina Shayk

The supermodel, originally from Chelyabinsk, has been working on the catwalks of Europe and the USA since 2005. Considered an icon of the fashion world.

31 - Margot Robbie

Australian film actress who gained fame after starring in popular TV series. For her role in “Empire” she was awarded the award for best debutante.

30 - Amanda Seyfried

Actress and singer from Pennsylvania. She worked as a model from the age of 11, and was invited to her first film shoots at 15. She was nominated many times and won 6 times in authoritative film ratings.

29 - Natalia Vodianova

Supermodel from Russia, originally from Nizhny Novgorod. She started modeling at the age of 16. Natalya founded a charitable foundation called “Naked Hearts”.

28 - Anne Hathaway

Actress and producer from America. Winner of Emmy, Oscar, and Golden Globe awards. She started acting in the theater as a child.

27 - Svetlana Khodchenkova

Moscow actress, made her debut in the drama “Bless the Woman.” She has won several awards for best actress. I have experience working in Hollywood films.

26 - Jessica Alba

The actress from California began acting at the age of 13. Twice she topped the lists of the most desirable beauties in the world.

25 - Stacy Keibler

An actress and model originally from Baltimore (USA), she devoted some time to performing at professional wrestling venues. She worked as a TV presenter for several years.

24 - Meryem Uzerli

The actress and model with Turkish and German roots became famous thanks to the Magnificent Century saga. Meryem founded her own cosmetics brand.

23 - Keira Knightley

The actress, who was twice nominated for an Oscar, was born in London. She played her first major role at the age of 16.

22 - Gal Gadot

Israeli film star who starred in Hollywood blockbusters. The beauty represented her native country at a competition called “Miss Universe”.

21 - Emma Stone

The beauty fell into the hearts of viewers as a teenager, playing in the comedy “Excellent Student of Easy Virtue.” Today the star has received many awards.

20 - Bar Refaeli

The top model of Israeli origin twice earned the title of the most fashionable girl and once - the most stylish girl.

19 - Aishwarya Rai

The sultry Indian beauty is a recognized standard of beauty. For her contribution to culture she was awarded the Order of Arts and Letters.

18 - Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

A supermodel from Britain who began her career at the age of 16 quite by accident.

17 - Cheryl Cole

16 - Magdalena Melzaz

Polish actress and model with an angelic appearance. Is the face of L'Oreal.

15 - Sienna Miller

Acris was born in New York, but spent her childhood in the UK. She succeeded in the modeling business.

14 - Christina Hendricks

The actress is called extravagant and self-confident. Appetizing shapes do not fit into model parameters, but the hourglass figure has found many fans.

13 - Monica Bellucci

Born in the Italian province, Monica dreamed of being a lawyer. Everything changed when she worked part-time as a model.

12 - Scarlett Johansson

In addition to her successful film career, Scarlett participates in the election campaigns of presidential candidates.

11 - Natalie Portman

Her family came from Jerusalem. Natalie took her pseudonym from her grandmother with Russian roots.

TOP - 10 most beautiful girls in the world

10 - Emilia Clarke

Friendly and confident, Emilia gained national fame thanks to the series “Game of Thrones”.

9 - Beyoncé

Her talents include not only singing, but also acting in Broadway musicals. Personal record: 6 Grammy awards at once.

8 - Pia Wurtzbach

A beauty queen who won her title in the Philippines in 2015.

7 - Kate Beckinsale

The British woman received such expressive facial features from her grandfather, who was from Burma.

6 - Heidi Klum

She has been on the list of the richest models many times, but now she is “just” a media mogul.

5 - Jessica Biel

Started singing career and even performed in musicals, but successful screen tests at the age of 14 sealed her future fate.

4 - Nicole Scherzinger

A vibrant pop singer and dancer with a mixture of Filipino, Hawaiian and Ukrainian blood.

3 - Jennifer Lopez

Growing up in a poor area of ​​the Bronx, the star rose to the highest levels of Olympus.

2 - Adriana Lima

Model from Brazil, face of Maybelline. Many times topped the ranking of the most beautiful models in the world.

1 - Angelina Jolie

After the role of Lara Croft, she never left the ratings of the first beauties. She remains the most beautiful woman in the world today.

Psychologist's comment

It is true what they say: thought is material. Elena’s mother, already at the subconscious level 10 years ago, seemed to have attracted to her daughter the situation in which “she would not have a partner.” Firstly, you should always be careful with your thoughts and desires, they have an extraordinary ability to come true. Naturally, the mother did not want her daughter to be lonely or unmarried, but she seemed to admit in her thoughts that the ideal life partner for her daughter simply did not exist. Secondly, successful and beautiful women themselves create an image of inaccessibility. They are beautiful, successful, purposeful, often leaders, so men are either afraid of such women or avoid them, fearing such an “iron lady.” A male leader will not allow himself to be commanded; a man who is not independent simply does not have the courage to approach such an “ice queen.” Thirdly, an intelligent, beautiful, successful woman is often a careerist in life. First she studies, then she looks for a promising job, moves up the career ladder, and then it turns out that she “forgot” to get married and have children.

Setting priorities

In life, it doesn’t happen that everything happens at once. You have to choose. If you put love and family values ​​first, if you love children and want to have them at least before you’re thirty, then put your career on the back burner. But all this does not mean that you should turn into a housewife and keeper of the family hearth. It is quite possible and correct to get everything from life, to realize yourself not only as a mother of a family, but also as a person who loves her job. It's just that when you have to choose in life, you have to do it right choice so as not to regret later.

Well, what if he is simply not there - loving and beloved

But this is exactly what you shouldn’t get hung up on. Immediately the phrase begins to spin in my head about this: “Happiness exists - it cannot but exist.”

Beloved and loving person yes, he lives somewhere, and you will definitely meet. The main thing is that you just don’t pass by. Perhaps you will be a little upset if I say that this meeting can take place when you are not twenty years old, but thirty-something... Everything has its time.

Do men like stupid and blondes?

Yes, men love stupid and blondes, and they also love them very much for one night, and then other men love them... A woman should be smart and wise at the same time. And men also like to be conquerors, or at least to think that they are achieving something or conquering someone. You shouldn’t run at the first call of the man you like, but you shouldn’t show your absolute coldness and self-confidence. A woman who knows what she wants will definitely achieve it.

There are no princes! Destroying stereotypes!

The problem with beautiful and smart women is that with their beauty they create an image of inaccessibility, and with their intelligence they do not give a man the right to make mistakes. It doesn't happen that way. Men are ordinary people, not perfect. And you, if you don’t want to be alone, must destroy the ideal created in your head. When you love, you don’t see shortcomings; more often they turn into advantages. Being beautiful, smart and lonely at the same time is simply absurd. And if you can’t change yourself, change your attitude towards life, and towards men in particular. Don’t immediately make a “diagnosis: this is not my type.” Try to communicate with a man, let him take you home, and if the “spark” lights up, then let the relationship continue.