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Blooming meadowsweet. Meadowsweet: types, medicinal properties, methods of use, contraindications, recipes. Where to plant meadowsweet and how to care for it

Since meadowsweet grows almost everywhere - in forest clearings, meadows and river banks - it is not difficult to recognize the plant shown in the photo. The stem can reach one and a half meters in height, the leaves are very similar to elm foliage(hence the name), and lush inflorescences with a strong honey smell bloom all summer.

Meadowsweet and its beneficial properties have long been known. It is mentioned in literary works as a plant used in Druid rites. There are many recipes traditional medicine, in which all parts of the meadowsweet are used, and since 1984 meadowsweet vyazolifolia is included in the Pharmacopoeia and recognized as official medicine.

This popularity is based on valuable chemical composition plants. The main active ingredient of meadowsweet preparations is salicylic acid, from which the well-known aspirin is obtained. In addition to it, the leaves, flowers and stems of the plant contain:

  • Ascorbic acid– the most important participant in biochemical processes in the body. Vitamin C is responsible for condition, metabolism and overall health.
  • Tannins, depending on the concentration, have an astringent or irritating effect on the mucous membranes. Used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Phenolic compounds(spirein and others) have a wide range of properties. They strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's defenses, effectively stop bleeding, relieve spasms and inflammation. The diuretic, antiseptic and sedative effects of spirein are also known.
  • Flavonoids are valued for their high antiviral activity, antioxidant, antitumor and many other beneficial properties.
  • , which meadowsweet inflorescences are rich in, perfectly disinfect, relieve inflammation and soothe.
  • Catechins, found in large quantities in meadowsweet, are powerful antioxidant compounds. They hinder development various types malignant tumors and slow down the aging of the body.

The leaves, rhizomes and inflorescences of the meadowsweet also contain starch, valuable fatty and phenolcarboxylic acids, as well as glycosides.

Useful properties of meadowsweet (video)

The rich chemical composition of the plant determines its various healing properties . Meadowsweet, which has virtually no contraindications, is successfully used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

  • Salicylates provide aroponizing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, therefore meadowsweet is used for various infectious diseases, rheumatism, arthritis and other painful pathologies.
  • Antiviral components help cope with symptoms influenza, and even human papillomavirus infection.
  • The wound-healing and antibacterial effect of the plant is a guarantee of successful treatment of dermatological diseases, purulent wounds and trophic ulcers.
  • Diuretic and antibacterial effects are manifested in therapy genitourinary diseases both in women and men.
  • Sedative properties allow you to cope with depression, neuroses, sleep disorders.
  • Astringent effect of tannins will stop.
  • Meadowsweet has proven its effectiveness in treatment.

Meadowsweet helps get rid of many other diseases, normalizing the activity of all internal organs and systems. Thanks to the antioxidant effect, the body is significantly healthier overall.

Contraindications for meadowsweet

Like any medicine, meadowsweet has a number of contraindications due to its chemical composition and properties:

  • Salicylates are natural anticoagulants, i.e. reduce blood clotting. People who already have low levels should not use meadowsweet preparations.
  • Tannins that have an astringent effect are contraindicated with a tendency to.
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)– another factor that excludes the use of meadowsweet.
  • With extreme caution you should use medicines based on meadowsweet at.

A general contraindication is intolerance to salicylates and a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions.

Meadowsweet: traditional medicine recipes

Having a pharmaceutical preparation on hand or independently prepared meadowsweet raw materials, you can all year round successfully treat a wide variety of diseases.


Prepare this dosage form better in the evening.

  • A teaspoon of chopped meadowsweet rhizome you need to pour a glass of cold boiled water and insist at least 8 hours.
  • After straining take throughout the day in small portions.

The main purpose of the infusion is normalization of blood glucose concentration with diabetes mellitus . Daily use of this product will help to quickly bring the indicators back to normal.

In addition, the infusion is effective as sedative drug, helping with insomnia and neuroses, digestive problems, and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area. The infusion is also effective in the treatment of psoriasis, diarrhea, and anemia.


To prepare an alcohol tincture, you will need 500 ml of high-quality vodka and 100 grams of dry meadowsweet herb.

  • The components are mixed and infused in glass containers at least 5 days.
  • Then strained tincture Take three times a day before meals (25 drops in half a glass of water).

You can buy the finished drug in pharmacies.

The tincture is used as an effective wound healing agent for various dermatological problems, with the formation of ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases. This dosage form also has a good effect in the treatment of neuroses, depression, and pathologies of the female genital area.


  • Getting ready in a water bath within half an hour.
  • For 2 cups of boiling water you need to take 1 teaspoon crushed raw materials.
  • After cooling and straining taken orally in a tablespoon after each meal as an effective drug against rheumatism, gout, and hypertension.

It also helps to get rid of intestinal problems, nervous disorders, and slows down the growth of malignant tumors.

In gynecology used for vaginal douching for colpitis, erosion, vaginitis, cervical dysplasia. In this case, when preparing a decoction, you need to take 25 grams of dry meadowsweet herb per liter of water.


This remedy quickly relieves pain in gout and gout, and is also widely used as a wound healing agent. To prepare the ointment you need mix 90 grams of fat base(Vaseline, lanolin or butter) with 20 grams of chopped meadowsweet rhizome. Must be applied at least 3 times a day, rubbing into a sore joint or applying to the affected area of ​​skin.

Also known by the names: larkspur, sludge, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, Ivanov tsvet, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, Volzhanka, steppe birch, Volzhanka.

Translated from Latin it means hanging on threads.

Its Latin name comes from the Latin filum - which means thread and pendulus - i.e. hanging: as if “hanging” tubers on thread-like roots.

In other languages: English. Dropwort, English Meadowsweet, date. Mjodurt, Latvian. Vigriezes, German. Madesu, lit. Vingiorykste, Sami. Skazirat, Polish. Wiazowka, Fin. Angervot, Netherlands Spirea, Swedish Alggrasslaktet.

Meadowsweet is a shrub whose height reaches 1.5 meters. The branches are brown, up to 40 cm long. The leaves are sharp, light green, large, with jagged edges. The length of the leaf reaches 10 cm. The flowers are numerous, pink or white, small, collected in terminal brush-like, paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the shoots and form a lush, beautiful panicle. The fruit looks like a whorl with outwardly curved columns.

This plant grows near the banks of rivers and reservoirs, in swampy areas. in the Far East, North America and Siberia. It grows throughout Europe, in Kazakhstan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Japan and even Korea.

It grows in fields, roads, on dry meadows, in bushes, in meadow steppes, on forest edges, and in birch forests. It does not form large thickets, but is found everywhere. Plant of the forest and forest-steppe zone.

A moisture-loving, frost-resistant plant. Prefers more sunlight. This plant blooms in late autumn - early summer, from May to July. Propagated by cuttings, seeds, shoots and layering.

Strong and thin rods are used for whips and cleaning rods.

Sometimes meadowsweet is used as a hedge. When pruned in early spring, it takes the shape that gardeners give it. By cutting off its tops and leveling the edges, the meadowsweet becomes a very attractive fence.

Flowers and grass are collected in May - June, but root cones are collected only in the fall.

They are cut, spread finely into a thin layer and dried in the shade or in attics. It is not recommended to dry meadowsweet in a dryer.

Repels mosquitoes, flies, horseflies.

It is recommended to plant in early April. Meadowsweet rhizomes are planted in mid-autumn to a depth of up to 5 cm. When planting, it is necessary that the plant in the hole is in a strict vertical position, which makes it easier for the roots to take root and for the trunk to sprout easily and directly. The distance between bushes should be at least 25 cm. For larger types of meadowsweet, it is recommended to make distances between bushes of 50 cm so that subsequent growth of neighboring bushes does not obscure the rays of the sun.

Meadowsweet is a plant that is not picky about soil. The plant is moisture-loving, not demanding on the soil, but it is better to plant it in the bright corners of your garden. Meadowsweet is replanted in early spring to allow the plant to take root well before flowering.

Useful and medicinal properties of meadowsweet

Leaves, flowers, branch bark, young shoots and roots are used for medicinal purposes.

The meadowsweet plant contains: essential oil heliotropin, tannins, coloring matter - spirein,; six-petalled - gaulterin glycoside, tannins, a lot of starch and vitamins. The plant is being studied.

The leaves and flowers contain: yellow coloring matter, essential oil, vanillin, terpene, glycoside, spirein, tannins, ascorbic acid, wax, fat, salicylic acid, methyl salicylic ester, vitamin C, starch, phenolic glycoside.

The smell of meadowsweet repels mosquitoes, flies and horse flies.

Meadowsweet is added to tea, which gives it a honey aroma and pleasant taste. In Scandinavian countries, meadowsweet is added to wine or beer to add a better aroma. Young roots or shoots are added to food.

Meadowsweet is used for: diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, skin diseases, gout, epilepsy, uterine bleeding, heart failure, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gastritis, intestinal ulcers.

It is a disinfectant, diaphoretic, hemostatic agent.

Decoctions and infusions of meadowsweet roots are taken for: diarrhea, gastric catarrh, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gout, for gynecological diseases, for the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, for snake and animal bites. The root cones are edible.

Pour 2 teaspoons of root, tuberous thickenings into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for up to five hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.

Meadowsweet is widely used in folk medicine.

This plant has antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Meadowsweet relieves headaches of various types, as well as joint pain and rheumatic pain. It has a powerful antiviral and antibacterial effect against influenza, acute respiratory infections, and herpes.

An infusion of the meadowsweet herb with its flowers is used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, dysentery, heart disease, and for suffocation as an anthelmintic, diuretic and diaphoretic.

A rich infusion is used as an antitoxic agent for alcohol poisoning or snake bites. Since meadowsweet has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, a decoction of the herb is used externally as an antiseptic to wash boils, ulcers, wounds, ulcers, and for skin diseases.

Click on the photo to enlarge or scroll through it. The mark “NO FOR SPRING” means that these plants may be available for sale in the summer or fall.Plants marked “OUT OF SALE” will not be available for sale this year. Plants are on sale throughout the planting season from May to October. Everything is delivered freshly dug with a grade guarantee.

The price range implies a difference in the size of the division.

Marigold "Alba" (Caltha palustris f.alba) garden form of marigold with large white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, blooms from April - May, height 10-15 cm. PRICE 300 rubles (share)
Marigold "Alba" (Caltha palustris f.alba) flower close-up. PRICE 300 rubles (share) Marigold "Flore Plena" (Caltha palustris flore plena) garden terry form, graceful marigold bushes prefer damp places, look good near a pond and in shady corners of the garden, blooms from April - May, height 10-15cm. PRICE 250 rubles (share) Marigold "Flore Plena" (Caltha palustris flore plena) close-up, the diameter of densely double bright yellow flowers reaches up to 5 cm. Rare in beauty spring plant. PRICE 250 rubles (share)

EUROPEAN BATHBOAT “yellow-orange” (Trollius europaeus) Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, deep yellow sepals, blooms May-June, height up to 60 cm, PRICE 200 rubles (piece) EUROPEAN BATHROOM “lemon” (Trollius europaeus) bush height up to 60 cm, color. May-June, Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, lemon sepals. PRICE 150-200 rubles (share)
HYBRID SWIMSUIT “Cheddar” (Trollius hybr. “Cheddar”) creamy-white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, blooms May-June, height up to 60 cm, PRICE 350 rubles (piece) HYBRID SWIMSUIT “Cheddar” (Trollius hybr.” “Cheddar”). PRICE 350 RUR (share) HYBRID SWIMSUIT “Lemon Queen” (Trollius hybr.” “Lemon Queen”) A variety with very large lemon flowers, reaching a diameter of 5-7 cm. The bush is neat and strong, 50-60 cm high. NEW! OUT OF STOCK.
HYBRID SWIMSUIT “Lemon Queen” (Trollius hybr.” Lemon Queen”) flower close-up. Lemon yellow very large flowers. NEW! OUT OF STOCK.
HIGH BATHROOM (Trollius altissimus) The swimsuit is a giant! The tallest of the swimsuits, with large bright yellow flowers with orange stamens. The height of the bushes with peduncles is 80-130 cm. NEW! RARE! PRICE 350 RUR (share)

BUTTERCUPLE "Flore Pleno" (Ranunculus aconitifolius flore pleno) height up to 40 cm, blooms in May - June with snow-white, densely double flowers 2-2.5 cm in diameter, winter-hardy, PRICE 300 rubles (piece) Buttercup (Ranunculus aconitifolius flore pleno) flowering shrub in my garden. PRICE 300 rub. (division) CREEPING BUTTERCUPLE “Terry” (Ranunculus repens f. hortensis) is unpretentious, can grow in the shade and damp places, frost-resistant, perfect for decorating ponds, height up to 50 cm, blooms in June, PRICE 200 rubles (pcs)
BUTTERCUPLE "Terry" (Ranunculus acris f. hortensis) graceful miniature yellow roses bloom from May to June, loves light sunny places, very elegant and unpretentious buttercup, bush height up to 90cm, PRICE 200 rubles (section) BUTTERCUPLE "Terry" (Ranunculus acris f. hortensis) photo of a flowering bush in my garden. PRICE 200 rub. (division)

SPRING CLEANER “Flore Plena” (Ficaria verna “Flore Plena”) is a beautiful variety with large, densely double lemon-yellow flowers, dark green foliage with silver spots. Ephemeroid - foliage disappears in summer, height 10-15cm, flowering April-May. NEW! PRICE 300 rubles (share)
SPRING TILE “Flore Plena” (Ficaria verna “Flore Plena”) Leaf close-up. NEW! PRICE 300 rubles (share)
SPRING GUY "Collarette" (Ficaria verna "Collarette") Flower close-up. A flower with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm of an unusual shape with a dense, dense pompom in the center. PRICE 450 RUR (share) SPRING TILE "Collarette" (Ficaria verna "Collarette") leaf close-up. The leaves are decorated with silver spots and a purple stroke along the central vein. PRICE 450 RUR (share)
SPRING CLEAR "Double Cream" (Ficaria verna "Double Cream") Double, very large creamy-white flowers and lush dark green foliage interspersed with silver spots. Ephemeroid - foliage disappears in summer. Height 10-15cm, flowering April-May. PRICE 500 rubles (share) SPRING CLEANER “Double Cream” (Ficaria verna “Double Cream”) Flower in full bloom. PRICE 500 rubles (share)
SPRING CLEANER "Brambling" (Ranunculus ficaria "Brambling") Very bright variegated foliage in shades of purple-brown with silver spots combined with egg-yellow flowers. Height 10-15cm, flowering April-May. NEW! PRICE 350 RUR (share) SPRING CLEAR "Brambling" (Ranunculus ficaria "Brambling") The simple flowers of this variety are more than compensated for by the fantastically beautiful, bright, ever-changing foliage. Ephemeroid - foliage disappears in summer. Height 10-15cm, flowering April-May. NEW! PRICE 350 RUR (share) SPRING GUY “Brambling” (Ranunculus ficaria “Brambling”) Flower close-up. NEW! PRICE 350 RUR (share)
SPRING TILE "Brambling" (Ranunculus ficaria "Brambling") young leaves are dark purple with silvery spots scattered in a chaotic manner. NEW! PRICE 350 RUR (share) SPRING TILE “Brambling” (Ranunculus ficaria “Brambling”) an older leaf changes color, silver spots fill most of the leaf blade, purple remains along the veins and in small scattering across the leaf. NEW! PRICE 350 RUR (share) SPRING CLEAR "Brazen Hussy" (Ficaria verna "Brazen Hussy") decorative form with varnished dark chocolate foliage effectively setting off the star-shaped lemon- yellow flowers diameter 1-1.5 cm. Ephemeroid - foliage disappears in summer, height 10-15cm, flowering April-May. PRICE 250 rubles (share)
SPRING GUY “Brazen Hussy” (Ficaria verna “Brazen Hussy”) Flower close-up. PRICE 250 rubles (share)

Dear flower growers! 1 division consists of 3-10 rosettes, depending on the plant variety. This planting material is on sale all season (from May to September). The mark “NO FOR SPRING” means that these plants may be available for sale in summer or autumn. Plants marked “OUT OF SALE” will not be available for sale this year. The price range implies a difference in the size of the division.

Meadowsweet, or Meadowsweet (lat. Filipéndula) is a genus of perennial herbs of the Rose family (Rosaceae). There are at least 16 species growing in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.

Where does meadowsweet grow?

Meadowsweet grows in Central Asia, the European part, the Caucasus and in Eastern and Western Siberia. Meadowsweet is common in swamps and damp meadows. You can find the plant on the banks of reservoirs, lakes and rivers. Meadowsweet loves thickets: broad-leaved and damp, birch and black alder forests.

Chemical composition of meadowsweet

In the Middle Ages, meadowsweet was used to flavor alcoholic beverages, which were obtained by fermenting honey and fruit juices.

Want to know what aspirin is made from? Aspirin was created by Felix Hoffman, who obtained salicin from meadowsweet in 1897. It was from meadowsweet that salicylic acid was derived, which reduces pain. Three years later, Aspirin was officially patented.

In the above-ground part of meadowsweet, essential oils have been found that have a pleasant aroma. The top part contains catechins, steroids and healthy fatty acids. Plant roots are rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and tannins. Phenolic compounds are contained in large quantities.


Meadowsweet, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, Ivan's flower - this was the name of meadowsweet in Rus', where they made strong whips (meadowsweet) from it, prepared healing infusions and brewed the most aromatic tea with a honey taste.

In England, this plant was also revered - since the distant 14th century, such eminent herbalists and biologists as John Gerard, Nicholas Culpeper and Philip Miller wrote about it. What makes this perennial special among other, often much more spectacular-looking plants?

Meadowsweet has long been used as a natural antiseptic that helps fight pathological microbes that have entered the body. In case of inflammation, fever, different types Sometimes it was enough to drink a few cups of the amber drink for the painful symptoms to disappear without a trace.

This effect is explained by the high content of natural acetylsalicylic acid, which, by the way, was once synthesized in a form suitable for medicinal use from meadowsweet.

Thanks to the tannins contained in the rhizomes, in addition to its antipyretic and analgesic properties, the perennial is also able to stop bleeding, helping the blood to clot faster when the vascular system is damaged.

The meadowsweet plant also exhibits beneficial properties for heart patients: back in 1983, it was proven that the use of aspirin-containing products reduces the risk of such a health- and life-threatening disease as myocardial infarction. In addition to acetylsalicylic acid, the roots and leaves of the herb contain quite a lot of ascorbic acid, which is famous for its antioxidant, immunomodulatory and stabilizing effects on the body.

Due to the regular use of meadowsweet tea, it is possible to significantly improve adaptation capabilities, eliminate inflammation, and improve the psycho-emotional state.

As for other nutrients, the following are also found in various parts of meadowsweet:

  • tannins - thanks to them, infusions from the plant are effective for rinsing the mouth for sore throat and other bacterial diseases, diarrhea and stomach ulcers;
  • flavonoids, including catechins - compounds that reduce the fragility of blood vessels, relieve swelling and allergic manifestations, support normal metabolism and slow down aging;
  • glycosides are substances similar in composition to hormones, aggressive against pathogenic microorganisms, activating the heart muscle, eliminating stagnant fluid from the body.

Thanks to such a wide range of effects, meadowsweet has honorably entered not only into the arsenal of traditional medicine, but is also officially included in the list of pharmacopoeial medicinal plants.

Types of meadowsweet

The meadowsweet grass is very diverse; in total, about 100 species are registered in the genus. Here are some types:

Common meadowsweet (common meadowsweet)

It is a spreading bush about 80 cm high. The shoots are covered with feathery, fern-like leaves. At the end of June, loose creamy-white panicles bloom at the tops of the stems, which persist for a month. They consist of flowers with six petals and fluffy stamens.


  • Pleno - shoots 40-50 cm high blooms fragrant double flowers of white color;
  • Grandiflora - a bush 40-60 cm in height in mid-summer is covered with creamy inflorescences with large flowers.


It is this species that is most widespread in Russia. It is found along the banks of fresh water bodies and rivers. Loose bushes with creeping rhizomes reach a height of 1.5 m. The shoots are covered with alternate pinnately dissected dark green leaves. The lobes are broadly ovoid or oblong-lanceolate in shape. In June-July, paniculate inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter bloom. They consist of small cream flowers with a strong aroma. The small calyx is surrounded by five petals and stamens twice as long as the petals.


  • Aurea - a bush up to 1.5 m high grows large golden-green leaves;
  • Rosea - blooms beautiful pinkish inflorescences;
  • Aurea variegata - a plant up to 50 cm high, covered with green leaves with creamy yellow streaks and shapeless spots.

Red meadowsweet

The plants live in North America and are spreading bushes up to 2.5 m high. The reddish-brown stems are covered with dissected foliage. In July-August, fluffy corymbose inflorescences with white-pink flowers appear. Light pink five-petaled corollas have pinkish stamens and a crimson eye in the center.


  • Magnifica - a bush up to 1.5 m high blooms dark pink inflorescences;
  • Venusta - the plant is distinguished by the largest inflorescences of bright red color;
  • Pygmy - vegetation up to 30 cm high is covered with compact pink panicles.

Meadowsweet Kamchatka (shelomainik)

Herbaceous shoots up to 3 m high are abundantly covered with large palmate leaves of bright green color. The leaf width reaches 30 cm. In July, slender thickets are decorated with large fragrant inflorescences of a white-cream hue. By August, the pubescent fruits ripen. The species is endemic to Kamchatka. Young shoots and rhizomes are used for food by both animals and local residents.

Useful and medicinal properties of meadowsweet

Leaves, flowers, branch bark, young shoots and roots are used for medicinal purposes.

The meadowsweet plant contains: essential oil heliotropin, tannins, coloring matter - spirein; six-petalled - gaulterin glycoside, tannins, a lot of starch and vitamins. The plant is being studied.

The leaves and flowers contain: yellow coloring matter, essential oil, vanillin, terpene, glycoside, spirein, tannins, ascorbic acid, wax, fat, salicylic acid, methyl salicylic ester, vitamin C, starch, phenolic glycoside.

  • The smell of meadowsweet repels mosquitoes, flies and horse flies.
  • Meadowsweet is added to tea, which gives it a honey aroma and pleasant taste. In Scandinavian countries, meadowsweet is added to wine or beer to add a better aroma. Young roots or shoots are added to food.
  • Pour 2 teaspoons of root, tuberous thickenings into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for up to five hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.
  • Meadowsweet is used for: diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, skin diseases, gout, epilepsy, uterine bleeding, heart failure, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gastritis, intestinal ulcers.
  • It is a disinfectant, diaphoretic, hemostatic agent.
  • Decoctions and infusions of meadowsweet roots are taken for: diarrhea, gastric catarrh, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gout, for gynecological diseases, for the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, for snake and animal bites. The root cones are edible.
  • Meadowsweet is widely used in folk medicine.
  • This plant has antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Meadowsweet relieves headaches of various types, as well as joint pain and rheumatic pain. It has a powerful antiviral and antibacterial effect against influenza, acute respiratory infections, and herpes.
  • An infusion of the meadowsweet herb with its flowers is used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, dysentery, heart disease, and for suffocation as an anthelmintic, diuretic and diaphoretic.
  • A rich infusion is used as an antitoxic agent for alcohol poisoning or snake bites. Since meadowsweet has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, a decoction of the herb is used externally as an antiseptic to wash boils, ulcers, wounds, ulcers, and for skin diseases.
  • A decoction of meadowsweet is used as a means to improve hair growth, as well as for cosmetic purposes.
  • Decoctions are used for dysbiosis, diarrhea and fungal diseases of the intestines, and are used as baths for gynecological diseases.

Dangerous and harmful properties of meadowsweet

  • If you have hypertension, take meadowsweet preparations strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Causes constipation, colic, nausea.
  • Meadowsweet contains salicylates, it is recommended to monitor a general blood test.

Herbal remedies from meadowsweet and recipes

Many herbal remedies can be prepared from meadowsweet: teas, tinctures, baths, decoctions, lotions, compresses, ointments. It is used internally and externally. Moreover, everything is used: leaves, flowers, bark, young shoots and roots.

Homeopathic remedies are made from the fresh root. Even ordinary tea made from meadowsweet flowers and leaves is a wonderful treatment. It is aromatic, sweet and slightly astringent. Meadowsweet also works well as an alcoholic extract, decoction, or tincture. A small amount of glycerin is usually added to the tincture to help extract the tannins.

Tinctures are prepared from the aerial parts of plants and are taken for colds, fever, rheumatic pain, and also for indigestion in a child. You can make a decoction of meadowsweet mixed with other herbs such as angelica or willow to treat arthritis. It is also used externally in the form of compresses for arthritis, joint pain, and to treat neuralgia. Prepare a compress from the diluted tincture and apply to the area of ​​pain.

As an eye wash, meadowsweet brings relief to patients suffering from conjunctivitis and other eye diseases. Here it is recommended to use a chilled and filtered infusion. Herbalists advise using meadowsweet to prepare medicinal foot baths. They can be made from dried or fresh herbs.

Meadowsweet oil: application

Meadowsweet oil is produced by distillation from the flowers of the plant, or less commonly from the root or stem. Cooking at home is not possible. The medicinal properties of the resulting oil lie in the high content of salicylic acid. Practical benefits of use in analgesic, antiseptic and antipyretic effects.

The oil, in the preparation of which the root is used, is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; its beneficial properties normalize metabolism and relieve attacks of poisoning. For rheumatism, arthritis, and muscle pain, the oil is used in the form of compresses, using its beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. But there are also contraindications for use: increased blood pressure, blood clotting, constipation.

Meadowsweet for women

Meadowsweet is often used in the treatment of many female diseases.

For example, a recipe for a collection for infertility in women: meadowsweet flowers + linden flowers + red clover flowers, all in equal parts. 3 tbsp. spoons pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave covered for at least 2 hours. When taking, follow the following schedule: 1 glass 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.

Another recipe for a decoction for pain: 20 g. flowers and roots, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for at least 30 minutes. Strain, cool, and use as a douche up to 3 times a day. If medicinal herb will be doubled, and accordingly the concentration, then such an infusion can be used as an anti-inflammatory or analgesic in the form of a compress for many female diseases.

Tincture of meadowsweet herb

Recipe for tincture of meadowsweet herb: fresh flowers 50 g. + vodka 0.5 l + sugar 20 g. Combine and leave for 12 days.

The tincture is applicable for:

  • female diseases (cervical erosion, postpartum difficulties, endometriosis, thrush, infertility, mastopathy, bleeding);
  • goiter;
  • to relieve pain in muscles or joints;
  • psoriasis;
  • swelling;
  • kidney diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • leukemia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • cancer;
  • in diabetes, it reduces blood sugar.

The drug is used in 20-30 drops, diluted in ½ tbsp. water, 3 r. a day before meals. Contraindications: it is forbidden to take the tincture if you have an allergic reaction to salicylates. For ulcers with high acidity, the medicine is diluted with hot water.


This remedy is rubbed into the area of ​​the affected joints. An ointment is prepared from crushed roots. 20 g of roots should be mixed with Vaseline.

Ointment for burns:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of plant root brought to a powdery state into 5 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  2. Leave the mixture to infuse for 12 hours at room temperature.
  3. Strain and use the ointment as directed.

To treat wounds and burns with meadowsweet, soak the ointment in several layers of gauze, apply to the damaged area and secure with a bandage. Change the bandage 2 times a day.

Foot baths

  1. Place a bunch of fresh meadowsweet in a liter of water. For dried plant, use 3 liters of water.
  2. Boil for 17 minutes. Strain.
  3. Pour into the bath and fill with cold water to the desired temperature.
  4. Place your feet for 20 minutes.

To make your skin soft, add a spoonful of honey or ale to the bath.

How to brew tea and decoction?

The meadowsweet plant is often used as an ordinary tea; it perfectly relieves swelling and is used in the correction of metabolic processes. The brewing recipe is simple, but medicinal properties this does not change: 2 tsp. Pour boiling water over any parts of the plant, leave and drink 2 times a day in small sips. When preparing the decoction, it is necessary to infuse it in a water bath for at least 30 minutes, this is when the plant will release all its beneficial properties. But take it ¼ cup 3 times a day no more. You can purchase ready-made tea. Leaves and flowers for it are prepared by fermentation at low temperature with high indoor humidity.

Harvesting meadowsweet for the winter

Meadowsweet grows well on the banks of bodies of water (pond, lake, swamp). If there is no desire to collect it for harvesting in the forest, it is possible to plant meadowsweet on your own plot. Growing is possible in both sun and shade, but the grass requires abundant watering. Planting should be done immediately after the snow melts. This is a perennial bush that requires regular pruning.

Absolutely all useful parts of the plant can be used for winter preparations, but collection must be done according to certain rules.


The upper parts begin to be collected before July, throughout the flowering period. At this time, the preparation begins. Carefully cut off the very tops of the shoots. The lower parts of the plant are collected after the cessation of the growing season and the maximum of useful and medicinal substances have accumulated in the rhizomes.

Drying leaves

Drying of horses occurs at early spring or in late autumn. The roots are thoroughly washed and small shoots are removed. Leaves are collected from August to late autumn. All rotten, damaged and dried parts are carefully removed. All parts are crushed and dried on days when the weather is good. The raw materials are spread on the surface and turned as often as once a day. Next, they are packaged in glass jars, canvas bags or cardboard boxes and stored in a dark room. The shelf life if stored correctly is no more than 5 years.

The genus Meadowsweet or Meadowsweet belongs to the Pink family. It consists of more than 15 species that grow in the temperate zone. Representatives of the genus are perennial herbs with straight shoots and, usually, feathery foliage.

The flowers are usually white or pink and appear in inflorescences. The main feature of this genus is that its representatives love moisture and tolerate frost well.

Meadowsweet species

Or six-petalled perennial with straight shoots growing almost a meter high. It has feathery foliage and small white flowers with 6 petals. Sometimes disputes arise whether the steppe meadowsweet should be classified as a given species or whether it should be classified as a separate species.

The shoot can reach 2 m in height and is densely covered with foliage. The foliage is pinnately divided, with small denticles. The flowers are soft yellow, close to cream in color, forming panicle inflorescences. This species is probably more popular than others; its varieties are grown quite often: Aurea , Rosea And Captivity .

Shrub growing up to 150 cm tall. The foliage is lanceolate and quite large. The flowers are pink, fluffy.

Perennial, reaching a meter in height. The lower foliage is palmate, the upper one is covered with whitish down. The flowers are white in color and form panicles.

A North American species, the height of which usually does not exceed 30 cm. The foliage has a yellow tint. The pink paniculate inflorescence is quite large and has almost no scent.

Meadowsweet planting and care in open ground

Caring for meadowsweet in open ground is not a particularly difficult task. For planting, you should choose well-lit places where flowering will be stronger. But in general, partial shade will not harm this flower either. If you plant the crop in the shade, the flowering will not be so bright.

There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil, the main thing is that it is loose and has enough moisture, but it is undesirable to allow water to stagnate. The soil reaction is neutral, slightly acidic, and dies when acidic.

Before planting, it is advisable to add wood ash to the soil so that the plant will take root better. Also provide supports for the shoots as they will start to fall later.

During the growing season, fertilization with organic matter or mineral fertilizer is carried out a couple of times, but in general, meadowsweet can do without this procedure.

This plant is frost-resistant and does not need shelter when cold weather arrives. In autumn, you just need to trim the shoots to 6 cm in height.

Calendula is also medicinal plant and can easily complement your pharmacy when planting and leaving open ground does not require much effort. You can find recommendations for growing and care in this article.

Watering Meadowsweet

The most important point in care is watering. Due to its moisture-loving nature, meadowsweet is excellent for planting on the banks of reservoirs, as well as in lowlands.

The soil should always be moist, but not so moist that water stands in the roots. Of all the species, only Meadowsweet can withstand dryness normally.

Meadowsweet reproduction

Meadowsweet can be propagated generatively, that is, by seed, and vegetative way, namely by dividing the bush.

They resort to division in the fall. To do this, select a large bush, carefully dig it up and cut it into sections. Each part is planted at a depth of 5 cm; the soil around the division is not trampled down. It is not recommended to begin the division procedure until the bush is 4-5 years old.

Meadowsweet from seeds

Seeds are sown in the soil in autumn or spring. Preferred autumn sowing, since in this case germination is higher, since the material undergoes natural stratification. When sowing in spring, the seeds will have to be stratified independently.

A day before sowing, the material is placed in water so that the dense shell softens. It won't hurt to treat with a growth enhancer. Keep 10-20 cm between the furrows for sowing, and after germination you can transplant the young plants to another place you need. Please note that flowering will not begin until next year.

When planting in autumn, the bed should be covered so that young shoots are not damaged by the cold.

Diseases and pests

In general, meadowsweet rarely gets sick. Interestingly, wild plants are often subjected to powdery mildew and rust, but cultivated individuals almost never get sick.

Most often meadowsweet suffers from ramulariasis , which appears as greenish spots that gradually turn white and begin to crack in the heat. If a disease is detected, it is recommended to treat the plant with fungicides, for example, Fundazol.

Common among pests aphid And tube gun , when they appear, the bushes are treated with insecticidal preparations.

Meadowsweet beneficial properties and contraindications

Meadowsweet is known for its beneficial properties. It was used in the form of decoctions, infusions, and ointments.

Since meadowsweet is a good antiseptic, it was taken for bronchitis, flu, gout and joint diseases. In this case it was used meadowsweet infusion – a tablespoon of dry herbs in 200 ml of boiling water, after an hour has passed, the liquid is filtered and drunk 30 minutes before meals, 60 ml three times a day.

This plant was also used for hypertension. A tablespoon of crushed rhizome was poured with 200 ml of boiling water, and then placed in a water bath for 15 minutes, after which the roots were infused for an hour, filtered and boiling water was added to infusion to obtain 200 ml. Take 2 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

To improve hair growth, meadowsweet flowers were used. 3 tablespoons of flowers were poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for half an hour. Rinse your head with this infusion for 10 days, and also rub it in.

When used, meadowsweet was practically unnoticed side effects, but still strongly advises against self-medication, and always consult a doctor if you have problems.

Meadowsweet flowers are also used in cooking. They are used to make teas, wines, and jams.

Tea made from meadowsweet and rose hips turns out delicious; to prepare it, take 200 grams of flowers and 20 grams of crushed berries. Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of water. You can also simply add flowers to tea for flavor.

Meadowsweet syrup

To prepare flower syrup, place flowers in a saucepan, pour in, and as soon as it boils, turn off the heat. The broth is kept in a warm place for a couple of days, and then sugar is added at the rate of kilogram per liter of liquid.

The syrup is simmered over low heat for a couple of hours until done, which can be determined by dropping it on a nail or saucer - the finished syrup will spread slightly.

The flowers are poured with cold water and left for 24 hours. After this, the liquid is drained and the flowers are squeezed out. Add water infused with flowers citric acid, a few raisins (not washed), chopped orange zest and syrup made from half a liter of water and a kilogram of sugar.

This mixture is left warm for a couple of days, and then poured into a glass container, sealed with a water seal, and left to ferment.

When the wine has fermented, it is drained so that the sediment does not pour into a new container. After this, the bottle is well closed and left to mature in a cellar or other cool, dark place. This way the drink is kept for six months. If sediment appears again, repeat the straining procedure, pouring the wine into a new bottle.

Meadowsweet jam

To make jam, use the following recipe: pour 1200 ml of water into a liter of flowers, add finely chopped lemon, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

After this, the pan is closed and left to cool. After this, the decoction is filtered, the flowers are squeezed out, you should get about a liter of decoction. Pour 1 kg of granulated sugar into it and cook again, now for 40 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.